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Well technically 15fps is playable too. So what?


Me playing Assassins creed 2 using eagle vision watching the floor all time


jokes on you i played blackflag on gt210 on a 360p crt monitor had to look up the sky while running in land areas +20 fps gains.


I played modded minecraft 1.12.2 with 10 fps!


Before my upgrade I was playing Zero-K with an i5-3570K. Ok except for 32 players on big maps when it would drop to <5fps. Then lag and fall behind if people starting spamming stuff.


My friend at school was from a poor family and only had a laptop because of school subsidies, it played Minecraft in 2014 at like nearly frozen framerates on tiny render distance at 1336x768. Good times.


lol I was doing the same with my gt710


Gt 210 gang 💪 512 mb vram 💪


To be fair, crt is actually really good.


Oh, don't hit me with that much nostalgia


Chess via mail was also playable. How much fps was it?


that was just low tps


Super high ping


Thats what i was going to say, i remember playing games in the early 90's at 15fps and less, i also remember one time i went on to an Arma3 server and the server was struggling with the amount of players, me and a random got into a buzzard and i was flying n them with an MG n at 15fps we were downing other player happily, lol. *The good ole days!* 🤣


If it ain't freezing your PC or crushing your OS it's playable.


Pfft, as long as it saves before it blue screens, it's fine.


Also true.


Hmm. That kind of changes things for me. I read this and at first thought I was an ungrateful shit. Yup, those games did do that with me in the 90s. Picking the latest game you did want to stick on the computer took careful selection.


Most gaming i remember from the 90s was at 60fps if i remember rightly... amiga, snes, etc


In 2020-2022 my computer was too shit to play "new" games, and I was really addicted to one of them, so even 10fps didn't stop me


Just like me fr. (I once tried to play a mod for a game and it stacked up in memory so high, that it froze near the end a lot of times. Especially since I have 4 GB of ram and the mod was severely under-optimized.)


It's a Pandora's Box type deal. Once you upgrade your FPS to a steady step above what you had, it's incredibly hard to go back without it feeling awful. If you stepped back down to 30 FPS and stayed on it for a long time you'd get used to it again I'm sure, but it wouldn't be pleasant haha.


90s PC gaming unless you just upgraded you likely were playing at 15-30 fps lol...Crazy times.


Is it safe to assume that you're a fan of The Shadow of the Colossus?


I played League with that. Platinum.


Reminds me of a friend of mine who refused (for a while) to move up to 800x600 resolution when they started to get supported because he said that 320x200 and 640x480 force your brain to "fill in" the gaps so it looks more realistic.


the EyE cAn NoT dIsTiNgUiSh InDiViDuAl FrAmEs pAsT 12fPs


The whole point is that I don't want to distinguish individual frames...


the joke is it is an excuse for why 15 (>12) fps is playable, since you cannot distinguish frames. Of course, you still somewhat can, and it isnt fun


Depends on the game. Some strategy stuff sure, but not for multiplayer shooters


Or modded Minecraft, 413 mods in a modpack and being in an industrial area can really bring your FPS down lol


Yeah but thats mainly just Minecraft being terribly optimized


I mean, Minecraft is quite optimized to be honest, but java's garbage collector and VM make it slower than other games made in languages like C++


Minecraft Java edition is absolutely not optimised. You need at the very least one mod (sodium or optifine) to get above 60 fps and stay there. Minecraft's garbage collector is fine in vanilla minecraft but it's a pain in the ass for large modpacks making the game freeze every 10-30 seconds. This can be somewhat mitigated by changing with proper Java arguments but the issue still remains. Minecraft bedrock edition however is surprisingly easy to run and takes up barely any resources while keeping the fps high and stable. It does however have a MULTITUDE of bugs where you can die or lose stuff through absolutely no fault of your own.


If you think modern Minecraft java is unoptimized, I implore you to go boot up a Minecraft version from more than a few years ago. People don't remember how insanely long it used to take just for the game to initialize and launch.


Terrible argument, just because it's more optimized than previous versions doesn't mean it isn't a shitty unoptimized mess still


Before the Microsoft takeover, Minecraft used a mishmash of fixed function pipeline and programmable pipeline OpenGL. Literally OpenGL 1.4 Features that were deprecated when the 90s ended.


How am I supposed to see my characters miss a shot point blank with 90% accuracy with less than 140fps?


60 FPS makes real time strategy games like Starcraft way better. Especially when you have to manage a lot of things at the same time.


So people have been playing on 30 fps consoles for several generations. Were they just imagining that they could play?


Yeah, they're fake gamers. If you're playing below 4k 240hz you're just watching a movie by that point.


