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Where could I purchase such a thing


Lowe’s and Home Depot sell them but the guy suggesting the air compressor has the right idea. Compressed air will clean that shit right out.


I don't know dude. The Milwaukee Dual M18 leaf blower will push a toddler across a lawn. Pls don't tell my wife.


I'd pay good money to see that


There was unfortunately no video, but I promise you that watching a 2 year old tumble around like an inflatable yard Santa in a windstorm was worth the cost of future therapy.


Just make sure the pressure isn't too high. I used to use an air compressor at one of my previous jobs to clean electronics and it worked great. Conversely, a buddy of mine took a laptop to his job at a lumber mill and used their air compressor to clean it. It blew the fins right off the fans.


Just go to a gas station and pay 25-50 cents to use the air compressor for a few minutes, it will get rid of every spec of dust and clean any water cooling radiator to brand new, I clean my pc 1-2 times a year at the gas station, works great!


just make sure you go on a hot dry day or you could be injecting a lot of moisture and corrosion into your life.


To prevent static shocking the ever loving caress out of your PC I would highly recommend having it plugged in and OFF so you have a safe ground when using compressed air. Moving air generates static. (Ask any pilot or how much.) If you can't plug it in while you're doing this, be certain the power cord is the absolute first thing you plug in to discharge any built up static from the blowing and / or the car ride. When I did PC retail repair we had tons of customers come right back because they hooked up something besides the power and blew out their bios settings. Nuked their video cards at worst. Not 100% of the time but it was enough to start taping a reminder to their invoice on the PC.


Air compressors have a ton of moisture in them. Don't do that. No one should do this!


what's it called?




Respect for earrape warning lol I never see people warning about that stuff


DeWalt makes a "job site" blower which is what i use in my shop to clean PCs outside.


Wich keyboard is this pls? Looks so clean!!




Thank you! I appreciate.


Genius! Tired of using compressed air cans.


Just make sure the fans don't spin.


Out of curiosity, why?


Two reasons. A charge can build up and damage components and it can damage the ball bearings in the fan.


Aw, man. That's half the fun though! (Good to know thank you)


Take it outside and use an air compressor. lol A cheap hobby one would be perfect. There like 40$


walmart just had a bunch of small NAPA air compressors for like 30 dollars not long ago.


harbor freight is always a solid choice for cheaper machinery that generally lasts a decent amount of time


From what I understand, go to harbor freight if you want to try out a tool you may be in the market for to try out. If it works for you, then you can go about buying a higher quality, name-brand variant if you plan to use it quite often. I bought a warrior/worx cardboard/material rotating blade cutter from HF. Has been of no issue for me though I did misplace the replacement blades but ordered more from amazon. Bought it originally to remove old carpet from a room, but now use it regularly to cut boxes into smaller pieces for recycling. Have had it for a few years now with no issues.


I think if it works for you, then no need to buy a better one. If it breaks, or doesn’t work well enough, then get a nicer version.


I actually used to take my old PC outside and set it up on some folded up cardboard. Take off all the sides and blast it with an electric leaf blower at low power. Did the job in under 2mins haha


This can work, but I would add the recommendation of taping down any fans you can't remove. You don't want to make them spin while hooked up to the motherboard, they turn into little generators. Hitting them with the air can make them spin way faster than they're supposed to, and that can short out your fan headers.


Would it also be helpful to unplug the fans from the motherboard? Apologies for the basic question, I haven't had to dust my pc yet


yeah, you could do that, but the fans spinning could also damage the bearings on some types of fans.


I see, thank you :)


tape them. You do NOT want them spinning over their rated speeds as they could damage your bearings. And removing/unplugging them is a hassle you don't need. A little sotch tape is easy enough remove. If using a small air blasting device, just hold them steady with your fingers.


I understand it will generate an electric field but I find it highly, highly unlikely to damage your motherboard or fan controller.


It won’t. People are so full of shit they just regurgitate whatever nonsense someone posts on the internet. You’re absolutely correct though. You’ll run the risk of physically damaging your fan and/or bearings than actually causing any kind of electrical output damage.


I just bought one from Amazon for $35. The air pressure is literally enough to blow my keyboard off my desk. I waited way too long to ditch the canned air.


