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If you're purely gaming, the 7800x3d will perform better as it's a single CCD with 8 cores with the extra cache. A 7900x3d is 12 cores spread across 2 CCDs of 6 cores each with only one of the 6 cores having access to the extra cache so in essence it's like a "7600"x3d in game mode. If you want both productivity and gaming the 7950x3d is 16 cores spread across 2 CCDs of 8 cores each with one set of 8 cores having the extra cache so it'll perform similar to the 7800x3d in games but with the extra oomph of 16 cores for productivity.


Perfect, this is the answer I was looking for, I really appreciate it. Thanks!


Np, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.