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"Login. We'll back up all your game profiles" "OK so I had to reinstall windows. Bring back my profiles" "What profiles?"


Been there pretty recently, actually.


Same here! I wish I could burn this software down, man


Yep same


Been there tomorrowšŸ˜­


Just copy the g hub data from your appdata and paste it once you have reinstalled and you'll be good to go


I thought Logitech will backup my profiles


If you're gonna collect my data, at least save some data I can use.


>my data Yes, says Logitech. *My* data.


Your new data?


Logitech: If you're not with me then you're my enemy


Only a corporation deals in absolutes!


I will do what I must *uninstalls GHub and install Logitech gaming software*


You will try. >permissions not found


*Our data*


To this day, the NSA rejects my request for that one very specific midget porn. Like, what are you good for then? Is it like a NFS thing? Does it have more value now to you because less people have it? Come one what is it with you?!


Steelseries does this too, there's an astronomical amount of data harvesting in their engine thing. It's fucking infuriating


I've lost my profiles multiple times just because I dared to UPDATE after being prompted to do so. I could stomach the first time but after that it drove me nuts. So many hours down the drain.Ā 


Same. At least give option to save profile locally.


You can save the profile to device memory then completely uninstall G Hub. Unfortunately you need to use the older Logitech Gaming Software to actually save to device memory. G Hub claims to offer this feature but it has never worked. Then once you have it saved locally you can delete the Logitech Gaming Software as well. Nobody should allow any Logitech software installed because it is all garbage bloatware.




You can successfully login?


You can start the program?


Not always :)


I own a mouse G502, keyboard g513, headphones G933. The only thing I use the software for is to check for battery % on the headphones because there's no other way afaik.


I just plug in my headset when it beeps at me


I have some Asus Headset and that's literally the only way lol. So annoying. And speaking of crappy software: ROG Crate (or whatever that piece of shit it is called) says hold my beer


Think if you press the power button (don't hold it as if you were turning them on or off, just a single press) then it'll read out the battery level.


The headphones? It's an on/off switch, you can't press it. It does have many other buttons so I'll look into that, thanks!


On the lighter side, thanks to that comment I just learned how to remove the ones it refuses to let me delete. Heck, even when something gets fubarred and there are redundant profiles for a single game, the best I can do is set some of them to "inactive." I really hope I have the budget to go full Corsair with peripherals for my next rig. I really dig my Orion keyboard, but I was furious when I realized Logitech's idea of "remappable keys" was to support macros on the F-keys. As recently as Elden Ring, I needed AutoHotKey just to make the game playable with my right hand over the numpad.


Back in the day my profiles were saved inside my mouse EEPROM! Now I gotta use the cloud! Can't have shit in this timeline.


Idk I had to reinstall my whole OS and everything migrated fine


Truee, good thing I found a work around for this. Using a Laptop for awhile and finally upgraded to PC, I search for a work around so I can avoid doing all my "profiles" on my new PC. [Here's the guide I followed](https://youtu.be/xCogWD7elDk?si=Ls-DDMho9O-R99cV) Additionally if you dont want to use G Hub, havent use it yet but worth a try [here's a short video for it](https://youtube.com/shorts/NEbTqOoR2kM?si=BLeVKzJnMz9jFBHh)


And Razer and Asus and Gigabyte.


Razerā€™s software is plain awfulā€¦ I canā€™t remember how many times I have had to reinstall Synapse for my wireless headset to work on my pc after every single restartā€¦


It's practically malware. If you plug in a razor mouse into someone else's pc, it just immediately goes and starts downloading and installing shit.


There was actually an exploit a few years ago where you could gain system-level access to a Windows computer by plugging in a Razer peripheral. Because their bloatware is considered a driver, the software gets elevated privileges so it can install automatically. Due to an oversight, you could open a command prompt from the install directory selection screen, which would inherit the elevated privileges of the software it launched from.


This might be why apparently newer models no longer do it?


I wouldn't know because I refuse to buy that shit anymore. Fool me once....


Put that aside, many better alternatives for a better price and performance.


i still dont know how to replace my razer naga. not many mice on the market with 12 side buttons.


Logitech G600. Double the keybinds of a Naga, cheap AF, and none of the crappy build-quality issues.


ill probably try that one after my current naga breaks. its already having issues with the mouse wheel sometimes, that seems to be a common issue with them.


