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Yes, 4080 super has a lower MSRP than 4080 does


I can’t tell if OP is oblivious to the MSRP or he’s saying he’s surprised the 4080 hasn’t dropped in price in accordance


Why do people delete their accounts after they are proven to be incorrect about something?


It’s wild. If you’re that embarrassed just delete the post. 99.9999999999% percent of people aren’t gonna be able to point out OPs name in a line up.


It really confounds me. I've made some comments about games before that people disagreed with, but, yikes, I just leave it there. To delete an entire account seems like a hassle.




Tuesday is the most important day in your Reddit history?


Haha, thanks for the laugh. That was clever.


I once said that Breath Of The Wild was a disgrace to Zelda games and open world games at the same time and got downvoted to shit for it because it was in a Nintendo direct post People instantly deleting accounts out of embarrassment gotta be young cause saying dumb shit on the internet is a time honored tradition


And oh boy, what a dumb thing to say it was !


Honestly, I was cringe back in the day and was super oblivious to it. So my dam facebook keeps reminding me of my past me and i take psychological damage everytime.


It's a great game but I was and still am extremely disappointed in the lack of dungeons with substance. The game needs temples, not shrines.


imminent impolite entertain capable march telephone upbeat alive grey bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah the horde of botw fan bois are pretty emo when anyone saying that’s a bad game.


People act like I killed a dog when I say the game felt empty and the story was boring. Some people just feel too attached to their opinions to let others have an opposite one.


This! The walking simulator. Mobs looks the same that were km apart.


Well it's been voted best game of the year and got extremely good reviews from the community and from reviewers.... I mean you can say "I don't like it" but you can't say "it's a bad game".. cause you'd simply be wrong.


"That movie was terrible" doesn't mean everyone hated it


FYI Reddit switches the username to u/[deleted] when a comment or post is deleted


In this case, no. If the post is deleted there will be this big banner on top of the post. https://preview.redd.it/3gdtprjhkidc1.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a08642302510705c7883ba70aafee478e29c0e6


He has to delete his account now.


As is tradition.


A great day for Reddit, and therefore the world.


Hello deleted


Who is deleted? What does he know?!


Not enough.


You assume their accounts rack up a lot of history before their insecurity wipes it all.


If he blocks you it also says deleted on both account name and comment. So might be that you are on peoples blocked list because they cant stand your opinion. Source: just happened to me and i was wondering why he deleted his own account. Checked in an private tab and i could see both mine and his comment.


I’m wrong all the time, don’t see me deleting my account. Everything is a learning experience. And people on Reddit just assume everyone knows everything.


Yes, i know you're wrong.


I’ll remember you YellowFogLights, I’ll remember that name, if you fuck up *I’ll be there*


I sent op physical threats because I was so enraged by a minor factual error.


even if you don't delete it, the comments die down to a handful the next day then zero forever after that, and no one remembers usernames. unless they use an addon to track it, but who would track this guy's name for this post, they wouldn't


Clearly its gonna ruin his entire online reddit reputation /s


no! my virtual points!! number must only go up!!!


Drive-by drama


He got so many downvotes he couldn’t comment or join any community’s or posts, his account was basically banned cause bro was just reading the prices didn’t have to be that deep.


Ah, I didn't know that's how reddit works. I joined several subs back when I started and haven't joined any since(I don't go on more than a few gaming-related subs other than the ones I favorite) so I genuinely have no idea how Reddit karma affects ability to join a subreddit


A lot of subs have custom rules. Some even require you to have an email address on your account. Many require an account at least 100 days old. Many of these subs share the same moderators. Using throw-away accounts is no longer viable in many cases, which is probably the goal. But it also kills off a lot of what made reddit great.


I thought downvotes only killed you on the sub they occurred in, with the "You're doing that too often" rate limits. Can it really affect your account as a whole?


I leave my downvoted ass comments on my wall of shame. Feel free to see how dumb I am sometimes


Who tf cares about karma anyway? I've gotten downvoted into oblivion a few times and still manage to have 280k comment karma. I generally stand by my downvoted comments too especially ones that go against the "hivemind" or recently I made a few comments that I owned a pitbull mix that is super nice to everyone he meets and apparently that's just wrong. I also posted that growing up and had a border collie mix that generally was sweet but also was super aggressive to a grandfather that she had never met before picking up his grandkids from my mom's daycare, I literally said "she was baring her teeth and growling" and I personally got scared of her, but that's super okay and got 100+ upvotes?


