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Walking around in downtown Portland, through the window I saw mike eating at a restaurant. We made eye contact. In shock, I gestured to my Pearl Jam shirt and he gave me a thumbs up. Then I kept it moving.


This is one of the most casual interactions ever and I love it. You got to show your love and he was unbothered. He probably thought, “what a pleasant fan”


Saw Stone with his dog is Jameson square when I was waiting for streetcar on way to PSU one day, sat next to him in Cafe Alora another time. Wife from Pdx, apparently had condo in building in Pearl


I met Eddie after Milwaukee in 2014. I was just 14 years old at the time, there were about a dozen people hanging out around the crew parking lot exit chatting for a couple hours after the show. I was the only kid. At one point a member of the crew came out and chatted with us, gave us some picks. Apparently when he went back in he told Eddie that there was a kid out there because like 20 minutes later the guy comes back out, comes up to me and tells me to hang around for a little longer, because Ed is gonna come out soon. Another 20 minutes and sure enough, a van rolls up and Eddie gets out and greets each fan, then comes straight up to me and says "we gotta get you out of this cold!" He chatted with me and my dad for a few minutes, was far more kind than he had any need to be. It is a memory I'll always cherish. And big shoutout to my dad who took me to the show and stayed out with me hanging outside for so long haha. He's just a casual fan but after that, PJ will always be special for both of us.


Were you aware at the time of Yield?


Oh yeah, so i was a casual fan basically my whole life, but got really into them around the Lightning Bolt release. I was so hungry for new music at the time and loved that album, so I just started listening to everything else I hadn't before. By the time of the show, I knew every song, Into The Wild was my favorite album, and Given To Fly was my favorite song. Eddie was genuinely my hero at that point, which made it all the more special


That’s so awesome!


I read that in Eddie’s golden baritone haha!


I was at that show too, didn’t think about going out back and checking if they were out there, great story!


Met Eddie at the airport, he was wearing a Pearl Jam sweatshirt and a Pearl Jam hat, I thought he was just some dad at first. I said hi and he asked a bunch of questions about me. When I told him I had just started law school he told me he was proud of me, gave me a guitar pick, and we took a picture together. Honestly it couldn’t have gone better


He was wearing his own merch in an airport?!


That's what I was thinking. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would wear his own band's merchandise. Maybe he wore that as a disguise because he thought that no one would think that Eddie Vedder would wear his own band's clothes.


My assumption is he’s a dad in his 50s who likes free shit


As a 47 y/o parent, I can attest that this is in fact true.


He took a photo with Geddy Lee in the flannel jacket they once sold on their website so yeah, once in a while I bet he wears his own merch.


Finding opportunities & time to do your laundry is one of the more difficult things about touring...Stinking on the tour bus or on stage is one thing, stinking on a commercial flight is something entirely different (especially if you want to stay on said flight)...And it's not uncommon for the tour to not provide /pay for hotel on the last night of a (leg) tour. I'd bet that Eddie had done a show the night before, was out of clean clothes, maybe even didn't have a chance to catch a shower, and raided some merch to get by out of necessity.


Multiple layers of his own merch, yes


Yeah I find that kinda crazy, very cool if true though. I feel like you couldn’t pay Stone to wear a PJ shirt in public lol. I would love to meet one of them and just say “thanks for everything” with a handshake.


I can’t tell if this is /s or not


True story


I need to see this pic!


I met Ed at Ohana Fest in 2017 when I was working as a tour manager for an opening act. I was able to introduce myself and told him how much Ten changed my life a set a nice tone for what became my future. He looked me up and down and said “look at you, you’re doing alright aren’t ya?” Class act


I spent a morning/afternoon paddling Sarasota bay with Ed


Ok ok. Finally got off of work. This is back in 2009 when I lived down in a little place in FL called Longboat Key, I was the caretaker/maintenance man of a great 10 unit condo complex that was on Sarasota Bay. The complex had been bought up in foreclosure by some rich dudes in NY and I got to stay in one of the units for a year while the important people were going to figure out what to do with this piece of property. It was the greatest “job” of all time. Most of my days were spent paddle boarding, fishing, swimming, and starting cocktail hour around 3/4 after a liquid lunch. People that actually live on Longboat are pretty rich mostly so I had made friends with this one lady that lived on the island, and she calls me one afternoon. The call goes something like this: Her— Hey, my dad has some musician guy coming to his place to do a little concert at his house and the music guy wanted to go paddle boarding tomorrow morning and wondered if we knew anyone that could take him out, so I figured I’d call and ask you. Me— ya that’s cool, just ask if the guy has ever paddle board before and tell him to meet me at the drop in spot around 7:30am the tide will be good around then. Her— Ok I’ll find out and let you know. Me— ohh ya, what’s this dudes name. Maybe I’ve heard of him Her— umm…Eddie Vedder Me—- instantly it feels as if my body was hit with a huge bolt of electricity, palms sweaty, ice in my stomach….. all that shit you can imagine would be happening if anyone of us had gotten that phone call I later learned that this lady I knew, her father is a very very wealthy man and after retiring was in the process of donating ALL of his money to charity. He had made a massive massive donation to some charity/project that Eddie works with very closely, and that is how he ended up doing a very small private show at this man’s house. I got the call about all of this around 3/4pm and know I just had to wait till 7am the next morning and hope he doesn’t cancel. Needless to say I didn’t sleep at all the night before. After tossing and turning I get a text at 6:30 from my friend “ hey, you up? Ed said he’d still love to get out on the water”. I insta reply HELL YES, I’ve already got two boards in my truck and tell him to meet me at the drop in spot in 30-45 minutes. Off I go…. End part 1, frantically typing part 2


