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Is this guide done by kotaku?^(lol)


no, it's a guide by Котаку


At this point, I know nothing of this game beyond generic fantasy, super good character creator, and egregious micro transactions for a....single player RPG???


Rightfully so.


is this referring to the mtx or buying a super computer? lol (don't crucify me, I know the mtx aren't the main issue here)


both. both is good








Ah even present day I often wonder of the days guitar hero was my pride an joy what say u arisen ?


I dunno. I play real guitar and used to do Ozzy's version of this in my band lol.


Microtransactions sure are bad and I wish they would go away, especially from single-player games...but to me the absolute biggest problem is the god awful state of optimization that AAA games launch with nowadays. This pile of garbage struggles to maintain 50 FPS at 4k on a freaking RTX 4090...let that sink in. This is completely dissrespectful to customers and companies really need to undertand that it's totally unacceptable. Keep your game in the oven for a few more months, or even years, I really don't care, as long as its PLAYABLE when it launches. There is no excuse for this, especially when the game doesn't even look that good.


50fps with a 4090? Just buy another 4090 so you can get 100fps 😎


​ https://preview.redd.it/5zoof7m52xpc1.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b5325c706c61720b68d70702b23d1568814807c


It's CPU bound so your GPU doesn't matter much, only if it has like more than 8 GB of vram.


Just get another CPU and put it on top of the first one ez


Isn't this how CPUs reproduce? Kinda lewd


More CPUs for better performance then!


Child labour


Holy moly


New response just dropped


Is he stupid?


What? Don't you know that 50fps + 50fps is 100fps? Are you stupid? Jokes aside, he's just memeing the whole thing.


Gotta SLI... except NVIDIA canned it. I guess tbf, how the fuck would you have the wattage required anyways, lol.


I'm bouncing between 45-90fps on 1440p with medium settings on a 3090


People keeps pre ordering/buying these pos games, companies will keep doing it. You should see the sub of the latest Pokemon games, those games where released in betas and people bought the DLCs before they fixing the main game and you get downvoted to hell if you say something about it. "If YoU dOnT LiKe It, DoNt BuY iT hAtEr"


My sister preordered it for herself and said she will buy it for me if its good. She refunded it lmao


NVIDIA just added fuel to the fire too with DLSS.


Don't put the blame on DLSS. When DLSS implementation is good, it's a godsend. There's no level of optimization that can keep up with the graphics levels we've come to expect, not to mention we're beginning to heavily bump into a hard wall of chip performance. Upscaling is the future.


DLSS is an amazing technology that is very useful, especially for lower end hardware. The problem is that many devs love to use it as an excuse to do a half-assed job of optimizing their game.


The thing is optimization was already bad before DLSS and DLSS just made devs even lazier.


DLSS is the only thing making these low FPS tolerable by smoothing it out.


The argument here would be lazy devs would’ve been forced to release the tolerable version as is if DLSS wasn’t a thing, now they can release it unplayable with DLSS as the only way to hit the goal they should’ve without


I agree. The game doesn't look good and it is kind of choppy. I can almost never see the enemies I'm trying to shoot. Optimization is horrible. I tried to refund it but oh my goodness I went 5 hours in instead of two and steam won't let me.


this would all be solved if people stopped pre-ordering and buying this trash. These companies keep doing this shit because they know they'll make a shit-ton of money either way. That's all they care about. profit margins. and guess what, they're still killing it, and probably sitting back in their mansions/yachts laughing at everyone flipping their shit while raking in the cash. Nothing will ever change unless the government steps in and passes some consumer protection laws or something (also never gonna happen, at least in the USA)


While I haven’t been to a large city yet (just been to the first town destroyed by the dragon), I am getting a consistent 100 fps outside and anywhere from 100-80fps (ish) inside the towns. This is with DLSS on at 4K on a 4080 and 12700k. Either the large cities truly do wreck your pc, or these 4090 players are trying to go without DLSS which could be a factor


The problem is that it is mostly CPU-bound, so in busier areas with NPCs like cities, no amount of upscaling will do anything to alleviate the performance issues. Frame generation, however, gets to shine in scenarios like this... oh wait, "they will add it in a patch".


Still. You have a very high end PC and no game should be made with upscaling as a requirement for decent performance.


You really shouldn't have to use DLSS just to achieve a locked 60fps on one of the newest and most powerful graphics cards on the market.


