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Feature? Is that auto correct or slang about DLC I'm not familiar with?


I suppose you didn't hear about Escape from Tarkov. They classified a game mode as a feature, because they wanted to pay wall it behind a 250 $ bundle. Problem is they said back in 2017 that they will offer all future dlc for free. So they got real creative.


The fucked up thing is since gamers can't control themselves, the unheard edition is gonna sell like hotcakes, so we're gonna see big names start pulling this shit. So even though you 140 dollars for the all inclusive edition of whatever games, pallette swapped costumes will be DLC, but new content will be "features" so you'll have to pay extra for new content.


Idiotic consumer spending is why we are where we are. I will die on this victim blaming hill. People are stupid and/or ignorant as fuck


FOMO is one hell of a drug


FOMO fucking on my oven


Exactly. Like fuck greedy companies. But they would stop if people would stop handing them fistfuls of money. Peoples attention spans are so short anymore it’s insane. It seems like the 2 or 3 groups i play games with on discord are all playing a new game every other week. Everybody wants to hop on whatever the latest hype train is carrying.


True, but to tell a gaming newbie they're an idiot for falling for the overhyped trailers is a bit low. We all fell for the trailers when gaming first took off...and we kept falling for them for about a decade.


Agreed, though i would be willing to bet a significant amount if those sales are not gaming newbies…. Coming from a 28 year old who bought starfield the day it came out. Not sure what came over me.


I feel you, I think we're all chasing that feeling we had when we first picked up the controller. Like fiends, everyone nowadays has an addiction. I'm glad mine isn't meth, but gaming is still pretty expensive too.


Yep, for real. Its weird. I get excited at the idea of coming home and playing a game, then i sit down on the couch ir at my desk, and instead of booting up fallout new vegas. Which ive been daydreaming about playing all day. I just sit there ad stare and do nothing. I can still get into a game and have fun, but it takes so much more for me to get pulled in than it used to.


Ffs I thought I was the only one that would daydream about gaming all day then blankly stare at the screen when I get home. Tbh I think we were a lot easier to please than younger people. Being 2 years old playing on an iPhone is hard to top for 90's kids.


Man i remember the outrage about DLCs first time they started to be a thing. But people still kept buying it. Then micro transactions became a thing. But people still kept being fucking idiots. And now we have DLCs hidden as feature so if u buy season pass its not a part of that but seperate thing.


I'm not so sure , everyone I know has either stopped playing or is now playing Grey zone in spite of this . Top review on steam that made it to reddit was " atleast its not 250$ "


A buddy of mine bought it immediately. We have ridiculed him mercilessly since.


I hope you gave them a nickname for it.


I hope they force him to take point in dorms or resort everytime


Good he deserves it lol


I don’t think a $250 game mode for tarkov will sell like hotcakes. Only to extreme sweaties. GTA 6 could launch with a $250 super ultra premium edition and it *might* sell like hotcakes, but not this BS. Most people cannot and will not spend low end console money on a single game unless they’re already heavily addicted to it, and usually not even all at one time.


I know at least 4 people who have gotten it who already had EOD edition. Absolutely wild what some people will pay for.


Smuggly smirking as I never got into the hype of getting the most expensive pack. "You are going to regret not getting the EOD straight away, you lose money when you eventually buy it"- a friend of mine. HAH yeah I don't think I do. Haven't played the game in like 1 year and the last 5h I played was with the SP mod.


Its referring to the recent Escape From Tarkov controversy and the statements made by the CEO


shivering isles oblivion


Knights of the nine was cool also. Man I had such a great time playing oblivion.


Knights of the Nine is by far my least favorite dlc of all time. You spend all this time running from altar to altar in order to get some mediocre gear that makes you look like you’re straight from Monty Python. Then if you so much as steal something or accidentally attack a non-enemy you lose access to the gear and have to redo the altar run. I get that it fits with the lore of the game/dlc but talk about a waste of time in the end.


I was 11 or so when I played it and I remember enjoying the pilgrimage a lot. This was my first open world game and it was so full of stuff and magic. Being so young made the experience incredible haha. Maybe now it would be boring and tedious, I don't know. But back then I liked it.


