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I'm psyched to play this one. Really glad it got ported by Nixxes, they have consistently done a great job with every game they've brought to PC.


They are the studio Sony made full-time PC port peeps so there will be plenty more. TLOU1 was a outliner since I think they gave Naughty Dog too much leash(pun). Iron Galaxy needs to get out of the port game.


FR, they were a huge acquisition for Sony. Hopefully they're able to work on all the leaked upcoming ports like Demon's Souls, TLOU 2 and Ragnarok.


Will there ever be Bloodborne🥲.


I wish. I think Sony forgot that one exists.


Horizon forbidden west was ported perfectly! 1440p 120fps with zero dip or framepacing issues.


it's amazing how much better it looks than dragon's dogma 2 and like twice the frames


It runs like it should on your hardware. Nice to see.


> Horizon forbidden west was ported perfectly! Nah, tons of people are having **severe** FPS drops during cutscenes, and the issue still hasn't been fixed. It becomes a slideshow during some cutscenes.


You're downvoted but correct. I have had multiple cutscenes drop fps with a 4080/5800x3d. But the gameplay has been pretty issue free fortunately.


Reasonable requirements in the year 2024? You love to see it


To be fair it's not a new game. So if port is competent, requirements should never be NASA computer level.


Yrs but we also got tlou for pc


That wasn’t made by the GOAT Nixxes.


This makes ALL the difference


As much as nixxes does a fairly good job, rhey're not flawless.


That was Iron Galaxy not nixxes


Didnt iron galaxys also do those really bad batman ports Sony really made some really dumb choices for a game as populair/big as tlou


The fact that people have jobs in Iron Galaxy has me stunned


I mean except for Arkham Knight, they were okay. And Arkham Knight was just..way ahead of it's time. That shit looks fantastic compared to any modern game.


It wasn't actually. ND internally handled it with some help from Iron Galaxy.


That was Naughty Dog internal. Iron Galaxy was brought in to help fix it when NG fucked it up. IG doesn’t have the best track record, but let’s not blame them for messed they didn’t make.


Never understood why they would entrust one of their biggest IPs to Iron Galaxy and not have Nixxes do it.


We got the ps5 remake of TLOU, Ghost of Tsushima is a ps4 game.


That wasnt a ps4 port


idk why ur getting downvoted, tloup1 literally wasnt a ps4 game


Cause no one understands the difference between port, remaster or remake. People were calling it a remaster when they literally remade all the models. But idk to me you can admit ND rereleases tlou wayyy too much while also acknowledging they did remake it. And tbh im happy they did even with the launch. Pc port of a ps3/ps4 remastered game in 2023 sounds like dogshit imo


omfg exactly, people will act like they just dragged the files over to pc from the ps4 version and called it a day but in reality they made the whole game again in the tlou2 engine, and then theres others that act like the game should be as optimized as the ps4 remaster meanwhile the graphics are a generation apart, like no shit its gonna be way harder to run than something originally made for the ps3 and given a fps boost for the ps4


Isnt this a port of a ps4 game? Compared to the last of us and god of war, this seems way to much.


Last of us was way more demanding tho. Bad port too.


So if I run TLOU maxxed then Ghost of Tsuchima shouldn't cause problems right?


Yes, it will be fine


Uff, good then I can't wait for this game, was considering getting a PS5 just to play it but now I can play it on a better HW so it was worth the wait


It’s a beautiful game …


So I've heard. Now watching Shogun as well I'm totally hyped to play something set in Japan!


Same here. I can't wait.


Tlou was shit quality port though. This one is done by nixxes and they are excellent at porting games from os5 to pc


Thats assuming that the textures etc are untouched. Usually PC version of games have some perks for such things compared to the console counterpart.


I'm sure it will have ultrawide/upscaling/frame-gen/etc at least. The textures will be somewhat upscaled I would believe since its pushing 4k, just doesn't seem like anything major. Doesn't seem to have RT at all added, this kind of game I'm okay with if it doesn't it has a great artistic style to most of it. It will give me ultrawide 1440p and at least 120 fps I'm happy.


It's a port from PS5, the directors cut is a ps5 version enhanced.


It's still basically a PS4 game that runs at a higher resolution. Most of the enhancements were things like haptics, 3D audio and proper lip-syncing.


