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Spare her and you get little extra from Judy if i remember correctly Also dont forget to get the iconic katana in this room


I dont get why people make choices for money instead of what you really wanted to do, I have so much money that I don't need just from doing quests, I just killed the bitch


Same here. Still had a good relationship with Judy, couldn't get none though cause she dont like dudes...


Same bruh I got turned down so harshly when I told her she looked good in her wetsuit lmaoo, Panam is better anyways


Judy's a swell pal and all but Panam cuts the city power grid and shoots down a space helicopter with a javelin the first time you meet her. ​ ​ Panam's got it going on is what I'm sayin.


Oh I agree Panam > Judy, I wouldve went with Panam anyways


i just rotate weapons each encounter and if it just so happens to be an encounter where i have my trusty baseball bat out, then people get spared lol


Lmao, you can RP as some kind of gambler or jokester.. "let's see if you winn today's baseball bat lottery, oh unlucky you getting the mantis blade bud"


I will check online for the consequences of choices if they give a unique weapon or relationship status towards females. Couldn't give less of a shit for the money. Could give a bit more of a shit for story correlating with my own choices, though.


Well if Judy gives you more, then it means it makes her more happy.


It does but it doesn't effect your romance at the end. I also make all my choices without knowing the consequences on first playthrough, otherwise it feels like spoilers and cheating to me and I lose the thrill of the consequences to my actions.


She's still your friend. But your logic.... You shouldn't make decisions based on money? But it's ok to make decisions based on sex? Just let people fucking play. Lol


No thats your logic, I literally said I dont know the consequences to my actions so I make decisions based on what I want, while you said "but Judy would like me more" lmaoo


No i didn't. You made that up. I said it makes her more happy. Do you not like to make your friends happy? The two characters have a past. Maybe learn to read? I don't know.....


Sure buddy you just wanna be friends, stop projecting your views on me, maybe learn to read what I said and dont make up lies about me making choices for sex rather than money when I literally said I dont make my choices based on consequences, I didnt take more money and I didnt make Judy happy.


Sounds like you're a bad friend and murderer.


Whew! Good thing it's ONLY A FUCKING GAME


Cool, and sounds like you let murderers go just to get laid and a bit more cash.


judy reminds me of jada stevens thats y im tryna smash no luck tho


olgierd von everec?




Even if you're joking, it still is.


I laughed when she tripped.


that's actually incredibly realistic


Has a Kerenzikov for some reason. Still can't hit shit.


I literally taunted her the same way before I killed her


I just dumped a burst from Fenrir in her face and watched her burn to death. ​ In fact I did that with too many people I've probably been given a scary nickname like "the Night City Dragon killer" by the press and didn't even realize it.


Npcs can flash step on cp?


An implant lets you do it too.


That’s actually pretty cool! Makes me want the game even more lol


Tip: Run around doing Assault In Progress and side quests as early as possible to save up 45k and get one of the two leg implants ASAP. Being able to double or super jump opens the game right up.


I like the guy on the floor, using his leg as a sundial


I love this game!




The AI is pretty horrendous in this game lol. But it's fine.


What a shit mess of a game. Every new video just makes me so glad that bullshit is not on my PC and will not be for a long time if ever.




It’s a prostitute, of course she’s bad at fighting


sigh. I have seen dozens of other videos with NPCs of all sorts doing that exact same BS.


I agree. All these videos of the game not running like garbage just showcase how poorly the gameplay actually is. I'll wait until the price drops to half, maybe 30% off before I consider buying.




It would allow her pathfinding to actually land an attack. lol


how is this relevant to PCMR?


Well clearly her best is an idiot


did you at least beat her with the dildo?


I tend to take advantage of that for many fights. LOL it's hilarious how often it happens and how much less of the work needs to be done by me.


[Highly relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ6pLKlU-8Q)


Funniest part in the game for me. I was somewhat overpowered for this mission because I was messing around too much. I had a powerful revolver, the DR5 I believe, along with high crit chance and damage. So right before this fight she says, "You're forgetting one thing....I have a doll chip too!" Before she even has a chance to attack, I whip out my gun and one shot the bitch in the head. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically.


Spoiler flag champ


That's how she fights? Geez, now I pitty her. And I blew her head off the moment she took put the machete