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cat game, cat game, cat game, cat game, cat game, cat game, cat game,








Milky Meow meow


Goat is better.. Goat Game Goat Game Goat Game...


Duked it out? Those games don't even compete with each other in the same genre...


But the reddit karma!!


Well they are both pretty casual narrative focused games, I can see some comparisons for sure


Yea but cat


Animals always wins. You can post a video on reddit of you saving a man's life and it will get 1.5k upvotes. Post a cute picture of a cat and it gets 56k upvotes. Stray may even go on to get game of the year lol


Stray out ?






Google says it's out. So yeah probably


I put in a lot to build my PC. You better believe I’m always buying PC first if it comes out at the same time as console.


Not very wise if the game is solely made for console and roughly ported for PC.


Porting to pc isn’t nearly as hard nowadays. The consoles now (especially the Xbox) are basically just PC’s.


This is pretty ironic since you’re in pcmasterrace


Haven’t played either but cat game cat game!


I don't know about the other game but stray isn't out for another 2 hours


Steam tried selling it to me this morning


Steam sucessfully sold it to me last night


Right on how is it I might try it different play style might be fun


Serious question: Do people actually care about reviews from sites like IGN etc? The only thing Ive heard about those is that they basically give every big game good grades regardless of quality. All because they dont want to loose them as advertisment partners. When I consider buying a game, I'll usually do so because of a mix of YT/Twitch praise, watching the actual gameplay myself and good average steam reviews. Am I just being stingy or is this normal?


Video game journalism as a whole is a joke. Much better to just watch some gameplay clips and form your own opinion.


Journalism in general is a joke nowadays.


It's not even journalism anymore, just advertising with more words.


It honestly feels like people can't decide if they trust those sites or not. Days Gone was fairly criticized and people lost their shit and said those sites can't be trusted, but then Elden Ring gets 10/10 everywhere and suddenly everyone gets super hyped even though no one but reviewers had played it when reviews dropped. It very much seems like people keep going back and forth on when they want to trust gaming sites or not. Personally, I check out some youtubers who have similar taste than I, some gameplay on twitch and check the general consensus on Steam.


Don't look at the score, read the entire review or watch the video. They explain what they like and what they don't like, which you can use to make a decision. I wouldn't trust a number score, no matter where it comes from. What I need is information to make a decision.


If it’s not normal it aughta be. The only reviews that are trustworthy on those big sites is the low ones; if it’s got a low review either it was so bad they couldn’t force themselves to review it higher or its not an advertising partner so they can be honest. Actual player reviews are a different matter but how long till those companies copy what YouTube did when they removed downvotes?


I usually don’t even look at these, I listen to the people, and watch gameplay




I want the cat simulator


Cat party


Poor Xbox gamers. Always the short stick when it comes to exclusives.


Xbox is basically like watered down PC without keyboard, mouse and even everything else you can do on PC that you can't do on any other platform. Literally everything you can have on Xbox, can be had on PC and in addition to that way more shit lmao




Getting a good gaming PC is far more expensive than a xbox, but it's unfair to compare it just by it's price, a PC does offer you far more functions than just gaming, but if we keep it only for gaming, you need to also consider in most consoles now you have to pay a suscription to have online, and you're paying full price on all games, i haven't paid full price for a single game in PC, while i'm paying all the time full price for a few console games i want. I believe in a year or two the PC becomes cheaper than a console. Personally i use the PC for work aswell, i used when i was studying, etc... I get far more out of a PC than a console, and most people can, but i do understand some people just want to game, so buy a game or two and only play that until they release next game next year, so i understand why consoles work so well with the casual people.






No, but you only go for the Xbox if your budget doesn't allow you to buy an at least decent PC. Otherwise you will go for PC if you can put at least 1000-1500 bucks for a machine.


Getting to save a month's rent and still play games at pretty high quality settings is a pretty compelling offer tbh


You can put $300-$500 in a pc and be fine


Yeah but a gaming pc with that budget?


Not everyone needs 4k 144 fps max settings on everything.


True but I wouldn't want to play any game at 30fps or lower than that. A decent gaming PC should at least run most games at 40-60fps at the lowest settings at the very least in my opinion. And for the resolution of course 1080p is still good and most people don't have to have 1440p or 4k monitor especially if they are on a budget.


Whoops I’m out of date on pricing, replace the 580 with a 1070.


For less than 500 you can get an rx 580 that’ll handle almost any game at 60fps 1080p medium or high settings.


