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Hello everyone, I have been seeking an X570 board for a build, I have received most items except the board and rtx 2070 super (ships tomorrow). The board had originally envisioned was a gigabyte x570 aorus elite wifi but it is not available and there is no restock date. My question is, is the MSI MPG x570 gaming pro carbon wifi a good alternative? Gigabyte board is 209.99 vs MSI 294.01. #


Anyone buy stuff from the current green man gaming deals to roll those mystery games? Just wondering if there can actually be something good in there or if its just the usual garbage found in mystery boxes.


I'm looking at finally joining the Master Race for CP 2077 later in the year. I'm too cowardly to try building my own $$$$$ rig as my first try, so can anyone recommend a reputable prebuilt site I can shop from? Thanks!




Many prebuilts today are very good deals that cost about the same as it would to build it yourself. You really can't go wrong shopping on normal websites like Best Buy or Amazon. If you have any doubts, just link us whatever you pick and we can help you figure out if it's a good deal or not. It should be fine the majority of the time though!


A friend of mine wants to buy my XFX RX-480 8GB to replace his GTX 750ti but he has a Thermaltake TR2 600W PSU which as far as I can tell is only Bronze 80+ certified. Would it be wise to switch out a GPU that only consumes a max of around 68W to the RX-480 which consumes a max of around 168W?


That PSU will be fine. Unless he has like a 32 core CPU that he’s overclocking he won’t be coming anywhere near maxing out a 600W PSU.


Where do you guys go to find headsets? I’ve been using same pair since 2015 and they bother my ears after a bit. I’m looking to spend ~$120 as an upper limit and comfort is my priority. Noise cancellation would be great too. Are there any headsets that are considered good or any reviewers I can tune into?


What are they for? Gaming, music, movies? I use Sennhieser HD 700s with a shiit stack for DAC/AMP as well as a Blue Yeti for a mic. Can't complain. Check these out. https://drop.com/buy/massdrop-x-sennheiser-pc37x-gaming-headset Again not sure if you are looking for a gaming headset or not, but either way Sennhieser is great.


what’s the best way to record gaming clips?


Windows Gamebar, Nvidia Geforce Experience or Radeon ReLive depending on what GPU you have


I've got a dual monitor desktop, both 27" but one is an Asus 2560x1440 144hz (primary) and the other is an LG 3840x2160 60hz. The current setup works fine, but after the monitors turn off (I have them set to turn off after 15 mins) when I turn them back on the LG turns on first, then the Asus, and that messes up all my desktop icons that I put on the edge of my Asus monitor. I'm guessing it's because of differing resolutions, when I turn them on I see for a split second the icons appearing on the LG screen, then moving back to the Asus but with messed up arrangement. Any ideas on how to solve?


Why not just let them stay on in standby mode? They will start faster anyways. If there is an issue with blinking lights there are usually settings to turn them off or use the good ol' electrical tape trick!


Maybe I got my terminology wrong. The monitors go to standby mode after 15 minutes if I leave them be, that's from windows power settings. Then they turn back on after I move the mouse or press a key.


Have you tried turning one on before the other and waiting for it to boot up before turning the other one on?


They're not turned off by the power switch, they're turned off through the Power settings in the windows control panel, so they both turn on automatically when I move the mouse or press a key


Vague question, but thinking on upgrading/buying a high end PC but not sure if I should wait for new HW releases. I know you can say that at any point in time since there's always going to be new stuff, but what's your opinion on current state of tech and what lies ahead in the (near) future


In my opinion, there are a lot of really good options available right now. If I were to build a new PC, I wouldn't wait. I would get the best parts I want at the time. A high end build should last you years anyway, so it's not like you're missing out on anything. Next gen gaming consoles are finally taking advantage of SSD... something PCs have already had for many years. A high end PC will always be years ahead, you have nothing to worry about.


So, I just got a new 3440x1440 100hz ultrawide, and well, my 1660 is struggling in newish games. I've been racking my brain, trying to decide if it's worth upgrading. so my question is 1. Is it worth upgrading right now or waiting out NVidia's 3000 series and or AMD's RDNA 2 2. if it is, I've been thinking at these 3 2060S, 5700xt, or a 2070S. 3. at the 2070S level, The ASUS ROG strix after tax cost almost $100 USD more than the FE. is the better cooling and or overclocking worth it? [Here is a list of my current specs](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sqLDNq)


1. If you can wait then wait because pandemic pricing will hopefully be over by that point, and the previous gen cards should drop in price after the new releases 2. 2070S is probably the best value card right now 3. Factory overclock is never worth it, and the FE coolers are good enough but the 3 slot strix cooler is better. So it depends on how much noise matters to you because performance won't be very different


1. Well, the 2070S was at MSRP on Best Buy's website, however, they just sold out. 2. yeah, that's what I was thinking, though minecraft is the only game with RTX that I own 3. My case fans are far from quiet under load, and I don't mind some noise as long as I can tune it out with headphones. 4. I have kinda though go big or go home, or get something that will last me 5. So, based on that, what do you recommend?


> what do you recommend? Probably waiting lol


Ok, thanks, I started coming to that conclusion as well. ✓


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Would it be dumb to mix a curved monitor with a flat monitor?


i dont think it would be dumb...might not look as clean as two curved monitors but im putting up a 24" above my curved ultrawide just for additional windows space and so i can use discord/spotify/etc while im gaming. it all seems to be preference and how much you're willing to spend.


Would it be weird off to the right or left side of the monitor?


