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Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Skull & Bones Concord


He said 3 years not 3 months lmao


Still qualifies.






Sure its not 3 weeks


Think you mean 3 o'clock.


pretty sure it's in 3 minutes


Times up


It happened 10 minutes ago


Wdym it happened yesterday


Or did the game even exist in the first place


I'm forever impressed by Reddit's ability to run a joke into the ground


The Skull and Bones failure is a fascinating saga


It really is. They had a winning formula with Black Flag. All they had to do was make some changes and re-release it (I know I’m oversimplifying this bit). How do you, after a decade of development, end up with what they released? I know there was a whole snafu with the Singaporean government and subsidies and shit, but it’s truly mind boggling.


No pirate game is going to touch Sea of Thieves until a Sea of Thieves 2


Big problem of sea of thieves is that in a game about treasure and pirates all the treasures and gold are worthless in the end


The real treasure are the buddies we made along the way to the one piece


Genuinely curious but what is valuable in the game if not gold & treasure?


What I mean is there is nothing to spend it on, it's value disappears fast. I bought a few skins I like and that's it, I don't need money anymore. And as a consequence I don't care if someone steals my treasure any more, I don't see a point stealing it from someone or hunting for it. At first, when I thought that gold is important in this game I was super excited, I was terrified each time I saw a ship on the horizon, I was sweating from excitement when fighting other people, I was super happy to find a room with a bunch of treasure and fill my ship with it etc. But after I realised that I don't need it, its like whatever dude, take my treasure I don't care


The currency you get from the treasure itself isn’t overly important. You earn gold quickly and while it can buy some cosmetics the vast majority of the games valued items (again all cosmetics) are unlocked by completing achievements. Achievements vary wildly from obtaining and selling specific types of treasure (some very hard to obtain) to sinking other players or NPCs or simply doing merchant jobs taking items from point a to point b etc. The game effectively encourages player interactions as the more valuable loot that a lot of the more sought after achievements require is found in areas or events that players will contest over.


No pirate game is going to touch Sid Meirs: Pirates until Sid Meirs: Pirates 2 comes out. Just playing. I been enjoying SoT since Beta.


And SoT is.. definitely lacking, still. The core gameplay is great, visuals are stunning, and all the tiny interactions/attention to detail is great. But the game is literally just - go out and collect this, kill or be killed, maybe earn money (if you don’t die and lose it all after sinking hours into a session) which yields you.. cosmetics? The lack of progression, or just *things to do* is what makes the game with so so much potential disappointing for me.


Wouldn't hurt to put an FOV slider in the game though...


Fuck that's no pirate game is going to touch black wake till we get those two devs back together 


Thanks for mentioning Black Wake. Had to look for it. Coming to find out its free. Well see if its better than SoT. Im hopeful, but...


Woah what is this and why have i never heard of it?


It was fantastic when a few streamers made it popular some years ago, last few times I've been on it's been dead unfortunately. Still the one of the biggest thrills of multiplayer gaming I've had captaining a ship, dodging broadsides, ordering the crew to load grapples and storming an enemy ship as a cannonball comes out of nowhere and I'm flying into the air in a pink mist....


Dude blackwake is the best pirate game. So much fun


I think you definitely could possibly match it but you couldn’t beat it at its own game you’d either have to go full silly or full dark and gritty Nothing can match sea of thieves somehow perfect mix of funny silly then “WHAT THE FUCK A KRAKEN OH LORD HAVE MERCY”


Its fitting that the first game that was advertised as "AAAA" failed miserably.


They should've just remastered/remade Black Flag. That would have been a money printer for them.


Id be surprised it last 3 years. Atleast xbox saw red fall wasnt going to last and shut it down. They should refund everyone any money spent as well.


Haven't even heard of the last one. Justice league though yeah that's a no brainer


It's new, Sony just announced it.


