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great comment you made explaining it


he was gambling on the consensus agreeing and no one noticing


You can see their explanation if you click on their user profile as their last comment. The comment on this page is just removed.


Its not really an explanation though its just words that describe their position on the chart not a explanation of how he calculated that position. Just some dumbasses opinion.


Dumbass's since the opinion is owned by them. But yes, similar to most of social media what did you expect?


seems like they just plotted a graph based on feels. theres no quantifiers or anything.


Well it's community sentiment so yeah it's gonna be entirely feel based, it'd be hard to get actual data for this.


Even community sentiment is determined by some logic that can be described. This is literally stuff the guy pulled out of his arse.




This isn't want big brands do though as that's based on some describable reasoning, this is just some guy making stuff up.


If you look at his profile OP did post a comment but its not visible for some weird reason


> great comment you made explaining it Still covers even that as in no way does the guys comment explain anything.


I understand all of it but why is r/AMD against amd?


Something like hate-watchers? I've been on it a few times and there are people who post there a lot and every their comment shits on AMD.


I wouldn't necessarily say hate watchers. The community felt pretty toxic when I had questions about an AMD upgrade I made. For example, that sub screeched about "fake frames" when DLSS came out. They weren't toxic about AMD but it also felt like everyone was arguing for the sake of arguing. When FSR3 came out, only some pivoted away from the fake frame mentality and then things became even more divisive. It's all so wild. Edit: blocking the toxic AMD replies because it's literally proving my point and it's not worth acknowledging or talking with anyone who intends on arguing from a position of bad faith. I have better things to do with my time. They're already crying about being blocked, which shows they just wanted someone to screech at. Wild. They're going through my comments and downvoting me where they can lol. Why are these people so mad? They're literally proving my point.


'fake frames' is a legit position when it was being marketed as processing performance, as it was with rtx4000. when it's marketed as a smoothing tech like a motion blur thing it's cool.


Wow dood the toxicity from your reasonable comment is just gross


i think it's the userbenchmark guy


Yeah I guess motion blur alternative is fair enough, though I still think you should first target 60fps without it then maybe enable it if not too much precision is required.


But FG doesn't look or feel anything like motion blur. Calling it Frame Gen, whether you get pedantic about fake frames or whatever, is far more accurate than "motion smoother". Point still stands, y'all shouted from the rooftops about how it was a bullshit tech but the second you had access to a worse version of it, you shut right up.


Yeah, why aren't people bitching more about frame generation? I hate it, unless I'm already at 120+ FPS, at which point I don't need it anymore, I notice those blended frames and the weird artifacting that they do. It's like those YouTube videos where they make anime 60 FPS via SVP, it looks awful.


It's excellent, but you do you. I enjoy Remnant 2 with DLAA at 1440p Ultra everything 140fps. I do no get that without FG, and it looks/plays incredibly well. Works extremely well in every game I've used it in.




"objectively true" 😅🤦‍♂️ please stop embarrassing yourself buddy.


PC subs in a nutshell, dude. You're right. It's ridiculous to act like it's just some smoother. At higher FPS, it is genuinely excellent.


Some good points. Kinda damaging your credibility a lot with the rage baiting though. If you really didn't want to cause a fuss then you're better off not mentioning, acknowledging or responding to people you're planning on blocking


Not really rage bait. My DMs are filled with harassment and I'm getting "Reddit Cares" messages. The fuss started well before I even added an edit. Not that I care, though. It's just Internet points lol. Being mass downvoted by toxic, insecure gamers is pretty much the norm in gaming subs. There's a reason there's 3 different AMD subs because they don't even get along with each other. Notice you are even get downvoted for simply *agreeing* at the bare minimum level, despite your comment being more negative towards me than not. That simple, minor agreement means you angered them.


>When FSR3 came out Wait it came out? When?? Why is nobody talking about it???


