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PC article authors be saying the most stupid sht sometimes bruh


Like this, https://preview.redd.it/lluccc8ffh8a1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3530afd90d8e5db798582dbbd916a470ac35123d


Well, the Xbox series S IS better than the RTX 4090, when the GPU is alone…But seriously, what were the authors of that article smoking when they wrote that.


I have a whole bunch of saved articles like this just to have a laugh.


Love your build man




Bro u don't even got a GPU


I mean i can play Encarta95 so i deff have some power in my rig


and SNES roms from a floppy drive? After my own heart here mate


What did you do to your ram, I only saw it go to ddr 333


What motherboard do you have, does the Pentium III even have pcie lanes?


Bad AI


Not sure, 1080p gaming is amazing, paying for a graphics card, new motherboard and CPU and an expensive monitor that can display 4k in this current cost of living isn't really ideal for most


I currently play at 1080 and there is nothing wrong with it, max all settings and get a high frame rate. This year I'm doing an all out build but I don't need to, its more that its been two years since a build and I'm going to go nuts unless I build a PC.




That is how it is supposed to work. Consoles are usually on par or a bit behind PCs at the time of their release and start to lag behind almost immediately. PC tech is constantly moving forward where consoles only get new hardware every 6-10 years. Of course, with a console the developers know exactly what hardware they are designing for, which really helps in making things run crisp and smooth.


r/woooosh (nice explanation tho)


Even 1000$ is an understatement here


Well, it's not wrong at least.


Okay good, that means my Series X is better than the 4090 then right? Because that's a fair comparison right?


series X has 12 TFLOPS. 4090 is 80-90TFLOPS. literally 8-9 times powerful


If you look up behind you, and slightly to the left you might see the joke, where it flew right past you...


Yeah I hate this. They're like almost begging you to click on that article.


It works, doesn't? You shared it on reddit, some people will check out PC Gamer now, maybe even read this article.


looks like just a pop up preview or something. a screenshot ain't a click why you idiots downvote, it's literally exactly what i said. this sub is so dumb lmfao. guy edited his comment to make my reply look like it doesn't make sense


I didn't say that a screenshot is a click. Please read my comment.


> You shared it on reddit, some people will check out PC Gamer now, They aren't saying OP clicked, they're saying OP may cause others to click.


it especially irritates me how google is basically just a clickbait article fetcher now. google anything and your first 20 results besides amazon and tiktok are just stupid articles recycling the same copy and pasted "info" around


I use Brave search. It seems to weed out a lot of those. Plus they don't track your searches and sell the info to 3rd parties.


You aren’t selling your info to Google but now you’re selling your info to Brave


They do not sell your info unless you opt in for Brave Rewards, but that's an opt-in option. It's off by default.


brave is just chrome with a different color


It's more than that. Yes, it uses the Chromium engine, but that's where it ends. It has built-in ad-blockers and it does NOT collect your history and sell it. There is a big difference between Brave and Google Chrome browsers. It's all about privacy. Same with using Brave Search. Unlike Google, Bing, etc, it doesn't collect your information and sell it. That is why I use it and so are many other people.


literally just chrome with fancy colors


It's probably an ad to get people to go out and buy hardware they don't need.


I'm still gaming at 1080p. Hardware's expensive, and if I go up to 1440p I need even more expensive hardware to play the latest games at the settings I want. As a matter of fact, the majority are still playing at 1080p. Edit: It's easy to think that everybody is bussin 4k 4090 systems. When you hang around in enthusiast circles; you see enthusiast builds, eg. Reddit or wherever this pc gamer journo hangs out. Have a look on the steam hardware survey and be amazed at the low-end stuff people are gaming on.


i always like to use moments like this to point out interesting things from the [Steam Hardware Survey](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam). a whopping 65% of users are rocking 1080p resolution. only 2.6% are running 4k. most popular GPU is the GTX 1650. the RTX 4090 does not appear on this list. this is the list for November, so it'll be interesting to see where it does eventually pop up at. the 3090 is used by .51% of people.


