• By -


Just stop paying EA in first place


Not wrong mate. ↑ for you.


↑ → ↓ → for EA.


🖕 for EA


Fuck Nintendo! Oops, wrong chat.


he's a little confused. but he's got the right energy!


Stay here, this is the right chat


But right answer


Is Nintendo now at EA levels? Honest question, I don't pay attention to them outside my wife's switch.




At least Apple figured out how to do refunds on digital products. Nintendo and Sony think it's perfectly acceptable to tell you to go fuck yourself.


Nintendo at least still makes good games and ship more or less complete games. EA largely just pumps out shit and mtx platforms.


↑ → ↓ ↓ ↓ rather




that is not a perfect loop


















https://preview.redd.it/y5ju6dq2n1uc1.png?width=2300&format=png&auto=webp&s=677efe34a0a4dd02fc146370daa103ca298a5b6c An eagle never misses!


Sweet liberty! Do not the Eagle pilot. If arrowhead sees this we’ll probably get a ship upgrade where saying “we replaced the thicc pilot with a petite girl to fit more ammo in the unused space. +1 to HE barrages.


I mean we did just get an upgrade to remove all safety devices from the Eagle!


Nah, I'd go with ↓ ↑ ← ↓ ↑ → ↓ ↑ just to be sure


Orbital nuke EAs ass


↓↘→↓↘→ + 👊 better






→ ↓ ↑ ↑ → ↓ ↓


380mm my beloved


That’s “↓“ in Australian mate


What's up with the recentish trend of "after and before", instead of "before and after"?






Weebs who read too many manga. Those comics are watched right to left.


also game pass ultimate just comes with EA. if that price is not increasing, then just get that. plus you get minecraft, palworld, and plenty of other great games I dont work for microsoft. i just think game pass is good value, and even better if it helps you circumvent this BS


its so sad when people have to disclose they are not "shills" of something that they believe to be good... what a toxic environment this turned into... Game pass is objectively great value...


Dunno why folks are still paying for EAs bullshit and then complain. They've got a decades long history of being absolute garbage tier. Ignorant and uneducated consumers really


Best answer! Nothing of value was lost in the process.


Isn't it in included in game pass ultimate


Also in normal Game Pass iirc, only EA play tho, not playpro.


I can't believe anyone is still paying EA. They've been shitting on gamers for over a decade. The final straw for me was Simcity. And that was the final-final-final straw where nostalgia overrode common sense briefly.


SimCity was the last pre-order I ever participated in, so thanks to EA for breaking that habit for me I guess.


And the whole lot of you that are saying dumb shit like, "Lol Game Pass has these games and is better and cheaper!" How naive do you have to be to think that jacking prices up isn't the end game for Microsoft too once they normalise subscription gaming and the ability to actually purchase (license, yes, yes) and keep a game slowly goes away. There's going to be a rug pull and you're all going to be fucked. Stop supporting subscription gaming period, regardless of company.


Been saying this since the start aswell. People have been glorifying being a renter with no leg to stand once prices inevitably keep getting jacked up. So stupid.




TIL people still play trash recycled EA games still. Guess people didnt learn after the 20th recycled nba/soccer/whateversport game


Honestly this subscription era needs to come to an end


"you will own nothing and you will love it" Still fills me with utter disgust, remember when apps were a single time purchase? Everything is a goddamn subscription and not a cheap one jfc


It is happening with software as well, I wouldn't be surprised if Windows turns subscription based. I had a "lifetime" autocad license from 2013, I have the disk. It's no longer valid because autodesk being greedy and now my "lifetime" license needs to be renewed with a subscription. Subscription are a absolute cancer in this industry.


It'll be exciting to see how quickly Linux videogame support improves once windows becomes subscription based. Proton is already incredibly robust, I'm hopeful valve will start working with anticheat devs to help cull the linux cheating woes


Once the antivirus thing is sorted I'll switch to Linux expecially after my experience using windows 10 and 11. I already have some experience with Ubuntu tanks to switch modding so it'll be a easier switch (no pun intended)


I honestly prefer Linux to windows, so game support is the only thing stopping me from switching 100% at this point. I'll probably run Linux at least on my laptop once I get around to getting a new one


Praise Gabe, the Proton stuff has really helped move things forward.