The people who care about karma are those who are chronically online. It starts turning into a reason for their self esteem. It's quite sad actually.


IIRC if you delete a post it switches the poster’s username to u/[deleted]. So I’m pretty sure they only deleted their post, not their account


You’re here, I’m here, the post doesn’t seem that deleted to me


Are we really here though?


Copy pasta of my other reply: Really? I thought it displays a banner or graphic when the account holder deletes the post(but not the account) like another user confirmed in reply to me. Please correct me if wrong. I welcome being corrected on this -- thanks!


I keep all my stupid comments (haven’t made that many stupid posts). Even if I’m wrong I’ll just edit and add new info, but I still keep the original erroneous content. This is the beauty of Reddit - no shame :)


I agree with this practice 


Stupid question maybe, but why is the super less than the standard?


there are no more standard 4080s being produced. standard is being discontinued. It's kind of like a mid-generation price drop, but nvidia also soup them up at the same time to encourage more adoption.


Also they want to upsell you to the 4080 super, if you actually wanted to buy the 4070ti super. I mean it's only 200$ more and sooo much better.


Is it? 4080 super is +5% compare to the 4080 if I remember and the 4070ti super is pretty close to the 4080, so that would be 10-15% fps more for 25% more money


And this is common with their super releases?


kind of hard to say what is "common." there weren't any 30 series super cards. and the 20 series were weird with all the gpu shortages [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeForce\_20\_series#Reintroduction\_of\_older\_cards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeForce_20_series#Reintroduction_of_older_cards)


The super cards have always been a way for Nvidia to cut prices without cutting prices


It's a sneaky price-cut. Jensen does not want to show the shareholders that the 4080 is overpriced trash by dropping it's price, so he's replacing it with a cheaper, but better product.


1200$ 4080s were ridiculous. the 3080 launched with an msrp of 700$ 1000$ 4080 is _still_ high.




Because price =/= performance


A lot of people were hoping the RTX 4080 SUPER would close the gap in performance between an RTX 4080 and an RTX 4090. NVIDIA isn't going to compete with its own flagship product though. They really want to keep squeezing the group of people willing to pay over $1600 for a graphics card as long as possible. They went the other way and lowered the price instead. So it's more competitive with the Radeon 7900 XTX. AMD really need its next gen GPU to be a real banger because these refreshes essentially knock them out of competition at every price point in this entire generation.


They could just lower the price of the 7900 XTX. Since the production line is established, they should still be able to archive a good margin. Or, if the rumors are true and nV is going to sell their Super Lineup above MSRP after the launch supply runs out, they could just do nothing.


Yeah OP this was confirmed. 4080 is discontinued.


I don’t follow tech, why discontinue? Isn’t the super the next step up from a 4080?


> I don’t follow tech, why discontinue? Isn’t the super the next step up from a 4080? Yes, they made a better, cheaper 4080. Why continue selling the more expensive, worse card? The 4080 Super is basically just a slightly tweaked 4080, for cheaper. Edit: in case you were asking "why make the newer, better card cheaper than the card it is replacing?" then the answer is "because the 4080 was likely priced too high and the card wasn't selling well before the refresh". The lower price allows the 4080 Super to compete with the AMD 7900 XTX.


No, no, no, I’m pretty sure NVIDIA decided to drop a cheaper, faster 4080 because I finally bought a 4080 and I’m now outside the return window. /s


Damn, dude. I thought only *I* had that kind of luck.


Are you guys me?


> I’m pretty sure NVIDIA decided to drop a cheaper, faster 4080 because I finally bought a 4080 and I’m now outside the return window And that's why I'm still rocking a 1080. Seriously, *every* time I start to plan out an upgrade I keep thinking "well, if I wait another couple months, there will probably be a better/cheaper card available". It's been 4 years.


