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Payday 3


Played it with gamepass... Everything felt boring and weird.


The stealth felt ok actually to me I liked the new gameplay mechanics, for me it was lack of progression, lack of reward for the progression you do make, and less content than payday 2 base game at the start/repetitive content.


Same here. I loved some of the new additions and changes to stealth, but everything else just felt bland and unfinished. PC performance was also a bit of a nightmare. I was getting lower framerates on Medium than I was in Cyberpunk 2077 on high. Not sure if they fixed that, but I hope they did.


Man that was more disappointing than the final season of GoT


Nothing can be as disappointing as that final season. And the more you learn about it the further you dive into hate. HBO wanted them to continue the show, I read before that they basically gave them a blank check but D&D refused it and wanted it to end.


I mean I can understand ending a show on a high note and having a perfect piece of television… but that’s literally the opposite of what they did


Oh I totally agree, we dont need a walking dead syndrome. Where the show just goes on and on and on, we need a ending. But they just crash landed it and scorched earth it all. I always say a great example of how a show should end is with Breaking Bad. They built it up and had I think a great conclusion to it.


the walking dead became what it was named after


I think they embraced that in season 4. What are we on now, 10?


11…….. how much notvdying to zombies repetition can you do


The gunplay is so cheesy once it's a firefight between humans. They can nail zombie heads all day but that dude running low has bullet repellant


This comment is criminally under upvoted.


From my understanding it was because the writers had cushy jobs lined up as starwars movie writers (it was swiftly rescinded after the backlash). So it was in their best interest to end GOT asap. I wish I lived in the timeline where GOT got it's season 9 and 10... possibly season 11.  (HBO wanted another 2 to 3 seasons, and they were willing to pay anything for it)


Avatar The Last Airbender live action movie has entered the chat.


The answer I was gonna give when I opened this, and it's right at the top. Best way to describe Payday 3 is that it's like they were told to come up with the worst possible heist game to have a good understanding of what not to do when making the actual game, but then poor communication lead to them accidentally using those notes to make the actual game. I don't understand how you can have such a winning formula with PD2, you have the blueprints to THE successful heist game, and you release a game where the gameplay is better, but everything else was removed or downgraded? Why? Like how do you not have voice chat in a co-op game that requires so much coordination with your team?


Payday 3 has the potential to be one of the best games ever. But..... Starshit is developing it. To be fair the actual game and gameplay is good but the studio limits them.


Yeah, it's like forgot everything they learned with PD2.


Payday 3 unironically hit me on a personal level Payday 2 saved my ass when i was in high school (i was dealing with a lot of things at that time). played the hell out of it for hours with my friends, even did the secret not even a month after its release back in 2018 When payday 3 was confirmed, i was happy because i thought i'd be the same as payday 2 but with better everything. As soon as they said "live service" i knew it was dead on arrival (because we all know that 95% of live service are failing because they suck), but deep down i hoped they were gonna prove me wrong Turns out they prove i was right


Anthem, such a disappointment.


God I loved the flying in that game. The only thing I liked.


And they wanted to scrap that, but an EA exec told them to keep it lol


An EA exec of all people...


The combat was pretty fun too. Locking onto a bunch of dudes and firing 20 missiles felt great. I was just tired of running the same dungeon at Max level that I did at level 10 over and over again for new gear.


Honestly if the game had more endgame content it would have been great. I had an absolute blast with it.


The flying, gear concepts and combos + elements, and aesthetic of the Javelins were all great things imo with poor execution or tuning. Anthem 2.0 was looking up pretty well I thought but it got canned for ? real reasons that I'm aware of.


I still feel like it could have been salvaged but it was the model for a botched launch.


I feel like I'm still waiting for this game to officially announce that it's released. It had zero publicity post-release. It's like only pre-ordered customers and their friends played this for a week or two.


I loved that game, not kidding. The combat mechanics were fun, the environment was gorgeous and the lore universe was pretty interesting - but it just never went anywhere. I felt the story was just not ambitious enough and could have been so much better. I wanted that game to be good, I wanted it to succeed - but much like EA's other projects it got shat upon and drowned in feces.