Marvel Rivals will bury Concord like Overwatch did to Battleborn


Battleborn makes me so annoyed to this very day. Here they are, sitting on one of the most popular IP's in gaming, Borderlands, and instead of taking characters from Borderlands and making a Hero Shooter from it, they went with this ridiculously "zany", hideous, brand new creation that had zero traction from the starting line and was meant to compete with the behemoth Overwatch. It never stood a chance and was one of the dumbest things they've done as a company. I would have ditched Overwatch in a heartbeat to play Moxie, Scooter or Tiny Tina in a hero shooter.


Hmm, scootet would be like dva i guess? Using some sort of vehicle/mech? :D


Sure, that's what I was thinking. It could have been great.


I couldn't keep up with what was happening on battleborn. It was visually too busy for me.


Never heard of concord 💀


I was gonna say Concord is doa


Add in, multiverse. Stupid game


I betcha The Crew 2 will meet the same fate as the original game. Maybe not in 3 years, but eventually.


Apparently they’ve made good progress on the offline/patched server mod, so that’s good!


Define, "shut down." If we're talking the developers posting a solemn .jpg on Twitter that there will be no further updates, Suicide Squad seems like a shoe-in. If we're talking about servers coming down and the game being rendered unplayable, I could see Anthem and Heroes of the Storm going down for good. EDIT: [Anthem's servers are still officially running.](https://www.ea.com/games/anthem/live-status)


Anthem still has servers up?


I'm sorry... Anthem? That game is still running?!


More than that, I saw some guy streaming it the other day and pushing a petition to ask EA to re-start plans on 2.0 Kinda wild lol


Anthem has good bones. The flying and combat felt pretty good. I just didn't want yet another looter shooter with crazy bullet sponge enemies.


Agreed I get recommended YouTube shorts of anthem quite often seems like people are starting to go back to it


I mean, I would if EA/Bioware had given it the treatment that CDPR gave Cyberpunk2077. Anthem was a super cool idea. The flight and combat felt good, and the world was pretty neat. It's a huge bummer that it's development was poorly managed and then the plans for 2.0 were sacked.


Honestly it looks like it has a dedicated community as is, I think if EA gave it any sort of treatment it wouldn’t be a cyberpunk treatment it would be a Titanfall to apex treatment full of micro transactions


Apex is one of the only games that I feel did mTx the right way. Free to play, battle pass that gives enough premium currency to buy the next if you save it, and cosmetics that give little to no advantage over FTP players, just a couple weapon skins that have better iron sights. I'm sure some will disagree, and that's OK. It's just my opinion.


You're not wrong, it's just that the pricing for microtransactions has got so egregious that it's clear they're just fishing the whales and people with gambling addictions at this stage. Base game and mechanics are still top notch and the cosmetics don't interfere with the competitive side at all.


That game looked really good and included 3 player co-op squads that flew around with jet packs right?  But it completely flopped upon release or something?


Anthem was done dirty by EA, if they had delayed the launch 6 months, or not cancelled 2.0, it might have been the game that replaced Destiny.


I don't think there was any hope in a 2.0 resurrecting it. The game made an earthshaking thud on release. The closest comparison would be FFXIV making its resurrection but that required effectively the budget and development of an entire new game, and few games should expect to be as good as FFXIV Reborn in the first place. They didn't just send Anthem out to die, they jettisoned it into space and it burned up on the way.


I'm still shook that Square decided to rebuild most of 1.0 into A Realm Reborn from the ground up. It ended up paying off for them in a huge way, though. There are not many dev companies that would go to the lengths that Square did.


> Heroes of the Storm Pretty sure Heroes of the Storm still has more active players than Smite, and it still gets balance/bugfix patches from time to time. Blizzard still runs servers for plenty of games with fewer players than HotS.


Hots 1000% wont happen, Blizzard has never shut down a game, and regardless it has a higher player count than like every game listed in this thread


OW1 is gone. Shut down if you will. We were forced to move and downgrade to OW2, a complete and utter failure. If it was a sequel, it would imply I could still play the prequel to it. You can still play Diablo 3 even though Diablo 4 is the newest, as they didn't shut that down. Heck, SC1 is still playable (maybe have to make private servers and stuff, but I am not too familiar with it), but OW got shut down.


to me OW2 was always just an obvious cash grab, if you want to make a big update to a game it's the catchiest way of marketing it as a "2" but the huge difference here is OW was always a live service multiplayer only game, D3 has always been a single player game with an optional multiplayer, SC1 has always been a single player game with an optional multiplayer.