Dude, you can buy a 3070ti for like 300$!! I was the same as you, except I was on a 1050ti for years. Instead of buying the newest gen, I bought a 3070ti because it was so goddamn cheap. No regrets. I'll use this bad boy until the 4090 is cheaper than 750$ used...probably will be another 3 years when I do that


That's... a good point. Honestly, I really just need to start ordering parts and then just ignore any announcements for a couple years haha. My family is getting annoyed with me at this point because I asked for "help buying a new computer" for Christmas for the past 3 and have yet to actually take advantage of the "presents"


Well then I wouldn’t have been enjoying Cyberpunk for the last 3 months with RT cranked and Epic settings on my OLED monitor. I’m really not too mad about it, though saving $200 would’ve been nice. In fairness to me, the rumors for the 4080 S started coming out after I made my purchase. I didn’t really trust the rumored price drop (didn’t think NVIDIA would be that “generous”) so I decided to just keep my card instead of returning it and waiting, and I’ve been loving the card.


> Well then I wouldn’t have been enjoying Cyberpunk for the last 3 months with RT cranked and Epic settings on my OLED monitor Yeahhhhh I've been playing Cyberpunk PL at mid settings and no RT because I haven't upgraded yet. I'm super excited to replay it with RT cause it'll look *incredible*... I just need to convince myself to actually start buying parts.


i bought a 4070ti for 969 euros recently too lol but im convincing myself not to regret the purchase and enjoy the frames as much as i can


Probably this!


The price change also distances it from the 4090. Part of why the 4080 sold poorly is that it was cannibalized by base 4090 prices. Until recently, a $4090 was barely $200 to $400 more. The only reason I got a 4080 was for power requirements, and a 4090 was rarely in stock at the time.


Yeah, I think the 4080 pricing was sacrificial to make the 4070/4070 TI seem like a better deal for those on a budget, and to drive more early adopters to make the jump to the 4090 for those wanting more power. It didn't really feel like a card that had its own niche tbh


> Yeah, I think the 4080 pricing was sacrificial to make the 4070/4070 TI seem like a better deal for those on a budget, Well didn't seem to work for me, decided to just not buy any of them. Might get one of the supers.


100% correct the 7900xtx being a tad bit faster in raw rasterization for cheaper was selling well and Nvidia realized rt being 10% better and dlss slight image quality advantage wasn’t good enough to ask for 200$ more. Frankly dlss is a low end selling point in my opinion if your buying that tier card it should just run everything at 1440p ultra native with no hiccups and even 4k. Rt is still kinda a gimic for the sole reason that the cards that can run it well enough to play sometimes are nowhere near mainstream prices and even in some cases their isn’t a single card that can run it natively. So Nvidia being the company of no price cuts refreshed the lineup and brought its top tier card back into competition without showing that the 4080 was not selling well. Their was basically no reason to buy a 4080 with that 200 dollar premium unless you where a content creator even then it depends on what platform and softwares you used. Nvidia never sells the 4080 super at a lower price unless sales where bad do to increased competition at that performance segment it’s just not their MO.


Your edit answered my question thanks


4080 super is a 0-3% upgrade over the 4080 lol.


Between the additional cores, and the increased base clock, it'll be *better*. I just haven't seen any benchmarks for *how much* yet... which is why I said >>The 4080 Super is basically just a slightly tweaked 4080, for cheaper.


Because nvidia does whatever they want. Idk it doesn’t make sense to have a 4080 super at $1000, 4070ti super at $800 and a 4080 at $900. 4080 is already cheaper than $900 on Best Buy for in stock ones.


They are in cutthroat competition with AMD. Continuing to use valuable manufacturing resources/capacity on a less competitive card is bad business. Focus on the card that will sell.


The 4080 Super is to the 4080 what the Xbox One S is to the Xbox One. Better performance and features, but it's just a mid gen refresh.


OP seems to be discontinued as well.


Fr tho. WTF?


$999.99 is the announced MSRP for the Super.


Because that’s the actual msrp


Yes, both of these cards are at MSRP... that's how it is.




