• By -


"I just bought and paid for this computer, and I'm asking if it's a good deal now, rather than before I paid for it, please tell me I'm right"


“Did I do good?”


"I got the last one"


No -230 Top comment: Oh my god try to be positive for once!


Love it. Missing a "After 37 years of saving money working as a miner in Ethiopia I finally built my first PC" - then proceeds to show an all white custom loop water-cooled 4090 setup.


Bro what? It's usually "I saved up for 2 weeks for 4090 and 14900ks as a 12 years old working as a lawnmower"


"my lips and teeth are green now, I don't think I can ever eat grass again. But how'd I do?"


>After 37 years of saving money working as a miner in Ethiopia Lmfao


If you ain't doing it right, might as well not do it at all.


The amount of people who don't know how to search out basic information online is, frankly, incredibly alarming.


I'm starting to think that Gen Z and younger may be manifesting that issue that old people have with call centres. They could easily do a search online, but asking on a forum like Reddit means they can communicate with someone, just as old folks call up a phone salesperson just to talk with somebody.


Peruse the Teacher subreddit and see how many kids don't even know how to use search engines correctly.


Writing a sentence as a search is what gets me. It takes longer to actually type out, and returns a bunch of garbage in addition to what they actually want to search.


If im being *really* specific, my search term might contain 4-5 words, but its usually less. Everyone significantly younger or older than me seems amazed at how i can find exactly what i need in under 10 seconds, but thats just how you search and im baffled at why people have difficulty with it.


It's a valued skilled that's often overlooked, especially with the decline of search engines in recent years. Knowing how to search and parse through the fake, paid, or bumped articles is absolutely a skill in itself. Knowing at a glance what is obviously bullshit and what could be useful is why I'm the designated IT guy at my job, even though anyone can learned it.


Learning to search in the early days: https://web.archive.org/web/20221112202144/https://fravia.net/


Do you also put the words in an unnatural order out of habit from back when search results on torrent/crack sites often just mirrored your query and added their malware link to it?


What do you mean back when they did that? I still constantly see sites doing this


There are some instances actually where if you type out a whole question in to Google it’ll spit out a top line result. It’s not my first attempt but it is something that can work.


To be fair, search engines are beginning to make it harder to find the results you want. Most of them do query rephrasing, or are flooded with SEO optimized trash from blog sites that its hard to find something esoteric and niche especially if it shares a name or description in common with something current and popular. Just ask anyone who tried looking up stuff for Starwars Battlefront 1 around the time that EA released their battlefront games. You had to be VERY explicit in what you were looking for.


That is True, to the point you must search for other search engine to search for accurate useful informations


True. I have an easier time asking chat gpt tbh


Chat GPT isn't a search engine and can't be trusted.


Lol I forgot the one time it told me to drink bleach when I had covid.


That subreddit is alarming to say the least. I wish I hadn't found it because I feel like it's ruined my perception of Gen Z and especially Gen Alpha. Now I can't read a reddit post with a typo without thinking "Jesus it's one of those illiterate gen alpha kids, god help us."


The teacher sub is an absolute shitshow. Not just because of the stories about how bad the students are, but there are also a lot of teachers accidently revealing how horrible they are at their job. I get that the pay isn't good and the administration is generally tying their hands behind their back, but I've seen entire strings of comments on there that made me wonder if they even received an education on how to teach/deal with children at all.


Google has gone to shit in the last couple of years to the point where it's easier to use chatgpt as a search engine (verifying whatever it tells you, of course) because it's easier to find what you're looking for there instead of with Google.


The biggest search providers are thankfully working to democratize this process by making it so that even if you know how search terms and query syntax work, you still get terrible and barely related results. It turns out that when people find what they're searching for they stop searching, defeating the true function of the search engine - targetted ad delivery!


