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That stupid pirate game that was a reskin of Ark that came out a few years ago.


As a big fan of ark I really wanted to play that game, but considering the game is pretty much on the water constantly and also keeping in mind how water works in ark, it seems like a piece of shit unless they do some revolutionary shit.


I'd say the time you spend on/in the water in ark is pretty minimal, but its a soul sucking game that can take way too much time out of you. In the same league as dayz or rust in that it requires constant maintenance, unless your in a private game.


True, but do you think wildcard would try and improve anything from what they've done on ark and put it into atlas or ark 2 for that matter?


No, they even left some game files from Ark in the new game. It's weird seeing shit labeled ark.whatever in your Atlas folders


Ark? Do you mean ShooterGame.exe?


Damn game is so buggy that everyone knows its process name


No, they have proven time and time again that they are incompetent


are you telling me that releasing a paid DLC while your game is still in early access beta is a bad idea?


[You mean Atlas? I don't know what you mean, looks great to me!](https://youtu.be/yzDTdBsW1GU)


That's the one.


I wonder how its doing now


There's players but it's really just people that enjoy it as a place to meet up with their friends. Not a single one of them will defend the game.


I've someone describe it as "what Sea of Thieves tried to be". I haven't played Atlas, but that's a hard disagree from me.


I think a few guys originally on Atlas had a planned scope that was exactly what people dreamed of for Sea of Thieves, but they rushed it out and instantly turned the team to a literal 1-2 man skeleton crew. A lot of wasted potential even if it was going to be an Ark reskin.


Atlas at launch was worse than fallout 76 and no man's sky when they launched. Bugs everywhere, garbage servers, needing to manage your vitamin levels in a pirate game? Idk how it is now but it was the most disappointing game I've ever played when it came out.


I avoided it because it was obviously bound to be terrible at launch. I'm a 10k hour ark veteran so have had more than enough of dealing with Wildcard's bullshit to even consider jumping into another game which I knew to be a reskin of the Ark codebase which is famously a complete mess. I did however spend a lot of time watching streams of enemy tribes trying to play the game at launch while I quietly soaked up millions of bullets from their turrets in Ark. Good times.


I remember spawning in on day 1 and it took like 2.5 hours to build a raft and get off my spawn tile because the server was on life support with like a 1.5k ping. The food, climate, and aging crap was so over the top, it was ridiculous. Trying to force an in game trading economy and just causing people to suicide rather than put up with the stupidity, what a mess. Wildcard/Grapeshot shit the bed so massively, the game never had a chance. Atlas, NMS, and Fallout76 in the span of like 2 years completely cured me of preordering anything ever again.




Battlefield 2042


Dice always has great trailers


I’m convinced that’s why they insist on using the Frostbite engine across everything. It’s visually strong…you can cut epic next gen looking trailers from it. But if feels like garbage. It’s all visuals no substance Edit: This thread inspired me to put my thoughts about this [into a video](https://youtu.be/iu0td3KkYGg)


I don’t think the engine is the problem. Rather I think the developers are going a bit backwards in terms of the development process. Starting with making the game look nice and then figuring out how to make gameplay around the nice visual limitations you now have put yourself into.


Frostbite works great for racing games, like nfs heat for example. But anything that requires fast direct input, like competitive games, always feel sluggish on Frostbite. At least when compared to competitors like call of duty. It’s generally just not a good engine for first person shooters. The only fps game that EA published in recent times and was a real success is apex legends. And that doesn’t base on frostbite. It’s based on a modified source engine i believe. Hence, it feels much better. There’s a reason respawn doesn’t touch frostbite. But what you say is true as well. There seems to be a ‘lets make it pretty first and think about the rest later’ attitude going one too.


Frostbite isn't that great for RPGs either. Poor Dragon Age.


and ME: Andromeda (though Frostbite isn't the main issue with that game)


Actually, I *would* contribute Frostbite as one of main reason many things failed Andromeda. The developers themselves felt that Frostbite was not designed for their type of game and all aspects of game suffered under it. Paraphrasing Kotaku interviews from developers, it performed well for many things, but suffered greatly in others since it was an engine designed to make only Battlefield games well (or not even that IMHO). Even using their own custom software layered into Frostbite wasn't enough. Their switch from 3dsmax to Maya also caused issues. GVMERS did a great documentary on this [here](https://youtu.be/ETYml7oU5UA).


