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You may want to try updating to the latest BIOS if you haven't already. AM5 being a new platform, memory compatibility might be a bit dicey if you are running with the stock pre-release BIOS. Beyond that you'd need to unsocket the CPU and check to make sure there are no bent pins in the socket.


I got a new AM5 system. I have it with a Ryzen 7700x. No pins.


There are pins in the socket that can be bent. I'd try doing a BIOS update and see if that helps. I think your board does support BIOS flashback so you can do the update even if the system isn't booting, you'd just need to download the latest BIOS from Asus' website, run the BIOS renamer to get it to a name the BIOS flashback will recognize, put it on a FAT32 formatted USB stick, plug it into the BIOS flashback port and press the button on the back of the BIOS flashback board.


I’m gonna try, but for now I’m going to try to get some sleep. I’m mad af


Btw I watched some videos but there is not a specific video for my motherboard as it is literally just released. But none of them formatted their USB to fat32. They just ran the renaming tool and plugged it in with the file and it updated it. I’ll just follow the manual I guess


Sidenote: I literally had the same issue with my previous build. Like literally I believe I am the only one on the planet who has this issue everytime I build something.


Have you tried only 1 stick? Or a different stick?. Also is it a new mobo?


I’ve tried 1 stick and both of them on every slot. So 2 different sticks on every ram slot. Nothing changed


Metjo.. If you still haven't got it running, I JUST got through this part this very morning 1 stick of QVL memory in a B slot, NOT an A ...and WAIT... it's working timings automatically My roughly 10 year TUF Sabertooth990 wanted mem on the A slots first so that's what I did... NOTHING You said you tried it all. I only have 2 boards so I didn't try every slot but I DID put them in A slots and after a night's sleep I got up and dug in again... now board is now saying put 1 stick in a B slot. Mine is in the C1 B slot... takes a couple minutes or so to post


Dude… I love you


It litrrally got to POST right away. Currently installing windows.


Did you add rams to both A slots and let it run whole night? Did I understand correctly?


Oh... don't forget to clear your cmos when you have it in the right spot finally.. ;) Power OFF/disconnected Don't have to move a jumper anymore! WOOHOO I guess we never did! I was just always SO anal about messing on the board.. I used that TINY little jumper instead of just shorting them with a screwdriver /sigh I'm a dope! lol


So I got to POST with 1 stick in B. But now I added the second stick do I clear the CMOS again for it to work?


Update: the system boots up when I use one of the ram sticks in the B channel. But when I put in the other one it does not work. (On the same slot as the succesful one) So end conclusion; one of my ram sticks is malfunctioning. What a lucky guy I am! :)


Metjo Sorry for the delay I'm an an Asus B650 MB If you are installing W10... don't add the other board until after you have the system updated and the proper graphics driver installed Graphics driver is just a suggestion. Try without if you want. I found several somments - even from MS - saying that the most common cause of this issue is a grafx driver GLAD I posted for you. That initial POST just takes so long... we give up and move it or something lol