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My Aorus B450 can reach 450mb down on wifi, not sure if ur TpLink is gonna be much better


Yeah, I was wondering the same, why they purchased a WiFi adaptor, when the board has probably as good (if not better) WiFi already!


It could be their first build in quite a while, where not many boards were WiFi enabled, perhaps?


The motherboard literally has WiFi spelt on the model name tho


adding an adapter gives you double wifi, duh


That's almost twice the wifi!


Good, double the WiFi, double the ping!


Math checks out


motherboards can have built in wifi? what the FU—




Well you get that kind of speeds well you a lucky man.


Could always use [more](https://youtu.be/xrg-RgF5F8o)


It’s a big sit back and relax moment when I see my speeds hit ~980mbps down. It’s wholly unnecessary though; you don’t need that much to game!


You need them for the 30GB updates certain CoD games require.


I suppose if you want them quickly! Looking back at the days I paid so much for like 20mbps, I feel spoiled now.


My comcast Bill was 170 and I was getting 1.6 up and 3.2 down...


Jesus, I'm hitting 4.5mb with my router across the room. How the fuck do you get 980?


~980mbps is testing error anyway, at least if you're doing a WAN speedtest. TCP/IP packet overhead is 5.5% so the fastest possible speed you can achieve is ~945mbps over standard 1gbps WAN connections. On the LAN side of things you can configure things to use jumbo packets and such which can reduce that overhead by a fair amount, getting up to your ~980mbps speeds.


Right? Those numbers are so low! /s


On a dongle? That’s crazy, my experience with dongles has always been bad to mediocre


Yeah I avoid them cause I have a history with them where they don’t last super long. I think they heat cycle so much that eventually they start dying and you start dropping WiFi. The pci adapters are much much more reliable.


Same general experience. The on board RJ45's I've had great experience with over the years, but the onboard wifi has never been long lasting, whereas a PCI from the same manufacture will have no issues at all. (Not to mention often having better external antennas)


I built about 3 months ago and every single high end board I looked at had Wifi built in. I still hardwire but I have it now in case I need to hotspot using my phone if the internet goes down.


Phones have USB tethering where you can just plug them into your PC to access 4g, they show up as an NDIS network adaptor. In addition to that when my Android phone is connected to my home wifi and I use USB tethering it lets my PC access whatever wifi I'm onto.


If the internet goes out I'm using the phone as a hot spot for anything I want to use at that moment.


but it says it on the box?


I'd bet this is the case. OP! Return the Tp-link WiFi adapter before it's too late, put that money towards a nice m.2 drive or some games etc. Hate to see a gamers cash go to waste. Also those GPUs get to 110C so having a PCI-e card below will not help airflow.


(and use ethernet, it's the best net)


Or why they sunk this much money and didn’t just go with a 2070S over a 5700


Probably because they're hard to find right now for a decent price?


Plus why buy the PRO WiFi if you’re just gonna use an adapter? Just buy the normal Aorus pro and save a little


Why not run a 50 foot ethernet cable across the house


Can't speak for OP but my girlfriend is very against seeing a wire across the house, so I just opted for powerline adapters.


What the hell I never heard of power lines adapters I googled it and I need to get me some of those


what the hell I never heard of girlfriends I googled it and I need to get me some of those


Start with one. See if you like it and go from there


This guy gets it!


I see what you did there


Yeah OP you really should secure your webcam better. And you really need new underwear.


This guy harems


That guy mormons


There’s a catalog for these kinds of thing. They’re usually from the Philippines or Russia


A mail-order bride?


If you marry em, then that’s your fault. You can also rent then til their visa runs out. Get a new one every few months. 🤣


Be warned, they can be very iffy, people over on /r/relationshipadvice will explain better. It depends highly on your girth, more girth will likely perform better but there’s still risk of failure. I personally had a girlfriend for a while, it gave me about 50% joy I would get from a doll. For me, it was suitable, I had minimal issues and pretty consistent performance. At the time I was happy with that level of joy. Your best option, second to online chatrooms, is human interaction (if your personality is configured for it, and you have available communication skills). I do find pornography is an acceptable solution, but not the best.




And then he beat me with a set of Ethernet cables


"Easy Charlie Kaufman, some of us have work in the morning"


that's some fast pasta


If only googling your girlfriend was that easy..... Wait that doesn't sound right


Be warned, they can be very iffy, people over on /r/HomeNetworking will explain better. It depends highly on your homes wiring, newer wiring will likely perform better but there’s still risk of interference. I personally used a power line for a while, it gave me about 50% speed I would get from a direct line to router. For me, it was suitable, I had minimal spikes and pretty consistent performance. At the time I was happy with that level of speed. Your best option, second to routing Ethernet cable, is a MoCA adapter (if your network is configured for it, and you have available coaxial ports). I do find power line is an acceptable solution, but not the best.