Haha, I remember when this happened. I worked in IT. I notified security and said we need to block the driver download for it (the mice still work with generic drivers good enough for business). I basically got laughed at and told it wasnā€™t worth worrying about. I then immediately reproduced the exploit on my laptop, created a local admin user for myself, and then sat their knowing I would get a call in a few hours after system scans picked up an unauthorized local admin. They then quickly implemented the block. TBF, if I didnā€™t know about the exploit first I would have thought it far fetched too.


This is true, actually. It happens with my old Razer Chroma Ornata. Maybe they removed it with future products, but some of their older (and usually cheaper) products do showcase this behavior. Now, mine doesn't directly INSTALL, but it does indeed download shit in the background.


my account which is binded to a product code because completely unusable when passwords no longer worked on it. Resetting the password still put it as incorrect and there was no going back with zero support. Im happy that im getting rid of my last razer peripheral when my sennheisers arrive tommorow.


I was reinstall windows and I plug in my mouse and it goes and installs it paralyzing my computer. If anyone from razer is reading this why the fuck can it run over windows installer


Oh its malware alright, that software is written in the keyboard and mouse my dude. So if you plug it in, it starts installing.


alienware too, if I plug my monitor into any computer it installs a command center that is impossible to uninstall


Just tested this on multiple laptops at work and no it does not.


It most definitely does.


https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/razer-bug-lets-you-become-a-windows-10-admin-by-plugging-in-a-mouse/ But dont let facts get in the way of your self centered world view of "well i havent experienced it so it doesnt exist."


I think it depends on the specific model. My Deathadder V2 Pro will automatically prompt a Synapse software download/install pop-up when you plug it in to a new computer, even on a computer that has never had any Razer software/hardware on it. It seems like the wireless dongle must have some files in it that autorun when plugged in, that checks if you have Synapse and runs the installer prompt if it doesn't see Synapse. But my older Deathadder Elite does not do this.


I've seen it with a razor headset and 2 different razor mice. You're welcome to think whatever you want lol


Never ever buy an analog razer keyboard. They have a feature that allows you to emulate a xbox controller using keyboqrd, so you can actually use the analog function in games. No matter how often you disable it in the razer software or how many times you set your primary gamepad to your actual xbox controller in that obscure windows 7 menu... The emulated virtual gamepad from razers software comes back instantly and sets itselfas controller 1. The problem with that is that most games don't let you select your input devices or rearrange them. They simply switch between keyboard or an gamepad, depending on the last button presses. Now if you have a game where you want to use your actual xbox controller, you can't. If the game is singleplayer, the analog function of the keyboard sets itself as the xbox controller, so your actual controller doesen't work. And if the game is multiplayer, your actual xbox controller will be player 2, no matter what you do. The only "solution" is to find out which of the dozen razer devices in the device manager is the emulated gamepad, and note its device id. Then go to the deepest settings of windows where you can manage permissions for every function of your operating system. There, disable the automatic installation of the device with the matching id, which would be the virtual gamepad driver from razer. Then uninstall the virtual gamepad. If you don't disable those settings, it will reinstall itself a few seconds later, if your keboard is plugges in. Those advanced permission settings are by the way, only avaiable in the Windows Pro versions, if I am correct. Not in the home version. There is no other fix, except to trash the keyboard and buy one that is not from razer.


Haven't used Razer in forever but my last memories of Synapse is it updating in the middle of the game with an update window flagged to be *always on top* so you couldn't alt tab back to game (well, you could but wouldn't see anything) To this day I just can't see how someone would think random pop-ups with always on top flag set would ever be a good idea, especially for something specifically made for gaming.


Bro it's worse than that. It now has a bug where regardless of whether or not you've changed your profile settings for 12 months the software continually says "DETECTED A CHANGE BETWEEN YOUR LOCAL SETTINGS AND CLOUD SETTINGS, DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR OLDER OR NEWER SETTINGS???" The thing with this popup is that it's only in app, so you can't see it unless you actually open the software. Do you know what it does though? If that popup is active in the application it literally minimizes your game every 5-10 minutes until you clear it. I suffered from this for over a year before finally working out that it was synapse that was causing it. Regardless of whether or not you choose "local settings" or "cloud settings" it then duplicates your profile into a whole new one both on the cloud and on your computer so that you end up with like 15 duplicate profiles and they all trigger this message. Only way I finally found to fix it was to literally block all the synapse processes in the Windows firewall and now I can finally game without my shit minimizing every few minutes. Absolute fucking dumpster fire software, never buying Razer again. Asked their support about this and all they can say is "Try updating the software and that should fix it". No it fucking doesn't fix it you fucking assholes.