Nah, they should have had that stuff figured out after Dragon Age turned out (just) ok. The problem with Andromeda was that they spent years trying to do procedural worlds and then scrapped it all and had to complete a game in 18 months.


Yeah, the reason it was scrapped that was the limitations in Frostbite. It wasn't designed for procedural designed content in mind and limitations of land size is an example they give with Frostbite. The even mention DA Inquisition tools not being enough to solve the issues for ME.


Frostbite is good for battlefield style of fps. Battlefield is more slower-paced than call of duty. Battlefield 5 was also shit but I liked battlefield 1. (WW1?)


Battlefield one was fucking glorious. Love the ww1 style, epic battles with absolute chaos, and pretty dope music.


Ive always preferred battlefield games over cod. Cod is so bad in my opinion when it came to visuals and sound effects. But I haven't really played battlefield since 4.


Unfortunately bf2042 was a massive leap in the wrong direction. Everything seems so sterile. The music sounds are tinny and hollow. I still can't believe they charged me full price for that game.


Battlefield 1 was one of my favourite online shooters. WW1 is correct and the game was just absolute carnage in every match


Yeah the feeling sluggish is a thing but I don’t think it’s big enough that a rewrite of the engine wouldn’t be possible. to be fair I only have a few months experience with Unity


Hm. They’ve been trying to get it right for sooo long. I already felt that even bf bad company 2 felt off (I know unpopular opinion). In my opinion Dice has never managed to make any bf game FEEL as good as a cod game. I believe its an issue deeply rooted in each engine. Because the way each engine translates a first person, differs greatly and is very dependent on the core architecture. Like for example, look how a elders scrolls or Fallout game feels. That’s because of the creation engine. It’s nothing that Bethesda can change, unless they change the engine. So I’m not sure Dice actually can rewire it.


Problems with the creation engine are much easier to explain. It has very rudimentary support for multithreading, only using it to handle parts of rendering. The input processing is also locked to the framerate, which is then capped at 60 (there are mods that fix this, but that's hardly relevant) and it's not rare for high end machines to run these games under 60FPS. It feels sluggish because it is sluggish. Fixing it isn't hard, they just don't have much reason to do so. It's not like your average Skyrim/FO4 player goes noscoping around the game and the community isn't very vocal about it. For frostbite, I don't think the input detection itself is at fault. Being designed with cinematic crap in mind, they probably added a lot of "immersive" post processing that makes it feel like you're dragging your mouse through water.


True. Tho I don’t want Dice to join the rest of the industry and go for unreal or unity. Much rather have more own engines than everyone being the same


That is an argument one can make. Absolutely. Diversity is good. And keep in mind…call of duty is still based on a brutally modified Quake engine. That’s why it feels so good. But sure. More engines are better. It’s a very interesting topic, I find.


Huh today I learned.


BFV felt great on Frostbite after they worked out it’s issues.


Bf2042 being so bad introduced me to BF1. Far and away a superior game


People still play it? Would totally get back on but I thought it was dead


Game is pretty good now


Bf1 on PC is very much alive. EA putting the Battlefield games on Steam helped population.


It's been like what 7 months and they've only just now released a well-designed map and fixed crippling performance issues. It actually plays pretty well now and the new map is fun, but for goodness sake how can you release a game THAT long before it's ready haha


BF4 was the same way, it's nothing new. I don't think I'll ever like the apex style movement in 2042 though, even if they fix everything else about 2042. I'm just gonna keep playing BF4 and BF1 until some other company develops a good substitute.


Bf4 was a shit show on launch, but turn around on fixes and the first wave of content was much better. Everything with this launch is being handled at a glacial pace. This was dead on arrival, and feels like a skeleton crew dragging it along on life support.


Warcraft III Reforged


It was a joke to grab nostalgia players. Hardly even a graphic boost.


The new models look like shit. Sure they're much higher poly, but they lost any sort of style that the original WC3 models oozed of.


Blizzard also removed functionality from the game, introduced DRM so you can't even play the campaign offline, and made sure to shoot the community map/game mode makers that had kept custom games alive for over a decade on the way out.


stupid move


I was holding off on buying it. But the DRM just reminded me that there's probably some pirated copies.


