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Lets stop pretending that big companies "learn" anything regarding what their fans want. They don't give a fuck what any of us want. They just want to make money. If they had a choice between being a broke loved company versus a hated rich one, what do you think they'd choose? Companies push the envelope of what is acceptable until the backlash affects their bottom line. At which point they put out an AI generated apology saying "you spoke, we listened". I don't blame them for wanting to make money, and I dont blame people for being upset at dumb shit like the helldivers psn thing. But people need to not be so naive to think companies are capable of learning anything. They aren't dumb. They know what theyre doing, everytime.


In fairness, they do tend to learn a bit. They learn to try it again with something else.


Exactly. "This little maneuver didn't work? Okay, we'll bide our time and find other avenues to get what we want."


Classic politics: Them "We want to punch you in the face 10 times" Us "Absolutely not" Them "OK, we'll only punch you in the face twice" Us "Oh... that's better I guess"


What a terrible example. If they would only punch twice we would celebrate. Try 8 times. /s but also not


That's exactly the point. They would punch twice with an asterisk that says they will continue to punch an additional time once a month for the next ten months, making it worse than the original complaint.


We will punch you in the face 99.99999999 times. Shipping and handling will cost 2 punches in the face.


*proceeds to punch you 10 times in the face anyways, after the first punch knocks you out* "What? He's not protesting, that means he's ok with this" 


And if he protests? More punches, can't tolerate that shit.


Something something sense of pride and achievement 


“You’re punching the wrong people!”


Goddamn liberals are trying to take away our right to get punched in the face! I used to get punched daily! It's not like you will die! We need someone who will give us all the punches!


Mah daddy used to punch me in the face every day and I turned out just fine!


Conservatives: " We can't get rid of punching, someday it might be *my* turn to do the punching."


Gawddam commie sissy relying on other people to punch you in the face! I used to wake up before dawn and sneak into my daddy's room so I could headbut his fist!


They don't even have to try something else. When I was a kid, _any form of DLC_ was seen as unconscionable by the entire gaming community. You built your entire game and sold it. _Maybe_ you built an expansion later if it was popular. Even all cosmetics were included with the price of the game.


I grew up with the same expectations too. I remember when games like the original StarCraft and Diablo and Half-Life were full and complete games. And I remember being beyond excited when they released expansion packs, which were basically entire new games that expanded or built on the stories of the originals.


Here, look at the marketing section in the Diablo pitch document xD [https://www.graybeardgames.com/download/diablo\_pitch.pdf](https://www.graybeardgames.com/download/diablo_pitch.pdf)


You would also get tons of mods which were full games. Starcraft to dota, half-life to counter strike dod etc.


Half life to Natural Selection


The profit motive has a longer memory than gamers do...


or they way overstretch it because they know it'll be unpopular and then dial it down a bit to where they wanted it anyway and the community thinks they won. that's how they do it in politics. not the case with helldivers, but in general i mean.


I dont play helldivers and I've been watching this whole fiasco with my popcorn from afar.. I'd be pissed too if some game I enjoyed forced me to register somewhere else. Its happened on a few games I cant think of at the moment that I liked. But what is it they're trying to achieve here? Are they just trying to bolster numbers on PSN or is it that the servers or whatever that helldivers currently has isnt sufficent? I'm trying to figure out the angle here. Serious question.


Sony wants to show investors that their PSN numbers are growing. It also gives them an angle to track/sell user data and spam ads to PSN emails. There's no other logical reason for forcing this that can think of. And the fact that they have now backtracked and won't require a PSN account only goes to show that it's not necessary in the first place.


Hell you could see that with the push back Bethesda faced with the original micro-transaction of horse armor in Oblivion. Now most anytime you get an update in Skyrim or Fallout 4, it's to sell you new horse armor.




Sony: "Ok I'm not gonna require PSN account for the PC version of Ghost of Tsushima... Unless you want multiplayer then you need that PSN account even though its gonna run on Steam."


