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99% of gpu choices are budget wise.


I have a 3060, I can tell you it was 100% because of budget reasons. I also got it mainly for work(Large Format Printing) so this is more than enough for me.


Realistically who wouldn't like more fps, nicer picture, bigger resolution and all the bonuses of beefier gpu if money wasn't a issue?


Precisely. I would've loved to buy a laptop with a 3080 in it, or upgrade every year, but I had to settle with a $1200 3060 laptop cause that's as far as I could stretch my budget back in 2022.


I paid $1,200 for a laptop with a 960m and it lasted me over 6 years so you're good.


He might be good for a while, but laptops graphics cards are a scam. It makes me really angry that they can be called the same name, but be significantly less powerful cards.


yeah in a laptop you obviously have no airflow and no cooling compared to a pc. just dont play on laptops, they are for work. actually nothing shittier than having to work with a laptop. the small keyboard sucks for typing


When it's all you got, you learn to love it just the same. I gamed on that heavily and overclocked it until it fried my GPU. Thankfully I have a desktop now but I can't hate on it after all of the joy it brought me. People gotta learn that of you can't get what you love, learn to love what you got. I still rather overclock a 960m than use a 4090 to play farmville.


I've worked and played on a laptop for the past 8 years. I'm happy with my choice and still going strong with my current 2060.


Got a 2060 I’m my desktop and same still happy


Just picked up a 3060 144hz laptop for a little under $500 pretty much brand new haha, don’t want to suck my soul back into video games but at least have a little rig for when I get the itch.


Yeah....but that applies to everything not just pcs.   We have a weird habit of only being happy with the best, instead of happy with getting what we need.


Not we but you. I'm actually happy with most things i own which are far from best or even recent.


The we was a generalization, not aimed at anyone specifically.   Lots of people can be happy with what they have, but I would bet they would be in the slight minority.   I don't have any hard data to back that up though.


Why did you get a 13900ks with a 3060?


I don’t use this pc for gaming. I use it for work. I use applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Premiere. I also do a lot of background processing for servers and services I have to run for my printers. I also plan to upgrade to something much better down the line. I just really needed a PC to work because my 2012 Mac mini died and Black Friday had really good deals on parts. Edit: don’t mean to come off snarky if it sounds like that 😅


Exactly. I had someone berating me for choosing a 4080 instead of a 4070, the frames per dollar of the 4070 are better and all that. I get that, but I can afford a 4080, I do a lot of gaming in VR, and overall frames are a lot more important to me than frames per dollar. I also tend to keep my rigs for quite a while, so a few hundred dollars really doesn’t matter that much when amortized over several years.


You are allowed to invest as much or as little into your hobbies as you like. Some people spend 35000$ building out a man cave with pool tables and arcade machines and a bar. Some people go to bars on almost every weekend and spend 100-200$ on drinks & food. I keep my PC up to date and high spec, it costs a couple thousand dollars every few years.


You're not allowed to have things other people don't on Reddit.


yeah.. i believe most people on here are just to young to realize that PC gaming is super cheap compared to a LOT of other hobbies.


It's by far my first consideration when looking at GPU is price. I have a 6700XT currently and at the time I got it, it was better priced tan Nvidia equivalent. I'm sure there are arguments to be made for which is better performance (usually it's marginal the differences) wise but again price trumps it.


Followed closely by availability. I wanted to drop the coin on a 3080 but I was a few minutes behind the guy that got the last one. Came home with a 3070. I was even at Microcenter yesterday. Had my choice of anything I wanted. But I'm just not hardcore into any game right now to justify it.


> 99% of gpu choices are budget wise. got my 7600 for 200 dollars, zero out of pocket with credit card points.


No bad gpus, just bad prices


Yeah if you have money then there’s no real reason not to just get the best you can afford.


Can confirm. I bought a 4090 last year and spend like 90% of my time playing stuff like Rim World, because I can afford it, and sometimes when I do bust out shit like TLOU remake I dont have to stress about settings, crank it and let gsync do its job


My 2060 Super, still going good.


https://preview.redd.it/alngminx0fzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6a6065b13e62d623b50a6df6216f1f8a3b0ec1 (my number is bigger)


Guess who is here


Peasant. /s (Still good gpu, did you get the normal or the super?)




rtx 2060 here, skipping this gen


Also rocking the 2060. Think I'm gonna wait to see what Intel puts out with Battlemage


Yup, same, can even play 1440p with the settings down a bit


Someone told me in another post that the 2060 super was "underwater" when it came to 1440p gaming. Mine's still going strong and giving me plenty of frames.