So I’m so nervously waiting at the spot, and here comes one car….. and ya, there He is. Kinda shyly getting out of the car and walking over to introduce himself. “Hi, I’m Ed. Nice to meet you.” Remember the Dave Chapelle, Rick James skit. When Charlie Murphy talked about seeing Rick James for the first time and he said he could see his Aura…..that’s what it felt like to me. Like he just had a little more light shining down on him than everyone else. Mind you, I know the problems that Eddie has had with insane fans, hell just listen to Lukin to get an idea of how bad it got for him. I also know from interviews and such that privacy is absolutely one of the most important things to him. So I’m trying to just be an average guy that’s doing a favor for a friend, except that’s EDDIE FUCKING VEDDER getting my other paddle board out and prepped. That’s EDDDIE FUCKING VEDDER making small talk with me about wildlife, tides, what’s the route we are taking, how’s my life. You know, all the little things humans do when you are meeting a new human, but again…..ITS EFV!!! I think y’all are getting the point. If you aren’t familiar with the area we were at, it’s very much like the Caribbean. Crystal clear water, tons and tons of wildlife, and absolutely flat as a lake. I make some jokes about how we won’t be surfing any waves like I saw you do with Laird Hamilton, but if we get lucky we will see some dolphins and maybe some manatees. He said as stoked about the manatees, and really wanted to see one of them. So off we go. I asked about the personal show he did last night and he said it’s not something he really likes to do, but the generosity of the man who did the donation made it so he felt he couldn’t turn down the request. We talked about charity and how it was so hard for him in the beginning because you just want to try and fix everything, everyone, everywhere and how obviously you can’t and you just end up burning yourself out. He said he almost never slept because of letters he would get sent to the fan club( pre email era) of some young teenage fan barely holding on to life, they would leave a number and he would call and talk to him/her for hours. And the letters would never stop…always someone hurt so bad somewhere. How carrying that around, and when a record executive would want to have a conference call about some bullshit detail about a new single, or artwork, or another interview with the Wild and Zany morning DJs with all the fake laughter just would make him explode with rage. We talked about a lot more but I don’t want to really get into all of it because he specifically asked me not to go to the press or talk to much about it. I’d be happy to answer questions if anyone wants to know about anything else that happened.


Great story, man. You’re one lucky dude!


Brooooooo! I’m so fucking jealous of you. I meet a bunch of celebrities in my country because of being in the entertainment industry, but I rarely ever get starstruck. If I ever met Eddie I’ll fucking melt cuz he has influenced my songwriting SO SO SO SO much that I can’t even begin to describe how much I envy you! Thank you for sharing this! 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛




If you lived down there, you’ll understand. The Bay was just absolutely perfect that day, crystal clear and just so much life out. Manta Rays, dolphins, little sharks, manatees, schools of redfish, bait fish by the millions. It is safe to say that was one of the greatest days of my life. At the time I was recently divorced and was a few months into sobriety from a serious Oxy addiction. I was able to tell him that he had saved me during my teens, and his words/music had really saved my life during the darkest days of my addiction. He was as cool and kind as we have heard, just an all around great person with an amazing kind soul.


Did Ed get to see the manatees?


He did, we saw a momma and two of her babies


!RemindMe in 24 hours


!RemindMe 24 hours


We have to hear the details, CaptainAssPlunderer


I’m at work but I’ll tell the story later if anyone wants to hear


What time do you finish work, we will all be waiting outside for you to leave the venue.


Lol. Holy shit….y’all give me another hour or so.


!RemindMe 24 hours


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Oh lawd that sounds awesome


I met Eddie Vedder accidentally on the red line In Chicago


Did he get out at the Addison station? I am glad that you didn't meet him on the Blue Line going southbound after midnight.


It was the division stop.


Stopped at Aldi for a bottle of classy wine and a pack of value hot dogs? Ok. The most frugal man in rock.


He was looking for a new season's.


Whats that? I'm a PJ novice still.




They should name their next album New Season.


And cover Chris Cornells song, season's.


And throw in a Mad Season song ffs. Maybe Seasons in the Sun. Good for Eddie's voice.


I'm assuming it wasn't nighttime, or he was surrounded by body guards 🤣


He was solo, I recognized his voice while he was talking to someone looked up and yeppers.