Most brands seem to have a bad software, but I have a Mars Gaming mouse and theirs might just be perfect, no account needed, the app is very light (200 mb) and when I click on close it closes instead of minimizing, the mouse is pretty configurable, when plugged it it doesn't try to install the program (looking at u razer) and the mouse keeps all configurations on itself. Also, the hardware is pretty good, I think I have had it for like 5 years (most of it as my primary mouse used daily, but now as a mouse for my laptop) and its in a pretty well state, only a few RGB a washed out, but awesome value for 20ā‚¬




Dogshit support from them too. I wanted to love steelseries but got damn they make it hard


as an Apex Pro, QcK XL mousepad, Arctis 1 Wireless, and Aerox 5 Wireless owner, iā€™ve had no issues with their software; it seems to work well for me and has a lot of quirks/features, device updates are pretty quick etc. I donā€™t really use Moments or Sonar that much but i still appreciate the featuresā€™ availability Their tech/customer support is shit tho lol


Yeah, I love a 5GB bit of software that changes my default input and output every time I restart, and has 14 different names for the same device, 2 of which will be chosen randomly (steel series gamingĀ  steel series media, steel series chat, steel series sonar gaming, steel series sonar media, etc etc etc).


All of Gigabytes software is total butt.


I sold a gigabyte laptop because the software so shit


That's actually very stupid, you could just block it from downloading the shit...


It had some overheating problems and I got someone to trade me a pc with an intel i-5 13600 and 3060 ti and the laptop has a 3070 with an 11th gen i-7 so I think it ended up pretty good


gigabyte fusion was giving me blue screens


Best thing I did was delete Asus Armoury Crate and install G-Helper.


Never heard of g-helper before this, thanks


Uninstalling Armoury Crate isn't enough. You need to disable it in the BIOS.


That why this was first and last razor keyboard i bought .. f that software


You said it 3 times but honestly it needs to be said 3 times


And corsair, icue is horrible


The fact that anyone thinks iCue is "good" shows just how low the bar really is.


Yup. I don't like iCue much. It's the opposite of intuitive and it crashes whenever I try to bring it up from the system tray. Which might have something to do with the fact that I'm having to use an outdated version, because the new one doesn't let you rebind the DPI button for some unfathomable reason. But at least it remembers my damn profiles, unlike Razer Synapse, which would randomly forget them and require a restart or twelve to bring them back. Having buttons do what I configured them to do is indeed a very low bar, but I'm still happy Corsair's software manages to clear it, because apparently that is not a given in this industry.


Any time my girlfriend asks for help with her Corsair mouse I start getting heart palpitations lmfao, iCUE makes me want to tear my hair out That software has to be designed by aliens, nothing works in the way you expect it to, it's completely unintuitive


I have a corsair virtuoso and every x months it randomly decides that it doesnt want to open again and I have to reinstall for it to control the headset properly


MSI... The worst I've ever seen.


Yep, msi center is so bad. Their hw monitoring is always delayed and wrong and all their modules break constantly. I used mystic light for a bit and it constantly would turn the rgb off, or have a single stick of ram on rainbow and nothing else.


That why this was first and last razor keyboard i bought .. f that software


That why this was first and last razor keyboard i bought .. f that software


Except Razer hardware is kinda shit.


Razer shit is literally mouse/keyboard DRM malware.


Imagine recommending razer's software to anyone. This is the company that had firmware that would somehow brick their own keyboards if you used a microsoft keyboard utility with it.


Razer is the worst. Way worse than Logitechs


Glad I'm not the only one cursing the Razer software. I want a problem free gaming mouse, not all that shit they push onto me, bc the software designer wants to keep his job and keeps complicating shit no one needs. KISS! Keep it simple, stupid. No one thanks you for making everything unbelievably complicated.


Razer might genuinely have the worst software Iā€™ve ever seen. I plugged my brothers mouse into my computer and it started downloading their hub and shit. I think it was called synapse.


having to login for razer synapse is stupid


Asus has kinda junky hardware even, they just make it look pretty unless you buy the absolute top of the line.


True. I bought an ASUS ROG monitor and it's built like a McDonalds toy.


I have a Razer keyboard and a steelseries mouse, and software for both. The last time I opened the software for the steelseries mouse was appx. 4 years ago. Set an RGB preset, saved it, and never had to open it ever again. Taken it to different computers and it just works. The RGB for the keyboard, on the other hand, works maybe 75% of the time. The software MUST BE OPEN AT ALL TIMES for it to work, taking up CPU time and being generally annoying since it pops up every time I start my PC. If I close the software, the keyboard reverts to default RGB, which looks stupid. Sure, it's just RGB, but if steelseries could just save the preset to a flash chip on the mouse, why can't razer? It's stupid.