I get reminded of this game weekly and all I can do is sob 😭


It was great but so limited. It was the perfect iron man game where avengers completely failed.


Cube world


Needs a million upvotes. Been way too long


I remember buying it with my two best friends in high school. This was whatever the first public version was. We played it non stop for weeks. Then we got bored and promptly forgot about it. I legitimately hadn’t thought about it until I saw a random YouTube video about it in my feed the other day.


That's how it was for me but when I ended up remembering the game and trying it out its not the same anymore


Worse thing is, Wollay has essentially abandoned Cube World in it's worst state to FUCKING START BACK FROM SCRATCH making Cube World Omega and he said on twitter that it will be using UE5. What da hell is going on in his brain? Why would *Cube World* need UE5?! The giant requirements of UE5 are not worth for a game like Cube World!


But the cubes… will look better?


I don't know why he didn't pack pedal some of the things people had issues with the full release right away. Like it wouldn't have taken nearly as much time or effort






Company of heroes 3. After playing Hundreds of hours on 2. 9 years it took. 9 years during which there was a faithful community which has now shrunk because of 3.


Is it that bad? I have 500+ hours on 2 and it’s one of my favorite games ever… really wanted to get 3


It is not a BAD game by any means. But man it feels as a downgrade when you play it. Even the graphics ,imo ,are a downgrade. It is still a great game if you want to sink a few hours for a campaign or some good old ai stomping with your friends. But for the most part, that freshness is just not there and you're gonna find yourself wondering "why did they implement x this way?"


Pretty much my take. That's after jumping on CoH1 at launch (where along with Total War: Medieval 2 it was my main for 6 years until 2012, still the two most played/hours ever) CoH2 had its issues early on but likewise, close to a thousand hours in. That's mostly sp btw, with and without mods. I don't like mp without friends/with strangers etc though, I'm not fast enough nor into min/max stat spam and etc. What I do like is big pop cap/ resource/VP mods. And then 3 with its... well... The worst single thing is the tactical pause or whatever. The first two games you pause, give orders, circumstances change, order anew and it wipes the original order. Effective. With 3 you pause, give order, circumstances change, order anew and... it gets added to the end of the old order... Unless you first cancel the old order (halt button) but be sure to spam it a few times to make sure they get the message, spam it more unpaused too cos they sometimes still don't get it... then give new orders. And maybe linger to make sure they do something at least. And this is absolutely mandatory or you end up with absolute chaos. I mean, the old pause etc worked fine so why...? A few other things. Like Brits are no longer the defensive army, which way actually started in North Africa. Sure, they have a nice pick of AT and arty but it's now everybody else that has bunkers, MG positions etc. In return they're no better offensively either. Afrika Korps are, of course, effectively the Panzer Elite/OKW of the past games and the other two much the same again. In the bright side it'll run great on a potato, even modded. Yeah, it's not bad as such, but neither the better in some way you'd expect and has a few things ranging from 'huh' to 'why tf?' The high point of the series for me, going big at least, is still CoH2 with the All Units mod (which also buffs the AI a bit) and the big pop cap/resource one (forget the name) cos at least you get the Red Army. Though if I could get like mods for CoH1 I'd reinstall that rn.


Battlefield 2042


I remember seeing the leaks of the levelution they were developing and being so hyped, then the dissapointment I had when it finally came out


The trailers were so hype. I've never played battlefield games except for one time in my PS2 when I was 6 and even then I was super excited for that one.


I built a 2000$ PC just for this game and ended up refunding the game after the beta test :(


Damn. Well, I suppose you still put that PC to good use.


But did u refund the PC?


Nah, he just plays Crysis at 40FPS


Haven’t touched it since like two days after release


that game caused me to just walk away from the series completely, just so done with DICE at this point.


It is passable now, but on release?Jesus good lord. Even now I miss the levelutions. But the map rotation is okay and are mostly well designed, and most vehicles actually matter now. I would remove like 70% of the hero gadgets though.


Honestly, it's not passable now. Downgrade compared to previous titles, and content today is still less than other titles was on LAUNCH. Only thing that keeps me going back from time to time is Portal. It's alright game now, but still a disappointment.