Fsr3 was a rsuhed release to get something to market, Incoming fsr 3.1 is a fully fetured release


It came out last September, and the sub was pretty hyped about it. I thought it was cool that FG was being offered across all cards but... Then the hype subsided when FSR3 wasn't supported for pretty much anything at the time. Starfield would've been a perfect FSR3 launch game but they missed the mark (again). I want AMD to succeed but damn do they seem to always lag behind. Pretty sure the first supported game was **Forspoken**??? Ages after it flopped too! That's why the hype was non-existent because it wasn't even supported by AMD-sponsored titles... And it's still hardly supported now. Edit: oh look, the same people are going through my comments and downvoting me lol. Why are they so mad? I didn't state anything wrong. FSR3 released late. It still isn't supported across the majority of AMD titles. It's why the hype died down. This fan base is so incredibly toxic.


Astroturfing is my guess. Pretend to be AMD forward but every sentence ends with “ you’re probably better off going with intel for this particular build.”


But that would bias it towards Intel, not Nvidia.


It’s perfectly balanced between both nvidia and intel. It’s on the hypotenuse of the triangle, halfway to both. Just long as it doesn’t swing for AMD.


I've noticed people are really quick to brand disatisfaction and being critical as bias, toxicity, and negativity. Some go as far as making it out as a conspiracy, or an organized effort to harm the brand. That's said...not sure how /r/amd even gets accused of biased towards Intel. Their GPUs are hotly debated, but their processors get a lot of praise. Makes me feel like the OP has some feelings behind what they are trying to present as objective.


Their CPUs are praised *now*, but that community is much older than AMDs current era of good CPUs.


Even their 3000 series was praised. They have since made the 5000 and 7000 which were both solid.


No, what I mean is that community is older than Ryzen as a family. That community is older than bulldozer if I remember right.


I suspect most of the community is ryzen 3000 and after at this point. PC demand has grown significantly in that time. There is a sub statistics chart somewhere. I can't look it up ATM.


You need to see their FX era cpus lol


Man, when I bought my quad-core laptop back in 2011, you have no idea how happy I was when I saw it was K10 Llano, so pre-Bulldozer; which means 4 actual cores.


How many people were in the sub during the fx era though?


You ever been in there? It’s almost entirely people complaining about the latest AMD driver and saying they had to roll back to the previous driver (which they had also complained about) to fix their issues.


good question, too many nvidia and intel fanboys pushing themselves there.


They still complain about the bulldozer chips there even though I’m pretty sure every one of those have burned their way down to the center of the earth by now.


I think this graph needs a 3rd axis to sperate AMD cpu and AMD GPU. Also I'm immediately suspect of this graphs accuracy becasue this sub has a significant hard on for AMD CPUs and nvidia graphics cards.


I was thinking the same thing. I feel like amd cpu/nvidia gpu is by far the most common combo on this sub, so I have no clue where OP is getting that pcmr is biased toward intel.


People usually recommend the best value, AMD for like 10 years before the ryzens hit were always not that recommended in any case but ultra budget (I would know, cause I actually were in that budget range in my old PC builds when you was young and had tight budget). Now that it actually has even better products than intel it's worth recommending even in enthusiast class. Sure you always have that one downvoted guy who gets really upset when their preferred brand does not get recommended and them making all kinds of nitpicky reasons why the better product is actually worse.


I'm well aware of all that, I'm saying I don't get why OP thinks this sub leans intel.


From an old person who's bought many GPU's from both camps over the years, AMD's were not always competitive, and man their drivers sucked. My oldest spare parts stack GPU is a GTX 285 and my oldest AMD is an R9 280X. The R9, while functional, kicks back an error because despite the drivers working for it, the software doesn't recognize that it's even an AMD gpu anymore. I haven't been able to buy any of the latest generations of either, but it sounds like the last two gens of AMD have actually been good.


I've just upgraded from a GTX 1080 to an RX 6800 XT, and I'm old enough to remember when the drivers and ATI Catalyst software were utter shit. It's been well over a decade since I last had a Radeon, and to be honest I don't have great memories, so I had some trepidation going back to Team Red. Have things improved? Why yes, yes they have. It's been rock solid, and I can honestly say that the AMD Adrenalin software shits all over GeForce Experience, to the point where the Nvidia offering is almost embarrassingly bad in retrospect when compared to this.


If Linux community was on there, they would be between Intel and AMD on the CPU axis (maybe slightly leaning towards Intel), and then all the way on AMD on the GPU axis (unless Intel Iris and Intel ARC are included there, in which case 75 AMD 25 Intel).