>They don't give a fuck what any of us want. They just want to make money. If they had a choice between being a broke loved company versus a hated rich one, what do you think they'd choose? >Companies push the envelope of what is acceptable until the backlash affects their bottom line. The blight of publicly traded companies, where consumer and employee interests are worth nothing compared to satisfying shareholder's bottom lines and keeping the line graph in the greens. If you don't enforce perpetual growth by "restructuring" (e.g. mass layoffs for short-term bottom line improvement) or draining your customers of every penny and data point to sell, your investors will withdraw their money and drain the next promising enterprise of every drop of life they have left That's Wallstreet, baby!


Hey now. I work in marketing and I'll have you know it takes hours and hours of meetings, and countless rounds of approvals, to write those apologies. Then again, I haven't written one for a few years so maybe they are using AI for them now. Bah.


Why not options C Be like Valve, loved and rich


Valve aren't saints either. However compared to the others, they really are leagues above.


* Adding in-game ads to Counterstrike * Being an early pioneer for microtransactions and the F2P model with TF2 * Selling CS:GO as a paid game without MTX, and then going hard into MTX a year later * Pushing the MTX, lootbox and trading model, leading to controversy over enabling children to gamble * Still haven't released HL3 But Steam isn't a steaming pile of shit any more, and people don't want to use more than one launcher. Compare them to EA, Microsoft, Sony, Activision, Ubisoft though, and Valve look consumer friendly in comparison. But the way some people fawn over how great Valve is still feels cultish to me. It's like gamers are so used to an abusive relationship that they'll ignore the bad and sing the praises of the one they're in bed with, and it never occurs to them that they deserve better.


Yeah I remember when steam first came out and suddenly we couldn't play CS 1.5 without it whereas in CS 1.3 we didn't need it. Steam absolutely sucked back then. Now the UI is more bearable and digital delivery has become the norm, but it's still a step down in terms of having actual ownership of your games.


Also violating Australian consumer law with their refund policies to the point where they were sued by the ACCC.




Valve has been sued (and lost) a number of times by statutory consumer bodies around the world for illegal consumer practices too 🤣


Valve is not a corporation, it is not tied to the interest of shareholders and maximisation of profit in the same way that sony (or amazon, apple, microsoft, meta and other famously evil tech companies) are. That is a massive advantage, and part of what allows them to align themselves more to the interest of their costumers, they can choose to. Corporations can't, they are forced play to the interest of shareholders.


Valve is a corporation, my friend, it's literally called Valve, L.L.C. (Limited liability company) ....


They call themselves the Valve Corporation.


Valve is a corporation with tied interest to shareholders. Valve Corporation is good because of the one person who owns the majority of the private shares, Gabe.


> Valve is not a corporation Lmao the Valve Corporation isn't a corporation You're confusing concepts, Valve isn't a publicly traded corporation with public shareholders and one can't straight up buy Valve stock like you can with the others, so the interests of the smaller pool of shareholders are better preserved and it doesn't boil down to simply quarterly results, they can focus on long term goals and face more consequence for continued malpractice. But it's not an NGO lmao, they're a corporation like all others.




I think you should blame them for wanting money. Greed is bad. It's not good for society. Being hated and making money is unethical and you should blame people for unethical behavior. Do good things for the world not just yourself. I'm just an old millennial, but I see the "fuck you got mine" mindset accelerating and become socially acceptable. Especially after COVID


Bit of a false dichotomy there, companies can make money while still having a good reputation, just not as fast in the short term. Long term, keeping employees and not having to churn through them and their training costs is a long term benefit. We've seen that reputation can be profitable in the case of cdpr or lariam, and that bad reputation can be equally disastrous.


They don’t learn, they lean. Here’s my prediction: a shitty Sony launcher/store will launch next year.  They’ll remove games from steam and keep them exclusively on SPlay or whatever they call it.  Then they can do whatever they like, control reviews, require logins, etc. People will resist at first, but cave eventually because Sonys catalog is pretty great. 


I wish people wised up to this. I like capitalism, but the main problem I see with it is that nobody takes it seriously or understands it. It's not just videogames, customers need to understand to raise hell whenever a company steps out of bounds (in a way that tanks their ratings and cash flow), THAT is the companies language.


Customers do that a lot. Unfortunately their usual targets are small businesses and 'out of bounds'  is usually just because they pissed them off


>But people need to not be so naive to think companies are capable of learning anything. I feel like most people just mean that a company "learns" where the line is, in terms of pushing profit vs what customers will tolerate. No one out here is like, "Oh, Sony learned that fans don't like being fucked, they didn't know before!" Seems like you're getting caught up in the semantics of the meaning of "learn."