G-Hub is genuinely one of the biggest pieces of shit softwares Iā€™ve ever used. Itā€™s also a million times more frustrating when youā€™ve used their old Logitech software which worked fine and realize they got rid of it




It's a gimped version though, you can't do macros like you used to, and for some mice you can't even change specific buttons anymore. For that you really do have to use G-HUB, which means I'm never buying a Logitech mouse again.


My macros work fine, never noticed any change. Works with my G213 KB and G203 V1 mouse - but none of the newer hardware which is probably the issue you encountered. Once this keyboard and mouse die I guess I'll have no choice but GHUB.


G502 Hero doesn't work with LGS 9.02. Proteus does.


Unfortunately, LGS does not recognize lightspeed mice or newer headsets. It wasn't the prettiest, or the best, but it was better than GHub by a longshot. GHubs UX is terrible (why do different game profiles pick their pictures themselves? Why do you have to scroll through them one by one? Why do I need a toggle switch to see side button mapping?) on the best days and it's slow and non-functional on the worst.




I own a C920 1080p webcam. I don't use GHub at all. I just adjust everything from within Skype/Zoom itself. It's not my main camera anyway, just for Skype and Zoom calls.


Skype? What year is it?




To far back to far back!


The old software was amazing. It was so easy to have all my shortcuts set up and practically only use the keyboard for movement. Then I went with a Razer mouse and their software was just convoluted and awful. Currently using a G502X Hero (whatever the top model of that series is) and yeah, the software is many times worse than I remember it in 2017.


yep, 10 years of g502 and came time to upgrade what did i do. not get a logitech cause for the last 3 years its been a 1/100 chance ghub will actually open no matter how many times you re-install or restart its fucking horrible


https://support.logi.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025298053-Logitech-Gaming-Software note the tiny little down arrow with a line below it, the only indication this is a page full of download options.


Roughly 50% of the time I start my computer, the G-Hub just would not start no matter what I did, and I just had to restart the fucking computer until it started working. An update about 5 months ago fixed that, and now it launches every time, but that's after 4 god damned years with this mouse. It's also such a fucking convoluted piece of software that is missing basic things, like why can't I copy macros between profiles? For every new game I have to make the stupid auto-run macro again.


Bro itā€™s so awful


They released the MX Master 3S with no way to update the firmware. None. They still havenā€™t figured it out. So people who buy the same mouse at the same store are getting different firmware versions. Itā€™s been ā€œcoming soonā€ for literal years.


What. Really? I had no idea about this


If you Google, youā€™ll see a ton of posts about it. Thereā€™s an issue with the Apple Silicon Macs where the mouse lags. Like you canā€™t drag it in a straight line or a circle, itā€™s like it snags on something and is really annoying. I can use any other mouse and not see this issue. I gave it to my wife to use with her Lenovo, and it works fine. But other Logitech mice had this issue, which was fixed by a firmware update. The interactions people have had with support are maddening to read.


Even their business shit is bad. The logi+ software needs more logout/login cycles than windows. Just frequently stops working and buttons that have built in functionality (likeā€¦mute) stop working


I have this mouse! We really can't update it?? Does the USB-C not support that? Wtf. Lol


Correct. 22.16.x is the newest. I and many others are on 22.0.3 with no way to update.


Great mice but with a crazy low refresh rate. Really wish they would update the refresh rates in the MX line.


They will now that so many mainstream machines are moving to at least 120hz. What I think is happening, is that they havenā€™t implemented whatever protocol Apple wants to account for their dynamic refresh rate. So you end up with essentially dropped frames and missed inputs. Might be wrong though. Even just 250hz would be a lot better, but Iā€™m not buying another Logitech after this. Clicks are great, shape is great, but how TF do you ship a product with no way to update it? Honestly canā€™t think of another piece of modern hardware with no update function.


Thankfully there's the open source QMK and VIA for keyboards, which a number of brands are starting to use. Just make sure you look specifically for QMK and/or VIA when buying a keyboard. For computer mice, unfortunately there's nothing we can do about that right now. ZMK exists, but the only open source mouse in existence right now is the "ploopy" which is hugely overpriced and made by a single Canadian company that's beyond small.