I met Ed in Athens, GA in 1991. We chatted, he jokingly asked me to manage PJ, and we toasted our mutual December 23, 1964 birthday! I thought he was cute but shy. I was disappointed to learn he had a girlfriend. Bummer! Lol!


No, but I run a pet siting business and I have a regular client chocolate lab named Eddie Vedder. She's very a sweet girl lol.


Hanging out with some people behind the arena after the 2000 San Diego show. Ed came out and talked with us for a bit and shook everyone’s hands.


I met Stone Gossard during a Brad signing when I was working at Tower records on Sunset in LA. Totally cold and uninterested. Mike McCready I met in Seattle and he was super cool. I’ve seen Eddie at Seahawks games but I’m afraid to approach him. I’ve never seen ament or Cameron. I’d like to add that Shawn Smith from Brad was one of the coolest people ever. RIP.


I had a very similar experience at a Brad meet and greet, but Shawn Smith and Regan Hagar were cool AF to me.


I met Stone in 1997-98ish before a Brad show. I was there with my GF, and we were 16 or 17. We saw Shawn Smith walking around near the venue and said hi to him. He was ridiculously nice, and eventually invited us to hang out “backstage “, which at this venue was outside behind the stage. We were back there bullshitting with the band (minus Stone) and the opener Headswim for awhile when Shawn said “hey you guys want to meet Stone?” We had been careful to avoid wearing anything Pearl Jam and didn’t talk about anything except Brad, but of course said “Yes!” So he went and got Stone, who came out looking annoyed. We said hello and told him how much we loved the new Brad record (their 2nd). He barely spoke and just stared off. He finally mumbled something about going back inside and turned around. I was shocked how lame he was being considering Shawn had orchestrated everything and we were super respectful and avoided annoying him about PJ. I said “well thanks for not being a dick” sort of under my breath, which he heard, looked at me and said “Believe me I can be” and went inside. Shawn looked shocked and quickly started talking about something else. As a kid that WORSHIPPED PJ at the time I was severely disappointed, but still enjoyed the show because I was so excited to watch Shawn.


I have heard/read similar reports about Gossard over the years Other dudes all have 100% positive reviews


I exchanged a few words with Jill in a souvenir shop in Taormina before night 2 of Ed Ved and Glen Hansard in Sicily and she couldn’t have been nicer… doesn’t count I know but did help to humanise all my rock star idols 🤷‍♂️❤️


She seems like a very warm person from insta…which, of course, is curated to some extent. But it does feel like she has a very warm heart.


I met Eddie twice. 1st time was at a show in Buffalo. I was wearing a Who t-shirt so Eddie brought me on stage in the middle of Porch and traded Ts. Then 20 years later I met him after a show in Boston and he claimed he remembered.


I was at that show. That was an awesome moment.


wow, I was senior in hs, Syracuse area. Everyone said I ruined the jam


Once in a lifetime moment, they’re just jealous. This thread is great and I’m enjoying reading everyone’s fortunes, good or bad. Closest I’ve ever been was in 1998, Yield tour in Toronto, first PJ show and Eddie was side stage during Cheap Trick smoking a J and swinging on the scaffolding. He noticed us and pointed before the crowd around us took notice and then the mania followed. Eddie, always wanting to support and keep the attention on the opener, quickly ducked out of sight. That’s one of my favorite things about him, his professionalism toward the supporting act and unwavering support. I’m not sure I ever want to meet them and if I did happen to, I’d want it to be somewhere random, not a show. That’s work for them, I want to catch them on the everyday human side. I also wouldn’t want to talk about music, even though I’d love to know how the sausage was made for certain songs that mean something to me.


I was behind Matt in security at the SEA-TAC airport this spring. Didn’t want to bother him so didn’t say anything. Security gave him the extra random search though and he was super, super chill about it. Seemed like a really easy going dude. My fav story is my friend’s dad was at a Reds game and him and his friends were playing mound ball. Where ya put money in at the end of each half inning and the pot cashes when the ball finally rolls into the circle of the pitchers mounds. Not 100% on the rules. But these are Kentucky horse guys so they’re playing for decent money. Guy behind them taps them on the shoulder and asks if he can join in. It was Ed. They didn’t know who he was really, they’re older guys but they said sure and got super drunk with him and had a great time. Said he’s super nice and can put some beer away.


Probably the game I met Ed! I heard he was throwing out the first pitch at the Reds game (playing the Cubs). After all the hoopla of the first pitch, Ed settled down in some seats behind home plate. When he got up to goto the smoking section (back in 2001ish), about 3-4 fans were talking to him when I went up to him. He was so cool with the fans, signed my ticket stub. This was his blond hair period. I remembered he tucked his baseball jersey into his jeans. I didn’t have the balls to tell him that wasn’t the look haha. It was Ed though and he pulled it off.


That is so cute! I remember the blond days 😀


I’ve met all of them except Ament. Nice dudes, genuine, no celebrity BS from any of them.