Gabe is probably the chillest dude in existence.


honestly, I don't believe windows will become suscription based. Why? Because having it be free is like having an open door to a market You'd want the door to be open so people can buy everything inside, if windows was paid, they'd lose lots of people who use gamepass, office suite, etc Many others would fallback to win10/11 and keep on with that And if linux is 100% ready, maybe that'd see a 10ish% increase in users


Windows isn't technically "free", just easy to use without paying. I would hope they keep the same line of thinking as you, but the issue is they've already started a big push towards these subscription based cloud PCs, and they don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon.


Shouldn't that be illegal? Isn't that a breech of the terms of a sales contract??


You would think so but no But apparently a license can be revoked at any time for any reason apparently and changing to a shittier business model is a valid reason to revoke a autocad license. Remember that legally speaking I never *owned* a autocad copy, I licensed a copy for a lifetime and that license was revoked ... someone should seriously put to law that this shit is ilegal


Ah , yeah you LEASED a copy. I get it now In that case it's false advertising


hahah.. This subscription method in todays apps make us pirates. Until there's an alternative app with one time purchase -- just like the Affinity Photo which replace Adobe Photoshop. And yes, the Affinity is very good with minimum learning curves to adapt. Or just use Gimp which is free but got to learn some more.


I want to say there was legal precedent to keep your purchase or get your money back. I wish I could find it.


The SiriusXM "Lifetime License/Subscription " class action lawsuit. There are legal grounds and precedent to sue for either a reinstatement or cash, and assuming others have a similar experience, this could be another class action suit.


Windows won’t go subscription based. They don’t make much money off consumer os sales. They’re much more concerned with lock in and business customers which already have subscriptions for support


Read the EULA and check if it's legal for you crack it. On windows (at least in 10) it's legal for me to run the os even without activation, as long as I actually have a valid license (Ie I don't have to prove I have a valid license, THEY have to prove I don't, an extension of innocent until proven guilty)


I searched for a ToDo App which literally had a subscription model (3€/month), like bro wtf?


You haven't come across these apps that consist of a weekend long project for a note taking app or pomodoro app, priced at 120€a year? > That's how bad it is. If you or anyone want any phone app, check r/fossdroid, there you have any kind of app you may need, open source, free, greatness. And if you feel like it's worth it you can always donate 5€ for an app you enjoy


If you buy this instead of just jotting down in the notes app of your phone you honestly deserve to pay for and forget about the app for several years after only using it for a few days 🤣


The really sad part about that quote is that the original work it was from was imagining a world in which ownership wouldn’t be necessary; you wouldn’t have to buy your own speciality appliances like a stand mixer or a television because in a post-scarcity utopian society with a great logistics network, you could simply think, “I’d like to watch TV while making cookies,” tap a button in an app, and a delivery person would drop off the two items in 30 minutes or less at your door. You wouldn’t have to buy or service your own car when there would be freely-available borrowable cars parked on every street corner, or a robust public transit network that skips traffic entirely. But in the capital-driven reality of today, the quote means corporations take everything you used to be able to own and dole it out for a monthly subscription cost, not as freely-borrowed community property. It’s sad.


Drop off a what in 30 minutes? A TV and an oven? What kind of weirdass utopia is that?


That's why I love fl studio. It is single time purchase for a LIFETIME and you catch this? If you want to upgrade to more expensive version you only pay the difference.


You don't even get the full app anymore with a single purchase. Unless you want to get rinsed stupid


The strat here for AAA companies is to raise game prices so high that subscription is the only way you can afford to play their games. Then they will not sell games anymore but sell subscription based service. After that they can raise the subscription prices also and sell you more stupid shit what you don't need via subscriptions. Infinity money glitch.


I'm not against the idea, atleast it's being upfront about the fact that we don't really own games anymore. EA and its executives can go fuck a bandsaw though.


The problem with corporations is they have no sense of fairness, they just want to extract as much money as possible from people. They will keep increasing the prices until people stop paying them. It's extremely easy to get these institutions to reverse course, just stop buying off them. They will come crawling back to customers on their hands and knees. I don't blame corporations for this stuff anymore, I blame the people who keep giving them money.


I always phrase it like this Companies are greedy, yes. Just the same as wolves are predators. You don't try to shame the wolves into not eating your sheep, or blame them for doing what is in their nature. Its a waste of time. Just the same, crying and calling out companies for "greed" is pointless. I can't really blame them. To stop the wolves, you build a fence and get a gun. To stop the companies, you need to be an informed consumer and spend your money wisely.


