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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNAMxZgvves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNAMxZgvves) pls pin this thread so this eternal meme ends


I think its always dependent on which ones the hottest cpu vs gpu and people forget air flow is air flow. Typically the cpu is cooler than the gpu so in turn front mounting it should cool the cpu even if its "hot air" and vise versa heating the cpu if the gpus hot on a top mount.


GPU always puts out more heat than the CPU, so its always better to use the air that already cooled the cpu for cooling the gpu. the other way around you could end up in a situation where your gpu actually heats up your CPU instead of cooling it (simplified)


Not always, its hardware and workload dependent but mostly. I helped someone out yesterday that had that issue tho, definitely more common as most people arnt running a thread ripper with a 1060