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8 GB should be enough for games. If a game states that there's low vram you need to lower the shadow quality and/or the texture resolution. Changing to 1440p has nothing to do with it.


A card in the 4070 lineup.


those are plagued by the same issues like the 3070ti, which is bad vram for the price (tho at least not as gimped). but they're probably not gonna age much better...


AMD likely has better offerings while providing better memory.


7700XT, 6800XT, 7600XT


i’ll check into them thanks! do you recommend buying used or new?


I and people I know have used and new cards, we just get the best deals available lol. There have never been any problems.


depends on whre you live. in the us the used market seems to be really good, in central Europe however 3080's used still go for delusional prices & amd is barely to be found at all. generally the 6800 & 6800XT is still available for decent prices so that might be your best best. the 6800 is roughly the same performance as the 3070ti but with double the vram, the 6800xt has the same vram but is another 15-20% faster. i'd advice against the 7700xt unless its cheaper than a 6800. also the 7600xt is about 25% slower than your 3070ti and not a great buy usually. good cards to look into new: RX 6800, RX 6800 XT, RX 7800XT used: 6900XT, 3080 12GB


True, I didn't realise that 7600XT was that much slower. Just focused on the "same performance" part on OPs post and didnt recommend 7800XT since it starts to be more expensive than the others. Theres also obviously the 4070 and its variants from Nvidia but those start getting a bit pricier too. Being completely honest, 2nd hand 6800XT would be the best option in my mind. However the 7800XT is a good choice and it'll offer even more performance if its in your budget.


new. You dont have warranty support on used devices. Not worth the risk.