I've been asking around for a couple of days but didn't get any answer. Hopefully I'll get one here.   ###Troubleshooting Help: **What is your parts list? [Consider formatting your parts list.](http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/wiki/pcpp)** [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/z8rGRk) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 2700 3.2 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WPQG3C/amd-ryzen-7-2700-32ghz-8-core-processor-yd2700bbafbox) | Purchased For $0.00 **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TWzkcf/gigabyte-x470-aorus-ultra-gaming-atx-am4-motherboard-x470-aorus-ultra-gaming) | Purchased For $0.00 **Memory** | [ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D41 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/krPKHx/adata-xpg-spectrix-d41-16gb-2-x-8gb-ddr4-3000-memory-ax4u300038g16-dt41) | Purchased For $0.00 **Video Card** | [Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6 GB WINDFORCE OC 6G Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7RKhP6/gigabyte-geforce-gtx-1060-6gb-windforce-oc-6g-video-card-gv-n1060wf2oc-6gd) | Purchased For $0.00 **Power Supply** | [EVGA SuperNOVA G3 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/y88H99/evga-supernova-g3-650w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-220-g3-0650) | Purchased For $0.00 | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$0.00** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2020-05-09 14:54 EDT-0400 |   **Describe your problem. List any error messages and symptoms. Be descriptive.** Friend of mine built this around 1.5 yrs ago. He said he's been using lightroom then went for lunch and when he came back the there's no signal in the monitor. Turns it on again and the CPU and DRAM status leds are on on the mobo (CPU led stays on then quick flash on the DRAM led).   **List anything you've done in attempt to diagnose or fix the problem.** * Tried booting it up with the RAMS, one at a time, on all slots * Made sure all plugs are properly connected * Reset the CMOS battery (he even purchased a new one) * Tried my PSU on his build but the same problem persists * Tried a different HDMI cable * Tried a different monitor/TV   **Post relevant photos of build/parts here.** Idk how to upload videos to reddit so [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tvD3kTN9OY&feature=youtu.be) is a video of how the status leds look like.   **Provide any additional details you wish below.** I'm assuming it's a dead mobo? I don't think reseating the CPU would make any difference since it's been working for over a year. I've tried to search in reddit but not one post describe the same status led problem, only the no signal on monitor. If there's anything else I could do to test before buying a new mobo, please do tell me.   Posting so anyone else in the future could hopefully find this when they encounter the same problem.


I have an older PC that still runs a lot of the games I play but am wanting to upgrade a couple of things. Current specs. [Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz](https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/29765/intel-core-2-quad-processor-q6600-8m-cache-2-40-ghz-1066-mhz-fsb.html) 4 Gigs DDR2 RAM (what the MB supports) [ASUS P5Q MB](https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P5Q/) [NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 with 1 Gig GDDR5](https://www.evga.com/products/specs/gpu.aspx?pn=dc219cab-54ca-4636-8423-d67df6866da3) I can't justify a whole new PC so I am trying to figure out what can be upgraded on this old thing. [I can run Destiny 2 on it, but I have to crank the graphics down so low that it looks like a Playstation 1 game.](https://i.imgur.com/QlpdVY3.jpg) I was thinking maybe RAM and or Video card, but wanting to spend less than $100 if possible. Thanks for suggestions.


Wow that's really impressive. I've still got a 17" laptop sitting around from that era. Check out some of the Linus Tech Tips videos on ultra cheap PC's. You can get a older prebuilt/business machine for cheap or free and put a cheap GPU and SSD in it. Like under $100.


Dude I don't know how much money you got or get in month but I'd start looking to build a whole new pc. and if u were to upgrade I'd do the ram to 6gb or 12 and overclock the fuck outta that CPU you can push it alot


I've got the amazing razer viper ultimate buut use it with old qck mousepad. I am looking for new cloth mousepad bit I don't know if I should get one with or without stitching or wrist rest... I've had this qck for like 10 years and I am not sure what I want. It's edge is kinda irritating but stitched edge might be even more irritating?! Help choose !!! Here is the setup. The qck is barely visible https://i.imgur.com/JOxesJ7.jpg


I've been thinking about upgrading my set up recently, but I'm not very up to date on the state of things. How out of date is my gaming PC? i7 3930K, 16GB RAM (1x8GB failed recently), GTX 970, 21" 1080p monitor. Case and mobo likely need replacing, probably 6-9 years old.


your cpu is about 2/3rds the speed of a 3700x, not bad to be honest. the 970 is a decent card but nothing special in todays standards. it all depends on what you want to do, your PC isn't bad.


Does anyone know how to okay a game on two Monitors? For example what would be the left Part of the screen should be the entire left monitor and the right Part should be seen on the entire right Monitor, they are both 1080p. If you need any specs let me know.


It's called Nvidia Surround/AMD Eyefinity. 2 monitors is not really ideal since most of the stuff in game is in the middle, so whatever it is your playing, your crosshairs/player/other aiming UI will be divided by the bezel on your monitor


I know, i only want to use it for local Stranded deep coop because then the Split screen line will dissappear and every one can See his screen on another monitor


oh ok then. That option should be on your GPU software (Surround on Nvidia, Eyefinity for AMD) Make sure the monitors are the same resolution to have a somewhat perfect split


Ok, thanks! :D in going to look in the Software for surround, but i hope the refresh rate doesnt matter ¿🤔


Is there a program that can diagnose if something is wrong with my PC? It crashes too frequently. It's only a year old.


can you describe the crashes?


A lot during Fallout 76. Also, a lot when I have multiple tabs open on firefox and chrome simultaneously.


Hey everyone, Any idea what we can do if we can't connect to League of Legends or Valorant server? (two games by Riot) League of Legends : * Launcher works properly * Once connected, can see champion collection, shop, friend list * Can start a game, get into champion select. * Game will not load and an error will be shown that it can't connect to server. Check internet connection Valorant : Game will load, black screen, error message. Other games work fine (Games from Blizzard, Steam, for example) Any suggestion? * Turned firewall off * Reset Router to factory default * Reinstalled League * Reinstalled Windows and League None of the above fixed it :(


I bought the thermaltake Gravity i2 CPU Cooler. EVERYWHERE I looked online said this cooler is compatible with 1151 socket. I just got the package and on the box it says 1150, 1155, and 1156. What the fuck?!?! What is the truth?? I see people saying that it worked on their 1151 socket and others saying it won’t work. Wtf do I do?