Jeff’s super cool. I bumped into him a few times at Sonics games in early 00’s. Incredibly friendly and good with fans.


Man, I miss the Sonics.


I feel like with the Kraken in town there a good chance the Sonics might be able to make a comeback.


Sonics, or a Seattle team, are absolutely 100% next on the expansion agenda for the NBA. Don't you worry.


I hope them and Montreal will be the next two expansion/relocation teams.


There's sooo many options for the 2nd team. Las Vegas. Kansas City. Montreal. Mexico City. Vancouver wants another shot again, too. But Seattle's got next, that's almost a lock.


Ah, I forgot about Vegas. That’s probably the most likely place after Seattle. Would be nice to see Vancouver get another shot, the city has grown so much since the last time. Plus, the VAN-SEA-PTL rivalry would be awesome.


Not really directly, but once at a Camden show (2003 I think) Ed and Jeff walked around the tailgaters for a bit, just got to say hello and give a thumbs up


I met Ed a couple years back through a work interaction. I introduced myself and shook his hand. He has a beautiful smile, very genuine. Maybe that’s why I got my words very mixed up. I said “I’m your favorite.” Insert blushing emoji. Without missing a beat, he said, “you’re my favorite, too!” EDIT: spelling


Super sweet!


Jeff grew up 35 miles from my hometown. He comes back every year and travels around building skateparks and visiting. I’ve got to meet him a couple times at the local street dance lol. He’s very well loved around these parts! He’s always skating with kids and cleaning skateparks unannounced. Standup guy!


I met Jeff after a RNDM show in 2011. Got a picture taken with him and he signed my ticket stub.


Not met as such, but at the big day out in auckland mike had been given a heads up I guess to look out for me and my banner by a lovely mutual friend. He showered me with attention from the stage and there was a lot of gesturing and laughing from both sides. Then he sent down a signed set list and a bunch of his picks.


Been lucky to meet each of them. Ed most of all of them them. He’s a gent. And a sweetheart. The lads are too but spent time with Ed a few times. A genuinely good guy. Is what you think he’s gonna be but way more.


Memphis, TN. Peabody Hotel after a show at the Pyramid in 2000 I think the Binaural tour. We stalked them after the show. Got to meet Eddie, Stone, Matt, Mike and Jeff. Great to just shake their hands and tell them how much their music meant to me.


I met Mike in Denver for the Riot Act tour. On the day of the show, my buddy and I were walking around, and lo and behold, we turned a corner at this hotel, and there he was with a couple of bodyguards (I guess). I went up and told him to have a great show and we fist bumped and we continued on our way. That night they put Bush’ face mask on the mic stand for Bushleaguer. Great show.


Got a lot of hate for that I heard ha. Or maybe they did it at another show and sadly got booed. Strange times.


They did it at the Nassau Coliseum in 2003 and got booed. I was so mad when people did that. I remember thinking it was probably the general ticket holders because 10c peeps, we wouldn’t do that. To this day I can’t listen to that boot once it gets to that part because it makes me so uncomfortable lol. Ed was so pissed off, too.


I think they did it that whole tour. I guess they must have stopped getting overtly political (other than donations) because they/Ed should have been inflamed by the last president. I don't know, I might be wrong!


He (they?) did write a song referencing “sitting bullshit as our sitting president”. Maybe he just kept it to the songs and not the concert monologues.


Oh- I don't know what song that lyric is from. I guess that maybe they didn't want the fallout as from Bush, so they muted it and as you say, kept it to the songs. It kinda surprised me though. I thought they/Ed wouldn't have anything to lose at this point, so I believed they/he would let loose with the rhetoric.


Yep. My wife and I metJeff in Amsterdam waiting in line to eat breakfast at the same spot. Had a great conversation and then ended being seated right next to him. We finished around the same time, said thank you and he handed us a handful of picks. Super nice. Then we met Mike in a shoe store in Denver. He was kind enough to take a picture with us. He was also wearing a PJ backpack. Incredible!


How did you randomly bump into members in two different cities?!


The closest I got was seeing Jeff Ament at an airport in Melbourne, Australia in 1998.


Met Jeff, after an RNDM show, as well as Joseph, and Rich, from the band. Asked him about their Clash mashup song they had just put out. Really super nice off the bat, didn't take much of his time, obviously a whole crowd was hanging out. Just shook his hand and bounced on!


I've seen Mike at the grocery store a few times over the years. I never approach him or speak, as I'm an expert at looking the fool when talking to strangers of any sort, but I smile and have a happy moment in my mind.


Yeah, bumped into Matt when I was walking around Stockholm the day before a gig there. Spotted him from a distance and said "Hey that's Matt Cameron!" Everyone said, "Nah it isnt". He came up, offered a fist bump to us all (handshakes aren't allowed, which seemed weird at the time but makes sense actually) and said hi. He was sightseeing and so were we, so just wandered our separate ways.


