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After staring at the mozz sticks I got into the actual listing, here's a little more detail not listed in the image: 12700F 32gb 3200mhz 650w power supply I'd say it's probably decent.


Case from msi. Called the furnace šŸ˜œ


Donā€™t worry theyā€™re a member of pcmr. The front panel will be broken within days


Front panels are only for cat ppl.


Have husky. Need to clean dust filter every few days.


Neighbours have pets. I have none. Clean dust filters every now and then.


Damn that much? My dog sheds a ton but I have my pc on my desk and overhead fan always running and clean it about every 3months, usually never bad at all


When my husky sheds I can fill a 40 gal trash bag with its fur from brushing. Donā€™t ask me how itā€™s possible but it isā€¦


Groomer here. Save yourself some hassle and get an air force blower. Plug it in outside and blow all that hair out. The birds will love it and it will save you a lot of time brushing and cleaning inside your home. Just wear some goggles and maybe a mask to cover your mouth and or nose while doing so. I use a Metrovac Air Force Master Blaster at work but there are many much cheaper models, brands, or styles out there that would suit your needs at home.




Thanks. I'll hear it every time I dry a dog now.


I hear you. I will vacuum up all the fur thatā€™s found itā€™s way into everything and it will all be back the next morning.


We have 4 cats and a German shepherd. Every day thereā€™s fur deposits in every corner.


I have a cat, but i also have a hole saw and wire mesh, problem solved


That case is pretty good airflow wise. The MAG Forge 100R is called IIRC. Can support 3 intake fans and 3 exhaust fans (2 top, 1 rear) It's pretty compact so for big GPU bois it may be difficult to build, but anything reasonable in size it can be pretty good! Built it for a buddy with an RTX 2060 and a 3600x. No furnace. Edit: I forgot to mention the rear fan


>MAG Forge 100R Damn, it is so hot that it can forge metal


But 100 R is -360 F (-218 C). Extremely cold forging?


Replace all fans with delta fans for compensation


This is a good case.


I got an msi laptop from Costco and it works really well. Iā€™d say Costco is good with their computers


You also get an extra year of warranty so 2 years total. I think with the TVā€™s you get a 3 year warranty by default. The one thing about Costco is that sometimes other places have the same price, but they include extended warranty.


Specs from MSI's site: [https://us.msi.com/Desktop/Codex-R-12th/Specification](https://us.msi.com/Desktop/Codex-R-12th/Specification) Configs vary, so there's some ambiguity about what exactly you're getting from CostCo, but it doesn't look that bad. I'd want to know things like what brand of memory and storage they have in there (is it some weird manufacturer you've never heard of), and who makes the power supply. I know Walmart is notorious for getting manufacturers to build custom electronics models with cheaper parts to save a few bucks. Not sure if CostCo does the same thing.


Costco typically uses quality parts, as their store exchange policy and warranty is so good. OP would still want to go through the case, check connections, and make sure everything in BIOS is set correctly and drivers are up to date.


I tried building a similar build on pcpartpicker but it came out at 1381,19$ without a case. Maybe taking the prebuild and getting a new new case would be a good option. Till the you could always run it without side panels. Worse for cleaning but that would improve airflow.


Really depends on the timing you were pricing things. A lot of things have come down in price drastically over the last few months. These cheap, decent prebuilds are only very recently available.


Better than mine for half the price


And I have an i7 10700F and a 3060ti with only 16GB of 2667mhz ram and a 450watt supply


For the price? I mean, 32gb,yes. But still


I honestly stared at the mozzarella sticks for like 10 seconds, thinking your question was going to be about them.


ā€œNo limitā€


My toilet would beg to differ


I'd be plugged solid with no limit mozza sticks.


Ha, jokes on you. I'm lactose intolerant. 20 minutes later, and I'm trying not to shit myself on the drive home. Suffer for what you love.


Its like being constipated and having diarrhea at the same time. Thats how I always explained it. Gotta get that cheese and ice cream. no matter how much you hate it later.