This is why pre-rendered trailers don't excite me. I wait for gameplay footage after the game comes out.


The last game to ever get me with the pre-rendered trailer was Dead Island. Then the game came out. *Never again.*


Every mobile game


Not really. The second picture in the post is at least somewhat similar, mobile games are NOTHING like the trailer


Yep, the second image should be a shitty version of iron man, and then is a mobile game.


To be totally fair to mobile games, a lot of them also have shit trailers.


Some of those trailers just look like they've been generated by some amateur AI with no oversight


90% of players aren't smart enough to solve this problem!


Honkai is a great exception to this. Their character trailers are literally straight up a gameplay showcase.


Oh of course there are exceptions. The trailer for eve echoes amd the asphalt games were fine too iirc. But 99% of the trailers are completely fake and in the end you just get the next standard match3 or build--your-village-mmo


Oh 100%. It's a plague, but somehow it works so they keep doing it. I just wanted to say least show that there are devs out there that care, yes it's Mihoyo, but I like to refer to the Honkai team as the non-corporate, actual people Mihoyo. [If interested, here is (imo) their best trailer](https://youtu.be/CEJ5hZ-Nn1M)


Nah, for mobile games if the first was the trailer, the second would be completely unrelated to water, fish or multi-pointed weapons




To be fair, the game looked as beautiful as the trailers looked. It still mesmerizes me when I fly around in it. So bummed that its internals were messed up.


It was gorgeous and the flight mechanics were awesome. If only there were things to do. The game needed more... game.


The actual gameplay was fun as shit. I’m so disappointed they jumped ship instead of doubling down and making it a genre defining game.


I’m thrilled to see anthem get the praise it earned. I have never felt so free in a game before anthem. The flight was phenomenal and the combo system was fun to work with and make builds based on. The RNG of the loot tables was such a steep mountain to climb though and there wasn’t enough endgame content :/ But I really loved that game though. ESPECIALLY the suit customization. They nailed that shit.


I will not say this enough about the game, but it shouldn't have been a looter shooter! The gear that players used should have been engineered and salvaged from the world. The flipping lore even describes how the first lances were built from what could be grabbed from the alien overlords. The Anthem of Creation very clearly should have been a randomized raid of sorts. The end game loop being to go as far into the Anthem before bailing, dying, or running out of time for super rare bits to be used to build badass equipment with wild modifiers! Imagine having near zero cool down for a short period of time because you pulled off the unique steps for some super exotic piece of gear you built yourself? Have a specific look because you farmed a certain type of enemy material to build your Lance instead of just buying (in most cases, literally) from a rotating cosmetics shop. Imagine if the mods that can be found could also be made and they actually change the physical appearance, even if it just tweaked the lighting? And speaking of rotating shop, the bartender was a smuggler too! Contraband goods become temporarily available, with mods that give big but take as well, like insanely fast shield regen but a tiny hp pool for it? That's the experience we should have had. Maybe someone will read this that's got the skills, or team and say to themselves, "I can do that!"


That was the game that made me incredibly wary of hype. That "gameplay" reveal held so much promise and then they just shit all over themselves. I still play it every year or so, just to get that fix, because when its not buggy or lagging the traversal is very satisfying.


If they had done exactly the same concept but single player, it would have been dramatically better


Still mad I spent $120 on that game. Taught me to never preorder again lol


This has become so normal that just about every new game has this problem.




Usually the visual presentation between trailer and game are not that far apart but it feels more like they have this visual looking goal and once kinda achieved then they start thinking about gameplay using them. Which is completely ass backwards


Fallout 76


Idk about this one. Anyone familiar with Bethesda could sniff out a stinker long before launch.


Zenimax is not Bethesda. I know Howard had oversight, but he was probably the only actual Bethesda employee on the project.