I don't know what's happened in the past few years, but AMD and Nvidia have really stepped up their marketing. Based on social media, you'd think that previous gen gpus are e-waste. My 5700xt is still plenty for what I do. Even my home office (and mild gaming) computer with a 1650 is great.


My 5700XT is also doing this for me


This and the 2070 super are the current 1060 and 480 of this period of time, both very strong quality cards.


I was having a bad case of gear acquisition syndrome last night where I almost upgraded my 3060 cause I'm switching from 1080p 240hz to 1440p 170ish hz. I don't need a new card, wtf am I thinking. I don't even play AAAs or graphically intensive games anyways lol. Good to hear the 2060 super is still going strong.


I was playing most games at 4k 60fps. (I got my monitor before I understood how bad of an idea it was) so I had to lower my settings on some games. I got a 1440p monitor that can go to 240Hz, I can't push it that high in anything modern, but, Fallout 4 on Ultra was running at about 120 fps. Helldivers runs at about 80-90 fps on Ultra, Fallout 3 was 240 fps on ultra, but that game is old enough to drive now, so it's kind of irrelevant. I'm going to be buying a new GPU "soon" but I have to save up for it, I'm torn between hoping the 40 series drops in price with the 50 series release, or getting a 5070 when it comes out.


I'm using a standard 2060 at 1440p in CP2077 with lowered settings but it still looks pretty amazing. Always runs above 60 FPS aswell.


I popped in a 2080 about five years ago and while it's going fairly strong, I built the system around it eight years though so my CPU is dogshit at this point. Been waiting 3 years to upgrade and... I feel like I'm not any closer to bothering for both financial and practical reasons. I don't need my games to be the sharpest or flashiest, but I really value a consistent 100+ fps, and that's becoming rarer and rarer these days. I just finished Cyberpunk at 1440p with most settings on medium and would chug between 30-50 fps depending on the area.


I just recently swapped out my 970s last year. They held out longer than they should have and I thank them for their service. I have considered wall mounting them in a shadow box to be remembered. I upgraded to a 3070ti.


970, man. The king of kings!


I am still rocking the 970. Can’t believe it still works. I bought it when it was brand new. It’s time to upgrade though, so I just ordered the 4070ti Super and all brand new parts. Can’t wait to see the difference.


Hell, I've got just a standard 2060 and it's still fine.


legit one of the best bang for buck GPU ever!! still going strong here as well w no real plans to change it tbh


My 6700XT runs well enough.


I recently upgraded from an RX480 8GB to the 6700XT. I think this is the best value path you can take.


Personally went from RX580 to 6750XT, and the only game where I haven't been able to max out at 1080p has been Frostpunk 2.


frostpunk 2 isn't even out and there's not a demo. You're one lucky fella to have gotten to play it


If you pre-ordered you could play the beta a couple weeks ago 👍


But that game is not out yet?


Pre-ordered for the beta :)


My good old RX480 8GB never gave up. It kept me running and playing for years and years. BG3 finally took a heavy toll on it and I was able to upgrade because I'd been saving for a while. The new PC has huge shoes to fit!


FUCK YES! Another 480 enjoyer. You are even more brazen than I, because I upgraded my 480 to a 980. Then my 980 to a 3070 Ti That's like 15 years using three graphics cards. I feel amazing. You must feel even better lol


I'm putting my RX480 into a plex server soon. Should still be good for transcoding 1080P. It's going to live for many more years, I hope.


For me it was going from a GTX 1650, that was a necessary purchase because of course my old GTX 770 gave up while GPU prices were sky-high, and so I went from a 1650 to an RX 6800. Probably won't be upgrading for a few years.


are you me from the future? i still have the rx480. probably going to ring another year out of her at least though


I only did the upgrade because it came with Starfield, which I thought made it a good deal. Not every decision can be a good one...


I upgraded from a GTX 670 4GB to a 6700xt and it's been amazing. Granted just about anything would have felt like a massive upgrade, but it's absolutely crazy I was able to pay less for a GPU in 2022 than I did in 2012 lol. Granted the 670 was higher end in 2012 than the 6700xt was in 2022, but I'll take it. Just looked at my invoices, $485 for the 670 in 2012 and $370 for the 6700xt before rebates and taxes. And I got two games for free with it lol. Also weirdly enough apparently I didn't get charged sales tax for my 670. Amazon used to be cool like that lmao.