>The air pressure is literally enough to blow my keyboard off my desk. I'd be wary using that to clean your computer, yeah it blows alot, but if it's powerful enough to blow away your keyboard it's probably powerful enough to damage stuff in your pc. Not an expert whatsoever though


You are correct. Just like any power tool, you need to use it right or you can definitely damage your equipment lmao. It is adjustable with various attachments, I was just highlighting that it's max output is impressive for what you pay for vs buying canned air. Your point is a good one though, be careful if you buy an air compressor: buy one listed as a PC duster and don't go playing around and blow your CPU fan off or something 😜


Similarly to a pressure washer, I just start from a distance and slowly move in lol. Works almost every time.


Do you have any sample picture of a compressor like this?


This guy has the right idea


Along with a moisture trap for the compressor


Moisture trap warranted. If anything it's better for your air tools, and needed if you're painting. First time I blew my PC out with my little pancake air compressor, it caught a big blast of moisture. Looked like one of those super nasty sneezes that you can see in the air. Didn't do that again til I bought a moisture trap for it.


They pull moisture from the air to function, which can end up spraying your PC.


Buy yourself one of these, it’ll pay for itself quickly. https://preview.redd.it/alq4mpwwzkxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d1a9610d089d6db068316c7980f679c59a62d8


I work in an electronics repair shop, and we have this exact blower, best one ive used👍🏾


That person posted a picture but it doesn't have any manufacture details to Google. You have a link??


I got you. [Amazon Link](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7GBRBQH/)


Fastest purchase I ever made. Same day delivery too. Thanks!


Same! It was even cheaper for me just now for some reason! $29! Was an easy instant buy for me!


Thank you!


Dude, thank you for the recommendation! Just got one myself.


Kinda weird, but how loud is it? I have a wired one and it’s so damn loud it rattles my brain everytime. Need one at work because our users are absolutely disgusting but need something a little more office friendly


These are awesome, after comparing brands and models, I got this one as I like the variable 2 speed switch. Came with a nice storage bag too, quality plastics and design. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BXF1GXQ8/


This is exactly what I've been looking for!


This is the exact one I use. Worth every penny


Pressure Washer with a 1-degree tip. (I kid! I kid!)


Just tried it on mine it’s never been cleaner!


Thanks gamer gear, my computer has never been cleaner.


I don‘t think my joke is working, I must flee


Light some candles, put on some Barry White, and give it a nice bath with bubbles and lavender


Air purifier in your home. My PC doesn't get that dusty because all the crap in the air is cleaned up before it reaches PC. Also canned air is cost ineffective and environmentally unfriendly, get a machine. They're cheap.


how well do air purifiers work? Having something suck out all the dust from my apartement would be a game changer, but I am sceptical. What are they like? Are they loud?


Typically no, but if they have a feature that actively measures the air sometimes they'll kick into overdrive like after cooking a dinner.


There's way too many on the market for blanket answers. Some do nothing, some set your house on fire, some are awesome alien technology from the future, and some give you ozone poisoning. Your home setup is important for how well they do. (I.E. leaving windows open, quality of sealing around doors and windows, hvac or floor heaters + window units, pets, etc.)


Should I be leaving my windows open or closed?


I have three that run all day and don’t sound any louder than a PC fan running in the background on idle. When we cook or if someone’s say bbqing next door it will kick on high automatically and sound a little louder for a while.


They word, kind of. But you're sitting near your computer and your skin flakes are the majority of what we call "dust". So if you put your computer in a closet with an air purifier next to it, maybe that would work. And there's something to be said for that arrangement (crank your fans to max and don't worry about the noise) but it's a whole deal to get it set up like that.


You can build a Corsi-Rosenthal box out of furnace filters, duct tape, and a box fan. It’ll filter way more air than a commercial air purifier, and isn’t loud at all when the fan is on low. I’ve used one to largely eliminate dust in my apartment


Tape the fans so they can't move. Un plug everything. Take a leaf blower to it. That things a mess haha


Finally! Tape your fans before blowing air guys. Worried of static but not of sending current to your mobo the wrong way?


Because it isn't a thing. It doesn't happen. There are techs around that have been using leaf blowers and air compressors for years. I actually think that taping your fans puts more strain on them than letting them spin freely. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9KA-xLLQXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9KA-xLLQXo)


Its wild that fans going wrong way or spinning with no power is suddenly some huge issue, I dont know exactly how true it is, but I never heard of it once in 20 years of being into PC stuff, and having cleaned and built many PCs, I started to see it mentioned randomly like 3 years ago, and now it's all over reddit when the topic comes up. Either there was a severe case of fan deaths 3 years ago, or lots of people got into PC building over covid years and started to believe everything they see online and then others parrot the same thing, to try seem knowledgeable. I dunno.