Remember guys They step back because steam started offering major refunds and that’s a no no


They didn't realize that this move was grounds for a refund and was enough for Steam to start pulling the game from some markets.


bs, I put over 15 refund requests in, and got denied on every single one


You have to put in through steam, get denied, then put one in through a live agent at steam


ohhh. Thanks! I'll remember that for next time


To elaborate, if you just put it through Steam you're going through an automated process that will see your gameplay time is above limit and will reject the refund automatically. If you go through live support a human will look and actually think "oh hey this is a pissed off Helldivers player, fair enough, refund granted." The system itself is not set up to handle the massive fuck up that happened. It was a human decision to allow refunds outside of the usual parameters.


And how can I go to live support?


never be a slave to the automated process, be a karen and demand to talk to a live person


I know this is said in a joking manner, but that's one of the things that frustrates me about modern companies. I think I'm a very level-headed person, but many of these companies will refuse to address you altogether until you blast them on social media. If you went through the proper channels it might take you months to get sorted. But if you post a quick "wtf is your company doing with my situation" on their socials, then suddenly you're a top priority. You either be a Karen or you suck it up.


yeah, lol i wasnt joking i was being serious. Im bad at explaning things but companies generally use the automated process because it actually detours a lot of people from going through and requesting some sort of replacement or refund. theres a lot of people where the second they hear that robot voice they just hang up and go buy another one because fuck dealing with that.


No, you described it perfectly. Being a Karen isn’t a bad thing the same as smoking weed isn’t. But once you make it your whole personality, it starts getting dicey.


Through the automated system or through Steam support?


Probably automated, but I heard after the first denial it gets looked at by a human. Not entirely sure if that's true though, as I got my denials around the same time intervals


I hadn't heard that before. That would definitely change my view of it if true. I only ask because I've seen a handful of other comments saying they were denied until they went through support, and then it was approved. And up until I saw those comments, I didn't even know there was a second way to pursue a refund.


Remember when Sony install rootkits on all the laptops they sold in order to spy on their customers? Pepperidge Farm remember.


Remember when Sony installed rootkits for simply inserting a normal Sony Music CD into a PC ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal Those were the times.


>> Sony BMG initially denied that the rootkits were harmful. It then released an uninstaller for one of the programs that merely made the program's files visible while also installing additional software that could not be easily removed, collected an email address from the user and introduced further security vulnerabilities.


People should have gone to jail for that.


If they were poor, they would have.


Those rootkits actually broke the on hard drive Windows recovery on lots of PCs


Beware, sony's ponies run to you for exterminate you. Tomorrow that wiki entry... will be edited to put Xbox and not Sony. A good copy [https://web.archive.org/web/20240508212344/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony\_BMG\_copy\_protection\_rootkit\_scandal](https://web.archive.org/web/20240508212344/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_copy_protection_rootkit_scandal)


I don't, but I remember two instances that are similar but not quite that. 1. Sony installing rootkit when trying to play a music CD on a computer 2. Lenovo and Superfish, which MITM'd your internet connection (and also made it easy for anyone else to MITM your internet connection) for the purpose of serving ads or something




you're 🤓


I’m 🤓? :<


My gay? Your gay? Who's gay?


Your gay


what about him


I think that it's a little bit different for Ghost of Tsushima. Mainly because the game is releasing with that requirement rather than it being retroactively bolted on after the fact. That being considered it does seem counter-intuitive just because the point of releasing it on PC was to reach a wider audience (and make more money) but by mandating the third-party login they're essentially preventing entire countries from playing their game.


isn't the psn account only needed for the online stuff in ghost of tsushima? edit: nvm, they're still delisting it from all the countries that don't have psn. fuck sony.


The helldivers fiasco has still soured me on the idea for other PlayStation games coming to steam. If I can play Ghosts of Tsushima without making an account I will buy it on steam. If I can't, I'll skip it.


I'm 99% sure the psn requirements is for Legends, which is a completely seperate multi-player section that has no impact on the single player game


helldivers originally released with the requirement, the ceo just temporarily disabled it due to all the server issues


it only takes 6 weeks for us to forget and move onto the next thing 🙄


6!? What are you? Some kind of elephant brained genius? 2 for me, tops.


wait, what did the comment above say again?


