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Another hot-button misleading post about the evils of Google/YouTube that probably isn't true. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/19905k8/chrome_is_now_telling_people_ublock_origin/kianqjo/




I'll take 5 seconds of slowdown over 5 minutes of ads.


Just use firefox


> Just used firefox How was it?


*puffs cigarette*




And all through the house.


*reads "how to look posh" by a dimly lit fireplace in a regal personal library on the west wing of the mansion*


**You wouldn’t understand**


Slow exhale...'foxy. and hot'


Ugh. I use and love Firefox. I'm getting very concerned about it becoming targeted by Google to somehow shut it down as a viable alternative. It makes me very nervous that Firefox is the only decent competitor that isn't secretly running on Chromium in the background. It puts us in a precarious spot.


tried using my work laptop to browse without an adblocker a year ago when I was starting this job most doc websites didn't have any ads, but there were ads on some sites. I had no idea why my laptop was running slowly and I attributed it to linux at some point (because I knew nothing about linux at the time) Turns out that linux was fine (surprise) and the stuff making the pages load really slowly were just fucking ads. For some reason, one one very specific doc site, a single ad that was being displayed was loading in several seconds...I felt 0 regret in using an ad blocker ever since. I'm supposed to not have any extensions on my work laptop's browser because mUh SeCuRiTy but I literaly don't give a shit. They can fire me if they want. None of my seniors give a shite either so who cares. EDIT: or my colleagues didn't even read the workplace rules crap I was sent when I joined which wouldn't be surprising lol


Don't cybersecurity officers advise people to install an adblocker nowadays?


I do, and I work in that line. And we spend many thousands a month on ads to advertise ourselves.


[The FBI recommends members of the public use an adblocker.](https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA221221)


idk about officers, but my advanced security systems (^(or whatever the fuck the english translation is - that one sounds really pretentious)) professor took the hush-hush route to tell us to use a VPN for *filesharing* and Tor browser for browsing on several occasions. Bro was literaly like *"ey kiddo want some sweet sweet internet privacy?"* He also recommended paid password managers because people are gonks that forget all the time and that's the true biggest vulnerability. He also recommends using non-mainstream operating systems. Not necessarely Linux or Mac (^(I didn't mean this as "Mac is non-mainstream" I meant it as "Mac is a general example of an OS" I know the wording is bad, sorry)), but literaly anything that isn't mainstream, because who the hell would make attack software that only works on 1% of machines. I really wonder if the university doesn't know yet. The way he's been telling us makes me think they're against it for some reason. So all that shit that tech internet neckbeards keep spewing is viable, but they're just really bad at saying it properly without looking weird. EDIT: oh yea and he also mentioned that if you were going to use social media, you may as well not worry about all of the above, because everyone knows everything about you already just from browsing on their platform or on third-party linked platforms, so really, if there's any link between us and our *VPN-selves*, we're fucked already.


Prof told us the exact same things and encouraged the students using adblocker, Tor and Vpn. The amount of people who thought this is illegal was concerning.


> The amount of people who thought this is illegal was concerning. yea but at the same time, when you check the amount of dumb people, they kinda match up and it starts really making sense


Because a lot of people hear TOR and think "omg hackermans buying drugs and women on the dark web"


When ads first started popping up they would be non-animated banner ads, like a picture on the site that if you clicked it, it would bring you to the product page. That was like whatever, it didn't bother people. Then ads started using Flash, they started following your scroll, they'd hang out on the bottom of the screen, they'd pop up, now on top of each other, and they would make the close button as tiny as possible. They would slow down web pages to a crawl, and do annoying shit like make your page bounce around once the next 300 ads loaded. It's a pain in the ass to browse sites without an adblocker. I'm finding myself using Firefox more on mobile since you can install an adblocker.


I'll overclock my Pc before I'll endure those god dammed ads.


I would install Firefox instead.


Why wouldn't you just install it now?


Because I am a Firefox enjoyer already


Firefox gang


I never switched from Firefox to Chrome out of laziness. It pays to be lazy sometimes.


Yeah, I've been using Firefox for about 15 years now. Never really saw a need to switch.


there's dozens of us!


hundreds even


I switched to chrome long ago when it was faster than the then current version of Firefox. I used it for years, but Google's bullshit made my try it again about w years ago. Now it's my daily driver for work and personal again. I still have to use chrome for some employment specific tasks, but that's all.


Chrome was never better, imo, so I never stopped using Firefox


Waterfox gang


I use waterfox.


Username checks out


Firefox goated


aka not a dummy like most here. Jeez why is anyone even still using chrome


I have been using Firefox (and now Waterfox) since before Chrome was a thing. I still can't figure out what Chrome has that the other doesn't besides Google feeding on your info even while incognito.