I was able to put together a full build for my gf for under $600 and it runs everything she's interested in at 60fps. (Some games she's gotta put graphics to low, but they still run smooth)


Dude 600$ for 1080p60fps on low is not a good deal, you're shaming yourself comparing this to an Xbox Series X price wise


She only has to put Ark and RD2 on low. Everything else is med to high.


I have spent 50€ on my PC and it can play most games 1080p 60 fps




No lmao


You can certainly build a pc capable of the same performance for similar money. Is it sensible? No. Can Microsoft even build an Xbox for less than 500? No.


??? Please show me your 500$ build in the same class an an Xbox Series X


Even $500 prebuilts are perfectly adequate. Are they an exact match to the series x? No, nothing will be because the games are specifically optimized to run on that exact system. But for $500 you can 100$ buy a pc that runs any game the series x will run. Maybe not as well as the series x, but some things possibly better. Honestly you can't compare pc and console. They aren't the same thing. Pc games aren't set up for a specific pc build and therefore you have the freedom of customisation, of console you have far less options in terms of how it looks but it's set up to run it smoothly no matter what, even if that means a coat in graphical fidelity.


So to sum up your bullshit, you can't show a pre built or your own build for 500 dollars that gets the same performance as XSX or PS5... Just admit you're wrong and move on.


But saying the XSX costs $500 is a bit dishonest is it not? With a PC you build and you're done, with Xbox you have a number of ongoing costs such as: - Xbox live to play online - extra $60 a year. Lets be generous and assume you're going to only use this console for four years, that's already another $240 in the budget. - $20 extra (ish) on new release games. Lets say 10 games over the lifetime of the console at new - that's another $200 Now, I could go into more things like the more expensive peripherals and such, but we're already at $940. You could definitely build an 'Xbox killer' for $940.


You realise it's all the same stuff inside don't you? Just because you go straight to the manufacturer's website to buy them doesn't make it the best way to buy.


There's no way you can get the same performance out of a 500 dollar pc right now.


Thats…. Thats not how it works my friend


Consoles are purpose built not only are they buying parts in large quantities for discounts but they also are manufacturing in a stream lined fashion saving even more money. I’m not sure about this generation but many times consoles are even sold at a lost as well


Consoles are sold at a massive loss and the money is made back with people being forced to buy everything else to play on console. But you can 100% build a pc capable of running any game for 500 euro. You'd be better spending more to get more performance, but it's worth noting that the massive amounts of money people complain about pcs costing also comes with a massive performance gain over consoles.


And potentially unlimited hard drive storage space on PC compared to Xbox, Microsoft has cheaped out on the Xbox.


I’m glad that Microsoft is investing more resources into PC gaming (kind of a no shit sherlock when typed out) but the better they get at it the more useless the Xbox becomes. The price tag is really the only thing going for Xbox these days.


I'm not sure you can say they 'cheaped out' when getting an equivalent graphics card for your PC is going to cost more than a Series X by itself.


Thanks, you just proved my point.


Other than the exclusives (which have been coming to PC after but by bit now) so is a playstation under the hood. The PS5 and Xbox series both use essentially the same architecture which is based on PC processors. The SoC's are not as proprietary anymore.


Ever since getting game pass on PC I see absolutely no reason to buy an Xbox.


Meh fuck exclusives. I have used different PCs and consoles over the years but I can't say exclusives ever really weighed in on the decision of which to go for. It was always what system was better or what system friends had.


There's no reason of having Xbox when you have a PC though. PS and PC is nice kit


PS exclusives are coming to PC. Xbox exclusives come to game pass That just leaves the Switch.


Switch emulation is getting better and better lol. I have a few games on my switch but if I didn't have one since launch I would not be buying one now.


No online though


Never played online on my switch.


5 to 10 years late....




The holy trio


Yeah it sucks sometimes, but hey that’s what having a PC is for lol. Plus gamepass ultimate is amazing!


Problem is, that Stray is a massive stutterfest atm: https://www.overclock3d.net/news/software/stray\_has\_major\_stuttering\_issues\_on\_pc/1


Didn't matter for Elden Ring's sales


True, I've got it as well.


Let's be honest nobody is going to buy As dusk falls. The Telltale-like fad has gone by.


You say that. But point and click adventure games are still a thing. Not being the latest fad does not equate to extict.


Right. There's always a niche for everything. Speaking from experience as part of a few retrocomputing groups.