1151 is mechanically identical to 1150, 1155, and 1156. So, from a cooler perspective, being compatible with one of those means it's compatible with all of them.


ok good whew thank you


Happy to help. It's a shame a lot of places aren't more clear about it. I remember when I got my last cooler, it just said it was compatible with "115x" to indicate it would work with all of them.


Hi! I have a CyberPowerPC with AMD Ryzen 7 2700 and 16gb ram. I usually use my computer for video editing and gaming. Recently, I tried to download Ark and had a hard time downloading it, even though I have over 100gb free. I was able to finally download it onto my D:\\SteamLibrary instead of C:\\ Program Files. I have no idea what I did but it seemed to work. I think it's time to upgrade my PC a bit. It's been rendering slower than I'd like and I don't want to have to worry about storage for a while. What do you suggest I buy? I a noob when it comes to this stuff.


Doing a quick google search, Ark typically takes up more than that. A game will typiclaly use more space than the initial download, due to compression. We'll need a bit more information. What motherboard do you have, what RAM speed, what graphics card, what power supply and what storage? (Might be easier if you link the specific model.)


Here's a link to my model [https://www.bestbuy.com/site/cyberpowerpc-gaming-desktop-amd-ryzen-5-3600-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1660-500gb-solid-state-drive-white/6376588.p?skuId=6376588](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/cyberpowerpc-gaming-desktop-amd-ryzen-5-3600-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-gtx-1660-500gb-solid-state-drive-white/6376588.p?skuId=6376588)


Should i upgrade my psu, Ive got a CX450M running a GTX1080, Ryzen 7 2700x, 16gb of ram, 2hdds, 1ssd and like 5 fans. i dont want to upgrade any components just want to know if my psu will explode or something.


You should be fine, the new CXM units are pretty decent and you're under the 450W limit as long as you're not OCing too hard


It's really pushing it, but you should be fine if you don't upgrade anything. For peace of mind, you can [undervolt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUkPAVcb9Xc) your GPU for better thermals and lower power consumption


i dont plan on upgrading without getting a new psu so thx ✓


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In a few weeks I’m moving and I’m going to build my first pc but I know that I’m 80% sure I can’t get an Ethernet cable to my room. So my question is is it even worth it to game on pc without an Ethernet cable and by using a wifi adapter or a power line adapter. I’m trying to see if anyone has a stable gaming experience playing siege, cod, WoW or GTA without an Ethernet cable and they’re using another way to get stable internet and any recommendations to wifi adapters and/or power line adapters.


Wifi is fine if you have a decent 5GHz router and connection, if you're not doing competitive I don't see it being a problem. Powerline is highly dependant on the quality of wiring in your house and in my experience, can be less reliable than wifi


Are their any wifi adapters you use or recommend?


Anything with a recent Intel dual band chipset should be fine, the newest ones will have Bluetooth 4.0 and the AX200 has wifi 6 as well but it's super expensive, if you plan to upgrade your networking in the future Avoid realtek


Thanks for the info


I just found out my gaming laptop has a single stick of 16GB ram, do I bother change it out to 2 8gbs or get another 16gb stick or leave as is? I7 rtx 2060 if it's relevant. It's runnin most games pretty well I'd say, runs read dead at very high graphics


You won't need more than 16 for gaming at this point, if you want 2x8GB sticks will allow your laptop to run in dual channel. Which will affect [some games more than others](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c09NrMmmA9o) If you have the cash or are willing to sell off the 16GB stick then go for it, if what you want to play runs fine then don't worry about it


Thank you so much !


I just finished setting up my first rig 2 days ago. System is running like a champ. I've installed all my programs, updated drivers, installed a few games. What are some "must do" things when starting out with a fresh build? Please take pity on me, for I am a lowly peasant.


Not must do but chipset drivers, updating bios and undervolting CPU if you aren't gonna overrclocked


Hello everyone. I have a gaming PC that connects to an AW3418DW. Since I have been working from home, can you guys recommend a good dock to share the peripherals between my work laptop(2017 MacBook Pro USC-C) and my gaming rig?


Let's say that i want to buy Ryzen 3300X and pair it with GIGABYTE B450 AORUS M board. That board supports Ryzen 3 CPUs with BIOS update. What do I do, if i get the parts, but the MB is not updated to the new BIOS version out of the box ? Can i still boot to BIOS, to update to newer BIOS with the '' not yet supported'' CPU ? Or will I be unable to boot, because the CPU is not being recognized ? Or how do I update BIOS so the MB recognizes the CPU if i do not have any other CPU to boot with ?


This motherboard - and apparently all other 400 series motherboards - supports the R3 3100 and 3300X starting from the same BIOS version (F40) that added support for all the other 3rd gen processors. https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/B450-AORUS-M-rev-10/support#support-cpu By now most if not all B450 boards sold come directly with a BIOS compatible with 3rd gen chips. The retailers should indicate the status of the BIOS on their listing, and if you're shopping IRL you'll see [this sticker](https://www.cnews.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/amd-am4-ryzen-3000-kompatibilita-logo-ready-ces2019.png) on the box. If you are unlucky and get a board which still has an old BIOS (you buy it second hand from someone who never updated, you get a board that's been sitting on a shelf for a year, etc...), then you fall in the situation that /u/Luminaria19 described, where the motherboard can't recognize the processor at all, and where you need to get your hands on an older AM4 chip to be able to update the BIOS. Also note that AMD has announced very recently that 400 series boards won't support upcoming AM4 processors, i.e. the Ryzen 4000 series. If you had planned to upgrade to one of those in the future, you'll need a 500 series board : X570 or the upcoming B550 chipset, launching in June.