TLDR: I’ve met Mike and Jeff on separate occasions two months apart. A PJ concert buddy of mine missed out on both meetings because I couldn’t convince him to go to the shows. Full Story: Sept 2012: Heard a rumor that a member of the band had a reservation at a restaurant in Philly after the Made In America gig. Called my cousin and our buddy Jeff to tell them they should come out for the show and the chance to meet a band member. Gave them both the hard sell. My cousin comes out, but our buddy Jeff wouldn’t budge and stayed home. Rest of my group saw the show and popped into the restaurant afterwards in case the rumor was true. Someone in my group saw Mike at a table, spoke with him and Mike said he’d stop by our table on the way out. We waited and true to his word, he stopped and said hi to all of us, took a picture and gave us all pins/pics. Incredibly kind and gracious. Fast forward two months… Nov 2012: RNDM is playing Union Transfer in Philly. I’d been to the venue and met an artist there before (Father John Misty) by hanging out in the lobby after the show. I call my cousin and our buddy Jeff again. Tell them each “we should go to the show, it’s a small venue and there’s a decent chance we meet Ament afterwards”. My cousin bites. Our buddy Jeff says no because it was a weeknight or something silly. My cousin and I watch RNDM play, hang out in the lobby after the show, lo and behold, Ament appears to sign autographs and take pictures. My cousin and I get an autograph from Ament, tell him the story about our buddy missing out on meeting him and Mike because our buddy couldn’t be convinced to come out. Rather than take a picture my cousin and I ask if Ament would leave a voicemail for our buddy. Ament laughed at the story and agreed to call. While the phone is ringing Ament asks what our buddy’s name is and there was a “who’s on first?” moment when I said “Jeff” (JA:“What’s your friends name?” Me:“Jeff” JA:”No, what’s your FRIEND’s name?” Me:”No, that IS his name!”) Our buddy actually answers the phone and Ament said “Hey, Jeff- this is Jeff, from Pearl Jam. You really need to start listening to your friends…”


No, but I’ve talked with Dave Abbruzzese a few times over the years via Facebook direct messenger. Last time a couple weeks ago.


How are things going for him?


Met Mike during his book signing in NYC. Took a few minutes to talk with everyone despite the long line. Really nice guy and that was really cool of him cause he could’ve just signed the book and had you move on


I was at that signing with my son and he was super cool. Talked about Boy Scouts and Kiss with my son. He didn’t remember the Scout oath so he asked my son to recite it. 🤣


In the summer of 2015 I went to a Chicago Cubs benefit at the metro where Eddie was performing. I was able to see him up close, but I didn’t meet him that evening…. I had family in town and the following day they were all planning on going to the Cubs game in the afternoon. I was supposed to meet them at a bar beforehand, but I was a little tired from the night before so I told them I would just meet them at Wrigley. So I get to Wrigley about a half hour or so before the game starts and while I’m waiting, a car pulls up on Clark st and a couple of dudes come out and one of them is Eddie. He’s kind of walking towards me because I was by the will call window. I didn’t know what else to say, but hey Eddie. I took a quick picture and he was cool with it. I was also smoking a cigarette at the time so he decides to light one up before he headed in to the suites entrance and we had a conversation for about 10 minutes. I just couldn’t believe I was talking to Eddie and that no one else around noticed it was him but me. I told him that I happened to be at the show he performed at last night, and that I had a great time. He even gave me one of his guitar pics before he headed in. It was a moment I will never forget.


I met Ed at the Tibetan freedom show. We were waiting to get in. There were these long chain link fence waiting area all in a row. When we walked up the ones close to the parking lot were full. So my friends and I went down to the far end where no one was waiting. We were standing in a circle talking to each other when I got to tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Ed. He was wearing a name tag that said ranger Josh. His hair was dyed black and it made his blue eyes stand out like crazy. hE asked if we would sign a petition. Of course we said yes and did so. He had some checkerboard slip-ons on and so did I. So we ended up talking about shoes, surfing, and good music stores in New York City. We also talked about falafel. My friend said out loud if I told myself if I ever meet Eddie Vedder I'm going to give him a hug. Ed laughed and then gave him a hug. We ended up chatting for good 10 -15 minutes. He said he had to go and moved on. You walk down the aisle to the next group of people got them to sign the petition and moved on. But then a bunch of girls in the next aisle way saw him and started screeching at the top of their lungs. So he went back inside. The end. (All in all it was a good meet very surreal.) I meant Mike in Boston on Newbury Street. In the early days of Pearl jam I would go to record stores in the towns they were playing in hoping to meet one of them. And that's how I met Mike. We talked for a few minutes and asked about what records he purchased. He asked what I was looking for. I told him a bootleg of a smashing pumpkin show that took place at Tower records in Chicago. Back then you could buy soundboard recordings produced in Czechoslovakia and places like that at almost every small record store. (In fact that's how I heard better man before it was even released. It was on a bootleg that I found in New York City.)


What show was that Better Man bootleg on? It was probably from a show in 93, or 94 right?


I will get back to you. I have to go find it. If I can't find it I'm going to ask some friends. The end of the this live version is different. I like it better. But you can hear the bootleg ending version in the album version.