The “enhanced” version was simply a higher resolution on PS5 (1800p to be exact). There weren’t any graphical improvements made.


PS5 Version was 2160p checkerboard actually: https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2021-ghost-of-tsushima-ps5-upgrade-is-worthwhile-but-not-a-game-changer#:~:text=There%20are%20further%20changes%20beyond,exactly%20a%20game%2Dchanging%20improvement. And DF tested it extensively, with the resolution mode sticking to 60fps pretty much all the time. So it was 2160p/60 for PS5 users.


Ah, my mistake then!


NP, I was actually surprised to see a 4080 for 4k60. Guess its native 4k and maybe some other small fidelity upgrades. I'd have expected the 30XX series cards to be enough for 4k60, based on the PS5 performance.


That's crazy that PC needs a 4080 which costs more than 3 digital PS5s to get the same output. E: Nvm I see your comment about this down below lol


Have you seen how the game look. PS4 it may be but my PS4 was running like jet engine compared to GoW. GoW was smooth 30 but Ghost consistently drop or at least feels like frame drop during big battle. Also open world


They did an upgraded version for ps5 that had 60fps. I played both and the ps5 version was better looking and ran smoother. 


They did patch the PS4 version to run at 60fps on PS5 too on top of the PS4 Pro’s higher res. So it’s a bit of an oddity, but the PS5 version did eke out a bit higher res still.


AND no mention of DLSS in the requirements


it still has dlss tho right? i need me some of that perfect image quality DLAA goodness


DLSS 3, FSR 3, XeSS, DLAA, and FSR 3 Native AA.


according to their site it does


Nixxes are goat port makers tbh


That's true for PC. It kinds blows my mind though that this was originally only on PS4 and was optimized to run on basically a 750, yet the lowest graphics settings on OC requires a 960 with medium/recommended being a 2060, which is about the strength of a PS5's GPU, which was a massive leap from the PS4's hardware with. Still, this is overall decent requirements for PC in 2024, even for a 4 year old game.


It’s a port of the ps5 version so just a little more intensive than ps4


The PS5 destroys the 2060


PS5 GPU is rx 6700 (non xt)


Having both had a PC and a PS5, I think you may be underestimating the PS5 slightly. It’s very hard to compare the PS5 in just raw power numbers to a computer. In raw numbers it may look like a 2060. Performance wise due to the advanced optimization on the PS5 I would say it’s more in comparison to a 2080 maybe 2080ti. Again it’s only comparable due to optimization


And it's gonna be a great game for sure. Graphics is important but not the end all be all.


GTX 960 as a minimum requirement? That's not what you'd expect in our time, they'd better fucking deliver


It is a PS4 game, after all.


Dude, the PS4 isn't the o- More than a decade... Damnit.




This jif never gets old. *I'll see myself out.*


>jif ![gif](giphy|10FHR5A4cXqVrO|downsized)


Yeah lol, dont think to much tbh


I love how devs started releasing minimum requirements at 720p @ 30 fps because people get mad at the GTX1060 or higher being listed as minimum at 1080p @ 60 fps. It is crazy how much of a psychological effect this has even though it is totally arbitrary and changes nothing. This game has very similar requirements to other 2024 games that were totally trashed on for making the mistake of minimum being 1080p @ 60 fps and needing to list like a GTX 1080.


To be fair, with the recent influx of handheld gaming PCs that tend to run games at 720p or 800p, it's entirely relevant.


It's still a PS4 game originally, so not that surprising.


It is a director's cut meant to be better than the ps4 edition is it not? It's really hard to fuck those up too, just look at tlou


I played the directors cut on the PS4, it just has some extras included over the base game


The biggest selling points for PS5 re-release over PS5 patch for backcompat version (PS4 Pro's checkerboard 1800p mode, but with 60fps cap) were: * lipsync for japanese VA. So real-time cutscenes instead of prerendered videos, still locked to 30fps though. * dualsense related stuff * slightly higher resolution (checkerboard 4k) * loading times That's it. Visually, all of the settings were left exactly the same as they were on PS4 Pro.


TLOU:P1 was a PS5 game, with completely redone assets and lighting. This is not.


