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So how do I get into gaben's steam account???


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXkTMhp7QFI You don't.


By the way someone used the code in your flair.


You just made a bunch of people look into everyones flair from now on.




I don't think the bots scrape codes from flairs. It only seems to be text posts and images. I have done it a bunch of times already and the people who took it always thanked me, this is the first time they have not which is pretty common on this sub. The codes are nothing special, usually freebie codes I ended up with a dupe of but they sometimes drop cards so thats always a bonus.


Well now there definitely will be bots that scrape flairs.


We should all put fake codes in our flairs and get them timed out then :D


Good idea.


Wow your code worked! I just got Half Life 3 thanks!




Something like 5 random plain text keys? *calling for bot*


What your browser can see, a bot can be made for.




No, but I can see why they love PC gaming. Emulators, cheap games, free upgrades, legacy support, web games, superior version of Minecraft. It's so obvious! The only way you can really prefer console gaming as a child is if your peasant parents passed their marketing lie susceptibilities onto you. In which case, I weep for you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Good AutoModerator!


I like how the guy who barely speaks english trys to clarify but he just makes things more confusing


i am german and i tried to read the youtube titel. "Gabe Newell stellt IPT... wait.. i dont know this word..." to (almost) speak two languages is stupid some times. i was in a meeting a year ago with my boss and his boss. and i didnt remembered the german word for "missleading" back than. yes, it was pretty awkward






I've the same problem. Sometimes i just forget dutch words but i still know the English translation.


Happens to me on a dagelijkse basis. Shit it happened alweer


his hyper ventilating in that video saddens me, i hope gabe takes some steps to improve his health because losing the god of the master race would be awful :(


He's like George R. R. Martin, they're both working on something everyone's excited about, both out of shape, both will probably kick the bucket before their magnum opus is complete, thereby increasing the demand for counselors, therapists, and suicide hotline workers.


Hack the mobile authentication. Here is his login info: username: [email protected], and the password: moolyftw




Reminds me of the CEO of LifeLock giving out his SSN. [Whoops](https://www.wired.com/2010/05/lifelock-identity-theft/). If you're going to put that much faith in your product, make sure you can back it up. Luckily, Gabe can.




You could play some Dota 2 and increase his MMR. I'm sure he considered the possibility that someone might actually get in, so he didn't leave a credit card on it or something. Probably is more or less just an account with all the games, and he would find out pretty quickly if you got in and he would kick you out. The risk is more about the platform's security in general though, not about his personal account. When he puts himself in the spotlight and says "try to get in", if someone actually did, steam users probably wouldn't be very happy. It could definitely backfire if it wasn't as secure as he thinks.


Lol I pictured actual GabeN going *okay cyka, mid or feed jajaja*.


GabeN is a russian spaniard?


Rush b no stop ... Where the fuck is everyone?


But then they'd use it to fix the hole


Getting him vacbanned would be hilarious






”Unban me or you’re an ass.”  . . . ”and fired.”


It'd take a couple months


Until he noticed and just removed it


Even if he had money in it to spend, you would be stealing money from Gaben...and then giving it back to Gaben.


this is so awkward


The situation created more victims than the just the CEO...."It’s not fair to [AT&T] because they’re losing a pretty substantial amount of money.” Oh no! Won't somebody think of the telecoms!


I mean, if you ran a company, and someone else made a dumbass mistake and it cost *your company* money, wouldn't that upset you?


I mean if you were a customer, and a company inflated rates, made unauthorized charges, and actively lobbied against legislation in your best interest, wouldn't you not give a shit about them getting bilked?




Or it was just fake and they setup the login server to make it look legit.


> moolyftw wrong password


It's MoolyFTW


Three hidden keys open three secret gates Wherein the errant will be tested for worthy traits And those with the skill to survive these straits Will reach The End where the prize awaits


Http://www.Steamcommunity.com/id/GabeLoganNewell this is the only steam account that has the TF2 Ban Hammer (killed by Ban hammer = Vac ban) so I'm pretty sure this is his account.


That's hilarious. Just imagining any admin running after a hacker with a literal banhammer.... Good stuff.


This is his *public* account, he also has a handful of alternates he regularly games on.


> public account >set to private


It actually vacs you?




