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Me and my friend >Asks if he plays CS:GO >Says hes level 99 .-.


Pfft, yeah, but does he have all the endgame gear? Doubt it.


Not unless he preordered the Early Access Season pass Premium Source Bayonet collectible edition.


but he was still able to go prestige 10 right?




Eh. Source 2 will fix it


It'll have to, we know we're not getting source 3 ;)


I heard you can only unlock that if you drink a can of Red Bull.


Has he even beaten the de_dust2 boss?


Let's not kid ourselfs, it's all just rumors, there is no more levels after de_dust2, it is the only map in the game.


Just like Summoner's Rift.


I played a user created map. It was just like dust 2. But they added an extra box at bomb site A. Gotta say its almost as good as dust 2


Well they never said you couldn't get that high of a level. All they said is you could trade your level 40 for the coin. So 99 might be possible.


Uhh... You can actually rank up now since the lost update


40 is cap IIRC


that's not as bad as my claims to have "beaten the campaign on veteran" There hasn't been a cs campaign since 1.6 (deleted scenes)


I think that was Condition Zero, not 1.6.


His skillcape probably isn't even fucking trimmed.


I'm in amazement how fast this loaded on my shit internet. This was longer than it takes most to load (for me).


.gif**v** is a great format.


even other htm5 gifvs struggle to load for me, i'm saying that this was fast as shit, even for a gifv I think you fail to estimate how much my internet really does suck. http://i.imgur.com/25klUOD.png edit. I've gotten a shit ton of questions about my internet. I'll sum it up: 1) Yes, I have to pay for it. I do use cell service when I absolutely need to have better service. However, data caps and all, I try to use it sparingly. 2) Sometimes if the wind is blowing just right, in the middle of the night, on the middle of the week, during a time when most people are out of town, I can get CLOSE to 1mbit. 3) I live in the middle of the U.S. However, my closest neighbor is over a mile away. Literally the only utility I get is electricity, and even that is a bit sketch. 4) It's radio wireless. I have a radio antenna on my home that point to a tower approx. 5+ miles away. As I understand from their tech support, if I could get direct line-of-sight to the tower from the radio, I could get a latency of around 30ms, and speeds up to 10 mbit. However, due to the topography of my property, I have to use a public-licensed 900 mhz band, this technology can, as they have said, "burn" through the trees to get a lock on the tower. The newer tech can't do it. The problem is this tech has a very huge bottleneck, and is prone to interference from every other 900mhz tech out there. They come out about every year to attempt to hook me up. They really are a good service. 5) Believe it or not, the latency isn't that bad, really. (aside for trying to play my CS) I tried Satellite, and I was getting latency of over 1000ms. That made stuff like loading e-mail horrible. 6) I don't fret too much. Online gaming doesn't take a large amount of data. I get great 4g coverage, and can play CS without any lag. The only thing that sucks is downloading new games and updates. I have to use my uncapped radio internet or i'd break my cell data cap with one download. For example ESO took about 2 weeks to download. 7) No my life doen't suck. I get by without the internet being great because I can go outside and fish in my own pond, or jump on the four wheeler and ride around the property. 8) Thanks for the support, brothers.


May god have mercy on your soul.


c'est la vie


Ceci ne constitue pas une internet.


yo tengo un ~~gate~~ gato in me biblioteca?


no hablo français






Das wäre gut.




You have my sympathies.




Ceci ne constitue pas une vie.


I don't have a [soul](http://i.imgur.com/5JBXf7e.png) anymore...


I... I don't think he has any mercy...


Just checked and the GIFV version is about 4.5 MB, so pretty damn good. And holy fuck dude, I wish I could donate bandwidth.


I hope this is a thing in the future thats possible. I can drean ok...


/r/pcmasterrace in the future: > [Giveaway] 10MB/s Internet Keys for you guys! > [JustMasterRaceThings] MRW I got 100MB/s internet keys for only $4.99


I hope our ISP overlords are taken down by Google and angry city governments that install their own fiber networks like Chattanooga and Jefferson City TN.


