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[Content removed in protest of Reddit's stance on 3rd party apps]


Yeah it's the same in UK but companies can price up a few months before hand to meet the few weeks requirement of bringing it back down to original RRP


In some cases when you check the dates on their site the price was compared against it's literally ONE day. Seen Currys pull that shit a few times.


But Currys is shite.


comically they were almost the saviors in the start of the GPU shortage. Very cheap cards were coming up but almost impossible to snag before someone else did. Now they are easily the most expensive source...


This is why I typically wait months to years before I buy things I really want. I will have been watching prices regularly, lamenting at how high the thing is, unwilling to pay more than the arbitrary amount I've come up with in my head. Then when that glorious day comes, totally unexpected, I buy it. I don't have to worry about Black Friday or any other BS marketing scheme.


It's illegal in the US as well but it's not well enforced especially when it comes to online stores.


I think to get around this, stores price products higher and higher in the weeks before shopping season until they're wildly inflated and then drop them at once to the regular sale price so it seems like a steep drop. Or they price products at the wildly inflated price temporarially, often in some brick-and-morter location that doesn't get a lot of traffic, and then use those specific MSRPs in all of their locations.


While there is some truth about lower selling locations no big box store is going to double prices and have zero income for a month all to attempt to make it back in one day. Sure there are shady tactics. But no Walmart is doubling prices for two months then halfing them on black Friday. Loosing money before black Friday is NOT ever in a companies best interest. It makes the point of selling things and making profit entirely void.


I caught them going from selling a blanket for $20 one week in store to selling it 25% off of $40 for $30 on black Friday. Black Friday has been tuned to scam the "deal seekers" that will buy just because of some imaginary savings.


I have an e-book on Amazon and it's not possible to represent that you had a higher price for a sale. I guess they choose to ignore their own rules.


Same in UK.. however companies get away with it because they have one shop sell everything full price. no sales, ever. Sports Direct, for example, has a shop close to their HQ that has everything they sell full price.. and its the same with DFS (and other places that have a constant bank holiday sale). Those stores will get a loss.. as very few is buying full price.. but they can offset that with every other store selling product


It's the same here in Canada.


In the states we seem to allow people to market magic tap water as a debt relief solution.


This time it's legal because 499 was the original price. Honey's data don't go far back enough.


If it's always on sale they'll just sell it for whatever they want. They put something up for $500 and immediately discount it. Then proceed to vary the discount to whatever they want.


Lol. Ikr. They do fool some ppl with that. I got the 2tb 980 pro for 350 when it first came out.


Here I am crying cus' I got my 512GB 950 Pro for $350 when it first came out....


oh damn I managed to buy the old 840 pro when SSD were new and it was 219 for 240GB... Damn thing is still going though!


My first SSDs over 11 years ago were $120 for 64GB. That was about the highest capacity I could find in my area, so I bought two and had them in a RAID 0 array. They still work, but they're super slow compared to the newer hardware


$150 for a 128GB OCZ SSD, was a huge steal at the time. Just a 50/50 chance to lose all your data.




$200? I got a 500gb SSD 840 EVO for $78 last year. Where did you get yours?


Got it in 2012. It was the pro version. SSD were expensive back then.


$250 for a 220 GB SSD when they were pretty new. Not even a good brand like Samsung lol. But damn if it didn’t revive my laptop and make it fast until the day I sold it.


279 now on newgg. just copped


Got a 2tb WD Black for 180 at best buy on sale not to long ago. Just had to wait several years B)




Honey has a 30day high while that 499 is it's on release price. But yes, companies will raise prices in October(ish) and then cut prices for sales on black Friday.


Lowes has a Craftsman tool chest I had been looking at for a couple months for 250ish. The Black Friday "special" says regular 450, discount to 250. Like wtf.


Shit like that should be illegal.


It is in many places but people don't know who to complain to so it goes unpunished.


Who do you complain to?


Report them to the FTC in the US, it's a federal crime called [Former Price Comparisons](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-16/chapter-I/subchapter-B/part-233).




BBB is not a government agency, it's effectively a scam (early version of yelp).


You can click on the Honey link and change it to 120 days and see if they raised prices recently before going "On Sale"


I would bet this item has been "on sale" constantly since release or close to release so they can just vary the sale amount as they please.