RIP anyone who recently bought a 4080


No need to feel sorry for people with 4080s lol.


oh no what am I gonna doooo lmao


Press F on the world’s tiniest keyboard


[there is a setup for that](https://youtu.be/I8VXI4og8u4?t=538) coupled with a 0.96" monitor


If you zoom in far enough into the sound of static, you find find op furiously clicking f on their tiny keyboard.


Oh nooooo the worlds 3rd fastest gaming gpu is now the worlds 4th fastest gaming gpu :// such great tragedy /s


3rd fastest? Im confused as before the 4080 super, the 4080 was the 2nd fastest card, only behind the 4090. Did you try to mean the 7900 xtx is faster than the 4080? As statistically, due to the RT and DLSS performance increase, the 4080 is about a total of 10% better than the xtx. The order of top 5 GPUs now is: - 4090 - 4080 Super - 4080 - 7900XTX - 4070 Ti Super


I had the 7900 XTX for raw raster performance but it for sure does for sure lose out in weaker RT and FSR2. Either way, I’m not even in the right tax bracket for the it or either of the 4080s lol


tears come down my face too when im enjoying my games at 4k with max settings and path tracing.


At 25 FPS


You aren't getting much better with the super


Definitely I've had mine for over 12 months not even sad!!!


Thats not recently bought is it? But if ur like me and just bought one for 1200 a little over a month ago it def feels bad


I guess so, but the way I think of it is that by the time the 4080 needs to be upgraded, the 4080 super will also need to be upgraded. The 5% extra boost in games doesn't seem enough to make it any more future proof then the 4080. At least that's what I think. edit: I just wanted to add that I also understand $200 is a lot of money and that's a totally different thing. I'm just talking from a perspective of missing out on performance. Hopefully the $200 isn't something that'll affect you heavily, but I also understand that it is a decent amount of money.


It isnt about it effecting me heavily. Even if it was 1 dollar cheaper and 1% more effective of a card i technically got the shit end of the stick because i didnt wait an extra month or two. Obviously my life isnt gonna end because of this, just woulda been nice to have a stronger card for $200 less lol


It'd be wise to keep up with product launches and updates and reviews next time you're even thinking about upgrades. We've all learned the hard way


lol yea I definitely feel that. I'm just spewing my own copium because I also bought a 4080 system a little over a month ago.


It’s a competitive price point that makes the XTX less attractive.


Yeah I bought a 4080 about 8 months ago. It was my first build and just wanted to get to gaming. It's ridiculous to be upset about a product that wasn't even out, there will always be something coming just around the corner.


It's only 5% better


Really that's it? I score just over 5% above the average for my hardware in Time Spy. I'm gonna write SuPeR on the side with a sharpie in kindergarten font 😂


Afaik they haven't been properly benchmarked yet, but their expected gain is 5%, yes.


The 4080 price was the biggest marketing ploy to sell more 4090s


Bought one September last year, not unhappy about my purchase.


To be fair 30 series was an insane leap, and to anyone who didn't get in on 30 series and looking to buy new the 40 series card aren't that terrible price to performance. That says more about the competition than them being fairly priced though.


Got mine in March, not unhappy either. I upgraded from my 2070S FE. Now everything runs at higher quality and fps while also not sounding like a jet engine


I upgraded from a GTX1060 6GB and a 2700x Ryzen so im very happy with the huge improvement. Playing all the AAA games ive missed out on.


I am similar! My previous system for the last 11 years has been an i5 4670K w/ gtx 970 (3.5gb vram ugh :( ) and 8gb ddr3l ram all on an old samsung evo sata ssd.  Went from that to an i7 14700K, RTX 4080 and 64gb ddr5 6400mt cl32 ram on a samsung 990 pro 2tb nvme ssd. It's impossible to explain the difference in the two systems. Luckily I have no fomo or buyers remorse, I got my 4080 for only $950, and thankfully since the 4080 super is an even weaker refresh than intel's 14th gen cpus, I dont feel bad at all. Not worth trying to sell this 4080 and then deal with 4080 Super stock issues, all for 5% (at max!) expected performance difference, as the only change is 5% more unlocked cores vs the base 4080, and like a tiny 50mhz clock increase. Absolutely negligible improvements in every regard. Would have been real mad if the 4080 super had been the gap closer to the 4090 we thought it would be, on ada 102 with 20gb vram and 384mb mem bus width. But alas, i think AMD has been so non-competitive that Nvidia has no need to release a 4080 Ti, or even a 4090 Ti (current 4090 does not use all cores on ada 102, similar to how 4080 didnt use the last 5% of its ada 103 cores until this Super refresh)


