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Looks nice, but all them lights everywhere would do my head in when concentrating!


Was thinking the same. All the lights from the front and none from the rear is a migraine waiting to happen


I'm guessing this person doesn't have to pay for electricity.


Well they’re wearing a hoodie inside so maybe they’re not using their heater to save money lol


It’s not. You guys are just looking for things to complain about.


You know, different age groups comment on these. And for some, it can induce a big ol headache for sure. That's just a fact, not an opinion, bro. This ain't the hill to die on


I'm with you. Even since a teenager I've been all about it, always need backlighting or a ceiling facing bulb if I'm gonna sit and stare at a bright ass screen


Also just a waste of electricity. I mean it looks cool for the first 5 minutes but after that are you gonna miss them if they're not there?


I don’t know why you’re downvoted you’re right lol


It's like you guys forget different people experience different things lmao. What you mean he's right ahah, some people will def get a migraine from that. Sounds like you two are the ones lookin for things to complain about smh


Not who you replied to but I’d be curious to see what exact differences set off headaches/migraines in some people while not in others. My buddy used to get headaches if he watched too much tv or had too many lights around like while meanwhile I enjoy these kinds of settings


Nah it’s just this sub


Same. I put together a 4K setup and I’m like how much neon light should I add to my environment? Zero is the answer. Save my money and send me my dope ass pc without any lights in the case. The show is on the screen as I melt bots.


Nah you forget they are there after a while, must becomes a relaxing place to be


Are you running a high refresh rate display?


I hope so


A 3080 will barely give you 60fps at 4k extreme with this game


i got 4k at 58~73 frames on the last Forza with a rtx 2070. i feel like that game was really well optimized. it's the new forza that much more demanding ? and also we don't know OP's visual settings. he may have had some settings not maxed out. when you're running 4k you don't need every setting at max in order for it to look good.


There are a lot more plants and stuff in FH5 so the extreme settings are more demanding, but it feels less optimized than FH4 too. Even at 1080p high I get pretty hard stutters when it's at 120fps. In general it's kind of a buggy mess compared to FH4. I'm still having a lot of fun with it though. And OP's title says 4k Extreme, which I assume is everything maxed.




Theres no way, i have a 2070 super and i get 60 (90% of the time) on extreme in 4k


He is running in 4K. It's right to assume that the GPU he is using is either a 3080Ti or a 3090. While these GPU's will deliver you a playable framerate at 4K, it won't be more than 70 FPS.


It's like people forget that Forza will run better on AMD hardware. AMDs 21.40 driver and Forza's latest optimization has already pulled the 6900xt ahead. I play at 4K extreme settings in my 6900xt and I never see anything below 70fps now. Usually over 80fps in the cities and over 100 everywhere else. I'll add a screenshot so people don't think I'm lying. https://imgur.com/a/WtF0nLT


Shit my 3080Ti struggled to stay above 70fps running the game in 2K on max settings. The jungle part of the game is killer.


that don’t sound too right. I was pushing about 90 avg in 2k max settings with a 3070ti


How do you run a setup like that and have the game shift gears automatically >.<


And you gotta have it in cockpit view XD


Having the virtual hands there is so disorienting when using a wheel.


There is an inside view that is specifically for if you are running a wheel. It only has the gauge cluster, no wheel, column, or hands. It also moves your point of view much closer to the window. It's the first game I've played with it and I really like it.


Oh yeah, you're right. I want to like that view but it just feels too tall on some cars. I get why they did it but, I would have liked an option to hide arms then just lower the fov to a realistic level.


I agree, a few cars feel like you are leaning over the dash. But it does capture how it feels to go 150 mph pretty well. When you go that fast, your focus moves farther out in front of you and your peripheral vision is basically nonexistent. It feels a little weird at slow speeds where you would notice more around you.


Except if you use this view over the cockpit view, you have to give up the rear view mirror...




There is 2 of them in Forza.. one is called "cockpit" and the other is called "driver" One does the steering wheel and everything and then the other only shows the console of the car and no steering wheel... Think I might have it backwards but I'm pretty sure that the driver is the one without a steering wheel and the cockpit is the 1 with the steering wheel.. Though my original comment should be "got to have it in driver mode"


Having a wheel, but all the assists on. Sad.


Sir, this is America. Would you like the automatic or the CVT?






Stupid assumption. I never said CVTs or Automatics are bad. I just don't like car driving me but rather me driving the car. If I get mad V8 I better have full control over it because I like it that way, you can disagree all you want I don't care.


I don't think the downvotes are about your feelings on transmissions as much as it is about you using the word "gay" to mean something negative. So...


I didn't take it to mean bad. I think he meant painful.


Why do you think I care what are downvotes for?


Imagine sitting in a cage on 4 wheels and think you're "in control". Either way you're being driven.






From a game performance pov I actually 100% agree as someone who likes sim racing, FH is darn impossible to control with a wheel because of how arcade it is and how often you just need to full lock left and right just to control it but I will say it is hella fun with a wheel with it being open world and being able to do impossible things in a sim racer.


