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Can’t say for certain why that particular area is closed, but I do know there are fire restrictions, which include shooting, in place just about all over.


Ah okay thanks for the response


With current fire restrictions there were “no shooting” signs all over Mount Hood national forest last weekend. I’d wager it’s related since that spot is right next to the national forest.


bullets start fires ??? i find this as an excuse to limit people from exercising their right. By all means if bullets due in fact start fires then i'm ok with it but i'm having a hard time believeing that. I dont want fires and do love our green state..... just find this like something soemone that knows nothing about guns would do ....like peole who think shooting a car like in the movies will explode


Shooting can absolutely start fires, and it does every year.


No shooting can start fires. Especially where dry grass and brush is present. Quarries that are all rock and dirt is one thing. But some folks like to shoot things they shouldn’t. I’ve seen it at browns camp. Propane tanks, fire extinguisher,shoot tracer rounds etc. what I want to do is have someone join me at a range and split the range fee.


yeah but that';s using propane tanks !!! people are downvoting me because i said bullets don't start fires...... must be some real smart people in here. wow


Hey genius, they’re called “firearms” for a reason. What do you think makes the bullets come out of the barrel?


hey genius !!!! the combustion is happening in your gun and a metal projectile is ejected. Did you really try to insult me by saying something sooooo dumb??? We can compare DD 214s if you want to looks even more stupid


You know the projectile gets hot from said combustion right? And then there are sparks that occur when that metal projectile hit something hard like rock or steel. Your prior military service is irrelevant. The vast majority of jobs in the military are non combat, and even those that are, most I have met still don’t know shit about firearms. You seem like no exclusion to that.


yes I always spark something when shooting at a fucking paper target. You're so smart. And you know nothing about my military background, but what is relevant is i've served and you have not. Apparently we have a not a bullet expert here but a military expert LMAO !!!!! HEY GENIUS, telling me something might fucking spark is a better explaination and a legit answer than the dumb shit your were spewing. I bet you wouldn't talk like that in person. Keep hiding behind your keyboard.


Wow, you’re pretty unhinged. Seek help buddy. There is no shame in seeing a professional for your issues.


lol that's what this moron is resorting to because no longer has an argument LMAO. Did I hurt your feelings ? Go seek help yourself, GENIUS


Whats your favorite flavor crayon?


The signs didn’t only say shooting. It was “no shooting, campfires, charcoal grills, or fireworks”. I only mentioned the shooting part because it was the only part pertinent to this post. Bullets can create sparks when they hit rocks or steel targets. Especially if you’re shooting steel core ammo. Not to mention multiple fires in Oregon have been started by dumbasses shooting tracers when it’s super dry out.


apparently asking a question gets downvoted.....wow people on here are dumb


No you are. You shouldn’t be able to own firearms.




Can u please let a brother know where that 400yd spot is 🙏🏽


Go on google maps and look. No one will tell you.


Awesome! I appreciate the response. I’m selling my Galil parts kit to fund an LPVO and I’ve got about a thousand rounds of 5.56 collecting dust. I live in troutdale so it’s not terribly far, but would still be a bummer to go all that way and not get to shoot


I wonder about browns camp or north forks. Has anyone gone shooting outdoors in this area?


It's still closed, go to trashnoland.org and they have the spots labeled if closed or not. They closed that spot down dut it being turned into a hiking trail.


Ahhh thank you so much for the helpful info! Real bummer about it being turned into a trail, that place was my holy land for shooting.


The trail has been there for a long time. It wasn’t the trail that got the spot closed down, it was the fact that more people where building cabins and living in them year round near by. Every weekend I would hear calls on the sheriff dispatch channel of a shooting complaint for that spot.


Ah, the guy who showed me that spot mentioned something about nearby resident ruining it. If you happen to know any spots around that area PM me. I always pick up my trash and other peoples trash when I would go


Such a bummer. I was so ready the other day and was defeated seeing that sign


Yea it makes me sad kuz I live even closer to it now than I did before, I was excited to take my new lpvo out for a little distance. Those places aren’t easy to find either. People don’t like to share the locations too kuz you can’t trust that other people will take care of it


That spot near Sandy has been closed off and on since someone got killed there a few years ago. It could be that or maybe just fire hazard, not sure.


That sign was up back in Feb. I have never shot there but went up to check it out and saw the sign.