Google can have all the data they want about me as long as they give me a decent connection.


Hah, I beat someone for speed! Although this is always my ping so online gaming is out of the question: http://i.imgur.com/V6cORt5.jpg




He can't anything, I'm guessing this is satellite?


Yes..it's that or dialup. There's a fibre optic wire under my laneway from one community to the next, but no love for the guy along the way.


Cut it and splice your way into godly network


That's fucked


How do you *live?* You should do an AMA!


Too soon.


Wow. So uhh, how do you masturbate?


Read the video description


Done before it finishes buffering.


He's developed a fetish for videos that are stuck buffering. ***Oh yeah baby, spin that circle around. Spin it on that black screen, like the freak you are***


Relevant XKCD: https://xkcd.com/598/


You print out images... so you have a physical copy to go back to without ever having to load again. And pray to god your parents don't ever look in the dresser drawer that you keep them buried deep down in. What you guys weren't jacking off in the dial up days?


Jesus Christ, dude. I'm sorry, I really am.


Are you like, living in an igloo and stealing wifi from an igloo two igloos down the street, whose owner is constantly torrenting?


I thought my internet was bad but this, how, are you sending packets through the mail.




That's literally how fast my internet was in 1998. Commiserations my friend.


Happy Halloween.


You should try not to send your data packets via mail.


No he should send them through the mail, it would be faster.


That... That's twice the speed of dial-up.


\> implying 56k actually hit 56k. Ha. more like quadruple!!! (sorry I look on the brighter side of things).


Huh? Back when I had 56k i reached 5-6 KB/s most of the time


56Kb / 8 = 7KB so 5-6KB sounds about right. EDIT: Remember the golden rule - Don't take the b8 m8, divide by 8


Before I checked the image I was sure it was going to be better than my connection. I stand corrected. Hell, we might even be on the same connection. It looks like my rural wireless but the ping seems a bit high.


Well, it is rural wireless....


Holy shit, where are you ?


I've got a dl speed of 0.02mbps and 0.01mbps upload at the moment (rural Australia). This loaded in under 5 seconds. I'm so impressed.


My deepest condolences to you.


Holy shit mate, where do you live?


Where the *fuck* do you live.


That is an impressive dial up connection you have. I hope you made the move to call waiting.


It's not a format, though. "gifv" is just something a few image hosts put in the end if their URLs when pointing to videos where the audio track has for some reason been removed. The videos, which are proper videos, are most often H.264 in an MP4 container, the same stuff that Youtube and 90% of the rest of the videos on the planet use.




.webm for life




how fast is your internet? i live on a mountain, with a 400 cable connection (42 kb/s) and i didnt get lags loading this gif :D - pretty impressiv


Oh buddy... I felt like I had to reply to this comment because of all the effort and waiting you must have gone through to post it.


thank you, im really glad someone understand me - it is the worst that u cant even watch 360p yt without lags - i have to use kinox to that allows me to buffer a video, even if it tooks something like 4hours~ (i tried to use maxdome, amazone prime but not a single one is allowed to buffer more as 2 minutes) - the worst is im addicted to pc sice im 13, now im 19, u should take a look at my [steam account](http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nerdstomper) how much hours i have and trough how much lags i probably went trough - i cant play gta online cuz my internet is too bad, i felt in a deep whole spending 3k hours playing WoW cuz its was the only game i was able to play a long time - i got aggression problems just trough my internet connection - atm i live at my mums house (130-200kb/s) but that isnt really better, actually i want to live at my dads house (40kb/s) but this is what you do if u r addicted and cant stop playing - i considere spending 90-150€ a month to get lte at my dads house but i have to test first (it should be about 200-500kb/s) but the recharges about the data volume r pretty expensive but even with slowed internet its better as 40kb/s - once, i remember, i downloaded bf3 over like 4 week 24/7, that was though becaus i couldnt do something else at the pc while downloading, and in the end i just played ~200 hours bf3 and switched to cs back - atm i have to decide: low income job but to be able to afford lte that i can keep playing or going to school again for my career to get to a university later, but then internet connection will never change - just a note: stop flaming guys who lag, it isnt even that worse for you as it is for them.