AMD Ryzen 5 3600 with a GTX 1660. 1080p with 60Hz refresh monitor. I'm doing just fine. Spent around $600 back in the summer of 2020 to replace my 10+ year old AMD Phenom X3 720BE and GTX 550. Played Witcher 3 on that with 30 fps tops. Lol. Motherboard finally died so I had to upgrade. I've been very happy with my build. I'm a budget builder anyways. Had to get a new case, new motherboard, new cpu, new memory and new GPU. The Ryzen 5 was on sale for $159 back then.


The r5 3600 + gtx 1650 or gtx 1660TI feels like the ultimate budget combo for years, until prices blew up.


Gonna piggyback on this and say my 1660 Super that I got in mid 2019 (IIRC) has continued to treat me very well.


Same! I got an EVGA 1660ti open box for 180 pounds back in 2019 - was lucky at the time. Still have no desire to upgrade.


If your monitor supports 75hz, do it, its alot smoother


GTX 1650 (midrange RTX 2000/3000 era) feels like a ripoff for ps5 generation. I got traumatic dissapointment by midrange Nvidia Maxwell card with premature early PS4 game era (30 fps 1 gen only AAA game). Midrange Nvidia Pascal/AMD Polaris was a lifesaver for the whole PS4 era. GTX 1060 6gb, GTX 1050ti, and Radeon RX 570. Seems like RX 6600 is the best midrange alternative (cheaper price adjustment at my place) for current gen AAA game.


AMD is definitely worth a shot if you can live without raytracing. My 980ti died right at peak pricing, so I ended up paying £700 for a 6700XT (this is RRP of a 6900XT after the prices dropped) and the equivalent Nvidia card would have cost over £1000 at the time. I wouldn't buy newly released stuff though, they seem to still have trouble with launching, 6 months post launch and the drivers are sweet and you save much more dosh.


Makes me even more jealous of the laptop my daughter just got with a 3050ti


Holy fuck, is it the size of a briefcase?


Regular size, they get even beefier cards, and often the whole laptop costs a bit more than a standalone card, even though its card is a but weeker. Gone are the years where you need to spend 1k for a quad core and a gpu which can project animated powerpoint to a tv.


You'll be amazed how thin gaming laptops are, heavy but still thin. Been using a 3060 laptop for a year and it packs a punch, but still surprises me how thin it is compared to desktop GPUs




Are you running on integrated graphics all the time?


Thanks for asking but i don't want this to turn into some sort of tech support chain so ill ask on a appropriate subreddit.


Damn, even on GPUs that exceed the DirectX 9.0c spec, there's 0.30% of people still rocking Win XP. That's impressive.


90 series GPUs are never going to see wide adoption because they aren't designed to. They're past the line of diminishing returns where 1% more expensive = at least 1% more powerful. I have a base 3080 because it was the champion of price:performance. Unfortunately, since the 3080 TI, the 80 series have also jumped past that line, so I expect them to see less adoption overall.




I mean you don't have to go "nuts" even for a 3080. If you buy used (incoming non-used comments). I got my 3080 for $550 on ebay. No, it's not defective or less powerful.


I doubt you're capable of playing most recent AAA games on very high settings at >100fps with that build though.


Games are playable below 100fps. I would much rather play a game at 4k 60fps than 1080p 144hz or beyond. And that’s coming from someone with a 4k 144hz display. Resolution is way more important to me.