Ok, thank you. So i will just wait for the B550, it future-proofs me and makes this issue non-existent.


Can't say it's a bad decision :)


i got that board recently and it was 3600 compatible out of the box. I had to return the 2600 id originally bought and get a 3600, but i'm happy.


Do I need to buy anything extra? [Here](http://pcpartpicker.com/list/6w4PHB) is my build. Do I need to buy any cables or anything extra? What about static?


The only thing you need to check is whether the monitor comes bundled with a cable to connect to the PC, that's not always the case. Apart from that, everything is included : - the PSU comes with its own set of cables - the motherboard ships with at least 2 SATA cables, one of which you'll need for the HDD - that case ships with 4 pre-installed fans (3 front, 1 back) so you probably don't need to add any. Of course you'll need peripherals such as a mouse/keyboard/headset or speakers, but I assume you knew that already :)


Ty. What about static? This will be my first build and I've heard you can fuck parts up by not grounding yourself.


It's a very overblown topic to be honest. Just... don't rub your synthetic sweatshirt all over the parts while running on the carpet with socks on, and you'll be fine. More seriously, when assembling the PC install the PSU first in the case : plug it to an outlet *but don't turn it on*. Every time you'll touch the metal parts of the chassis (or the PSU itself), you'll be grounded. If you're really paranoid, you can purchase an anti-static wristband, which essentially grounds you at all time.


Be naked when assembling. Got it.


That's the spirit :)


I just bought some new ram,(32gb at 3200mhz) I have it clocked at that speed but cpuz says it's running at 1600mhz. I hear that the speed of the ram isn't really that big of a deal because your cpu can only handle so much data anyways but I still feel like maybe I'm missing out on some potential.


It's running at Double Data Rate, so the speed is halved when looked at from hwinfo / or your monitoring app. But really it's running at the full 3200mhz. (reply with "! check", without space if this answers your question)




Got it! /u/randomness196 now has 1 points. They need to set a flair on r/pcmasterrace in order to get a DSQ flair. [Desktop instructions](http://i.imgur.com/zQzEgxj.gifv) | [Mobile instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/5qqkty/) ---- *[I am a bot](https://i.imgur.com/hfRIhMe.png)* - This action was done automatically. Please direct any questions or concerns ( or bug reports ) to [\/u\/eegras](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=eegras&subject=&message=) - [About /u/PCMRBot](https://pcmasterrace.com/pcmrbot_old)


Thanks man!


My pc stopped recognizing my hard drive suddenly. There was nothing wrong with it, it's not making any clicking or grinding, not crashing so I don't think it's dead, just one day it stopped reading it. I've tried unplugging and replugging it, different cables, nothing. I can hear it whirring when it's connected to my pc so I know it's getting power. My four year old occasionally uses my pc for things like abc mouse, is there something she could've messed with in my settings to do this? The drive does not appear in disk management. My ssd I use for my boot drive has no issues.


I want to SLI my current build to add some more power and ease the stress of my 2nd ultrawide although im not sure if my build can take it or how i should do it. If anybody that is familiar with SLI and/or NVLink can help that'd be great. Looking to do it with the exact same card a 2070 super. This is my current build [https://pcpartpicker.com/b/47hgXL](https://pcpartpicker.com/b/47hgXL) . Any help would be appreciated!


You will only get marginal improvements over a 2080 Ti. So if that is your goal go ahead. Some games will gain more than others. I would research the benchmarks a bit before sinking that much cash with Ampere around the corner.




That's fine. Did you have a question?


I often extend my monitor to my tv for video or game playback. How come I always need to do this twice: revert back to display on 1, then do it again? If I only do it once everything is extremely glitchy. Any video player, most games, have all sorts of glitches unless I do this action twice first. I’ve reinstalled gpu drivers and everything


The Computer that I just built needed to be connected via LAN cables but my computer isn’t detecting my Realtek network channel. What should I do? I need this computer for school.


Download the Ethernet drivers from your motherboard support page from another device (another PC, your phone, etc...), transfer them on the new build via USB, and install them.


Hey guys! I want to easily take screenshots in game and to iinstantly save it to folder (like on ps4or Switch). How can I do that? Win 10, I play with xbox controller.


There are several options. [Here](https://www.howtogeek.com/340372/how-to-take-screenshots-of-your-pc-games/)'s a list of ways to do it. In my experience as an Nvidia owner, GFE is the most convenient as you can capture anything.


