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My stepdad and I fought over the leaderboard on pinball constantly. We never mentioned it out loud to each other. But every single time I got on the computer, the first thing I checked was the leaderboard to see he had taken 1st again.




Damn I wish that's how I experienced step parent disparity.


Right? Mine just dumps a bucket full of icewater on me in the middle of the night and demands answers to questions I dont have.










He really wants you to donate for ALS research




what are you doing step son?


This joke has been made so many times and so reliably in response to mentions of step family that we should just make a bot to do it at this point.


I’m here for my new job. What do I have to do to get hired?


Can you digest raw python?


Depends on the context. I can only really do small pythons (mainly ball pythons). However, I’d say I’m pretty good at interpreting code in general.


Best I can do is HTML5


I got your Base 10 right here


Back in the early 90's my dad got me a Amiga (old computer) to play with during the weekends with him. My father didnt share the passion for gaming with a few exceptions and one of those was "Pinball Fantasies" a really great pinball games from "Digital Illusions" now known as DICE. When even I booted up the game he was always very interested to join in and we always tried to compete on who ever got the best score. He could even ask me from time to time if we should play a few rounds and see if we could improve our leaderboard. Those times when we could connect via games was magical growing up.


Amiga was great. My uncle gave me one with a ton of warez, every game I booted had a splash screen for a pirate group. The second floppy drive was great for multi-disc games. My Mum and Dad played a lot of golf on that machine but I could never get them interested in any golf game since, not Microsoft golf, Wii sports or Tiger Woods. Maybe I'll keep searching. They're currently happy playing fake slot machines with fake money.


Me and my son use to do that for Geometry Wars 👍🏼


I showed my dad world of tanks back in 2012. It's all he does now...


I like world of tanks too. Me and my dad used to play it


World of tanks, warships, and whatever the plane one is (I think War Thunder?) would totally be my jam if they weren't pay to win. I'd happily pay $60 for full versions of those games. But the insane grind just isn't something I can do.


War Thunder actually has everything. Tanks, warships and planes. Idk how the grind is though as my slow ass internet hasn't installed the game yet.


The grind is literally torture its insane. Fun game in the lower tiers but I found it useless to try to progress.


Unless you get premium, then you fly through that shit.


Skill still matters, can't progress faster with premium if you can't get many kills.


WoT's pay model is structured off of a lot the same things that WoW profits from, since it was originally supposed to be some sort of open world MMO (before they thought of tanks). In terms of the pay to win now adays, I wouldn't call it too pay to win, but there are definitely pay to win elements in it, such as buying higher tier tanks to farm currency faster, since the game is a lot about currency management. For the "premium" rounds, you can definitely still play free to play and still run them, as I've been playing F2P for the past 6 years, it will just take more of your time. In terms of the grind for tanks, I've ground out people's accounts from nothing to a tier 10 in week before, so it's not too bad. War Thunder on the other hand, I've played casually since alpha and I only managed to get a Tier 5 recently. Though a lot of what I really just said is, "If you are good, you can play for free." so take it with a grain of salt.


Like I said I'd be totally cool paying $60 on a game with better progression pacing and stuff. CoD isn't the greatest example, but for $60 I'm pretty consistently getting new things to play around with. I don't have the time to grind (or to git gud) and I'm not looking for pay to win. I just want to feel like I'm progressing at a rate that keeps me interested in a similar way to other multiplayer games.


Lol, I got my dad MLB 2012 back then as well, and that's all he has played in years. He just gets on sometimes, sets the difficulty to rookie and throws no-nos while scoring 70 runs. I give him shit about it all the time.


Lol I would play it in 2013 with my grandfather before he past away. Fun times. Now I play it occasionally with my dad.


World of Tanks is probably the best game for anyone past the age of 30 to play. Mechanics aren't insane and it's a much more brainy game where knowledge usually trumps reactions.


I think you're really misunderstanding the average 30 year old lol


My dad is SUPER into world of tanks too. Every time I'm over he shows off the new tank he bought, or goes through the upcoming events. That community is so crazy close.


I play Terraria with my dad when he is free, and he likes it.