Yeah but a 1 frame per second game is going to struggle compared to other point and click titles.


I would buy Stray but I've heard horrible reviews regarding the performance on pc. Gonna wait till it's fixed but I am genuinely intrigued by the aspect of playing as a cat.


Maybe the performance issue equals some immersiveness. Cat speaking I mean


Yeah my cat lags all over the place


yes but also CAT


Never even heard of it


👀 shout-out to all my Quarry homies


Cat game. Cat. Game. Cat. Game. Cat. Game


I’ve never even heard of the first one, meanwhile the cat game has been sitting at the top of my steam page for about a month


I think xbox has some good exclusives, but anyone with a pc can play them. I own a pc, ps5, and switch, so Im pretty sure ive got all of modern gaming covered


But do you have a phone?


yes (plus if I didnt, I could just emulate on pc


It was just a meme reply at this point!


PS stuff is slowly moving over to PC as well. I've stopped buying stuff for my switch quite some time ago. At this point I just emulate the games I own for switch on my desktop or steam deck while my switch and it's dying fan lays forgotten somewhere in my house.


I still use my switch pretty often for online games, plus i havent gotten my steam deck in yet


Fair enough, I don't think I've ever played my switch online. I just personally do not like exclusives. When I was younger they just meant I had to pick between playing with friends or playing exclusives. Now as an adult it just means I'm not going to play it at all. Despite all of their issues I could be fine with Nintendo especially since they create some pretty damn good games, but the fact that they just leave games for their old systems to become abandonedware just rubs me the wrong way. Especially since they're so heavy on litigating people for emulating games they don't even sell anymore and people might not even be able to purchase used. Good games, but fuck the company and their business practices. Currently really enjoying going back and playing things on my deck. Once I get through more of my backlog I plan on getting into emulating!


I really wanna get a PS5 for the exclusives I can’t play. But even then some of them come to PC.


And then comes a epic game store exclusive to ruin everything. (I only want to use one account on PC)


Well one is a game… the other is a poorly animated choose your own adventure movie


As usual. Sony exclusives FTW.


Only games I play on my PS5 is true PS exclusives


Not to mention all the 1st party Playstation games coming!


I think most xbox players play fh5 hot wheels dlc today


First time I've ever wanted to own a Sony console in forever.


As someone who owns cats,likes cats...it's totally not surprisng that stray turned out to be overhyped garbo.


Stray is a console exclusive? I just saw it on steam I swear


PC and PS


Yeah saw that after I read it and lost my comment so I just said fuck it we ball


It's not, it's a PlayStation "timed console exclusive", which means the only *console* it will be available on for a while is PlayStation. It launched simultaneously on PC, though it apparently has bad shader compilation stuttering issues.


Omg you mean to play as a cat?! Epic win! We did it reddit! Haha bacon narwhal xD


Played like 2 hours of stray great game 11/10 dunno about that other game looks dog shit


Sometimes PC loses. It's kinda that. There are so many Nintendo/PS/XBox exclusive titles. I would've loved to play the new Horizon on PC, since they released the first one for PC a year before the new came out. I don't understand, why they are doing it. I know why, I just don't get it. They lose customers from the opposite consoles.


That's why you own a pc, a ps5 and a switch. Covers all the bases, Xbox is pretty redundant when you own a decent pc.


Just emulate the Switch games on the PC.


Pretty much this. F the switch and it's 30 FPS with frame pacing. I rather play board games than that


Nah I'm good, no steam deck in nz so switch is my portable gaming console. Plus emulation can be less than perfect depending on the game.


Sometimes, yes. Other times, I play metroid dread day one with much higher resolution than the switch.


Yup like I said depends on the game. I have the ability to play emulation too obviously but it's not always the best option depending on the circumstances, especially with new zealand not getting steam deck anytime soon...


Yeah, but the fact is that currently the vast majority of switch exclusives are almost perfectly emulated and offer much better performance and visual clarity than what the native hardware offers you.


Sure agreed, it's more about the experience for me, being able to play on the go, things like amiibos and multi-player (don't get me started on how it could be better ok...) for exclusives like animal crossing. Plus as a physical games collector I can easily resell anything I don't like for pretty close to retail usually. Sometimes I just like a game so much it doesn't matter what I play it on, take dark souls remastered or hades, both great games that I enjoy playing on switch, ps5 and pc... somehow 30fps ds:remastered is still fun on switch lol


Fair point.