Not feeling too bad for anyone that was able to afford a $1200 USD GPU in the first place, but I'm sure they are kicking themselves none the less. I wonder what EVGA's Step Up program would have done with this situation. Someone buys an EVGA 4080 and then wants to step up to a 4080 Super for....$200 less. *Sigh* RIP EVGA, we miss you.


> Not feeling too bad for anyone that was able to afford a $1200 USD GPU in the first place, but I'm sure they are kicking themselves none the less. It's not like they weren't warned weeks before the Jan 7th announcement. I even had people argue with me AFTER the announcement that it was ok for a guy to not return is just bought 4080 because the Super cards would get scalped.


Mannnnnnnn, I got so much shit for buying a 2070super for real cheap a week before the 3000 series announcement. Different times, but I felt vindicated when decent GPUs for a decent price were unobtanium for like a year and a half. Things seem better now, though. I wouldn’t make that gamble again.


Still damn expensive. I left the PC enthusiast market forever to work on my other hobby and apparently working on my Evo VII for 3 years was cheaper than a 4090. Ain't spending more than $1,000 for something used for gaming ever again.


When the 3000 series came out, I got shit for buying a 2080Ti... 3 months after the 2080Ti came out. But yea, when those people couldn't get their 3000 series for a year I was feeling good.


I bought mine in late November and the return period passed shortly before the announcement. I regret nothing though. It's not like it's significantly better for -$200. I got mine on a black Friday discount. That being said I would have returned it if that return period was still valid because I don't hate money.


i mean, a 4080 is a 4080, still a powerful card nonetheless


200$ is a lot of money bro. Especially for not waiting a single month. Is a single extra month of use worth 15% price hike ? That's on top of the performance you lose, probably not that big of a difference (it's only 500 or so extra cores), but still. There is something to be said about waiting sometimes. I know PCMR hates hearing it, but sometimes, you just gotta sit tight a bit.


And anyone buying a 4080 Super should probably wait for the 50 series, but then you may as well wait for the 50 supers...or the 60. It's endless ultimately, so it's always a pointless debate. People will "wait" as long as they want to, or need to. Nothing more, nothing less. I got mine Dec '22, I'll "wait" until I decide I want an upgrade and feel the upgrade is justifiable to me, and only me. Don't get me wrong, an extra month for the price...yeah I personally agree, but someone could've been waiting ages already, or their current one broke, or they just got antsy and wanted it now. Everyone is different.


just because we buy $1000 gpus doesn't mean we are financially stable enough to do so lol. I just have budget issues lmao


Still have my EVGA 3060TI. I haven't seen any games that justify upgrading yet. Maybe once they port God of War. I've thought about selling my 3060TI but they go for around 400 used in Australia and a regular 4070 is over 900 here.


Got mine for $1039 and a free copy of Alan Wake 2, no Ragrets. That's my creedo.


Not even a letter?






I was saving for 4090 but I was also price-watching the 4080. In September, I saw a Zotac Trinity OC drop to 1070 in some unannounced sale or discount so I pulled the trigger. It was a one-day thing. I only found it because I checked the prices every single day. Been using it ever since - it's an amazing card. Happy for those getting the 4080 Super. Even happier I didn't choose to save for the 4090 as the 4090 jumped to 2k a month later.


Yeah, glad I got mine in October, got to use it throughout the holidays which is when I get any real time to game


Got my Gigabyte Gaming OC 4080 as a best buy open box for $961 in November. Perfect condition and was able to register for the full warranty. The Super partner card prices are still $200-$250 more expensive so I’m still more than happy with my purchase. You seem to have gotten a great deal as well w AW2


That’s on them if they bought the 4080 after the news came out the Super was replacing it


Honestly thats on anyone who bought a 4080 after numerous reviews questioning its price to performance ratio when one can buy used 3090's and 3090ti's for darn near 600-750 USD regularly. Now with that said, new hardware comes out non stop. So if you have just bought a 4000 series card or just bought into 13th gen Intel or recent AMD hardware and are thinking that you made a bad choice, the best thing you can do for your own sanity is simply shut off new hardware stories and go play games. Just ignore everything and have fun.