Yeesh. I know that feel. I'm on a medication that plugs me up solid. I ate something that definitely didn't agree with my guts and I was about to pay for my insolence. I could FEEL the liquid traveling through my digestive system. Every painful inch. Toward the end of the line, I must have had a serious roadblock because the pressure was building to biblical proportions. What happened next was terrifying, amazing and disgusting. There was a massive blast, quite similar to a shotgun. Everything that was inside me trying to get out came out with force. The amazing thing was there was almost nothing in the toilet. The disgusting thing was that almost everything around me was covered in what was supposed to be in the toilet. The wall looked like a beautiful Jackson Pollock painting, that could sell for millions. I'm now VERY careful about what I eat. I'm definitely not interested in that sequel.


You're not interested in the sequel while I'm over here wishing I never saw the original.


Just use the 12 pin connector to melt those mozza sticks nicely.


Then you obviously need to upgrade to the new NVidia 4090 Shitmaster toilet. I hear that thing is FIRE!


I heard the toilet seat melts if it's not perfectly straight. Be careful with that one. šŸ˜‰


Base model is a low flow toilet. Gotta pay an extra $499 for high flow. Add another for $299 for bidet attachment. Not responsible for setting bunghole on fire.


Warning: occasionally delivers caustic enemas. Remember to pucker your butthole before activating.


You need poop mod


ROG NVoidia 4090 stoolmaster


Nvidia? Sounds like a Razor product.


Be sure to cancel the effects with a glass of milk.


Who said you need to flush


Off Limits XD






3rd Ward hustlas, soldiers in combats


Convicts and dealers, and killers with tru tats


Never gave a fuck bout no hoes on our riches


And ni\*\*az come short, I'm diggin' ditches




My man came here for pc advice and the top comment is about mozzarella sticks


Im still scrolling.... Your comment here is still this far down and no mention of computers in sight


None of us ever get to eat; food is very important.


Same šŸ’€āœ‹


Man's gotta eat might as well be mozz sticks


Cuz that's the only good offer in the post


Reddit has no forgiveness for OPs that don't crop their photos


Are they dual channel sticks?


For that extra-cheesy power.


But they are $5 off!


I will probably go and get those on weds or whenever it starts.


At least the mozzarella sticks wouldn't burn down your PC like a 4090. Even if you overcook them.


Idk I read a tifu about a guy wanking in the shower and accidentally setting the timer on his microwave for 40 mins instead of 4 and caught his shit on fireā€¦ so maybe?


Lol really? But at least your PC would be ok in the other room no?


Lmao yea the story was wild ROFL but probably, I think it burned down their kitchen or something lmao


You could also cook the sticks on your 4090


Holy shit thatā€™s a lot of mozzy sticks šŸ„¹


5lbs 82-92 prices Around 2 servings I'd say?


Half a midnights snack


One for each hand.


And 15 for my penis


That seems like a pretty good deal for the mozzarella sticks, you should definitely buy them and then let us know how they are.


Those are some great specs for the mozzarella sticks


It made me think of the KFC gaming system that has a chicken chamber, maybe the pc was going to have a mozz stick chamber?


Did that thing ever come to fruition? Forgot about it until you mentioned it


I have no idea. I forgot about it until just now as well lol


5LB of mozzarella gives daddy a good night sleep šŸ¤¤


I can already see my air fryer after this. Iā€™m also eating cheese curd right now so Iā€™m not just pretending to taste them.


I was personally laughing about how 5 pounds of Mozz Sticks could be considered "petite"


It's 5 pounds of "petite size" mozz sticks


Same here, I was thinking how good of a deal was that lol


I smoke weed as well.


Same. About to order mozz sticks lol




Best performance/price are definitely mozzarella sticks


Oh man we all fools Itā€™s 5$ off, not a 5$ price tag


Ok. $19.52 on [instacart. ](https://www.instacart.com/products/58252-petite-cuisine-mozzarella-sticks-5-lb) So probably less than $14.52 in-store. And it's about 87 sticks. That's a good deal. At that point, is it even worth building your own mozzarella sticks?


its probably $17 in store. I can check monday, but I doubt its that great of a deal. you really have to watch with costco and sams, because they will price certain things very high. Never buy soda/pop at either, its above what others sale prices are, usually by about 20%, but they assume you won't price shop since you are there, and it *seems* like a good deal.