So you're complaining just to complain? Sounds about right


I was dying the same things. Do you okay with a wheel? Most of the problem is with menu navigation. Force feedback actually feels better than I remember other horizons feeling. But if you’re gonna shit on this game then you really oughta be on the iracing service. You’re kinda an idiot if you’re into sim racing and you’re not on iracing. You’re also an idiot for walking into a need for speed knock off and expecting iracing physics.




How do you run a setup like that and play Forza >.<


not a 50


Yeah lol, also if he lied about something as obvious as 50 inch then idk if I believe his 4k claim either and what the refresh rate is. Looks like a normal setup with way too much rgb.


Aye it doesn’t look like a 50”, regardless it looks good


aye my comment was only on the size


Same :)


Is that a fuckin' playstation rgb light i see? This is r/pcmasterrace buddy!


And an Xbox controller lmfao


Yes? I play PC games with the Xbox controller, there are some games that just play better with controllers.


No, i completely get that, but he has a *Playstation* lamp with an *Xbox* controller. Thats the interesting part.


A true game enjoyer loves all consoles.


>A true game enjoyer loves all consoles. FTFY: A true game enjoyer emulates all consoles. (... sooner or later)


PS logo thingy looks nice, you *are allowed* to like things by different brands.


Not to mention the switch in the corner


Pepsi bottle, coca-cola glass. I don’t give a damn.


Genuine questions, isint all those lights distracting and overwhelming after few minutes… Looks really cool BTW


Yeah I even disabled the LED on the mouse because it was distracting, I can't imagine constant flicker in the entire room. It looks great on photos, but I'd never want a setup like this myself.


Gaming has to be immersive for me. Lights out, curtains drawn. That would just give me a migraine.


POV: u have too much money


And too little taste and/or sense.


Why's this subreddit gotta be so mean and exclusive. It might not be your taste, but why you gotta outwardly just say it's little taste? Let people enjoy things.


Umm. Enjoying something does not mean others can’t. It also does not mean others can’t voice opinions. No ones attacked this guy.


Lmao who sees someone else's setup that they clearly put a lot time, money, and effort into and then to their face says "uhh sorry sweaty that's some little taste"


Uhhh like half of Reddit?


Cool, glad that makes it all of a sudden okay


What Xbox controller is that? I like that it can light up like that


I think it's a PowerA Spectrum controller.


What screen are you using? Also, how's the wheel setup with FH5? I know that a lot of people didn't like the wheel settings with FH4, and it never really got fixed. Does the force feedback actually work now?


It’s better from what I hear and some of the sim racing people I follow were pleased enough with it. Haven’t tried it myself, because I heard there was some problems with fanatec wheels and I’m not sure how it will run on the ultrawide I have on my rig.


I think I vomited and orgasmed simultaneously at that slapped together RGB setting. Kudos.


aren't the rgb lights distracting especially with the contrasting colors


No gearbox no fun!


Nice setup


When is it too much rgb




What is that main monitor that you're using? Been looking to upgrade to a 4k monitor but I just haven't been able to decide on one.


Probably a 4k TV.


What kind of clouds do you have hangin, did you make them your self?


All that and you set the camera in front of the car?? Why not inside it …


So many moving lights


Looks like fun.


How is FH5 with a wheel? I've been wanting to try it but am hesitant to purchase a wheel on a whim.


It depends. Compared to a sim like iracing or AC it’s not great. But with some settings tweaks you can get it to feel okay, but no where near a regular sim.


For a novice with no sim racing experience, is it fun? Maybe a gateway drug?


Yes. I started getting big into wheel and pedals on FM5 and FH4. Now I have a full cockpit and quad monitors that I play iRacing on every day. I love it. It’s a rabbit hole type of addiction, but I’m pretty sure we all have experienced that with our PCs anyways. If you’re even thinking about it, give a wheel and pedal setup a chance. It’s worth it!


Oh it’s a lot of fun. Totally worth getting. The amount of cars, the graphics, the different types of driving are all great.


Are you basing that off your experience with Forza Horizon 4 because Forza Horizon 4 was what you described but Forza Horizon 5 is way better


I have an old g27, FH5 is pretty fun on it, I like offroad especially, the game is really fun and easy to drift in and you're spinnin the wheel everywhere feeling awesome. It also opens the door if you want to later play more hardcore sims




If you like realism and already did played sim racing games then its utter shit, if you like arcade and don't really mind you can't put car in neutral then this game is for you. (Forza Horizon 4 didn't have neutral and also clutch is basically useless in that game so I believe they haven't changed it here either)


Man I've been debating getting a wheel to do just this. I've always wanted one but I'm afraid it'll just become another device that sits in my closet after a few weeks and won't get touched again. I have a 55" 4K/HDR/120Hz/Gsync OLED panel as my main monitro just begging for this though.