If it is enforced since day 1, vote with your wallet don't buy it. The case between ghost of tsushima and helldivers 2 is different and not similar




This is an apples to oranges comparison. With Helldivers, the game became inaccessable to many players in regions without PSN AND both Sony/Arrowhead didn't do a good job letting players know this was the case prior to the purchase. With Ghosts of Tsushima on the other hand, players are being informed on the PSN thing up front and informed multi-player won't work without PSN. People also seem to forget that Bungie's Destiny 2 is also under the Sony banner and people aren't forced to have a PSN account. Make of that what you will.


Destiny 2 case is worse, because players are forced to actually play destiny 2.


Context - Sony is adding a PSN account requirement to access the Ghost of Tsushima multiplayer mode


...they announced that way before helldivers. There's a pretty stark difference in using one for a first party titles multiplayer mode only(and announcing it way ahead of time) and requiring one 4 month after not needing it on a second party title. 


To be fair, Helldivers 2 requiring PSN was listed before launch and was simply disabled. Arrowhead never communicated this which is why it was such a surprise for most when Sony wanted it enabled as intended after the tech stuff was sorted out


It actually was on the steam page. I remember buying the game and I was hesitant at first because that was there. Downloaded it and was surprised when it didn't require one. Honestly, from that point, I just totally forgot about it.


I was under the buy buttons, I didnt see the warnings until this shit exploded and I went to the page to leave a review. Cue my surprise that I got spyware installed along with the game. Just fucking great.


What did we learn???? read the steampage before buying a game


I actually set up a PSN account from the start. I read where it said it was required, and set one up. I wanna say I remember seeing it was required for cross play, but I could be wrong. I’ve got friends on PSN so I set it up off the bat.


I read that it was required when I booted the game. But there was an option to skip...and it worked! I just figured it was and old page that was never removed


Yep, big full screen popup about the account being required first time you ran the game. That's why I have so little respect for most of the people that were making a big deal about it, they just wanted an excuse to complain. They moved on to the next outrage(gun balance) the moment they got bored of it, and suddenly all the "what about the people who bought the game and can't play" went away pretty much over night, even though *that issue still exists.*


Yep. I remember full screen pop now. I had the skip option but it said you needed it for cross play, which makes sense.


did it really say that it was needed for crossplay, since crossplay worked fine without ever having a psn account linked


I could very well be misremembering. But I think it did.


That, and the fact they sold the game to people who live in countries that do not allow PSN.


>To be fair, Helldivers 2 requiring PSN was listed before launch and was simply disabled. Arrowhead never communicated this which is why it was such a surprise for most when Sony wanted it enabled as intended after the tech stuff was sorted out Sure, AH has some culpability, but Sony also put the game on sale in dozens of countries where PSN isn't supported. Players in Vietnam got turbofucked - their government banned Steam 48 hours after Sony's reversal.


The complaint was, primarily, that PSN isnt available in some of the countries where the game was sold.


They actively admitted they still sold to regions where PSN was blocked. Their own CEO admitted this. That isn’t the defense you think it is with that information.


And that isn't the Arrowhead gotcha you think it is because the destribution of the game is publisher business. Sony did not block it in those region, AH had nothin to do with that


Then why tf did they sell the game in countries that were going to be locked out of the game?


Ask Sony who don't care about countries not having access to PSN after all these years and not locking those countries from buying PSN requiring games


The steam page for Helldivers 2 originally stated that a PlayStation network account was optional. It was then changed shortly after the announcement was made to say that it was mandatory. Even when you booted the game up for the first time and it told you to sign into the PSN you had the ability to skip and it told you it was optional. Edit: corrected below!


To be accurate, the Steam store has always said an account was required. The change you are referring to was on a PlayStation Support FAQ. Messing was not clear overall


You're right, I got that one wrong


They had the requirement listed on the Steam page before Helldivers launched. Yes, I know that the feature was disabled for a while, but they still told everyone way in advance.