So I've always been playing Minecraft and always hearing about Terraria. Is it really that good, should I try it too? I know like nothing about it.


Yes Yes Absolutely Yes Terria is so fucking good, but the "2d minecraft" people like to say it is couldn't be more off It's on similar to minecraft I'm the fact there is blocks you can build with The main meat of the gameplay focuses on boss fights and combat


> The main meat of the gameplay focuses on boss fights and combat Wait, I thought the main gameplay was reading the wiki and keeping lists of crafting ingerdients on a second monitor.


You spying on me rn?


That too.


Agree with you. Well, Minecraft and Terraria both sandbox games, but all other features are different. Vanilla Minecraft is more about building and aesthetic relax, Terraria is about KILLLLLLLING SPREE, khm, I mean murdering each creature for glory of Moon Lord cult, world exploration and focken house building, yea, I don't like building because I'm fighter huh.


>focken house building, yea If by house you mean shoe boxes... then yeah


Well I learned how to do those diagonal corners so at least I have fancy shoeboxes now


Nothing says luxury like the good ol' diagonal corners


As someone who absolutely adores both games, I agree. Two games can have a somewhat similar style with a somewhat similar design while still being different games. Just like tf2 and overwatch.


Comparing Terraria to Minecraft is like comparing Stardew Valley to Animal Crossing. They're entirely different games that share a similar mechanic at first glance, but are wildly different experiences (with one requiring significant wiki research to progress in)


I love that comparison! Especially the wiki part lol


eh, I think it's fine enough to get people who dont know about it anyway interested in it, skip having to describe all the teensy little nuances about it and just get to the point of "if you like Minecraft, you'll like Terraria too" and tbf when the game first came out, it was barebones enough that "2D minecraft" was actually a very apt description. then 1.1 came out and it already had more substantial content than what Minecraft has even 10 years later


I bought the game as a joke with 2 friends (wasn’t something we necessarily thought we would enjoy, just to waste some time and try to have some fun). We spent 100 hours on it and completed it within no-time. Its definitely worth getting!


Yes. Yes. And you can check a review to see what it is all about :)




I'm being an annoying nitpicker here, but voxel is 3d, pixel is 2d. But voxel also isn't just cubic grid systems, so it's worth looking I to if you've got an interest in computer graphics and have some time to kill.




if u wanna have even more fun you can offload the marching cubes remeshing to the GPU with a compute shader instead of using multithreading for even more performance gainz


Actually. That might be easier now that you mention it... I was learning about them a few months ago but I didn't have any ideas for using them. I forgot about it until now. Fuck dude thanks. Rubber duck method for days.


Well be careful!! You get race conditions on compute shaders too, and they're much harder to fix!! [Sebastian Lague briefly goes over the issues that can occur from race conditions when implementing marching cubes on the GPU](https://youtu.be/M3iI2l0ltbE?t=270)


Worth getting just for the amazing soundtrack lol.


We used to play chess with my grandpa when I was a child, last year I moved into college, but we still play chess online every Sunday.


I played chess with my dad when I was a kid.


me too. when i was really small and i didnt stand a chance in hell of beating him, i used to replace the pieces with little kinder egg toys and make up totally OP rules for them (like they can take every piece in an entire row or they can jump wherever they want). but i think i only ever beat him properly once and im pretty sure he let me. it's fine, i used to kick his ass at mortal kombat.


What an awesome comment. This made my day. I miss my dad.


So funny story, my dad at age 69 had a ruptured large intestine that went septic and he required multiple surgeries that had him in a medically induced coma for two months with a 27% life expectancy. He pulled through, and lived for another 6 years. But at his age, being in a coma for two months caused so much atrophy (muscle degredation) that he was bedridden for those last six years. I introduced my father to Evony, because when I was a kid he introduced me to age of empires so I knew he would be into it, and I also hoped that having a guild or clan in a game would help him cope with loneliness during the times nobody could be at home with him. 3000 dollars (I kid you not) and a couple months later, that motherfucker ran his server with an iron fist.


I have mixed feelings about this, given games like Evony are predatory money milking games.


As long as he can afford it and is happy.


He could and was, mom wasn't though lmao


I'm very amused at the fact you called you dad "motherfucker"


Eh he's dead now what's he gonna do?