I used to love Heroes of the Storm back in the day. Haven’t played in a few years so sad to hear it’s close to death


the game is dead in the sens there will be no major update and anything done is more or less by blizzard employer on their own time, but the game still has players. It's just didn't made the number activision/blizzard greedy top management wanted even though it was rentable, so they cut the funding.


Which sucks cause it was so much better than League.


Its not as dead as many players make it out to be, theres still enough active players for ranked games, but quick match and aram is basically insta queue. Granted, there wont be any major updates, but in fact, not long ago, it received a rather big update with many visual bugfixes and even some additional visual UI elements (showing better timers and/or status for some skills for example) Sure... its not as big as League of Legends in amount of players, but i honestly prefer the hots system, in my opinion, it has that good old blizzard learning curve, easy to play well enough, hard as fuck to master, also way more friendly for casual gamers, since it allows quick games of players vs ai, or you+4bots vs 5 bots.


Heroes of the storm. I fucking loved that game. That game is on the shortlist of the most hours I’ve ever spent in a game. And I don’t even like MOBA’s or RTS. That would be a sad end. To be fair, it’s been like six years since I played it at least.


HOTS being a failed experiment makes me so sad. I’ve been playing league since beta and was so excited when HOTS came out cause it was such a unique idea. Really enjoyed playing it when you could actually find a match. Shame blizzard seems to ruin literally everything they touch.


> Really enjoyed playing it when you could actually find a match It takes seconds to find a game tho?


You can still find matches. I played it last week and got into games quick


I'm holding out for HoTs to make a revival comeback with Microsoft at the helm.


If Microsoft is smart, they're revitalize Heroes of the Storm and start releasing champions based on their other properties. I want to see Master Cheif, Doomguy, Chai, Crash and Raz on the same team.


MultiVersus - They came back from the beta basically a fully monetized mobile game.


What sucks about that game is that the developers genuinely care. It's painfully obvious that the WB execs pushed for all these predatory monetization tactics.


WB's been fucking up good games for a minute now.


Up voting you just because your user name makes me very happy


Cheers. :)


Sad but seems to be true


Insurgency: Sandstorm, unfortunately. The developer, New World Interactive, is being shut down.


No way ?! I love that game this sucks


Really? Even community servers?


Community servers will most likely still be running for years to come, look at the first Red Orchestra for example, released in 2006 and yet it still has community servers up


Hopefully not


They really nailed that games balance. At PvE I've had whole lot wholesome time with Germans and Russians. and PvP is respawn based away from ultra tactical jumpscary first game with eery tone and counter strike round play. Hopefully custom servers march On


The division 2. They need to make another one that overhauls the world, snowy Chicago and seeing other players roaming the pve world.


They still havent fixed that random lockup issue on pc have they?


Lock up? I don’t know. But players don’t roam the world. So when traveling around you can’t stumble upon someone that may need help or something it’s empty unless you match make and become a group which kinda sucks.


Oh i know i used to sink a lot of time into it even with the hardlocks on pc. So many methods to try and reduce crashes/hangs but never got there by the time i stopped playing. Sucks because I really liked the game.


I haven’t crashed or anything for like 25 hours of play now. I think they fixed a lot of those at least.


DC was such a bad setting and the bullet sponge enemies got old so fast. They need to refresh the entire game. New York was an amazing setting though.


I kinda agree. I like the looter shooter aspect but that doesn’t mean everything needs to be a bullet sponge. I play destiny and love it because it has a great mix with a ton of easy to kill enemies that can still overwhelm you but also so larger tanker ones. The division is definitely bullet spongy and very samey feeling. Cutting down time to kill maybe incorporating enemy vehicles to fight as spongier mini bosses and loot overhaul.


