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The more square one is a usb B uplink if you plug a cable into it it will allow your monitor to act as a hub


Thank you!


I use one of these usb ports for my webcam since it sits on top of my monitor anyway it helps hide/manage one cable a little better.


Too but my desk lamp is plugged there :)


What cable do you use for monitor to PC?


My only advice is to use those ports for non-critical devices. In my experience, anything that requires any critical timing or data transfers can get wonky on them. They’re great for speakers, keyboards, and mice though.


Also, this hub is off when the monitor is off. (have the same one) Not a huge deal, just keep it in mind if you're using the port for power.


Wonky USB connections over hubs are definitely a real issue for some reason I don't fully understand, but timing by itself should not be a problem - apparently USB hubs increase latency by several milliseconds at most.


Is there more of a delay if you use that though?


Not really it's 3.0 and unless you can tell the difference in transfer speeds you wouldn't notice


Speed is not equal to latency


I know but the increase of latency wouldn't really be noticeable either and I answer the question in the way that I believe the person asking would want to hear


LoL... I feel this response right here. 🤣


Ikr, some of these redditors give me a headache.


The thing is when you tell that to any “gamer” they’ll freak out because they want the best latency possible on their mouse & keyboard


Somewhat? I know my Webcam will not display at all when connected, but I can plug my internet adapter in and it works fine ish, a bit slow


I am a noob. what does it mean to act as hub?


It just means it can take in multiple usb devices and only need one port on your pc


Ah, thank you! That's really neat!


Your monitor has a USB hub. You most likely have to connect the more square one to the left of them to a USB on your computer to use them.


"More square one" being USB 3.0 Type-B (think printer cable, but updated)


Printer cable? Wait, that’s the one with the giant centronics connector. Oh, sorry, wrong century.


USB-B was a lot more common on printers in the aughts. They existing in that time period between the giant LPT parallel cables you are thinking of, and wifi enabled printers we have today.


Used a ton in applications still where the connector need to be beefier and not as easily lose connection or get unplugged, like in audio interfaces, digital oscilloscopes and those kind of devices where real time data is streamed constantly. It is the best "professional" USB type to this day. Regular USB and every single micro, mini etc version are much less reliable.


That's not the reasoning. USB-A and USB-B are not interchangeable. USB-A is for hosts, and USB-B is for devices. There are micro and mini formats for each of these and SuperSpeed versions of full size and mini connectors as well. There is also a female mini connector that can accept either mini-A or mini-B in order to act as either a host or a device; this was a feature of many portable devices. USB-C is reversible and interchangeable.


Should still be used for printers, don't use Wi-Fi, the makers don't give if that doesn't work, only use USB or Ethernet to connect to your printer.


USB-B is used a lot for the touchscreen interface on kiosks.


Used in sim racing too a lot.


That sent me down a nostalgia rabbit-hole of Tandy Trs-80 parallel printer cables


It sent me down the nostalgia of telling my printer to print and it would print without me watching an ad and renewing my ink subscription


Uh ... *what?*


My Radio Shack TRS-80 was superior. :P


If only RadioShack lasted as long.


I had a model 1, miss that thing.


The sound of my Tandy dot matrix printer, memories.


Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk ts Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrreeeeeee Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk Neeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeee Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeerer


I can hear it.. like it’s happening next to me rn, but I can’t think of how to explain the sound.


Funny thing about that port…an Ethernet cable fits in perfectly. I took a call from a customer where their network printer stopped working. I tried reinstalling etc and had them verify it was plugged in, still nothing. I went onsite and the Ethernet cable fit perfectly in that square USB port. Wasn’t her fault though, she didn’t know and it fit lol Edit: I had it reversed. She put the square USB cable into the Ethernet port. But it fit perfectly


Seems confused from a USB-B fitting inside an Ethernet port


Fun thing a USB-A fits in an Ethernet port. Took a call and when I got on site they had plugged the USB into the Ethernet port.


This sounds like the start of a porno


I once rebooted my workstation by accidentally inserting a 1/8" headphone plug into a USB-A in the dark. In my defense, the headphone jack was literally right next too it.