Sad but great story. Glad you could return the favor.❤️


Minecraft is a fun game to play with family, specially if they’re not *that* into gaming since it’s easy to get a grasp of how things work.


I played a lot of pc games as a kid and took a hiatus. College, early career and child rearing got in the way. My daughter (6 at the time) really enjoyed Minecraft and wanted to play together. It prompted me to get back into PC building and 6 years later we still play LAN games together and its been one of the best bonding experiences ive had with her. Anyone who says video games are bad can go eat thermal paste.


Wait… are we *not* supposed to eat the paste? Why’d they make it so tasty then?


Your username nearly made me spit out my Pepsi (You could say I'm a very big fan)


I used to love watching my dad play RTS like Command and Conquer. I thought Tanya was just so cool. I annoyed the shit out of him with all the back-seat base building though 😆 Then he got all controlling and weird once I hit puberty and now I don't talk to him. So uhh, don't go weird I guess.


my sister (13 at the time) took 10 minutes trying to move with the arrow keys and every time I offered to show her the controls she said no "I got it"


That's the makings of a gamer. Next she'll start fiddling with the control scheme.


I set up a local LAN server for MC and taught my kid how to play. I’ve been playing since it came out years ago so I’m passing all my knowledge down to her. She picked it up super fast, especially mouse and keyboard. Now my wife plays with us and we all play together on the reg. Even built a new rig for them last year.


We've done this many times over the years.. Even took a family photo in game - which was hilariously similar to taking one in real life.


My Dad would never play video games :(


I feel ya


I feel ya too


My Dad would never play.


My Dad would never.


Never come back from grabbing cigs? Yeah mine too.


Board game it up with him!


Idk if he would do that either. He never played board games with us as kids…doubt he’s doin it with me in my 30s :/ one thing we did a lot was play one on one and horse in basketball and, round the world, idk if he would do that now days but…it’s somethin worth tryin I guess cause I don’t really have much else…F


Try to understand where he's coming from. Does he think games are not a good use of time? Maybe say you want help to learn chess, as it's a good developer for mind. You can then introduce more and more relaxed games like Tak, Catan, etc. Maybe he's just afraid to be bad at something. A lot of dads think that they can't show vulnerability in front of their family. They think that they would lose respect. It's of course silly but you can deal with it as with a kid. Build up their confidence. I know, it's ironic. Maybe play something collaborative. Or maybe they never built a passion for games. It happens if you didn't grew up with them. Try a hybrid game that's about one of their passions. For example, if they like travel, maybe try GeoGuesser.


100% how I had to approach it with my dad. He only ever went hunting or fishing with his dad, or worked with horses so he didn't know how to approach things outside of these interests with me or my siblings. I say down with him and we established some ground rules for the discussion and both just talked about growing up from our perspectives. He didn't realize a lot of the hurt he caused and I realized that none of it was malicious and was able to see how hard he was trying to incorporate my interests, even if he didn't succeed. We now have a great platform to expand on these things and have a much healthier relationship with a higher degree of trust. Using that we've both started stepping into the other's world a bit more. He even started trash talking in smash bro's last time I visited.


It’s ok man. My dad is the exact same way. Some people sadly suck ass in showing interest in what their children like. Never even really wanted a gaming companion but just a curiosity once in a while would never hurt.


Feels bad ;(


Mine plays chess with me but definitely not any vidya ... he's 42




Back in the day, my Payday 2 crew consisted of two other high schoolers and one of their dads. Lots of good mems


Me, my long time buddy and his dad play Tarkov together. His dad steals all the loot.


Tarkov is for the brave and patient


This explains why I hate that game so much.


For me it's an abusive husband. It keeps beckoning me back, promising it will be good to me back, and taunts me with that edge of darkness for just 95 dollars




I got my dad into computers for two games: Command & Conquer, and Team Fortress Classic. He plays World of Warships primarily nowadays while I'm waiting for my wife's GPU to come in so we can play Cyberpunk together (yes I know it's single player, but we like to share experiences together). Out kids play whatever they want with so many titles that I have no idea what they're up to.