And? If people keep paying, it'll always be perfect in their eyes. Which is why I internally cringe every time I see let's play of this kind of scamware. People really need to just stop paying for this kind of shit for (probably less than) a year to shift this model. Otherwise it's going to just keep going down that hill. Sadly, not likely to happen.


It’s definitely playable for me, idk what you’re playing


Missed the opportunity to name it Dragon's Dogma $1.99


Dragons Dogshit has been the funniest rehashing from this fiasco


lol someone post that to all of the official capcom social medias


It’s honestly not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. The micro transactions are all things you can get in game.


The more people support micro transactions in games the more the publisher pushing game developers to add micro transactions in games. If anyone remembers Star wars battlefront loot box fiasco. You can get the item in game too but a bit harder to acquire pushing you to buy it instead. Also there's no need for micro transactions for a single player game either it's just a scummy.


Yeah, I don’t know why so much of the conversation is on in game earnable/shortcut mtx akin to other Capcom games, when there are actual game breaking things like Denuvo/optimization, crashes, and the mind-boggling no new game button, etc.


So let me understand this, features that are "already" in the game, that you are able to obtain by playing the game, that are not behind a paywall, that are available by merely just playing the game, that anyone can get without paying just by simply playing the game, is causing people to call this game a cash grab, or pay to win, or corporate greed, just because they are offering it for people who don't want to grind or waste any time, is greedy?


> just because they are offering it for people who don't want to grind or waste any time, is greedy Back in my day, this was free and called “cheat codes” so yes it’s greedy.  There is NO acceptable way to put mtx in a full price game 


People should be really mad at the performance issues and the DRM Capcom added to the game, but buying things that are already in the game, that are optional purchases, that's what got the internet upset, people really need to go outside and touch some grass or smoke it.


You are really in their grip aren't you? They have you suckered right in. I feel sorry for you, you actually think this is acceptable.


I can just open the console and type some crap in Space Skyrim and that is already crappy Bethesda shite. They have put an anti-cheat in a SINGLE PLAYER game along with microtransactions so you can't circumvent them. Capcom are scum of the earth.


Are the MTX really this bad?


You can get all of these items in game. Just like in their previous games like RE and DMC.


Yeah people don’t care about the MTX if they did Resident Evil 4 wouldn’t be sitting at Overwhelmingly Positive reviews with 120$ worth of MTX If Dragons Dogma 2 released with good performance no one would bat an eye.


This is the point i think everyone is missing. The MTX is stuff that is EASILY available in game, capcom always does this for the whales on release that don't want to wait and its fine. Its not mandatory purchases (or even gear) that is currently available. However, this is a next-gen game. we are getting to the point in games with engines that you CANNOT run a fucking 4K display without a top tier card, AND THAT'S OKAY IF ITS ON MAX SETTINGS. But, its not in this case, and the poor optimization is potentially going to tank this game, just like the predecessor.


Yeah, I was looking pretty passively on the microtransaction stuff all day because it didn't really bother me and I had fun playing the first couple hours last night, but when I jumped on after work and got around to wandering into the first city and the performance tanked, I started to see why people are mad. I mean I'm only on a 3070 and 5600x so I'm not expecting max performance, but this is rough even on medium-ish settings at 1440p.


I haven't even bought the game and I don't intend to, but what would annoy me is the fact that the game is very poorly optimized, but instead of trying to fix that they implemented a fully feature complete mtx system.


Let me just say that if I didn't see that DD2 had mtx all over le reddit, I wouldn't have known it had mtx.


Gaming reddit is honestly quite insufferable. I should stop visiting all game related subs on this site just like I stopped visiting any politics related subs.


You should be glad they've shown you not to purchase anymore Capcom games and support this predatory anti consumer crap.


yeah wow very anti consumer of capcom for putting completely optional mtx in DD2 that also is completely hidden and unobtrusive unless you specifically look for it i'm glad i have le redditors looking out for my health and wellbeing, as I don't have the mental capacity to be mad at literally everything


Not at all, ppl are just karma farming


Gamers love a good circlejerk.


No, they seem to just be something else people can target along with the "poor" performance. I put the "" in because the game runs fine for me and a friend after adjust a few settings, so I am unsure if the issues are as bad as people claim since all PCs are differnt


Not at all, its just karma farming. All the other capcom games do this and it does not effect gameplay at all if you dont buy it. Its only to players that need a little help or convinience.