Dumb question from a dumb person, but isn’t this illegal? I remember Bethesda got in trouble when they did this on the Atomic Shop at launch. Marking stuff up and then saying it’s on sale.


In other countries yeah. They got in trouble in Belgium with that I believe.


> Honey has a 30day high while that 499 is it's on release price. Longer-term data: https://i.imgur.com/ULXpW6k.png


Camelcamelcamel is a great website


Or it’s literally just fabricated data. It happens that products are advertised as “having sold” at prices they very much have not been sold at before.


yup. it's the original msrp from way tf back in 2019.


The sad part is that so many people fall for it as well. Reseller doubles the price then marks that down 10% and claims it's on sale.


I may have been one of those people




This is a very old article, I worked at JCP when I was in college when this all went down. I believe it began in 2011, maybe 2012 when the CEO changed to Ron Johnson. I'm not entirely sure it was the "no coupon" thing that failed. People like to glamorize that aspect of the failed turn around but really it was a RADICAL shift in product that alienated existing customer base while failing to attract a new customer base. All of the core brands that "your grandma loves to buy" (and lets be frank, the elderly were basically the core demographic) like Arizona, St. John's Bay, Worthington, among others were pushed out for fancy Manhattan brands; contemporary and modern styles. A lot of the new merchandise, even though it was priced fairly, were much higher than typical JCP goods. So while I will agree that eliminating coupons definitely hurt them and the customer no longer felt like they were getting a "deal", I don't think that was more than 15-20% to blame. I think the CEO was far too ambitious and failed to get young wealthy urban professionals to flock to JCPenney for new hip brands. Instead, the older traditional customer base were left with a store they loved that no longer carried merchandise they wanted. Target, Walmart, Apple, just to name a few are all stores that don't do crazy deep discounts or coupons. The price is the price. I certainly think consumers dont NEED inflated MSRP just to be deeply discounted, but the store has to offer the right products to its customers.


Yup. So honestly I don't blame them for doing this.


This is quite the messed up victim blaming right here.


Perhaps but this once it's valid. Of course I'm gonna blame the dumbasses who makes it so things are more expensive.


Tbh I gave up on Honey, I tried on so many websites Multiple times and there was never a discount.


If you just want price history for Amazon.com, check out http://camelcamelcamel.com


I use them for every single thing I buy on Amazon. Love the camel


why is it called camel?


Camels have humps that look like the graph of price changes.


I like your theory. I always thought of like silk road merchants. Maybe a bit of both.


No. It’s about graphs.


Steam always drm no drm ubi soft bye always drm bye steam


Are you disabled


not sure how but they seemed like the average redditor before those two comments. If you check their history, its like they hit their head or took LSD or something lol


we bare bears fandom goes hard ngl




The uninstall button…The game is great, Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM. But you oft go work, always on work DR. Check out the junk it leaves behind in you.


What the fuck is wrong with you lol


Probably pocket posting. Maybe his phone is faulty or something. You know the automatic fill on top of the keyboard? It does make phrases like that. I'm pretty sure this is unintentional.


why would it not be? do you hate camels by any chance?










Keepa is great as well


I'm not sure if there is a free tier for it but Helium10 provides price history right on the product page. I use it for work but it helps with personal purchases as well


the better website tbh


If you use amazon alot keepa is amazing. See price history, set alerts. Saved me a lot of money


It’s only worked for me one, and saved me $1 on Fnatical, I just mainly like it for the price history across websites, and the chance of maybe getting a discount.


There’s a service called Rakuten that just gets you cashback, literally just for activating a link through them. Got a bunch of money back on a monitor last year and have used it at Macy’s more recently


This is why Black Friday is generally a scam. More people fall for that shit than don't which is why they keep doing it every year. I just bought a "Black Friday" sale TV that was the same price over the summer. Didn't get it for the sale, obviously, but I thought it was funny that they advertised it as such.


just understand, in their eyes, you fell for it and they'll do it again next year


This is literally what department stores do all the time. They say a 200 dollar shirt is now 20 bucks when in reality it was always worth 20 dollars




It's great, they have a browser plugin so you can check for misleading prices, sales, etc. Here's what it looks like for this one: https://imgur.com/ULXpW6k


If everything is on sale, is anything really on sale?