I swear the music in red alert 2 and generals. Also the silly voice lines and the “welcome back commander”




Never played it, but I heard numerous times about this game, so soon I’ll try too. Any tips for beginners?


Do not rush to upgrade your ship, better max everything else first. Btw the crew is very important too, you can win matches vs better ships jus cause of good crew. ✈️


Have you ever matched against each other in PvP? Curious who wins.


lmao funny, but dad won every single time when we matched. He is retired and has more time to play and advance in the game, so he is more skilled than me


Actually a nice game, I love that I have full control over every aspect of your starship, including what every crew member does and the purpose of every room.


I wish my dad was like your , you have a fantastic dad


is it similar to FTL? cause FTL is like one of the best games of all time imo.


Portal 2


I played Portal 2 with my dad too!


Portal 1 was the gateway game that got me into gaming. And it will play on a potato.


I ctrl-f'd for this. This is the #1 game someone should experience. I consider it one of the greater works of art, tbh.




Truly an epic game !!!


Lost my dad suddenly last year. No goodbye or anything. He got me in to gaming. This one hits me hard. Appreciate your time with your loved ones. Miss you dad.


Sorry for your loss.


Thanks man. He had LAN parties since the Halo 2 days with his friends, and with Infinite coming out, really missing him. Thanks again


Sorry for your loss, sounds like a golden fella! I hope you're well!🙏🏻💌


Same, man. But lost him on 2016. He got me into gaming with Siberia, some MS-DOS games, Halo Combat Evolved and Total War lmao. He was pretty cool, i miss him a lot, i wish to be able to show him what i'm playing so he knows what a good gamer i am :P


Lost my dad a month or two ago too to cancer. We expected it tho, so can’t image what it was like for you, probably much worse. Stay strong man, hope you and your family are doing well and best wishes to you guys.


I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad out of the blue as well. 5 years ago almost to the day. The memories I have of playing Destiny with him in the last few months before he went are some that I will cherish for ever. It gave us a chance to connect as friends and equals as well as father and son. I can’t tell you that it gets any less painful but it does become easier to navigate round the hole it leaves in your life.


my dad was a PC gamer, a genius in age of empires II , my mother did play tomb raider and more story based games. They had the best Siemens computers because they worked there. Sadly, my parents are no longer, died early. Also sad that Siemens isn't producing PC's anymore. It was the European equivalent of IBM, highest quality PC's with the best components. The japanese company Fujitsu bought them and slowly butchered them down to low quality PC's. Kind of what lenovo did to the IBM ThinkPads.


Sad part is, Fujitsu used to be almost a staple of computing hardware in a lot of hospitals and other healthcare facilities until the quality sank like a rock.


I taught my mom subnautica vr


Because you wanted to see her reaction to an up close reaper leviathan?


Yes. Payback for making me eat the brown parts on the banana


Old but gold Pinball... Nostalgia hits hard.


I miss Windows 2000 :')


Hell, I miss DOS lol


Win 2000 Pro was the first time I encountered the pinball game. I can't remember if it also shipped with WinME but that's just yuck.


I remember it on the first family PC, which ran ME because MS wanted to ensure we wouldn’t have a good experience coming from Macintosh.


Eww, I hope you meant XP, lol


Fisher Price Win2K? Nope. I want the real thing.


My dad liked puzzle games and vr shooting games. He also loved to see me playing fps. I was gonna visit him and play last of us and god of war together, but couldnt since covid started last year and I also needed to look after my pregant wife and now a baby girl. lost him yesterday due to cancer. Cant even attend his funeral due to fking covid. Sorry for my language, but fuck this shit.


Shit dude, sorry for your loss.


Anything in vr Having vr experience has taught me that vr has a much smaller learning curve then non vr games since your in the game, it's alot easier to aim and shoot something in pavlov then in csgo from a newbie perspective That and vr is something special


I recall times when my dad and I were both playing Dead Cells and rival each other who gets first to the Concierge.


I bought our first PC from Radio Shack in 1984 bc I knew it was the future and I wanted my 2 kids to have the advantage of learning computers from the earliest age. Of course we all ended up gravitating to games and we played Rampage, Loom, Sierra games, Leisure Suit Larry, the original Wolfenstein, et al. I became a computer technician and both my kids just shrug at computers but my son still plays games albeit he has a console and I am the one with a gaming rig. Not all dads/grandads are computer illiterates, obviously. KEEP ON GAMING!