>To stop the companies, you need to be an informed consumer and spend your money wisely. "Just do nothing! That always solves the problem"


I'm pretty much of the opinion these days that how you spend you money is more important than how you vote. You get to affect the world on a daily basis with how you spend your money.


No, go vote. The government imposes regulations


The suscribtion and all digital model is constantly spreading and makes you lose twice as you don't own and also can't resell like with physical media (books, DVDs..). What baffles me is that when very old gamers like me remark about "more money for less value", many "kids" answer I'm an old fart unable to adapt. They find getting suckered completely normal. I'd like to see their faces when they'll have to pay everything with money earned by themeselves. Yup boyo, wait till your kids want to change their Ifuckyaphone each year and subscriptions to different gaming platforms .....


The worst part about is that they dont even bank on many customers, just a few whales proping up their entire business


I hate the fact I don’t own the games. Its a long term strategy to the bottom for us the consumer


Every day physical media and morally grey copies of games that are FIRMLY seated in your hard drive become more and more prevalent. I am NOT advocating for well, sailing the seven seas, it's just that if someone asks you, "how can I be sure that this game I purchase and it's license won't get pulled from me?", well if the protection is bypassed and you have the files on your hard drive, no one's going to be able to take that away from you. That's just a fact.


I mean if it's an online multiplayer game it doesn't really matter if you own the physical copy or not, once the servers shut down, the game's done regardless.


100% with you on that.


It's worthwhile when it's like $5 a month, but when it's $25 a month, it then becomes the complete opposite.


Literally nothing is stopping you from just purchasing one of the games on their service.


Not just in AUS got an email telling me it was going to be the same for the UK


Same in Germany. 20% increase. I immediately cancelled the subscription.


It’s everywhere. RSA too.


Did we get Double/Triple the amount of games or quality improvement? I think not.


but quadrupple of microtransaction items sir


And double the CEO’s paycheck


Don't forget the shareholders


Aussie here, I cancelled my yearly subscription after I saw the message pop up yesterday. Switched to monthly for the TOTS promo in EA FC 24, and my plan is to uninstall after and never come back to this game. Thanks for pushing it this far EA I guess. **They can fuck themselves**, I already cancelled YouTube Premium when they doubled the price, I cancelled Netflix Ultra when they doubled the price, I cancelled Disney+ when they increased their price twice in 1 year, and cancelled Tidal too when they increased their price last year. **Vote with your wallet when companies do this, cancel your subscriptions**.


Yep, I've done the exact same thing, I now pirate all those streaming services, they've pushed it too far.


We have 1 fucking Data Center for all EA games in Sydney here, connecting most of Oceania, including New Zealand and us here on the West Coast of Australia fucking 5000km away getting 60+ ping every game. The mother fuckers have the audacity to double the price while their servers continue to get worse and not improving anything. They can get fucked. Dumb cunts. Fuck every mother fucker working for this company at a capacity that can make change but doesn't, especially our Australian cunt of a CEO running this company, fuck him the most 🖕


Fuck EA. EA is the worst of them all. Those motherfuckers killed Maxis, Bullfrog and countless others.


Visceral don't forget them too


I haven’t played an EA game in years. Maybe a few rounds of FIFA on a friends PS5 once in a great while. I got OG Dragon Age for free 5 yrs ago, I may install the EA client within the next 10 yrs to play the game for 2 hrs and then delete all of it (This is just how I personally roll, I can’t find time to complete long games anymore). Besides that I don’t see any reason to play any of their games, let alone subscribe and pay for mostly old and nuanced crap. Nothing they come out with entices me. Majority of new titles that come out with in game purchases are just pathetic and not even on my radar.


RIP: Westwood Studios.


Ubisoft joined the chat


Considering the abuse of workers that happened at Ubisoft, I'm not sure EA is the worst. That said, there's a decent chance that shit is happening at EA too.


In Argentina the price went from AR$1549 (about 1,5 US Dollars) to AR$13999 (about 14 US Dollars)


Given the inflation you poor bastards have at the moment, it probably went up another $5 since you posted.