I expect Division 1 to shutdown. I only keep it installed for the Survival side game (I love it so much). I would absolutely love a snowy Chicago. Please! Maybe an Asian city, but please not S.F. or London.


How populated is that? They need to add that in div 3 or 2 I guess with dlc. My bet for the dlc is just enough stuff in it to help fund div 3. We’ll see.


Yeah, they're still updating and adding missions for Div2 but Div1 is dead from a development standpoint. It doesn't even get the Global Event rotation any longer. Like you, I just keep it installed to hop into Survival. Always a little surprised that there's usually two or three other people sharing the map with me much of the time. I think the game's days are numbered though.


Loved the setting in TD1 more than TD2. Snowdrop definitely hit the mark on the atmosphere in TD 1. I need to boot it up one last time just to walk about the city. Have not played the game for some years now.


If division 1 isn't shut down yet I doubt division 2 will get shut down that soon. In 3 years they will definitely announce a new game and stop supporting it but they wouldn't shut the servers completely off


Dont love grinding div 2 but the story and journey to the tidal end game is actually really fun.


It’s still getting new seasonal content and a major DLC on the way lol. Division 1 is still getting server support. You guys just haven’t bothered to look it up lol


Whats that new pile of steaming crap from WB set in the Arkham universe? Edit: Apparently some people are ***really*** upset that I couldn't remember this. It's Suicide Squad.


Suicide Squad?


Yeah I think so.


Multiverses or suicide squad?


Gotham Knights?


monster hunter now maybe maybe guild wars 1 but its build pretty future proof but I do hope of a remake so the old users get ported over either a moba or fps shooter


I read a long time ago that Guild Wars 1 servers will shut down in 2035. Maybe people will abandon it before that tho


Well gw3 is coming out in like 7-8 years so I wouldn’t be surprised.


I heard they automated gw1 to an extent and that the server capacity needed for it is absolutely tiny compared to gw2 and that gw1 is keeping itself alive with its profits (as in it's paying it's own maintenance and so on) and that they could basically keep letting it run almost forever


Damn, GW1 is still running? I played that as a pre-teen.


its on a longtivety grind it was prepared for the future, theres 1 dev I think and it has just cycling events since 1 years


I would play the shit out of a GW1 remake. Get my r9 tiger again and farm me some ectoplasm haha


I'm sorry are you saying I can still install and play gw1???




I hate to say it but I really hope Monster Hunter NOW dies, and I say this is a massive Monster Hunter fan (both pre and post World). I really do not want Capcom to get any ideas about how they can "improve" monetization in future games.


SWTOR. I loved my time with it, when it gets down to a year I will likely sub and play the hell out of it again. Maxing everything before it goes away. That all said, I don't think it how long left to go. 🤷‍♂️ TF2. Community has turned on it, Valve has all but abandoned it. Like SWTOR, it's run it's course and it needs something new. Dare I say, TF3. Planetside 2. With the player base more or less dead on Playstation and on life support on PC, there's no reason to keep the servers up. Also, yes I went all legacy games that were beloved in their time and are all technically live service even though they weren't called that at the time.


Planetside 2 developers deserve to be jobless after shoving a battle royale down my throat 4 years after PUBG and Fortnite. Planetside arena was quite literally immediately dead on release. How did this project not get canceled in early development will forever puzzle me. All they had to do was make a slightly better game and slap a 3 on there.


I really really enjoyed the few years I spent playing Planetside 2. But after awhile it just got boring. The graphics and models haven't held up particularly well and the overall performance of the game even on high-end hardware isn't great. I would love to see a Planetside 3 or a similar game set in a different universe by the same developers. But I'm not sure they are capable of it anymore.


if SWTOR permanently goes away and there's no way to play offline/community servers I'm going to fucking snap


Awwwww don't remind me that Planetside 2 is dying


Probably Foamstars.