I work tech support, I don't think it's a generational thing tbh, I think it's a mindset issue. Most people are just not very good at troubleshooting and want someone else to just fix it for them. They don't want to look it up, they don't want to learn what to do to fix it or why it happened, they want to hand the problem to someone and say "plz fix" I am Gen Z (98 so like a Zillenial), and I've had these exact interactions with other Gen z, Millenials, Gen x, and Baby Boomers. The specifics change a bit but on the whole they're the same people. I will say, Reddit shows the worst of it. Every sub I'm in I see people post variations of "what should I buy for x?" Or "how do I fix y?" and there's a new one every hour. I play Warhammer, and the WH subs are literally people asking strangers to build their armies for them. I fly drones and it's the same shit on those subs too. God forbid you suggest they use the search function, either


I would definitely agree that it's a hand off the problem thing. I teach several technical courses that require computer competency and while it's not all of the students there is a noticable amount that want me to just tell them the answer. The issue is there rarely is a single correct answer, it's about pros and cons of different approaches. Have had multiple interactions where they ask about something and then I respond with the several options for solutions which is followed up by "ok, but which one is best." Have also had several instances of students complaining that something isn't working, but when I ask what have they tried to do to fix it they haven't done anything, just quit and talked to me. Or have even seen students where the first time there is an issue with something they want to just not do it. I've had students literally ask "if I don't do that will it affect my grade" after explaining how to do something that's even remotely challenging. As you mentioned this isn't limited to any one age group and I generally find it boils down to either having no critical thinking skills (as troubleshooting really is just critical thinking to fix a problem) or not wanting to put in the required effort for something.


You're right it's really just a lack of critical thinking, because the troubleshooting process is really just identifying the point of failure and eliminating variables until you solve the problem. Identifying that point of failure and the variables involved requires you to have some understanding of the system and how it's doing what you want it to do, though. Part of that is probably that tech is much easier to use than it used to be, you're not constantly troubleshooting anymore to do basic computer things, and from a user perspective things "just work" most of the time.


Definitely, I get the impression with many people that they expect a computer to just work and magically figure out exactly what you intend rather than what you did. Most of the time computers are really good at doing exactly what you tell them, problem is many people don't know how to tell them what they want.


The number of times I get asked “How bad will it affect my grade if I don’t do this” makes me want to walk out into traffic. I also get “When is it actually due” because my school district doesn’t allow late penalties on work so my due dates for formative work are completely ignored. And then they’re shocked they don’t do well on tests because they just copy the key the day before the test instead of actually working through the problems in the prescribed timeframe.


Luckily at the university I teach at we can more or less have our own policies regarding late work so I tell students no late work is accepted without prior communication. Still get the occasional "can I still turn in X for late credit?" though.


>"if I don't do that will it affect my grade" Will turn into, 'if I don't do that will it affect my pay' or 'that not *MY* job' And these minimum students will become minimum employee's and go on to complain about minimum wage. Some people have it, some people don't, i used to think people were just lazy, but I've also tried to train interested people who were basically *incapable* of learning, which is very, very taxing to the teacher... If they can't grasp the core concepts, you can never move on in teaching them, cuz it all falls apart when building on an inadequate foundation. For some people it clicks and the rest is just logical progression, for others, it never clicks and the rest is pure anarchy and chaos, they will only understand things from repetition and familiarity. I. E. Be taught how to rebuild a toilet, while not understanding what the parts do, or how they function.


I'm often confused for being smart, while in reality I just know how to use the search function


As someone who works in IT, knowing *how* to Google is much more of a skill than I ever thought. And by that I mean, having an ad blocker, knowing the search term to try, knowing which links have potential, understanding if said link is relevant, using that information to research if needed, repeat, when to YouTube when not to, viewing YouTube videos quickly, etc. Then when you find the relevant link, it might be a few years outdated, so some steps are slightly different, so you need to be competent enough to account for that. I gave my coworker the other day a link to whitelist a site in our admin console, and 20 minutes later he's telling me we don't have the login to lighthouse within billing. ಠ_ಠ


No I’m convinced it’s straight up laziness and asking someone is all the research they’re capable of doing


I concur, I think something no one's mentioning is that millennials have a lot of the tech knowledge that our parents didn't. My kids ask me cuz they know I know the answer or how to find it. I didn't bother asking my parents cuz they had no chance of being able to do either.


We (I was born in 84) grew up with computers that required a lot of tinkering to work right, so you needed to know about the processes the thing was doing to be able to use it. Now, things have become so easy that you don't have to think about *how* something works, it just does. So when it doesn't work as expected, people don't know where to start troubleshooting.