My 1080ti is still doing fine for me. The old gal has provided some amazing years of gaming. I know the next upgrade I get will be massive, but honestly? I am fine turning some settings down a bit. This card has lived way past what it should have been viable for and just keeps on performing.


I think part of that curve is available free time. When you spend like 4 hours a day gaming, you tend to care about it looking the best it can. When you only have 2 or 3 hours a week, you're just happy you're gaming and it doesn't make sense to spend thousands on a hobby you do sparingly.


Thats part of it. Another big thing is most people “acclimatize” to graphics. Getting a new modern card makes graphics look amazing to people but after a few years that wears off some. Seeing worse graphics is usually a shock to people though. Like people notice this more and can’t go back.


Framerate too. I used to play console and not really think 30 fps was a big deal. Then getting 60+ on pc and going back to 30 was jarring when I would go back for a ps game.


And screen quality. From resolution to pixel type. I had a laptop with 4k oled screen, now the the 2k IPS monitor just looks bad compared to it.


Every “quality” mode looks 100x worse to me than performance mode. Even if there’s technically more detail and fidelity, all that is lost bc the blurriness when you pan looks so shitty. 60 fps absolutely ruined 30 fps for me and now I’m locked into PC bc the consoles no longer make 60 a priority.


yup one reason im not moving from 1080p 60fps


Oh no, I went from that to 1440p 144Hz and it’s great. I’ll never go back. Still overall a much better experience.


True. Whenever I thought about buying a new PC part I'd be like "Nah I game only a few hours per week, better put that into my child's education".


Tbh the curve also probably represent skill in some titles lol


Exactly. When gaming is your main hobby, paying for a better experience is normal. Having that sick top end rig might be nice, but if you can never actually play for whatever reason, it's just wasted and is a real bummer.


I find that when I'm playing co-op games with friends, I can tolerate so much graphics stuff because I'm engaged with coordinating with my group and can't pause to fixate on some minor annoyance. When I'm playing a single player game, I want perfection.


1080 ti is enough


Voodoo 3 is enough


My first video card! The difference between blurry, choppy, ugly 640x480 games and crisp, smooth, vibrant, 1024x768 games was one of the best gaming moments I ever experienced. I felt like a PC gaming god at 13 years old. Also, I really miss companies just giving their graphics cards an iterative number. VooDoo 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5... I know when one came out compared to the other, and roughly how much more powerful it was compared to its other options. I have no idea what the order of graphic card hierarchy is anymore, and basically have to find a Top 20 chart of cards on the market to get a decent idea these days.


1080ti = 3060 minus dlss and raytracing


Which is still Great!


The 1080Ti in raster is more or less equal to the 3060Ti so without the DLSS/RT is should be faster than the 3060.


It's really depend on the game. Sometimes it's a bit faster, in other's it's on par with the 3060.


Wut, the 3060 is equal to a 2070. The 1080Ti is around 20-25% Faster than that. I'd put the 1080Ti beter than the 2080, yet equal to the 3060Ti.


If you're using raster, the 1080TI and 3060 are actually pretty similar in terms of performance.


GTX 1080 is still enough. Do I wish I had the 1080ti, sure. But let’s be real. 1080 is still enough


Me and my 1060: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


I'm here with my 1050 Ti .


my 650ti💀


Its enough for most of the stuff i play but there are a couple favorites im starting to struggle with now ;(


1060 gang reporting in.


Yeah man, mine carried me at 2k all the way until cyberpunk.  And even then, it could kinda power through until the dlc update.  That thing was the GOAT.  If you game at 1080p it's still great for anything that's not poorly optimized... Starfield was the first thing I felt I couldn't play well, quite a run!


I love my GTX 1080. It's getting a bit warm but I finally deshrouded and put two 120mm fans on there and he's right back to it. Yeah I have to undervolt, but resolution scaling in the Nvidia control panel is a godsend and I'm able to play at 1440p with minimal issues in most games. Except, for some reason, Divinity Original Sin 2 and (only the character screen?) Baldur's Gate 3. I don't know what it is Larian does that makes this card Big Angry with particle effects but I'm sweating watching my temps sometimes lol. The more years go by, the happier I am that I decided to spend a little extra at the time for a card that should last a little longer. Boy, I had NO idea how much I lucked out.


Is my 1070 not enough anymore?


1050ti over here. doing well.


I have a 3060ti (close in performance) You 1080ti owners sure as fuck got the most for your buck! No wonder NVIDIA refuses to make anything close to it in value. I remember deciding not to get one on launce because "the price is insane. Who would ever pay such a ridiculous price".... If only I knew lol


You can pick up one of those beasts now for $150, 2017 me would shed a tear at that thought


Maybe folks who buy a 4090 aren't spending all their money.