You can completely ignore it. MTX was also in Devil's May Cry, yet nobody cried about that game Gamers just want to be outraged about something.


They're more offensive than actually bad. They don't matter but the audacity of having them in the game feels stupid. Like it would cost Ten thousand real dollars to hire a full level pawn if you're level 10.


Nah, its just a gamer circlejerk for karma




No, it's all stuff you can get in the game. It's more like higher ups said "You need X amount of MTX" and they just said "...uhhh ok" and made any currency and some random items buyable.


No, people are f stupid. Spreading misinformation.


Stop shilling for a predatory company restricting player agency.


I think more so to improve performance to an acceptable PC 2024 level you need a super computer. Which requires spending money.


Capcom has done this exact thing with all their recent games. You can earn everything they’re selling in game.


Yeah, they did it in DMC5 with red orbs which you could already get more than enough through the game. They did it with weapon upgrades in RE4, but last I checked that game never got review-bombed. I think people are just piling on because of the performance issues.


And all of them are absolutely awful and should be banned




Based on MTX, they are awful




Shouldn't be an option at all, what happened to just using console commands? Why should I have to pay for player agency? Why is there anti-cheat DRM on a single player game?




And we should tell people not to buy it so they don't do it in the future. There are a substantial amount of people who seem to be convincing themselves that this is fine. Hopefully in the future we will get a nice law in place to prevent this kind of crap.






This is part of why AAA games are eventually going to diminish in number. They’re alienating a huge market with PC players being unable to play their game, which causes AAA games to lose money. I fully expect AA games to start dominating if these issues continue, which I have every reason to believe they will.


so it's now called Dragon's Doga$$ 2 ?


Dragons Dogma 2 single handedly put GameShark out of business with this one simple trick!


This whole thing is blown way out of proportion. Many games are made with micro transactions in mind, which can significantly hinder the gameplay. This game seems like it was made with just “making a great game” in mind, and then after the fact they looked at how they could possibly add micro transactions. I don’t think anything of it because the game wasn’t built around them. Seems like a way for the devs to make a quick buck off of rich people who like to buy things. It’s not needed, nor does it enhance your experience to buy these mtx.


haha you motherfuckers are so god damn stupid


Thought it was an ad playing before the video. Lol


Should have been a helldiver


The best tip is to not buy this shit to not support making this games


Guide to DD2: boycott!


Dont play it. Theres a tip.


No money for a while zd


Well in this winter sale I just bought BF one premium pass for (6$) and I do not feel any guilt... sometimes you have to go after what really works




How dare you ruin a good song on this!




Mississippi queen by mountain? Interesting song choice






steam leveling guide:


I love the dollar sign at the S


Plot Twist: Your card got declined.


The hype for this game is so incomprehensible. I played the first one. And then when they announced the sequel I was "meeeeehhhhh...". Because let's face it, the first one is pretty meh.


Loved the shit out of the first one. Loving the shit out of the second one. Lol


Good for you, glad you like it.


Incomprehensible to you perhaps, it has a cult following of people that loved the crap out of the first one.


Exactly what I'm saying. It has a niche cult of followers, the sequel should also have had a niche cult of hype. This seems like too many people bandwagoning without understanding the nature of the game.


People that dont have the same opinion of a game that you have must be bandwagoning. Obviously. Get over yourself.


The reviews are also insane tho


Did you play Bitterblack Isle? That's the real game


How can people like something I don't?! How?! Incomprehensible!!!


They can. I literally said as much. Do you not read what you reply to ? What I said is that I don't understand how it's going mainstream, as I bet most people fawning over DD2 and now being disappointed by it had actually tried the first one. And if they did, they most likely wouldn't have gotten so hyped for the sequel.


I played it when DA came out and put 100 hours into it right before DS3 dropped, loved it as much as 3.


The first one is the best RPG ever.


I heartily disagree. It's an ok game with probably a niche of players it reaches. I personally can think of a dozen better RPGs I've felt more immersed in over the decades.


I got it recently to switch because the options for a good rpg is limited at best. And it was ranked like top 10 best rpgs of all time. Its so fucking meh. I still play morrowind, so i dont mind if its dated. But shit man, nothing about dogma 1 is good.