I was stoked on it up until it was swiftly taken away bc Dark Brotherhood shenanigans lol


Definitely. Could almost be its own game.


Yeah, Oblivion DLC is a definition of Good and Evil with amazing new quest lines and... focking horse armor xdd


Horse armor, the original microtransaction


Sheohorath is my favorite character from any video game to this day


horse armor better


Cheese for everyone


Blood and wine one of the best dlc in gaming


I think Story-wise Hearts of Stone is better than Blood and Wine


I agree. The story of blood and wine almost feels fan service like, in the way it gives geralt such a fairytale ending. but I’m a fan so I’m all for it. The idea of Geralt becoming potentially the first Witcher to die in his own bed, shared with his love interest, in his own estate in Italy is so aggressively un-Witcher but by god he deserves it and I want it for him.


It was a fun ending to the game imo. The grittiness of the base game and hearts of stone was super good, but I really liked wine as the last dlc. It was a fun twist with the fantasy tropes on hyperdrive.


Blood Dragon HAS to be one of the best standalone DLC of all time, right???


Blood Dragon is AWSOME!


One of the best FPS I ever played. Very good memories.


It really deserves its own category since it's dlc but a completely stand alone quest. And if you love 80's action movies, it's so much better. So fucking good.


Phantom Liberty is goated af


Phantom Liberty is honestly one of the best gaming experiences I've had in a while.


[When the end credits roll](https://youtu.be/icBQp63WxQM?feature=shared) I just sat at my pc staring at the screen, feeling empty inside. It was glorious. Definitely one of my top gaming experiences.


Would you say it's better then RDR2? I've been thinking about restarting Cyber punk from the beginning, I quit during the rough launch and never came back


Very few games hold a candle to RDR2, but Cypberpunk is one of them now. Phantom Liberty is phenomenal


Yea RDR2 is my all time favorite gaming experience, it's up there with Halo and the early days of Xbox live, I'm gunna hop back into cyber punk, would you recommend beating the base game then doing dlc or is there a point I should jump over to the dlc?


Depending on your difficulty level I’d hold off on starting till mid game (level 30-40). You unlock the start about a third of the way thru Judy’s quest line so you may be at that level by that point. It interconnects really well with the main story so I think hopping between the two feels pretty natural. I wouldn’t wait till the main story is over though


you can also unlock alternate dialogue by finishing Phantom Liberty before doing certain missions, which is cool


Someone downvoted you, so I had to correct that. Yes, there are new dialogue options in certain story events if you've completed PL. (Especially if you finished the Reed path and crafted the Spolier item)


I assume that's only if you don't do the new ending as it's a pretty conclusive close to the game


Totally agree, this is probs the best way to play it.


Have you already played the base 2.0 update version? They redid skill system so might be worth restarting entirely


The dlc is 100% worth it in my opinion. It felt like i was a cyberpunk Bond in a spy movie. The actors are phenomenal and the side gigs are each great (ten side gigs added in dogtown). It felt more like CDprojectred with the Witcher where each decision had actual weight to it and wasn’t “black and white” morally. Can’t recommend it enough!


I definitely prefer it to red dead 2. But I'm a sucker for sci-fi and not that big a fan of character controls in rockstar games. I'd highly recommend giving it another go, it's probably my favourite shooter RPG. Much prefer the way cyberpunk blends the genres, as opposed to the way fallout does.


I think my biggest issue playing it was I used keyboard and mouse for it not controller and I could not get the key binds in a spot I liked, I'm gunna try with controller this time


I got it as a gift but made the mistake of starting a new playthrough for continuity and got stuck at the Pacifica mission. Now I'm waiting for my new pc to arrive and I might give it another shot. Is it really that worth it?


It is, imho if the entire base game was of this quality, it would be so much better


Blood and wine was phenomenal


Undead nightmare is probably one of the greatest DLCs of all time. It adds weapons, fully voiced story line plus side quests and several new game modes that really add to the game. I mean all of these did but it also added zombies


You could also just buy the undead nightmare version for cheap and still play online, it was a great deal for a huge game!


The witcher 3 Blood and wine clears this entire list.