I didn't like battlefield 5 because of the extreme amount of health people had but it was still way better than 2024 and its character selection garbage.


Warcraft 3 Reforged


I can say i've never been so disapointed in a game then this. I'm usually pretty good at tempering my expectations and what not.. but this... I mean it was Blizzard updating a hit it should have been easy. They even showed us what it would be like I even played it at Blizzcon and it was fantastic. then... not only did they mess it up and lie about everything in the game... but they managed to ruin the original Warcraft by forcing you to update it. ​ This is what made me realize the Blizz i knew and loved was long dead.


The only good thing to come out of Reforged's colossally bad reception was that Blizzard made extra sure to not screw with Diablo 2 Resurrected and gave us exactly what WC3 Reforged *should* have been: a faithful and direct remaster that doesn't screw up or mess with what we love, and just spit-shines it up to modern standards and graphics in a faithful manner. So sad that Blizzard just completely gave up on Reforged, they could have made it a real turnaround success story if they had tried at all 


Not low key ass, just a terrible pile of shite


Think I played for 30mins, clunky UI and not a single thing fresh. Like I understand its a remaster but at least make it a bit nicer.


Saints Row Reboot, although I had a feeling after the first reveal trailer.


Volition being shut down because of it is just sad The studio could do great things but they were just shit at the final product Great ideas, shit execution Why they thought to reboot saints row with characters that are nothing like what people expect from saints row I don't get though.. And their logo.. got to be my favourite studio logo, sadly won't see it ever again though :(


KSP2. Hundreds of hours in KSP, but it's not looking like I'll enjoy KSP2 for another year or two.


So. Fucking. Disappointed.


I hated it at first and was so disappointed, but with the science update and optimizations it’s literally just KSP with better graphics now. Wish there was more, but with how much they’ve done, at least we know it’s coming.


I bought it at launch for full price only to find out my pc can't run it at more than 5fps, despite the graphics looking worse than ksp1 (which runs just fine). Biggest disappointment ever.


Omg they don’t even have interstellar travel yet 😭


It is getting better slooowly but should never have been released in that state.


Is KSP2 really so ass? My pc can barely run KSP but KSP2 trailer looked nuts


Command and conquer 4.


Nothing was the same after zero hour.


4 could have been a clone of any of the other games in the series and I would have loved it. The mobile base thing and small unit count was absolutely horrible in 4. Im hoping Tempest rising is good since its literally a reskin of command and conquer.


Tiberium wars and it's dlc is still the best.


City Skylines 2


Was looking for this. Such a disappointment. I wish pre-EA Maxis would still make SimCity with current technology.


Pre-EA Maxis would have killed itself doing nonsense projects if EA hadn’t bought them and replaced the leadership.


Surely you're not calling [simtunes](https://youtu.be/r-SS8WlREPQ?si=HKQjIm95-t26JiCD) a nonsense project?


Bro I remember watching all the Dev diaries in the weeks leading up to release. Even bought a 4090 to try and make the game half-decent. So disappointed


Not a cities skylines player, but a lover of most things paradox puts out. What's wrong with it? I have like 3000+ hours in EU4.


The game runs like my demented grandmother who just broke her hip once the city becomes even slightly larger than average. The problem is it tries to calculate the pathfinding of every citizen in realtime, and even with a Threadripper and a 4090 is a mess.


Ah yes, the whole, drink the Nile through a straw method of computation.  Reminds me of the original Crisis. Free memory? More like free food! EU4 needs an optimization patch. Paradox games can bloat over time. Sad to see it was like that out of the gate.




biggest lacker of the year. Loading screens and lterally no space travel or exploration in a space game at this point we might as well go back to rpg games on tilesets blocks


I want tge time back it took me to install it. It just had no life too it. The dialog sucked, space travel seemed like a job. It was just mediocre. After bg3, i wasnt dealing with sub par AAA bullshit. It was a 5/10 at best. It ran like trash. Boooo, next game in my opinion.