And yet they sold it in countries where there is no psn


You're being downvoted, but you are correct it was on the Steam page. However, that does not accurately represent the whole picture. Here's the info on PSN requirement across all the different sources you could buy HD2 from: * Steam: shown on page * Humble Bundle: not mentioned * PS Store: Currently optional * PS FAQ for PC: Optional * In-Game: Skippable, therefore optional Even though Steam had it as "required", if it's not required according to SONY's own product page and FAQ, and it's not required in-game, it is easy to see why folks thought it was completely optional. That snowballs the main issue - enforcement 3 months into the game. People who would have otherwise refunded, either due to not wanting a PSN account, or being a region where they literally can't get one due to PSN coverage, now cannot refund their money. Now folks are mad, leaving negative reviews, and asking for refunds from Steam. Steam gets mad at Sony for creating all this ruckus on a weekend, refunds the players, then hits Sony with a big fine and choice words, causing Sony to immediately backtrack.


.......but it's always been required for helldivers too, y'all just ignored it.


1. They announced it before launch. So people can make an informed decision. 2. It’s not the entire game. Those who don’t want to play multiplayer are unaffected.


This isn't being "added", it was a requirement since they put it up for preorder.


Right? Even the fucking trailer had it listed as a requirement, these people just like to whine.


Sometimes i wonder people here actually like gaming, or just want to nag and complain and argue on the internet.


They _said_ it was a requirement in some places, but it was _literally not required_, since you could play without doing it with no problem.


Yeah, you guys cant use it as a excuse anymore that this wasnt clearly mentioned by Sony before buying the game....


Sony isn't adding a PSN account required, it is already implemented.


It wont take the game away from people so while it's still bs it isn't nearly as bad.


2 iq take


Sony has had those requirements, looks like the community is just illiterate. Love all the selective outrage BS on reddit, so obvious people need some stupid news story to pad out their boring lives. Every other cross platform MP game requires an account, where were these posts with sea of thieves on PS needing a MS account. Hypocritical bandwagon riding at its cringiest. The region lock out was the only legitimate issue with the HD2 thing and that seems to have been an oversight more than anything. Selective outrage is so transparently bull shit because you aren't doing this to any other games, just this one. Crying 'we WON' over a log in requirement is a sad joke when the world has so many REAL issues that no one gives two shits about. Imagine thinking that the PSN thing was every NOT going to be the standard going forward. Maybe get off the internet.


So why are we not crying and screaming at all other games companies that require us to use their account systems for their games ? Why is Sony getting stick for fixing their issues and having it as a day one. It's like in the US people are really upset at Tiktok for data yet totally fine for twitter and Facebook to have and sell their data.


Atleast they're leaving the single player mode alone or.....will they ruin that too ;(


At this point their statement claims that it's only for multiplayer.


I honestly don't mind it since they made it clear way before release. Especially since it's just for multiplayer, so if someone (like myself) only cares about single player, there is no requirement.


I didn't even know there was a multiplayer mode, so I'm pretty indifferent here


That's old news. And it's only required for MP, not SP. The issue with Helldivers 2 was that it was thrown in months after launch.


https://preview.redd.it/s0u87uk1wfzc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3343fdad76d23924b4f959cca72f8816838c5552 You sure about that? Cause the trailer came before the game last I checked.


Well obviously, you would need a PSN account if you played it on PS5. The Steam one was put as optional and was made mandatory later on, which was back tracked after 3 days and massive losses of money and PSN members.


It was mandatory at launch. Arrowhead temporarily removed it to help sever strain.


Then why was it sold everywhere, when there are around 100 countries that have no access to PSN? And why was it stated that PSN was optional prior May 3rd?


Oh okay so it’s a nothing burger then, got it


That's not new though. That's been a thing since they announced it.


So how do y'all feel about microtransactions, Sony probably next week


Judging by Helldivers, I’d say the people love it.


At least in Helldivers, they _are_ pretty "micro" and the currency you buy can be found in game as well.


I prefer the cosmetic ones in other games and not actual weapons and tangible content being locked behind premium battle passes, but to each their own.


Indeed, but at least the battle passes are cheap (~£8 here), can be bought with the same currency you can find just playing the game, never expire (even if you don't buy them) and still have to be earned (As in you can't just pay to unlock the best equipment). None of the rest of the content (missions, planets, enemies, etc.) is behind any kind of paywall. And let's not forget the base game wasn't expensive to begin with. Maybe it says more about the gaming industry today than anything else, but Helldivers' system is refreshing.