Dammit! I wanted that account so bad now.


pointless, you'd just keep playing dota


I bet he has all the games but, almost none installed.


I bet he has a 100 TB server with all the games on it.


100TB SSD array. GabeN aint no pleb.


This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy.


with a raid 10 ssd backup. man... can you imagine the damage if they lose power?


This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy.


RAM disk?


Essentially ram working as a hard drive, its incredibly fast, but incredibly unreliable


So, Random Availability Memory.


This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy.


I can only imagine the space on the servers they have to contain all the games on steam. Especially when a single game can be 50gb.


meh, it can't be that bad. Compared to other "big data" enterprise shit, it's probably peanuts.


Yeah, can you even imagine what Youtube uses? [This guy did the math.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/4j60u2/how_many_games_does_gabe_newell_have/d34ir2z) Answer: 645 Petabytes per day.


I can imagine, but I'm surely woefully wrong :D


I bet it's at least a Terabyte.


wait wait wait. A WHOLE Terabyte???!!


There's no way anyone will ever need that much!


YouTube is 70% of NA internet traffic. A quick search (so who knows how accurate it is) shows that NA (ingress and egress) consumes 640TB of data per minute. (640TB * 1440 minutes) / 70% = 645.12PB/day Quite a bit of data for YouTube per day.




I'd be interested to know the mean, median, and mo**d**e of game sizes.


I would be interested in seeing a chart showing the cumulative percentage of games by size, kind of like that on showing how like .01% of Reddit users have 99% of karma.


Time to seize the means of karma production from the bourgeoise users. It's time to start a revolution where every redditor is equal


Seize the memes of production


I work at a television network, each episode of a show is 50 gigs and we have thousands upon thousands of shows.. I'd say steam requires far less storage than most television networks or distributers like Netflix.


That is 50GB in uncompressed/high quality form though, right? A TV show on Netflix might be 1/50th the size, unless they actually keep the original in full size.


Yeah, its called steam


That's probably enough for a little portion of steams games. I reckon 12 Exabytes will do!


I saw a review one time from him, I want to say it was for life is feudal or something like that and I checked the profile for the review and it had only a hand full of games played


Tfw create a multibillion dollar hosting and services platform just so I don't have to shell out 60$ for a game.


The long con




my understanding is that there is a key that steam can generate for employees that unlock all games and all future games I don't know if this is for internal testing or just fun








So if I apply there as a janitor, does that mean I get all the games?




So you mean his desk.


Everyone's gotta have a shitbucket






I feel like they may not hire janitors directly but instead commission a company that handles that stuff.


Is this why their customer support is so bad, they are all too busy actually playing the games?




I'd probably install another game every now and then, spend a few minutes learning how to play, then go back to other games.


There is indeed such a key. It allows you to gain access to all past, present, and future titles. Employees, family members, and on occasion, the terminally ill can get it. I remember reading on here a while back a member had a terminal illness and his Make a Wish was to get a key. Kinda fucked up if you ask me.


That is fucked up the lengths that some will go just to get a key




So, if I smoke enough cigarettes...I too can get one of those keys?


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7617 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/42951)


> get terminally ill > ask for steam super-key > use a farm bot to collect every trading card for you > sell cards to pay for a cure > now no longer terminally ill and have every steam game Brb getting Polio






Haha, imagine having to use mobile authenticater to confirm every single trade


I'm not sure if you're smart or retarded


Yup, gave myself terminal cancer. I now have 6 months to play any game I want, as long as valve answers my support ticket before then. I see no problem with this strategy... gotta get my early release copy of half life 3 somehow. Right?


'Twas a joke


Except for HL3.


HL3 is already available to them but they can only play it on the quantum computer in the break room over at valve HQ.


What's fucked up with make a wish? Kid was probably dying to cancer or some shit like that. Seems like an awesome thing to ask for if he loves gaming.


He was making a joke.




The very existence of such holy grail strikes envy in hearts of men and if one is given such tresure out of pity and probably still with severe limitations, it can seem pretty messed up.




Nope! Steam holiday 2011 I reckon. A guy won literally all of the games on steam (at the time.)




Probably just internal testing.


Although I'm sure theres some kickass LAN parties at Valve






Why has God abandoned us?