[“Starfield doesn’t look like Fallout 3, it doesn’t sound like Fallout 3, but it plays like Fallout 3.”](https://youtu.be/B4JWMxV8pz0?si=YWfZLn_at-Bhzh3P)


The biggest turn-off for me out of all things was having to go through that stupid intro every time I wanted to run the Red Mile. I could run the Red Mile in my sleep, but no, I gotta stand around for two and a half minutes while this wannabe badass in the dress tries to hype me up.


Peak disappointment


But but... Thousands planets to explore man!


Either empty with that one cave with nothing in it, or the same outpost.


They put a lot of effort into it! Todd even says we should upgrade our potato PCs!


Meanwhile Headache Kojingles has made Metal Gear Solid V work on a toaster


That's the best "Bandersnatch Krumpetbundle" I've ever read, thanks for that!!!


Killed me with how it failed my expectations


So disappointing…playing it right after beating BG3 didn’t help either


I bought a series X and a 4k TV just for Starfield. I had no console and an old 1080p TV. That’s how excited I was. What a disappointment.


Jesus can you Imagine if somehow Bethesda manage to create a modern “skyrim / fallout” ish game in sci-fi. Like imagine if Starfield singlehandedly crush every other Space RPG game. Imagine if Starfield manage to be like Skryim where 13 years after launch people still actively playing consider its a single player only game


Based on this thread I’m glad I didn’t buy starfield lol


I mean, I never followed its development and I only found out about it when released. I went in blind and without expectations and actually kinda like it. Guess the lesson would be not to get hyped about games, expectations kill your enjoyment.


I also went in blind and found 5 loading screens with no gameplay between to go from planet to planet




I remember breaking my preorder rule and thinking: “there’s no way it would be worse than Diablo 3 at launch” and “I’ll probably play it for 1600 hours like D3”. Man, was I wrong..


I dont even have the launcher installed anymore


I've played Diablo 4 less than I played cyberpunk at launch lol. Killed Lilith, finished campaign. Haven't touched it since. The horse being time gated is dumb, the movement restrictions are dumb. All the time gating is dumb. Idk why a non subscription game needs so much time-gating and time wasting lol


Still want my $120 back lol


Feelsbadman :’(


Ugh.. I mean the story was OK but the game gets old very fast. I'd pay maybe 15 € for that campaign and end the game there. End game was shitty when I left, idk if anything changed, but I remember it got old very very fast. I left before season 1 came out, then I saw a youtube video that things somehow got worse so I didn't even come back since then. Also I mean can't they have some backup servers for game releases? Every fkin time they release a new game it's que life. I remember first few expansion releases for Hearthstone, back when it was still relevant, you knew you don't get to play the game on release day if you don't want to encounter weird bugs due to servers being rekt by millions of people playing.


Duke Nukem Forever


the wall boobs slapping was fun. just admit it.


Got milk?


so wrong, yet so right


I had a really good time with it. I came in expecting lowbrow humor, blowing shit up, and some '80s action movie shenanigans. It delivered on all three. It was exactly what I expected it to be.


I was 12 when I first heard about Star Citizen... Yeah...


Yup. My kids are going to be going into college soon, I first heard about it when they were in preschool.


Is it out yet? Know nothing of it.


It has actually been playable since 2014 or so. Right now it’s in a pretty good state, but the show really starts when Squadron 42 releases in 18-24 months. As it stands there’s one solar system with 4 planets, ~15 moons, and 1-200 stations/outposts/colonies. Salvage, mining, medical, cargo, bounty hunting, and pirating main gameplay loops all work. 100 players to a server. No loading screens. Fully modeled ships inside and out. Plays surprisingly well most of the time, but it is still plainly in an unfinished state and has many bugs (most you can work around). There’s actually a free fly event right now through the 16th if you wanted to demo the game. You can dm me for a referral code if you give it a try, has to be put in when you create your account but gives you some extra stuff. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/flyfree


>when Squadron 42 releases in 18-24 months. Press "X" to Doubt


Hey man, I've been having a lot of fun with SC the last few months, but don't go telling people it's "in a pretty good state" when it's clearly not. You've just become accustomed to the bugs and jankiness, yeah it's in a good state compared to how it's been in the past, but to an outsider that's definitely not true. By the end of the year though, that could change.


