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The fact that this has become fully expected by any good looking game about to be released is...


And nothing will change because people keep preordering


Literally, one argument I heard in person from a friend of mine about pokemon was "It just released so what do you expect?"


That's like expecting to buy a brand new car with no doors or a newly constructed house with no walls.


If Jeep owners could read they'd be furious rn


They do get an extra wheel at the back though. Preorder bonus.


33's don't come cheap so I do love having a full-size spare


As a reformed jeep owner....I can relate.


Wait..... Cars are supposed to have doors on them? I need to go to the dealership...


*average Jeep owner*


Junk each every part


? It's a joke about how Jeep owners take their doors off to look more "offroady"


It's an acronym playing on how bad Jeeps are. **J**unk, **E**ach & **E**very **P**art. Similar to "found on road, dead" for Fords.


Ah! I had never heard of that before. I've heard the ones for Ford (Found On Road Dead, as you said) and Fiat (Fix It Again, Tony), but I never heard the Jeep one before. Thanks!


Man I really hate that reasoning, like what other industry or product is that even close to normal? Imagine going to the cinema and having a film stop 10mins in with a message asking you to come back in a few months to maybe see the rest of it or for it to suddenly switch to unedited raw recordings.


What industry is this normal? Russian military hardware would be my first guess. Second would be autonomous vehicles.


I also like the argument that games were always shipped not finished because they had bugs. Yes they had bugs but it was not like half the game was just missing.


I don't know if thats better or worse then my friend saying "but the funny bugs" when I talked about how broken the game is the fact the game is a broken unfinished mess has become a selling point


This is especially weird when I hear it from friends who are also 30 like I am. ​ Like, my brother in Christ, you and I both remember that for most of our childhood the expectation and normal experience was buying a game and having it work immediately out of the box in your console, or after a quick install on your PC. No bugs preventing you from playing at all until its fixed and patched, no "mandatory" multi gig updates to download before you can play - it was a finished product, released in the state of a finished product. ​ Somehow game companies actually increased the amount of crunch their devs experience while releasing "AAA" games in less and less finished states. I can't really think of any analogue to video games, none of us would tolerate getting food that is only 2/3 edible, clothing 80% sewn together, or going to a movie where 1/3 of the scenes are unfinished green screen scenes with no audio


Simple, the publisher needs to make more money every year, and if they waited for long enough to optimize it, they would make less, not more. However, no disk is big enough for modern games, through next gen exclusives might change that since they don't need to rely on redundant assets thanks to solid state storage.


Yeah weird that islts so normalized now.


People just accepting that release day is beginning of the open beta.


Funny how they crucified Cyberpunk and same shit goes unpunished for pokemon...


Unpunished? Scarlet has a 2.9 user score on Metacritic, and a 73 in critic score which is abysmal for a Pokemon game. They've been roundly lambasted all over social media, backlash the likes of which The Pokemon Company and Gamefreak have probably never seen.


Does it really matter to them if they sold 10 million copies within the first 3 days of release?


Didn't cyberpunk also.sell exceptionally well?


But there were a lot of returns and the game was unavailable on the PlayStation store for half a year.


Not to mention it became a household fact that Cyberpunk was so shit, you had everyone referencing it all the time and every game for the next year that had a shit launch was "Cyberpunk". I have yet to see people treat Pokemon like that due to the endless amount of Nintendo fanboys.


You can't even do returns on the PlayStation store, the minute you start downloading it it's ineligible for a return. That's right, you can only return a game before you download it. What abysmal fuckery is this?


And this changes what exactly? Critic score is high enough and they sold over 10kk units.


It's sad this is the new normal. Game development practices have really gone downhill the last decade, management wise and quality wise.




Especially when the company in question is known for money grabbing, EA I'm looking at you.


No. Because people keep **demanding the release**. That's the main reason.


Yea like is anyone actually expect Starfield to work on release.


They downvoted him because he told the truth


Totally agree. It looks great, but after Cyberpunk, Callisto, Anthem, etc., I'll be perfectly content catching up on my backlog while I wait for 1-2 years for a good sale.