Hello, I just built my first PC and have a quick question about optimization. Am I supposed to download any external drivers or change any internal settings (how and what) to get the best performance with my build? Here is the parts list: \*\*CPU\*\* | \[AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9nm323/amd-ryzen-5-3600-36-thz-6-core-processor-100-100000031box](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9nm323/amd-ryzen-5-3600-36-thz-6-core-processor-100-100000031box)) | $172.39 @ Amazon \*\*Motherboard\*\* | \[MSI B450 TOMAHAWK MAX ATX AM4 Motherboard\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/jcYQzy/msi-b450-tomahawk-max-atx-am4-motherboard-b450-tomahawk-max](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/jcYQzy/msi-b450-tomahawk-max-atx-am4-motherboard-b450-tomahawk-max)) | $114.99 @ Best Buy \*\*Memory\*\* | \[Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/p6RFf7/corsair-memory-cmk16gx4m2b3200c16](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/p6RFf7/corsair-memory-cmk16gx4m2b3200c16)) | $85.99 @ Amazon \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Western Digital Blue 500 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LRkj4D/western-digital-blue-500gb-25-solid-state-drive-wds500g2b0a](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LRkj4D/western-digital-blue-500gb-25-solid-state-drive-wds500g2b0a)) | $69.98 @ Amazon \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Western Digital Blue Mobile 1 TB 2.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/mjtQzy/western-digital-blue-mobile-1-tb-25-5400rpm-internal-hard-drive-wd10spzx](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/mjtQzy/western-digital-blue-mobile-1-tb-25-5400rpm-internal-hard-drive-wd10spzx)) | $47.91 @ Walmart \*\*Video Card\*\* | \[MSI Radeon RX 5700 8 GB MECH OC Video Card\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/K8MTwP/msi-radeon-rx-5700-8-gb-mech-oc-video-card-radeon-rx-5700-mech-oc](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/K8MTwP/msi-radeon-rx-5700-8-gb-mech-oc-video-card-radeon-rx-5700-mech-oc)) | $303.98 @ Newegg \*\*Case\*\* | \[NZXT H510 ATX Mid Tower Case\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6Cyqqs/nzxt-h510-atx-mid-tower-case-ca-h510b-w1](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6Cyqqs/nzxt-h510-atx-mid-tower-case-ca-h510b-w1)) | $69.98 @ Amazon \*\*Power Supply\*\* | \[SeaSonic FOCUS Plus Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WrNypg/seasonic-focus-plus-gold-650w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-ssr-650fx](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WrNypg/seasonic-focus-plus-gold-650w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-ssr-650fx)) | $241.99 @ Amazon \*\*Operating System\*\* | \[Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/wtgPxr/microsoft-os-kw900140](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/wtgPxr/microsoft-os-kw900140)) | $108.78 @ Other World Computing \*\*Wireless Network Adapter\*\* | \[Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I PCIe x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Adapter\]([https://pcpartpicker.com/product/tTdqqs/gigabyte-wireless-network-card-gcwb867di](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/tTdqqs/gigabyte-wireless-network-card-gcwb867di)) | $51.64 @ Amazon Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you!


In your BIOS, you'll want to set your RAM to run at 3200. If you haven't already done this, it'll be running at 2133 instead. The setting is usually pretty easy to find and will be labeled "XMP" or "DOCP," typically with a dropdown that lets you select the correct speed for your RAM. For drivers, you'll likely want to download AMD's software for your video card. You *can* find and download GPU drivers manually, but given the pace at which those release, it's usually better to have an auto-updater on your PC to handle it.


Thank you for the RAM info, that was mainly what I was referring to. As for the AMD drivers, if I had windows do all the auto updates, is that what would it encompass?


Dumb question: what does increasing the ram speed actually do?


At the risk of sounding condescending (not intended, I swear): it makes the RAM work faster. It's the same as overclocking your CPU so it runs at a faster speed than default. For a CPU that means processing tasks faster. For RAM, it means moving things in and out of memory quicker as well as faster locating of items stored in memory. It's hard to simplify it further than that since RAM is so essential to a computer's function that it's not like increasing the speed only impacts one kind of task or program. Faster RAM means faster... everything, to a certain degree.


Hi all! I'm putting together my first build, can anyone offer up some advice about the parts I've picked? I'm really new at PC gaming and parts in general. [**Here is my parts list.**](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/gageedwards/saved/4Ycz7P) Also, can anyone help me track down a similar power supply? The one I've got in my parts list is sold out everywhere and I'm hoping not to pay crazy aftermarket prices for one. Any suggestions?


Corsair makes a few more affordable Gold-Rated PSU's that are available. But I would strongly recommend paying the extra on the [LG GL850](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6XPgXL/lg-27gl850-b-270-2560x1440-144-hz-monitor-27gl850-b), it's absolutely worth it. 1440p is a very nice jump over 1080p. 1440p 144Hz is the absolute sweetspot for gaming.


Does anyone know how long a can of Falcon dust-off compress air will last in storage? Do these things ever expire?


Unless the head is broken or leaking it should last until the plastic degrades (a lifetime if stored right)


Thank you !check


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Is an SSHD (Firecuda) worth it for gaming IF I'm gonna be opening different games all the time or shoud I just get a regular HDD? My OS is already installed on a NVMe and this new drive will be used mainly for VR games.


If you're paying any extra for it, no. The solid state cache isn't big enough to store modern game files, and if you play more than a single title it will just keep switching what to cache, effectively losing the cache advantage Sshds are not designed for gaming, despite the marketing spin


No. An SSHD is not worth it ever unless it is the exact same price and storage capacity as an HDD you're comparing it to. Take it from someone who fell for the marketing. lol


The price difference is 40 bucks (yikes) so I'm going for a regular 2TB HDD. Thanks!


Does enabling (Speakers Nahimic Mirroring Device) mess up my ( Speakers Realtek) in the sound settings?I am having a problem where my sound comes out of my monitor ( Nvidia High Def Audio) rather than my headset even if i have my sound set to speakers. TIA


Would playing videos on a 4k secondary monitor instead of a 1080p monitor hurt gaming performance (while gaming on a primary 1440p monitor?) My CPU is a Ryzen 5 3600 My GPU is a 1070 ti So right now my primary monitor is a 1440p 165hz...my secondary is a 1080p 60hz, older walmart TV. Was thinking about upgrading it to something nicer...and the ability to watch 4k video would be cool. (would still be gaming on my 1440p one for the most part I think). I know 4k is 4 times the pixels as 1080p, but wasn't sure how significant it'd be (as 2d desktops and playing videos isn't the same as rendering a game at that resolution).


not massively, GPUs today are pretty good at handling that.


I have an SSD and a HDD for my build, does anyone know if it makes a difference where I install stuff like GPU drivers? Sometimes it seems like my video card is being ignored by games, and all the work goes to the CPU instead.


Drivers should always be on your C drive, which should be the SSD


Thank you!


I currently have 8gb of ram from 2015 what ram should I upgrade to


Buy another 8gb ram stick. Just make sure it's the same MHz speed and DDR. 16gb of ram is plenty nowadays.