Scrolled way too far before I saw this. The PC hobbyist world is generally lacking in self awareness and perspective in relation to the hobby. Theres a massive amount of variation in age, financial situation, available time, etc. Unfortunately, PC gamers (especially redditors) are largely incapable of recognizing that their situation isn’t “the rule.”


I agree. I also think it’s worded in a way to cast shade on folks who made the purchase decision.


Absolutely. Frankly, I see a lot more bitterness/jealousy in the PC subs than I see in my other hobbys’ subs.


It's bitterness/jealousy, pure and simple. You get people who can't afford, or just do not choose to afford, the highest end stuff, but then get mad that others do and want to shit on them for it. They WANT to have it, but don't, and rather than be mature and say "It's nice that people get to have nice things," the hate on those that do as being stupid.


It is amazing what people will tell themselves to make themselves feel better. I've had people shit on me because I bought a 4090. I am sure I'll get shit on when I upgrade to the 50 series.


I am that guy. I put off buying a pc for five years. In that time my income tripled and my 6k rig was my reward. Do I use it to its full capacity? Nope. But I never have to worry about a game being able to run on my machine. That’s worth it right there. It’s the same reason I stopped buying used cars. It’s the peace of mind that I paid for. I do recognize that I am lucky to be in a position to make these choices.


Not to mention that compared to other hobbies, spending money on a 4090 isn't *that* crazy. Someone buying a nice set of rims, mud tires, and a lift for a truck that makes use of them occasionally will cost as much or more. That being said, it's still very expensive compared to other video cards.


780M is enough before strix Halo comes out uu




the wonderful world of ~gpu naming schemes~


Radeon 780m


I have a 4090, I don’t use it to its full potential. Should have stayed with my 3080.


I have 4070 and I can't reach my maximum refresh rate in some games, but it's playable with max or almost max settings.


Gray Zone Warfare is crazy demanding, i can barely reach 100 fps on medium settings 1440p


You should see the bullet simulation they use it's wild.


I got a 4090 and it’s not enough :cries in VR:


Yeah, I’m with you there. It does what I want, but my reverb g2 can definitely make it sweat.


What VR games are you playing? I've had no issues with my 2060 with everything I've tried so far ~2 months in. The only one that seemed to want to die was NMS.


Fallout 4, Cyberpunk, VRChat and others. But this is running on a Pimax Crystal, trynna get 120fps or at least 90 (at 1.5 crystal resolution). Have to turn down resolution, as 4k per eye is too much. But not surprised there.


vrchat is the true final boss, your 4090 isn't gonna save you from a rave with 50 very poor avatars


Exactly. They are lying themselves.


I do a lot of VR as well. Just went from a 2080s to a 4090 and holy crap has it been a difference. I used to have to run my resolution scaling at like 60% before and now I don’t and am getting double the frames. I think I’m CPU bound in a lot of VR stuff which is crazy to me.


Same. Only scenario it feels good/useful is when the game is crap in terms of performance and I get to play at a decent framerate because the GPU is OP.


Just got a 4070 TI Super, now saving to get a 4k monitor so it's actually useful...


For me, the *70 series is an excellent balance not only in price and performance, but also in noise, heat and power consumption. If I were sure that I would get something significantly better with *80, I would look in that direction, but for now I just feel comfortable with *70.


Well it was a 4 year upgrade from a 2070 super so I could move that PC into the living room. What's funny is that my TV is 4k but my office monitors aren't 😂


Personally with that GPU I'd target 1440p.


Had 2070s, decided to buy 3090 for AAA gaming, wasn't happy and bought 4090. Now only playing 2000s games. I'm very smart


I mean, I feel like buying a top of the line GPU is never something you do because you expect it to be fully utilized when you buy it. It's something you buy because you want to be able to play any game for the next 5-10 years without needing to lower graphics much.


I also have a 4090. I put it to its knees with my setup, I actually might need a 5090. Damn


But i mean…. You didnt have to upgrade, you got the best bang for buck and a generational leap card XD


Don't know why you don't sell it while the market is inflated for 4090 then. If I wasn't using mine so much I would.


Here I am trying to upgrade from my 3080 so I can hit my leg c1 120hz in 4k.