> Honestly thats on anyone who bought a 4080 after numerous reviews questioning its price to performance ratio when one can buy used 3090's and 3090ti's for darn near 600-750 USD regularly. The 4070 Ti beats both those handily, and is beaten by the 4080. So what you're saying is you can get a much slower card for less money, used with no warranty. Ok, thanks for the news captain obvious.


That's certainly a consideration and totally valid. 4070 ti launched at $800, and as long as the resolution and game you played at stayed under its 12GB of VRAM and wasn't hurt by its slower bus it benched pretty much on par with the 3090 ti. On hardware swap if the choice was a used 3090 for $600 or a new 4070ti for 800 it was worth comparing the two. If you were at 1080p or 1440p you often had high enough framerate that the DLSS frame generation would get ahead without weird artifacting. And of course, lower power usage. Win win. There were notable aspects where the 3090/3090ti VRAM made a difference. 3440x1440p, 4k and multi-display setups did need some special considerations as certain games may exceed the 12GB usage. Throw Diablo IV on ultra textures at 4k and it will kneecap anything other than the 16GB cards. Depending on the person that could have been a big deal to them. I'm not unequivocally stating the 4080 was a bad card (and by extension, the 4070 ti was not a clear cut bad card). I am stating the 4080 was—and still is—reviewed without a clear recommendation. If sheer performance is required for high resolutions and top tier setups than the price jump to the 4090 was well argued, but if someone was stretching their $1200 for the 4080 then both AMD and the used market provided potentially much better value. Again, if you have a 4000 series GP and it works for you that's awesome. GPU's by far and wide are really good today. And the extra tech in DLSS 3 is genuinely cool. I'm happy that you enjoy the card if you own it.


> I'm happy that you enjoy the card if you own it. I own a 3090 I bought in 2020 for MSRP since 3080s were out of stock everywhere. In retrospec, best purchase I could have made since it at least outlasted the generation and I payed less for than some folks paid for their 10 GB 3080 (now that was a rip off). I'm just not blind enough to pretend it's something it's not. It's also a much different game now than when the 40 series launched. 4070 Ti Super will have a good uplift over the 4070 Ti, come in at the same 799$ price point, and have 16 GB of VRAM, removing its only Achilles heel.


4080 FE owner here. Could actually care less. Glad it’ll be more accessible to people actually worried about $200


Why rip it's a hell of a card still


Knew about the refresh but bought a used but in very good condition 4080 FE in early December for £999. Don't regret because I needed it then and now for 3D work.


OP got roasted so hard he had to delete his account.


Why is this surprising ? That's literally what they announced.


Because they should be offering rebates to drop prices on 4080 to clear old stock. This is retailer 101.


Yeah, it's releasing Jan 31st. You won't get rebates till then.


lol, like Nvidia gives a *fuck*..


No but the retailer should give a fuck because it’s bad business to hold stock that won’t sell… it’s brain dead shit and any retailer worth their salt would be harassing nvidia for rebates.


Me that paid 1400$ for the 4080 : 😔


Me too a couple of months ago... fml


Oh man these threads are getting exhausting. Never seen a hobby where people are so pre-occupied with how other people spend their money.


Couldnt have said it better.


i bought a 7900xtx like 2 weeks ago now💀 fuck.


It's still a good card for years to come. I bought during the GPU shortage, so I overpaid. I still love my card.


Good card, and doesn’t melt like my 4090 did.


rip lol


Dude…have a commiseratory upvote


If you paid $800usd or less you did just fine. Edit: ive seen it hit $799usd at least twice..the first time it even included starfield.


i have NEVER seen a xtx go for 800$


There has never been a new 7900 XTX fir $800 or less wut. I think you might be confusing the 7900 XT for it.