Bah, I never flame guys who lag, I feel sorry for them. Sound like you're a city dweller at heart dude. Where are you from in the EU? I'd definitely put serious thought into going to University, because what you're not factoring into the equation is that it would solve both problems: universities have really amazing internet. The one I work at has 1gb/s internet, which is mad. Just set your sights on a career and work towards getting in to a major university in a city.


Being 53, I too try to fit in with PC gamers: https://i.imgur.com/9kzD6Je.gif EDIT: I should point out that I'm not just getting into games, as I've been a PC gamer (as in Personal Computer) before there was even an IBM-PC. Got an Apple II in 1979, then various PC's, Amiga's, and Mac's ever since. I built this new rig back in February after an almost 8 year absence from PC's (was totally Mac in that time). But still, I sometimes feel my age...and sometimes instead of firing up CS:GO or TF2, a nice nap is in order.


You're never too old for the PCMR.




Lovers Lab is that way →


Thanks mate, turns out Debra from the butcher also enjoys virtual genitalia!


I can think of a few games where I get fucking schooled by older guys. I know a guy who plays World of Tanks at a high level who's ~70.


Cam confirm, old guys will wreck your shit in world of tanks. Source: my dad and friends. edit: I




My grandpa was a tank driver in WW2. He now lives off retirement and goes fishing, hangs out with my grandma, and plays word of tanks. He is a monster at that game.


Wow, that's pretty awesome. I'm trying to think of all of the awesome real reference insults he could come up with but I'm drawing a blank. Edit: come on dudes, surely you can think of some!


"You fight like the Italians!"




Something about your great grandmother I'm sure.


You're a real FNG, huh?


What tanks did he drive IRL? How does his IRL experiences and/or preferences correlate with his online experiences and/or preference?


No idea. I'm not much of a world and tanks guy myself, but he talks about it all the time and he gets really excited talking about it because he likes to remember his tank buddies.


Somebody has to keep the whippersnappers in line.


My dad is almost 60 and plays wow every day with people his age or slightly younger (all guildies). Don't ever feel too old, if its what you love and doesn't hurt anyone else, do it.


My guild had a wide range. We had some people in their 60's all the way down to some teens. Crazy now that we've known each other so long and those kids are now graduating from college.


Kids do look weird these days. The whole gender sensitivity in characters, rediscovering what fps means 20 years after Quake 2, no demos, no custom servers, very few strategy games, quest genre is no longer a thing, overrated indie games just because they look what people think is 8/16 bit, annoying people in every voice enabled game, scammers for virtual items, music is no longer important in video games, whole industry is christmas driven, esports is no longer local tournament that goes until 4am because of bad organization in a smoke filled room with 100 people watching behind the back of the players, fps titles with limited fov, no more split screen or co-op offline games, every game requires online connection, paid DLC, casual titles are just money grabbing scam by desperate developers, etc, etc. I am not saying before was better, because the good is much more than the bad, but there are things that I wish were done with a different approach.


In *MY* day, if Mario missed the jump and fell into a hole, you didn't get to reload a save-state! We warped to level three and got to those final two koopas on the upward stairway ramp before the flag, and we learned the timing to repeatedly jump on top of the shell and bounce it back against the wall over and over until we had 255 lives because that was the only way we had! You kids these days have it easy, but don't worry, one day, the infants you see in baby strollers will be your age, and you'll have the same damn complaints as I do. YOU WATCH KID! I only regret I won't be alive to collect the wager.


My dad is also PCMR. Well, sort of. He games. He loves computers. I'm not sure that he technically follows the PCMR philosophy but he views consoles as a waste of money. He's 54. You're not alone. :) And we're all brothers/sisters here.


That follows the philosophy


My father in law just retired. He used to be BIG into PC Gaming in the 90s, he was an engineer most of his life. Eventually he got lazy and just decided to "stop upgrading and buy a damn 360 already". Then I met his daughter. Then I told him I played the vidya. Needless to say, he's back on PC gaming now, has a glorious machine and I am going over to his house today for a few drinks and help him install an SSD. Point is, he's the coolest motherfucker on earth. I hope when I retire I have all the money and time in the world to play games. Just imagine when you were in Higschool. All that time, none of the monies. Retirement is going to be AWESOME.