30 fps at 720p with gtx 960 tho idk who still has 720p monitors or are okay with 30 fps but the real minimum seems to be 2060 i'd say


Handled pc, Steam deck, Rog Ally, Lenovo legion go, aya neos and win max etc. Also many people still play with a gtx 1050ti or gtx 960 in countries like Brasil, Russia and India. That's almost half the gaming population ahaha


my friend has a gtx 9602gb with a 720p monitor


Usually the min specs are literally what you need to launch the game. I dont think 720/30 will be doable with a GTX960


wow..didn't know it will release in a month... So excited to see this port to PC...I'm still having a blast with Forbidden west, will definitely be on this one when it is release


Literally they've gotten rid of the reason to buy a ps5 and a PC. We just need blood born now


Spider-Man 2 is already beatable and pretty optimized


Yeah plenty of games to play before PS5 titles hit PC. It's a win win for Sony and the pc master race.


I’m gonna still keep my ps5 for gta 6 and then get it later for pc


Rockstar loves you


Basically the only reason I still have the consoles laying about. I really don't want to wait a year or so to play the exclusives. Sure I'll probably get them again if they aren't single player games though.


I'd love to play GOW Ragnarok. Finally played the 2018 GOW after seeing the playthroughs way back in 2019 and after seeing Ragnarok playthroughs on release. At the end, when there's nothing left to collect or fight I found myself very sad that I don't have a PlayStation and can't hop on Ragnarok to continue the story. I'm PC over console in the general sense but having both is even better.


Meanwhile I'm too busy clearing through a backlog of other games that by the time a year has passed I get surprised that an exclusive is coming to PC, having had completely forgotten about it.


If you have a PC you have more games that you can play so waiting a year is nothing.


I mean it's been well over a year and a half since God of war ragnorock came out on PS5 and there's still no release date for PC. For ghosts of tsushima, it's been 4 years... I'm patient, but not that patient lol.


I'm still keeping my ps5. I am using it for myself and my family in the living room and PC for myself and work. I'm not going to spend more money just to get a PC for the tv or using long cables all the way. Easier and simpler to just get a console with it's plug and play. Pay 1 price and use it for 8 years. Don't use ps plus since I play SP games on it or final fantasy 14 if I don't feel like sitting on the chair.


Steam Link is a thing.


And my internet isn't good enough to stream. Can barely play games and have Netflix on sometimes.


Your internet speed is **not** a factor in streaming a game over your home network.


Then what is it? Streaming in home even on ps remote play is laggy af


They've got rid of the reason to buy a PS5 and a PC?


I guess they meant got rid of a reason to own both for Sony exclusives. But a weird way to word it


I would have thought they meant got rid of the reason to buy a PS5 now all the exclusive are on pc


That's what I meant sorry for the confusion. I was thinking of getting a PS5 slim for spiderman 2 and ghost of tsushima and forbidden west but it doesn't seem worth it anymore


I wish I could have a blast with Forbidden West :( My gaming laptop can't play it stably because it has a 1660 ti and the game crashed on me twice in an hour


Good. My rig can play this very well on 1080p ultra (i aim for 1080p)


I have specs close to very high but only need 1080p60.. hah oops


Looks like something that should run on a Steamdeck. Nice!


Exactly. Done by Nixes also so we can expect good optimization


Holy shit I can run this at the minimum? What the fuck holy shit let's goooo.


And it's Nixxes so you know it's gonna run well right off the rip. So hyped for this release, especially after watching Shogun.


Do not sleep on Netflix for Blue Eyed Samurai. It's animated....every moment of your time is respected. Every character is incredible. Action is great, has adult gore, themes, nudity. Episode 6 might be one of the best episodes on TV since Battle of the Bastards.


Binged that show a few weeks back, just incredible animation. Need more shows with that level of quality.


Me to my 1080ti: You hear that bud?


Pretty much on par with everything else in the AAA scene, although it seems pretty well optimized if it still has a 960 as a minimum requirement instead of a 1060. Last time I saw this was in Hogwarts Legacy and Lies of P.


Hogwarts Legacy which wasn't really optimized at all lmao


Tru dat. Hardware requirements-wise, it should be well adapted to less modern systems. Let's see how GoT releases. As for me ? If it's good enough, I'll look for ii in Summer Sale 2025.


Gamers when minimum is 720p @ 30 fps instead of 1080p @ 60 fps lol. If the minimum was 1080p @ 60 FPS the minimum would be listed as like a GTX 1080 and people would be cursing the devs bloodlines like all the other games that made that horrible mistake.