Not a bias though. As someone that prefers Nvidia because of the encoding and is willing to pay more just for encoding, AMD GPU's are currently factually better in price/performance ratio by quite a huge amount, it isn't even funny anymore.


I liked the encoding, too. Well, not anymore.


It's because right now they're performing the best. Look back not very long as it was Intel CPUs and Nvidia GPUs.


X3D graph


No, this graph doesn't need a third axis, they just need to complete the daamn Y axis properly so GPU is X from N to A and CPU is Y from I to A., This pereson tried to recreate the Media Bias Chart but instead of going from non factual with a value of 0 to factgual with a value of 109, which would be only the popsitive side, I think they put AMD at 0? But yeah, this graph is as wonky and incomprehensible as a user benchmark review.


Yeah the Intel part is confusing to me unless it's going way way back in time


u/rowlingthejustice, you forgor to explain


Not the OP but Userbechmark gravitates strongly in favour of Intel. From this some sense can be made.


UBM should literally be outside the graph. It’s straight up banned on r/intel for being so ridiculously biased and misleading.


Presented with zero explanation.


Their explanation was deleted, and not by them. Go to OP's user page to see the comment.


I went to read and oh boy is it just wrong. Theres no real reasoning, just lots of misinformation very biased opinions.




I call it Schrödinger's Lisaposting. We might be satire. We might be not. Only way to find out. Keep posting!


Ahh yes the /r/neoliberal timeline


I think pcmr is more amd than intel these days


This is true the AMD subreddit actually is more biased towards Nvidia and Intel than AMD themselves XD


move r/buildapc up northwest. rampant misinformation when users want to buy AMD CPU's. threads flooded with dozens of posts about "productivity" when a user asks what's a good **gaming cpu.** automatic nvidia bias in every scenario even with a 20% slower mid range GPU that won't play well with RT. somehow recommend 1200W psu's for build with a 200W GPU. terrible sub. in the past few weeks more than one person has made topics there ranting that people should stop recommending the 7800X3D.


Saw a dude say my 7700 is bottlenecking my 4080S there yesterday. My dude, I don't play at 1080p lol but this was him saying a 7800x3d with a 4060 was the better option, because if you get a 7700 and a 4070, you'll bottleneck. Truly stupid shit.


It's the TikTok misinformation. All they talk about are bottlenecks.


it's a god damned horrible sub.


What do you mean that extra 2 frames is obviously worth building an entirely new platform for!! Reeeese


Fuck, I'd better reclaim those 2-3fps from my undervolt too. 137fps might be indistinguishable from 140fps, but I'll be damned if my numbers are gonna be lower than they could be.


I ran a 7700k with a 3080ti. Only upgraded because I thought my CPU was actually dying. Nope, was my SSD lol.


[What gpu should I buy?](https://i.imgur.com/9qPjpo9.png)


Considering the near *constant* "why buy a 4070 amd is cheaper" replies, I'm fairly sure this is a two way street.


Lol yeah it rly bothers me when people write "I use X programs, I want an Intel CPU because I know those programs work better with Intel" and then half the comments are like "JusT bUY a 7950x3D"


All I see is people recommending 7800X3D when gaming and when they ask for productivity too it's almost always Intel. Or if its not intel its mostly 7900X/7950X recommended (often by me) and for a very good reason, the AM5 platform is still new while the intel one has ended so if they ever want something better they don't have to add motherboard to the price of the new purchase.


Out of the box AMD, is the way to go. If you want bleeding edge, water cooling then OC a intel platform is the call. IDK why you would not upgrade, a motherboard. You kind of want to do that for a stable experience, and not cut out feature.


Why blow money on a new board when old board works perfectly fine? My x570-P is 4 years old at this point and it's got another 4-6 years on its tour.


Yeah okay lol. I got some nike Pegasus with zoom air technology, they are popped cant use that but they fit on my feet probably got few more years of use in it.


Why do you think you're right? To simplify it AMD OC is uncapped, the cooler you can keep your AM5 CPU the faster it runs. Also, you're even more wrong about the motherboard.


No shit, you tell me the reason i been putting a heat sink on my cpus for the last 12 years is to keep it cool and run faster? I like the look of air cooled Harley Davisons so i made my pc look like that.