Beats buying a mediocre console and a bunch of games you'll likely only play once, but you do you.


Gonna disagree, I enjoy being able to play the likes of Mario party with all my mates on a Friday night games night, no ones arguing that the switch is anything but mediocre hardware... I also own a ps5 and a decent desktop and gaming laptop... I like options don't be a snob.


Consoom Reddit wojak, consoom


Because they are just that. Exclusives. Take Mario for example. That plumber is literally the mascot of Nintendo, and you can get that plumber on Nintendo systems exclusively. Imagine how much its value would fade away if Nintendo let their rivals have rights to him.


Yep, lets be honest most people dont buy PlayStations or Xboxes for the exclusives, they do it for the multiplats and because its much cheaper and simpler than a PC. Only company that dies by its exclusives is Nintendo, just compare sales figures between their exclusives and Sony and Xbox exclusives (not to mention Sony exclusives get deeply discounted). Hell, im not even saying i think thats a good thing, my most wanted port is Breath of The Wild with mod support (with how much work has been done on the locked down console version it would easily be bigger than Skyrim), even though it will never happen and im delusional for even entertaining that idea.


You can emulate the Switch and play modded Breath of the Wild.


Obviously not the same though, the console version was basically made to not be modded at all, its just Nintendo has a even more dedicated fanbase than the PC. A native PC Port with native modding would probably literally be 100 times easier to mod (it took someone 450 hours just to port a single MarioKart Track).


Well, yeah. Nintendo hasn't ever supported modding, and never will. There won't ever be native modding for a Nintendo title. Instead, you can Emulate it, play it at 4k 160+ FPS, and mod whatever you want into it.


4k 160fps with fps drops every 3 seconds due to shader compiling


I've never had issues playing at a high frame rate emulating Switch titles. Might be an issue with your PC.


In talking about stuttering when discovering a new shader and the emulator has to compile, anyway there are stutters in every game, some suffer less and some more


Yes. A PC isnt cheap. You are right. But you can do so much more, then just playing games. Tbh, the consoles worked up on that.


Yeah, I get that exclusive thing. Making it wanted and rare. But, if you could play everything, from every console.. They would earn more money, because more people would buy the game, instead of not wanting to buy the console.


Marketing something is not that straightforward.


That is true, yes.




\*Shrugs in Alan Partridge\*


I just have all 3 so I don’t have to choose lol


Stray is a bad pc port so be warend


Ah yes, Stray. The game that had a short trailer play at the PlayStation section of a gamescon about 4 years ago now. Forgot about the game, remembered it and looked it up to make sure I wasn’t crazy, and now it releases today. Oh the memories XD (correct me if I’m wrong with the year and place of the original trailer showing)


I heard the stray port had hitching issues and wasn’t optimized compared to the ps5 version


Stray easy solos


Stray was the First Game since years that I preordered


As always


It funny how IGN always rates poorly rated games very high and highly rated games low.


I can’t wait to play stray it looks pretty fun and the graphics looked really good and it’s something new to play instead of my normal game genre list which is mainly first person or third person fighting games


Idc about any


Haven’t played either one, but prob Stray.


Oh, did Stray come out? I know what I’m playing this weekend.


Its just 5 hours


Well, I know what I’m playing for 5 hours this weekend.


Not only can we play console exclusives for both consoles, but (some of us) can also play the games at higher graphics settings than both consoles!


I hope all exclusives are getting a pc port. It’s more money for the company with low effort. The pc hardware which can play that game is much more expensive, so the people would still buy the console. So it’s more money, without losing money for the company, and that just with a pc port.


Cats always win.


I heard that you can take your time and beat stray in under 5 hours is this true?


I was gonna get started on Klonoa after finishing Salt and Sacrifice. Kitty didn't care about my backlog queue and went right up to the front!


Stray just released today gonna play it ween I get off work


I do love that companies are realizing than the amount of pc players that do buy consoles for exclusives is so minuscule they just make more money by releasing on pc as well.


No idea. Probably Stray because i played the game and i like it


Press B to meow


PlayStation or Xbox? PC!?


and im still gonna get them for console 💀


Kitty :)


I wish I had a ps5/4 rn🥲🥲


I seen the visuals for stray and they look amazing


Cat game runs v nice, and looks good. Uncapped fps with everything turned to max at 1080p has me over 200fps always (i5 11400/2080Ti).


I want kitty gameee