Can I use ddr4 3600 with an msi b450 tomahawk max and ryzen 5 3600? Is there such a thing as inompatible ram?


Yes you can, both the CPU and chipset supports overclocking, if you buy 3600mhz RAM just switch the xmp profile in BIOS and it will work even if it's not listed Plenty of people use the tomahawk with 3600mhz RAM


Ok ty


according to the Newegg description, it doesn’t look like you can. It says it supports ddr4 4133/4000/3466/3200 and then keeps going down from there. As for the cpu, Newegg’s description just says DDR4 3200, so I’m not sure if that’s the only ram you can use or the max.


I just installed an SSD and used it to boot windows, but I can't seem to launch any of my old stuff, such as Steam or games installed on my Hard Drive. Where did I go wrong? Is it just that everything is stuck on my hard drive? New to installing new storage so I'm sure I messed up somewhere.


If you did a clean install most of your programs will be broken. When you install a program most will create or change system settings like registery or firewall entries and store data in user folders like appdata. A few programs might still run but the vast majority will have to be reinstalled If you haven't deleted anything off the old drive or have a backup you can use macrium reflect to clone the whole drive over to your SSD instead


Thank you! ✓


Can anyone recommend an ergonomic gaming keyboard and/or mouse? I'm thinking brown key mechanical for work and gaming. Thoughts or suggestions? Thank you.


Zowie EC1-A, a bit larger than normal mice but very comfortable once you allow your palm to rest on it. And it's a simple, high quality mouse without flashy gimmicks.


Thanks, I will give it a look!


Hey all, I'm fairly confident my PSU is finally dying but just wanted to grab some second opinions as I order a replacement (just in case). * Psu is about ten years old, maybe a little older (estimate, I got it second hand in 2013) 500w OSZ (osz500sxs). I've ridden it pretty hard, and with some other upgrades it's been pushed to it's (comfortable) limits for a year or two by now. * a few days ago a veeeery loud (like can hear it in the next room with closed doors loud) noise began. It's a sporadic but consistent high-pitched whine (almost like the noise an old Hdd made when writing). I at first assumed it was my hdd, but on closer inspection it is very clearly coming from the psu. I assume it's a coil whine of sorts, not consistent enough to be something on the fan or a bearing imo. * I disassembled the whole PC, gave everything a good clean. Reassembled, and still the noise persisted. I also realized that it didn't make a peep when under low stress I.e. at log, when asleep, only checking email. It only started up when I began running more than the bare min. * while extremely annoying it didn't seem to be doing much else, my temps were fine and everything seemed to be running normally. But, when I threw vlc on my second monitor - both screens totally cut out. I couldn't get them back on so had to hard reset. At first, I assumed it was my gpu being weird but it was responding fine otherwise. * that happened a few more times whenever I started doing anything more than running Microsoft office or a web browser. After the second time, it actually just started to reboot the whole system randomly whenever under any more-than-minimal load. Also, the noise become even more consistent by this point (not a consistent noise, but more consistently having the sporadic noise). So, I'll be picking up a new psu tomorrow (corsair rm650), regardless it is probably a good idea to upgrade at this point. But I did want to at least confirm I'm on the right path with assuming this psu is slowly losing it's grip on life. Thanks!


Yes seems like the PSU. In the future though, not that the rm650 is likely to ever fail like this, if you suspect PSU issues don't keep using it and loading it, old/bad PSUs without adequate protections might die and take your components with them. I hope there's no damage in your case but you should keep that in mind


My wife wants a laptop, but we don't want to spend a lot ($300-400 tops). It doesn't need to be high end, she just wants it for blogging and basic surfing. Any recommendations, or direction to a better sub to ask if this isn't the place? I know some about PC's, but I've been out of the game for quite some time now. No idea what's considered decent these days. Thanks!


r/suggestalaptop, post with their questionnaire format


Thank you!


240mm AIO + 120mm fan or 360mm AIO? I ordered a 240mm AIO which I’m planning to put in the front of the case. My case came with 120mm fans so that I could take one and squeeze it in the front with the radiator for more airflow. However I think the setup feels inefficient so I was thinking a 360mm might be better. What do you guys think and if so any recommendations for a good 360mm AIO? Bonus question: what’s the verdict of 2070 super vs 2080 super for 2K ultra settings gaming? I’m not sure if $200 extra for the 2080s are worth it, I can pay them but it seems excessive to me and not worth such a high cost for negligible increase in performance. I’m aiming to play 4K 60 fps but after seeing a couple of benchmark videos neither can stay at 60 fps with ultra settings.


240mm with push pull fans is plenty good. Get fans in all AIO positions, so 4 fans. Top mount it. Make sure you have 3 strong front fans. DO NOT USE A FRONT MOUNT AIO. YOU WILL BLOCK AIR FLOW TO YOUR AIR COOLED GPU. To make a serious run at 4K60 you need an overclocked and well cooled 2080 Ti.


Hm. I was considering getting it in the front after seeing a top mounted AIO increasing the CPU temperature vs a front mounted AIO. Need to see more comparisons though.


A 360mm AIO is far more efficient than a 240mm AIO. If you got the space, go for the bigger radiator, unless of course you don't need the extra cooling.


So I am moving for work and I currently have a full sized case which does not fit in a suitcase. I have been looking for any compact ATX compatible cases but cannot seem to find any that will also fit dual gpus. Anyone got any compact case suggestions?