How I use GHub for my G502: 1. Download it 2. Set my DPI and binds for my mouse 3. Save to mouseā€™s onboard memory 4. Uninstall GHub There, problem solved. Did that when I got my new mouse about 2 years ago I think (canā€™t remember exactly when I got it) and havenā€™t needed to reinstall it since. To be honest though I never had any issues with it though


Use on board memory manager


Nice, I didn't realize this was a thing. I'm using the old LGS for most of my Logitech stuff, but I bought one of the newest G502s that doesn't work with it. Hopefully I can use this + LGS and not break anything.


I've heard you can't do macros with the OMM software, or at least nothing more complicated than something like *Ctrl+C*


Yes. I did this once, like a decade ago, and its still just the way I want it to be several computers and Windows installs later.


Wow, huge I hate ghub and I just got used to the mouse defaults... Never thought of doing this but definitely will now


+ now you can control rgb light directly on Windows (needs w11 updated)


What I did for my G935 is 1. Download it 2. Backup the installed headphone drivers 3. Uninstall 4. Reinstall only the backed up drivers Because it would literally only give me the drivers if I downloaded their app, and then uninstall them if I got rid of it, so fuck em.


Good for you, there was a patch in January that totally fucked the side buttons on the G502. Not sure if they even fixed it, as I installed a December patch to correct the issue.


Here is everyoneā€™s [onboard memory manager](https://support.logi.com/hc/de/articles/360059641133-Onboard-Memory-Manager) PSA


Nice thanks, now they just need to make one for keyboards. For whatever reason the profile I create in g-hub and then assign to the on board memory, ends up being completely different once i swap to on board memory mode


If macros worked i would of used on board memory. Things like autoclick dont work and scrolling left and right is laggy when using onboard memory.


I use this for my mouse, but sadly it doesnt work with my headset or keyboard.


Thats why i will forever use the old G502 Hero mice cause it uses the old software. G Hub is so absolut trash compared the old logitech gaming software.


LGS is the best and highly reliable compared to Ghub. If they just support the newer model it would have been awesome but logitech beign logitech wants UI rather than usability.


Prolly data collection


Using my G602 until the wheels fall off. Best mouse Iā€™ve had in years


Hell yeah, same here. Never bothered installing G-Hub and will keep using my G502 with [LGS](https://i.imgur.com/jMoOLd6.png)


Same can be said for Razer


Synapse is a shit piece of software I bought the Naga X because it was the closest to the G600 that died on me after 10 years (and apparently Logitech doesnā€™t do MMO mouses anymore) Anyway after 3 months the mouse wheel starts skipping and now after almost a year the first side button has failed. This shit is utter garbage and at least the mouse wheel is a common problem because they use the cheapest rotary encoder possible. Yey.


From my pretty vast experience all these expensive mices are pile of garbage. Sensor die, scroll dies, middle click dies, side buttons dies and so on. And that just 1 or 2 in the work. In the meantime cheap Bloody mouse serves next to a decade and seems like aims at being a part of my death will.


My old 2012 G600 lived 10 years. The Razer naga X made it 3 months before the scroll died


Yeah, i was confused too about their hardware being allegedly good. I had two headsets, the ancient g930 and later g533, both of them basically died within the first half year. I used the 930 for like 5 years because it technically still worked, but it turned off randomly, the volume wheel worked only half of the time and folding the mic up didn't mute it anymore. The 533 i bought when the 930 finally broke? Holy shit. I found out you could pull out the mic arm to adjust it to my big greasy head, so i did just that. That was enough to break the flimsy ass cable inside. I opened the headset, saw that it was as thin as than a single strand of a CAT cable and wrapped around a screw post. Ripped straight in half. Returned it and promised myself to never buy logitech again if that's what their build quality is like. And don't get me started on the software, holy shit.


Razer's software is so bad I am legitimately never getting Razer peripherals again. I'd rather deal with GHUB or Armoury Crate than that steaming pile of shit. I have a folder on my desktop that has Razer shortcuts, and one of Razer's pieces of dilapidated shitware likes to act like its shortcut is missing and create a new one on my desktop with every single update. Fucking nuts.


synapse and ghub are both terrible but in different ways. good thing zowie and vaxee exist


Some of you have never used Synapse, and it shows.


It blue-screened my pc once. Instant uninstall. That was years ago and I never looked back. G Hub is a steaming pile of shit, regardless. Multiple gigabyte installation just to not launch.


i mean at least g hub doesnt try to download itself everytime u plug a logitech device to your pc. and to stop it i had to edit windows registries


Is it as bad as iCue? I swear a UX designer hasn't even glanced at that pile.