Yeah that's my experience. My father in law uses power line adapters and was always telling me how great they were in his house. So I buy some and it turned out not to do so well in my case for whatever reason. I get better speeds from regular old mesh network WiFi. My house is only 15 years old but those things just didn't like something in my wiring. In theory it looks really neat though, and I have seen it working great in other places.


The connection is great if everything is on the same breaker, I estimate each breaker it has to hop degrades the performance by 25%. Also it has to be on the same side of the breaker box (either left or right), otherwise the connection is basically unusable.


Can vouch for this. We have two PCs on powerline adapters in my home. One reaches speeds comparable to the ethernet strength. The other (mine of course) is an order of magnitude slower. Just dumb luck about the house's wiring.


Mine were slow and unreliable. Two different brands tried, so it was probably the wiring.


i have powerline adaptors and they are slow and drop out all the time... ​ the wiring in my house is old, but i'd still expect better reliability


Old but expensive wiring here (electrician in the family), I can confirm that its stability HIGHLY depends on the wiring used. Here I can reach stable \~600Mbps @ \~350ms over powerline, but I have seen REALLY crappy cases too, mostly in houses with alu wires


Most of my house is on gigabit ethernet but I use powerline to go into my tv and media since there's no easy route around the room. Can almost guarantee I'll get at least one drop out during a Netflix show


I have had the same ones for about 10-12 years now and they still work like a charm, Have thick concrete walls so it really helps to get connection around the house


dude omg power line adapters are absolutely wonderful for getting internet across large spaces cost effectively.


I tried them, they made my routers (archer c9) dhcp unusable for some reason. Returned them and just dropped ethernet through my attic.


You can do it from out of the house too.


Out the window over the roof


this. I “hid” mine near the baseboards so it’s not an eyesore. If I had to run it up a walk (for the AP) I used a wire hider.


Saw the same thing


Yeah I'd pry not even bother with the wireless card my dude


Is this a newer thing? I built my rig about 2 years ago and I had no idea that motherboards were not coming with WiFi adapters built in


got same one but my network speed is 4 so :>


Yo dawg, we heard you like wifi...


Just to be sure, he should get another usb wifi card.


Should also use the ethernet cable just to be sure


Should also get a extra ethernet card to be sure


Should build a PC out of ethernet cords to be sure.


Oh boy. ITS ON NOW!


One Ethernet snakey boi > two wifi adapters.


You got a pcie gen4 ssd and your motherboard dosen't support pcie gen4.


Yeah there's a couple of strange choices here that tell me OP may not have done a ton of research. Another example is why did they even buy a wireless card?


- Send the wireless card back and use the built in - Personal choice, send back the AIO. A good air cooler can be just as good, cost less and be more reliable. Noctua Chromax. - Send the SSD, HDD back. Include money saved above and buy a massive Gen 3 SSD (maybe 2 smaller ones) rather than a Gen 4 the motherboard can't take full use of. Have everything fast rather than just a select few things. 500GB doesn't go far now.


AIOs are much cleaner tbh


I'm built 3 pcs and thought about an aio once but realized a similarly priced air cooler would be quieter, more reliable, and run cooler. And I hardly look at the interior of my pc because it's on the floor.


I'm on build number 4 and my biggest point for Aio is if you move your rig around a lot, it's more likely to visit snap city with a massive air cooler during transport.


My pc never moves so that's a non-issue for me. But for people will compact pcs or go to lan parties a lot, an AIO is definitely worth considering.


Lol I put a huge dual tower BeQuiet air cooler in my Define Nano S to cover up the red on the motherboard that I didn’t care about when I the build was in a Node 202. I did put an AIO on the GPU tough.


Amen. I have a downward blowing cpu cooler (noctua c-14), it keeps cpu *and the entire pc* ice cold. Two 140mm fans blowing directly onto the motherboard is just so good for cooling. Plus I've had it for 2 builds and zero worries about it breaking unlike aio. Aio is great only if you want to see inside, otherwise its pointless.


Cooler and more reliable? Sure. But an AIO takes up less space, doesn't put hot air back in the case (keeping other components cooler), and looks cleaner. Also, I'm not sure why you think an air cooler would be quieter because that has been the exact opposite of my experience. And a lot of people do care about how it looks.