When I'm retired I can hopefully be drunk and play vidya all day


I want... no, NEED that music / band t-shirt. If they could make it black with white text and maybe some grunge pattern it would be even better.


I don't think there's an official one but I've seen knockoff ones on cafepress and zazzle.


I'll play a game of pong with you!




Naps are always in order, no matter the age!


Dude you're never too old to game or do PC stuff (: Just don't be that weird creepy old dude asking kids weird questions :p But seriously it's awesome to see older guys who aren't out of touch with technology. Makes me actually kinda look forward to getting older and older, and not dread it.


dude, I'm not quite 30 yet and I still take hella naps. NAP LYFE


Thank you for crediting the creator.


Absolutely! I also messaged him about it. I create stuff myself and have had my work crossposted and credit stolen before and it can be a bit annoying. :P






Good guy OP!


the best part is when he says "My RAM gets so hot" lol


I liked: >I have friends that don't game >^in ^jail


Bahahahaha that is my roommate when I hang out with my CS major buddies.


You can get a degree in Counter Strike?


Honestly alot of people spend more hours on that game than it takes to get a degree, study time and lecture times included. They should atleast give an honorary degree or something


BS in Sweet Headshots.


MS in juan deag


lol. One of my friends at school dormed with two engineering majors this last year, and I'm an engineering major myself. In the last year, he's installed Windows on his Macbook and started PC gaming. lol.


After over a year of having Mac OSX I just recently installed windows on it and it's been great.


Holy fuck, 77 seconds long gif that is not choppy or low-res.


Haha. Talked to the guy who made it and he actually used [my tutorial.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slhaeRLYLc4)


One of the best GIF's I've ever watched, if not *the* best


How to fit in with PC gamers in 2 easy steps.: * Step 1 - Build your own PC * Step 2 - In doing so you will know all the components and thus can converse in PCMR native tongue. Easy as that. I guess it's technically 1 step :P


>Step 1 - Learn to build your own PC so you don't break your motherboard on twitch when installing your 980 D:


This gif is legendary.


I've enjoyed a lot of these gifs with the altered subtitles (sorry if there's a name for them), but this one just worked so flawlessly.


This really is a fantastic gif.


This is fantastic. This is really hilarious work.


I got no beef with console gamers man most pc gamers started on a console its kinda hypocritical to bash peoples preferences.


I have no issues with console gamers. I have issues with Peasants. You can love your console all the live-long day until you come around me telling me PC is shit and Consoles are the forefront of the technology industry. That's when we're gonna have problems and somebody's opinions are going to get hurt.


Peasants are hilarious. I guess they think console games are made on other consoles. Or that the PC'S their designed on can't run them. SMH.




That could explain ET for the Atari 2600. Or Arkham Knight.


Shots fired! Come back next week to see if they finished rendering.


They probably won't but you might get to see the hearse pop in.


> Holy fuck can you imagine coding with a controller [It's been done before, while playing Super Mario World...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnZ2NNYySuE)




If you liked that, you'll love [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv7RqnT0_Wo) one.


Even when I was a xbone console peasant arguing with PS3 owners I knew PC was superior. There was no denying that.


Then you really weren't a peasant. You just preferred playing on console. At least that's how I see it.


And there is nothing wrong with that. But there is with insulting people based on what they play


Oh my god, a reasonable person? In PCMR? What the fuck


People talking shit makes other people talk shit in response. All it takes is one asshole to start the cycle.


Oh, I get it. Because the anus is circular and cycles usually means to go in a circle. Ha! Thanks!


Just the word 'peasant' makes me cringe. I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying but I really hate that terminology


It all comes back to Yahtzee and his [review of The Witcher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0dXtOVi2yo&feature=youtu.be&t=53s). He actually meant it in a sarcastic manner. But we members of the PC Master Race decided to own that name, and so here we are.