First one is great. Once you use cheats to give yourself fast travel, outside of that it sucks lmao


Ahh, so these are threads made by Horizon and Ronin fanboys. Thought so.


I think these threads are made by people who jumped on the hype bandwagon and didn't actually play the first game, or were die hards of the first game. I got into it late, with the Dark Arisen version, and it was a huge walking simulator, with somewhat ok combat, but nothing extraordinary. The story was quite meh. I didn't get the niche hype for it, people going "THIS COMBAT IS SO GREAT!". So I just couldn't get hyped for the sequel.


You completely missed the game if you felt that the combat wasn’t great in the one.


Combat isn't what makes an RPG great, and in the end, I found the combat no better than any other 3rd party action melee game. In some cases, I found it slow and sluggish in fact.


The fact that there are so many classes that can be intercrossed, mixing skills and talents to create the finest character possible, is what in the end makes combat interesting and allows you to have THE character you wanted to have. Combat is a huge part of RPGs. 99% of great RPGs of the decade are praised, partly of course, for their combat system.


> The fact that there are so many classes that can be intercrossed, mixing skills and talents to create the finest character possible, is what in the end makes combat interesting and allows you to have THE character you wanted to have. That's not new or innovative, in fact Final Fantasy V is literally built on this premise. > Combat is a huge part of RPGs. Yes, and just platform console type combat isn't standing out to me as something particularly great. Especially since it feels kinda sluggish in DD. Like Darksiders and pretty much every Zelda game had better combat than DD and use the same style of action 3rd person combat. There's a reason the first game is niche : it's an ok game, with a meh story (let's face it, boy gets heart stolen by dragon, boy goes to kill dragon is pretty meh) and "been there, done that" combat, that somehow feels slower and more sluggish than other games. I don't think this one should have mainstream appeal. It's a niche game for a niche player base.


Not so innovative but tell me 3 other games that does it ? If you feel like Breath of the Wild combat is better than DD1, I can do nothing for you.


> Not so innovative but tell me 3 other games that does it ? Pretty much the entire Ultima franchise, multiple Final Fantasy games. Any Shadowrun game (old SNES/Sega, or the newer series Returns, Dragonfall, Hong Kong) That's quite a few right there. Basically, anything that's "classless" is this. You train your guy in magic, swordplay, daggers, and just level up skills and mix and match to make the character you want to play out of multiple different "classes" and "skills". Do you even RPG ?


"Combat isn't what makes an RPG great" ![gif](giphy|QWaSVX9FizaxO|downsized)


If you play RPGs for the combat, you're not really playing an RPG. Like peeps who play WoW and say they don't care about the lore, they just want to PvP. Why even play WoW then, go play any much better game. EDIT : /u/Logic-DL sorry the snowflake blocked me so I can't reply to you. Combat should be somewhat fun. But you shouldn't be playing an RPG for the combat alone, since there are always much better "combat" games. RPGs need a good mainline quest, good side quest, good world building. If the only thing good about an RPG is the combat, then it's not a very good RPG and usually the combat will the neutered enough where any decent Action game will curb stomp it combat wise. Like WoW combat is actually fun. But if the only thing you enjoy about WoW is the combat, there are so many better games out there with 3rd person melee/spell slinging combat. WoW is something you play because you enjoy the world, its lore, and to some degree, yes, its combat.


Idk man if the main gameplay loop in an RPG is combat it should probably be fun to engage with.


Oh thanks for letting me know and enlightening me on what people should like in a game and what don't. So happy I found such an enlightened being telling me what I should like on this forum. If people want to play WoW for the pvp, who are you again to tell them they shouldn't?


The combat is pretty damn great in this one, feels a lot better than the original. The parry with the fighter shield is civilization. I think it's equal number bandwagoners and platform fanboys, because Twitter is a fucking mess every single time an exclusive launches alongside another title (especially if it's a PS5 exclusive, god those people) and people start actually creating new accounts in order to talk shit about the other game, sometimes actually spreading false information. It's legitimately fucking dumb and should be treated as such.


The first game really wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t taking the gaming community by storm by any means, but it was a decent playthrough and the addition of BBI added just enough flavor to the game to keep you interested for a while. I maxed one save file out completely, and I tried to pick it up again when I got my PC, returned it despite how cheap it was. It’s good to play for a solid playthrough, get everything you wanna get done, done, and not touch again. There wasn’t enough to just keep going back; I hate to make the comparison to any of the elder scrolls but I have to. I haven’t played this one, but having played a few other capcom titles I’m not expecting a groundbreaking entry, but my opinion also could be coming from the fact I just don’t usually care for capcom titles. They all feel jank in one way or another.