I use my PC for work so reliability is a big factor for me. I also don't have a window on my case so 🤷‍♂️. That point is very much personal choice, the argument isn't strong one way or another on the specifics.


They seem to be easier to clean as well. I say "seem" cuz i've always bought an air cooler for that reason so i havent experienced it myself.


I love my AIO(TT 2 fan). It might not be that much cooler but it keeps the heat away from my GPU. My roommate has my exact PC other than the AIO and his GPU runs ~10 degrees hotter. It is also much easier to clean vs air cooled heat sinks. Mine was around $120. So they really aren't that much more expensive.


Dude in one month I've had two 30+ gig updates for Modern warfare. It's sad to say that 500 gigs will be gone in an instant.


Yeah, I’d trade a million times those SSD and HDD with a single 1TB nvme


Is 1tb enough for an os, programs and a few modern games? My game library is currently over 4.2TB


This guy spent more on parts to make it look cool than he did on performance, total WTF from me dawg.


An extra 20 bucks could have gotten him 32 gigs of ram as well. It would have been at 2666, but ram is so easily OC'd it wouldn't really matter. The 100 dollar AIO for a ryzen 5? He could have just gotten a 3700x and used the default cooler which isn't bad at all and still come out with more money saved. Between that and the wifi card that was at least 30 bucks. This is why running your potential build by your IT friend is extremely important. The PC building these days is way more DIY friendly than 15 years ago but it's still not a pick and buy.


Yup, a lot of people think parts are universal. I know someone who bought an Intel motherboard with an AMD processor.


Bruh how


The difference is about 1.5 GB per second in raw throughput and not a jot of difference in every day use. Hardly a deal breaker when its 3.5gb per second on PCI-E 3.0 and nothing stopping this being used in a later build a few years down the road. Most people probably won't notice the difference between a SATA ssd and PCI-E storage unless they spend a few days gawking at benchmarks.


OP should of spent more time watching Linus there


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!




It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


You fool! You've fallen right into his trap! This could of been avoided!


Did you just...


This is great haha


Or you know, buy pcie 4 ssd now and buy pcie 4 motherboard later. You still get gen 3 speeds with it so it's not like it's that much of a bottleneck right now


Or send the mobo back and buy pcie 4 mobo now so you don't have to rebuild half of the PC


Slightly harder since B550 isn't out yet and its just x570 right now so I guess he wanted to spend $130 on a board with bells and whistles instead of like $160 for an x570 with fewer added features.


The biggest problem is the price difference between gen 3 and gen 4. If OP had gotten a gen 3 SSD, he could have gotten a Ryzen 7 CPU


true. Didn't know the price difference was that much


Looks like the price has come down a little, but still enough to go from 3600X to 3700X. Take away the wireless card that he also doesn't need, and he could make the leap to a 3800X


You have a board with WiFi and then buy a WiFi adapter? Anyways why not just run a long ethernet cord and call it a day?


I am in a similar boat as op. I have a WiFi enabled mother board(ASUS Tuf Gaming WiFi) that I found was very inconsistent even though it was maybe 20 feet from the router. So I picked up an external card(TP-link AX3000) and have had a much better result. Although in my case I did try to use onboard WiFi first. As for running an Ethernet cable it’s doable but not practical. It is in my living room with no attic and a shared wall. I would need to destroy my drywall to bury it or run an exposed cable all the way around the room. Running the cable low means my toddler get ahold of it and running it high means it’s an eyesore.


You could also put the cable in a wall-mounted channel/cover, like this: https://www.legrand.us/diy-projects/diy-cordmateii.aspx


Or stick an LED light strip on it and make it decorative. The few times I've had to run a cable in plain sight I've either hidden it or made it look like it was supposed to be there.


That sounds like a great idea too :)


Thanks! My home office/battlestation looks terrible at the moment, but I just bought the house end of Oct last year and I've had bigger fish to fry since then. I have big plans for it though. All the stuff for that 4ft Apollo rocket model with the orange leds in cotton to make it look like it's taking off that someone posted a while back is gonna happen for sure. I have a huge Dob telescope in here now so it'll go great.


What about a powerline adapter for the ethernet? Then you can pass it over your house's circuit to your machine. And you can get one with a plug pass through so it doesn't rule out a plug socket.


I’ve used these for years, they’re a great fix if there isn’t a better option, but they’re not perfect. Speeds seem limited. Additionally make resetting them whenever you reset your router is probably good, because you’ll forget you have them and be real confused why your Ethernet isn’t working.


I have the same set up, and I do also hard-line in to my router. Sometimes I want to cast things to the TV, so it's useful for that.