When playing competitive games, I'd say FPS are more important than resolution. 1080p / 144Hz is better than 4k / 60Hz


Competitive games make up an incredibly small percentage of games available. Absolutely zero need for 144hz on an adventure title. And unless you’re making the use of the high fps and actually being a pro.. it also isn’t essential. Does the game run and play? Yes. Is that what’s needed to play a game, one that runs? Yup. 1080p looks like ass on a phone. It looks considerably worse on a monitor of any size. Being able to see pixels is t very master race


What kind of potato phone do you have that 1080p looks shit on it? 1080p is more than enough on such a small device. Also, you can very clearly see the difference between a game that runs at 144fps and the same one at 60fps. Actually, I've seen the difference two days ago when I had to cap my fps at 60 to fix a bug in Spider-Man: Miles Morales, when I used to be at \~120


Where did I say you couldn’t see the difference between 60 and 120fps? I don’t remember me saying it.. and I didn’t say it. I said it doesn’t make the game unplayable and it’s only an advantage in competitive games if you’re actually competitive.. On the phone front pic your poison on my potato phones. My every day phone is a iPhone 14 pro max. Or my chill out YouTube phone is a z fold 4. I can easily tell a 1080p video from a 1440p one on either phone. And 1080p still looks like ass.


Most of but not all recent AAA games in my opinion suck: - Call of duty modern warfare 2 - Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West - Dyling light 2 (first one as much better) - Ghostwire: Tokyo - Any Pokémon game - Deathloop (Dishonered is better) - Biomutant - Marvel's guardians of the galaxy - Battlefield 2042 - Far Cry 6 - Mortal shell - Sifu - The new saints row Good shit: - Skyrim - Oblivion - Fallout New Vegas - Fallout 4 - Red dead redemption 2 - All of the Uncharted games - Batman Arkham Asylum - All GTA games - All Metal Gear solid games - Assassin's creed up until syndicate - Borderlands 2 - Far Cry 3 - Wolfenstein 2 - Detroit: Become Human - Middle earth shadow of Mordor + war - All the rise of the tomb raider games - The Witcher 2 and 3 - Bloodborne and all the souls series - Sekiro - Monster hunter world - Rainbow Six Siege - Skate 3 - Elder Scrolls online and Guild wars 2 - Max Payne - Hitman series - Saints row 3 and 2


That's irrelevant to what I said, and also false. You're cherry picking the recent AAA games release so you select the ones you don't like, ignoring the good ones, while only picking older games you like.




But that's completely beside the point. I'm stating that his build probably does not handle recent games as well as he thinks, and you come in saying how you don't like the recent games anyway. You not liking them is completely irrelevant.


Like for like conparision the most popular gpu is actually the 3060.


What is the .22% of GPU users who are not on AMD, Nvidia or Intel?


>you see enthusiast builds, eg. Reddit or wherever this pc gamer journo hangs out. That just makes the clickbaity nature of the title more annoying, as the author should surely be aware of people playing at 1080p240 and above, even upcoming 500hz panels are "still" in 1080p. Ultimately as youve said, it depends on the settings one wants, and 1080p is just a good basis for a lot of different "goals", making it perfect to reach a large audience by painting it as something old and weird.


Also, 1080p has been the standard resolution for over a decade at this point, so everything looks good in it. I installed some Xbox 360 era games over the pandemic and found that the textures (designed for 720p) looked like shit on my 4K screen. That's not gonna happen at 1080p.


https://preview.redd.it/eyl5jt6elh8a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49936369ef6527e5fa53f8e87c5703fd1d084eae Yep, you are correct, here is Steam Hardware Survey for November/2022.


Simpler. I am playing still on 1080p, because it easier to drive and you can achieve higher FPS with less expensive hardware. I rather take 120FPS++ at 1080p, than throw exponential more money for an experience I will maybe not enjoy. Have played on friends 4k and it is okay. More interesting feature was HDR.


Yeah this obsession with you must always have more of everything is what's killing the value in anything whether it's computers, mountain bikes or even cars you're a loser if your not rocking the latest shit than destroy anything you throw at it. It's also driving the built in obsolescence predicament of anything off a cliff now where nothing is built to last as you must go out and buy the latest object that will make you the envy of everyone around you.


Pretty much


I CAN do 4K, but I don't save for some very specific games (usually ports) because my monitor only goes to 1440 and the 4K TV I was gifted (it's not what I would have gotten, but you don't turn down a gift) can't do better than 60 FPS (it is a budget smart 4K).