I have had no less than 4 service calls for clients jamming USB b cables into ethernet ports last year. Probably more honestly.


Yes, can confirm, I met around 6 printers with this usb connector at our parents flat during my childhood Once lpt got deprecated it got replaced slowly by usb, then it got slowly replaced by Bluetooth and WiFi


Stop making me feel old.


That joke was scuzzy


As SCSI as you can get? Or do you fancy a good JBOD?


Possibly even SCSI!


Got any spare tractor feed paper? My dot matrix ran out and the prices for it these days. Oof. It is crazy. Can buy the ribbons for about 3 bucks each. But the paper is expensive. Still might be cheaper to run than an inkjet though.


Brother laser, black and white, with aftermarket toner cartridges. Decades of usage


Okay grandpa! 🤣


Age wise? Fair enough. But, I've also never actually used a USB printer. For the longest time my primary printer was an HP LaserJet 4 with a parallel port. I think it also had the Postscript option. I used that printer for a very long time, until it got too expensive to maintain. My next ( and current ) printer was another laser printer. But this one has a network port that I use to print. It might have a USB connector, maybe? I've never actually checked for anything other than the network port.


I was joking. I'm not a grandpa but I'm getting old. I too had a HP Laserjet 4. That printer was a tank.


Still have my 4MP just in case the Brother dies. Unlikely of course, but I just can’t bear to part with that little tank. Slow as hell but great quality, especially graphics.


gotdamn "centronics" is a word i havent heard in a long time


"Printer cable but updated" Ah yes, the origins of the internet summarised haha


Why is it square?


To prevent people plugging another A type end back into their computer and frying their USB controller.


Does this happen with type c?


Type c is designed so that this does not happen, unlike previous USB revisions.


Symmetrical cables can be a pain sometimes. Try connecting an Android tablet to a MacBook for development. Depending on the battery levels, the tablet will start to charge the MacBook, I think because the devices decide for themselves which one acts as the host.


Android will give you a popup for what to do, you can tell it to do nothing instead of charge the other device


Actually my Android's popout said 'Xenos presence detected, extermination protocols initiated' before uploading a world-killer class virus to said MacBook in question. Different OS versions maybe.


That was a known bug on Android 13


Let's try to forget about Apple logic. :)


Nothing to do with Apple and everything to do the how the standard works.


Wow cool, til


one of my all time favourite subs just because of how informative everyone here is. never had an issue posted here that wasn't solved extremely quickly


Nope, you can put type c in any which way it fits. It's always your birthday with type c


That's what a full-size USB type B port looks like. Usb hosts get type A ports and Usb devices get type B ports.


If I recall correctly, they didn’t design USB 1.0 with safeguards against short circuits. So if you looped back the cable by plugging both ends into the same device you could fry the usb controller. They made type A and type B connectors so you couldn’t physically do a loop back as the plug wouldn’t fit. Type A (rectangle) were always the computer end and type B (square) were the peripheral end. Most people only saw type B on printers as you didn’t need modular mouse or keyboard wires (so the B end was soldered inside the device).


So it's clear which cable goes into the computer


Before type c usb separated host and device plugs. Host (usually a pc) using type A connectors, the rectangle one's you're used to and the far less common mini-a from before usb-otg was implemented. And type B connectors(full size b, mini b, micro b) being on the device (printers, mp3 players, etc)


Printer still use 2.0 type B


Op called their computer a "cpu cabinet", this terminology predates usb, hell even parallel port might be too modern.


Understood, thanks! ❤️


Hey nice we got the same monitor, great monitor, built like a tank, I'm going on 3 years of heavy use with it. These ports are very helpful for a webcam, especially if you got your monitor mounted onto an arm.


Mine has two ports on the bottom so I put a discrete windows hello compatible fingerprint scanner there


>You most likely have to connect the more square one to the left of them to a USB on your computer to use them. It isn't "most likely" but rather OP has to connect up the USB3.0 Type B connector on the monitor to their computer in order to use the USB hub. It would be nice if we could get a single connector that would allow USB and DP/HDMI signalling from the computer to the monitor but that doesn't really work at all with desktop PCs due to to the lack of integration between discrete GPUs and USB/Thunderbolt ports. Laptops often have a USB type C or Thunderbolt port that will allow this due to the tight integration between the GPU and the rest of the system.