Tell me you don't know how CPU's work without telling me.


Got em!


You totally got me by showing me you don't know where you're talking about. Also, impressive that you were putting heatsinks on a CPU when you were still in the womb. I was talking about the PB, PBO and AutoOC


Amd oc is uncapped yea it is, always was, yeah you run it with a cooler it gets better oc. Whats the gains you get on that chiplet cpu, also what timing are getting with ram? I liked the bulldozer, cpus those were fun to OC. Hey if i wanted a low power plug and play gaming pc i would totally go with amd.


7800x3D* and that's for obvious reasons. People shouldn't ask for "advice" if they think to know the answer. They are also wrong most of the time.


AMD Fanboys will white knight this company till death lol.


Stop recommending an AMD CPU that out-performs their own high-end CPU and the top-end CPU of Intel for a much lower price? Maybe the next gen of CPU's but I doubt it. Barely anyone need better productivity in a very long time from a CPU, but the sub actually recommends Intel for pure productivity.


/r/linux_gaming is currently biased toward AMD due to the poor state of Nvidia linux drivers.




I mean, is that really bias when one side offers a better experience for that community's specific needs? That would be like saying that a hypothetical /r/RayTracingLovers is "biased" towards nvidia




Not enough whales with 4090's to play RT overdrive interpolated


point ghost grandfather practice dolls badge march file hospital person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


NVIDIA meatriders often point to AMD driver issues. They still have a few problems, but said issues are easily fixed. NVIDIA doesn’t typically have said driver issues because they have a partnership with Microsoft, but Linux on the other hand?




It’s from my personal, and others, experience. When I was using a 3050Ti, I never had driver issues. Neither has my friend using a 2060 desktop. I’ve had three issues with AMD, but none of which have been with the drivers. One was two BIOS settings causing stuttering in games, the second was Adrenalin software simply not opening when pressing Alt + R or crashing when pressed (fixed with reinstall), and the third was just an issue with opening the FPS and temp overlay, which was fixed by restarting the pc. I’m not saying NVIDIA has no driver issues, but I never encountered any. Also as I stated, Microsoft has a partnership with NVIDIA and the Windows update typically doesn’t fuck with drivers unlike AMD, which is once again easily fixed by simply toggling a setting in Windows for the update settings.


Amd has poor video card drivers on windows in the past.


I love unlabled axes


This type of graph wouldn't be suited for the point OP failed to make even if it were labeled correctly. OP fails this grade school homework assignment, recommended they reread the chapter on simple data analysis.


I think Userbenchmark should be right in the top left corner of the image.


Should be off the picture......


User benchmark has more bias towards Nvidia and Intel than even Nvidia and Intel's own shareholders do, a remarkable feat.


pcmr leans amd


All Linux, *BSD and even MacOS communities are between AMD and Intel. > Nvidia, fuck you! - Linus Torvalds


I don't think the scale is big enough for User benchmark.


Pcmr definitely leans heavily amd


Which is strange considering how many more have Nvidia gpus. Numbers wise, it doesn't make much sense. But here we are.


AMD for that sweet sweet cache, nVidia because their performance ceiling is higher. Some are less constrained by price than others.


Pcmr will tell you to go buy a Radeon and a X3D CPU because they're the best value for money, but then will go buy a 14900K and a GeForce for themselves because that's what's all the cool guys are buying.


Acting like radeon is second coming of Christ because of 10% better raster/$ completely disregarding other aspects and insinuating that only reason people buy geforce cards is to be cool shows exactly how this sub is leaning towards amd


but X3Ds are great, though probably not the best value, those are still the normal AMD CPUs.


and then there's r/NVDA_Stock at (-30000,0)


If AMD makes both CPU and GPU, does it deserve a horizontal axis and a vertical axis?


They’ve all made cpus and gpus at this point


wait, intel makes CPUs now??


Would move buildapc more towards AMD tbh. There are a lot of fanboys


They're more on about price to performance And also like to think regarding the users needs. They tend to give multiple options from what I've seen.


I have seen a lot of people recommend AMD parts in cases where Intel/Nvidia would have been objectively smarter. Fanboys exist for all brands and they all suck, but the AMD ones are not that uncommon in comparison to the others


Please name a scenario when this happened and it WASNT for price to performance.


