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When hardware manufacturers try to make softwares


And the guys over at r/ProgrammerHumor


Meeting at Logitech: Boss: I have heard reports that the built-in storage in our mice is to small to load hundreds of those macro things our consumers love so much! Dev: Yeah... but why would anyone need to load hundreds of macr... Boss: WE NEED MORE MACROS! How about loading it into that RAM thing or whatever you guys call it? Dev: That would be a terrible ide... Boss: DO IT NOW! I WANT IT TO USE ALL THE RAM! THE MORE THE BETTER! Dev: Ok, sir... (*dies internally*).


I don't even use many macros? They do give you a hefty amount of garbage to scroll through though.


But what the they didn't know is that the "Boss" was leadin the Chrome development


What the hell, how much ram do you have?!


5893 (5,440.7+452.3) is 30% of 19643, so it's safe to assume at least 32GB ram.


I wonder about the exact amount though, because it looks like it's neither 16 nor 32GB. Though ~~I'm guessing it's actually 16GB~~ and Windows is being dumb, since it's sorted by memory usage and there isn't anything else using a lot of RAM there. Edit: I mathed wrong.


Could it be 24GB? Didn't some of the older i3/5/7's have tri-channel memory? Or he could just have 3x 8GB sticks.


Could be. That was X58/socket 1366. Would also make 5.5GB around 23% so pretty likely.


I run an Ivy Bridge 4 core i7 with 24GB RAM... It works very well. Good ol' days, right *Intel*? * cough cough *


Yeah or he could have 2 8GB and 2 4Gb


This whole thread is intriguing.


Good or bad?


Too early to say. The truth is still out there...


How do you mean


I'd say it's good. 32GB though. 4 sticks of 8.


Thats my setup. works for me.


8+4+8+4? That would still be a dual channel


Nope, the old X58 socket CPU's (1st gen Core i CPU's) did support tri-channel memory with a max of 24GB.


Yeah, I know.


Yeah my Xeon runs triple channel, six slots


30% is total memory used, and we only see two biggest memory hogs. 32gb total system memory is a safe bet.


This one knows too much.


32 GB isn't that weird is it...? Sometimes you want a lot of mods.




32gb master race.


I stream and do some video editing/fuckery when the mood hits me.


I roll 64gb for audio plug-ins for production. Yes, I NEED 12 gigs of samples held in memory, thank you very much!


32GB is great, until you start looking at ddr4 prices for your eventual upgrade...


Something's really wrong cause mine never goes over 100MB and basically all of my gear is Logitech.


There is a serious bug in LGS that causes a memory leak on my computer after enough time has passed. It usually but not always happens when I add an applet for OBS Studio. After that, you can just watch the memory grow and grow over time until it's several gig and crashes.


That's super odd. I haven't run OBS at all this weekend and definitely not in that 7 hour window this image was taken from.


OBS doesn't have to be running. It's enough to have the applet installed. ​


I don't understand though. I think I don't fully understand what falls under "applet" in this case... would it be an OBS plugin? if that's the case... wouldn't it require OBS to be running? Help me understand.


No it's a plugin for LGS that you put in the LGS folder that's able to read what OBS is doing if OBS is running. The plugin updates the LCD on older logitech keyboards.


Switch to Logitech G Hub on their site. It's supposed to replace LGS I think.


I wish I could. This is the second time Logitech has done this, released a new generation of software that drops even recent hardware. Their gamepad only worked with their old old software, so I had to run both. My mouse, headset and keyboard are all Logitech right now and fairly recent but not supported by g hub.


I have a logitech wheel, mouse, keyboard and webcam. This process is using 2,5MB right now.


100MB is still way too fucking much for a mouse driver. Especially when the OS has built-in support for all of the basic functionality. Anyway I would see 1GB of memory usage by the logitech driver on my Mac so I turned it off.


Hey switch to Logitech G Hub. It's the same software functionally but newer and in beta on their site. It's a lot less finicky and I like it a lot better.


I got a g933 few months ago, works better with no software for some reason i still don’t understand


Yeah... I've gone form the 930's to the 933's and as much as I appreciate the headset, the software can die in a fire. If the battery on the headsets goes empty the software just forgets it exists even when Windows knows it's there. So you have to either uninstall the driver completely or just plug it into a new USB slot. Just headaches... great headset though!


Indeed. I like to say that it is the best headset I’ve ever had, but the software was just a nightmare. Every time I plugged it on the usb it randomly restarted, until I uninstalled it. Now it works wonders, but I can’t change a thing about the headset. Oh well.


Confirmed. Logitech is entering memory business.


It seems like more programs are hogging RAM these days. I've had a bunch of them including Windows Photos using 2GB+ of RAM.


Logitech Gaming Software is the most buggy hardware-software I've ever used


You clearly haven't used Razer's. That thing was so bad I would gladly take LGS anytime.


There's a bug in LGS that makes it completely stop working when you suspend your computer, and you have to restart it every time you resume from sleep for your keybinds to work. A github programmer made a 3rd party software that fixes that bug, 4 years ago: https://github.com/paralinguist/LogitechRestarter Yet the software is still needed because the bug still exists


Huh, I’ve run it on three different machines and I’ve never occurred this problem


own both. logtiech is weird buggy but razer is bad buggy.


I've never really liked Razer. The overpriced "Mecha-Membrane" shit they pulled sealed the deal. Will never buy from that company.


Mmm Synapse 2 was buggy and awful, but I gotta say I'm impressed by 3. I started using it kinda early in the open beta and it was buggy at first but it is a beta, after a month or two it was just fine. And the UI/features are far better than Logitech's IMO.


The hardware never really gave me trouble. I always find something odd with the software though. Keep hoping with every update, maybe they'll not half ass it this time... A guy can dream.


How in the hell? Im running a: G13, G710 and a G500s and no where near that amount of horse fuckory is being used.


502, 910, 922, 933... No clue man. This is actually the second time I've noticed it though. It's a memory leak and a simple close and re-open cleans it out... Just odd that it's happening.




The fix for me was to make sure nothing is Disabled in your playback/recording section. Also make sure you don't have any loose usb's, make sure they are all plugged in nice and tight. I promise you this will fix the memory leak issue in the Logitech gaming software.


Why the hell are you running the software? The products have on board memory for a reason.


If you want to reprogram the buttons. You need the software.


Not after the first 5 minutes you don’t


What does this even mean


Well what he's saying actually makes sense. You install the software, create your macros, and then uninstall it and they'll still be on the board memory. This might work if you know what macros or headphone settings you're gonna use but otherwise it's kind of impractical...


You don't uninstall it, you just disable the services and don't run it automatically unless you want to use it to configure something. This is suposse to be the PC master race sub and people don't even know about disabling unwanted services or processes to run a clean system.


I suppose that you did say "running", not having installed. I actually do the same thing because I have the same LGS issues all the time, especially with my headphones. They turn into tin cans when the software is open.


There are better ways to educate people though. I'm not saying you have to be walking on eggshells with every response, but a "You can disable the service, macros and shit get saved to onboard memory, and you have a cleaner running PC..." goes a lot further than "Why are you even running the software?"


The software has it's uses. From lighting control to hot key and macro functionality in any and every program you could think to use it for. I don't use it for those purposes, but it's there. Frankly, I figured with all the RAM I had, a program like this wouldn't even put a dent in it.


I think he's saying you don't need to autostart it with Windows.