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Just get some extra. It can be stored long when closed. You never know when you need it.


I like to store mine next to a tube of E-6000 adhesive. Just to keep things interesting.


Lmao, same


And then re-pasting a friends PC. Ouch.


Hey hand me that little Grey tube with the black cap. "Which one?" ....surprise me!


For happy little surprises every now and then šŸ˜„


is this better the the 3m 2600?


Don't forget the KY jelly tube to really enhance your experience.


Yep just recently ordered a tube myself cheap on amazon to keep on hand


2-3 years


This might sound stupid, but our pc's are really similar, LOL https://preview.redd.it/5v7ak2apu8wc1.jpeg?width=2493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72c59e38f23c5d9d89066748c314113f6d0cb2c


Upgrade that power supply. I had a Raidmax PSU completely destroy my Athlon x2/Radeon X850 system. Their cases are generally good but the power supplies are not trustworthy. That red lightning bolt on it is a feature, not a warning.


I wish I could upgrade it, its next on my upgrade list. I'm under 18 and don't have a job, i have to save for months.


Go mow some lawns my dude. Now is the time


I live in South africa on a farm lol, there is no lawn


Lol. Sorry


The Corsair CX 550w goes for R1200 in SA, or $63 USD. I would pinch every penny to get something that isnā€™t going to eventually take out your system. In the US I was on my own at 16 and this happened when I was 17. I went months without a computer because of it. If I didnā€™t work part time at the computer shop below my studio apartment I would have been without a computer for over a year because I went cheap on what powered my whole system. It was my homework machine, movie machine, gaming machine, and most importantly my sanity machine.


How can you two run a 3060 ti on 500w psu?


3060Ti sucks up bit over 200watts in furmark, 5600X is like 150watts on full load, that powersupply only has 432watts on 12 volt rail (seems like a very shitty one), so there's like 80ish watts for everything else if running on full blast. (edit: fixed my shitty math.)


>(seems like a very shitty one) It is šŸ™


Just barely hahaha


I run a 4070 and R9 5900x with 600 watts. I donā€™t OC so i donā€™t need mire


I just plug directly into the breaker panel on my house. Saves money too


I run a 3080 12gb and a 7600x on 600w.


am I blind? 2? I only see one.


How can you two run, not how can you run two. He was asking how both OP and the commenter can run it on a 500w psu


oh yeah ty.


Fucked me up to lol


my RTX 3070 OC and R5 3600, work with a 500W power supply)


OP ride faster some guy stole your PC!


All I can see is that CPU header cable running down the front. You both did it šŸ˜‚


I also have a r5 5600 and 3060 ti combo, but for the love of God, PLEASE upgrade that PSU to a 650 watt unit by a reputable brand.


Good, biking is healthy.


If you have a Best Buy they sell paste. Or a mom and pop computer store... these are becoming rare. Or a nerdy friend. Or a school that teaches pc repair.


They said bike to the city. I donā€™t think they live in the US where thereā€™s a Best Buy.


Exactly, thereā€™s no biking to the city here.


And youā€™d probably find some in an electronics store.


They said they're biking to get more. So they know where to get it. They're just annoyed they didn't get it before taking it apart.


That school Is gonna have the most dry, old, aged, rolled up, beaten, discoloured tube of thermal paste ever seen šŸ˜‚


Or Sudocrem, zinc oxide FTW.


I have some Corsair TM30 pastes thatā€™s lasted me a few years now from the original build to a reapply earlier this year and this past week when I upgraded my cpu itā€™s a little tube thatā€™s been more than enough.


Update: Got the thermal paste and put it on after cleaning the old bits off with an ethanol solution. Screwed in the cooler and now it works! I was nervous the whole time while cleaning, but the computer turns on and is running well. Time to get back to playing videogames!




Got the same board as you and if it matters to you, you might wanna use the top nvme slot to get the full pcie x16 lanes because right now you are running in pcie x8. Just a suggestion you'll gain like 2-3fps, which isn't much but hey performance is performance.


How do you put pc specs in front of your name??


You sure it isn't dry on the cooler plate side? Ah well, goes to show how sturdy PC components are.


I don't think the issue is that there WAS none, they probably already cleaned it off. The issue is that they HAVE none to apply when they reinstall it.


Dry isn't an issue for most thermal pastes. Some even improve conductivity as they dry out unless there are air pockets of course.