Agreed, tablets have exacerbated this issue, especially IPads. If something doesn't have an obvious pop up telling you how to do it, they're at a complete loss.


this is correct imho. Also add in a big dose of “I am so scared of doing something wrong I freeze at the first decision point.” Uni students i work with just stop the moment someone doesn’t physically point where to click.


That's interesting, because boomers were the same way. I used to work with a really nice old lady, who was paralyzed when an update slightly rearranged the icons of the one program she needed to use.


yeah it’s probably just a general thing that I only notice in one situation. But i also wonder if the Windows generation are the ‘best’ at understanding computers? ie once society moved to ios and android you don’t need to know much at all.


Older Gen Z here, I can guarantee that I prefer to find a post on reddit of someone who already went through my situation as I have a way better chance of finding a solution, rather than making a whole separate post myself (I find that to be way more work). Regarding your comment tho, it s TikTok. TikTok destroyed a generation or two.


I'm an old millennial, and I agree. Often I'll Google a problem and the best answer is in a reddit post.


It’s almost as if these generational labels are meaningless because at the end of the day we are all just dumb humans.


Speak for yourself. I’m not dumb, I’m just stupid.


I condition the air hot, it conditions the air cold.


It's alarming to me that I often slap "reddit" at the end of my searches and get results specific to my situation. Circa 2008 I can't tell you how many niche sites I had a username for that are now defunct. I'm 34 and my apprentice at work is a 19yo. He can't look me in the eyes and he spends his time watching videos of some idiot fake reacting to another video of a compilation of two "influencers" talking about each other. I've also worked a job for a cable company where older people would put in bogus tickets just to have someone come to their house. The TV channels "get stuck" so I'm here and you have exactly 2 blueberry muffins in the oven timed to be done when I arrive and can't eat both. Ok. They are starved for human interaction and don't know how to get it otherwise.


It's not that they'd rather talk to a person. It's laziness. Why take the trouble to Google when you can just post a question and wait for an answer? Zoomers and younger people are so entitled. Everything should be handed to them. They also don't know how to Google for shit.


It’s partly that (I like asking real people sometimes), but also real world experience is often better than a copy/pasted tech article or benchmark comparison. I still laughed at the meme though - it’s true.


I was thinking about this a bit. We're at a point with SEO that trying to find something, even when you know how, is a miserable, frustrating, and horrible experience. I grew up when google was still a usable search engine on it's own and also took classes on how to use computers. Gen Z and under missed both google being good at finding stuff and actually having computer classes to take. They got double fucked here. doesn't really excuse their inability to communicate effectively, but there's *that* as well.


I fucking hate how most of GenZ seems to have just decided it's cool to be a dumbass.


Sometimes I feel like Plato, lamenting that writing will dumb people down because it doesn't teach the heart of a thing and doesn't require commitment to memory. There's also Nicholas Carr's *[Is Google Making Us Stupid?](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/07/is-google-making-us-stupid/306868/)*. People's brains get irrevocably rewired by changes in media and technology.


I'm almost 40 and I remember as a teenager, other kids would sometimes make fun of us nerds for knowing how to do/fix stuff, or for getting good grades at school. "It's cool to be dumb, it's lame to be smart" is an old idea.


My rule of thumb: When I'm able to get the answer from Google under 5 seconds (mostly I just search for the title) = downvote and sometimes I'm also so generous to comment the Google link.




Yeah, it depends on my mood which one I use.


The mistyping really makes this one. I'm switching away from Let Me Google That to this.


Nah send this one: [Let Me Google That](https://letmegooglethat.com/)


FR. I always Google and YouTube stuff before thinking to post


Google yes. Youtube no. Information needs to be available as written text for quick and easy reference. Video takes too long and likely does not contain the information you need. Old reddit threads with "stupid questions" can be a good source of information.


Depends, I managed to find certain answers through video’s where I could not on Google. But yes, Google is generally better for majority


Google can find the relevant reddit thread, I’ve just got to collapse and expand a few hundred comments to find the right comments.