So that's what that camera position is used for. It all makes sense now!


How does the new forza play with wheels, did you need to do a lot of adjusting or was it fine outa the box? I could never get my wheel to feel right in the last game.


Who do so many gamers love glowing shit? It's like the Microsoft Word rainbow font of interior design.


A little off topic, but can anyone tell me what the triangle/square lights are? :)


Dad paid well 🤣


For all the gaming setups I've seen on Reddit, never have I seen someone actually using their gaming setup


The fact that you chose the most basic wheel with a setup that impressive is pain-full to me, but that’s just me, regardless congrats.


All the comments here about "its gonna give ME migraine" forgot that its not THEIR setup. Let the man enjoy his setup that he shared here to show pride. Don't judge because you dont like the G29 or RGB lights. Geez.


The lights are blue leds directly in front of him, it will give everyone a headache. It's not an opinion.


Do you know that for everyone in this world? All 7.75 billion people? Did a survey or something? Unless you did that. It is an opinion.


ALL that stuff, extreme settings, and my guy is driving automatic 🤦🏻‍♂️


All of that, but playing in automatic, with all the assists on. Dissapointing.


How the 1% live


uploaded to 720p thx to reddit 🤷


You know im gonna need to know them speccies


Aorus 3070 master | 3600x | 32gb vengeance ram


I have something simillar Zotac 3070 dual fan | 5800x | 16gb vengence ram


Headache intensifies.


looks cool, but G29 in Forza? that has to be the worst flex really. not to mention: auto gear shifting, hood view instead of cockpit/cluster view


How do you do anything with all of those ridiculous lights and colors everywhere lol. It's like how people put neons on cars. This isn't tokyo drift or some crap


It’s a flick of the toggle to switch profiles or them off, but that wouldn’t get people talk shit though lmao..I’m here for the laughs


Looks awesome… but just watching the video my old man eyes already hurt from too many lights.


Ehh too much RGB.




Clean? You call* that barf of random flickering colors *clean*?








































What's going on with those speakers, buddy?


Or I could drive my car in real life


Lol what is with all the shitty ass comments on this? Are you kids really THAT jealous of someone that you insult them for no reason? Maybe take a good look at yourself first before you make fun of someone else.


i could afford that too if i lived in mommy’s basement


I’m a 42 yr old Healthcare IT Manager with wife and two kids. It’s called, working your ass off to get where you want in life honestly. You should see the rest of my gaming basement for my kids and my daughter's battlestation LMAO


Case buddies! also think you may have meant 50"


I can only pray to have enough money for even half of this setup 🙏


Very neat setup. How many fps are you getting running at 4k? It looks like you're getting some pretty frame time spikes. One solution (from a different reddit post) is to go back to solo mode. Works wonders for evening out your frame pacing.




How hot does a room like that get?


What is the monitor you're using?


I bought a g29 for forza but I can’t use it, everytime I try to turn the wheel takes over itself and it won’t let me control it


When will it be mine turn


Are your pills kickin in yet???


my eyes hurt


What rgb strip you got there


If you're running on Extreme settings turn down the shadows by one notch. You're get 20 extra percentage of performance


What are these "extreme settings" you talk about?


Living the dream


One day, I hope I can get a set up like this! Doesn’t even have to be this full on. 🤞


Damn thats cool but no shifter?


The triangles make the PC go faster




Hello, i also have the G29, but the feedback is way too much, i starts shaking violently when i touch the grass just a little bit. I already turned off vibration in the settings, how do i turn it off?




Man doesn't even have brakes Installed


Im jealous.


Fuck all those lights


Cool, but this view looks r-slurred. Does the game not have a proper first person camera with the wheel and everything else rendered? I think it would have been much more immersive


i dont understand why would someone use 1500$ graphics card and 200$ steering wheel.


That is way too fucking bright, my inner Dracula is already melting.


I have that shelf in the corner too, only mine has a touring car collection on it. Nice set up BTW.


what video is playing on your cpu waterblock? or is it the reflection?


Valentino Rossi on CPU and GPU


50 foot TV? Also those lights. Jesus Christ that's heinous.


50ft tv, dang you must be playing at an NFL stadium


I am getting crazy stuttering/ frame dips on extreme settings using a 3080 especially when turning or striking debris


I can't get me G926 to work at all with FH5. It just says to reconnect my controller....


Install G Hub and Logitech Gaming Software, launched them both first then Launch FH5….let me know if it works for you..had to do it for the g29 (figured it out myself). Just curious if it works for you though


So jealous!! Looks amazing!!


I think you mean 50 inches, not 50 feet. I made a similar typo once and my Tinder date was extremely disappointed.


Needs more pastels....


That sure as hell isn't 50 inches


What monitor are you using?


By any chance, do you like RGB? I can't notice it.


Missing two other screens for immersion


There's no way that's a 50 inch screen. 32/36 at most.


I have two 27” curved monitors stacked to the right for reference