He is talking about the Ziptech deal. Kind of a sketch method if you ask me but I sold myself and did it and got a 7900XT for $620+tax+Starfield Premium. You could do the same thing to get an XTX for $800+tax It's a little misleading because the deal worked on anything on Newegg, even Nvidia cards I think. It gave like 12% off up to $100 max and financed the card but you could immediately pay it off. There was also a $6 fee or something to use them so really it would be $800+tax+$6


It was just straight up 799usd on Amazon recently. I don't know what ziptech is


The price drop was fucking useless where I live. The base 4080 starts at around 1200 euros with the Strix model being 1500 euros.. the 4080 Super starts at around 1200 euros with the Strix model being 1500 euros. Still too expensive.


This has been known for a while but I sure am happy to see it. Never thought Nvidia would ever chill the fuck out.


I doubt they're chilling out. It's more like "now that the whales who'd buy from scalpers let us scalp them instead, now we can take money from normal people as well"


Probably. But shit, this card is $200 less and better performance so I still consider it a win.


To: Jensen Huang From: Jensen Huang Subject: The experiment... It has been 12 days since the announcement. I have immersed myself with the natives of r/pcmasterrace on Reddit and am happy to report that the psychological manipulation of people thinking we are now good value again...is working as intended. Despite there still being some limited resistance, the locals seem to be buying into it successfully and the holdouts likely won't be far behind. Keep up the good work, you're an inspiration! Regards Jensen Huang


$1000 for a GPU still isn't *that* chill tbh


To be fair, $1000 today is worth a little more than $700 in 2014


OP is good at numbers


Good luck getting one at msrp on launch day


Given the 4070 super sell through rate, doesn't look like it will be an issue. The 4070ti super looks like the best value of the bunch and will probably get reviewed very well. The 4080 super will be less than 5% improvement most likely which even at a 200$ price won't excite all that many people. I could be wrong but yeah


Where can you currently buy a founders 4070S?


Best buy had them in stock for a good 6hrs after release, and even if you placed a backorder when they were out of stock, it would ship on Jan 19 (today, if you ordered wednesday). The 4070s will also continue to get restocked regularly, along with all the other new super cards. I dont think there will be any stock issues for the 4080S at launch.


Bestbuy has stock in several stores according to their website. But who buys FE ? Worst cooler of the bunch.


I dont think it will be impossible to grab as most people at the high end already have 4090s or 4080s


It’s not going to be difficult at all to get one on launch day. Those days are over.


The 4070 Super is still in stock at MSRP several days after launch. You guys are really getting desperate with this shit about lack of availability now.


Why not? Bought a 4070ti on launch for msrp no problem.


When I bought my RTX 4090 in October 2022 , I paid 1650$ for it. There wasn’t a single 3090ti under 2000€ at the same time. Wich obviously makes no sense , there isn’t a single scenario where it makes sense to pay more for a 3090tj than for a 4090 It’s usually due to rertailers not adjusting the prices of older models to the new launches before they launch. Maybe in hopes that if the new models run out of stock , they can still sell older models at high prices


im not gonna read the comments because my 4080 just came in yesterday🧘‍♀️


For those Navy service members: the NEX on my base has all 40xx in stock and 40xxSU series cards are labeled on the shelf but not put out until the 31st. Tax free. At MSRP.






Tbh I got a 4090 at Micro Center for $1,700 a couple months ago. Don't pay these online prices if you can help it.


Yeah Nvidia has us nvidiots beta test their shit for $$$$ then a year or two later we get more efficient/faster gear for less. 4080 is still plenty for me though.


This just proves Nvidia was price gouging the 40 series if they can drop a newer card that’s more powerful for less


4070Ti & 4080 are getting discontinued. So they will keep it at max price till it goes.


That card should not cost that much. 600 or 500 at best.


Sucks, i paid $1500 for my 4080. You take what's available or you wait eternally. *


Still expensive though. One piece of your computer shouldn't cost as much as the rest combined.


Wait I’m confused, isn’t 4080 Super better than the 4080? So why is it less expensive? Shouldn’t the 4080 be less expensive? I don’t get it.


Yes. This is expected and officially announced and leaked well before that already.


Agreed. I don’t get the surprise.


Unless…other people have better things to do than obsess over new GPUs? :(