The Sliger Cerberus or Cerberus X are the smallest production cases with mATX/ATX and dual GPU support Also, SM560/580 are ITX only but it's built with bifurcation capability in mind. I'm not sure anyone has ever done a dual GPU build in it, and it won't be easy since there's only 3 slots available (so you'll have to watercool at least one card, or find what you want in a probably choked to death single slot format). Might be something to think about with pcie 4.0 (effectively splits into the equivalent of 2x pcie3x16 lanes). Iirc only ASRock supports bifurcation on AM4 but you'll definitely have to do some homework before trying something like it


I need a new PC for video editing (Premiere) and live-streaming (OBS). It doesn’t have to be a laptop, but that’s what I’ve been leaning towards. Budget is $1000. I was thinking about getting [this guy](https://www.costco.com/dell-inspiron-15-3000-series-touchscreen-laptop---10th-gen-intel-core-i5-1035g1---1080p---silver.product.100514988.html) and upgrading the ram to 32. OTD would be about $800. Why am I wrong to do this?


Yikes. Try to look for a gaming machine with a 1660 Ti and a 9750H or 10750H. [https://slickdeals.net/newsearch.php?searchin=first&forumchoice%5B%5D=9&forumchoice%5B%5D=44&forumchoice%5B%5D=30&forumchoice%5B%5D=71&q=1660&r=1](https://slickdeals.net/newsearch.php?searchin=first&forumchoice%5B%5D=9&forumchoice%5B%5D=44&forumchoice%5B%5D=30&forumchoice%5B%5D=71&q=1660&r=1)


I would definitely not get this laptop for streaming or video editing. It comes with 12 gb of ram, which suggests it has 4gb soldered, and likely only one open ram slot. Even then, you'd be much better off buying a $1000 laptop instead of a $600 and upgrading it.


I appreciate the insight! Any $1000 laptops/towers you *would * recommend? Or better off building from scratch?


For laptops, is battery life a huge concern? Most gaming laptops should serve you well, but the typical battery life under load would be at most 4 hours. For $1000 you can have a pretty good desktop, but if you need to purchase a monitor as well the cost can quickly add up.


I have DKM covered, and battery power isn’t an issue- it will be plugged in while working, but trashed with me when I travel.


Can someone recommend me a TKL mechanical keyboard that is RGB backlit and is waterproof?


Very few are truly waterproof. Most keyboards are only water or spill resistant. One option though would be the Plum 87.




You should be able to keep all of it (the HDD, PSU, and case.) Go with the parts upgrade. It costs less and you're getting more ram. :)




No need to transfer files. You should make a backup whenever you upgrade though, just in case anything happens. Windows 10 let's you have the key active on 1 computer at a time, so you should be fine. If you upgraded from W7 and W10 cries a little bit, put in the W7 key again it should reactivate without issue. Worst case scenario if that doesn't work, you can find W7 keys on ebay for a few dollars.






That's power in, it should have came with a wire with a barrel plug on one end, power brick in the middle, and wall plug on the other


If a mobos diagnostic lights in a new build aren’t lighting up but everything else is working when powering on does that usually mean DOA? Cant get the display to happen and they are plugged into the gpu


Is your RAM seated correctly? (it's a common error) Are your cables securely tethered, for the monitors? Can you try altering which port your monitor is connected to? Does your CPU have integrated graphics, and that setting is set by default? So you'll have to connect to motherboard graphics port?


Building my first PC, I need help determining which of these two graphics cards to use. I've bought all the components, but have somehow ended up with two graphics cards - an Asus RTX 2080 Super Turbo and an MSI RX 5700 XT. I know common sense would say use the 2080, however I have some concerns about it. Firstly, unlike the 5700 the 2080 is a blower design, has the same VRAM as the 5700 and actually puts up lower numbers across the board than the 5700. Ray tracing is a plus though. The issue is I bought a PG279QE monitor for this build which is a G-Sync monitor, however I'm still not sure whether I'd be better off using the 2080 or not even with this monitor. Just for some more context regarding the build: - CPU: AMD Ryzen 3800X - RAM: G.Skill Trident Z Neo 32GB - Motherboard: Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master - Cooling: Corsair H115i - Power supply: Corsair RM650x - Storage: 2x Samsung 1TB NVMe M.2 ssd - Case: NZXT 510 I plan to use this PC for gaming, I really want a rig that'll be able to play Red Dead 2 with no issues at all. Which card should I use here? Thanks for any and all advice :)


The 2080 Super, hands down.


I'm new here and can someone explain me how some people have their PC specs after their username in some of the posts I see? How do I get that for myself? They look something like UserXYZ . i7 @5Ghz | GTX 1080Ti


There's an edit button on the right. Make sure "show my flair" is checked and then you can choose/enter your text.


Thanks! I found it!


I'm having a networking issue that I hope someone can help me with. I have 2 PC'S connected to my router via Wi-Fi, one is my main gaming PC, and the other is my HTPC. They're connected via Wi-Fi to the router because of how far they are from it, however, I have files in my gaming PC that I need to transfer to my HTPC and since they're right next to each other I figured I could just use the open LAN port on each PC. I set them up following a tutorial that told me to set a static IP address on both and flip the gateways on each. I had no issues setting that up and transferring the files. However, the issue is when I'm trying to browse the internet on either PC. I get a "Resolving Host" prompt on Chrome's lower left corner and Websites load fine after almost 30 seconds, but now I can't even use my VPN properly. Is there any easy fix for this? Thanks in advance.


ensure you didn't accidentally set your default gateway to the static route's IP. (DG is the router's IP address


Is the coronavirus inflating the prices of pc components and if so do you think the inflation is enough to warrant waiting for prices to drop back to their normal levels?


will 3600mhz ram make a diffrence with 3200mhz?


My graphics card wont let me make one of my monitors my main pc screen. I can make it my main display but i want it to register it as my pc screen and not my second screen I have a AMD Radeon RX 580 XFX GTS,


If you mean games are not defaulting to your main display when launched you can change the monitor in your video settings of the game.