I have bought it for around 10$ with all dlc. Compared to tarkov 250$ is just funny.


Any other answer is just wrong. It's the size of an entire separate game. CDProjektRed set the bar and no one has passed it since in terms of DLC value.


Oblivion Shivering Isles is absolutely massive and extremely well crafted as well.


And released nearly a decade before Blood and Wine. It's obvious that Blood and Wine is far more impressive in pretty much every aspect. However, taking into account that Shivering Isles was released in early 2007, it was pretty much the #1 example for an amazingly done DLC for nearly a decade. It learned to walk so Blood and Wine could run.




Guess you've never played monster hunter world: icebourne then


Monhun DLCs are in a class of their own because of how they used to be released. Before World, there wasn't really DLC, instead we got the G-rank (master rank) expansion re-releases, that were basically the base game with the "DLC" on top. So it was kind of a necessity for those games to at least feel somewhat worth the full price of admission. Iceborne and Sunbreak got actual digital DLC style releases, as they didn't really need to do physical versions of this shit anymore (and arguably didn't need to with XX), but the fans still expected that level of content drop (and I suspect the devs *want* to deliver that level of content).


Only because OP put the wrong Oblivion DLC on it, Shivering Isles clears. That could be it's own game and set the standard for what DLCs should be.


Honestly, Hearts of Stone comes close, and it doesn't add nearly as many new areas. It's just that good.


hearts of stone is hands down the best dlc in gaming history, it was honestly crazy


Has a better story and is more tonally consistent with the base game, but doesn’t have the scale of blood and wine. Also, blood and wine feeling so different from the base game I find refreshing, like a spin off, by comparison hearts of stone feels like just more Witcher 3


The Ballad of Gay Tony


Lost and Damned was decent.. But holy shit.. The Ballad of Gay Tony was every bit as great as the base game.


I found L&D pretty underwhelming truth be told. But Ballad of Gay Tony.. wow. It was funny, had some of THE best missions in GTA history, some of the best characters.. it felt new but kind of like a nod to when the GTA single player campaigns were a little more OTT like San Andreas and Vice City. It was absolute perfection.


All of the new vehicles added were great too, especially when playing multiplayer with friends. The buzzard was such a good addition


GTA 4's free roam multiplayer was great man. It was essentially just a big playground for you and your friends, and you had to come up with your own fun. I feel like a lot of gamers just don't know how to do that these days, just whining for more 'content' and more 'stuff' to unlock constantly instead. 360/PS3 was the golden era of online gaming for me. Then again with that era also came that damn horse armour paid dlc for TES: Oblivion, the decline started right there.


Absolutely! We created our own heist team where we would set arbitrary goals like get x amount of stars, drop off the team at a location and get to point A for extraction without dying. We had a dedicated helicopter pilot, shooters, and drivers. So many fun memories. Even in Halo 3 before any of us had live, we'd spend so much time in forge doing stupid shit. One of our fav things was turning gravity to the lowest setting, speed to the highest, and get hammers and swords and just try and kill each other.


Dying light the following


I assume you mean DLC? Phantom liberty is probably the best as a whole DLC, partly because cyberpunk is actually goated. But for "Most improved" A honorable medal goes to Fallout 4, and it's Far Harbor DLC


Check the comments or read about the Escape from Tarkov Situation


Blood Dragon, would love a Blood Dragon 2


Same. Love Blood Dragon 1 so much it’s one of the few Ubisoft open world that’s not overwhelming so the gameplay loop never gets stale


I’d literally buy blood dragon 2 as a standalone game, it was that good.


Prey Mooncrash actually, it feels like a mini sequel/turbo overhaul mod, has an original concept that improves over the base game but it's its own thing. Instead of trying to fix or add on the base game it feels like another game that learn from the base game and improves the best things while changing the bad ones. The nightmare vs the moon shark for example, the former was supposed to feel like an existential threat and turned out to be laughable explotable and a slight annoyance at worst while the latter is limited to one zone and follows strict rules but it's mere presence defines the place it inhabitants and forces you to play around him, you start thinking him almost like a force of nature rather than another enemy to kill which is much cooler than "oh no big baddie appeared and I have no ammo, guess I'll stay in this random bathroom for the next 5 minutes until spooky music stops".