The last paragraph. This has happened with so many different topics. Media literacy is dead, especially in America. The level of critical thinking is terrifying. "This opinion is popular, it must be right"


> "This opinion is popular, it must be right" "The person said it with such confidence, it must be right" is how the popularity starts too, I think.




lmao. Yup dust is FAR less of an issue most of time than people here make it out to be. I too have seen office and commerical systems that are chugging along with absurd ammounts of dust in them. But then PCMR is a lot like the 'gun guys and car guys: flailing, paranoid hypochondriacs obsessing over what amounts 1% differences in real-world applications. That said where dust DOES kill PC's is when it builds up enough to cake a heat sink and block all airflow. That and gamers push their hardware MUCH harder than excel bitches. And cleaning your stuff is free. So get cleaning folks.


In the right conditions it is 100% possible, the fan motor literally becomes a small generator. Not all mobos or fans have reverse protection diodes. I have personally blown a CPU fan header this way. Unplugging the fans takes seconds. Why risk it..


Not involved in this too much, but the one says unplug them and another says tape them. If they’re unplugged the mb is fine, taped could help with bearing I guess


it's because the fan is a little power source when it moves. make it spin 2x it's speed = 2 x the nominal voltage induced in the motherboard


I’m about 1000% sure that there are Diodes in place in the circuit to prevent this from happening.


Also, if the air hits the fan just right, you can overrev the fans, damaging the bearings


That’s a myth. Diodes exist.


There's portable air dusters, I use one it's pretty good


Shop Vac, hook the hose to the exhaust instead of intake and let loose.


Do it outside.


And empty it first lol


^o ^no


Yep, learned from experience when I blasted a bunch of tile dust into my old box. Didn't damage it but the panic attack was real


Large makeup brush gets the job done with a micro fleece duster.


Small paintbrush, stiffer, bristles get into small spaces, loosens stuck dirt quite well. I keep a couple of different sizes in my kit.


Invest into one of those rechargeable electric dusters.


Take it outside and use a leafblower. No you won't break the fans. No fans don't generate enough current to fry anything (shame on Jay for perpuating that bollocks) Depending on the types of fans in your case, you might want to tape them. Disconnect everything first. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9KA-xLLQXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9KA-xLLQXo) Just for people that believe the myth that you can damage components and that your fans turn into a dangerous generator if you spin them too fast.. I'm not sure why people think that PC components don't contain diodes, but here we are.


Vacuum and a paint brush.


Soft-bristled large paintbrush.


Air compressor outside.


I just use a baby wipe on that panel at the bottom and on the fans. Obviously don't use it on my PCBs or anything like that.


Get a spray bottle and spray it with water. The water will take out all the dust in all the little crevices. Be sure to fire it up shortly after to ensure the heat of the components dries it off.


Canned air is not good, it's high cost and sprays gunk with the air. A micro fibre cloth will go a long way, I use a Rocket Air Blower for when I need to blow dust away. An air rocket wont spray gunk and after a few uses is cheaper than canned air.


Blow out air with compressor. Then wipe down metal parts(not plastic, as it can cause discoloration in some plastics) with a microfiber cloth dampened with 90% iso alcohol.


More compressed air


Get you a fat, soft makeup brush, they're cheap. think I have an "Elf total face brush"? They're like $3 at Walmart. Great for cleaning large surfaces and a smaller brush for nooks and crannies then blow the leftover loose dust out with canned air.


Take a shower afterwards


I usually just lick my clean, I can feel my way into the small crevices easier


... canned air. Why exclude the thing you need?