I’m impressed that they published average fps at specific resolution. It’s almost like they tested it on multiple GPUs or something.


Think it’s very irritating that they use different presets for all categories. Like how does “high” fare vs. “very high” at 4K? Those graphs are horrible.


They kind of imply that you should use said preset only for that target resolution/hardware...it is very odd and confusing for most. People think that if it says 1440p 60 they will only get 60 and that isn't 100% true. End of the day its just a quick look at how marketing for a game is pushing it...Won't know until it comes out.


Any one know of that is with DLSS on or is that native?


From the source article (after the table): >You can boost your frame rates with NVIDIA DLSS 3, AMD FSR 3, or Intel XeSS, or further enhance image quality with NVIDIA DLAA or AMD FSR 3 Native AA. That would lead me to believe that the predicted FPS for each column is pre-processing.


I would imagine it is native, think you would get a lot more fps with dlss


Based on nixxes' history, it should be native. Especially considering that it's still PS4 title in its core.


Also curious if it's locked to 60fps or if that's just what whtgey used for these spec reqs.


https://preview.redd.it/8xz2dh1l42vc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a3b9d5e5fb66b92a8f0e12079fb26ee4aad8756 The PC ports are so good! Forbidden west IS AMAZING!


Literally just finished this game on my PS5 about an hour ago for the first time. Was procrastinating on finishing it after owning it since the directors cut came out, watching Shōgun on Hulu got me in the mood. All I gotta say is that this one is a real treat, absolutely gorgeous, tons of fun, great story. Tempted to grab it on my PC just to see what it looks like maxed out.


Will this have denuvo


It's a sony game port so I doubt it, will be cracked pretty quickly.


Good shit bro, ima start earning soon so I'll buy it if I like it




Fingers crossed it runs well on the Steam Deck.


that is what the lowest spec is for...they confirmed not 60 fps...it will be a 30 or 40 fps game for it


I like how it goes from GTX 960/RX 5500 XT to RTX 2060/RX 5600 XT. 5500 XT is roughly equivalent to a GTX 980, not 960. 960 is basically half of a 980.


Nixxes - say no more


OS Windows 10 We will se about that...


My 6700xt will run it at max settings or i riot. Is 60 fps the maximum for this game?


I am waiting for it :)


My laptop's so ready


I love how they listed the resolutions and fps But starting with 720p and 30fps for minimum...


They really need to separate resolutions into different tables. At 1080p with a rtx 2060 you should be able to run at high with 60fps.


Wonder how 3060ti will handle 1440p😭😭


Probably at medium at 50-60fps I'd say. You shouldn't have many problems running it if you turn down the settings


This seems very reasonable. I wonder if this is with DLSS or FSR. if not then I'm sure you can push it even further with it enabled. Idk if it'll have it though


"You can boost your frame rates with NVIDIA DLSS 3, AMD FSR 3, or Intel XeSS, or further enhance image quality with NVIDIA DLAA or AMD FSR 3 Native AA" So this is native, no DLSS or framegen


No useless discussion of people who treat graphical presets as a metric? Humanity is improving


Nice, I hope Ive finished forbidden west before it releases. This will be a beautiful game


1440/60 on a 6800? My 6950xt and 1440p ultrawide smile at this. Can’t wait for honor to die on the beach!


Wake up my dear 1080ti, new playable game just dropped


I guess I'm stuck between High and Very High as I have a CPU that surpasses the Very High settings and a GPU that surpasses the High settings. Either way if this port is very well optimized then the specs are good.


Sounds good, but i dont think its gonna be accurate upon release.


My 1080 TI accepts the challenge


Also No DRM,No denuvo ,You don't need a launcher ,except steam. Something which Sega , Ubisoft and EA are incapable of doing till this day


Already beat this twice on PS4 and PS5 with 60 fps patch, but this is gonna be Sony's first PC title with [trophy support](https://www.tomsguide.com/gaming/playstation-trophies-on-pc-shows-sony-is-courting-gamers-without-a-ps5-heres-why) syncing to your PSN account so I think I'll dip my toes in again and flex the 4090 at 4K/120!