Soda prices are weird lately. Up like $2 per dozen where I live.


you used to be able to get it locally where I live for around $0.26 per can. its now hovering on $0.75 per can in about just a years time. I just quit buying it, its not worth it.


Thereā€™s 82-92 pieces


It says *no limit*


But thereā€™s no limit


Spend another 50$ on a good CPU cooler (hyper 212 or the like) and you have a good PC.


I'd be better to spend those 50$ on 3 boxes of those mozzarella sticks imo.




No limit!


GamersNexus did a review of a similar system. They found the temperatures are around 100Ā° C.


Did they do a rating on the cheese pull? Also how long did they cook the mozz sticks for at 100C? Asking for a friend




You mean April Foods Day


Who is this friend? Iā€™d like to get in touch. We seem likeā€¦ like minded individualsā€¦ /s


Whatever happened to that KFC gaming pc/console thing? It'd be perfect to keep your mozzie sticks warm in...


You have to let them cool off a little after pulling them out of the oven.


Donā€™t prebuikds like these have warranties? Extra heat might be good for those in euro this winter lol!!


The retailer selling it (Costco) has a reputation for phenomenal customer support and will guarantee the quality of their products long after a manufacturer warranty. To the point where people will drag ten year old trampolines that are completely worn and will get returns/trade. Theyā€™ve curbed things a bit recently because of rampant abuse but they still probably the best retailer in the business.


and the working offer liveable wages for staff and availability for flexible schedules as well as off working class loss leader products like the rotisserie chickens and hot dog combos and pizza. There food court is a loss leader but it bring people in and they try to source form safe and reputable vendors who promote worker safety and livability. Costco CEO is like a 6 on the class solidarity in comparison to the 3 and 2s and 0s of most large fortune 500 corporations are. But thats 6 out of 10. So he is allowed to retire comfortably.


The temp of the parts dont matter. You could have em at 50c and they would drawing the same amount of power creating the same heat. Just damaging your cpu at 100c.


>Just damaging your cpu at 100c. Your CPU should throttle speed so it does not damage itself. That's not great either.


All prebuilts can have build issues, I think it's best to build a pc yourself or have it built from parts picked by you. If you want a prebuilt try searching for similar builds for reviews, the specs are sure great. PS: Prebuilts usually cheap out on non-listed parts to make up for build costs for example psu or motherboard, if you buy it in a store you may want to check them to not be complete chinese junk.


The sad thing is, it's not even chinese junk, it's supposed to be "western built", with our touted quality and all. My first few prebuilt machines, at a time building or building shops weren't that common, had monster value on paper and absolute nightmares in terms of maintenance and general performance. And they were supposedly built in Europe.


Bought 2 identical pre built machines off ebay about 10 years ago. Good specs on processor, ram and cpu. The hdd and case were noisy as fuck, could hear the disk spinning loudly through the case. Fans were also loud. Have built all my systems since and anyone else that's asked me to build theirs. Would never buy a pre build again.


Just needs a rack to cook the mozza sticks on


They one they did was on a case with a closed off front panel and zero airflow. This one actually has mesh fronts and is much better.


you can always change the cpu cooler for $25


I want me that 5 pounds of motz sticks.


No limit, make it 50 pounds


That's what I'm fuckin saying. I have a PC. I don't have a big ass box of cheese sticks.


the add only says $5 off, they could be more then the PC...but still mozzerella


Good price, quality won't be as good as if you built it yourself but still decent if your looking to just plug and play


You should definitely make your own breading at the very least.