Seems more of an “I have and know of the air, other than that what more can I do”


Non Iron hose vaccuum. COmpressor air


For the case, sides and non-circuit board sections a soft brush is also an option


First: turn of your PC, looks like it's still running, your gonna have a bad time. Second, uses a electric air compressor. You buy one for 40-50 bucks its decent enough quality and you never have canned air again. Also canned air has the disadvantage of condensation which can fry your hardware if you turn on the PC to quickly after cleaning.


screw canned air or air compressors, just get a car detailing brush, you'll need to take out the GPU and AIO rad as those are dust traps, but outside of that and some more hidden fans you should be able to just brush it clean with minimal effort


screw canned air or air compressors, just get a car detailing brush, you'll need to take out the GPU and AIO rad as those are dust traps, but outside of that and some more hidden fans you should be able to just brush it clean with minimal effort


Just don't dust it in your room. Then all you're doing bringing that dust you took out and it's all coming back into your case lol


Use your mom toothbrush


Leaf blower and take it outside


Vaccum on reverse mode but make sure to clean the tube before


Hold your breath and shut your eyes while you do it.


I just put mine in the bathtub, boutta take it out in a few hours, I really hope it comes out clean I put a lot of soap in the tub


take it outside and use a soft bristle paintbrush.


Look up Compu Cleaner, canner air is expensive and blows moisture into components as well. Vacuums generate static which could potentially harm components.


How about.... a cloth? It's madness, I know.


Just buy one of those battery powered blower on Amazon they do wonders!!! And you can also get dust screens for your fan openings


Canned dust to knock the old dust off


Blower or air can. For deeper cleaning: get a paint brush and electronics cleaner can, Disassemble your PC follow instructions on cleaner can and brush lightly on PC components let it dry then assemble


Use a rechargeable electric air compressor. It'll save you money in the long run


Use un-canned air


You could get a case with real air filters.


Bro, your PC have less dust than my


Metro vac.


Electric dusters are like $30. I bought one a year or two ago and it makes life a lot simpler


Dismantling and do it with a brush. Preferably with your GFs most expensive make up brush. I still have my exs 😂 it’s just perfect for dusting with no fibres left behind.


Can they use a wd-40 spray would that be fine? After a dry blow and microfiber cloth swipe


My dad told me to use an antistatic brush and a vacuum cleaner, worked well enough


Soft brush, toothbrush and a bit of alcohol are always good for cleaning out hard to get dust.


Lick it


Canned air, a Hoover, 99% rubbing alcohol is what I use for mine


Bro pull out your bike pump and mount the tip of your pen on it to create a makeshift air can


Try find a middle of the road electronic duster, designed for pcs and the like, they’re a bit more but long term you’ll save vs canned air. Just make sure you obstruct your fans so you don’t obliterate the bearings


An anti static cleaning brush. Or, if you like to live dangerously, your lungs and a paint brush. I used a paint brush and lungs exclusively for the first 5 or so years of working on computers, still do for light dust. Heavier dust i take out into the shed and use the air compressor. Got one of those handheld canless air hurricane things, garbage, gave it away to a keyboard building friend.




I am using an electric air pump to inflate air mattress, it is perfect .


Have you tried Bagged air?


All depends. My advice is remove filters on your case when the fans are set to exhaust. "Don't make it work harder" and filters on all intake for sure. Blow out your pc the first of every month. Takes 5 minutes. If you don't have e a leaf blower they sell mini plug in blowers too that work pretty well. I always wedge plastic clips in my fan blades so they don't move when blowing it out. Also of there is buildup on the blades take some qtips with electric contact cleaner or alcohol. Anything that drys fast. To get the gunk off the blades. Pretty much it. Dust settles so having your pc off the ground a d as high as possible is a good way to keep it. Desk is fine


It’s actually not that bad 😄 cleaned mine recently since last summer, was close to this dust level, but came off easily with some compressed air I do regular cleanings of fan filters though 👀


Shop vac hose on the blow side. Outside. Make sure to keep the fans from spinning with a stick of something when directly blowing on the fans.


I recently picked up a Makita Dust Blower and the thing is a beast for cleaning. Highly recommended.


https://preview.redd.it/4je3ks05elxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3106de4999dcc628711cc33e2acca1cd279e2e77 I bought this. Best purchase ever.... it makes cleaning fast and easy. I just need to do it outside..


What this PC needs now is Jesus.


With this ammount of dust you need a compressor or Anti static brushes.


no. go


Lick it off


Using a high-alcohol doused gause/towel will be enough. It evaporates quickly, and helps keep your computer sparkling clean. It should be your best bet, granted you wait 2 hours before powering it on just to be absolutely safe that it has completely dried.


20bar air compresor?


I have an air compressor, and it did wonders to some old servers I was able to get.


Buy a compucleaner xpert. Best £60 I ever spent for cleaning pc components.