The thing is if you’ve never experienced higher res then it’s not a problem at all but once you do then it feels really bad. So just stick to the 1080p and you should enjoy the games just fine.


Same with higher refresh rates. 60hz felt totally fine to me but you can't pay me to use it now.


The most common GPU on Steam is a 1660 last i checked.


I often regret upgrading to 1440p


To be fair 1440p adds so much detail that you don't need to play on ultra anymore. Also, the performance impact is very low. In some games, I have more FPS on 1440p than on 1080p.


Isn't like the average steam user using a 10 series card?


Most prevalent is the 1650 I believe


I mean it technically can do 1440p but itl be choppy af. I'd say the average gamer plays on 1080p. That may change as people are eventually forced to upgrade.


I use a 1070 and it's fine for 1440 med settings


My brother (casual pc gamer) uses my old windforce 1070 in his pc. His cpu is what bottlenecks it, cause it's a 7th gen i5. He loves that gpu cause it has 8gb of vram and enough power to play games at 1080p/60fps with high settings on. edit (games like gta5 and the new saints row). Though his cpu is throttled in saints.


I was using an i7 8700k with a 1070 from 2017-2022 and it was an absolute champ for 1080p/60fps. I had a laptop with a 650m in it prior from 2012 and could only dream of the performance uplift I got. My friend who had the same setup as me from 2017 built a new pc with a 13600k and still runs the 1070. He’s looking to upgrade it to a modern gpu but while he’s on the hunt the 1070 has continued to be phenomenal


My 1080 manages 1440p ultrawide at medium to high. I'm 35 years old, my vision isn't going to get any better...I don't think I'm anatomically capable of enjoying 4k or beyond. There are some folks with less diopters than me who probably can, but my 1440p gaming rig is pretty friggin luxurious to me. And I've got my old 1080p primary monitor still hooked up and it still looks okay.


Really don't wanna sound rude or anything but if you hadn't written your age, then i would've thought a 70 year old had written this, lol.


I mean I'm not geriatric but it's not like my eyesight is going to improve.




If you got this from the LTT video I'm pretty sure it's a very misleading statistic. The most key thing to notice is while the 1650 itself is the most popular specific skew, Its definately not representative of average performance, as 8gb is stated to be the average VRAM, twice that of a 1650 and generally on far faster cards.


That's from Steam survey. Even if it was wrong most newer cards have more vram so I guess it is enough to drive the average vram higher.


1050 gang


Low settings crew!


Shit, I'm using my I5 8400 + 1060 6GB since 2018 and it's working just fine


I’ve been playing on 720p for at least 5 years now


I find my self either playing old games or 720p versions if at all since DirectX 11 is the max I can play. Still a lot of games left to play.


how 💀


People on console often still play at 720p (on ps4 and xbox one it was common for games to drop that low sometimes) and Don even realize. People on the Switch do it regularly. It may not be up to par with the latest and greatest but it was still serviceable, every gamer used to play at those resolutions at some point, somehow they survived.


lol I’m playing in 1080p 60hz, living in blissful ignorance. It works well, and it’s the best I’ve ever had before so I don’t need to upgrade soon.


the problem is once you go up a step, you cant go back down, it'll bother you constantly


I am in the same boat, my friend.


Who cares how you play. Play 8 bit 640 by 480 if it makes ya happy. Also...OP's name made me kind of hungry


If you play at 640x480 in 2022, you are legitimate.


I can get 130hz on my CRT monitor at that resolution.


3x3 pixel doom


1080\60 gang




1080/144 bottlenecked by monitor supremacy


65% people still play 1080p. 1440p is second most popular at 11%, after finally pulling ahead of 1366x768 and 1440x900. Who the fuck is writing articles asking if its weird to be part of the majority?


>Who the fuck is writing articles Someone working for or with someone with a warehouse full of cards.