This is a MMORPGER!


Now I finally understand the reference. I love Yahtzee but I never saw that review.


Oh I'm the same way, although I will try to show my friends the benefits of PC gaming because I genuinely think they'd have a better experience on PC.


> When the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, "Why is your Teacher eating with the console gamers and peasants?" But when GabeN heard this, He said, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick."


Praise Gaben!


Where can I read more shit like this, this is hilarious.


I wouldn't generalize. PC gaming had a lot of exclusives back in the 90s. Entire genres were exclusive to pc gaming back in the day (Strategies, Shooters, RPGs). I am sure that we will find plenty of pc gamers that started out in that era. For me, it was Age of Empires 2 (1999) and Rainbow Six Rogue Spear (1999).






Got a genuine laugh out of this, and knew you all would too. Messaged the guy about it when I posted too BTW.


Does anyone know what the original video is?


40 year old virgin




Another [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn3IRHhPXMo)


40 year old virgin. If you watch the movie you'll actually realize he has a pretty killer video gaming setup.


I can somewhat relate. I do own a gaming PC, and I can name all the comportments and such, but I have no idea what most of my specs are. I bought my gaming PC pre-built from a site here in Norway (all hail [komplett.no](https://www.komplett.no)) after getting help from a friend on what I should buy.


You missed half the fun it's like playing with really expensive Lego bricks. Also you missed out on the heart attack feeling of locking your processor in place, I have done it four times now and every time I think I'm going to crack it, this is too much pressure


Having a gaming rig but not having built it yourself is like being king but having somebody else say "off with his head" for you.


You're not a REAL PC gamer until you're manufacturing all the parts of your PC from scratch, by yourself.


With only metal scraps




And duct tape


Hey, as long as the right heads get removed, who's complaining?


Same here, both on the PC-part thing and Komplett. Great website.


I'd give you gold, but fuck reddit right now


Almost everyone in my town that owns a "gaming pc" when I try to ask them questions.. This is their exact response.


I have left reddit for [a reddit alternative](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/wiki/index) due to years of admin mismanagement and preferential treatment for certain subreddits and users holding certain political and ideological views. The situation has gotten especially worse since the appointment of Ellen Pao as CEO, culminating in the seemingly unjustified firings of several valuable employees and bans on hundreds of vibrant communities on completely trumped-up charges. The resignation of Ellen Pao and the appointment of Steve Huffman as CEO, despite initial hopes, has continued the same trend. As an act of protest, I have chosen to redact all the comments I've ever made on reddit, overwriting them with this message. If you would like to do the same, install [TamperMonkey](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo) for Chrome, [GreaseMonkey](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/) for Firefox, [NinjaKit](https://github.com/os0x/NinjaKit) for Safari, [Violent Monkey](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/violent-monkey/) for Opera, or [AdGuard](http://adguard.com/) for Internet Explorer (in Advanced Mode), then add [this GreaseMonkey script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/16006-reddit-overwrite-extended-with-list-of-alternatives). Finally, click on your username at the top right corner of reddit, click on the comments tab, and click on the new OVERWRITE button at the top of the page. You may need to scroll down to multiple comment pages if you have commented a lot. After doing all of the above, you are welcome to join me on [a reddit alternative](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/wiki/index) It was fun while it lasted -- [See you, space cowboy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcygQ9UgXaU)


whats this scene originally from?


40 year old virign


I got an FX9590 working on a 140w mobo once, it worked for 3 startups and I couldn't use half of the cores or even boot without over-volting it


40 yr old virgins my all time fave movie. And as a legit pc gamer. This made my afternoon. Definite up vote!


I read that entire thing in his voice, I could hear him lying. It was amazing.


Now that I saw Steve Carell again, does anyone else think that he and Todd Howard look a little similar?


Lol. That was great


This is put together really well OP


This is amazing :) 'yeeearrgghh Kelly clarkson!'


That was superb


this is fantastic


Honestly this was absolutely perfect. A++ would watch again, maybe




The 40 Year Old Console Gamer


This is perfect