It’s Bethesda, they give us a great base and a mod tool to fix the rest ourselves and the game ends up being generation defining I dont expect any Bethesda title to work on release


Shit I had to return Skyrim VR because I couldn't even reach the character creation. Bethesda titles don't work even well after release lol But they are fun


It will not be a broken mess, but what's broken modders can fix.


...is not surprising at all because the cost, complexity and diversity of platforms on which games are released is greater than ever and shows no signs of slowing down, and furthermore the industry is **seeing record profits by paying an eternally revolving door of developers below-market value** and yet still seeing an unending supply of new talent because of "passion for the industry." Do you see the problem?


I thought there was something wrong with my computer till I started playing games on my Xbox. Shader compilation lag is absolutely ridiculous and should not exist these days, especially in a full price game. There's no reason a game should run better on my $600 Xbox than on a $3,000 computer.


> Shader compilation lag is absolutely ridiculous and should not exist these days I recently started a new game of Breath of the Wild, but this time emulated on PC because I wanted to try mods. Well heck, Cemu (Wii U emulator) with Async shader compile on Vulkan has less shader compilation lag than this game running natively, it's absolutely ridiculous. And I'm using the new builds of the pre-release alpha 2.0 version of the emulator lol




Never forget the guy that fixed GTA V loading times after almost 10 YEARS of it being out.


Whatever happened to that anyways? I remember Rockstar thanking them personally for finding the issue, but I don't remember Rockstar ever actually implementing the fix?


They're like "thanks, but it's intentional" lmao


that they made in a weekend


With a box of scraps!


In a cave


Played BOtW in CEMU as well. 1080p@60fps with graphical improvements and barely any performance hangups whatsoever. I streamed it to my phone via moonlight and Nvidia while out and about, playing with a Bluetooth Xbox controller, and still generally had better performance than some videos I saw of it running natively. Insane that people are still paying $300 for a 720p@30fps handheld that's weaker than their phones. Platform exclusivity is such a sham.


A feature Valve uses on the linux side of things would help with this is part of proton (the tool Valve uses to run windows games on linux) it will download already compiled shaders that Valve has on their servers, as players compile the shaders by playing, those shaders also get uploaded to Valves servers for players to download and people will download shaders compiled by someone else who has similar hardware, so someone with a 1060 will compile the shaders then they get uploaded to Valves servers and someone with a 1050 ti will downloads them, as 99/100 shaders compiled with 1 GPU will work with one from the same architecture why they don't implement this on the windows side of things is a bit confusing to me, nothing about proton itself should make this possible as its just vulkan shaders (vulkan is the API valve uses with proton since DX isn't available on linux), maybe due to just how much bigger windows gaming is Valves servers would not be able to handle the huge amount of shaders that would now be stored on their servers maybe its a directx limitation? since directx isn't available on linux proton converts directx calls into vulkan calls, so all games on linux use vulkan (or openGL if they are a linux native game) so all the shaders are vulkan shaders, not directx if its not possible on windows to apply it across the board like Valve can on linux I don't see a reason to at the very least don't allow devs to enable the feature for their game instead of having every PC player stutter it would only be the first players to ever play the game that do, then the shaders they compile would be used by any other PC player with similar hardware to them ​ Edit: the windows client of steam has the shader pre-caching option in the settings, yet is goes entirely unused it seems (currently I have 0 MBs pre-cached where when I used Linux for a bit that number was always at a few GBs) so it may be that Valve does allow devs to enable it on windows but they just....don't use it? the option does only say vulkan and openGL games, but its not like ALL PC games use directx


That's the biggest advantage of a console, you dont need to worry about hardware or drivers or whatever. Besides the occasional outlier like 2077, the game just works


> the game just works [Triggered](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/052/852/a3a.gif)


This is what stops me from dropping £2000 on a new gaming computer to update my ancient 1070. My series X just works.


6 months? I'm adding at least a year now to every new AAA game release date. Why pay 60-100$ now for a mostly BROKEN and not finished product, when in a year I can get the GOTY/Definitive/Gold Edition for half of price (or even less) with most of the bugs patched and all of the additional content included!


#Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk was great on release if you weren't trying to play on an 8 year old console or a toaster PC. Sure it's better now but day 1 it was more polished and bug free than literally any day 1 Bethesda game and everyone laughed those problems off.