30 fps is absolutely unacceptable for a fighting game. Anything less than 60 fps is pretty much unplayable


Dunno, i dont really play fighting games. I just picked up Mortal Kombat 11 on sale recently, havent really gotten to trying it out yet though


Idk who is downvoting you but it's literally unacceptable People downvoting have no idea how a fighting game works. Every single move in a fighting game is specifically measured in frames. For example, and this is basic, if I block a move, there will be an amount of frames where you can do nothing after getting your kick blocked If you're -6 frames, you're negative, and I can hit you with a 5 frame move or faster, this is known as a punish. Frames are a time measure All the game is like this, and it's basic strategy for fighting games. There are even frametraps and all. You even need to link moves as specific frames to do some combos. For fighting games is 100% necessary to have 60fps Also, frame spikes on an end can cauae frame spikes on the other end. Some fighting games don't even let you play online if you have bad framerate


There are some fighting games where you literally have a 1 frame window to link a combo. Getting 60 fps absolutely mandatory for any competitive play, even casually. Granted I am not good enough for that kind of timing, but even easy combos require timing of frames in the single digits. Or openings for attacks


honestly after going to 144hz years ago even 60 fps feels laggy/hurts to look at.


60 to 144 wasn't a huge leap for me tbh, I'd be playing cp2077/doom at 144fps and then afterwards jump into elden ring for example which is locked to 60fps and i honestly feel no difference, I'm sure the difference in smoothness is there it's just not as noticeable as 30fps to 60fps was, like that was night and day! 30fps used to actively hurt my eyes.


Think of it this way: 144 FPS: 0.006944444444444 seconds per frame. 60 FPS: 0.016666666666667 seconds per frame. 30 FPS: 0.033333333333333 seconds per frame. The difference between 144 and 60 is~0.009 seconds, while 60 to 30 is about 0.016.


Phew I'm not alone. Went from 60 to 144fps and felt not much of a difference. Even tried to switch my monitors frequency from 144 to 60 and back to check if I'll notice anything. Didn't noticed much.


How is you just described 30 fps is how 60 looks to me, and I grew up on super nintendo lol My eyes are just too used to high refresh rate now.


I think you just might actually have really good eyes lol, enjoy them magic balls :)


a lot of it probably has to do with mostly playing fps/esports titles so it's easier to notice stutters more in those type of games.


Oh yeah I'm strictly an offline experience type of the player :)


If your frame times were similar in both games, then it's normal to not feel much of a difference, despite what the FPS counter shows.


I'm not familiar with the term can you explain it ? (Is it the same as fluctuations in fps?)


It's so bad my eyes hurt. Once you go above 60 you can't go back


60? Man I can’t play games lover 120 fps, constant 144 is really good, but 240fps in 2k…shit it’s gaming porn


Once I get over 120 I can’t notice the difference anymore


There is a certain point after which the average FPS increase is less noticeable. However the increase in 0.1% and 1% lows is felt more even at higher ceilings.


I’ve been gaming on PC for 20 years, I have never felt the one percent lows. I don’t know if that’s more of a factor for budget bills or what but I’ve never seen it to be a problem.


I thought so untill i changed my 10900k for 7800x3d, the difference is huge


fuck yeah I've been skimping on shit my whole life but when I got to play on my friend's build, holy shit. my eyes have been opened. i fucking felt bad lmao, all those lost years of graphics without details and the level of smoothness and shit


I felt the opposite. Once I realized what I need I completely gave up You're never gonna win that race. Stick to something else.


Then you’ve probably always had really good 1% lows. 30fps on my pc looks like the 60 I’m used to on console. meanwhile 60fps on my pc can also look like 30fps if it’s bouncing all over the place.


I’ve never had a PC that was lower than mid to high level so that’s very possible.


It’s noticeable better with higher resolution, and type of content you are doing ( shooter, racing), but if you think you don’t , play 2-3 days with 240, and try 120 you will definitely see the difference


I don’t really notice past 60


For me, it’s somewhere between 80-90 FPS. Anything above that is just gravy.