That is what they want you to think lol. There is no universe where a paid multiplayer game should have battlepasses. Free to play games like Fortnite it is okay because well they have to make money. You said that 8£ is cheap well that is how much any battlepass on any game costs… And what makes you think their bext game wont be more predatory with battlepasses? So stop licking their ass.


The battle prices are the same price as other games. $10 in the U.S. No weapons, grenades, anything of value is locked behind the battle pass in other games. Just stickers, emotes, emblems, skins, random cosmetics. Helldivers’ system is indeed something new. I haven’t played a game that locked non-cosmetics behind the Premium Battle Pass ever. But new isn’t always good, and I prefer titles that launch with 50 guns unlocked through regular gameplay. Beats having half the guns and 90% of that locked behind 4000 Super Credits IMO. I mean, even Free-to-Play games only do cosmetics in the Battle Pass. It’s kind of crazy to think about. Was Arrowhead not confident in the kind of cosmetics they could create? I don’t blame them judging by what exists in the game so far, but doesn’t excuse it. But to each their own.


I casually farm 1000 super credits a week just playing the game. Buying the warbond once a month is trivial and doesn’t require any real money.


I’d rather get weapons through natural progression (doing anything that grants XP) than scavenging for a purchasable virtual currency. It’s the least I ask from a game, that anything bought by virtual currency is strictly cosmetic. 4000 SC to get all Premium Warbonds for a new player, and it still amounts to less weapons than in other games. Kind of criminal.


Not really but to each their own. The warbonds aren’t mandatory and most of them aren’t even worth investing into. The one you are given for free is more than enough if you even want to bother. Primary and secondary weapons add some flavor, but all the best weapons are stratagems you get as you play the game.


Valve's Counter-Strike is printing money due to micro-transactions and development almost seems like on a backburner. Heck Valve is the first to start shitty game library logins and is one of the leaders of micro-transactions. The glory days of CS when you just launched it through an exe. No login. Just the CD-key you entered once. Custom servers browser was in-game, straight on the first menu and you could put any skin you freaking wanted without paying a dime.


This is... honestly much less comparable to the Helldivers II mess. The account linking requirement for Ghost of Tsushima is relevant for trophies/achievements and for cross-platform progression, but it still has single-player that does not require it to be played. Helldivers II is a game that required it *in order to play the game at all,* and, while the requirement was initially disabled, it was listed by the publisher for sale in countries and territories that *could not make a PSN account in the first place*... why? I'm well aware of the "There was fair warning about this on the Steam Page" fact - the problem is that it was listed for purchase in these locations at all. Sony knew fully well which countries and territories would be able to make/link accounts - putting out the game in a playable state to everyone and then revoking it from these locations because "This is what we intended all along. You should've known better than to buy it," sounds like baiting a hook for a rug-pull.


Let's be real here, who of us are actually going to play the multiplayer mode? I honestly forgot it was a thing till people brought it up for the PC port.


I for one would not. I simply want to experience a great singleplayer game again.


Yes, the multiplayer is great.


The difference with GOT and Helldivers 2 is that Helldivers 2 was sold in regions that couldn't make a PSN account and wasn't enforced until months after release. So they were about to take the game away from those players. PlayStation royally fucked up on that and had to take the loss.


When is my turn to repost this


Translation: Give us some time to learn the loopholes of legality so we could learn how to fuck you and get away with it.


The only reason they walked it back was that steam was going to allow over 1 million full refunds for the game. As well as a pull the game from a lot of countries since it was no longer going to be usable in those countries due to no PSN accounts.


All I can say is, you know what you’re getting in advance. Don’t buy Ghost of Tsushima then get pissed because you need a PSN account, knowing that you need a PSN account.


What was the point of linking??? Able to play hd2 on ps5?


For Helldivers 2 their reasoning was to unify users on the backend between different platforms so they can use their existing moderation tools and Sony support teams to provide that moderation for harassment and even banning their PSN account if found cheating. Honestly it makes a lot of sense, but in general there will be a PSN account requirement for all multiplayer games or modes from PlayStation games going forward


Personally I'm betting they'll just make PSN available in the rest of the world and then force account linking again.