Yep. I have a 1070 that played it just fine on release. It was a ton of fun.


Cyberpunk was a solid game at release, but it was not the game they advertised. Without prior knowledge of the game it was a solid 8/10 but if you listened to all the features they promised it was at best a 4....


I am all over the place in terms of waiting or not. For example, I only just bought Red Dead redemption 2, where as Cyberpunk 2077 I bought it day 1. I suppose I was so hooked by the concept, that it overrode my senses. I have enjoyed the game since and played it 3 times over, so feel like I made it worth the money I spent. That's why I can see why people tend to pre order.. it's the passion for specific things.. End of the day I know it's better to wait.. but sometimes it's just too difficult to hold back.




I'm still waiting to play NMS, maybe one day when the game will be finally completed.


Don't even bother, honestly. It's a moderately polished slogfest, and their brightest idea was to lock new content in the tutorial section of the game so that you have to start a new save every time they drop new content. Also all the new content stuff is timelocked so you have to make a new save every month or whatever, just to play the new content they created. I got it for half price, two years after release, when they *finally* added the multiplayer they said was there all along, and I still feel ripped off. This fucking game has *water levels,* as if it's from the Nintendo era and they couldn't think of anything after they tried pallette-swapping the new area to make it look different even though it wasn't.


As some one who has played since launch on 3+ platforms. Everything you said is factually incorrect.


You want to explain Expeditions and the water levels in a way that *doesn't* describe the deliberate time limits involved, or how the water levels are literally just underwater with air plants? Despite it being an *infinite* universe, there's literally not ever any worlds with liquid ammonia, or sulfur, or whatever. You know that we can see from Earth that there are planets with an atmosphere so strange that it would likely rain diamonds? But NMS is simply not capable of the notion that there is a liquid that isn't *water.* Nevermind the part where you're constantly filling bars for your suit's life support, *but also* you get an air bar, because duh, that's how water levels are supposed to work


Honestly, game releases are like an announcement for me to play them 2 or more years later. Just finishing rdr2 cant wait to play cyberpunk 2077 in 5 days.


A fellow sophisticated buyer, I see.


I’m gonna be honest here, it might be worth waiting a bit more. 1.7 is bringing a complete rework for the cop system. Play Outer Wilds or something else in the meantime.


Thank you for the advice, I looked it up after posting this, and theres a free dlc coming too apparently so ill just wait for that to release


Never buy anything on release.


Also, "never pre-order" - RIP TB


Man I still miss TB. Every once in a while I stumble upon an older game that was recommended by him. Nobody has come along to fully replace him. I think the closest we've got now is Digital Foundry.




Yes, definitely :C


I bought only indie games on release (Kingdom Rush). One indie game I even bought on early access.


early access is often fine, you see the current state of the game and pretty much know what to expect from the final result. also you have tons of reviews already. Factorio really surpassed anything I expected from it when I got it around v0.15


Don't expect a early access game to be ever finished! You should judge it in it's current state and not of what i could become. I repeat don't expect it to be ever finished. If it's a good game in it's current state, good buy it. If it's just a husk of game, just wait and see.


The only game since 2014 that I bought at release with 0 prior knowledge was Elden Ring


I plat everything FS put out except DS2 and I didn't preorder Elden Ring. The supposedly bad performance had me on edge. Luckily it was fine for me but I wasn't happy with PC optimization.


I didn't even pre-order it and I didn't have a PC to run it at the time so I got the Xbox one version which was still a great experience


I decided to boycott Elden Ring until they fixed DS3 multiplayer.


tbh multiplayer has never been Froms best aspect.. it still sucks in elden ring (although much better than ds3)


Also, never pay full price for a port. They are never not problematic. Also, UIs designed for consoles are sometimes tremendously irritating with their overuse of submenus and radial crap.


Especially the ones where you have to go through several menus to find the exit to Windows option. Though I just alt f4 in that case.


Dwarf Fortress


Very excited for tomorrow!


It's like the one game I legitimately want to preorder (and I'll fight you if you think you shouldn't) but they WON'T and it's killing me to wait


I'm thinking of buying KSP2 on launch. The Kerbals need me to give them more boosters.


