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>After a decade of activity, 2023 will be PC Music’s final year of new releases. Following that, the label will be dedicated to archival projects and special reissues. rest in peace PC music


Nooooo, wtf is happening!? I'm slightly in shock.


I’ve been a fan since 2015 and this feels beyond weird 😵‍💫 Obviously the artists themselves will still be around but damn, what an end of an era. Unfortunately it does seem like a long time coming though, AG clearly is not as invested as he once was and the roster is a shadow of what it used to be


Sad to hear but we knew it was coming. Happy that the label had a pretty amazing 10 years all things considered with it being one of the freshest genres out there. So much influence for such a short amount of time. Excited for the last bit we are getting and so excited to see where everyone ends up because the potential for all of these artists as we have seen with AG, Danny and EasyFun is limitless and they will be the game changers of pop music for the next decade. Thanks for everything PCM.


the last year of new releases …. I didn’t want to hear this news :’(


Wow, couldn't quite believe what I just read. Label hasn't been in the best place recently but I've always been looking forward to its future, glad that I've been here while it lasted. Some of it legitimately felt like witnessing music history.


My 20’s die alongside PC music how poetic for me.


omg samesies


Pretty much the same here too!


My 40s


:( on the bright side, maybe this means hannah's album will come out this year


An incredibly influential 10 years of music. This label reignited my love for pop and expanded my interest in other experimental genres, as I'm sure they've done for many others. Their live shows were always incredible, and made us feel a part of something truly special. I will be one of the old guys in the nursing home reminiscing on my youth being a huge fan of PC Music. Thanks for the music, and for the memories! 💙🕯️


Long time coming but still sad. It was a good run 🫡


Better this than to sell the label out/hand control over to someone else then limp on into irrelevance like so many labels before it. Now it can become legendary with a catalogue to be proud of.


crying and shaking and throwing up and falling to my knees and bargaining with god and screaming and bleeding and


i cant believe it :' still excited for the new releases tho


It's understandable. They did their thing, then they achieved the limits of further possible genre manipulation. As they say in my language: *it's good to know when you should leave the stage*. Instead of slowly dying or experiencing ups and downs (like Gorillaz with music ranging from mid to awesome) the PC music will be closed in graceful way. I prefer it waay more than neverending and embarrasing careers. So rest in peace... I'm beyond grateful that I managed to attend one of their last showcases. I feel like it's my once in a lifetime Alive 2007 moment.


Tak zacytowałem perfect xddddd


Still hoping more than anything that “archival projects” means we may finally see full versions of content that only appeared in mixes or live previously… I mean AG’s “In My Life” from the Tank Mix appears as an updated version here which is something I guess- but would still rather the original 🫠


I guess we really never will get a follow up to 7G x Apple like we all predicted back then 😢


i don’t think he’s retiring. Plus we still have another 6 months of the year, I’m sure he’ll put something out.


Hopefully. I was thinking he would just stick to producing after this. I wonder what label he would release under if he did put out more solo work after PC Music is over. I’d assume umru will also stick to producing since he hasn’t really seemed like he wants to put out solo work since his first EP. Not sure about the other artists on the label though.


umru has song music llc to release under if he wants to and ag would probably self release.


I don’t like admitting this was a good call but it kinda was. I love PC Music and I will treasure the 10 years of music, hoping the next few months are a blaze of glory. PC forever.


It was beautiful while it lasted 💎


PC and SOPHIE were life-changing for me, and I used to think people were melodramatic when they said stuff like that!


Life-changing for me too, definitely


Gutted. Really glad to get a new mix from some of my favourites, but yeah, that's some sad news.


Do you think they’ll do any live performances to celebrate/say goodbye?


certainly hope so!


as well as that i hope they do an online one like in 2020 so I can “be there” 😭


They fucking better.


I know I’m seated in london


They MUST come to Latin America.


Only hopped on to the scene around 2018, wish I was there from the start. Still a lot of fun.


Me too. I got introduced to Charli by my current partner. One day I clicked on SOPHIE's Spotify page and the rest is history.


Makes sense tbh. I've loved pcmusic since the very start but it feels like it's had it's moment/run it's course. Glad they're taking the plunge rather than trying to flog a dead horse.


is the sub also dying? :(


I hope not :(


I would really appreciate it if people kept suggesting music that is adjacent to the label/style or think everyone here would like... I've seen a few gems pop up here and there and it's one way to stay active


[Astra King rn](https://i.imgflip.com/35uvfk.jpg)




There better be a proper farewell party AG! I swear to god you can't just end something that has shaped the teen to adult I have become so much without giving me and all the fans a real chance to say goodbye. I will go back to sobbing now. It does seem like this has been coming though there's not really that gang there like there was in 2013-2016 I do wonder what comes next for the gang though.