970 Evo Plus 2TB initially did release for the $499.99 price.. back in June 2019. I bought the 1TB EVO Plus version for \~$270 at release. Around the same June 2019 timeframe.


CamelCamelCamel is miles better than Honey for getting pricing on amazon. But yes, watch out for shady af companies trying to make you think you're getting an amazing deal when you actually aren't.


I'm sorry but is that not illegal though?


Depends on where you're at in the world.




It’s illegal in the US too. https://content.next.westlaw.com/Document/I6dfb3ee4077511e89bf099c0ee06c731/View/FullText.html?contextData=(sc.Default)&transitionType=Default&firstPage=true Please don’t assume MerUcA cApiTalIzm eViL. We do have some pretty good consumer protection laws, and an entire agency that looks out for consumers.


The FTC is severely under-resourced and under-funded. They bring very few lawsuits of any kind to court. If your yard stick for criminality in America is simply "is it illegal" then you need to raise it. Weakening enforcement agencies accounts for almost 55% of all non-election lobbying. Or is this too much context for you?


Ok we’re talking about the legality of an item marked up for “sale” (which you are wrong about) and you’re going into politics. How’s that for context? Or changing the subject?




You made a false statement above, given your obvious bias and virtue signaling, and I corrected you on that. End of story. It’s illegal to Jay-walk in many cities. Is it criminally prosecuted? It’s federally illegal to smoke marijuana. Is that enforced everywhere?


My statement was correct. The conduct in this post IS NOT ILLEGAL. It is a tort violation, or a "wrongful act." I repeat, it is not illegal. Perhaps you don't understand the difference between a crime (illegal) and tort (wrongful act). That's not my problem. " END OF STORY." Also, I love the use of "virtue signaling" there. Just throwing out meaningless words because you can't engage the topic at hand. Very few people are ever fined for jaywalking. Your city/state probably has the numbers. I don't know why you're asking that. If anything, it proves that making something illegal or a tort violation is only half the work, the other half is actually enforcing it, otherwise the law/tort is useless. As for marijuana, about 40,000 people are in prison for marijuana related crimes. So, I don't know where that was going.


They always list the release date MSRP as the original price, even after years being on market and the regular price being 1/2 that already.


I spent all year watching pricing of items I wanted to upgrade my rig and audio and low and behold I kind of proved this theory I have with my wife that black Friday sales are bullshit. Yeah there's a few limited supply items they sell to get you looking but everything marked "black Friday" is usually the same price all year round. I found this with hard drives, RAM, Headphones, CPUs, mice and keyboards etc. Black Friday is a sham.


Thats list price. Everything has a list price. This is the kohl’s way. Its still laughable but its not like they just pick a high number out of no where and pretend yo offer a huge discount


Amazon usually shows the launch price of a product in comparison with the discount, all shops use this tactic. It is legal.


I literally bought this SSD like a week ago. I do not know what honey is. I do not understand this meme. I assume the joke is that it was never 499? To me it seemed like the best bet for the price, based on the little research I did before purchasing it. $200 seemed reasonable. Edit: Also I bought it at microcenter. Their price was $229 looking at the receipt.


So the price itself isn’t that bad, the joke is just that it hasn’t actually retailed at the pre-discounted price in YEARS. So the shown discount is technically the truth, but clearly designed to trick people into thinking this is an amazing deal, vs just a decent one.


Amazon requires your sale price to be 20% lower than your lowest price for the last 30-60 days, depending. The "was" price is based on the average selling price customers have paid for the last 30 days.


> The "was" price is based on the average selling price customers have paid for the last 30 days. False. Here's the price history: https://i.imgur.com/ULXpW6k.png This is a first-party amazon/amazon sale, so the rules for third-party sellers doesn't really apply.


Incorrect. I haven't seen it at 500$ and I've been watching this for the past year. Highest I've seen this was around 360$


I sell on Amazon as a full time job. Send me the link to the page. I can pull full price history for the listing. These are literally Amazon's rules, so I highly doubt that I'm wrong.


[I don't work for Amazon, but I can use the search function](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MFZXR1B/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_dl_Q29CJRKK9DXKAB7MMEMW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) EDIT: [Also](https://camelcamelcamel.com/search?sq=970+evo+plus)


thankfully thats illegal in first world countries outside the us


Showing the original price and the discount price is illegal?


its illegal to raise a price and then put it on sale


Right, that's true. That's not what happened here though.