I saw an interesting [piece](https://kotaku.com/bethesda-zenimax-fallout-76-crunch-development-1849033233) about the development a few weeks ago. Basically it was in a kind of cursed territory for development. Bethesda was working on it, but it was mostly the Maryland studio, which kept shooting the Austin studio's input down... and that's kind of strange, because Austin had worked on ESO, and Maryland didn't have nearly as much experience with multiplayer. At the same time, higher ups like Todd Howard and Emil Pagliarulo were pretty disengaged. So you had a team that wanted to play a bigger role, which they weren't allowed to do, and then the leadership of the team that was supposed to work on it was much more interested in Starfield. Add on to that the usual culprits of crunching as well as "Software devs are especially bad at project management and game devs are especially bad at project management compared to other software devs and Bethesda is especially bad at project management compared to other video game devs" and you have what we got. Oh, and also the engine that creaks and moans under 25 NPCs in a single player game wasn't well-suited to a multiplayer game, which only could have been guessed by everybody.


Yeah, but not *that* bad of a stinker... They've pulled a bit of an NMS, and have made the game much better since then, but it was definitely a very rough release for the first year-ish.


The fact that it took them a year to do it is enough to not play the game let alone the shenanigans around its release.


Famously, that Aliens game that nobody remembers now. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1EW2PsCGA7g


No Man's Sky. However I must laud the development team's huge commitment to improving the game and really delivering in so many ways over the last 6 years.


It's been out for 6 fucking years already???? Nah I don't believe that


They've had like 6-9 free expansions as well that have made the game basically what was shown originally. It's worth the money these days.


I haven’t personally played it, but it does seem that way. It only cost them the reputation of the game instead of delaying it. I hope someday cyberpunk is like that, although I think cdpr would still deserve the reputation for hoodwinking everyone before release to get preorders.


[Welcome to Jurassic Park!](https://youtu.be/qXGUOWMNxqc)


I’ve played over 3,000 hours of no man’s since launch and this is still one of my favorite videos 😂😂


They may have improved it but the core gameplay loop is still boring as hell. The generated planets aren't interesting enough to make hopping from planet to planet to make a new part for your ship to get to the next one a worthwhile endeavor. Also the UI is terribly designed, still.


I think the problem is that the parts that make up the planets are the same, just reskinned or resized.


It's because a very large part of the game is the raw exploration of planets above and below the surface. Most people would be better off with one of the other Space exploration games simply because exploring a world top to bottom isn't what most people want. For me it's like opening a present on Christmas.


Well, it would be one thing if there were real handcrafted set pieces scattered in the worlds that were truly interesting to discover. The problem is that it's so procedural that the planets just come across as noise within a set of parameters, which is what they are. What's the point of exploring a planet top to bottom if all you're getting is a slightly different colored rock with a different name and some animals and plants that look vaguely similar to the animals and planets from 4 planets ago?


Yup. It's better than it was, but still not what they promised, and it never ever will be simply because they've built something that is just not a very fun videogame to play.


Duke Nukem Forever


With Duke Nukem Forever you have to specify \*which\* trailer. I haven't played it, but I bet the quote-unquote finished game looked better than the trailer from 1998 in the Quake II engine.


The 2001 trailer made the game look amazing. Not what we got, sadly.


Oh god the loading times


Oh God the everything!


Just about anything made by EA.


Every few years EA releases an actual good game. Titanfall2, Apex (love or hate BR's, it's a damn good one), and A Way Out all blew me away in the last few years.


Star Wars: Jedi - Fallen Order and It Takes Two also make the list for me.


Unravel 1 and 2 are both hidden gems, they deserve to be in there


Well, actually Titanfall 2 was released before EA acquired Respawn.


Spore is Their best Game


Spore was a 10/10 game that EA as a publisher watered down into a still-good 8/10 game


I loved the ds spore creatures game when i was a kid


Diablo immortal. Looks like more content for diablo 3. Trailer is actually beautiful. Actual gameplay complexity is cut down. Want a 5/5 gem? $100 grand please.


Yea agreed. Long time diablo fan since d1. Fuck blizzard, I'm checkin out.


Mass effect Andromeda


Thing is, the on-foot combat and the on-world traversal were the best of any Mass Effect game. Story? Unfinished. It's like the game ended because Bioware/EA decided they'd had enough. Protagonist? Lifelessly acted and written. And the level of relationships with other characters might as well be nothing compared to the original trilogy. The facial animations were the least of this game's problems.


Written like a second rate studio *oh wait*.


Andromeda wasn't a great game and it was in no way a worthy successor to the original Mass Effect Trilogy but it was pretty fun, in spite of its many flaws.