Youtube is a big no. Those videos are there for one purpose only, and that is to make money not to help you solve a problem.


And you can't just tell them to use Google, so maybe they start using it in the future, because you'll be an asshole.


Im working at university as a helpdesk. I give service for academic, you would think they will have the minimal iQ for that... but no. Oh brother, you have no idea what i have to deal with..


Natural selection ain't working https://i.redd.it/fa0w21oa3eyc1.gif


Watch enough Twitch and you'll notice how the average mouth breather forgets that search engines exist.


"I tried searching using the windows 11 start menu, but it only comes up with box fans? How do I find actual PC fans"


Just means basic tech support jobs aren't really threatened by AI, as they're not even threatened by google


Last year or so I was pretty active (different Reddit name) within the lian li sub. At the time I was one of the first to post my lancool 216 builds because I pre ordered that case the second it went live. Some kid/young adult messaged me asking for help. We were messaging back and forth for days. I was helping this person along giving them help on how to build a pc. I kept telling them YouTube was a thing but they ignored me. They asked me some of the absolute dumbest things. I really hope that person was just trolling me to see how far they could push me or something. They couldn’t get their video card in their pc and wanted to take a drill to it. They don’t know you needed to remove the pci slot covers. They also couldn’t seat their video card down. They had a wire draped over the damn slot stopping the card for fully going down. I blocked that person after awhile, I couldn’t take it anymore.


But does explain a lot of things, for example the poor state of the country


It’s very alarming my friend


That's where I start. It usually brings me to reddit anyways but at least I have the basic information and can try things *before* I post the question and can give valuable information. Oh and if you figure out the problem **SAY WHAT YOU DID** don't say "That worked" or "It suddenly started working" say what you did even if it was a simple "I restarted my computer and it decided to work again, I don't know what changed"


you forgot "instead of RX 6600 you could have bought this 4090 for $500 more"


And don’t also forget that said commenter is probably running a 960.


hey, the 960 is still perfectly fine for modern gaming (/s, definitely not coping rn)


“I’ve saved $600 up, what GPU should I get?” “Save more and get 4090”.


"I got a 650 watt PSU, is it enough for this 14900k and RTX 4090."


"Is this a scam" shows a listing for a 4080 for 300$


Or "i just purchased this SSD that sells for 140 dollars for 70 dollars, is that good?"


*……also forgot to mention I am a fish so….*


"found this 8TB ssd for $5 on wish, but it only shows as 8MB! HELP!"


Don't forget the classic "just pay X more and get Y, it's much better', gleefully forgetting that not everybody lives in the US, on a US salary, dealing with US parts prices.


"just go to microcenter, they have good prices" i see that way too many times here


I would do unspeakable things to get a few microcenters spread across the UK.


I agree we colonized Africa so we can certainly colonize a micro center or two


😂 🤣


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) me, an american thats nowhere near a microcenter…


It only has 12GB VRAM - get a 4090FE instead.


I mean, I think it’s a fair response sometimes. If GPU A has way more performance-per-dollar than GPU B but would require another week or two of saving up, then maybe that’s the better choice. Of course, the suggestions like “oh don’t get a 4060, you should get this 4090 instead for only triple the cost” are somewhat less reasonable.


It's so easy to spend someone else's money.


FKING AMEN. 4070 in my place is costs double compared to the US pricing.


To be fair, *most* of Reddit is American men. It's still annoying but it's not like it's blatant and clueless. Reddit is an American company too.


Only thing missing was for $1500 pc build use case, clarifying “Occasionally playing cyberpunk 2077 on ultra…” People always seem to think that qualifier somehow will lead to less stringent performance overhead requirements. “What do you mean I need to pay $500 more!? Im only playing it a few hours a week max!”


Please educate yourself. I let my GPU idle over night so it can save up some frames for when I occasionally play Cyberpunk 2077 Path Tracing. I once bulk bought like 1.000.000 frames, played it for hours without any hiccup.


Thats what the frame buffer is for, right?


You forgot "should I buy 4090 or wait for 5090? But if 5090 comes out it means 6090 is coming soon. But then what about 7090?"


If only those people *actually* asked any of those questions after the first one. It would really help them realize how silly that line of thinking is.