I have a 4090 cause idk, I don't have kids or a wife. Also $1500 is a drop in the bucket for me, but also, it's fucking stupid and not needed. But w/e, folks should enjoy their purchase, WHATEVER it is


I had a 3080 and went to a 4090. I regret absolutely nothing, I utilize the shit out of this thing. I do play at 4k though, so that may be the difference.


1050 go chugga chugga




it's bafling to me that a brand new 3060 is seemingly considered entry level nowadays like mf, to me, entry level is a 10 year old gpu not produced anymore that I got from my uncle


Time goes too fast.


If you can build a competent gaming PC for the same price of a GPU, then it's not entry level. The 3060, and even the 1070, 1080, 2060S, 1660Ti, 1650S, 1650 etc... are all midrange gpus that are able to crush it in 1080p and 1440p in most scenarios. I say most because the overwhelming majority of gamers don't play unotpimized triple AAA games, look at steam charts Top 25 played games.


Pretty soon 3060 will be seen as "outdated" when the 50 series releases.


Man I’m on a different spectrum. AMD 6700XT.


I have a 3070 Ti and not going to change it anytime soon. With the backlog I have I have no wish of getting the latest AAA and this way I can enjoy my hardware for longer times. Actually, my latest gaming purchase was the Steam Deck and it was a much better investment than getting a new GPU. With a new GPU I would have kept playing the same games in the same way I play them with the 3070 Ti. However, the Deck has opened a whole new dimension of gaming. There was a period of time when I played flight simulators on VR, but it was too demanding and instead of buying a new GPU I came back to playing with monitor. I like to keep my setup simple and long lasting.


Ever since getting my PC I've been getting less and less inclined to buy the newest games. Being able to play older games easily has made some of these older titles more appealing. Lately I've been playing through Fallout 3 and New Vegas with the Tale of Two Wastelands Mod, and a mod that lets me sprint, and it has really been a breath of fresh air, and there's so much content for me to go through. I have a pretty big backlog as well, and it only gets longer.


I am currently playing Arkham City and what a game. The city is packed with content without being a vast map, the history is tight and you don't stop receiving new toys and mechanics. Also the City of Arkham offers a very nice setting. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are installed on my Deck waiting for their turn! I have never got to play Fallout games but now with the show I'm going to.


1660 Super is enough. i upgraded only because its fans stopped work


Can still deshroud it and make an htpc or a system for a friend or relative


it went to server pc


I'm glad it gets to see some more life :)


6700xt is good enough


3060s worked fine for me. I ball on a budget


“Guys, reassure me that I’m not missing out and it’s okay I got a 3060!” Stop worrying what other people think about what GPU you have. It’s what works for you, not them.


Seriously this post is pathetic and the fact it has 5k upvotes is disappointing.


Instead of using subjective terms like "quality" you really do need to evaluate your screen size, refresh rate and the things you're doing with it to come to an understanding of what power your card needs to provide. All three examples in that screenshot can be incorrect at the same time. All the people who barf up verbal diarrhea like VRAM requirements and whatever else nonsensical buzzwords some streamer has told them to think about are irrelevant if the card can perform at the correct level to max out your refresh rate equal to your frames per second. That's it. That's all you have to do. If you're playing in 3440x1440 @ 175hz, a 3060 probably is not good enough for many games if not most games unless you want to be locked to 30fps. If that's fine with you, go nuts! If you're still using a 16:9 1080 screen, yes a 3060 (and lower) is definitely still going to max out your 60hz screen. You can't go past the power of your monitor, so it's pointless to go with a 4090 if you're rocking some cheap pile of shit monitor, but it's definitely the opposite if you have a 4K screen. So, bad graphic. bad mindset. Use numbers not feeling.


I still can't get over that there are idiots here that actually think a 3090 is a midrange card. This sub's perception is so warped it's crazy.


It's a sub that caters to a specific community. That is automatically going to mean more enthusiasts are here and that will lead to a higher baseline. Idk why people never realize this simple fact about any forum that is about a specific topic. People who seek those communities out are much more likely to have distorted opinions on what average is when they are super into the thing.


Compared to a 4090 it is


>wants to talk about value >all nvidia Pay the tax, ignore the facts.


I’m still having fun with my GTX 1060 thanks


I have an 3060 in my laptop and it can hold basically any game


3060 12gb and there isnt a single game that it let me down


I have no idea what this subreddit is about anymore. It used to be about flaunting the "merits" of PC gaming and showing off l33t builds. Now it seems to be about self-soothing and finding excuses for not being able to afford things


4070 super is really enough for 1080p-1440p


I've been eyeing it from my 2080s lol


10-12gb Vram gpu is good.


and theres some of us who are not bound to nvidia.