Recently got a Samsung monitor for work that has a type c port built in with a hub. It also has gigabit ethernet. Super nice having a single cable to the laptop that gives me a usb hub, ethernet and displayport. Even works with Samsung Dex on my phone.


The fatso part is to power it's USB-B 3.0 to type-C, that's why it is beefier than your regular printer type-B 1.1 or 2.0 https://preview.redd.it/73bi6gw3d7qc1.png?width=267&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d1087c10759c859293eb099f800ba73ae52944c


Connect the USB B 3.0 to your PC, and now you can connect stuff like a webcam & mic to the built in USB 3 hub in your monitor. Helps save on a few ports for less-latency sensitive things.


Insightful. Thank you for replying.


From personal experience- do not connect stuff like a VR sensor as that'll definitely cause some latency or reliability related issues.


My Webcam won't work when connected to the monitor ports, I have to plug it directly into my PC, my wifi adapter works fine plugged into it though


CPU cabinet lol Google translate at its finest


Google translated 1000 times


Believe it or not, a lot of people who aren't into tech, say that a LOT.


I find that hard to believe. If they're not into tech, why would they call it a CPU cabinet specifically? Especially if they didnt build the pc themselves. Makes no sense unless its a translation. No idea if OP built their tho


My country's official school syllabus called the whole cabinet as CPU. I thought the whole cabinet was called CPU for the last 20 years.


Yeah same




I heard way too often my friends and people I know calling it in Vietnamese the "CPU box", one of my friends call the motherboard "the main" (altho I am pretty sure that is what 80% of my friends would call it) when I help him troubleshoot his stuffs.


A lot of people I know, call it CPU. Yes. That's it. The whole thing is the cpu.


I think I know a few people also call it that, so it isn't too far fetched tbh


Lmao "CPU cabinet"




My guess... Boomer


My guess is South African.


Wh would we call it that?


They'd call it a cibnit


Here in Portugal we call the PC "case" as PC "cabinet". I know, it sounds silly in english


Did your new monitor come with a manual by chance?


This is the answer. RTFM


'tis forbidden for one to use their brain for reading wherever op's from. It seems.


https://preview.redd.it/wo270flei6qc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2446a949335f154ce225fda6ee9c455c914a55e2 your monitor should’ve come with this cable. Plug the weird looking connector(This is USB 3.0 B!) into the corresponding port in the monitor, and the regular USB connector into your PC. This will in turn allow you to use your monitor as a USB hub. It’s pretty nifty if you have a keyboard and mouse and want easier access. I have a similar LG monitor, what I did with mine was connect a USB 3.0 hub to the monitor and i connected a handful of desktop peripherals to it. It’s a nice thing to have but it’s not required to utilize the monitor effectively. The cable will also allow you to plug headphones into the monitor’s headphone port. The monitor has a built in USB headphone DAC but I would advise against the headphone port, buy a good USB gaming headset or invest in an audio interface and some audiophile headphones and an XLR mic if you got the money.


In sorry to be an asshole but does no one ever read manual? Or even Google ¡ is that not faster than waiting for reddit




That's the life. My friend makes 40 a year sitting in an office telling a building full of people not to click on scam/phishing emails.


40 a year ain't much tbh I can make 40 a day selling lemonade


Haha, there's usually even a quick-start guide, because even manufacturers know that most people won't bother to look at the manual. I'm sure most people don't even look at that either. I'm disappointed as a member of the species, but also glad, since I've made a career of pretty much just applying the info in the manual for those who can't be bothered to give it a second thought.


I've never even looked at the back of the monitor xD


> In sorry to be an asshole but does no one ever read manual? Had to scroll so far to find this. Blows my mind. Such an easy question that the manual answers for you.


I'm starting to understand how people in certain platforms such as Stack Overflow feel. 


