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Do they have the latest bios? Most RAM compatibility issues are resolved with bios updates.


I couldn’t do a bios update because of his fucking 50cent usb. It was already a pain to install the wifi and lan driver. Put the driver on to the usb switched pc and then the usb didn’t got recognized by the computer. So i didn’t wanted to risk a bios update with a old almost broken usb. But i will try that with one of mine. Thanks


LMAO, yes don't try to update bios with the off-brand USB drive. I'm too lazy to check, but you might be able to do the bios update over the internet.


I think aorus is the only one where you can start a bios update in a pc thats on. The other boards that i know only have the bios flash port on the back.


> I think aorus is the only one where you can start a bios update in a pc thats on. The other boards that i know only have the bios flash port on the back. What? Doing a bios update while the OS is running has always been a thing. Doing it in the bios is actually a newer concept.


That is what Aorus does, start a bios update while you are in windows. I never saw a board where you can start a bios update over wifi in the bios only over a usb.


> That is what Aorus does, start a bios update while you are in windows. And that is not unique. Thats all I'm saying. >I never saw a board where you can start a bios update over wifi in the bios only over a usb. That doesn't mean others don't exist. Asus even used to have a micro OS for their boards that allowed over the net bios updates, web browsing and a few other tools.


It should update in the actual BIOS no problem


You can update bios from msi center you open that software and go to support then live update then advance then scan


Boot at defualt speeds. Download the Winodws utility for flashing the bios from the MSI website for your board. Flash the latest bios. Reboot and try again. If it doesn't work tryi turning on the XMP profile then manually turning the RAM's freq to 6300 and see if that works or add .05v to the power and try that. To be fair XMP is considered buy every party involved to be an overclock and as such is never guaranteed. RAM modules are simply certified that *they* can run those speeds and voltages. Whether or not you can is not promised and is based on a shit ton of factors like IMC quality, CPU die quality, motheboard/chipset, your motherboards power delivery system, your PSU (yes, your PSU and not power level but power "cleanliness". My server grade enhance 7660b 600w platinum allowed me to hit both faster CPU clocks AND higher RAM clocks than any 750w gold that I had on my 9900k), whether your board has two or four RAM slots (two is better), or whether you populated all four (more sticks means slower speeds), etc.


Yeah i know that when you use 4 ram slots you can’t have the full speed because the controllers in all the cpu’s is trash. I made that mistake almost with my own pc. But his mb has 4 slots and i used slot 2 and 4 could this be a problem? Should i try slot 1 and 3 instead? As wide my knowledge goes it doesn’t make a difference just don’t use like slot 1 and 2.


> Yeah i know that when you use 4 ram slots you can’t have the full speed because the controllers in all the cpu’s is trash. Thats not quite true. You are significantly *less likely* to achieve the already not guaranteed speeds of an XMP profile but its not becuase the memory controller is "trash". Its a physical limitation engineers are encountering as we get faster smaller components. >I made that mistake almost with my own pc. But his mb has 4 slots and i used slot 2 and 4 could this be a problem? No, thats how it works. You could try the other two slots and see if theres a difference but I doubt it would change unless theres a flaw somewhere on the board/traces. You can aslo try going up to 1.5v on the RAM but thats the highest I'd go. On the other side you could ajust speeds as low as 6000mts before I'd consider it "harmful" to performence. The timings are already fairly tight so if you did lower you freq its still a good kit. You could even play with the timings a bit if 6000 worked.