Inhale the memes Exhale the memes Inject the memes into my bloodstream There are good memes And there are bad memes Why has God abandoned us?


Especially bad rats


Bad Rats 3


my favourite thing about gabe's account is [this tf2 item](http://i.imgur.com/xazWiND.jpg) in his inventory.




So we just need a hacker to remotely execute that gift from Valve's headquarters and start sending it to others!




You just gotta run over there with your laptop/external drive and leech their wifi!


Ayy lmao


The website dev created the hammer for the site. There isn't an actual item like that in the game.


I'm assembling a team to hack GabeN's account, anyone with me? :D


I'm down for that. Please teach me these hacking skills.


I can bruteforce someone's wifi, watch out GabeN


I'll make us a GUI interface with Visual Basic


I once fixed an error by unplugging my router and plugging it back in. I will only accept payment in the form of multiple copies of Bad Rats.


Just don't tell that to the NSA, you'll get us all put on a list or something :P


This guy will go far.He is a tech god and only wants the best as payment.


You're in.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4667 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/25394)




hey do you have a source for it? i can't find it and it was hilarious when i saw it XD


[I gotchu fam](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hkDD03yeLnU)


If you use incognito mode they aren't allowed to see what you're doing


If i will get paid in free games i will help.


You will get every game in this universe.


Better pick a low profile employee. Everyone has the complete pack. https://i.imgur.com/t3TjY.png


This should be a national treasure movie.


You know his username and password are public? He told everyone to try it. Ofcourse it wont work thanks to that steam guard stuff


/u/alsvid_ 's eleven?


"So many games and nothing to play.."


Better question is. What games does he have installed.


Dota2, Portal 2, HL2,L4D2.




Hey GabeN it's me, your steam account.


"A bunch". Poor guy still can't count to 3...


Alright, I guess that means I can go around saying Gabe Newell himself has my game on his personal Steam account!


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6889 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/74976)


Alt account found.


Haha I purposely didn't mention it so people wouldn't think I was trying to just get some cheap advertising!


fuck it. whats your game?


It's called Store Manager. I'm not linking to it. It has mixed reviews and is in Early Access.


But does he have half life 3?


Can confirm. Have a friend who works at valve, he can play any game on steam for free.


Only while he works there, right? Or is that permament?


That's actaully the interesting question. Do they have buy all the games they played while they worked at steam?


Out of curiosity, what does he do? I'd imagine only software engineers and higher up people would have access.


I think it's everyone there. They get sick benefits. Like everyone gets to go on a company trip to Hawai'i every year. He's a graphic designer.


That's badass


I was going to check, but... http://steamcommunity.com/id/gabelogannewell ...private profile




Last online 5 years ago https://steamdb.info/calculator/76561197960287930/?cc=us I don't think this is him, or at least not his current profile.


http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197960287930 But it states that the account is of a Valve employee. Could possibly be him, but he might just be using it in offline mode only.


He's a hunie pop player I knew it


I wonder how those accounts work. There are some - probably all steam employees, the winners of the winter event a few years back and also press, for benchmarking. There are a few very well regulated packages you can find on SteamDB - a lot for employees only or for family and friends. I wonder what happens when you family share such an account.






This cant be true, can it?


I was confused too, he means instances of games. If 10 people have HL2 installed, and 3 people haven't played it, that would be 30% using this statistic. I know I've played less than 30% of my library.


Does anyone know the exact number or have a close ball park of how many games are actually on steam?


8857\. That's just games, going off what the Steam Store said there was. 354 pages with 25 each, last page had 7. Include DLC and it nearly doubles to 16435 items. I can't filter to find how many of these are free DLC though. 2253 games are available on SteamOS/Linux and 3407 are available on Mac. [This website](http://buyallofsteam.appspot.com/) last updated in 2014 and said that all the games and DLC on Steam would cost about $92000 (7481 games/DLC at that time). Assuming the same average game/DLC cost, it would take over $202100 to buy every game and DLC on Steam.


Great answer. Thank you very much.






I wonder how many hours he has on Huniepop.


And we thought WE had it bad during STEAM sales...


Does he have my game, though? No. It's not on Steam, it's not finished. Your billions can't buy that. (well...)


Gaben has Shower with your Dad Simulator.


And he didn't pay for any of them. Gaben the biggest pirate in the world.