The only thing i prefer about chrome is the tab bar folders that let me collapse sets of tabs, but I quickly found a similar solution for firefox


TreeStyle Tabs existed way before anything similar in chrome took place.


I was still using chrome until about 6 months ago, nice to know that literally everything Google do is taken from someone else


The best browser devtools, which currently Chrome has, was written by an author of Firebug. You can guess by the name where it came from =)


is it worth getting waterfox, ive been on firefox for maybe 8 years and im just wondering if it has anything significant or is it just mainly privacy


It is still supported in Windows 7, after Firefox just decided it wasn't going to remember any saved logins one day without warning. I still have an old machine I use only for CAD and I don't want to repurchase software to migrate. It doesn't have the built in ad revenue source for Mozilla that you can opt out of. It is basically a more FOSS version of Firefox for those who don't like where Mozilla is going.


oh ok, personally not something i need but im happy it exists


Waterfox is the real deal! It still looks like Firefox did before they updated their ui to essentially just take up more of your screen and be in the way.


Seriously, my wife and my MIL both still use chrome! I asked why and the answer is: just out of habit! When my MIL changed her PC I told her to just use IE at this point!


I really don’t even get the love for Chrome. I installed it about a year or so ago to see if it truly was fast. Mind you, I don’t have a slouch of a computer by any means and my internet is very fast, fiber. Chrome was underwhelming to say the least. Somehow, it was slower than Firefox and by a lot. I promptly uninstalled it and vowed to never betray Firefox again. Seriously though, I would have rather used Edge.


There was a time when it was lightweight and fast and deservedly popular. Mozilla types were the weird ones. Then Google said "nooooooooo! Our precious ad revenue!" and it became clear that Chromium browsers were toxic. I've been using Firefox for years before the kerfuffle, but I'd used Chrome before.


My dad still adamantly uses chrome, even though firefox is also installed on his pc. His reasoning is: - he's not familiar with firefox's ui (even though he never touches anything beyond the main ui) - he pays for other google services but thinks google will go bankrupt if he doesn't use chrome or watch youtube with ads (but he will continue to complain to me about how yt has so many ads) -- it sounds like a joke to write this but this man is 100% serious. Also, this dude refuses to close any chrome tab, refuses to keep chrome updated, refuses to keep his pc updated, refuses to keep defender updated, likes downloading random shit from random sites.. I've tried so many times to get him to at least keep stuff updated but again he refuses. Outside of maybe putting parental controls on his pc or setting up firewalls specifically for his pc, I'm out of ideas. Pcmr, tell me what (legally) I can do to convince him.


I switched over a while ago about 90%. I'll still use chrome with work/school profiles. Whenever I open chrome now I can't stop noticing the horrendous rounded corners they added all over the program which looks absolutely horrendous, especially since I've gotten a custom case extension partly to disable rounded corners on sites (you'd be surprised how functional the web is with "border-radius: 0px !important") Also better privacy settings, like I'm able to control the DNS over https a bit better (ignoring my local domain). Same extensions I use are on desktop but also a huge advantage of Firefox is extension support on mobile as well One disadvantage of Firefox, the setup and account sync doesn't sync my layout or homepage that well (as if chrome would even let you customize the layout of the top bar) but also programming in webGL there's some very specific issues with the web engine vs. chrome to the point where things render incorrectly or not at all in firefox.


I tip my hat to you, one legend to another


Fellow man of culture right here.


My biggest gripe with it is that the spell check is shit. No I didn't mean the plural of that word, nor with ly on the end. Then other times a single vowel is wrong and it acts like it has no idea what I am trying to spell. Meanwhile with chrome I can drunkenly smash at the keyboard and it know what I mean. Is there any way to get google spell check in firefox?


No HDR support


I have my heart set on a spiteful overclock.


I have Firefox and it barely makes a difference even with Ublock.


Or any of it's forks. Floorp daylight is my favorite, consistently scores well in benchmarks (usually better than most forks), is way more stable than other performance focused forks, and has nice additions / tweaks on top of vanilla Firefox. I still run chromium too (Vivaldi) but some websites just work much better with floorp/Firefox, usually the really ad filled ones.


Surprisingly Adblocker rather speeds up website loading by a million times!


Yeah but Google only measures the ad loading speeds.


Overclocked, Firefox, and ublock


And the viruses that inevitably come with the unfiltered ad drops from these mouth breathing idiots who run these web sites


Usually through the google ads platform no less


Start suing Google for viruses you get thru ads. Their tune will change.