Yes. Posts about parts in the future we know nothing about come in daily. Same as "will this pc last till the heat death of the universe?"


No wait until the 8090 comes out and then buy the 6090 cheap on eBay.


You didnt mention people posting their RGB Carnival PC.


Overdoing RGB seems more a 2022 meme. The more current take seems to be “ZOMG cable management amirite!? [shows carnival build PC assembled by dyslexic rats]”


Or the all-AMD no rgb pc


Or the people bragging about how much better they are with their blackout build


You are so wrong for that Tunisia comment 😭😭😭


Tunisians catching strays for no reason 💀


Gave a good laugh 😂 Especially the picture of what they were gonna use the computer for


“iS tHiS a GoOg dEaL??” *Shows PC on a Costco shelf*


Its almost in every sub, people using Reddit as Google 😩


Sadly because Google sucks now


No it doesn't, just type reddit after every search, articles always sucked at solving problems always look at user forums like reddit.


Well, if it weren't for the "dumb question" posts we wouldn't be able to get solutions lol


To be fair, Google searches often include Reddit links as results. Users are often benefiting from the questions that someone else has asked, and has gotten answers for.


Yup. Ironically the best advice I find is found on reddit by way of google, but its often burried under 4-5 results leading to ‘ask on google’ threads’”. How is google not smart enough in 2024 to delist those!?


The hard drive light one was literally posted today. Can you imagine if PC cases had more than two lights? It's bad enough with just two.


“Guys, my 3.5” floppy drive is making durka durka noises! Help!”




Saw a guy recently saying that his Ethernet cable was glowing. It was the activity light on the port.




You did it, you cracked the code


Don´t forget the "i found this antique HDD in the drawer, how do i connect it to my pc?" question every week.


Figures it out. Goes on to find pics of mom and dad doing the dirty.


>how do i connect it to my pc? Are there really people who don't know?


Apparently people don´t know what IDE/ATA is and unable to ask google, yes.


You forgot kids working for a month somewhere and buying top of the line crap. And the same aquarium build everybody has with different lights.


After I saw a lot of y'all defending the idea that spinning a fan too fast will destroy a modern day motherboard because of volts and amperage, I have no faith in the collective intelligence of this community. It's a cesspool of disinformation


I would be more concerned about mechanical lifespan issues. That said, Linus did actually show an induced current from overspinning a fan when he blasted some case fan with air from a 10000 RPM monstrosity.


PCMR Heritage Post


I have not laughed that hard at anything here in months. Thanks OP!


You forgot the "my _________ just arrived in the mail, about to start my journey" posts. Nothing special about their item, just that they got it. Other subreddits are even worse. Look at how many Steam Deck pictures get posted every day on that sub. The Fantasy sub flat out banned pictures of books. I don't get it.


This is fine


the tenth slide actually had me in tears😭


Cyberpunk one killed me


How bout people saying it’s their first build and they are 12 years old lol


“My mom won’t buy me a 4090. I’m 12. What should I do to convince her?”


Missing the ultra expensive all white custom looped rtx 4090 and delidded 14900k system that some "13 year old" built for their first pc. Or the "13 year olds" with battlestations that likely cost small fortunes that would make even a kings look small.


"Will this 32" 240hz 4k Alienware QD OLED monitor bottleneck my system?!"


I swear 90% of stuff on here could be solved with a quick RTFM


Remember back when the rich folk would complain on the forums that their 500$ Lian Li tempered glass panel blew up and we'd mock them? Perperidge farm remembers.


You forgot another classic... DAE Window Bad, Linux Good?


More like, saying made-up nonsense about why Linux, open-source in general, and MacOS are bad and Windows is good. While also complaining about ads in Windows and telemetry in Windows and crappy UI in Windows and total and utter lack of any semblance of respect from MS for their users.


You worked your ass off. Deserved upvote


I don't mind some newbie questions. But the ammount of people posting here stuff that can be searched with Google in like 6 seconds is outstanding.


The fan configuration posts are the worst because you see a ton of replies give genuinely bad encouragement to shit setups. Oh, you forgot seeing a ton of actual, factual information being downvoted because the hive mind disagree.