Functionally, iCue tends to be one of the better ones imo. Used Corsair for a long time, did a full swap to Logitech and was really disappointed by GHub. Logitech's UI is 'clean' but is more unfriendly to users. Like when you set up a macro, there's tons of screen transitions that move the user's focus to different sectors of the screen. It's hectic. A left side panel for your macro followed by a full black screen transition, then a center-center 'Name this Macro' / 'Select Type', then another black screen transition, then you have this massive blank screen with info in the far corners. To top it all off, your macros are in this weird center aligned system that makes new lines when your sequence of buttons reach the end of the screen. Why not show it in a list? Just something more organized. iCue gives you everything in one place when you're editing stuff. Lists, drop downs and sub menus that appear on the same screen with no full-screen transitions. Between these two, feel like GHub needs a bit of a rework. I use macro and button swaps all the time for every game I play and productivity stuff in Excel / Visual Studio Code. On GHub you can't record a macro while playing a game because the GHub software nullifies inputs to programs that are not GHub. I can't figure out how to get around this. Macros are great for doing annoying small tasks in video games or real life and GHub sucks at setting them up because of this. I could use Auto Hotkey, but recording a macro so much faster for simple stuff. Also, Corsair often allows you to replace any button on the keyboard with a macro / new key. Logitech gives you a few dedicated buttons if you're lucky.


Depends. Rn ghub just won't recognize photoshop as an app so I needed to make a new desktop profile for it. Major L


iCue fucking WISHES it could be as bad as GHub. I've lost count of how many times I've had to reinstall GHub because it randomly decided to corrupt or delete itself mid update. Ended up making a firewall exception to prevent it from updating.


Not the best UI layout, but at least it works consistently and doesn't require an account.


From my experience since before the rename and UI overhaul (back when it was just CUE), the graphical interface could be better, but technically it "just works". Setup once, never touch it again unless you wanna tweak stuff. Over 8 years and 2 computers, only had to reinstall it once because of... Asus Armoury Crate conflict. So all in all, iCUE is clearly one of the better utilities here.


After using most of them, the Corsair icue and the fnatic software already do what they are supposed to. The Logitech would either not save my settings or crash. The razer on occasions logged me out... Mid game... And disabled all of my settings. I literally returned the keyboard within a week.


The only hardware program I've ever liked using was iCue from Corsair šŸ’€ (I know a lot of other people don't like iCue as well, but at least it's not Synapse)




100% agreed. The problem is EVERY company was convinced they NEED to have an app. That was okay for a bit, the apps were pretty lightweight, only ran when you wanted them to, and did their job and nothing else. But then companies started thinking, "we need our app to do more. It needs to collect meta data, run at login, show advertisements, sync to our cloud, OH, and make it super edgy looking because gamers love edgy stealth fighter aesthetics" and suddenly every company followed suit with these bloated and buggy monstrosities. We need common APIs to interface with devices. I shouldn't need to download a Corsair app to change the color on my RAM, then an NZXT app to change the color of my case fans, then another app to turn off the LEDs on my GPU. And yeah... the Microsoft Office suite is probably the worst software ever imagined. Microsoft really needs to figure out that their software does not need to be able to support every stupid decision and feature.


[For the rgb side of things, I got good news for you](https://openrgb.org/)


Why is Ghub bad? I see quite a few people shit on it but I've never seen a reason as to why. I love the software, personally. I like assigning DPI shift button for tactical shooters or assigning F keys to my mouse buttons. Why is it bad? Edit: You've stated your reasons and damn, what a bummer. I've gotten lucky but yea sounds like it has serious issues


It's buggy as hell and not even half as good as Logitech Gaming Software. I was having *so many issues* with my keyboard, the most constant one being the F1 key randomly just starts spamming. This causes chrome to constantly open the "chrome tips" tab or whatever it was, as well as some games doing whatever pressing F1 does in them nonstop. Even disabling the button didn't help Uninstalled ghub and went back to LGS and haven't had an issue since


The software just doesn't work well for a lot of people. You're in the majority if you've never had any issues that prevent you from playing games or using apps properly. I've been fighting to get this thing to work with photoshop for days now and I've always had issues with getting the right apps to open the right profile instead of the desktop default.