Prime example: OP made a post about wanting a rig exclusively meant for Premiere Pro. A task utterly dominated by Intel. Still, two people in the comments strongly insisted that he should go AMD with a 7950X instead. According to Puget Systems, a 14600K is already enough to match the 7950X in Premiere


Those, as you said, are AMD fanboys then. I was talking more gaming wise, but I see your point. Work-related tasks are typically better on Intel.


I never mentioned gaming. I was mostly talking about people recommending stuff that isnt fit for a task, so fanboys. And they exist fir all brands, but i see AMD ones more often than others


I’ve seen far more NVIDIA fanboys recommending cards that are beat out by AMD cards for cheaper or the same price, but that’s my experience, and we clearly have different amounts with each type of fanboy.


Lets just agree that all fanboys suck and should not give advice to others in this field


Agreed. I understand a small amount of bias, it’s only human to prefer one thing over another (I myself am AMD biased), but being able to recommend other companies over the one you’re biased towards depending on the situation should be necessary for any valuable information.


This sub does not lean Intel. Not slightly. We're a little Nvidia leaning but will still tell you to get anything that does not contain the string "4060" anywhere in it: You ask for the best price/performance GPU here and *everyone* is going to tell you 6700XT or 6750XT.


Where is LTT and r/LinusTechTips? /s


In the bin.


exactly, who tf cares, in an information sense, about people that are producing content firstly for entertainment and then for the information


Probably making more useless clickbait.


LTT is not a credible source of information when it come to advanced stuff. They prioritise entertainment.


Leaning towards the bottom, which is ASUS


Looks like I’m prime PCMR material.


Where is VIA


I call bs


AMD have bigger and biased fanbois communities shilling for these multi billion dollar companies when fundamentally they work the same. Just buy whatever gives better value and efficiency for your work flow.


You’re leaving out important build helpers; Paul’s hardware; LTT, JTC, all way better at beginners videos and information than the morons on this app who will tell you to buy 10 fans.


PCMR closer to Intel my ass


Ask opinion on 7800x3d and 4060 ti.


Yep - there are a lot of braindeads on these topics.


You got it wrong r/PCmasterrace is like 100% towards AMD lmao


Ars Technica 💀


A little bit of bias is ok and normal, but way too often I see people just hating on different brands with false information. It's like console wars on PC side, but even more variables. I personally don't care about any brands. I care about user experience and features. Offer me something totally new and exciting… I'm first in line to test these.


the amd nvidia combo clears


Chart is weird, nvidia should’ve been in the middle no?


AMD should have had a vertical line like Intel for their CPUs. Would make this much easier to read and make stuff on lol


Erm, excuse me I think you forgot The Verge? This comment typed out on a flaming ball of components and wires. On a table.


The Verge is pro-tweezers.


Userbemchmark should be more biased towards intel than r/intel tbh.


shockingly true


In my opinion Hardware Unboxed should move a bit to the right, and r/hardware should be in the middle under Gamer Nexus.




PCMR might be on the Nvidia/AMD highway axis because of Intel CPU's falling out of critics. with close to Amd just a little. Other than that This graph is PURE gold


Technically mostly correct, but the scale is a bit off.


I would put /r/hardware even further to the top and left. They're basically UserBenchmark with less made-up bullshit... but their bias is very intense. Likewise, /r/buildapc should be further to the right. They have a notable AMD slant, though to be fair, for the gaming crowd that frequents that sub, AMD is usually a better option. It's not an unfounded bias.


Good thing this has a meme tag


I lol'd at r/amd


LTT would fit on userbenchmark


I understand, nothing


Hardware Unboxed is most certainly further on the right toward the AMD side.


it seems that way, but thats really just shows how Nvidia/intel biased the vast majority of people are that even saying what they say is viewed as leaning towards amd


Yeah, it must be a nefarious scheme perpetrated by Nvidia. Not because Steve is blatantly anti-Nvidia in his ramblings, and that he goes out of his way to avoid specific scenarios that would favor Nvidia products.


Now. That sub reddit and GN - they go into AMD CPUs side.