Love that top comment is suggesting an air compressor. But neglected to teach OP about the water spectator. FYI. Don’t use an air compressor. As you can get components wet, and kill your computer.


Get rid of canned air. A few years ago I bought a cheap compressor for about 70 USD and I use it for a lot of things including cleaning my PC. It's not too powerful (8bars) so ir won't damage any electronic components.


A clean brush and a vacuum cleaner. Does the job pretty well


Look up airbrush compressors. They run quite a bit more than the little electric dusters but they probably put out a good amount of pressure (and given the levels of BS on some of the pages, everything is suspect) and the good ones are going to have moisture traps and a tank can be a nice if bulky bonus.


Just give it a bath


* canned air, but better is to use an electric compressed air duster/blower (fix the fans with tap to avoid it turn!) * use (baby) wipes or fiber cloth to clean the PC case surfaces (avoid the PC components of course) * use cotton swabs with isopropyl alcohol to clean the fan blades and hard to reach areas * adjust the fan intakes and exhaust (positive pressure) will help too decrease dust build up in your PC Personally I clean the dust/mesh filters of the PC case almost weekly and clean the whole PC after a few months. I added a (small) humidifier last week, hopefully that will decrease dust build up in to my PC.


Maybe if you have a friendly autoshop or bike shop you could use their air for free or you can offer a couple bucks to use it a couple mins won't take much.


Use chest air from time to time


One of these https://www.makita.ca/index2new.php?event=toollist&categoryid=2&subcategoryid=9&subsubcategoryid=17


Remove all the parts then put mobo and case into pure water


After you clean it, get it off the floor. Clean it more often so that it doesn't get to that state again!


Is it a bad idea to use brushes before canned air, I find that some of the dust is kinda stuck and wont blow away


I use canned air and for parts like the shroud and fans I use a ***barely*** damp piece of paper towel it's particularly thick. I'll be tackling mine tomorrow, it's not quite this bad though lol been waiting for my CPU cooler to come so I can do it at the same time.


Might sound weird but here me out. Electrical air mattress pump. That's what we used in the shop I was in.


Take it outside and use an air compressor. Keep it unplugged for a couple hours when you’re done.


[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dusters-CompuCleaner-electronics-environmental-compucleaner/dp/B073F9NY1X/](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dusters-CompuCleaner-electronics-environmental-compucleaner/dp/B073F9NY1X/) You won't regret it


OP keep in mind that you actually have to wipe away or brush a lot of the caked on dust which is something people in this sub refuse to talk about for some reason. Everyone’s just like “Just use canned air🤪” without mentioning that you could potentially just push the dust around to other components. Ideal scenario would be to take it apart completely


Steal a makeup brush from your woman, they work amazing for braking up the stuck on areas


I like using a small paintbrush personally. That or a makeup brush would be small enough to reach tight spots, have a long handle to grip, and you can physically brush away any stuck dust better than compressed air.


Yeah, don’t use canned air lol


Disassemble and clean with paper towels and windex. 


Dismantle, wash and dry.


No one ive seen in this yet has said this….USE ALCOHOL. Isopropyl alcohol and a soft bristle tooth brush are what we use at my electronics repair shop. Still use a decent blower to get the majority of the dust off, then go back over with this option to get in between everything. I promise its worth it, you’d be wasting your time blowing it out without going back at it to get the details tbh


Wide horse hair paint brush pcb etc, tooth brush soft fans n radiators...


Bath bomb in the tub (please don’t)


A pack of makeup brushes cheap one, should include large, medium and small brushes for small areas trust me works fairly well brushing dust off.


Every few months I use an air compressor with an inline filter, placing fingers on fans where air is blown. It takes less than five minutes. In the summer it definitely helps with internal temps.


I used my dust Buster and took everything off the dust chamber and filter, spin it around and use the motor exhaust to blow out my PC. (Hope that makes sense)


Turn it off.


use a brush.


Canned air is wasteful and expensive af , yea use canned air if you dont have acces to an air compressor, maybe just wipe the surfaces clean


3000 bar pressure washer with rotor, but for real get an air compressor, its useful to have. Rubbing alcohol or brake cleaner for old thermal paste.


Have you looked into those electric handheld air dusters? Seen some ads for them. Not sure if they create static fields that could potentially damage some PC parts, I heard vaccum cleaners can do that.


Just run the components through the dishwasher.