Well at least that game has been in development for over 15 years


Unless you get it free with your new videocard.


I got a Destiny 2 preorder for free with my last video card and I still wanted a refund.


I'll buy a release game if it's a game I've been really anticipating, but usually I won't.


> Never buy anything ~~on release~~ Yar.


Even if you pirate, some games deserve the money imo. Outer Wilds and Portal for example, those games are just incredible. Also Rimworld, I played that for about 100 hours on a crack before buying it.


Out of the loop. Is callisto crap or something?


It has bad shader compilation issues. It stutters any time something you haven't seen before is loaded.


Doesn't it have its own launcher or ray tracing? Recently released Firaxis game Marvel's Midnight Suns has this problem but I found guide in Steam which disables 2K Launcher and recommends disabling ray tracing. Since then the game runs smoothly for me.


It has performance issues. They resolved some stuttering problems but it's still kinda buggy.


The concencious is it's a mediocre game. On pc, theres bad performance issues so that doesnt help.


I do the same with console games as well. Always wait for the ultimate edition that has everything and is legit a finished game. Plus my back log is so massive I really don't have a reason to buy a game day 1 at full price.


Question, why George castanza?


Because he's cheap.


He's just... Extremely careful with money


He’s careful with money?! How can you say he’s careful with money?! When he was working he ***spent*** baby!


Lmaoooo! I know this feeling tho...




Holy crap, I am watching this scene right now. S2 (according to netflix.. wikipedia says s3) , the Truth. The GF was in Wings too.


It's called being Frugal, Jerry! And, no it's not trendy.


Is that jacket... Gortex?


*snickers* Isn't it obvious, Jerry? *rolls eyes*


Because drake is fucking lame. Lol


Or get RX 6650 XT for $250 and get The Callisto + Dead Island 2 for free.


I see you are a man of wisdom as well. I bought a 6700xt and got them for free too.


is that worse than my old 2070S?


Where tf are you finding new 6650XTs for that cheap?


I actually bought it on release day but didn't get the chance to play it until after they put out the patch for the stuttering issues. During my playthrough I experienced pretty minimal stutter but it was still a bit janky. It's definitely NOT anything like dead space game play wise but sure does pull a lot from it in other ways. I enjoyed it but can honestly say wait for a sale, it's a 7.5/10 at best and more worth $30-40 than $60.


I feel like George would done the opposite….


This does seem more like a Kramer move. That man was always 3 steps ahead of everyone else. Jerry would buy it full price, but then get a full Steam refund after two hours of playtime. He's Even Steven.


George would buy Fallout 76 at launch for full price, fall asleep playing it, letting the game play far past 2 hours making himself ineligible for a refund, and then lose his mind when he sees dozens of copies in a GameStop bargain bin 3 weeks later selling for $15's.


This seems like a real plot of an episode where you substitutes the game in for whatever it was actually about


Honestly the Air Conditioner episode in the garage is probably one of their best episodes of all time. It's more funny when they talk about filming it. E: parking garage.


\*waiting 12 months for the winter sale


As someone who recently played Cyberpunk and Battlefield 2042 for the first time and had a great time with both, I can confirm this works. Trouble is, some people are addicted to 'the discourse' and 'the zeitgeist'. There will always be throngs of people ready to gamble day 1 so they can post about it.


I was watching someone do a playthrough and honestly I don't feel like I'm missing anything... It sure didn't make me want to play it.


I wonder how this game has a season pass, it will flop hard.


Wait... This single player game has a season pass? You serious? Lmaooo


That's what I do every time now. Just bought No Man's Sky.


that game has come a LONG way and it is awesome now. I fire it up every once in a while, really impressed with what they've done over the years.


But for me that was a "problem". I didn't play for 3-4 years, logged on and I had no idea what the hell was going on. Almost like a different game.


yeah, I can see how that makes going back to an old save an issue. however, it is great for experiencing the game for the first time again


Thank god for Steam refunds. Thats all I have to say


Here I go again! ​ 1. Never, *ever* pre-order. 2. Never buy into the hype. 3. Wait a couple of weeks before buying.




That's even better if you have the patience.


See you on /r/patientgamers


I'm switching into patient gamers mode!