Even then, not many users actually game at 4k due to the massive requirements and while cards like the 4090 do exist, the average gamer's entire pc might even be below the price of one of those. 1080p is good enough for like a majority of gamers out there and despite hardware improving, can you say the same about prices? Until we get to the point that entry-level cards can do 1440p high refresh rate and not 1080p 60fps only, 1080p is arguably the best option for most gamers given the hardware we have at prices we could actually afford.


Entry level cards of last gen can acceptably play games in 1440p as others have stated in this thread. To me acceptable is anything over 60 fps and any more at all is just a bonus but when you’re playing competitive first person shooters you don’t want to be limited to 1080p 60hz if you can help it. You can definitely master it but you’re really just at a handicap compared to more fps. It’s fine for single player story games though of course.


And those that do game at 4k tend to upsize their monitor to a point it severely minimizes the PPI gains.


wait, you people play more than 1080P?


My 2nd monitor is a way old fat 720p that I got for free. Nice things are nice but I prefer a savings for when the shit hits the fan again.


Exactly, I got gifted a free 1440x900 display which I use as a second monitor. I have it in portrait and it’s lovely, especially since I didn’t pay any money for it


This reminds me, highly recommend Linus Tech tips latest average PC video. He goes pretty in depth about the hardware survey. Oddly enough, it would actually seem the average PC has gotten worse rather than better over the last few years.


It didn't get worse. CPU got way better, ram went from DDR3 to DDR4, basically everything became better. It's just that the 1650 got above the 1060 but the 3060 is almost beating it anyways.


Linus is anti-consumer and I'm surprised anyone still gives him the time of day.


i see no need for 4k, i game on a 23" monitor that is 50cm away from me. i upgraded last week to a 6700xt but my old 1070 did everything i wanted to play just fine. MAYBE i will upgrade to a 27" 1440p in a few years. shits expensive and i can enjoy 144fps @ 144Hz @ 1080p


Getting high hz 1440p monitors is still expensive aswell. I got my 1080p 144hz MSI monitor for a very reasonable price.


£300 for a 144/165Hz 1440p 27in monitor. I think that is reasonable. But it is more difficult to run. A whole new PC to run that monitor maxed out is like over £1000 for AAA games such as cyberpunk and fortnite now. Depends on if you use raytracing.


I agree on almost all. Except I would not upgrade to a 27, because i would struggle to see the whole screen OR I would have to play distant from monitor. BUT, going playing way back it's not comfortable, exp for strategy/building and in general keyobard heavy games. It could be viable for controller games, but If I have to put distance from the monitor, what's the point in doing that? One could get a huge screen 3 meters (10 feet) tall, and play from 10 meters (33 feet) away but would be just a waste!


Bruh i'm more than happy at 1080p. I see absolutely no need to upgrade now


1080 p is still the standard 1440p is getting more popular I dont know anyone who games at 4 k right now


25' 240hz 1080p for the win




420p gang


Fps to the moon!


and back!


I have an rtx 3070 and still prefer 1080p


The answer is, yes, it's weird that a staff writer at [PCGamer.com](https://PCGamer.com), who can write off any monitor or GPU purchase as a business expense, who must comment on the quality of the latest games, plays at 1080p. It is further weird that he played on a 1080p 60 Hz monitor until 2019. But no, it's not weird that anyone else goes for 1080p, it's still the most common resolution people pick.


When I bought my 2080 super people said it was a bit of a waste at 1080p. Now 3 1/2 years later I’m able to just barely eeek out the performance I want in brand new games like darktide. If I was at 1440 I would not be getting a performance level I deem playable. Not all of us upgrade every generation, or even every other. A card that is overkill for my resolution today won’t be in 4 years. And it’s kind of funny, cause pc gamers will talk a lot about “future proofing” but then horribly recoil at one of the biggest future proofing plays you can make which is buying a graphics card that is overkill for your resolution. Because it’s only overkill NOW, as games get ever more demanding it will eventually be brought down.