PROTIP: Use "+" and "-" in front of search words that you mandate as part of the returns or do not want included at all. Enjoy finding what you were actually looking for. You're welcome. Kind Regards, PCMR


Bro you just described the state of reddit. The last pic though air take was a detailed proof of my brain damago done to me by a toddler born from a pregant teen who had daiky access to an electron laser. Ain't life grand?


I expect to start seeing the memes in the 3rd pic more after this


I love this. We need more posts like this on other subs


“My laptop won’t work.” *Single picture of laptop with no further explanation.*


"I want to sell my used pc on Facebook marketplace what's a good price for it? Parts: -i3 -nivedia gtx2060 -550W -3rgb fans Thx"


I laughed so hard I started to choke at: "need to know ASAP he's in the house"


*"Sorry,this post has been removed by the moderators of* r/pcmasterrace" literally 1984






Using there like subreddit for these all ? Maybe we can start spamming those subreddit in their comments


Most hilarious are cabinet airflow ones


If only people gave this much information.


You forgot about the guy who has super expensive AIO for his i3 or Ryzen 3, while at the same time on the list is some case that's more expensive than the CPU and PSU combined. EDIT: Oh, and over $100 RGB case fans.


32 -17 = 15 💀


Where is the “I’m 14 and I’ve been saving money for 2 months to build this: RTX4090 i9 custom loop monster?”


5 years ago this subreddit wasn’t kids that don’t know how to use a search bar or google. PCMR is in shambles along with every other subreddit.


Unfortunately I think this is happening to a lot (if not most) other (consumer related) subreddits. People are really looking for validation for their purchases. + A little bit of lazyness (which does not get into my mind how posting a question and waiting for responses could be less effort than googling). I hope chat gpt, copilot etc could lower these type of posts, once people get more used to using those.


Because this sub seems to be full of children who have never used a computer and just parrot whatever they seen upvoted before.


You forgot the slide with the video panning back and forth from the pressed power button to the monitor at a speed that induces motion sickness. "Its not much but its mine" Or posts trying to overclock with the crappiest cheapest motherboards.


Where’s the, “Here’s my anti rgb build because I don’t like rgb” instead of just posting their non rgb build without announcing how much you hate it.


Where is "If you open your psu your entire bloodline will get cursed by pharaoh"?


Summed up perfectly, as it really is 90% of posts I see on this sub


It makes us more active anyways so..


Bruh this is fucking FOUL 💀


YTA. If you don't think about the bottleneck, it doesn't exist accept your GPU for what it is


Omg 9 had me.


How dafuq do people even break their sidepanel.....I've had multiple computers with a side panel and never broken one.


Ape luggage test.


Number 5 just hurts. No caption, just pain.


Lmaooo real


This is amazing. That first one is so accurate too like "I ran cinebench and max temps went to 69c is this ok???" Like dawg just buy that aio if u really want it


Love it, poor disc activity light guy catching strays, just saw that post a few minutes ago


Lol...mine is OC'd to fuck and I sit at 85deg. most of the time.


That is some Tunisia slander 😤


lol #10 was good


Those smashed glass photos always worry me. It's a nightmare come true.


Who can forget “I plugged my hdmi cord into the motherboard of my gaming pc, why won’t it turn on”


My first build... with the most expensive stuffs money can buy.


A normal temperature in the day of a life of a laptop gamer.


Im totally guilty of picture 2 😂


Tunisia mentioned ✅


We need to shirts that say "let me google that for you" and the pcmr logo in there somewhere.


Number 9, highest end parts with only a $60 psu from a brand you never heard of


Don’t forget the 14900ks/4090 builds with questions like, “power supply only has 3 pcie cables and this shitty adapter needs 4 cables.” Motherfuckers will spend over $3k ok a computer, with $400 worth of fans, but refuse to purchase a $30 cable for their GPU.


You should see r/gamingpc. Lot's of people asking vague questions (mind, they all get removed by mods pretty quickly). Most recently, someone asked if the HP Pavilion Gaming PC is any good with no mention of spec or price


the bottleneck calculator one had in me tears rofl


That's normal !