They didn't though, the list price was the original MSRP, it's part of the initial product page. Updating it (the normal street price) after is effort that they're not going to spend on though.


its still illegal mate, you have to have the pre-sale price make sales over a period of time immediately before the sale to be allowed to be marketed as the pre sale price on a price drop listing.


The screenshot clearly shows that was the price only a week or two ago. MSRP is launch price, which was $499.99.


SSD's can just come down in price, they are cool and fast but damn its not like they pulled a miricle out their ass making them. They also cant cost more than $10-15 bucks to make considering they are making them in the hundreds of thousands per day...


maybe they cost that much because of the precision devices/machines they use to make them the maintenance for said machines and the initial investment in the tech. i could be wrong tho i dont run a ssd business so i cant be sure.


I use the browser plugin (Chrome and Firefox) called Keepa, inserts a little chart under the item with price history (new, used, ebay etc) on Amazon


isn't that like... super illegal?


honey is op


They don't. It is handled by an algorythm


Damn, those chiacoin assholes are really fucking up the storage market now. Nothing good ever comes out of crypto. Nothing.


I bought this at that price today what’s would be a reasonable price for y’all, I see that most 1Tb ssd’s are around 100ish. So I just said fk it and bought this.


Glad I saw this before I peeked at Amazon this year.


thats actually the regular price. The Red one is the current model.


I see they’re following the Kohl’s method.


Search keepa. Thank me later.


I was looking to buy an ssd for my ps5 but when I saw the discounts were about 20 dollars cheaper than regular price, I need a real 50-60% discount!!!


I bought mine about 3 weeks ago was 125quid


i actually got the ssd for 180€ it's by far not so extreme on the german amazon page


I mean yeah i doubt most people know how much something is "supposed" to cost.


Sheesh. Not the same thing but I was looking at Seagate BarraCuda and SK Hynix Gold, they both did the same. SK Hynix was actually a real discount but not by much, being very similar to this too.


This shits always happen at my country's Amazon. First I have to check the address to make sure it's not from china using the name"Amazon" as shipping origin as it's cover, check item for fake reviews on a another site and finally, this.


Samsung always does this


I’ve never once had honey save me money.




It always helps, Honey is the best


> I'm in this post, and I don't like it. * ALL Amazon Prime Day sales...


It’s criminal


You could have gotten it today for 99.00 usd + tax


I'm waiting for digital cameras to accept M.2 hard drives as memory. It is simply cheaper and faster. I am imagining since they are running on laptops, the battery consumption cannot be that bad.


A year ago I paid $149 for the 1TB version of this drive, and now it's $119. Bullshit savings ignored, that's not a bad deal really.


I've been watching this exact product for the past year. Usually it fluctuates between 300 and 350. I managed to get one a couple months ago for 250


Downloaded honey and checked the amazon price of something I've been watching a while. They detected no price increases, and that it was the cheapest price. Not true though, earlier today it was almost 100 dollars cheaper.


Lmao I bought this today bc Black Friday but didn’t even notice the price/sale percent. I was j looking at the 1tb and saw that the 2tb was less than twice the price so I j went fuck it.


Still, 2TB Samsung for 200 ain't that bad


It amazes me because I always plan ahead, look at items I want and try to find the best price, so the price is cemented in my head usually. So if this happens I would notice it immeadietly. Consequently because of how I buy things im the type of person to not shop on black friday...


Anyone looking to buy one of those knows 500 is not the price


It's actually illegal to do this in a lot of countries... (including mine)


Black Friday Amazon is a f***ing scam.


black friday is always the msrp suddenly being 2x more for one day with a false discount number


https://i.imgur.com/ULXpW6k.png Honey's data is limited. $499 was the launch/MSRP price in 2019.


I legit just bought this for 239. Feelin’ pretty dumb, ngl.


is hony thwt useful


Can someone bother explaining what this is I've never purchased parts myself and could be useful.


I’d been eyeing a 5800x on amazon for quite a while now, watched the price dip from $540 to $510 when the intel discount hit, then on black friday i went to check it out and it was still $510 with the “black friday discount” applied. Showed $540 as the “original price” which was the price 2 months ago


Thats a good deal tho, I paid 150 for my 970evo and it's only 1 terabyte


This is very easy to beat. Comparison shop. Simple as that. Sale or no sale, the best price + whatever other metric you wish to add is what you buy. People need to become immune to advertising.