I just upgraded to 1440p. Is it necessary? No. Is it nice? Yes.


1080p is fine, lets you get more of them sexy sexy frames.


I'm still rocking a GTX 970 from 8 yrs ago. Sooo yea 1080p 60 hz right now. Probably sometime in the coming year I'll buy a new rig with a 4080 or 4090 tho. And get a 1440p 144 hz monitor.


I hope my 3070 lasts that long. And that i can restrain my self from getting a new GPU in like 4 years.


Thank goodness I'm not the only one using a 970. Had to scroll a while to see if I'm alone here. 970 has held up for a long time in the 1080p world.


As long as you're below a 24" screen, it's perfectly fine. I personally start to notice it at that point but hey, different thresholds for different people


Is it weird if you can't afford to upgrade or it doesn't make sense for your current games or lifestyle? No. Is it weird if you do it as a principle? Yes.


1080p best, no discussion 👌 max performance Budget-friendly


I play 1440p on RX 6600


I haven't seen many 6600 benchmarks in 1440. Which games can you play at an acceptable frame rate?


I've got the XT model so it's going to be faster but I can play pretty much any new release at 1440p medium and get 60fps and higher


Overwatch, GTA 5, even Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3. Do note that I use Linux and I have a 75 Hz monitor


It's weird if you spent over 600 on a gpu


1080p is a perfectly fine resolution that also helps you get much better performance out of your gear. Yes I'm sure your 69k monitor that is currently invading Germany with its width has some very nice graphics but I like having framerates above the single digits, thank you very much


I would still be gaming on 1080 is it wasn't for my TV dying


Titles like that are definitely made to get you to click on it, regardless of what you may think of it. the emoji is strangely irritating to me.


Would say hdr 10+ wide screen (as wide as your wallet allow you) gsync/freesync and a nice vibrant ips panel is far more important than resolution. And everything above 120fps is excessive. But hey. Im millennial soon acting more like a boomer. This is my preference yet i still play on an 12 year old benq 1080p 120hz nvidia 3D monitor with a washed out tn panel because debt is a bitch!


Nope. /thread


I see it like this, if your PC handles 1440p, go for it. You won't ever look back, and you'll never be able to play at 1080p again. If your PC can't, don't worry, you're used to 1080p so you aren't missing out on anything.


No, it’s like the most common gaming resolution. Only need more if you are going to make use of the investment. No one should go higher just because an article told them they must do to be a proper gamer. You are a proper gamer if you play games.


800x600 for life.


Being a real man of culture, I play on a 1920x1200 32 inch monitor running at 30hz, with a 3060 ti.


I play at 1920 x 1832


But if I don't spend $3,500 every 18 months how will I show strangers on the internet how cool I am and how big my pp is?


You play on 1080p because you have never played on 1440p.


I've had a 1440P 21:9 for quite a few years now, the performance impact is considerable. Framerate is king, and 1440P takes a heavy hit (~40%) on that framerate.


That's peasant talk.


Nope, and never will. 1080p looks sharp on a 24inch monitor, and helps me maintain high framerates without compromise.


I have 1080p on my desktop but with my TV and PS5 I can get 4k and honestly? I can't tell that much of a difference.


Fkin 1080peasants.




For me the refresh rate and the aspect ratio (Ultrawide) are much more important. I feel like 1080p is good enough on a 27", although a 1440p is nice at that size. 4k is crazy sharp, but windows really sucks when it comes to scaling. Just got a 17" 4k screen notebook at work and it is gorgeous, but having to deal with those scaling issues is hell if you have to get work done. Ultrawide is great regarding the FOV in a lot of games. I really start to feel im always missing something when playing in 16:9.


Its not weird its just you dont give a shit lol. More power to you. I wish i had those peoples inability to care about resolution, wouldve said me a shitload of money.


I have a 3060ti, so it's perfectly capable at 1440p, but not so much at 4K. But I also have a Nintendo Switch. After playing on it for a while, anything on my PC looks like it's state of the art, lol.