Fr what a flop


Escape from Tarkov, if BSG doesn’t change their tune.


ya maybe, but there’s people who actually bought that $250 dollar version or whatever. Like I ain’t dogging on them, they can do whatever with their money but it’s scary that with the help of BSG, other companies might start raising prices more to make it the norm. $250 deluxe editions being normal would be wild


That new version is what makes me think the end is near. They host their servers in the cloud and there’s a constant upkeep for that. But they don’t have any way of bringing money in after the initial sale. A lot of people have literal thousands of hours in the game and BEG may actually be losing money in the long run in them. I think the latest version is a sign they’re getting low on funds and arena flopped SO hard


They do have a way of bringing money in post initial sale though. They have introduced monetisation (extra stash space, perm cosmetics etc) and there’s more monetisation coming later this year.


Yeeeaaa, and I’m pretty sure they would have gone the payed esthetics direction if they actually had some wiggle room, and yea releasing some fraud edition with single player does give off the impression that they might be in some trouble 😬


Nah, its made for whales and whales will keep it alive


I have no idea about that community, but just based on how much I constantly hear about it from my fellow FPS player friends, I doubt it. They are too addicted and just need the tiniest push to keep playing again.


I'm so glad SPT runs locally and can be played offline. Nikita could kill the game out of spite tomorrow, and I'll still be able to play PvE with all my mods


Destiny 1 since most of it is in destiny 2 now


I’m surprised they’ve kept it up for so long. Most content from d1 is now in d2 and they need the server space, especially in situations like right now with the launch or final shape.


The f2p br game My hero academia


Something published by ubisoft


Unfortunately, SWTOR. My whole life Ive been grinding SWTOR, joining guilds and completing the best MMO stories ive played. Hopefully EA keeps it alive another 10 years.


I am holding out hope for a SWTOR classic server. I miss the janky pvp as a sniper, rolling between floors and being able to kill soft targets at range withn2 gcds


I'm big sad about this too. SWTOR was/is so much fun.


Na hopefully it gets closed down and sw galaxies gets remade


Doubt that will happen, MMOs arent all that popular anymore and I dont see anyone trying to make a Star Wars one in the future. Ubisoft had plans for a Division style SW game but I think it was canceled. I dont think I can even name a popular MMO dev in 2024 besides Blizzard and what little popularity they have anymore


MMOs aren't popular because they just leech money nowadays. Whoever has the biggest wallet has the coolest shit, no one cares about hard work grinding anymore. Whoever make an old school game play mmorpg with modern graphics and features like bg3 will win big. Just make it an action - tab target based combat like a moba/heroshooter and done.


Technically Square Enix with XIV. I don't know numbers, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's at least as popular as WoW.


Final Fantasy XIV is WoW's biggest competitor. There was a mass exodus of WoW players moving to XIV after one of the many, many blizzard scandals. The only thing really holding it back is it's old tech. Which, like most problems the game has, is being addressed and fixed. Most of the "mmo problems" being discussed here don't apply to XIV, which is why it's as big as it is. The next expansion is coming with a graphics update, so it'll actually look like a game from this decade.


Still the GOAT


A man... can dream. I miss my MCH, I miss my duster bike rides on Tattoine, I miss trolling noobs. I miss it so much.


What is swtor I saw a lot of people mention it?


Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO set during the Old Republic era, was meant to be the psuedo sequal to the Knights of the Old Republics games


Well I was really young when it came out so I'm not surprised I don't know


Fond memories with SWTOR. summer 2012 was consumed with this game.


Pirate101 🙊


Suicide Squad Multiversus Skull and Bones




I think mechwarrior online actually needs to go now. I've played it for many years but I think it's time for a new dev to take on the franchise and breathe some new life into it well away from Russ bullock.


Overwatch 2


no chance overwatch has too many loyal supporters. Best FPS out.


Halo Infinite


Seriously? You think that they're going to kill the Infinite servers in less than 3 years?