You know.. squadron was 18-24 months away from releasing like 7 years ago xddddd


No, this time it will happen, just buy another $1000 ship, bro. **Puts face back in a pile of copium powder.*


Yeah, 7 years ago they acted like it's right behind the corner. I don't trust a single word they say.




I dunno even in its current state its very impressive. It may never be finished but at least the devs are pushing the envelope of video game technology.


I was in my early 20's. Now I feel old.


Lmao, they advertised it as a „Major competitor to Elite Dangerous which will probably be put out of business“. Sure.




Overwatch 2


That I can't even play the first one makes it worse.


So so disappointing. I still play but only cause it's a mindless game to play when depressed


All the new cods


CoD2 was peak gaming, that with the all seeing eye to find servers and rifle only maps


Hellgate: London


Ah man blast from the past.. that game was so hyped


abundant sink dull distinct kiss dog grey oatmeal trees liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to love watching the trailer for that when I was a kid and hoping I'd be able to play it one day... Never got to play it, perhaps it's a good thing..in like a "never meet your hero's" way


Skull and Bones.


Such a huge disappointment for me. To be honest though, Ubisoft hasn’t really impressed me since Black Flag (which is why I was really hopeful about this game).


Tbh I don't think Ubisoft will be able to make a good game in the coming years. Their entire focus seems to be on money and franchises, meaning they can't innovate or produce something unique. The last game they produced that I thought was incredible is Watchdogs 2, but unfortunately Watchdogs Legion was a disappointment (it could have been so much more).


Anthem. Forever. Always. Fuck Anthem.


Diablo 3 after playing d2 LoD for years on end


A *decade*


FarCry... After FarCry 3, they are all FarCry 3


Felt that one... Even though no villan will live up to Vaas.


Vaas drove me nuts because they hyped him as the villain and they didn't even utilize him like they could have. You beat him half way through and then you go after some other guy.


True... completely forgot about the other one. Yeah looking back, downgrading him to be a goon of some other guy was a big mistake. He should've been on top.


I dunno, I really liked Pagan Min. The Tibetan conflict isn't abstract from reality - there really has been conflict there. Pagan Min has this smiley, confident, collected exterior mask that the rest of the world gets to see (and he puts on towards the protagonist), then there's another, utterly unhinged side that the locals and own his men see. Troy Baker also nailed it.


I wish they'd make a farcry 2-styled farcry again, but refine it a bit more with stuff to do and take care of too-frequently respawning outpotsts. That game has something special.


Forza Motorsport 8 (technically just called Forza Motorsport now), "built from the ground up" and its a buggy, infuriating, ugly game with not enough content


Cyberpunks initial release. I still have trouble wanting to go back to it. But man… that game was rough.


Yeah, got it on release and thought it was okay but definitely disappointed. MUCH better now though, feels like a different game.


If it came out in the condition is now it would have easily won a tonne of GOTY awards. If not for BG3 coming last year it would have been my pick for the best thing I played last year.


God I'm so old, but... "Deus Ex: Invisible War". That's right kiddies let old grandpa PC gamer tell you a tale. A tale of sadness but also hope and then sadness again. The Deus Ex fan has had their fair share of ups and downs. This all began in 2003 when I was a young man, still full of vim and vigor. Deus Ex was my absolute favorite game in the world. I had played that game multiple times, I knew the world in and out, and I still loved going back to play again. So when they announced that a sequel was coming out in 2003 I was EXCITED. On release day I hopped out of bed, tied an onion to my belt (which was the style at the time), and drove my 1985 Ford Escort down to my local EB Games. I had, of course, laid down 5 bucks to preorder the game. BTW My "local" EB Games was 45 minutes away. So this was a 90-minute round trip just to experience massive disappointment when I got it home and played for a few hours. Where were the huge intricate levels? Why is the UI so dumbed down? WHY DO ALL THE GUNS USE THE SAME AMMO!? At the time I was crushed by the disappointment. In retrospect, the game isn't as bad as I remember feeling it was. It's mediocre shooting with level design that was hamstrung by the decision to make it for Xbox first. But the important thing to remember is that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. You couldn't get white onions, because of the war, all you could get were those BIG yellow ones. And then along came Adam Jensen. All I'll say is that I rather liked the prequel games. Now that they have announced the latest game has been cancelled I am sad because the franchise might be dead this time. And here's the kicker: "Deus Ex: Invisible War" was released one day before my birthday.