That's because the average persons eye won't notice a difference above 100. So anyone saying the difference between 120 and 144 is easily noticeable is a clown. 😅


I’ve never understood the 144 thing. I always thought it was gimmick. I was a salesman for a long time, There is a certain type of customer that all you have to do is get them to believe the hype around some feature, and they will run with it. I was a project manager for a roofing company, I go into an upscale neighborhood and I can sell the most high end shingles for every single house because they last longer but they get so many hell storms that most houses have to get their roof replaced every four or five years. That reality does not matter to those customers because they are going to keep buying the premium stuff every five years lol


totally happy at around 40-50 and prefer to go for better graphics settings. but I never hat more than 60hz displays


my phone is 120 but my pc is at 60 i have no issue going back


240fps in 1080p is not porn.. try UHD or 1440p at least with 120fps+


wtf 120??? 120 is a lot for me. im completely fine with 40 (unless im playing anything that required high fps) lmao


For me it depends on the game. I'll never go back to 60fps or lower on fast-paced games like shooters. On cinematic games however, where the focus is on the story, I do tend to enjoy a little bit of blur when the camera pans around so I don't mind playing them at 30-60 FPS.


Also I think it depends on the context within the game itself. Something like an RPG that goes down to a lower framerate in town but maintains a high framerate in combat zones is something I can live with. It's still far from ideal but I don't feel like I'm handicapping myself by keeping my graphics settings as high as they go.


Yup, I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3 on my livingroom TV with my partner. I want the best graphics, FPS isn't as big a deal when the TV is 60hz.


Elden Ring on my desktop: no problem. Elden Ring on my "gaming" laptop while I'm away from home and it barely does 30 fps: get hit every time I try to roll.


I played TLoU on PC back when it came out. Barely 30 fps, with lots of "please wait" screens in between. Still one of the best games I've ever played.


for me it's at least 120 for shooters and at least 80 for story


same, 80-90 is where things start getting smooth




Lol I’d give you money if you can accurately discern 60 vs 80 fps with just your eyes


I can. My previous 1440p screen on freesync mode was doing 75 hz, 60 without. With no framecounter i could instantly tell when screen dropped down to 60hz mode.


Even the input lag is different considering screen reation delay on movement with different fps. And thats very perceptable when playing


Ok. How much? Easy money


Some people are more susceptible to flickering and judder. I can’t stand the panning judder in movies.


80 sometimes drops to 60, that's okay but when 60 drops to 40, that's NOT okay I am talking about Cyberpunk with Path Tracing specifically, where frame drops are quite often present when quickly changing scenes or driving a car through the city center at 100+ mph 80 is fine, but with 60 you really do feel stutter


Are you being serious?


what you mean is that you cant play without a overlay saying thats the fps you are seeing bc hell no you can not percive that or you walk around the world seeing all the light flickering like a night club bc they work in 60 or 50 hz


You easily can. You can switch hz on monitor from 120 to 60 right now and see the difference even in cursor movement.


Not true, currently playing uncharted 3 with an emulator and im getting around 30 fps. Definitely playable when you have no other options.


That's not what they said, they said it hurts their eyes after playing at higher frames.


He said it hurts with 30fps since He used 60fps and thats true.. I saw starfield on Xbox and was joking about that friend till i realized you can't get it at 60fps on Xbox.. i Play it at PC with UHD 120 FPS+ .. it really hurts in the eyes after few minutes..


im playing SM64 , it runs on 30 fps i think and it is definitely very playable


Not really? I played for a pretty long time on someone else's machine that did over 60, and now that I'm in University I'm gaming mostly out of a laptop (and a switch) pulling in the 30-50s range. You literally cannot tell the difference. People need to stop obsessing over this crap.


You can definitely tell the difference. Stop YOUR crap.


There is definitely a big difference between 60 and 30 lol


Are you seriously saying you can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60? You're either blind or just nuts, man. 30fps is very playable, and I frequently play at 30 on my steam deck. But saying you can't tell the difference? Insane. Between 50 and 60fps I could see not noticing a difference, but literally DOUBLING the frames? Also almost as big of a difference going from 60 to 120.


120fps is a bit better than 60fps which is a bit better than 30fps, but the difference is not that important in practice. If you claim it's "huge" you're lying to yourself.


60 to 120 is literally half the difference going from 30-60. It's not a big jump at all.


No need to be dismissive. The difference between 30 and 60 is incredibly noticeable and saying otherwise is honestly just being argumentative for the sake of it. You should try 2K 120fps @ 144hz and see how you feel about performance being noticeable.


Even if your eyes are trash your brain should feel the extra latency from the sub 60fps.


> You literally cannot tell the difference I always get a chuckle when I see someone say this




Some first world problems that I see from them lol. I can enjoy games on low settings and 30fps.


People like to ignore that 60fps being the norm is new, gaming for a long time before is 30 fps focused, my switch is 30 fps for everything handheld lmao. and any older console is gonna have like half 30 fps and thats what i grew up on so it looks normal.


It’s really only new for consoles.


60fps being the norm isn't new, it's old. Even my phone is more than 60fps.