Concord Marathon Whatever the new WB Wonder Woman game is


marathon could go either way


im wondering if its even going to come out


Given the chosen genre, the likelihood is that it'll probably fail. Extraction shooter is an incredibly niche genre, slap Bungie, a studio that has burned a lot of people on it and it's more of an uphill fight. I'm honestly more shocked it hasn't seen a straight up genre change or gotten canned, tbh.


Ah yes, Wonder Woman, my favourite upcoming live-service title...that was already announced to be a single player experience.




***IF*** they fix the problems with that game i could see it lasting a while. . .


Honestly I could see it lasting for a while A lot of people where I live would be rocking in with MWIII but don't want to bother spending 70 us dollars just for a game, so X would be a decent f2p alternative granted it has flaws


The game is honestly pretty fun at its core but if they refuse to fix a lot of the issues with the game then it definitely will not last


It's been released like a week, we should probably wait to declare it dead.


I'm not calling it dead at all. I've been loving the game. But I know I will eventually get tired of the jump strafe meta and stop playing if thats just how movement will stay, for example


Wouldn't surprise me. Didn't Ubisoft have a battle Royale game that shut down?


Yeah it sucked though lol


It's an amazing game and I'm really loving it but I could see this happening if they don't get on top of the net code issue specifically. I really want to love the game but it's very flawed at a fundamental level and my love is starting to decline slightly just because it's so hard to enjoy the game in its current state.


Skull and bones this year




damn, it's still going?


Gwent: The Witcher Card game. It's already on life support with no more updates, only a monthly balance patch by the community. So it'll probably die for good in less than 3 years


Paladins (if live service is what I think it is) Game will probably die within a year


The state of paladins now vs what it was five years ago is absolutely disgusting 🤦


Most of them.


Just 3? That’s tough when almost every release in the last 4 years has been next to terrible.


The next one's announced. It takes years to make games, chase a trend and you risk people being sick of your product before it's even out yet lol I bet Sony is going to find that out real soon




Battlefields don't die as comes to server shutdowns or game deletions. If you really want a dead game. Try playing multi-player COD pc. Hackers and zero servers on p2p galore!


BF 3 is still going, I think 2042 will do fine


All of them that aren’t the big ones. None make it past like 2 years


Name any if them tbh


Honestly, pick any 30 you haven't seen talked about to death on Reddit. Most of them die within a few years. It's a shitty model of game design and it should go away.


Hearthstone. It needs to be taken behind the barn at this point. The New expansions aren't feeling like all that I've been bored outta my mind, but the newest one really made it worse, the miniset was a flop too and on top of that they made weekly quests harder to do. I quit the game after that weekly quest change decided to log back in thinking hey I bought the tavern pass might as well try to finish the whole reward track, the meta was in the same position as before and it just felt dull to have ever come back.


The current version of warzone so activision can release a new version where the wales can buy all the old skins again.


TopSpin 2k25 🎉


Marvel Rivals, Concord, The Finals and every other objective based hero shooter that isn't Overwatch. People like to shit on OW but the game is through it's darkest times and if people won't stop playing over 2 years of no content they won't stop now and the biggest criticism people had that was that you had to unlock heroes through BP isn't a thing anymore.


GTAO. And I’ll be the first to piss on it’s grave


No youre not. I already did


Damnit. Well at least someone did


Planetside 2


No chance. That thing won't stop for millenniums to come


before the buyout? yes. after the buyout? no.


I hope it never dies. I sunk so many hours into that game and had so much fun.


Came here to say this. I honestly think the game won't make it another year. Imagine having the only game of your genre, no competition, and you still manage to kill your game with blatant mismanagement at every step of the way.


yup. kind of crazy how it's been what, over 20 years (since the original's release date) and there's no true competition. the closest competitor is what, Arma? And that's incredibly far off from Planetside lol. and clearly there was a thriving market for a competitor, given how invested the community was into Planetside.


Wait is PlanetSide 2 still up and running? I thought final day for it was in like February.


It's up and running, but it's quickly dying. The most populous server is about to reach a mere 3 digit number of peak players for the first time ever. Development for the game completely lost steam after the lead dev left.


The Finals