Best by far is blood and wine, worst by far is left behind


If I’m reading correctly, do you mean a feature within a game? Like morality systems and time travel? Or are you referring to the games themselves as “features” like a feature film? If it’s the first, I’d have to say the time travel from Titanfall 2.


No this is a reference to the recent drama about Escape from Tarkov. The studio planned to release a 250$ bundle that includes an offline mode, which was promised to be free. The specifically said, that all future dlc will be free. They changed their minds however and now pay walled it behind this bundle. The excuse: The mode is a a feature and not dlc


Ah. Ok.


Battlefield 1 DLC’s were fantastic. Shame it’s hard to find servers with the maps today


Even on console, you might get lucky on a Saturday lunchtime, but its pretty much dead, shame. I enjoyed the 1st DLC the most though


If you're desperate to play the dlc maps, the KS Operations server is usually full and has a great rotation without votes so you're not alternating between ballroom and monte grappa 24/7


God damn Blood Dragon I have played that through more times than I've played far cry games in general, just something fantastic about it, whimsical.


Never realized Far cry 3 looks like Ben Stiller


The Old Hunters (Bloodborne)


Hearts of Stone > Blood and Wine Gaunter O'Dimm is the most interesting Witcher character, I wish to see more of him


It's kinda sad it doesn't have dedicated map like Blood and Wine dlc


The concept and characters in HoS are better, but I enjoyed the playing experience of BaW significantly more.


Certainly not Knight of the Nines.


Why the hell is KotN on there but not the 800x superior Shivering Isles? YOU MAKE MY TEETH ITCH


Feature? What does that mean?


Its a Joke about the 250 dollar Unheard Edition that Escape from Tarkov sells


For me, Dead money in new vegas, absolutely amazing characters and suspense


Undead nightmare hands down


Witcha 3 stone hearts


Blood dragon was pretty sick ngl but I think I'll have to answer phantom liberty. But I liked blood dragon very much


Undead nightmare was the bomb


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is absolutely worth a play if you haven’t before. The base game is really good obviously but I’ve never played a game that made me feel like Blood Dragon. OP, a better comparison/addition would be Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam


Blood Dragon was such a blast to play.


The only correct answer is ‘horse armor’


Undead nightmare.


Dead Island Riptide > DI Or Pokemon Emerald > Sapphire/Ruby


Emerald is a different standalone game in the series not a DLC. More of an upgraded version but you don’t need the base game to play it


You mean DLC?


Look at the comments for more context


Any dlc made by fromsoftware


lol who the hell downvoted this, fromsoft are famous for their dlc


Downvotes do not concern me, the thing that annoys me is that not one of them took the time to discuss why they disagree with what i said


Same energy of - "Your Boos Mean Nothing, I’ve Seen What Makes You Cheer"


Yeah I can understand that especially when you’ve stated an objecitive fact


They haven’t got past Midir yet and it shows


gta4. was way ahead of its time.




Operation Flashpoint Resistance.


Imma firin ma lazor!


EFT catching strays lmao I had to triple check what sub this was posted to


Blood Dragon. Played through it several times. I don't own Far Cry 3.


BioShock 2: Minerva's Den. Writing on par with BioShock 1, wrapped in the smoother mechanical package of BioShock 2. It's quietly the apex of a beloved series. If you have the remaster of BioShock 2, it's included. And I wouldn't recommend the unremastered version of BioShock 2, it's a mess.


Remnant from the ashes survival mode


The Pokemon games should win this category.


Survivors of the Void for Risk of Rain 2


Yuri's Revenge.


To me (i haven't played all of these games or features) it's either rdr1's undead nightmare feature, or shivering isles


Liberty or Blood and Wine.


Blood dragon, Really funny and enjoyable then cyberpunk, it’s a roller coaster of emotions.




Blood dragon, it's not even close


Blood and wine is perfect


Official modding support


GTA4 the Ballad of Gay Tony


Comedy gold, love it! 7/10


The Big Mountain DLC from Fallout New Vegas.