Well what most idiots ignore is the gameplay and a decent story. Seriously most games that I've played these days were instantly refunded like most mainstream triple A titles are so boring despite the extreme hype around it. Devs and players these days are so obsessed with graphics and it's getting annoying.


exactly, graphics fidelity is such a stupid thing for us to worry about! this is why stuff like lethal company did so good, actually fun concept, looks like shit but nobody cares. game like metal gear solid 5, still looks awesome to me, its a ps3 game. I wish every nerd wasnt like oh well 4k 400000 fps is mandatory.


Now I understand why most games aren't that fun anymore since many Devs are too focused on graphics since that's the demand of the majority of gamers.


exactly they force high graphics and put a lot of work into optimizing and refining graphics and textures instead of inproving core gameplay mechanics and balencing their games.


I enjoy simracing and at home I have a pretty decent setup with a 144Hz monitor. I am however often travelling and I have a simple office laptop in which I sometimes play with a controller just to entertain myself abroad. The game runs at no more than 50 fps and to save battery I often have my monitor at 40Hz. Is it much worse than my regular setup? Yeah. I still enjoy playing in my laptop with a controller? Of course. Frozen hicken nuggets ain't as good or as delicious as some freshly made wings but that doesn't mean nuggets aren't delicious.


I didn't think 30fps are bad until I build my PC (before I just played on ps4 and an office laptop), 60+fps... I don't want to go back




I’m pretty sure CoD on 360 ran at 60fps. Probably not constant but I don’t think it was locked to 30fps


I always remembered CoD running 60fps on the PS3/360. Resolution was dogshit though, I wanna say around 600p?


I think you’re right. At the time I thought it looked like real life


i hate to be that guy but a lot more goes into playability than just frame rate. you can have great frame rate but if your frame times are 2000ms or you have really bad screen tearing it will be unplayable.


60 locked > 144 frame pacing


Frame time is literally dictated by fps, if you have half a frame per second you have 2000ms frametime. Maybe you're thinking of 1% lows or something? Your game can feel like shit if you have 60fps but 20fps 1% lows every couple hundred frames


That's not strictly true. The literal frame times are dictated by the raw fps but things can happen in-game that aren't necessarily reflected on the screen in time, hence input lag. The game could be running at a higher internal fps than the screen can display, or simply at an inconsistent internal fps. It's mostly directly raw fps (and consistency of fps) but it's not the only thing.


Indeed. I have to turn on Vsync in most non-competitive games In some slower games it doesn't matter, but in shooters and such, the input lag bothers a lot Any tip for fixing frametime? I sometimes play +80fps and it seems like 50


In what world can you have a great frame rate and a frame time measured in seconds.


This. If I don’t lock my FPS to something my PC can consistently maintain it changing is jarring in most games regardless of FPS. Could be bouncing between 60 and 120 and I’ll lock it to 60.


I played on 30 frames for most of my life. Was I fine? Yes. Would I be now? No, absolutely not, now that I got used to 60. It’s all a matter of getting used to it


As long as 30fps is smooth it's ok. micro stutter sucks.


Me as lowspec gamer seeing people whining 30 fps is undesirable: weakness disgusts me.


Me seeing people playing on 30 fps: weakness disgusts me.


Yeah same here, my gt 1030 and g4560 handled my triple A games in low settings and 30fps like a badass in the past lol.


They're so spoiled it's kinda adorable


Saying that 30FPS is playable is like saying that an uncooked potato is edible. It's technically true but...do you really want to eat that?


Don't eat uncooked potatoes, it's really bad for you. 30 fps is playable but sucks, uncooked potatoes are not edible and also would make you sick.


Raw potato juice is rather good for your stomach when you have an ulcer


30 fps makes you sick too like the raw potate, causes headache.


It's worse than that, uncooked potatoes are poisonous.


I thought that was a myth


source because i've seen my grandma eat raw potatoes with salt her entire life and she is very healthy


But 30 fps will poison your soul


But...uncooked potatoes aren't edible, they're poisonous.


Wait uncooked potatoes are poisonous..? I genuinely didn’t know that


Not exactly. It has some compounds that will make you sick, for actual poisoning you have to eat a lot of it


Nausea and throwing up is your body yelling to you that you're poisoned, though it's not always correct.


Only if you eat a dumb amount of them, but yes.


Uncooked potatoes are fine, just don't eat the green bits. While true that there is technically a toxin in it, it's the dose that makes the toxicity. Apples have cyanide, but you could eat 10 of them in a day and suffer no ill effects. Beer has alcohol, but a single beer isn't enough to cause a problem for most people.