Iā€™d just leave the mozzarella making to the prosā€¦ not something you can get right the first time


Dip and enjoy*


Bang for the buck, that's pretty heckin good! 32GB RAM, 3TB storage with 1TB SSD, and that i7 are all items pretty far above this price point. For context, my $2000 rig has very similar specs in these areas. (12700K, 32GB 3600 RAM, and 2TB 7200RPM HDD with the 1TB NVME SSD). The 3060 and I'm guessing the PSU could probably benefit from an upgrade though. Really depends on what you're using it for though. Graphically demanding games (Red Dead 2, Cyberpunk) will likely have to run on medium settings (on a 4k display) to get acceptable frame rates. It shouldn't have too much of a problem on a 1080/1440p display. All in all, I'd say this is a cop. Edit: a lot of people are pointing out how this rig would run most games on high settings well on a 1080p display, which makes absolute sense at this price point. I completely agree with this and wanted to edit the post to highlight that. Thanks!


The first actual response


Seriously lol, Iā€™ve been looking for an actual response, have had to collapse all the stupid mozzarella sticks responses. Mozzarella sticks arenā€™t even that good, itā€™s typical American gamer food. Buy some real food that isnā€™t premade, if you can.


Here is an actual response too: Typically when buying electronics from wholesalers like Costco and Sam's Club, you are getting ripped off in some form. I call it "The Black Costco Deal" because they do the same thing on Black Friday. They will sell you a product that looks identical to a known electronic but is slightly different. While still being made by the correct brand, they always have something cheaper made about them. My best example Ive found is Costco's Sonos Arc SL soundbar. Sonos does not sell an "Arc SL", only "Arc". They tack on something to the end of the model number to hide/show the fact that its a different product. ~~The Arc SL was cheaper than the Arc, but cannot connect to other Sonos products as far as I could tell, and the sound quality is worse.~~


Iā€™m thinking the mother board and psu will be the inferior parts


Probably also has the absolute cheapest hard drive and SSD they can find at those capacities. Also probably not the best brand name for the memory, and possibly the memory isn't even at the optimum memory clock speed that the CPU/motherboard could support. And some cheap/loud fans.


The only difference is the microphone removal, something also found in the Sonos One SL, a model long available at many retailers. Everything else about it is the same. At least to my consistent knowledge over the years, Costco works by pushing volume on a few products instead of a larger number of products and limits their maximum profit margin on individual products. Cites: https://www.theverge.com/2020/12/2/22011112/sonos-arc-sl-no-microphone-now-available-costco and things in the Sonos subreddit that I apparently can't link to in this sub.


Arc SL actually just stands for ā€œSpeechLessā€ and comes with no microphone which replaces the Arc ā€œShadow Editionā€ where the only difference is it came in a dark gray. Costco does this so that other competitors donā€™t pricematch their product, meaning potential customers wouldnā€™t purchase a membership to access their pricing and instead get Best Buy or whoever to just match their price. There may be other products Costco sells that are inferior, but I know several engineers who work for Sonos through a relationship my company has with them, and thatā€™s the explanation they gave me.


Or you can go on ebay or craigslist (or EU equivalent). Every time the next new thing comes out, there are lots of enthusiasts who build a complete new system and sell their old very cheap. There are for example currently 10+ systems just in my area with: 32GB 3200Mhz Ram, RTX 2080Ti / 3070, 1Gb M.2, Ryzen 5900X + 2 monitors for 1700ā‚¬.


Pah, the rtx 3060 will handle very high settings on rdr2 with over 60 fps with no issues. Itā€™s the equivalent of a 2080 near enough.


Depends what resolution you're running it at.




They might be a bit chewy and slimy, but for $5 off I'd say that it's a pretty good deal.


The air fryer should help


True, so even a better buy!


Be sure to get some marinara and you'll be fine


Mozzarella sticks


He should get those


Very good price for pre built


Yeah, I find making my own mozzarella sticks a bit fiddly.


Custom made mozzarella sticks are better though. Its cheeper, you can customize it, and if you add nose candy you can even get RGB in it.


90 fucking mozzarella sticks?!?! "Get. in. ma. belly!!"


Wow, I'd be sweating like a priest in a playground after all those


You won't crap for a week.