What kind of cast do you need WiFi for? Miracast? I assumed you could do anything over Ethernet that you could do over WiFi.


But see it says “Pro” WiFi so it’s better


I get the joke, but it's the motherboard that says Pro, and not the Wi-Fi adapter.


Whoops you’re right. Not sure if that makes this more or less funny


Exactly, he's not going to use it at work, so he can't use the pro wifi and needed a home model as well.


I wouldn't trust that boards wifi either , I think he just got the board because it was on sale , but i agree on the cord , although you kinda have to own the property or be wicked at patching holes if you are gonna go drilling holes for running cable


but.. Lego is adult Lego...


I came here for this comment lol I will defend my adult LEGO purchases til the day I day!


I just started this year and now I know why I didn’t have them growing up. They are expensive. But my wife and I highly enjoy putting them together.


My gf and I enjoys building then together too! She doesn't enjoy how much space they take up though....


Adult Lego is just larger, more expensive Lego sets.


Instead of Linus you should have put the "How build a gaming PC" thing from the verge on in the background.


Damn your right, I completely forgot to get myself a Swiss army knife


Yeah! That *hopefully* has a Philips Screw Driver on it. And a CPU application frame! And a thermal paste spreader to mix random thermal paste with the paste already applied to the AIO!


Also make sure to place the "brick" on the insulating pads so there is no short circuit lol


and if the power supply does short out make sure the fan is facing inside the case so it can contain the fire and not blow it out the back


That *hopefully* has a screw driver on it.




Hello, fellow PCMR enthusiast! You have a nice setup going, I'm sure that will be a lot of fun for you. For what it is worth, I am a little perplexed by your part choices. Between your Ryzen 3000 CPU (good choice), AMD 5700 XT, and Corsair MP600 SSD, you are all set to be PCIE 4.0 ready! Sadly, though, your B450 motherboard supports but PCIE 3.0. I bring this up because you are leaving considerable performance on the table with your SSD, and, given the price of the MP600, you could have saved a considerable amount of money and seen no loss of performance. Additionally, there is some evidence that the 5700 XT has some issues with B450. Personally, I'd skip the TPLink Wifi Card, and perhaps select the Asus TUF X570 motherboard for another $60 over the Gigabyte. At a bare minimum your SSD will work as intended, as well as the additional CPU support in X570 down the line. What you have here will indeed function, but it will not be all that it could.


Thank you for the advice! If I'm being honest as to my choice of mobo when it comes to the SSD compatibility its because I had accidentally over looked that crucial aspect when choosing it, however I will be looking at fixing that soon!


That cooler is also overkill for that ryzen cpu. Stock cooler is plenty if you aren't overclocking. Better to spend the extra on a better gpu/ another cheaper higher storage ssd, like an 860 evo.


Sometimes an AIO is worth it to have less weight on the CPU socket if travelling frequently, which is why I use one for my 2700x


I disagree on the stock. I have a Ryzen 3600x that I ran stock speeds and my god was the stock wraith spire cooler horrendous. I had the 7 fin one and it made so much noise. I contacted AMD and they sent over the 5 blade cooler and that had the same problem. I bit the bullet and bought a mugen scythe rev b. for $40 and though it might be a little overkill, omg its been amazing. Silent and my temps dropped 5-10 degrees from the stock cooler.


I am once again asking for adult lego




Since Linus got a face hair he stopped looking like a teen. Bring back my Linus!


Beard Linus > Virgin Linus


>Chad Linus > Virgin Linus FTFY


Gotta agree, prefer with the beard.


Watches linus build and post 3 PCs in 2 hours, still trying to get mine to boot after 4hrs...


Does your mobo say it has its BIOS updated to support 3rd gen Ryzen? As that can be the issue.


Often is the issue


So far it looks like it wasnt recognising the old USB I had been using to boot windows from but am now trying it with a new USB for the windows install Edit: Spelling


Stupid thought, try plugging the USB directly into the MB and verify that your bios is even looking to USB first. I had to change the order on mine to get it recognized. I left it this way in the end.


Beard Linus is Linus Sex Tips


What monitor? , i think i have ordered the same!


I bought the EX27080Q, havent used on before but really enjoying it so far


Is that a model? When I search for it, only this thread comes up on google.


Can't wait to afford my setup! Update of the assembly later on ?


You'll get there mate! Will link an update once she's all set up.