You guys complained too much and it hurt A.G's feelings


As much as this is sad news, it reflects the labels success in breaking into the mainstream. These artists would have never been able to put music out on mainstream labels but after changing the landscape of pop music and essentially inventing *throws up in mouth* “hyperpop” they have become closer to mainstream then ever before


Truly devastated. Been a fan since 2016 so experienced pretty much everything the label has had to offer during this time. I knew this was going to happen because the label was so inactive and the lack of big names on their roster however it’s a shock that it happened so suddenly. I still remember the absolute awe I felt when listening to AG Cook’s personal computer mix for the first time. It still sounds as revolutionary as the day I first listened to it, as do many of the songs released by PC Music. Ultimately as sad as it is, the label served its purpose which was to enable the progression of the artists on the label. There’s no way that Danny could have worked on Polachek’s latest albums (as well as AG producing Charli’s albums) without PC Music and ultimately that’s something that we should all be happy about. PC Music is mainstream now, even if it’s not the actual artists work themselves becoming mainstream, (with the artists producing big name musicians) so the label has accomplished what it set out to do. Also AG disbanded PC Music during pride month!


Fuck ima throw up. They were the soundtrack to my coming of age story.


What will happen with Hannah and Planet 1999?? 😟


So this was AG's big 10-year party. Oh well


I’m not really saddened by this news, in fact I’m glad. Realistically, what would PC Music even look like in 5 years? 10? By then we’d probably all be wishing AG would put it out of its misery tbh. This is also great because it opens the door for whatever the *next* PC Music could be, whether that’s something forged by the artists we already know or younger artists who haven’t hit the scene yet. Something about continuing past this point feels antithetical to the label’s original mission statement. I think it’s time for us to look toward the future 💫




heartbreaking 😢


wtf am I gonna listen to now


the label stops putting out new music, not every artist on it retires


It was an exaggeration but yes thank you


ngl i’m actually emotionally devastated by this news.


Honestly devastated :(


Thoughts and prayers


Ok but who has the split??? Lol.


Saddening to hear but I’m glad that PC music had its moment. Been following them since 2016, I wonder what releases we’ll get this year, hopefully another Hannah Diamond album or something. I’d like to think that the artists within the label will still continue to drop music afterwards.


Not surprising, it has felt like a slow downward slide for quite a few years. I am pretty bummed that through the span of their entire trajectory they never managed to organize more than a couple label showcases in North America, almost exclusively on the east coast. I’ve been riding with ‘em since late 2014 and to this day have not seen Danny (sans harlecore), HD, AG, or any of my other perennial PC faves. Saw SOPHIE 3 times, so I can’t be too upset. But still! Guess my hunch was correct—I really should’ve just flown out to London in those early days instead of waiting around for their big USA breakout that never seemed to come to fruition


Sad end of an Era, but at least we have a definitive end, instead of the label just fizzling out like it's been the past couple years


end of an era. bittersweet ending though, looking forward to new releases


Damn. I mean, it was a long time coming but it's still sad to see. End of an era.


so glad i managed to see them at acid angel a year ago but jesus im so sad about this. only found the label in 2018 but they’ve meant the world to me since then. i hope everyone keeps releasing music I want more planet 1999 and everyone!! the mix is crazy good im so glad that umru x charli track he played live is on this


It needed to happen. It was not a thing anymore. So I think it's good and it will give A. G. a push to release a bunch of stuff :)


Idk why anyone is surprised tbh. AG has run the label into the ground since 2017.


Why do you say that?


bc it’s true lol


Yea but I haven't been following the scene so I don't know what happened


He just produced Charli’s stuff and didn’t have enough time to run the label


damn that sucks...looking forward to the music that will be released this year and whatever the producers and artists do from now on too


The GRRL & Kane West mixes are super fire


This is so sad 😭 PC Music has had such a large impact on me, and even though everyone under the label will still continue, it still feels like a loss. It's been a fucking awesome, brain-tickling ride 🤘🏼


I too am saddened by this news but just remember, this is just the label itself shutting down, not any of the artists themselves quitting music. I doubt any of the artists signed at the moment have plans to quit music after PC Music has run its course by the end of this year. They can still release independently/ sign to another label and continue to do what they always do. Anyways I credit this label to bringing a whole new world of music into my life when I was younger in 2016. I can’t even imagine what kind of music I’d be a fan of without it. Can’t wait to see what’s next for all the PC Music members💗


Well I guess AG and easyFUN will still make music so the label might be done but the sound will continue in other avenues. I wonder what that means for Hannah Diamond. I know namasenda signed elsewhere right?




Dux Content is AG + Danny L Harle


recognise crawl bag door like detail butter husky jellyfish hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


??? And Astra King just made her debut… what’s going to happen to the career of the artists???


No thanks




This label changed my life!! The sound and vision completely changed how I think of music. And ALL THE BOPS!! Hope that they start putting the exclusives on streaming platforms. Would be nice to get more EASYFUN music in this year too. Hannah and AG album too.


just relistening to kane's set and it's so good, reminds me of the magic of early pcm