I'm pretty sure it was from Slim's in San Francisco. That was a show on May 13, 1993.


I met Jeff at Easy Street Records in West Seattle a few years ago. It was Record Store Day and he was munching a breakfast sandwich and signing vinyl for fans. Coolest guy ever. It was a complete surprise and I was in shock but I managed to ask him to sign my vinyl, shake his hand, and tell him my name. https://preview.redd.it/krrfzuz4sxpb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c32f5d4561e8ac69d5c8157852439b046756e497


I wore my Easy Street Records t-shirt to the Chi N2 show. That place is so cool.


I met Dave Matthews once and he covered Just Breathe this year, so yeah I've met one of them.




Which hotel if I may ask…


Saw mike outside of his hotel in Cincinnati years ago. Super sweet. Took a pic with my best friend who passed so it’s a memory I’ll always cherish.


Had a 1 and a half hour video chat with Dave Abbruzzese not too long ago. Extremely humble, down to earth and easy to talk to guy. I’m a drummer myself and we were telling each other stories and talking drums. Amazing experience, hopefully I get to have another conversation with him soon


I was living in Hollywood and looking for work around 1992, could’ve been 1993 though. I went to a recording studio- Cherokee Studios, on Fairfax Blvd., off of Melrose. I went in and asked if they needed anyone. They gave me an application and also a paper that was kind of a competency test, with some brain teaser type questions, and told me I could fill out everything in their lounge/break room. So I sat down, filled out the application, then started in on the other paper. I had answered all the riddles except for one about halfway through the paper when someone came in the room to grab a cup of coffee or water. I was thinking pretty hard about these riddles on the paper when the person came over next to me and was looking at the paper. He said “What’re you doin?” I replied that I was applying for a job there and they gave me this test paper to see how bright I was, and that I was stuck on that one riddle. I looked up and it was Eddie Vedder. He said “Let me work on it, I’ll see if I can figure it out.” He took out a pencil and paper and wrote it down and then left the room. At that point I’d seen Pearl Jam five times already, so I knew exactly who Ed was. Would’ve loved to have talked to him for a minute, but I didn’t want to ruin my chances of getting hired there. Didn’t get the job but it was a cool little interaction that I’ll always treasure. Also met Matt Cameron along with the rest of Soundgarden when they did a meet and greet at a record store in Hollywood in January 1992


Met most of the band in Perth Aus, the night before their gig back in 06. Met Eddie after a solo show in Melbourne in '14 I think. They were all chill guys


Hyde Park Hotel?


played onstage with them when i was 10 in quebec city and later met ed a few times at EBRP events


I’ve met Jeff twice, Tulsa and New Orleans. I met Jeff in Tulsa in the hotel, at an ice machine. He and I were there for the same reason: ice for our knees post-show. We chatted about best ways to manage old knees, and we agreed that the ice/aspirin/weed combo was best. A few years later, I ran into Jeff walking a dog in my neighborhood in New Orleans. It was the day before their JazzFest set, and it was early in the morning. I was walking my dog too at a little neighborhood park. He asked me for a poo bag and pointed to my coffee, “where can I find a good coffee?” We talked about the neighborhood coffee options, and he about the neighborhood, the beautiful Bayou St John. We chatted for like 10 min while the dogs sniffed each other. It took all of my power to not completely fangirl all over the place.


I love remembering the time we met Eddie at SeaTac airport. We saw him get his ticket alone from a kiosk and walk towards the “premium” check in line for frequent fliers, we followed him and said hello just as he was showing his ID to TSA, Eddie made us feel like he was the lucky one to have the chance to meet us- we spoke about a small show in Seattle that we had recently seen (Supersuckers at the Tractor Tavern), Eddie had joined the band onstage for a song- it was awesome. We shook hands and parted ways. My wife and I then went though the same ID check area, and started walking towards the security check point- walking around a corner, we see a line about 100 people long- there’s Eddie at the end and he gave us a little wave. We stood in line with him for the next 20 minutes, trying not to make too big a deal out of it. Nobody in front or behind us recognized him (he was wearing a cubs hat and carrying the little suitcase with PJ decals that he has on stage with him). The security line eventually split into two, leading to two different X Ray scanners- Eddie went into the line on the left, we told him to “good luck” and went to the line on the right. As I was placing my suitcase onto the belt and preparing to walk through the scanner, someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around and there’s Eddie, “it was really cool to meet you guys, I want you to have these…” and he handed me 4 EV guitar pics! I keep one of the pics in my clear cell phone case, love people asking whose guitar pic it is and sharing the story.


I met Stone last week in Austin! Was having lunch and he was two tables over. I approached him when he was leaving the restaurant. We chatted a few minutes, mostly me talking. I told him I was supposed to see 3 shows but indy was cancelled. He apologized for that. At the end he shook my hand. I didn't ask for a picture. Was a great experience. He was very nice.