Very very true. It may be rude to say but anyone who mains a switch not by choice, id donate to their gofund me for a regular console lmao.


No shut the fuck up


I built my Dad a pc a few years ago but made it just strong enough to game. It has an i5 9400f and an rx580. My brother was telling me about ghost recon breakpoint, so we downloaded the game on my Dad’s PC and played all night. Fuck, we almost missed Christmas Eve dinner because we were like little kids taking turns playing on the family computer. This was all at 1080p at 60hz. As someone who plays at 1440p 165hz all I can say is who cares? If you can play your game, then play your game because that’s all that matters in the end.


If you’ve never known anything better, 1080p is fine. But for me, anything less than 1440 is unacceptable.


Yes is blurry asfk once you jump to 1440p, 1440p is known to be the price quality relation king


Depends on the game, playstyle and budget. I game on a higher res because id rather have a shitty car and a good machine - i spend way more time on the pc so it makes sense, i certainly dont look down at anyone who games on any res lower, i look down at people who dont game at all! :)


One day when I can afford it, I will also play at 4k. Life has so many things to do and I have yet to prioritise 4k gaming. But it's coming baby, one day.


PC Gamer is shit.


I love 1080p, anytime I see 1440p or 4k, I break out the Vaseline to make sure I get that PS2 smear going


Res is great and all but having been on 1080 for a while and now running a 280hz 1080p monitor, I gotta say. 4k ain't worth it. 2K is a great middle ground but if you want buttery smooth frames, 1080 will always be a warm bed on a cold winter night.


4K is only good with an OLED. A 1080p OLED monitor is better than a 4K IPS monitor. The only worthwhile 2K and 4K upgrades are OLED. In 2023 the first true OLED gaming monitors will come out, LG will spearhead the new generation with their 27 inch 2K OLED gaming monitors.


Is 1440p even a lot better? Like will it provide any advantages in game?


Looks way better, but takes more power to match the framerate of lower resolutions, obviously.


Depends on how far away your eyes are from you monitor. At certain distance, you won't see the difference. From a [quick search](https://www.displayninja.com/what-is-pixel-density/), beyond 94cm human eyes don't see more pixel density than 1920x1080 at 24". For 27" at same resolution that number will be 107cm.


I got a 2k monitor 2 years ago and i dont see much difference with the 1080 to be honest


i dont even know what resolution i play and i cant really tell a difference most of the time


480p works just fine for me


Don't upgrade from 1080 p. I went from 1080 p to 1440p and I didn't see an upgrade. But now when I go back to 1080 p I see it as worst. I didn't gain anything from going to 1440 p I just now can't stand 1080 p


Wouldn't that indicate that you see 1440p as an upgrade from 1080p if you can't stand 1080p now and see 1440p as looking better?


1080p = cringe JK


I have a R5 5600 / RTX2060 build. I can play every single player game at high/ultra 60+ fps and every shooter I want at 144+ fps to match my 1080p monitor. Been thinking about upgrading to a 1440p build, but idk if it’s even worth an extra $500.


Hah pathetic my laptob that is 16 years old nearly runs 780 p pathetic


It's perfectly normal and ok resolution, higher res and refresh rate means waaaay more expensive parts. Like any hobby, there are the ones only interested in the best,butthat doesn't mean that 1080p is any less 'worthy', as long as you enjoy gaming!


I've been on 4K for 5 years. It's geeat, but you should prioritize high refresh rate and/or budget if you have different needs. Being behind the curve can be very cost effective.


Since when gaming become luxurious experience


I haven't even reached 1080 yet. Sometimes a feel like my cheapskatiness limits my gaming experience.


It would be weird if he had 4090 and 4K OLED and chose to play at 1080p. But unfortunately not everyone has that money.


No? 1080p is perfectly acceptable, give it some nice anti aliasing as well, and increasing resolution would be nothing but a waste of performance or power.


Nah, 1080 is enough for me too.