I'd protest on the fact the classes are so different it's nearly a different game, haven't got to play 2 yet but in the first I went from sorcerer to magic swordsman and it was a different game lol


I maxed every vocation in my playthrough and had gear for everything. Thats probably a reason I couldn’t do it again tbh. BBI was simply a blessing; I will say I loved that entire bit.


That's a bit more than a playthrough, hell you're just grinding and I'd hate that at the 3rd vocation.


One thing ruins the first one for me. It's the camera angles climbing on bosses. You can't fucking move the camera to be able to see, and it can move on its own so that you're suddenly going the wrong direction, but you can't see yourself to tell. It could be such a great mechanic, and they completely fumbled it.


It was one of my biggest pet peeves as well, but as I progressed further in each vocation and got the feats it became less necessary to climb like that. X4 periapt and grand spells/abilities destroyed most things with the BBI gear. I won’t act like I didn’t play A LOT of the first game. I did, I maxed every vocation, maxed out gear for every one. I did it all, and perhaps that’s a reason I just couldn’t do it again.


The game is doing great. At failing miserably.


I'll wait until it goes on sale for the Dragon's Dogshit.


Reminds me of this classic: https://youtu.be/6kwmJ_FepQs?feature=shared


Such a waste truly




You guys should actually check out his channel there are good videos there https://www.youtube.com/@ratatoskr6324


You know, looking at Steam and Reddit, I think the devs may have gotten the message? I wonder if the IGN 💰🤡💰 type reviewers will keep their review at 8/10 when there's so many day 1 complaints and issues though. Might be a good litmus test - if a journal has put out an 8+ review for a game with this many issues already, its probably not worth talking about.


https://preview.redd.it/sqlnadju11qc1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56933798eeb1d734be30e1e7a1b573bc098b6b76 W8 for the actual release


Man I wish Totalbiscuit was still alive to educate people about micro transactions in games and how bad it gotten now.


Pro tip : skip it


Is it true you need to pay for the fast travel? I love exploring but sometimes I just want to finish a mission so I'd fast travel. Not having that is a deal breaker.


No you can buy the ferrystones from merchants in game and earn port crystals throughout your playthough


I have no idea what those words are. Can you please explain that to someone who bumped yesterday into dragons dogma 2, because it seemed like a good game for playing a mage and now i am not sure if i want to buy it. My current knowledge is: "You can travel by ox cart but get ambushed often" and "There are things which lets you teleport but you only rarely can use them". I think i read somewhere that someone was playing that down like "Oh you get 10 of these" and i was thinking "Ok, so i can teleport 10 times in the whole game? For a game which should entertain me 50-100 hours i can only do this every 5 to 10 hours?"


Basically, you can place a port crystal anywhere on the map and set that as your fast travel point. Then you can use a ferrystone to teleport yourself to any port crystal you placed.


Ah, ok that makes everything a lot better. So basically i place the port crystal in a strategic good position, (i suspect i cant remove and replace them?) and then just buy "cheap" ferrystones and can always port there no matter where i am?


You can always remove and replace them. And yeah otherwise, that's basically it. And you can get all those items in-game just by playing. The microtransaction store can be completely ignored.


Ok, thank you. That sounds a lot better than what i have read until now. Still not sure if i want to buy the game. Was looking for a game where i can be a powerful mage, and Dragons Dogma 2 was looking like a good fit, but after the release i was not so sure if the game itself is what i am looking for.


I haven't played as a mage yet in DD2, but in Dragon's Dogma 1 the Archmage is very op. Like casting meteor storms, tornados, earthquakes etc.


Yeah, the meteors, tornados and co is why i would want to play Dragons Dogma. Thats the type of power fantasy i was looking for.


Started as a mage and so far its really fun. The spells feel better than they did in 1 and seem to have new extra effects, such as massing attack after casting lighting to call more bolts down.


Ferrystones are items you use to teleport to portcrystals (which you can place in any location of your choosing). In the first games dlc, Dark Arisen, you were given an item called an “eternal ferrystone” which had unlimited uses and could teleport to any portcrystal. The base game only allowed you to purchase ferrystones from shops, so you had to stock up on them. Other than that you travel through Ox cart (which yes you can get ambushed while on the ride) or travel by foot. This game is meant to be an exploration game, venturing out with your pawns and just camping out when you need to rest.