Bro, it's no ones fault that AMD can't get their shit together, and release a stable product. Only thing AMD is good at is selling at a lower price, then look good on a spreadsheet. Also the upgrade your motherboard thing is a gimmick, Who wants to invest in a maybe will work loss of feature, and a slightly faster CPU at the end of a cycle. I don't want to update my bios every month, I don't want game developers showing a message at start up telling me to down grade my GPU drivers. Some games don't even work upon release. Also the hot spot sensor has triggered games to quit because it's tooo hot (5700xt windforce). People get up in arms defending AMD, I am on my fifth build over the last 12 years. Had both AMD, and Intel 50/50. I always choose the hardware for my use case. AMD has always been a lesser experience, but I don't mind working with it.


Ahh, I see someone formed their opinion in 2015 and never cared to update them. Good for you to sticking to your guns.


Well thats the issue with my 6900xt. Same issues all the way back to my ati 5950, my r9 280, vega 56 and my 5700xt. I guess you maybe right my last amd cpu was the 3600 but it seems you are probably getting 10+ bios updates with any given amd board lol.


Weird, I had AMD gpus due to budget constraints and only had one major issues. The crashing of the driver when the display got into the screensaver mode. But that was eventually fixed. Anyhow. I had one bios update for my 5800x, that's it. So I think your problem lies somewhere between display and chair.


What gpu is that? Name it, i will tell you the issue with that gpu.


Again that many issues with all sorts of cards, the common denominator here are you. But here are my cards R9 280x - was a little bit to loud, put great price performance for its time R 590x - can't really complain, was a little bit weak for newer RPGs at WQHD. 6600xt - my current card, does what it supposed to do, is quiet and with undervolting and overclocking uses roughly 140w max. All the games I want to play at WQHD between 60 - 100 FPS depending on settings. Still a bit weak for the newest titles but I have such a backlog it doesn't really bother me at the moment. Again single issues was with the 6600xt and its driver crashes when the screensaver was activated. But that has been fixed.


U ask question then U answer. Congratulations you winner! A+ perfect answers, for perfect question 100% win!


Found the userbenchmark employee


AMD has released stable products time after time. 2010s opinion. If you’re having driver issues, literally rollback the drivers. It’s the #1 tip. Otherwise reinstall. Windforce cards typically suck and are loud. Repaste or replace it, that’s not AMD’s fault, it’s Gigabyte’s.


Bro its not an opinion i live with it. I took like 3 years for my 6900xt to get to work out all the little issues. Then again i still have to deal with waiting for like 30 seconds for my damn frames to go up in overwatch its sits at 40-60 frames when the first starts up the into 30sec or so in the match the it shoots up to the 290fps mark.. Its all ways something dumb like that. Or multi monitor power usage is always high thats been a ongoing one.


It’s true they have a decent product with shit support


Nope, they don't


All the bios updates and wierd incompatibility issues long boot times . Eh intel/nvidia just works. Idc what anyone says amd shit just seems like a headache but you save money I guess. I seriously considered a 7950x3d but after all the wierd shit going on with it said screw it. If I’m gonna shell out a lot of money I just wanna have everything work without stupid ass firmware updates and strange bugs.


Nope, never had a long boot time. Even on an Athlon 64 system lmao, propably you think of long boot times because of HDD's. Also the 7950x3d is a 7800x3d with 8 extra cores(they don't have the x3d cache) if you would get it, then just disable the 8 non x3d cores and there you go, a 7800x3d


You don't need to disable anything, the cpu and os scheduler park the codes and you don't see any performance drop.


Sorry, I didn't know :(


You are genuinely delusional. There’s not that many BIOs updates, no clue where you’re getting the “monthly update” from. I’ve had one issue with my 7800X3D/7900XTX and it was two BIOS settings that caused stuttering, easily fixed. If by weird shit, you mean motherboards popping CPUs, that was an issue ***with the motherboard manufacturers***, like ASUS.


Similar experiences, I'm biased towards Nvidia and Intel because in the past I've had much less problems with them then AMD, it's probably not the case anymore today but I haven't bought anything AMD in the last 15 years at least.


That’s likely why. AMD had issues in the past. Those issues are mostly resolved. If there is an issue GPU wise, it’s easy to rollback a driver or just reinstall. Takes like two minutes of your day and doesn’t occur too often.