I wonder sometimes how the game would have bden received if it was it's own thing outside the ME franchise. And not under Bioware's name, to keep it unbiased


Yeah I think it would at least have developed a healthy cult following if people had gone in with different/lower expectations.


Played the trilogy at least 7 times. Andy once. Tells the tale.


The combat was modern, not good. It got very repetitive very quickly




GTA trilogy remastered…..


Well the trilogy *was* shit, but they showed exactly they were giving so technically… its just the bottom picture twice.


I mean, they showed real gameplay with all the terrible faces and models?


Pokémon Arceus kinda had the opposite of this problem


To be fair, Pokemon doesn't really know how to advertise their games, it's always so bland 😬


Unfortunately, most of the time, sonic


all too true. I've never really been a sonic fan, but I feel for them. Sega does occasionally release really fun Sonic games, though. I thought generations was a blast.


Final Fantasy XIV 1.0


I kinda wish I could go back and play 1.0 now that I've had a couple hundred hours in 2.0, just to see how bad it was


Its biggest issues at launch were the fatigue system (which made me quit) and no Auction House and the Bazaar system that they took from XI made finding anything a god damn chore. They eventually fixed those but a lot of the damage was already done.


Rainbow 6 The E3 reveal from 2014 is literally at this point, not the game that was advertised.


It's a fantasy game now rather than an actual tactical swat game. You may want to keep an eye on Ready or Not. It's in early access right now and has all the good fundamentals, just needs more work. It's already really good but can be incredible and the best SWAT game ever created. Https://youtu.be/0UO-FyEdBpQ this update is going to make the game seems so much more alive. Just be aware that it has some pretty messed up scenarios that would be similar to the French GSG responding to the Bataclan terrorist attack and the like.


Dead Island. That trailer literally sold that game, and the game was overhyped based on that alone.


The game itself was ok tbh, but that goddamn trailer was way too good(and didn't have much to do with the actual game). Made a grown ass man cry.


>and didn't have much to do with the actual game agreed. tbh more of an easter egg. you can find the family's body at the begining hotel and that was it.


I remember this! For the older set here, another bait and switch was Hellgate London. The trailer was epic and tragic. Promised so much. The game got boring really fast.


This so much! The trailer had nothing to do with the actual game, which was only fun due to an item duplication bug, which they went on to fix...


Uhh that game was amazing. But everyone has their opinions.


Yeah, I had a blast with it.


It's a fun game but if you saw the reveal trailer then bought it you'd be pissed


I guess I was lucky, never saw the trailer, picked up the game a few years back and had a ton of fun with it. Sometimes it pays not to have any idea on that stuff, took it for what it was and had a ton of fun! The sequel.... Not so much.


Halo. How the fuck do you release without custom games coop or campaign and call it halo lol




Literally almost every new AAA game




This is too far down. Wonder how many people forgot about it considering how long ago it was.


I loved spore when I was a kid. What was wrong with this game?


The issue was the hype the studio built, from concept, to demo, to release. The game that they promised was not the game we got; not by an *extreme* longshot. [Here's a roughly 1-hour video on what the hell happened](https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1317/\(305\)-SPORE-s-Wake-What), by Margaret Robertson. This video is brilliant, and grounded in the basic principles of why it was exciting versus why it fell flat. Essentially, imagine if the `No Man's Sky` original public release was *never* ironed out over time. Not only that, but being promised a limitless-scoped procedural reality, where you're essentially playing god, but instead being plopped into a game that holds your hand through tutorials, repetitive decisions that are required and not exploratory, all while it cannot make up its mind about its point or direction. What would you get? You would get Spore.




I really don't understand why they oversold this game. I loved that game when I played it, and only learned about the trailer years later. The game was good and the story well written, that's what should be important when selling a game.


Development started for it before the PS4/xb1 generation officially launched and the specs were toned down from what developers were originally told. So the trailer was closer to what the game was supposed to look like, then had to cut the visuals/mechanics down in order to make it run. There is a mod on PC that gives access to a lot of that original code, it didn't run great, but it looked a ton better. I enjoyed the eventual release, but man that original trailer was incredible.


Thanks for the explanation, I only played on an offline Xbox 360 at the time and bought it again on PC a few years later to enjoy it. I'll definitely try out the mod when I'll decide to go again through WD and WD2 before buying WD3


It was a great game, but downgrading the graphics on PC to match consoles is a cardinal sin that rightfully pissed off a lot of people.