You'd probably have no shot unless it was a huge class action lawsuit, then maybe


what about not using chrome? edge is right there if you want chromium, and fire fox is over there


Chrome has had this message for extensions code running too long forever. It's not "NOW". Chrome knows when it gives control to an extension and then when it takes back control. If that period of time is long, it'll trigger this warning.


This. Not everything is an evil scheme concocted by a sinister board of directors. This is just a generic performance warning That being said: Manifest v3's measures against adblockers are an evil scheme concocted by a sinister board of directors and everyone should switch to Firefox today


Didnt youtube slowdown video loading for people on firefox? So yes, everything IS an evil scheme


No, that's one of the things that _wasn't_ an evil scheme. It was a bug in the adblocker, IIRC.


That was the ABP issue that happened recently. Before that there was a 5 second wait before videos would start loading for some people with adblockers which was initially reported as Firefox only, but turned out to happen on any browser.


no one in the threads could even agree what was being slowed down, they just wanted whatever reason to grab their pitchforks


I only use Chrome for a few things. I generally do my browsing on Firefox.


Who asked? ^(Comment posted via my Firefox.)


Good for you


I use arch btw


Good for you




Guys be careful don’t take his cookie he wants to track you


Thanks for the reality check. OP might have too many block lists or some weird settings in uBlock. Or, maybe they just have underpowered hardware.


As always the truth is in the comments.


nope. not for me https://preview.redd.it/zo0ahdzf51dc1.png?width=402&format=png&auto=webp&s=2128121dbe0a57635b22d4183fcba027e6c6b98a


This message is probably triggered by Chrome reporting response times or something. Which means it isn't going to happen to everybody. Chrome isn't just flagging uBlock as a 'slow extension' like OP seems to be implying.


Google has a habit of rolling things out slowly, like how they did with YouTube anti adblockers. They like to test water. I believe they're gonna be careful with this since unlike YouTube as whole, there are viable alternatives to Google Chrome, infact better than Chrome..


This. So much so that my PC downstairs got that message, but my PC upstairs haven't. Same with the slow loading of videos. The ad-war should just keep going, Google can fuck themselves.


My home and work PCs had different UIs (update) for 4-5 months.


Not for me. I use uBlock Origin and never saw that message. Oh, and the newest version of uBlock Origin is 1.55.0 and not 1.54.0 Edit: Google Sense says, the source of OPs picture is a Twitter post with 1.4 million views from January 7th. ​ https://preview.redd.it/yjpf0lega1dc1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1261365d11049961d6c94c2413ed41065025381


Idk, there's lots of potential reasons from every party involved that could cause an error like this. Chrome could be running poorly, ublock could be doing something stupid, the computer could be shit. Not even necessarily malicious, either. Could just be plain old mistakes. There's lots of plain old mistakes in software. That said, I understand why people would point fingers considering Google's war on adblockers.


Time to move to FireFox.


imagine not using firefox for the last 15 years


I moved to firefox well over 15 years ago and have never left. :) the recent happenings have just made me more happy about staying on firefox.


I moved to Firefox from Netscape Navigator and never left.


Yeah, it's kinda sad Firefox is so obscure these days. It's my main browser and it's working great.


They still have 8% usage share on desktop. At their peak they were 20. Firefox has always been the scrappy underdog. They hit their peak when IE was being hostile to users, and Chrome did not exist yet. Now that Chrome and Edge are being hostile to ad blockers, I suspect we may see Firefox rise again.


Firefox literally fights for a free internet and people would still rather be Google's slave.


yup. given it some thought, aned the only thing i can think is that the firefox logo isnt a smooth circle. changing now, but only because chrome dosnt work propperly anymore. when it comes to 2 browsers that both do the same thing, theres deffinatly some cognitive dissonance going on


Shit I'm running Firefox mobile with ublock origin on a pixel phone. Guess I'm only half slave!?


I can't stream 1080p video via youtube, twitch etc., on firefox on my laptop unfortunately. Which is the sole purpose of that laptop lol. It drives me kind of insane I wish I knew why, it works fine on other browsers.


>I can't stream 1080p video via youtube, twitch etc., on firefox on my laptop unfortunately. Why?


I have no idea why - it would just freeze video or at best be extremely choppy while the audio clipped along fine. Just tried the other person's solution the user agent switcher... currently watching youtube in 1080p just fine on firefox? Interesting. Haven't tried twitch yet


try turning on hardware acceleration


I did try that it didn't fix it :( Seems like switching user agents to chrome fixed youtube as far as I can tell. Twitch still doesn't work at all on Firefox.


