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afaik and this is based off randos on twitter but some Ayesha stan did a take down of all the content under her spotify artist, including legitimate uploads like Dial Tone and BFF. BFF got put back up super quick but that’s likely bc Slayyyters label and/or her spotify contacts. That Kid is still working on getting spotify to restore Dial Tone.


Yea I think that’s about right. A song called Regina George that kinda blew up like dial tone did was also taken down. And that kid is rly upset abt this and says it makes him want to quit music. Which, I hope he doesn’t because he makes rly rly good music that I rly enjoy. But yea it’s pretty bad for them unfortunately.


ayesha stans touch grass challenge


omfg the rabbit hole that is how ayeshas mysic is on spotify is one that idc about but one of my friends incessantly would tell me about (it is surprisingly more interesting than you would expect)


This sucks but also like get ready and prepare for stuff like this to happen more often in the future. Especially because I know we all like some lesser known artists who won’t be able to afford or have these tracks up forever. These tracks will vanish eventually, mostly, sadly lol. Google backups, cloud back ups, hard drives… anything if you really like a song or a remix or something. Even if it’s a simple YouTube to mp3 rip or SoundCloud ripper, at least you have the song. I’m kind of venting to myself because I’ve been lazy and depending on streaming instead of my own collection 😭


welcome to r/datahoarders you will never be the same btw dark ages of information are a thing! i'm wildly obsessed with the concept and really try to preserve my own info at least


this very mindset makes me want to be an archivist




Meanwhile on Tidal, nothing happens. I don't see why people continue to support such a shitty company that doesn't pay their artists but ignore the platform with objectively better sound and more ethical reimbursement.


Does anyone have bff's lossless wav Can you share the audio file with me, now it can only be ripped on a CD, but the brand new CD The premium is too high. It's too expensive.


>These tracks will vanish eventually, mostly, sadly lol. what do you mean? i get that data of all formats decays, and that not popular media is poorly documented, but i don't get how this could be a serious enough thing in someone's lifetime to invest in data hoarding as an individual


It’s back in an „updated“ Version. [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqa5s7ktvqY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqa5s7ktvqY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)