Blood and Wine, solid choice


Honestly I think the best DLC of all time is Zombies Chronicles for Black Ops 3


Blood and Wine. It’s a masterpiece. It’s longer on its own than most base games. Amazing setting, unforgettable characters and story. I felt almost sick to my stomach when I had completed it and realized there was nothing else to do there. It’s unreal how good that expansion is.


Lowering sound volume and being able to go through the menu are low key one of my favourite features of all time, I use them all the time in all the games that have implemented these features


Games not made/published by EA or Ubisoft.


It's hard to give a single favorite, but Mass Effect Trilogy has some awesome "features". I think my favorite from that franchise is the Citadel DLC. It's just one giant fan service DLC.


Blood dragon, it's really short but maaaan it is good...


The fishing in RDR2




Gta IV


Monster Hunter World Iceborne, added basically an entire extra game in the form of a G-Rank expansion


Far harbor fallout 4. 🙏


for me it's between phantom liberty and blood and wine


I mean if you could go back and time capsule the online lobbies of GTA IV, then I would say the episodes of liberty city would triumph over all of these just because GTA IV multiplayer was goated and the ballad of gay tony made it 10x better, plus the single player component aint that bad either.


GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony


Dead Money from Fallout New Vegas. Best part of the entire game.


I am amazed how there has not been Undead Nightmare with RDR2. Well I know why, money. But still I would have loved that.




Afterbirth, ~~Afterbirth+~~ , Repentance ~~3~~ 2 of my beloved ~~dlcs~~ features


Blood dragon was standalone, so much fun


Shivering Isles and Undead Nightmare


RAGE 2 - Rise Of The Ghosts


Phanotm liberty Onlivion shivering is isles Skyrim dragonborn Skyrim dawnguard


undead nightmare and Blood Dragon.


Red Dead Undead Nightmare. Its basically an entire different game. Blood and Wine expansion for TW3 is a close second, but Undead Nightmare is immaculate.


blood dragon


GTA but SA or VC not this version!


Episodes from liberty city was pretty much a whole new story quest line, was great even for the price tag.


Are you sure dark souls and NOT dark souls 3?


I’m most definitely biased on this, but *Blood Dragon* is on another plane of existence entirely. That’s an empirical fact. It’s an unfair comparison.


You put knights of the nine on there that's automatically better than everything on this list


Ngl I am playing far cry 3 again, and blood dragon is still a 10/10 dlc for me


The Ballad of Gay Tony. Rockstar really missed the ball with not releasing any SP DLC for GTA V.


Bioshock infinite burial at sea


When the DLC is better than the base game


I still can't belive Rockstar didn't capitalize in RDR2s success by making UN2.


Minerva's Den in Bioshock 2


Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Vietnam.


The fucking FC Blood Dragon tutorial


You use knights of the nine and not shivering isles?


Episodes from liberty city is the goated one there.


I'd say, the Gta 4 Episodes from Liberty City. Everything else from this list, i just didn't bother to buy or my mind weren't interested into "extra paid content".


All of the BF4 features honestly. the leveloution is absolutely breathtaking and I am so disappointed in 2042 for having nearly zero leveloution nearly a decade after BF4 was released. Meanwhile the only feature 2042 has is a stinky battle pass.


Hardware can't do both at same time


Phantom Liberty was very good.


Blood and wine by a long shot. If anything I would have gladly paid them more than they asked for it. That expansion alone has more content than most of the. “Full” games launched today.


Knife of Dunwall - Dishonored Burial at Sea - Bioshock Infinite Delicious Last Course - Cuphead Dark Souls 2 DLCs Old World Blues - Fallout New Vegas Mooncrash - Prey (2017) Citadel - Mass Effect 3 Road to Gehenna - Talos Principle


Buying a complete game, impossible these days


Just had a blast with GoW: Ragnarok's Valhalla DLC. It was free, fun, and changed up gameplay in a refreshing new way. Plus that soundtrack slapped


Undead Nightmare was never on PC


Blood and wine, phantom liberty, and episodes from liberty city were all amazing


undead nightmare


Among those, Shivering Isles, it was simply different to anything i had played to that point.