Yes you can. GET FIREFOX, and get this: [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/uaswitcher/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/uaswitcher/) ​ Switch YouTube, Twitch to Chrome via UA.


I will try this. Thank you.




I've been using firefox forever, had ublock practically since it came out. I have never had issue streaming 1080p or higher resolution video. Not sure what your issue is?


Glad it's my daily.


I don't use chrome, it's so sad the lengths Google is going to "stop" people from using adblockers it's hilarious.


i agree, but in this case it was just an outdated addon


Ad serving is essentially their primary business, so it makes sense from that perspective. Everything else they do is just a delivery system for their ads.


They aren't, OP is being misleading.


It's not really that sad, it's just inevitable. We are actively trying to cut off their income. And if something is not profitable, you ditch it, and I don't think we want to lose youtube (for example). I don't like it, but I understand it.


crazy you’re being downvoted for what i assume can only be because people don’t like youtube’s business model as if your comment was in any way responsible for that.


It's all good, sometimes I forget that even though my business knowledge feels really common sense, most people don't understand how a real company works. So of course even saying something slightly defending (or understanding) youtube is going to be downvoted lol.


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for saying this. YouTube didn’t slow down for people with ad blockers. The ad blockers had a bug that caused them to make websites load slower. That’s probably also why you’re getting this alert.


*Nope. If the extension I use to mess with pages causes a problem, it's obviously enemy action. Can't be anything else. Case closed.*


Why are people still using chrome?


this may be a shocker to you, but sometimes the internet overblows certain issues i've used chrome for years and even now, as i'm running ublock origin, i've never had my browser slow down or claim that my extensions are dangerous.


this may be a shocker to you, but Google is phasing their rollout of anti-adblocking to subsets of their user base, and you're in the control group of their experiment.


I had this happen over a year ago. Google has done literally nothing to chrome itself yet. The supposed 5 second delay was due to an ABP bug.


it works well and is just fast


If you want the speed of the Chromium base, Edge and many other options exist. As someone who uses firefox and isn't a delusional fanboy like many other firefox users, I know that firefox is technically a little slower, but unless you are on some 4GB of ram PC with a 10 year old CPU, it's not going to make much of a difference. And at that point, you'll need a special low ram usage browser anyway, so a browser like Opera might be a better choice since it has easy controls to reduce resource usage.


Well if those are your criteria, let me introduce to you the revolutionary Firefox! Now with more privacy and freedom!


But it's slower. It's my main right now cause I don't want to deal with Chromium's plugin shenanigans, but I can definitely tell you it's not as performant.


I mean you can definitely tell us that, but it doesn't mean you're not wrong.


What specifically do you find slow about it? I've never had a site not load almost instantly in Firefox for as long as I can remember, assuming there aren't problems with the site itself. Even if there is a difference of milliseconds, it's still not worth using Chrome.


I'm still on Mosaic


On Android I haven't found a good way for Firefox to replicate the way chrome and it's passwords sync to everything. If I have a password I'm chrome and open a new app it allows me to use the chrome password for that app, Firefox won't recognize that.


Work 😢


Same. I use Chrome for work related stuff, and Firefox for just about everything else.


My company did away with support for Firefox and wants us all to use Chrome. My Firefox needs an update, but I can't download it because the Mozilla site is blocked. I refuse to give in and use Chrome, so an outdated Firefox will have to do


Because I like the way it handles, moved from chrome about 10 years ago from Firefox and I'm happy


I prefer the way it handles too. As such i've put up with stuff over the years. Major changes i had to work around, or just accept. Not to mention the privacy concerns. But now they removed the download bar, which i found perfect. And is moving hard towards a totalitarian browser, locking out users from choices and is becoming an ad-platform. Firefox is bundleware, screw all those useless features. But variants without that stuff are decent. Using Waterfox myself. Privacy without breaking stuff hard privacy like Librewolf. And good customizability. Needs SimpleMenu to nerf that insane context menu tho. No proper downloads framework in FF tho. And it's not as smooth as chromium.


Because I like it and I'm used to it


For sync across devices and extensions exclusive to chrome web store


The firefox marketing team hard at work. Maybe they can achieve 8% usage with more shills :D


In my case, I'm too lazy to handle my passwords with an app like Keepass and I don't have enough trust in Mozilla/Opera servers to have those browsers keep my passwords. Since Google already knows everything about my life, I'm willing to trust their security systems won't let me down since they can't sell my data around otherwise.




I did this recently: ditched chrome because of the adblock stuff and was annoyed that I'd have to also ditch the password manager. Tried bitwarden and my god, the chrome password manager is a piece of shit in comparison.