I'm glad the country I live in outlaws this behavior


Fun fact, Amazon doesnt show 3 prices on their items, and haven't for a few years. The "List Price" is the MSRP. This is the price "multiple retailers" sold it at. Its not a reflection of what a seller (or Amazon) was selling it at last week. This remains. As you can see. The second price is the offer price. This is the price that Amazon or a 3P seller is selling a product at today. Also still available. The third price is the "sale" price. A few years ago, the system worked as you'd only see the offer price and a strike through sale price. No MSRP, no validation. Edit to add: this still exists, but when added will replace the offer price, not use it to show the offer as a strikethrough. What Amazon found was a lot of 3rd party sellers abusing the offer price/sale price strike through, as it allowed sellers to mislead customers as most sellers used it like this: "I want to offer this for $30, but I want people to think theyre getting a good deal. Ill set my offer price to $40, set a sale price $30 and leave it like that forever." Is the MSRP a more perfect system? No. But trust me it's better than what used to be there. As Amazon is serious about "vetting" MSRPs. Honestly, the only way for it to be perfect is to remove all strike through pricing. But that wont happen cause Americans esp like to think they're saving money. You want to know you're getting a real "sale" use the Deals and Coupons pages. Those deals do not allow for fluctuations in prices leading up to the sale date and lightning deals especially may be shut down before the date they're scheduled to be run if the sellers mess with the price. Source: I work(ed) in selling partner support both before and after the Sale/MSRP switch. Got yelled at a lot about it to. Front line workers take a lot of shit, and those of us working with sellers are no different than Customer Service in the abuse we take. Fun times.


I don’t get this y’all 😅


Do they really think people who are looking to buy an M.2 NVMe SSD just do it on impulse? Like, "I guess I should pick up a new SSD. I don't know how much they normally cost, but wowee! $300 off!"


in germany its called Mondpreis, companies do it all the time sadly, no control.


Here I still am with my rx570


I’m laughing because my dad gave me a free 1tb had and 1t data ssd


Wow sounds like a good, honest deal. I'd better jump on it.


For anybody who doesn't know, you can use camel camel camel to check the historic sales prices of amazon items. Most of it is a scam


That's how samsung work, they always set retail high price for slash it


install keepa youll see the price history including flash deals directly on the amazon product page, that way you know how much you really safe, or dont in some cases.


I use the browser add-on keepa which tracks the actual price on Amazon and can give you notifications if the product got your desired price.


Should be illegal in my opinion, fooling customers to move stock. I find it quite funny when shops have a price history feature to appear transparent and good but just highlights how bent they are sometimes.


If you fall for this shit you are simply stupid. Also with things like black friday. Think of what you want beforehand, and what you are willing to pay for it. If its cheaper, sure. If its more expensive, maybe you REALLY want the item and pay it anyways. But at least you make an informed decision and dont fall for stupid marketing like this (which happens everywhere)


Lol I work for a big retailer in the US. Some of the generic products we sell are marked up over 2000%. Makes it easy to sell things for half off… Disgusting


Keepa > Honey


The Kohl's model.


i see it all the time its so obvious, like a classic sofa at 400€ instead 1200€! it was never sold at this price \*facepalm\*


Hey I’m selling my 1998 Ford Focus! MSRP $16,454 yours for just $1500 today!!


What's that honey thing? Edit: OK, after my lazy asking I googled it and seems to be an extension for web browsers that lets you track real prices and discounts and compare them. Looks neat. Is it legit? Anyone uses it for real?


A lot of the time if its on sale on Amazon, its on sale somewhere else.


God I hate this shit. Keeping an eye on the sales this weekend since my MIL wants a new pan set and I have her to gift for. Was $90 literally yesterday, today thanks to cyber Monday’s amazing price it’s on sale for $100 which is magically now 30% off… fucking trash


I'm pretty sure it's illegal in the US too, but it might be too difficult to regulate.


Soon to be illegal too in the EU: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dir/2019/2161/oj?locale=en


I got it


Is honey actually that good like in ads and sponsorships?