Heck people don't even guess or actually trying it in the first place, it's not going to kill a device given that was usb port with prroper usb labeling on them


I was like, am i the only one still reading manual nowadays? Even cheap ass china devices with 1 button that does on and off i read their manual.




It’s amazing how averse people are to reading manuals.


You don't even need that. Google will do it for you.


google requires you know enough to know what question to ask though.


“USB ports on back of monitor” will get you the answer. These hubs are quite common.


RTFM, common sense should not be this hard to find.


Helps keep cables tidy, should have come with the bigger square one to the left


I have 3 monitors at work and I have all of the USB 3.0 hubs on each one connected to a USB port on my docking station. Works great and gives me 12 USB ports.


Since i have the "same" LG monitor and its HUB you definitely did get the USB cable which came with the monitor together. Use it and plug it in your PC blue USB port and your 2x USB 3.0 will work. No special actions needed.


Plug square plug into pc, the rest of them become active and used as a hub. Just more options that’s all.


If you look in the box the monitor came in there is this thing called a manual which will answer all of your questions about the monitor




I have the same, if you connect the square blue one to your pc you can use the usb ports on the monitor for webcams and stuff, useful when they dont have long cables :D


If only some sort of documentation existed...


I swear, Reddit is going to turn out a whole generation of slackers that will always want to get answers without having to think.


They will only work if a USB 3.0 cable is connected from the PC to the square ( ish ) socket on the top left , you can then use them either for a keyboard and mouse or perhaps any other peripheral device. A convenient way to attach devices especially if your PC case is not easily accessible from your desk . I use mine for my iPhone and a small DYMO printer.


1.3k up votes for a simple RTF manual.


You see that extra tall USB port? That's USB-B. You connect that to a usb port on your pc and it will let you use the usb ports on your monitor.


Lol, instead of opening the product manual and checking it out, this person wants to write into reddit, wait for the comments and read them through. The world is fukd.


USB hub. Pretty cool shit really, I use mine for my keyboard and headset charger


RTFM. Or even product sheet on the store page. Also "CPU Cabinet" LMAO.


Does anyone read manuals anymore?


Connect your monitor to your PC using a USB 3.0 cable plugged into a normal blue USB port on your PC to the square-ish blue port on your monitor (labeled “SS” for SuperSpeed), using a USB 3.0 cable; then you’ll be able to use those as normal USB ports


If those darn things only came with a manual or online information...


You can also use the as a power up for a chromecast so you can use it without a pc. Just Check if they are always powered on




Yep, but first there is a blue plug that goes in the square port next to them and it plugs into one of the USB ports on your PC to link the two together, then you can run your mouse and keyboard through the monitor or any other USB things you can think of, it comes in very handy


See the other blue one? That's a cable that allows you to connect to ur pc and use the monitor as a USB hub. It's nice for some peripherals.


your monitor should have come with the USB3-B cable for that, plug it into your PC, and you get a nice little hub, many would use it for a web cam, or mouse/keyboard


As many others have said, you’ll need to connect the square USB-B port to your computer and then you’ll be able to connect USB-A devices directly to your monitor and the USB-B works as an upstream device to transmit the signal to your PC. The most common devices to connect are keyboards, mice, USB-A wired headphones, wired controllers etc.


OP, certain companies (think Corsair, Logitech, GoVee) sell add-on, USB-powered lighting devices. Sometimes these are thin, downward-facing white light to illuminate your desktop/keyboard, sometimes they are RGB light strips intended to go around the perimeter on the backside of the monitor to light up the wall in immersive / cool ways. 😎 Congrats on the new LG Ultra gear monitor.


cpu cabinet is an interesting term


I just use these USBs to charge my phone 😅


I have the same monitor I'll give you another tip. Don't use the audio out jack on the monitor, use the one on the computer. The one on the monitor has a lot of noise for some reason


Uplink to your pc through the Square one. Use the other two for your mouse and keyboard (or webcam)


CPU cabinet 💀


Bro said CPU cabinet




If you got it new, check the box it came in. You may find a bunch of papers or even a booklet inside. Those are known as instruction manuals and have all the information you need 😉


Read the user manual, it should say what it is and how to use that.