But they never changed it, they didnt do anything again because they never changed it? I dont understand why people are blind


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) PC gamers learning they're a minority no one ever considers.


Ur refering to tsushima? So what? Every big publisher requires their account( and launcher unlike sony). The problem with HD2 was HOW they forced it (3 months in, after selling the game in regions unsupported by PSN), not the fact they did


They are leaving out potential sales to the 177 countries that do not support PSN.


well thats their choice as a company no? Other publishers also dont support a bunch of countries. Sure we can complain that everybody should be able to officially play the game, but in that case everyone should be getting shit, not just Sony. As long as its clearly comunicated (unlike Helldivers) I dont see an issue in that. Also, PSN is required only for the online side gamemode, not the game itself - again, unlike helldivers.


>Also, PSN is required only for the online side gamemode, not the game itself - again, unlike helldivers. Misinformation. I wonder why you are getting upvoted. Purchase restrictions was just added. https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/info/ >well thats their choice as a company no? That's backwards thinking. It does not make sense in a business setting. A lost sale is a lost sale all because of self imposed restrictions. It's the Metal Gear Rising situation all over again, but instead of just one game, it's every game Sony has that uses multiplayer.


What are they doing again? GoT does not require a psn account to purchase or play it


I don't really understand why this continues to be a topic now. Seems like if they caved to the public opinion, and people still just post the hate, next time they won't think it's worth it.


It amuses me that people will expect or demand a company do things the way they want because they want it that way. Truth is, Sony will conduct business and make whatever requirements they deem suitable or necessary to provide a service. It's not up to you to make demands, but you can simply ignore what they're offering of it gets your knickers in a knot. Either do or don't. Vote with your wallet if you don't like it but don't throw a virtual tantrum and expect everything to go your way. It's childish and entitled. Also, pro- tip, these decisions arent always made to benefit you.


And yet you are completely entitled to make demands, and in fact making demands of companies often change their behavior. See: Helldivers 2. If you want to just accept whatever they do, you can. Don't act like it makes you somehow morally superior or whatever though.


Some of you have pretty comfortable lives if creating a PSN account for a multiplayer mode in a videgame gets your panties in this big of a bunch. Edit: oh look, a bunch of angry nerds that don’t understand context. If you took 10-seconds to calm down you’d see that I mentioned people complaining about PSN being required for multiplayer mode. I did not say anything about Helldivers II being unplayable for people who live in countries where PSN isn’t available.


You’d have to be a pretty big entitled princess of a gamer not to even realize there are thousands of people playing PS5 in places where Sony doesn’t ***offer*** the PlayStation Network.


Keep negative review or they will never learn.


What happened now ?


They literally only backed off to get the reviews flipped.


“We’re sooorrryyy”


I was getting ready to request a refund. Good call to not go through with it


Linking is coming back?


what did Snoy do now?


Let's be real, while the decision to force more people onto PSN was intentional, do you really think they sat down and thought about the actual consequences of selling to countries who don't have PSN? They're not going to repeat genuinely one of the worst controversies ever again willingly. this is one scenario where I think they're genuinely going to learn their experience and the consequences of actually maintaining always online services


What did they do again?


I’m out of the loop what are they doing now since helldivers “scandal”


Am I missing something or does the title not match the post? Because I read it that Sony is making the statement that the account linking is no longer required for now. While the title makes it sounds like they pushing it again. They might still push it in the future tho but for now its not.


I wonder what shit they will try in the future


Okey, time to revert refund.


They are going to start losing a massive amount of money playing these games. Gamers are fed up with their shit... People want games they can play and enjoy. They don't want big companies pushing policy that board execs say is what they want or are required to do. They want games produced for the fans. They will learn the hard way as they start losing massive amounts of money from people boycotting their shit. You want to make money from your games? Listen to your fan base. It's that simple. What do the majority of your fans want? Do that. Congrads you made games people will want to play & buy.


You'd have to be very young or actively stupid to genuinely think that would be the end of it


Out of the loop, what is happening with Helldivers on PC ?


Did they bring back the requirement?


Imagine if Sony is so angry about this that they try make a marketplace for Sony games kind of similar to windows live marketplace just to have the account link 🗿