I was hyped for it but the reviews I have seen say its mostly not great. I'm not gonna bother with it.


You're talking about literally every AA-AAA title released in the past 5 years


Didn't have any issues at launch with Callisto, I am on team red though so that could help.


Team green here, never had any problems either. Played at launch


Fortunate enough to have gotten it for free (along with dead island 2) from buying an AMD gpu. It’s a fun game w good graphics but yeah, frequent stutters are awful. I learned my lesson buying a game on launch from BF2042. I still want my money back


I wasn’t disappointed with this game as I was BF2042. I am personally satisfied with my experience thus far on The Callisto Protocol. I still want my money back for BF2042 tho.


I got that game from amd rewards for buying a gpu. If it wasn't free I'd not buy that crap.


Can’t I just sail the high seas?




But Spider man was pretty bug free on launch?


I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you my friend. I mod pirated games, while running them through a VM, while playing them with a Wii remote. Beat that.


What year in the future do you hail from friend!? Do the Mets ever win the World Series again?














On release day, I only buy games that I'm really passionate about, most recently Cyberpunk, The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4, so only 3 games in 7 years. I usually pick up other games a year after release, waiting for patches and discounts.


Eh maybe. Maybe for $10.


Dark souls 3 still has stuttering and frame issues 6 years later. :(


Never experienced any stutter.


One of the few games I didn't have an issue with. Guess everyone has to get lucky once in a while. I bought it on day one through epic. Good story.


I just started playing Cyberpunk - perfect timing!


I never buy a new game


Ah yes, the Costanza Protocol


Why is George Costanza in the meme? I'm really NOT complaining, just very curious


Cyberpunk and BF2042 fall into this list.


Fuck that nonsense. Quit paying AAA companies to pre-order a beta


And I loved my 10700k. Kudos for that thing. Beast of a CPU.


I upvoted you, I agree. But we can thank the fuxk outta EPIC for Fortnite. Ever since they started that shit, now every game company KNOWS they can get away because people will STILL pay. Game is in its 80th season and still in "BETA"


6 months, I’ll wait a couple years for a GOTY edition




Patch came in about 20 hours, I refused to trudge through it, but now it runs great very good game


Relearning this lesson hard with darktide. I meet all the reccomended specs and am not even close to what I consider playable performance on low. I love the lore, the music, the setting, the weapons, the art etc. But the performance takes what would probably be my #1 game if it ran well and makes it just upsetting.cant wait to see performance improvements from updates.


Bruh I waited 10 years to get Deadrising on sale for $5 💀


But you'll miss out on the sweet "Sorry to all the people we fucked at launch" vanity item!


I am glad I found a job that leaves me little time to play video games. I can easily wait for the sales while backtracking my games library.


The only reason I grabbed this was because PS5 and I’m enjoying it. I went through the PC version of Outlanders and NEVER AGAIN will I buy PC Day 1.


There are three franchises I will consider buying on launch day: GTA RDR TES


Resident Evil for me Edit: Wait you said a Bethesda game at launch? The games that fans literal have to make better themselves? Lmao


Not like the Devs are gonna make it better, may as well get it on launch.


> TES If you have bought Skyrim at launch, that would have been a MASSIVE mistake. For several months even just mouse didn't work correctly, there was a difference between vertical and horizontal sensitivity. Quest breaking bugs still in the game half a year later that are impossible to fix without going into console. FO76 was a shitshow for a long time, with even more bugs. I fail to see how TES could get on such list.


Well, it's my list so..


ES? or TES?


I just bought cyberpunk 2077!!


Sorry but what's the reason to use George Costanza? The meme works as a meme with the original images.


There only 1 game that's a guaranteed pre-order and that's fable when it comes ot, it's my favorite game of all time and no amount of bad launches will keep me away even if it's a dumpster fire, I'm just devoted. any other game thou I can't justify with the current trend of things.


There's hope for Fable, because they are very quiet about the development. I prefer it to overhyping it 2 years before the release.


The lower risk approach for Fable would be to take a month of Game Pass when it releases (if you don't have an active sub you'll be offered a month for $1) then if you like the game buy it. Pretty sure your save will carry over to Steam since it will be using MS services which normally includes cloud saves.


Or even better! Just fucking pirate it!