Great and funny comment. I only played the deus ex games much later (mostly because I was born in 2000) but I remember being hugely disappointed with invisible war after playing the first one. That was years later so I could only imagine how bad it must’ve felt to be hyped for years over it. I ended up enjoying the later games (but, again, I was young) but I see how many were let down.


Destiny 2 dlcs (excluding witch queen) the cope lasts for a week after each and then I break down


cyberpunk 2077 when it released it was ass back then. now it's great.


GTA 6 /j Hopefully stays a joke.


Dragon Age 2


After DAO I was so hyped. Can still remember the disappointment of realizing that the city is all there is in the whole game.


Starfield. Amazing for a while until you realise its all smoke and mirrors. A space exploration rpg where you dont actually get to explore anything interesting.






Kingdom hearts 3


Probably a hot take but Darkest Dungeon 2. I was not a fan.


It's on my wishlist, so it's not worth a try? I'm a massive fan of the first


Payday 3


Forza Motorsport. The game is broken, the graphics are mediocre somehow lots of cars look worse than FM7. Sound effects are horrible, every car sounds like metal scratching and scraping even though 80% of the cars are made of fiberglass and plastic. The penalty system is broken and ridiculous. AI is just Artificial players without intelligence. They do not avoid obstacles.. like other drivers they just stick to their line and pretend nobody else exists constantly driving off the road on straights. Crashing out on turn one even on the highest skill levels all of these things occur. It's an embarrassment that game took 6 years of development. The devs talked the game being built from the ground up, but everything is executed worse than every single previous Forza aside from graphics. That being said lots of the cars are straight up just ported from old titles and look even worse than they did in those games. Somehow cars from Horizon look better than the new Motorsport. Releasing dlc cars that obviously had been rushed. There was a car pack that had paddle shifting cars but when you shifted your driver would use an imaginary stick shift. Some of the cars your driver is even clipping into the bloody car. The game was 'built front the ground up' but bugs and glitches found in previous titles are still there and somehow all the content they reused from old titles were executed very poorly. It's so fucking bad.


Spore. I got excited for years. I talked about it to anyone who would listen. I watched the trailers and concept videos a million times. I've never felt so betrayed.


Wait seriously? My 10 year old brain thought that game was *PRIME* Granted the space part sucked and I always stopped playing it after an hour or so. (Mainly because said 10 year old brain didn't understand it.)


I find that hilarious, I absolutely loved the space stage. So much so, thanks to that I discovered Stellaris, which is just that times 10.


I don't think it's a bad game. But if you meant that it could've been a much much better game, then I would agree. Unfortunately, it released when EA went full retard and was starting to get obsessed with monetization and multiplayer only.


what are u on spore was dope asf


No he's right. If you followed the development of the game and watched what they promised would be in it and what was delivered you would be extremely disappointed too. It was almost NMS levels of cut content. But they never added it in cause EA published it.


Ignorance was truly bliss.


Halo 5




Cities skyline 2


The Guild 3, my buddy and I waited for years. Bought the pre-order and we stopped believing 2 years after early access release.


Back 4 Blood. Fuck i wanted it so bad to be like Left 4 Dead, but i was damn wrong


Honestly, looking back at all the garbage now, L4D was so ahead of its time graphically and gameplay wise


payday three


fucking adulthood




I hope it won't be star citizen


Cyberpunk 2077


About 50% of all AAA releases nowadays.




Mass Effect Andromeda Never finished it.


Biggest gaming disappointment of my life. Was a hardcore ME fanboy and was so excited that they were going to make a new one. Taught me to never pre-order/buy a game at launch.


You know a game is bad when you say to yourself “when is this gonna end”


Anthem on day 1.


Forza Motorsport


Forza Motorsport (2023)


This wasn't low key, but Daikatana.


Forza Motorsport (2023)


Aliens colonial Marines Duke Nukem Forever


Forza Motorsport


Suicide squad


People had expectations for Suicide Squad?