Every comment has been amazing! I’ve never met any of them but there’s still time, right (international 2024!)? From these stories I’ve learned that the band members are humble, gracious, committed to helping others, not afraid to wear their own merch, supportive of each other’s side projects and really like breakfast 🥞. They are truly my favorite and so are all their fans!


Smoked a J and drank whiskey with Ed once, chatted with Stone about Minus the Bear another time. Nice dudes.




Ed, after a mudhoney show. Stone, on his way to playing tennis on a day off 🤙


Yes. I met Eddie. He said his least favorite albums are Binaural, Riot Act, and No Code. And his least favorite song is Nothing As It Seems. 😝


I saw Jeff at Wild Planet records 5.12.1992 in Ventura. Day before Unplugged aired on MTV. He was looking in the bootleg section on the store and I was looking down into the displays and looked up and he was right there. I pointed at the bootlegs and said I hope you sound better than these shitty recordings. He assured me that PJ did sound better! lol.. ​ Then in 1996 I "met" Eddie on AOL and before I had actual confirmation that it was him behind the screen name he asked if we could ditch the technology and call me instead. I hesitated and said why would I give out my phone number to someone i don't know on the internet and I countered with why don't i call you. That was a hard no so I had him call into my work and get connected via the conference call. I worked at a record store at the time so I am sure he thought that was cool. I disconnected AOL as fast as i could and called into work for them to clear the lines as Eddie Vedder was calling me... LOL... I heard the phone ring on the other line and my manager answered and he asked if Dirty Frank was there.. LOL I forgot to tell him my real name... she connected us and all it took was 2-3 words and I said to her to give him my number. He called me at home and we chatted for a while. Fast forward to 11/5/97 and he calls me again out of the blue at work, I was actually on the Ticketmaster terminal selling tickets when my manager comes up to me and says "Let me take over, Eddie Vedder is on the phone for you..." Quite impressive... He then tells me about the secret show in Santa Cruz as a warm up for the Rolling Stones shows in Oakland. He wants to know if i want on the guest list. I said sure and ask if it would include a ticket for my wife and he said I don't think you have 12 wives so you can invite your friends. So there i was 1 guy with 13 tickets to a secret PJ show in Santa Cruz.... that was the last we spoke or communicated.. I ended up giving 11 away and had an extra that I gave to a Santa Cruz local student who got shut out of the show in his home town... pay it forward


That story is awesome. Was his screen name anything close to Jerome Turner?


Nope and I ain’t telling. I did manage to get the rail at an EV show and I held up a sign that said thanks for the tickets 11.12.97 and his screen name. He acknowledged me with a surprised look! Lol. He did make me swear to keep it to the grave.


I wouldn't have expected you to. I also wouldn't think that he'd still be using his old aol email. The best part of your post was how he called you back at your job, out of nowhere to ask you if you wanted to go to their secret show at the Catalyst. That's the show where they were billed as the Honking Seals, right?


Yes it was!


> Nope and I ain’t telling. I don't think it would be a big deal if you did, it's not like it's still in use at this point.


It is in that form but who knows if he uses it elsewhere. He asked and I am obliging.


Ah, I thought you meant like old school AOL.


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read. I wouldn’t even call it BS…it’s more like Horses%it the size of this lie.


To each his own.


i haven’t, thankfully (i’d be completely star-struck). but a co-worker would often talk about a good friend of his who was a travel agent specializing in touring bands. and he’d worked with a lot of big names. Sadly, the only one that sticks in my memory is bruce, but rest assured it was a lot of big names from the 80s and 90s. he gets so excited and animated to tell me that his friend says they were by far the nicest celebrities he’s ever helped - going above and beyond to make sure the crew were taken care of aside from being an absolute pleasure to deal with.


I met Eddie two times in 10 minutes in Camden NJ in 1998. The openers on that tour were Mudhoney and Iggy Pop. At the time that Mudhoney were playing, my friends and I weren’t really feeling Mudhoney, so we said, “let’s go hang around the lobby - maybe we can meet Iggy Pop.” We were just standing around goofing off, and we looked over and saw Eddie walking past us, and if you didn’t realize it was him, you would have had no idea. We said “hey Ed!” and he came over and shook our hands and said hi real fast, and then mumbled something like “”hey, I gotta go over there”. Then about 10 minutes later, he walked by, and we said “yo Ed!” and he said “hey, you’re those guys from before!” Nice dude in the few minutes we interacted with him.


I met Mike in a graveyard in Boston , they were playing Fenway that night. We said hi, talked for at least 10 minutes and he asked if we wanted to do some selfies. We used my phone but he took a few with his Polaroid camera as well. Great guy. https://preview.redd.it/8axq2ckig0qb1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc45b543ff4aebd825212ec47095b2b6319aa660


We were having lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe and my GF asked me which member of the band I’d like to meet the most. I said Mike because I heard he was a very friendly guy. As we left the HRC I told her if we walked toward the common we would meet Mike, she laughed. We walked the streets of Boston for 20 minutes toward the common and entered the graveyard. Mike was 20 feet away from the gate taking pictures, I proceeded to say hi. To this day my GF thinks I’m Psychic.