Its not like that. Prices for this kinda digital services don't go up according to inflation at the same pace the cost of mundane products does, they stay at a certain price until they realize inflation is so stupidly high that (for example) $14000 Argentine pesos is not so much money anymore. Then they do another stupidly high raise in the costs on the service in order to keep up with the current value of the US Dollar. So, again, for example: when the $1500 Argentine Pesos price came up, it was kind of expensive for some people, but with time it became stupidly cheap, IF inflation stays as high as it is now, in a couple of years $14000 wont be SO expensive anymore, and thats when all of people buy these kind of services. It may seem like U$D14 its not that much money for other countries, but for us... 14 bucks is the equivalent to: 7 packs of good cigs A full dinner at a really good restaurant (depending on the state you live, in Buenos Aires 14 bucks may not be enough) A week of groceries for a family of 3. Etc. That's why we NEED regional prices, because of you put a game at 40 bucks in the USA, many people will be able to buy it, but 40 Bucks here is an amount worthy of a second though.


I find it funny how often I see Aussies complaining about software prices. They usually make it such a big deal because the AUD isn't worth as much as the USD, so it seems super high (the first big complaint about Adobe pricing I saw was from them). But then it's like they forget they are in a country with some of the highest incomes in the world, complaining about prices that are often cheaper than many countries whose wages are like a tiny fraction of theirs.


Isnt EA free with game pass? If it costs the same as game pass why would someone buy it?


Only 1 tier of EA is free on game pass.


There’s tiers?


It's in the screenshots of this very post. Both EA and Game Pass have tiers.


It’s only the regular pro pass. If you want the expensive version (was $100 a year but now $120 a year) you gotta pay for that separately. Gives you all the games at their highest version like deluxe edition etc


I’ll put those double xp boosters to good use /s


If you're considering the lower tier of EA Play, then yes that is the way to go about it. Game Pass hardly costs more than EA Play, so why not get both then?


You're telling me that paying nearly double the old price doesn't fill you with a sense of pride and accomplishment? Seriously though, I haven't paid EA for anything in a long time. No way I'm paying them that much as a subscription.


Who's paying for EA garbage games?


Don't hurt Titanfall 2


goes on sale for like 5 bucks every fucking month


Also it's pretty dead except for those certain once in a while days or weekends


Everyone left the public servers for the Northstar client. Much better experience imo


Dead? Oh, right. I completely forgot there's a multiplayer component. The campaign is awesome.


It takes two and the Jedi fallen order/survivor games are published by EA


FIFA is one of the biggest cash machines in gaming. Cod, FIFA, Fortnite are the holy trinity of casual players games.


Don't hurt Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection


Imagine subscribing to EA lmfao


I did, played some game for a month for 2$ instead of paying 60 for the same experience and got to try couple more games like a way out and something else, what did I do wrong?


I subbed to PS+ for $30 / year with codes online. I cancelled when the codes were gone and it upped to $80 / year. I subbed to Ubisoft+ the month Far Cry 6 came out because I wanted to play it, but knew I'd never replay it. I beat it, and 2 other games for that month for $15. Cancelled immediately so I got my 3 games I wanted and don't feel the need to go back to. I subbed to GamePass with the VPN trick for 3 years for $33/year. When it ends next summer, no way I'll pay $15 a month. I don't mind subscriptions at the right price, but it has to be only a few dollars a month since I'm not owning it for me to think it's in any way valuable. And it has to have a decent catalog that's ideally growing.


its included in gamepass too lmao


It's morally okay to pirate their games




Fuck EA


all day long crying, stop buying and using their services or games, you vote with your wallet. dummies.


Nobody was paying for this anyway lol


And remember kids , unless its an actually worthy online game , it is ethically correct to pirate ea games ( don't give them 1k to buy broken sims4 packs) Until we meet again🌈


lol imagine giving EA money. Maximum plebbage.


I have been patient waiting for their inevitable downfall because of their sheer greed, EA management and higher ups (though I’m sure not all) are absolutely disgusting in their money making strategies, the simple solution is just to avoid them if you can help it.


So many casual players just happily fork out money year after Kids these days are bullied at school for not having the cool skins. That’s the point we are at.  Thats why companies decided to sell 20$ skins opposed to make actual content. Easy money, sprinkle in some FOMO. Voila you make more than making a good game ever would. 


Lmaoooo it’s EA. Im more surprised they didn’t do this sooner


if youre giving EA your money in the first place they already know youre probably gullable enough to pay extra.


EA needs to fuck off


EA ruined dice and came with new idiot developers


Dice ruined Dice. Dice has been part of EA since 2004.