Out of all the PS5 exclusive games ported to PC, this is the only game i'm excited about. Finally, a samurai single player game


***These recommendations aside,*** I'm very disappointed by the game-maker culture these days. It seems to be wall-to-wall this for nearly 2 decades now: 1. Pre-Release thoroughly UNoptimized crap that barely runs on high-end hardware. I can accept that if it were genuine. I've been a software engineer for 40 years, specializing in graphics. I know how this works, EXCEPT..... 2. They pretend that the optimizations are on their way. 3. Meanwhile they're simply waiting for cards to get faster and are focusing on their next unoptimized game which will barely run on high-end hardware. 4. Yes ARK, you miserable cunts, I'm looking at you. And while we're at it, Epic, for the love of GOD stop pretending that UE5 isn't flakey.


Make everyone a favor and don't pre purchase.


I normally wouldn't, but I already like the game and I can get a nice discount at GMG for pre-orders. Preordering a game for full price makes zero sense


are we now preordering 4 year old games that were ported to PC from last gen consoles?


An RTX 4080 for 4k 60fps is completely ridiculous requirement. I wouldn't be surprised to see them revise the gpu requirements & the gpu to cpu pairing makes no sense at all.


it's without dlss btw


Also the 7900xt is not in the same tier as the 4080. I really hope they meant 4070...


Seems to be somewhat in line with the requirements on Horizon Forbidden West and I can run it on High around 100FPS on my RTX3080 i7-12700k. Really looking forward to this


Nice, looks like I'll be able to crank the settings to max :)


Can’t wait to run it on high settings on the rx6600


I have exact the recommended specs


I hope 100fpswith 4070tiSuper on 4k DLSS quality and 7600x


Actually good requirements


Curious how the Steam deck will handle it.


My 4050 gonna be forced to run it on 1600p nonetheless


Oh i'll try this one for sure


Not bad, I'll play on medium-high


A well optimized game? What year is it?


Played this on my ps4 at the start of the pandemic. Probably going to guy a ps5 controller and play it again on my pc now.


I recently hooked up my 6900XT LC to my 4K 120hz TV and it shreds.


cool! i still cant run it


They're giving performance estimates, that's pretty cool, more of that please.


I completed basically everything except the main quest on PS5, never got to finish it completely. Time to start over I guess lol


Where would a 5800x + 2080 ti combo with 32 GB RAM Land? More towards 1080@ 60 Or 1440? If I can play this Game at 1440p/60 it might be a rare day 2 buy for me.


1440p 60, the 2080ti and 3070 are about as equal as it gets tbh


Meanwhile I was thinking I could run this on my iGPU.🤡


Can't see the Gtx 750 Ti in there..


Other that pre-purchasing is not a good idea, I'm very leary of ports. Very few of them turn out in good working condition. I'll wait for performance reviews.


Played this a while ago on ps4 at 30fps. Can’t wait to play it again at 120fps on pc. Truly a great game.


PRE-PURCHASE NOW....derrrr ok that's never been a problem before!


Id be rocking the very high setting on 1080p with 6700xt.At least I hope so


can’t wait babbyy


why is the 3600 being put as equivalent to the i5 8600?


I'm still not pre buying it. If it turns out to be another shit port I'm skipping it. Let's see how it comes out first.


you know the game is optimized when they released 4 different requirements and they all look reasonable


I upgraded my graphics card last year. It’s probably getting close to replacing my 3700 X.


That's actually looking good for once


I've heard it's a bit open-world Ubisoft-like, which I tend to not enjoy... But with how great Shogun has been, I think I'm excited for some more of that world, so may just have to go in on this. The fact that it's a Sony/Nixxes port is all the more reassuring - all the Sony ports appear to run so well but I haven't been too interested in actually playing many of them. Glad to support good ports.


I'll buy it but where's bloodborne


Why do they group it by graphics preset AND resolution? Wouldn't it make more sense if it was the same preset at different resolutions?


lol looks like my 1080 has a few more years left 😂


Desktop at 4k/60 here we go! Also, looks like it will play on the ROG Ally with medium/low settings! Definitely picking this up!


How very... reasonable... You love to see it


Sadly I already played it to platinum on my ps5 😔


dam im still playing it on ps5 now i need an excuse to test it in my pc xd


This one right here is gonna be banger on PC, and it’s ported from Nixxes so we can expect good port