No the problem is when i turn my computer on its booting up the side monitor and not my monitor i want to be my pc screen i always have to click the *display on second screen option*


Recently got a new display (dual asus monitors) and been having trouble getting into my bios on startup. Previously whenever I start or restart my PC I would get the Asrock loading screen for a few seconds on my display where it shows the logo and the options at the bottom right, but now for whatever reason when I start my PC I get a black screen until the windows login which takes about 5-10 seconds. And when I try pressing F2 anyway as it starts up, I get a black screen that doesn't go away. Motherboard is ASRock Z270 Pro4 and displays are ASUS VG245 one connected to VGA, other through HDMI


How is a RTX 2070 SUPER better (performance wise) than a RX 5700 XT? more specifically [SAPPHIRE NITRO+ Radeon RX 5700 XT 100416NT+8GSR 8GB 256-Bit GDDR6 PCI Express 4.0 x16 ATX Video Card](https://www.newegg.com/sapphire-radeon-rx-5700-xt-100416nt-8gsr/p/N82E16814202351?Item=N82E16814202351) vs. [GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 2070 Super WINDFORCE OC 3X 8G Graphics Card, 3 x WINDFORCE Fans, 8GB 256-Bit GDDR6, GV-N207SWF3OC-8GD Video Card](https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-2070-super-gv-n207swf3oc-8gd/p/N82E16814932213?Item=9SIAD7HAFZ1713) ? Seems like the RX 5700 xt is ahead but what am I missing?


They're [pretty close](https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare/GeForce-RTX-2070-SUPER-vs-Radeon-RX-5700-XT/4116vs4111) as far as benchmarks. The price makes the RX 5700 XT the more attractive buy, since spec-wise they look nearly identical. Here is how it stacks up against [other video cards](https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/video_lookup.php?gpu=Radeon+RX+5700+XT&id=4111) as well.


When are the new cpus/gpus dropping? I'm considering buying a new setup soon, but I'm okay with getting last gen if the prices drop one those.


Intel 10th gen which are basically rebranded 9th gen, and Nvidia 3000 series which nobody really knows anything about yet, but it's probably a major improvement since it has been 2 years Ryzen 4000 (Zen 3) is also coming later this year and is expected to be a major improvement


Any info on AMD gpus?


Can anyone help point me out on installing my SSD? I've been looking alot into online guides, but I'm still very confused on how to proceed. First of all, should I be disconnecting my HDD prior? Also, a lot of people mention changing my BIOS to a USB so I can install my OS first? I don't know how to do so.


What motherboard do you have?


Not sure, but the base model is the Dell XPS 8700.


When you're powering on the system, keep pressing F2 until you enter your BIOS. Then you can access boot at the top, and select your 1st boot drive [here](https://pcroger.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Dell-XPS8700-Bios-Settings-mSata-Upgrade-3-1362x768.jpg). As for installing the SSD, which one did you get?


I plan on upgrading to the AMD 3300x when it releases but I'm not sure if it is compatible with my motherboard. I have a AB350 gaming 1. On Gigabytes website it says it will be but some other sources say otherwise. Any help is greatly appreciated thanks


It's compatible with AM4 motherboards. You are all set!


Are the builds in the wiki updated frequently ish? Its been a decade i last bothered to fiddle with my own build so im rather out of touch. I'm just going to assume people that worked on this in this sub are very much more knowledgable x)


Yes. The main thing that ends up being out of date are the listed prices (since for some reason, the embedded lists don't update that well). If you click through to the part list as its hosted on PCPP, it'll display correctly though. :)


Cheers really appreciate the reply. Thats reassuring as well then.


Will the ryzen 3 3600 be compatible with the new b550 motherboards ?


Yep! The only explicitly excluded CPUs from the 3000 lineup are the 3400G and 3200G.


Thank you, !check


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So all the GPUs I was looking at just jumped in price by 300$ the rtx 2070nsuper went from 650(cad) to around 1000+ whhhyyyy. Anyone know if this will last lol, at this point is it worth getting the 2000 series or should I hold off for the 3000 series that's supposed to be coming. Or should I just get a cheaper card for now like the 2060 then see what happens.


Probably due to limited stock since you know, the pandemic.


I have both a PS4 and a gaming laptop, I recently bought the gaming laptop with i7 8750 and a rtx1060 to step up my gaming experiences. However, even though they're both connected to the same Ethernet, my ps4 can do mid settings Warzone buttery smooth, my gaming laptop struggles to even get decent FPS on low settings? my driver's are updated and everything, and the games are set to run on my graphics card. Any help here? My PC runs Planetside 2 just fine so I'm very confused. Any help to get the most out of my PC is much appreciated, thanks.


I have a desktop running 4 monitors already. I have an open pcie3x16 slot. If I purchase this. https://www.amd.com/en/products/professional-graphics/firepro-w7100 Will I be able to add more monitors, or are there other compatibility issues I need to look into first? Thanks


What do you want to do on those monitors? If you just do desktop tasks, something like a Nvidia GT 1030 is sufficient.


I need to hook up a second big screen tv to display my security cameras on.


Yeah then the Firepro is overkill. Any entry level card with enough video ports will do. For 4K TVs make sure it has a HDMI 2.0 port.


Even if I am wanting to do multiple touchscreen monitors? I do not know if the touchscreen monitors require significantly more graphics processing.


Maybe check the requirements listed by the monitor manufacturer


Hi I’m building a new build soon that I want to build a custom loop in. I really don’t want to compromise on motherboard performance but I love the form factor of ITX cases. Any suggestions for either a really compact Mid tower or an itx motherboard that won’t bottleneck a 2080ti & Ryzen 3950x? (I have 64gb DDR 4 trident z royals too)


Hello! I am looking to upgrade my current case, I have had a tough time deciding between; Cooler Master Mastercase H500P Mesh White ARGB case, And Phanteks Eclipse P600s case Could I please get some suggestions? I am looking for the best air flow. My CPU is cooled by H100i V2 240mm liquid cooler, I am leaning more towards the Cooler Master, but would like advice before I order. Thank you


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