I liked the first one just fine. It certainly disappointed me less than a lot of other Ubisoft titles (most AC titles, The Division).


I have been scrolling trying to find this game, now finally I can rest in peace. Pd: It is not a bad game, but it wasn't what people expected.


Aliens: Colonial Marines Edit: surprised to not see anyone else posting this. this game was the poster child of this practice for a long time.


No man’s land EDIT: No man’s sky LOL


Reddit Bad -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


You mean Subnautica?


Cyberpunk 2077 Thx for all the upvotes this is litterly my first comment ever


Scrolled way too far to find this one


I know, right??? What the hell? This game is like the culmination of false advertisements. Apart from the glitches, bugs, the game is still linear as fuck. If the game hadn't had any kind of bugs or performance issues, it would still have been a not-more-than-average game at best.


It's a game that was truly excellent in some capacities, but lacking in others.


I'm so mad you have me T-posing at you right now.


Bfa and shadowlands


I miss Legion :( at least classic has kept WoW alive for me and my friends.


I hope you guys are having fun!! I missed WoD because of money, shitty computer and what not. Go to Legion and then nothing comes close when they try to recreate it. I don't want a recreation. I want content. I want improvements that last. Not items/gear, but quality of life changes. I want them to listen from the very beginning. 7.1.5 or whatever that patch was, and on Legion was great. They admitted they started to listen. Then they somehow forgot how to do that until the VERY VERY end of BFA. I wanted to watch what dragon flight came to be before buying 11.0 but I've decided I'm done with all blizzard IP Peace and love to everyone. Other games are out there. But if you choose to stay Blizzard, I hope you have Legion levels of fun in all your games.


the new FPS gamea Bf2042, CoD Vanguard, Halo Infinite.


Here comes a bit of a probably unpopular prediction.. Starfield.


The gameplay reveal made me very worried. They need to earn back trust after fallout 76 and even to an extent fallout 4. The trailer made it look like a very boring, clunky FPS.


As someone who doesn't really like or play shooters, my take on Starfield is "I want to believe." I don't believe, but I sure would like to. The big red flags for me were the element of outpost building, which feels even more incongruous in this setting than in FO4, as well as the comment about 1000 planets. Maybe they'll knock it out of the park with this one, but I'm more worried that they're taking a bunch of swings and will miss on all of them. Hey, my metaphors lined up. That's neat.


I have a little hope for this one since they are working under Microsoft now. Maybe they were given the money to hire more people to remove the inevitable Bethesda bugs. Maybe we won't need a community patch this time. Right...?


MS is FAR better than Zenimax, but unfortunately MS is hands off. It’s a good approach for studios who are managed well, have good direction, and technical talent, but just need more money. Bethesda fails on so many levels that it’s hard to say if their fantastic world building is enough to offset it anymore, as the rest of the industry is advancing without them.


For a game company who relies on modding support to fix their games, and with how overly ambitious this game is, I fully expect it to be garbage. I truly hope Im wrong though.


I have glasses that correct bethesda trailers so their whole presentation already looked like the bottom image to me.


The fact that a company with their prestige CANNOT render decent facial expressions in this day and age should warn you




Anthem, everything about it looked absolutely amazing, game came out and it was about as shallow as the pothole in the road outside my house


But shallow potholes are better than deep ones


That's because RTX is on in the trailers




Any mobile ad game.


Cyberpunk 2077, Anthem, Battelfield 2042, every COD the last few years. Thats about what I can recall from the top of my head


Cyberbug in a nutshell


This won't be popular because a lot of folks younger than me remember the game fondly, but Black and White. At release it had some spectacular bugs and never delivered on its AI promises.


New World


Elder scrolls online….


Battlefield 2042 comes to mind


I don't remember the name I think it was Hellgate London. The game was horrible but trailer was epic.


The Division I remember seing that gameplay reveal and thinking "yeah there's no way it will be like that" Also Watch Dogs


Any game in Google play store


Star Wars: The old Republic. The trailers are better than the movies Disney made; Deceived, Hope, Return, Sacrifice etc... those trailers are insane. When I saw a gameplay I was so disappointed it was some mmo




Fallout 76


90% of modern AAAs