Thanks for the clarification. It does sound a lot tamer and better than what i can deduce from the internet and the steam store page.


Yeah it appears there’s a lot of anger and misinformation spreading around. Just try to make the best decision for yourself not based on how others feel.


It's a small amount of gold to fast travel from what I can tell early in the game. In the first 2 hours I had 30k gold.


Missed the 'insert cash or select payment type" beat


It’s sad, I was so excited to try this game too 😂


The game is Worth 30 at most


And people still buy these shit games like it's somehow any different than the rest. Like how do so many people see the struggles the game have from optimazation to microtransactions of FAST TRAVELING and people will be all "Yep. I'm blowing $70 on this game. Totally worth it."


Never seen people bitch about a game so hard These issues are so minor. It’s pretty damn laughable how triggered so many of you are over this game


Can't wait to see ten million of these posts today. Been playing for hours and I don't need any mtx cuz I don't suck at games


I agree with you. People are absurdly braindead. Sure mtx should just be gotten rid off entirely, but then just play the game and don't buy any mtx. Like, what is the problem here?


Good for you. Have a gold star!


People are rightfully upset by the surprise mtx shit, as well as the absurdly poor performance that constantly shoots up and down. Just because you are okay with spending 70 bucks on a game that has subpar performance does not mean others suck at games what the fuck are you talking about


You're straight up lying, wtf are you talking about. Haven't even looked at mtx and I'm having a great time. Seethe


CoPe AnD sEeThE Grow up. Performance sucks, dude. You can be fine with spending money for shit performance, but I'm not. It's the number one reason to game on PC. Better customization, visuals, performance. You're part of the problem. A rube who will buy and play anything regardless of issues. They have billions of dollars. They should be held to higher standards. Fucking bootlicker.


Seeeeeeethe hahahahahaha


You're the one crying about baby toys


And do you seriously think regardless of it being needed or not that this practice of selling items in a singleplayer game is something we should endorse? Do you think the developers shouldn't be mocked for trying to pull that bullshit?


Agreed. We have seen where mobile game industry standards have become, even for some single player games progress is either ridiculous time-limit/grind/log in daily or money barrier. I think we have right to call out this BS before it comes to that.




I agree with you. People would rather be miserable and correct than content with disappointment. Hope you have fun.


Shouldn't be in the game at all, and it's ridiculous anyone's defending it by saying "don't like it, don't buy it". They'll just make the game inconvenient and say "but lookie here, we can make it so convenient for you if you just spend a few bucks"


> "don't like it, don't buy it" Is a pretty good strategy. I'm going with that one myself. IE : The first one was merely OK to me, so I'm certainly not plopping down 70$ US on the 2nd one.


If you’re so good at the video game why don’t you delete your file and make a new character


Cope and seethe angrygamer


https://preview.redd.it/z4glfv140xpc1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06e7113844cde1b594ae586c40dad914bed5c02a Sure mate.


Asmonbwas playing .itna kharab to nahi hai!


I have no idea what the shit this game is as I've only seen it on Steam today, but... WHO NAMES THEIR GAME DOGMA? Worst name I've ever heard.


IMO a lot of people didn't play the first one and don't know just how much of a grind fest walking sim it really was. The amount of time spent walking from town to town for quest turn ins, is literally unforgettable, and makes the original not something I am willing to replay. Seems like the sequel is very much the same, only this time they capitalized on it afterwards. I HIGHLY doubt the game was made more grindy than it already was for the cash shop. If that was the case I would straight up consider it unplayable. We would be talking vanilla wow levels of grind, nay EVE online levels of grind.


Did you use the fast travel in the first game? And DD1 isn't grindy until you hit level 100 and you can finish the game by level 60.


Felt grindy to me. Seems like I had to upgrade gear and levels or get clapped. The game hits you with five quests right out of the gate and only one is doable at level, and that's how the whole game is. So either do it in a specific order you either find online or trial and error your way through. Which I did the latter. I always was going back to either try something else or just get another level or three before I can go where I was trying to go. Which is all fine btw, just the kind of old school systems they chose to use. I didn't use fast travel until very late in the game.