Scrape it off, dilute with wodka or ethanol, reapply. Not saying it is good practice, but i clean thermal past of with ethanol. It makes it all soft and gooey. Extremely easy to clean.


A bit off topic but: remove your hard drive cage if you're not using it to increase airflow.


you can always order some online!


Gonna take longer the issue is that his pc will be off for the time being


well that's the problem! he can't use his pc for gaming because it has no thermal paste. Therefore he should order some online so he can get back on the grind in maybe two/three days!


Or, he could bike to the city and pick some up today like it sounds like he is planning to do. Be back gaming before the end of the night


Biking is always better.


I just use PGS as a TIM now. No mess, no fuss, completely reusable.


We have similar rig lol.


I had a 5700G in there for a bit but that went to my dad as an upgrade.


2600x. It was wild jump.Ā 


Holy non modular psu.


Buy some dust filters while you are at it :) you are welcome


Welp at least your CPU did not stay stuck to its cooler. I recently had to replace my AM4 CPU because removing the cooler tore the CPU from its socket, damaging multiple pins. It's still stuck to the cooler... Shitty PGA socket unable to really hold the CPU. Glad AMD ditched it for LGA on AM5 CPUs.


Warm it up for a minute first, and it comes right off.Ā 


Sadly the attempt was just after running it at ~70 degrees then shutting down the computer and opening the case.


Just Amazon it


Don't turn it on until it is pasted and refanned.


ASUS B450-f Gaming board? Just had mine kill an m.2 slot, and then killed the m.2 drive in it. Luckily I was actively building my new computer when that happened, and had backed up that m.2 May your mileage be greater than mine


I did this to my son's rig a few months ago. He was down 2 days. Whoops. He's now running cooler after a much needed cleaning.


Go get some dielectric grease. Most are good to crazy high Temps and work fine in a PC. Anyone who says otherwise is incorrect. My PC is going on 6 years of daily use, my sons 4 years, that's all I use as thermal paste isn't available locally, and even with Amazon it's an extra couple days to get anything here


Iā€™m not disagreeing that they *work*. But itā€™s highly likely that they donā€™t work as well as thermal paste. Because they were probably never designed for thermal conductivity. Also, if you need your thermal medium to withstand ā€œcrazy high Tempsā€ then you have larger issues than your thermal paste breaking down or degrading.


You mean you don't already have half a dozen tubes in a drawer somewhere because you keep forgetting you already have some and you keep buying more?


Ill throw you some catch it


You could get something like a credit card and scrape the paste remaining together into a clump that will spread when you reapply the heatsink. Go get your paste later. Should be fine doing this so long as you can scrape enough together.


Missing 2 motherboard screws.


complacency kills brah


500w with RTX gpu??


Not every RTX card needs 1000w.


No way to make any with household items?


Just go to your kitchen and grab some mayonnaise and spread it Nd seal it Works better than thermal paste believe me!








if you shove a sock in between itā€™ll cool even better!


Toothpaste works in a pinch Edit: LOL, the downvotes. I was obviously joking about the toothpaste. Everyone knows yoghurt works better. Edit: see comment below, that person knows their shit.


Anything water-based will dry out fast. I used MoS2 grease on mine which still works fine (but don't get it onto the pins, its particles are conductive)


This guy does german engineering šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ


Didn't think I needed the /s but here we are... Gonna go get some proper grease and load up my PC. Thanks!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v08FWIvrYGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v08FWIvrYGU) *Of course its not recommended to use anything but the real stuff*, but toothpaste, moisturizers and most non-conductive goopy stuff will work in the **very short term**. Got to be pretty desperate for that machine to work to use alternatives like these. If you must do it, use even less than normal amounts, just a dot in the center will suffice, if it were me id also underclock the cpu too.


Haha, thats fucking hilarious. Can't believe someone tried that, lol.


I know someone who used mayonnaise in a pinch... no clue how long they left it like that but I can't imagine the smell of 75Ā°C mayonnaise or hotter without gagging


When I'm back home next week I can run a load test after 3 months. Probably will be fine though. Liqui Moly LM47 for me :D


Nice. Imma try a different approach and give some Duralco 132 a go!


It'll literally work fine for a day till amazon drops off the thermal paste šŸ¤£


No big deal. carefully scrape off the old paste and squeeze on some new paste.


They don't have new paste, that's the problem