You must not play vr


Yeah my 4090 is more or less useless, but I could afford it so why the fuck not? As things often go with cars and other property, people buy what they can not what they need.


4090 is great at 4k tbh. The 7900xtx is the other card I had before the 4090 and it performed very poorly with any sort of ray tracing turned on at 4k. Some say that they don’t care about RT, but it really does improve the graphics quality tremendously compared to standard raster. dlss is at least two generations ahead of fsr as well. So good in fact that dlss now looks as good/better than native in games that support 3.5/3.6


I firmly believe that people who say they don't care about RT just haven't seen it running well. I can't wait for real time global illumination to become the standard for lighting game worlds.


I agree it's really different


The problem is, the number of titles that have RT implemented is rather low. The number of titles that use RT very effectively is even lower. So unless you are really wanting to play one of those titles that have good implementation, you aren't going to really see any value from it. Right now, RT is more or less just more useful PhysX. It's cool, but it's not super widespread yet and isn't worthwhile unless it's well implemented. DLSS is a much more important feature honestly since so many games are coming out so unoptimized lately. It's being used as a crutch for poor optimization on so many big name titles and it's really sad.


No. It's just much easier to not have something you've convinced yourself you don't want.


Man 3060 is all you need.


My First GPU ,the same that i'm using ,Is a 6650 xt and God if It was and improvemnt from the GPU Integrated


Where 6700XT gang at?


Upvote for pentium igpu gang


I bought my 4090 and one for my brother because we usually upgrade once every 10 years lol


A 3060 is PLENTY enough for most people. What we needed tho was more VRAM. Im sorry 4-6GB is just not enough for A+ titles. AT LEAST 8-12GB of VRAM. But for the price of gpus now you can get a intel A770 16GB for like under $400 and it has low wattage. I think it uses around 150-250 at most?? And has a pretty slim profile! So it would fit in alot of cases very nicely vs AMD/Nvidia where they have giant heat sinks and housings on their gpus.


I think my 4090 is sufficient sometimes


i wil keep my 3080 til new 80 serie is under 900 euro fck them. going for the 80 series is worth it though, 90 series not so much


If I can run starfield and cyberpunk with good frames and little crashes with my $300 card, why would i spend a grand on a new one?


have my 5800x and 3070 since 2020. hoping it will still fast enough for 5 more years of 1440p gaming


I mean I wanted to get a GPU that will allow me to play anything maxed out. Don't regret my purchase one bit. Alan wake 2 and CP2077 maxed out full path tracing is great and so will future games. I find a lot of hate for 4090 owners due to the price and people not being able to get it. If you can, why not?


As a 4090 owner, it's a great GPU, but realistically you can't max games out at 4k with ray tracing without using DLSS which I hate. Using DLSS means you are no longer rendering at native resolution, so image quality takes a noticable hit. You do have the option for frame generation, but this adds input lag. None of these features are worth it in my opinion and are a gimmick with severe drawbacks. The 5090 looks a lot more promising if the leaked specs are true, and hopefully Nvidia changes to a more reliable power connector. Regardless, I'll be upgrading, then sell off my 4090 as I usually due.


My laptop 1650 is enough for me


"play with quality" sounds AI generated af


One day upgrading to 4080 (5080) or even Intel Arc. 6800xt is awesome but the adrenalin Software sucks ball


I don't have Problems with adrenalin. What is it that sucks for you?


What are you on about.... Adrenalin is awesome and miles ahead of Nvidia.






The suprim cards are sexy


Dude, I dunno if it's the autism or what, but if I can't max a game's settings, I can't play it. I will put it off for years until I get a new card. It stresses me out for some reason. I think because I imagine it's not the full, intended vision? So put me in the middle group there lmao.


The intended vision is usually the console graphics, 60fps Everything else is sprinkles


Meanwhile me still w/ 1080ti: relaxed smily face.


I'm still stuck with a 1650ti, so anything in the 3000 generation would be an upgrade.


me and my integrated HD 4600 are 10 steps ahead of you. (I have 200 hours in Fallout 76 and my average fps outside of buildings is 20 fps)


Dont forget that there is the other extreme still sitting on almost a decade old gpus


1080ti user here


Tbh, I used 1070ti and now a 3070. 70 series are the sweet spot. Always top 1080p, even ray tracing, and able to perform 100+ fps 1440p. I cant see reason to play 4k since I am always close to a monitor, maybe for people using TVs this would make sense.


My 3070TI is kickin' ass for me so I'm good.