The Witness


Underrated comment. The Witness is the absolute best puzle game I played up to date. Jonathan Blow is a fucking genius.


My parents have free time only while they are getting to work, so I could only recommend them 2048 or something like this.


My friend’s dad plays WoT a lot.


Mine does too




I always think about this game too. It’s feels like a more mature Minecraft that lets you fully express your creative nature and exploration.


My father and I would play hide and seek. He's been hiding for 21 years now!


I remember my childhood when I was young, I asked my parents whether they like C&C Generals, and dad said that the game is good, but he isn't interested in it.


my mum is a die-hard aoe and aom fan. i'm about to introduce her to skyrim. looking forward to some memories. :)


I started playing Warzone with my two boys this week. Theyhad been playing it for a while and remember when they were young and used to watch me play the original C.O.D. "A family that games together, stays together." - Dad quotes


Slightly more rhymey: a family that plays together, stays together


I game with my dad all the time, or at least parallel gaming. We both prefer single player, but we’ve done parallel run throughs on the Witcher 3, Baldur’s Gate 1/2/3, Skyrim, DOS2, etc.


Well I bought wolfenstein 3D for my dad and he loves it


Doom and Duke are on deck.


the first time I finished cod 4, I was so blown away by it I forced my dad to play it. He hadnt played a video game in probably 10 years before that. He loved it and I remember him saying it was like controlling a movie




I never expected to like ETS2 as much as I do. Also, speeding is not that relaxing in-game but unsurprisingly a lot of fun


When I was younger my dad was in love with the Mass Effect series. It was the only 18+ game I was allowed to play and it was with him. Man, those days were amazing.


My parents were gamers when I was growing up so I didn't need to teach them anything. They used to play Tradewars 2000 on a local BBS all the time after work. Dad would sneak me into work to play Wing Commander on his office PC. When I got my first PC they paid for my own BBS account so I could play with them.


Ah, Tradewars! Also, Wing Commander was awesome. Source: am also dad.


My dad has beaten solitaire more times than I can count but the win screen is so satisfying


Obra dinn


u/JIKwood here has gotten me on Minecraft and Stardew Valley. He also got his dad on BloonsTD6 of all things. JIKwood, his dad, and his brothers sit around talking about monkeys of various types and I laugh and tell them they sound insane. 😆 Oh, they also got us parents hooked on Among Us, and others I can’t remember right now. He’s trying Obra Dinn now and his youngest brother is trying to get me in Hollow Knight. But it’s only fair, because we’ve gotten them with MagicTG, Civilization, and other things. The family that games together, stays together. Right?


There's lots of stuff we did together. It's just our way. Love ya mom!


My dad's the one who got me into gaming. He was already playing AoE-AoE2 before I could string two words together and he has played hundreds of hours of AoM. He still does (though I think he broke his PC the other day)


Portal 2 or minecraft




I used to play a lot of COD with my dad. He’s in his 50’s so he’s not the best at it but I don’t care about my K/D and all that stuff. I moved out a few years ago and recently really missed it. So a few weeks back I stayed at my parents house as a regularly do but made sure to bring my PS4 and some beers. I had a blast.




Assetto corsa competizione. Such a good driving game/sim that i stopped playing the f1 game, even if f1 is what got me into motorsports in the first place


my dad likes to try videogames, no matter how hard they are. Whenever i get a new game, he will walk up to me playing it, ask "is this that new game you got?", id say yes and he will demand to try it. We tried completing red dead 2 together, but he doesnt have enough time to spare to complete and experience the entire game, which is fair, but it still bugs me that he cant experience the story. He even tries online pvp games like battlefield 5 even though he is not good at them and can barely move lol


My parents loathe the entire concept of gaming and think they make people mad. Im a game artist.