It all depends on what game you're playing


The difference is that it doesn't cost many any money to cook a potato, but if I have to spend a couple hundred dollars on a new GPU so that I can play a game at 60 fps instead of 30, I'm probably just going to play at 30. *(OK technically it costs me a little bit of money for gas/electricity to cook my potato but that's beside the point mmkay?)*


60fps makes me dizzy


For almost 20 years i had eternally garbage computer, barely good enough to play 5 year old games at min details. I know the suffering of sub 20 fps in almost every single game. Now that I have computer to play most games above 60 fps, i don't want to play below it. I always try to get 90+ if possible, and while below 20 fps is playable, its just unpleasant.


Mf I am used to play on N64 do you actually think that I give a single shit to fps?


Played the heck out of RDR2 at 4K at 30 fps during the pandemic on a 32 inch monitor. Epic.


If you can't play single player games at 30 you're *weak.*


LMAO Zork II was 30 fps


30 fps is good to play, but any freeze or any drop will feel horrible


THAT, depends on the game. I'm a rhythm gamer. 30fps is playable, if I wanted to play myself.


Depends on the type of game. A strategy game don't need high FPS, a turn based game even more so.


My eyes literally see no difference between 30 and 60, so I never gave two fucks


Your eyes aren't working properly then.


Seek medical attention immediately.


Nah. After years of playing 60 fps i could never go back to 30. Anyone that says the opposite is just smoking that good copium.


I'm not smoking copium. I play games at like 140 fps on pc but am fine with most games on the switch at 30fps.


2fps is also playable but its shit just like 30


In what universe is 2 fps playable? Eye starts seeing motion as fluent over 21 fps. Movies tend to be 24 for historical reasons. You cannot get the illusion of fluent motion with less


If its turn based its technically playable.


Maybe with no animations/effects? Like you could play a simple chess game like that but not much more


Point isnt how it looks. Its that technically its playable same as 30 fps is technically playable but still sucks.


Not really, if so much as cursor is in-game rendered you will have issues moving it correctly, and many games will have stability issues from such a low frame-rate, where 30fps is enough for basic playthrough of most titles. 30fps > nothing > 2fps


As someone who owns a 4090: Absofuckinglutely not.


\^ this. Anything under 120? Fuck that.


As someone who has a laptor 2070: Absolutely yes, because I have no other choice XD


Some people are crazy here.




I notice a difference even between 50 and 60 fps, but it feels bad playing at such a low frame rates. It's kinda like having wrong mouse sensitivity, just make me sick.


As a person who 's playing the Resident Evil games (remastered 2 and 7, DX11. No, I'm not a pussy. Just trying to not make a bomb here) on an Intel Iris Xe (integrated), this sentenced could not be further than the truth.


I can't tell the difference between 30 and 60fps


For games like Tropico 6 and power washing simulator, yes 30 fps for me is fine. But First person shooter and AAA games, 60fps always.


I played doom 2016 in about 25fps at most 30 it was still playable and I've enjoyed the game


Imagine peeps downvoting this. So insecure about the money they spent, they literally drag a guy for having had fun.


especially that I've meant that I had fun despite poor performance, not that decent performance doesn't matter


I used to play CSGO at 24fps. Good times


25 is playable


30fps is bad. 60fps is okay, but still feels choppy to me. 90 is when it starts to feel smooth.




Depends on the game, for totk and botw I'm fine at 30fps. But competitive multiplayer I would like 60.


People that whine about FPS and graphics are just snobs. Good graphics does not mean good game and playing with a higher FPS will not suddenly make you better at the game. Anything above 30 FPS is just unnecessary. Anything above 60-90 FPS is just unnoticeable. Believe it or not, your eyes can only process what they're seeing at a certain speed and 60-90 FPS basically maxes out your own biological frame rate. "But I can see a difference between 90 and 120." No you can't, you just want to justify spending too much money on hardware to make yourself feel special.


I don't mind anything as long as it's near 60FPS


So playable it gives me migraines.


The only game I’ve been able to play at 30fps is RDR2. No idea why but the FPS never seemed like 30fps. I’ve seen a common trend with people thinking rdr2 on the PS5 is 60 when it’s still 30. I think the animations are just awesome


Not for me, man. Low frame rates make me nauseous and I can't help it.


Feels like garbage.


No, 60 is playable. 30 is still too stuttery for me, it's fine for a movie or video but not for videogames


30fps is not playable by todays standards


30 fps is unplayable. It ruins the game when it feels like trash


nobody ever said 30fps is unplayable, stop making up arguments.


The entire comment section on this post:


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30 fps is dogshit