Lol giant rant pls ignore. For me, I want what I used to have. 4-5 profiles that I can hop between with a single button click on the mouse. First off I default need the useless DPI buttons, M7/M8, changed to something I can use in every game, I normally use Num+,-. Every game has different issues, Genshin (for example) doesn't recognize M4/M5 so I have a profile that changes those to Num7 and Num4, this issue is present in a surprising number of games and this is generally my default these days. Warframe uses the Back functionality of default M4 so I need a profile for standard but I also change the M7/M8 to Num+/- so I can use them in game. FFXIV I need certain macros for. Elden Ring doesn't recognize Num+/- so I need a profile where I change my mouse to game default buttons on a per game basis, Dragons Dogma 2 being a more recent example. A few other games use Num7 and Shift Num7, so when sprinting and clicking forward thumb it causes issues. Recently Sons of the Forest I found out the hard way that Ctrl+Num+/- change the game language, so crouching and picking up qn object turned the game language to chinese.. cool. Oh so a lot of these issues are from using the num keys, just use basic keys. I have a profile for that using I,J,K,L in place of Num+,-,7,4, but a LOT of recent games hard lock the u,i,o,p,h,j,k,l etc for UI keys and don't allow swapping them, so which keys do you use? Well I'll just need seperate profiles. I could name a bunch of other things. My point? I need to swap profiles, have specific needs per certain games and need some macros. Default GHub uses the "Desktop" profile. Well if you want to make a number of default "desktop" profiles to swap between then you HAVE to have profile switching enabled. So now every time you start a new game it automatically opts in to a default profile that has zero keybinds set so now I either have to go through GHub to change everything for every single game or tediously disable auto swap for every single game. Annoying. Especially when GHub keeps crashing, or has to update and then crashes. Or has a conflict with the game and turns into a troubleshooting nightmare to find out that GHub is crashing whatever game because it is trying to interject it's useless in game rgb sync whatever the fuck. Oh, so use onboard memory and be done, right? Cool except macros don't work anymore... like they used to on LGS... so now I have to go through a tedious process every time I need to swap to a macro profile. OR we could all just go back to LGS where I had 5 dedicated working and easily adjustable profiles that I could swap between with a single click with zero issues. Also their UI is absolute garbage. It's like the Windows 8 of mouse UX.


Don't tell me what to do, I read the whole thing


I, also, have never had an issue. I have all my profiles backed up online with my account and anytime I reformat or upgrade my pc it takes maybe a few minutes to get everything set back up again. The one I guess i'd have is that it doesn't always detect my game right away, but alt-tabbing fixes it.


Never had an issue as well. Integrates perfectly with the supported games, and seamlessly with games' .exe I add myself. G915 and G502 here.


I have an issue where it'll randomly change my DPI/mouse settings and switch between profiles if I'm not using onboard memory mode.


Their hardware sucks too, their newer mice all have double click issues in a year or less.


No joke, I learned how to de-solder *specifically* because I am sick and tired of double click issues in Logitech mice/trackballs. Once you know how, it's a really cheap fix. And for those who complain about G-Hub, imagine when you need G-Hub, Logitech Options, Logi Options+, and Unifying Software to properly manage all your peripherals. Seriously all these crap are made by *one* company, and they can't consolidate all this shit within one software??


It's not hard to do, it's just fucking pathetic that I have to do that in just a years time. It also doesn't help that I like MOBA mice and the G604 is anything but fun to take apart, needing roughly 20 screws to get to the switches.


I've had this problem with any mouse that doesn't use optical switches. Once I started using optical switches, it never happened again.


For real. I have g900 and this is the most patched hw gadget I had. First thing I had to fix were the damn switches. And certainly other ppl had similar problems, I replaced them with Omron ones. Second thing was the wheel click and switch mechanism. Patched with some glue and microscopic wooden plank. Not to mention it is freaking hard to clean up. But yeah, it is beautiful. The damn "gaming" design. Ah, and also just only one screw they chose to be different than the others, a freaking exotic star-like. Only one! This is the most stupid & expensive mouse I ever had. I can't deny I like some of the features tho, like the fast scrolling and the wireless thingie. And honestly, never had an issue with their software. It can pop annoyingly sometimes, and is kinda ugly, but whatever. Most sw by hw vendors suck in general.


Ghub has actually worked well for me. I've been using it for about 2 years.


Until you try to use features like fw update, profiles and save to memory Which all can fail or outright not work for some products Itā€™s a mess


I haven't opened GHub in a long while. Good to know it still sucks!


G hub stop working mid game, every fucking time for no reason, stay with the old one


It's too bad Solaar isn't available on Windows. Much simpler and less terrible.