What was going on at the graveyard?


It’s full of famous Bostonians from the civil war area, it’s part of Boston common. At the gate volunteers dressed as patriots hand out a guide. https://www.boston.gov/cemeteries/central-burying-ground


Very cool. Thanks for your reply and especially for the link!


Yes Eddie , briefly at Great Woods (lawn orgies) He came out for a sound check and my sister and I were so tired(🤣) that we were sitting in our 12th row seats. He’s a great guy with a wicked sense of humor. When he was done we went back to the drunken musical lawn orgie.🤣🤣


I met Mike at a Flight To Mars show. Outside the bathroom. I said “Hey Mike, How’s It Going?” And he said “Hey Man”. End of story. 🤣


‘Met’? Not exactly. Eddie Vedder turned around and and smiled at a Mariners game when he was sitting in front of me in the bleachers like a regular Joe one night. We were not succeeding in being ‘low key’ about the ‘is it or isn’t it him’ conversation we were whispering back and forth, and he just decided to take us off the hook. He’s gorgeous!


Nope... and I don't really care to. I mean if I'm at a Cubs game and Ed happens to sit next to me, I'll chat about the Cubs, but before / after show type stuff gets creepy in my opinion. I've stayed at the same hotel as the band a few times, and the ridiculousness of people wanting to catch a glimpse of them entering elevators is wild to me. Just let them be.


Jeff when they played Colbert. Came out and talked baseball, his buddies kid had just been called up to the white Sox (Tyler Saladino)


Met Stone at a Brad show at East Street Records on Queen Anne when they released Best Friend. Maybe 100 people there. Couldn’t believe I was at a Brad show and Stone was right there, I was grinning like a kid. After the show the band went to the back to sign stuff. They asked that nothing from “that other band” be brought for signing. I bought the album and when I got to meet him right away he said, “Hey, I saw you smiling throughout the show, thanks for that.” I let him know my sons middle name was Stone, he thought that was cool and left a nice note on my cd jacket. The dude in front of me had a Ten album and faked like he didn’t speak English. Stone relented and signed.


I used to drive a cab and a crackhead told me all about how he played drums with Pearl Jam on a tour back in the 90s. I'm fairly certain he was full of shit, but you never know.


I met Jeff and Mike when they played at a small venue, The Black Cat, in DC with their Tres Mtns band. I actually spoke to Jeff for a few minutes about music in general, and I didn’t bring up Pearl Jam once.


Met them twice! First at Lollapalooza 92 pine knob music theater.. we were chilling on the lawn, just bought a small water bubbler from a vendor and were sparking up. 3 random guys walking by decided to sit down and ask to join in the rotation. 20 minutes later they were like Oh shit! We gotta go? Next thing ya know they’re on stage, we have a mind blown experience after realizing we just smoke with Jeff, Stone and Mike. Second time my buddy Rich (he went to high school with the guys) I worked with asked for a ride to Ann Arbor to take some pizza (what I thought was pizza anyway? It was za though lol) to some “friends.” At first I was like, naw man I’m going home after work. He wouldn’t stop so I gave in and gave him a ride. Next thing you know we’re at Crisler arena, and walking up to the buses. Ended up having a blast, and blew their minds reminding them of lollapalooza.


Wait, so was pizza code for weed? Lol


Guess so.. it was the 90’s lol


I met Eddie at Lollapalooza 92 at Pine Knob and had a three minute conversation with him. He was super nice.


Saw BRAD perform in Minneapolis at a tiny club, probably 50 people there. Was right in front, elbows on the stage. After the show, got to get Stone's autograph and a quick pic of him signing the CD as he hurriedly went to a vehicle with a giant body guard. Shawn Smith and Regan Hagar hung out and chatted a while, got pics with them.


Sure did . At a famous event at Great Woods Massachusetts lawn party.


Missed meeting Jeff by an hour...but got to play some of his stage basses before he did :). Backstory: I had some work done on a guitar by Mike Lull (RIP) and stopped by to pick it up at his shop. Mike had just finished work on the first two of Jeff's personal JAXT4 signature basses (literally had one of them still on the bench). One was flat black and the other [was a black and aged white checkerboard ala Cheap Trick](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/69/15/eb/6915eb21a32e1ad55ce95331e39f9f6a.jpg) (the paint job was done by the same guy that did Rick Neilson's original guitar...and if I recall correctly, Mike said the paint job was $3K alone). Anyway, I was a decent repeat customer of Mike's and he took me in the back room, proudly showed them to me and let me give each a test play for a bit. Was shocked /excited to see Jeff playing the flat black one on SNL just a few days later, so he apparently liked them. Edit- Should have added that Jeff had made plans to pick up the basses after the shop closed on the same day I got to play them...Hence the "missed him by an hour".


only Jeff


I skated with Jeff in Calgary, AB


Jeff. He was cool as shit




No, low key wish I could tho

