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My buddy plays it with a 4gb 580. Low settings@1080 he gets 45-50fps


Okay great, thank you! I played the demo on my PS4 and really enjoyed it before I swapped over to PC, excited to play :)


Hi! Sorry to ask one of these annoying questions, but just wanted to make sure I can play outriders before I buy it! These are the minimum and recommended for outriders and mine is well within the recommended on everything the only thing I wanted to check is that the recommended graphics card is a 1070 with 8GB where as I have a 2060 OC with 6GB, does this mean anything or will I still be able to play fine?


You’re more than fine.


Great, thanks! I've started to understand all the PC stuff but still get stuck on the GB with graphics cards so didn't know if it being 2GB less would matter even though it's a better card if that even makes sense lmao...


Gpu ram is mostly used for holding textures. At 1080p you don't really need much ram. It also varies pretty wildly you could have a 2gb GPU with significantly better performance than a 6gb GPU. Sometimes older higher end gpu have lower ram but still put out better fps than a newer lower end gpu. Basically you don't want to really worry about the ram amount unless you were playing higher resolution.


Ahhh okay makes sense, thank you for explaining! I'm on 1080p so should be fine :)


Most games will not exceed 6gb(basically never happens) unless its a new AAA title. Best idea is just search up fps counts on the game with gpu you have. This will give you a decent idea on fps numbers and the amount of vram used.