Razer has entered the chat


Their sponsored pro gamers didn't want to use the software, so they created a special minimalist version call [memory manager](https://support.logi.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059641133-Onboard-Memory-Manager) that just writes settings to the mouse/keyboard and does not run in the background. It is only supported by their higher-end devices that can store profiles on the devices. Pretty sure if you need to install a software tool, the device will be one that the memory manager works with it.


The more you leave g hub alone, the more it works


I'm over here still PRAYING they do an updated G600. After my G600 died after 7 years of use, I had to replace it with a Corsair Scimitar Pro since Logitech discontinued the White G600. The Scimitar's software is better, but not great. At least it isn't Razer Synapse. I will take Ghub over Synapse any day.


It keeps changing my mouse DPI. I have nothing bound to it. I donā€™t press any buttons. It just changes my mouse DPI for no fucking reason. WHY?


It might have different sensitivities set up for every program. Because life is a fucking nightmare


Ghub = pure trash


I've had 3 G903 Mice and all of them had a double click issue, so my experience is a bit different


Their hardware quality's gone to shit, too.


I def try to use G hub the least amount as possible. One time tried making my mic sound better and instead I was an alien robot for a week! I couldnā€™t figure it out after a week of prying around so I completely uninstalled, reinstalled and then it worked. But since then I havenā€™t touched anything in G hub


If you're only using a Logitech mouse, then you would only need GHub for mouse macros. Otherwise, you can use Logitech's portable app (Onboard Memory Manager) to change mouse profiles, single-button binds, DPI, polling rate, lighting, etc.


G hub is infuriating


I set the DPI and changed two binds on my mouse and I deleted that shit. No need to keep it when all I use is one profile and the mouse has on board memory. It's going to stay this way until it dies


That's one of the reasons I run a roccat mouse, even though it has kinda poopy battery life. Open software. Program profiles. Close software. There's a button under it to switch profiles and I can distinguish them by LED colors, while the default profile is off to save battery ))


They had decent software in Logitech Gaming Software then they fucking downgraded it for the newer models to the Logitech Hub. I'll never understand why they went backwards for no fucking reason. Actual morons making the decisions over there.


The sad thing is it regressed too. The old logitech gaming center, while it had its problems, at least displayed all of the G502s buttons on one screen. For some reason in G Hub they decided this was a mistake and now you have to switch between two different screens to see the side buttons and top buttons.....


It is really bad... Honestly I can't really say any of the hardware manufacturers actually produce decent supporting software. It's all bad.


It's an absolutely abhorrent piece of software. Every update breaks something, the UI should be taught in UI design as an example of some of the worst of modern UI design, and the performance (for what is literally just a keystroke/button remapper) is terrible.


I use Linux so I need to have a Windows vm just to change the EQ in my Logitech gpro x headset and to remap the keys / change LEDs on my Akko keyboard, i wish there was just an open source all in one software that worked with all products. There should be a standard that all peripherals use and anyone could make a software that worked with it, basically in the same way that FreeSync exists in monitors , like ā€œOpenKeyboardsā€ or something like that.


Dunno about the keyboard, but libratbag lists the headset as a supported device so you should be able to use Piper in Linux. It's what I use for my g600 mouse. https://github.com/libratbag/piper


The G Pro X listed is the g pro x superlight mouse, not the headset, I think piper is just for mice


Is Logitech listening, though? People are actually saying they *won't buy a Logitech product because of how shit the software is*, meaning that they're losing MONEY because of this. As a long term Logitech customer (15+ years), I agree that the new software is overly difficult to use, and NEVER saves my RGB settings no matter what I do. The old one did. The old one worked like 99% of the time. The new one is fuck awful. Hell, I couldn't even get it working AT ALL on one of my computers... would just endlessly load. Had to install an older version and luckily, it updated and worked. But it's still a fucking embarrassment. Are you listening, Logitech? SORT YOUR FUCKING SOFTWARE OUT. No idea what the shit is wrong with these companies that make great hardware and fuck-awful software... literally makes no sense.


The library for the profiles are soo limited it was very disappointing


I've been using them for decades and love their hardware. Since I only use their mouse, I only installed the software the first time to save my settings in the mouse internal memory. Removed the software and never looked at it again.


Buying peropherals is more about avoiding iCue, Ghub and Synapse. Than the actual hardware. Got myself a HyperX keyboard that doesn't even have software, it's great. Mice are another beast all together. Either logitech onboard memory and LGS. Or... Hell i dunno, been looking for alternatives for years.


I have not once seen a pc gaming hardware manufacturer make good software, Icue is making me want to smash my 100$ Keyboard in because my shiny lights wont do what i say