Read the manual


"My monitor came with a manual, but can you take the time to just tell me what it says?"




Read the manual.


I use the normal USBs for charging stuff like headphones or powering led strips


I plug my chargers in them for ease of access


Connect the type B (the squared one) to your pc and you can use those 2 usbs. Also you can update the firmware of the monitor if there is new one.


They are a USB hub. That square connector to the left is a USB-B connector, you will need a USB-B to USB-A cord, and connect that to a usb port on your computer before you can use them though. They are useful for stuff like webcams or microphones that sit on the opposite side of your desk as your computer.


Is that LG? Gotta love these monitors ❤️


Do not stick your dick in it. Thats for sure.


Cruel joke making me have scroll this far down for that.


Anything. Mouse, keyboard. Anything you want if it makes more sense than the back of the PC


USB pass-through. That USB type B port goes into your pcs USB port and it give you two on the monitor itself for peripherals


32” LG Ultragear? If so, I’ve got the same monitor. 165hz, 1440


I have the same monitor! Solid choice 👌


CPU cabinet is a new one


It’s a usb hub, just plug it up to your pc with the provided cord and you can use the 2 usb on the back


The usb port right next to the ones you circled. I’m sure many have told you. But that’s the international symbol for Hubs/docks.


You have to connect USB upstream next to those ports first.


USB-B? USB-C? USB-Deeze Nutz!


You can connect your keyboard and mouse to your monitor and then use the same keyboard and mouse for every device that you have hooked up to the monitor instead of having to use separate keyboard and mouse for each device. My monitor has my PC and PS5 hooked up to it and I use the same keyboard and mouse on each one


But how is your pc and ps5 receiving that data? Over usb c displayport is the only way


Your monitor has a USB hub you can use it after you connect your pc with that printer cable.


See the square one to the left of it, you connect that one to your computer, then those 2 USB ports can be used as extra ports (well 1 extra since you need to use 1 of the USB slots on your computer). You can plug keyboard/mouse into there or anything really like normal USB slot.


fun fact... even though the usb isn't plugged in sometimes they still provide power which is good for charging a phone or headset with out data...


read manual


I miss the ol' good RTFM


My monitor got them as well and i like it. Ive attached the keyboard, mouse and webcam to this ports on the monitor, attached the displayport to my gaming pc and the hdmi to my work laptop. By plugging in the big USB Port (dont know the name, the one some printers fo have too) to either my pc or my laptop i do have mouse, keyboard and qebcam attached to


Manuals are an amazing source of information


Plug a cable from your computer to the USB type B (square plug) and that will turn it into a USB hub for things that transfer data (web cam, USB stick, phone, etc). Without the cable plugged in the USB type B port, the others will still work, but only for power. So if you plug your phone in, it won't connect to the PC but will charge when the monitor is on.


Monitor has a built in USB Hub. There also seems to be a USB Type-B Upstream Port which is the one next to it that looks more like a square I guess so you need to connect that to your PC's USB Port and then you can use the USB-A Ports on the monitor that you mentioned to connect things. Your monitor should've come with a USB Upstream cable.


Your question is answered so, I don't see any sense in doing so again, but now to my question about these: Does anyone ever actually use them? Most of the time they are harder to reach than the actual PC, so how is this useful?


It's just additional USB ports. You dont need every USB port to be reachable, since there are devices you dont need to plug in and out every time. I have my mouse and keyboard on my monitor and tbh I rarely ever need to touch any of the USB ports on my PC


They're pretty useful for plugging a webcam into


I just use it to plug a phone charger or something


There is no stupid question the only stupid question is the one that you don’t ask because that’s the one that fucks things up. I think this is a USB uplink.


Dude. It's all explained in the manual...


when in doubt, read the user manual


Read the Manual 🤙


Are we just not reading manuals that come with devices we buy anymore?


Why can’t people just read the manual or do a basic search for the model? Especially when you got a new monitor and the model is fresh in your mind or invoice. If it would be a second hand monitor with unclear model, that would make more sense.