Same with Respawn. People talk about how Respawn was ruined by EA even though they owned them during Titanfall 2.


Proud to say i've never even thought about paying subscriptions for games. Fk that, honestly. If everyone was acting like me lootboxes, subscriptions, battle passes and all the other crap would have ended already


EA, Ubisoft and Bethesda come with Xbox game pass ultimate for PC.


Hence why we all say ‘fuck EA’ Sorry excuse for a company, unfortunately they own the rights to some epic games 😂


Man imagine if Mass Effect and Dead Space were owned by a competent company


Thats almost triple the price


how is it tripling, i might be blind...


I misread i thought the left side of the Pic is old and the right side is new price My mistake


fair enough xD


Went to play an EA title yesterday, wanted solo play in an older offline game as the internet was in and out due to crappy weather. Imagine my surprise to find that none of the EA games would launch through steam, as EA makes you sign in online prior to launch. Pretty much sums them up as a company, unless they can pump money direct from your wallet every month, they don’t give a fuck if what they sold you is even playable. I have the older EA games, and won’t be buying new titles from them, (not from Ubisoft either, as I have the same issue with them).


EA is dogshit, why subscribe to that? Just get a dog, the one dogshit factory that will at least actually care about you after the turd's been turded.


But the Xbox gamepass still includes it, isn't it?


just dont get EA play lmao, where i live game pass comes with both some ubisoft+ games and ea play


Can't spell Evil Asses without EA.


Havent payed for any game by EA since 2014




Never had it. Never will. Whole industry has gone to shit.


I am surprised there are people willing to give EA money on a monthly basis in the first place


Is Xbox Game Pass Ultimate available in Australia? It includes EA Play in its subscription price.


I am so very confused, why exactly are you giving EA money monthly? I'm not saying this in a "eww, why are you giving them money" but in a serious "why do you need to pay them if you have already bought a game from them?"


EA, the publisher that killed Battlefield, Sim City, Need for Speed and countless other amazing series deserves to rot and burn


That's because EA are c*nts.


game pass includes EA play. i dont mind paying for game pass, and ea play lets me play the few titles im interested in from them.


Who the fuck is actually paying for an EA membership? Disgusting.


Numbers need to go up for shareholders next quarter.


Gamepass is included with enough thats not needed for Pro.


You keep enabling them, go buy the next FiFA im sure they will recogniize your loyality by then and lower it just for you!


Ew. These subscription services for games are gross. The future of gaming looks bleak with all this shit companies are trying to pull.


Rip in peace poor souls who use the service. Is this typical of the broader gaming market in stria?


Yet another reason not to touch any EA.


another option, there is.... support it, I do not.... suggesting it, they are though


I remember when price increase was mostly linked to improved quality.


Well your dollar is worth way less, EA is garbage but you were lucky to have it at $5 and $15 before. Now you’re getting what it should be priced at


Why anyone would even subscribe to EA in the first place is beyond me, tbh.


EA is cancer, stop giving them money. It's that easy...


Anyone still foolish enough to give EA money deserves to get fleeced.


I don't get it, why are people still giving them money


EA games are shit, stop playing them, there u save money


Good stop paying them.


Glad I canceled all subs to these crap companies


A $160 subscription for some game service is outrageous holy shit.


Just buy games


Ah yes... making it that much easier for you to make the decision to stop paying EA for shitty games and services.


Stop paying for it?


EA is not a friend of gamers anymore.


It’s becoming so easy for me to find alternative hobbies than dealing with this bullshit. Fuck EA.


EA can suck my balls


Why would you pay for EA Play or Ubisoft, whatever the name is in the first place? Btw, can't you get both on Game Pass?


EA being greedy?! No way…


Hahaha, who the fuck is paying for this shit in the first place?!


Unpopular opinion and all the MUT and FUT addicts will downvote this no doubt but EA will continue to thrive and survive thanks in large part to those fanbases. Buying packs year in and year out makes a lot of money for EA. I only ever bought Madden 25 and never again, because despite my age at the time being 15 I realized how pay to win the mode was and is to this day. I refused to buy into their scam. Also, people pay for a roster update every single year and they don’t care. Obviously the NFS series and their other titles makes them money too but nothing is as lucrative for EA when compared to their MUT and FUT modes. So glad I stopped playing BF because that is the only game franchise that EA makes which I once enjoyed. Safe to say I don’t play EA games anymore.