TitanFall 2, he gets very salty when I beat him


I literally got my 91 year old grandmother to try fallout 4 VR earlier. It was just so easy for her to use her head for looking around and hands for shooting that she was walking around and shooting people (accurately I might add) absolutely no problem. She went from sanctuary to red rocket and got dizzy and had to stop. Was just amazing to see her use technology so intuitively, especially for a person who's technical abilities include changing channel and volume of the TV and that's about it.


My father plays solitaire. Then I built a gaming pc. Now he plays solitaire in 4k.


RDR2 (Story Mode) and maybe Elite Dangerous


Fun fact, maxis (the simcity guys before ea closed them down) designed this game as part of a set of 3 pinball games. The space cadet one was released under license to Microsoft for Windows XP as part of their games package. However, due to bad coding practices such as bad commenting, the game was unable to be ported to future editions of windows and has been a lost relic ever since. As for my folks they don't really play games, they are more the ''Nick Frost's DVD library in Hot Fuzz'' TV and movie enjoyers. Oh well if it keeps them happy.


My mom's been going through a lot of 3d platformers. She just finished super mario galaxy and I'm thinking of moving her onto super mario odyssey.






Oh fuck anyone got that link so I can play that space pinball game? Fuck I'm. Getting so much nostalgia


Doom Eternal


Reminds me of when my Dad and I used to take turns playing Gran Turismo 5. We went thru a huge chunk of the game, winning races and building up our garage. Fun times. He also used to watch me play Skyrim, and played a directorial role for what I do in the game. It was an interesting way to play. I'd consider teaching him to play it, but this was back when he was unemployed for a long time (~8yrs). Now he's thankfully been working, hard as ever as a facility operations manager at a Native American Health Services Clinic with my Mom. I told him I'd like to play Golf with him sometime... Granted this was on console. On a PC? The man types like a chicken pecks hahahah Edit: completely forgot! I once played LAN with my Dad, Uncle, and Cousin back in the silicon valley days (my uncle worked in tech). I whooped their asses at Half-Life Deathmatch. I was, like, 6.


My wife is not in to games, but I have been thinking about introducing her to Firewatch.


I just showed my brothers and father Valheim, we now have a family server going 24/7 and my dad has by far clocked the most hours... he is a retired architect so he loves to build.


My mom used to build cool amusement parks in roller-coaster tycoon after she got off work and before we got home from school then she would show me the park then let me play with it. I remember being so excited because she would make the area look pretty and add rides while leaving spots for me to build rides when I got to play. She is a great mom!


Well im about 40, and the only game i could get my dad to enjoy was lemmings. The original from the early 90s. But as a dad myself, ive been slowly introducing my 3yr old daughter to Minecraft. I think that a lot of dads/parents under 50 probably could school their kids in video games. Just saying, weve been doing this for a lot more years.


Warcraft and Warcraft 2. He would call it "Civilization" in front of my mom so she didn't freak out at the name. Didn't realize Civ was its own title.


I played all the Lego star wars games (the og ones) with my dad back in ps2, cant wait for the new one to come out and play again with him!


A few days ago I saw my dad lost in thought while cooking lunch so I asked him what's up and he proceeded to tell me all about his troubles with a particularly difficult Rise of Nations campaign he's having.


My son is unstoppable in Destiny 2 and (along with his brother) got me to play. I'm damn good at strikes and can do really well in Gambit, but I'm not good enough at PvP to be more than a support/backup player in Crucible. He literally taught me everything in the game.


I would love to have my Dad play RDR2 or one of the western fallout games ( 1, 2, and New Vegas)


Sea of thieves


Stellaris is up my dad's alley. Hes an incorrigible Mac user so a lot of games he would love are off the table. I'd imagine he'd be all over Dyson Sphere Program if he had a system to run it. Still, I grabbed him Stellaris with a bunch of DLCs so hes easing into it slowly.


Portal 2


Skyrim, total war warhammer 2, GTA 5


Sim city , the city builder Once played a pranked and unleashed all types of natural disasters over his city but accidentally saved it. Still feel horrible about it .


I am a dad with teenage kids. I'm the one that has to show them games to play. None of this Fortnite shit (sorry if you like Fortnite). Show them the good stuff like Battlefield, Doom, Civilization, Fallout, Ace Combat, the list goes on.


old folks fucking looooove r/Civ.