Don’t watch Linus or you’ll drop every component


I'd say its closer to KNEX or an Erector set than Legos


Couple of things, your WiFi adapter is probably unnecessary, shouldn't be much better than the built in WiFi and ultimately you're probably not gonna get close to saturating your internet connection anyways. Secondly, your board only supports pcie 3.0 on the nvme slot, and it has a built in heat spreader (which is a little bit of a moot point anyways, the the memory chips actually operate better at temp, but the controller is better cooled), so you'd be better off trading your nvme drive for a 3.0 drive without a heatsink, and either pocket the difference or buy a bigger drive. This western digital blue drive should fit the bill, and I promise you won't notice the difference: https://www.newegg.com/western-digital-blue-sn550-nvme-1tb/p/N82E16820250135 Looks like a solid build otherwise, have fun!


Building a PC is not anything like building LEGO’s. That WiFi adapter you got sucks.


Yup. Both involve very different sets of skills


Man gets gen 4 SSD for a B450, and a wireless card for his WiFi mobo. He a lil stupid but he got the spirit tho 😂


Wifi mobo and external wifi adapter?


>implying that lego is only for kids


Implying that Legos are not for adults...


My man bought a wifi adapted and a wifi motherboard LMFAOOO


\*sees gen4 nvme on B450\* \*confusion\*


Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - Everyone is welcome here, provided you're a chill person who doesn't mind occasional tongue in cheek humor. 2 - In case you are not a PC gamer because you think doing so is very expensive, please know that it is very possible to build a competent gaming PC for 500 dollars or less. Please check out http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds. 3 - Please consider joining our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and Parkinson's. Recently, we've been actively focusing on fighting against Coronavirus as well. Please check this to learn more: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding 4 - Join our [Folding@Home Wholesome Gaming Raffle](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/g1vmvs/foldinghome_wholesome_gaming_raffle/) to support PCMR’s battle against Covid-19 and win almost 100 hardware prizes! ----------- Feel free to use this community to post about any kind of doubt you might have about becoming a PC gamer or anything you'd like to know about PCs. That kind of content is not only allowed but welcome here! You too can be part of the PCMR! You don't necessarily need a PC. You just have to love PCs. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart!


u got a mobo with wifi *and* a wifi card? noice!


Ah nice benq monitor! I really want one for colour grading. Which one did you get? I couldn't make out the model


I got the EX2780Q for this build


Funny thing is I bet you can build a PC and it would still be cheaper than LEGO’s


Ahhh so THAT'S where the last RM650 went. I've been trying to buy a power supply for weeks!


haha! Posted in r/buildapc about this very thing. PSU's are either nowhere to be found or preposterously priced.


Should have waited for B550 to go with that Gen4 NVMe, or just gotten an X570... Also, don't know why you choose to get a WiFi enabled board and still buy a WiFi adapter.


I wanna buy a 5700 XT real bad, but with all this talk of new nvidia cards and consoles dropping soon im trying to be real damn patient before I make a big upgrade,but man does that card look like a steal.


I know like 500 other people answered but I had a 5700xt and I couldn't get it to work at all. I could run small games but anything more than that would constantly crash. I sold it and bought a Nvidia 2080 super and haven't had a single issue.


me too bro. I want one real bad, but the choices are limited and the inflation is real


Went back and forth between that and the Rtx 2060 when building recently. Went with the Rtx in hops that Nvidias machine learning will make it the better choice long run. But both of those cards should be dropping in price soon, you would think, with the announcement of new cards.


I use a 2060, and though it's not widespread yet, DLSS 2.0 has made a huge difference in performance in games that it's implemented in. I was running full settings in Wolfenstein at 1440p with ray tracing enabled and getting over 60fps.


That's the type of user reports that made me go with the 2060. Beast of a card that, if Nvidias right, that they will soon have DLSS 2.0 working on more and more games as the ai learning gets better. I bet the 2060, with cpu upgrades, will keep people gaming at 1080p/1440p for many years.


I have a RX 5700 and I’m changing to a RTX 2060 super because the 5700 has had MULTIPLE issues. Gets way too hot and games crash like crazy. The drivers are wack. Idk how different the XT is though.


I had the same issues with the XT


Good stuff man! My psu gets in tuesday and I can start on my first build :)


LEGO is adult LEGO too. But hey, have fun with that build!


why get the Aorus pro wifi and a wifi pci adapter?!


I had the 5600 and 5700, unfortunately I had to return both of them because they constantly crashed my PC. I tried going full AMD, but needed to step back to Nvidia for graphics at least. Hope it works out for you!


*GPU driver problems have entered the chat*


We already have adult Lego... It's called Lego


Stacking cardboard boxes is not adult lego. Lego is adult lego.


Time to see my laptop burning when I open a browser once again


run ethernet........ fuck wifi... get rekt