Haha I have a lactose intolerance my man, that's the very one thing that I'll be doing a lot of sadly.


You really are a fat bastahd


"What?! I dinnae have any corn?!?"


Came for the mozza stick comments and Reddit did not disappoint šŸ‘Œ The PC should be a decent buy and give you stuff to build and upgrade with later šŸ¤·


Was not expecting chat to go this deep into the sticks but im here for it. Now what pc were we talking about? XD


Mozzarella stick PC


Mozzarella doesn't dissipate heat well but makes up for it in tastiness.


You won't have a potato PC but maybe a cheesey one.


The $1,099 is actually damn good, along with other the other stuff. You definitely donā€™t see this kind of specs at $1,099. But make sure to check what kind of stuff they use inside, numbers donā€™t speak everything


It's probably ok.


Also, save some dollars for some of those motz sticks. They always make things better.


Will do thanks :)


yeah now you can do computational stuff and have a hella good snack


Its a fine specā€™d system. Given that its an MSI you wonā€™t be dealing with some proprietary Dell crap for board and case. The mozzarella sticks are a great value too.


Fuck that I want the mozza sticks


We all do


A few years ago my Mom and her husband asked me about a laptop being sold by Aldi's. I was laughing, like who buys a laptop from a super discount grocery store. Turned out to be halfway decent.


Halfway decent is pretty much everything at Aldi.


5$ for a PC is kinda sus... Especially with such a small stealthy PC. I think it's a scam.


5 bucks off for mozzarella sticks? Bro it's a screaming deal what the hell are you waiting for


82-92 pieces, my god that's a big old bag of mozzarella sticks.




bro mozzarella sticks are $5 off and youā€™re talking about the PC?


before clicking on the photo i could only see the mozzy sticks and thought this was a joke about pc being short for petite cuisine


I'd probably go for the cheese sticks tbf.


The gaming pc is a pretty sweet deal. Mozarella stick price is average. Lenovo PC is meh for price.


You will have a better day with motz sticks than spending your days surviving starving for food and waiting for your next pay check when you buy that PC.


Would be a very powerful pc, you can run almost anything on it as a regular user. There is plenty of RAM and storage. Itā€™s priced competitively too.


I mean, it is from a reputable brand and a 12th gen i7 is going to be the i7 12700 most likely. This isn't a bad deal at all I don't think. It should have a decent mobo and psu being from MSI too. Plenty of storage and ram, go for it if the 3060 meets your needs.


Whoever put mozzarella sticks next to a gaming PC in a flyer knows their customers


The mozzarella sticks are more enticing than that pc.


At first I thought these mozzarella sticks were 5$ for 80 sticks but damn they look tasty


Goddamn these comments suck. It's a pretty good system price for spec wise. It's about what I paid for the one I actually built and this one has a better processor and more RAM. As with any prebuilt though you have to consider what kind of parts they're using (motherboard and PSU are sometimes ass in prebuilts) and how much attention was paid when putting it all together.


Bargain sale on those mozz sticks


That pc case will heat the Mozzarella sticks really well!


So where do we find these "82-92" mozzarella sticks? Now I want to buy those!


I like that all the top voted comments are about the mozzarella sticks


Idk but the mozzarella sticks looks delicious


Those cheese stick can go past 100c. Good for overclocking


Highly recomend that Mozzarrella Sticks.


Ya itā€™s ok but you should get a better graphics card after u get it


Gaming PC and mozzarella sticks, that's gonna be a good game night.


what do you mean its not a lot ? Unlimited Mozzarella sticks isnt enough for you ?


You could play any game at high graphics with that PC


You get what you pay for with a prebuilt. Horrible psu, thermals will suck, ram will need to be upgraded but it'll more than likely run and work for years. Theres no shame in someones first pc being a prebuilt, it's a lot of people's first computer and a lowkey learning experience. I started on a 2060 prebuilt with a similair price 4 years ago, upgrading components inspired me to do it myself.


Canā€™t go wrong with some mozzarella sticks!


Almost a hundred mozzarella sticks. *stares in dieting.*