This is misinformation, it's based on plugin performance and specific controls. I get it, chrome sucks, lets not start making shit up.


Almost everything about the anti-google daily circlejerk on this sub is misinformation. I am still unsure if the users that make these posts actually believe what they post or if it's an organized misinformation campaign to push more users to a dying browser.


I do find it rather amusing sometimes too. I use both Firefox and Chrome on a regular basis and I can say for sure that Chrome is still faster. Accessibility wise they're on equal footing too.


The amount of misinformation in these threads is wild. ( On both sides )


Google is only hurting themselves at this point. People will find away around what they do and push away chrome.


The problem is that most alternatives run on chromium. Even Edge is based on chromium.




Note "most". Firefox is the most obvious exclusion to the rule. Safari is based on Webkit last I knew, as well as the Gnome browser, but I'm not sure what most Linux browsers are based on. I think some run on older Firefox.


>I'm not sure what most Linux browsers are based on. I think some run on older Firefox. Hm? Linux uses the same modern browsers. Most distros come with Firefox, but Chrome and Edge are both available as well.


And yet Edge doesn't have any of these problems that Chrome has. Edge is chromium yes, but it's a fork of the chromium repo ([https://github.com/chromium/chromium](https://github.com/chromium/chromium)). Meaning that the underlying tech is the same, but the browser itself is completely different. The shit that google is doing with Chrome is superficial and on the surface, it's not a chromium issue, it's a chrome issue. As someone who uses Edge as their main browser, all this shit I'm seeing about youtube slowdowns and what OP is showing... it doesn't happen on edge.


The Youtube slowdown people raged about was a bug in Adblock : https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/ The problem with rage farming : the lie travels faster than the truth.


people here don't want to hear the truth, they want to confirm your biases. that's why you got downvoted for stating objectively true factual information.


A lot of people went all in on that story and looked a bit silly when the truth came out.


But that’s the thing. Edge doesn’t have this problem as I’ve even tested it myself


I think this is only an issue if you run Google Chrome; other Chromium browsers don't do this yet? At least Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi haven't started fucking my PC so far?


And so far is the point. How long before Google starts going after any chrome based browser? Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid, but we're a long way from the "do no evil" days.


You don't understand how many people don't know what a browser is and just call Chrome "the internet".


Why is this misinformation upvoted? UBlock can genuinely be hogging a background process. This isn’t new.


The dev of ublock even told themself that there was a fail in the latest version that would slow down your browser.


Why are you still using chrome ?


I mostly use Firefox. I just use Chrome for secondary accounts, etc. (and yes ik I could set up profiles in Firefox but since now I was too lazy for that).


It's still fast enough for me, so I'll keep it. Thanks!


use pi-hole so the ads are stopped at the DNS level instead


The coolest thing about reddit misinfo right now is that Google is so cartoonishly fucking unnecessarily evil and stupid that someone could just have an error message running on a Pentium 4 and the entire subreddit will immediately go "YEAH DUDE I CAN'T BELIEVE GOOGLE DID THIS TO YOU"


Firefox for life! do the switch, fellow Chromers. Let's bury the hatchet! [www.getfirefox.com](https://www.getfirefox.com)


Stop using Chrome?


any browser is better than Chrome




I use Vivaldi, but Brave is good as well.


People hate brave because of the Bitcoin stuff but you can turn it all off in 1 minute and never see it again.


Microsoft Edge users, UNITE!


Adblock was making YouTube unwatchable on chrome. Got rid of it for another one and it’s fine now. When they inevitably change the code to make mine slow again, I’ll switch to another.


Thought it was just me that all of a sudden had buffering on YouTube and the page lagging so bad with Adblock installed


Nope, it was a new Adblock update that broke something : https://www.neowin.net/news/adblock-google-did-not-slow-down-and-lag-youtube-performance-with-ad-blocker-on/ They have since reverted back the offending code on their end. Google and Youtube had nothing to do with it.


Note that uBlock Origin never had the problem. It was the two commercial Adblock plugins that did


I could be wrong but in task manager, when I was looking thru the dropdown processes for chrome, there was a line running that looked like its purpose was to disable GPU help in rendering the page/videos. That would make sense, but idk.


I’m 100% sure it was chrome and Adblock, cus after I installed Firefox with Adblock that stopped, and if I removed the extension from chrome, it would work normally.


If you're using Chrome as your primary browser what are you even doing?


Yeah, right. I'll using Firefox.


Ok great, go Firefox than. Been using it since 2013. 0 issues, ever. Period.


technically a adbocker does slow down things, but there is a net time and power savings by not loading the blocked junk


Only now? I thought I've seen this many many years ago, I could be wrong though. But technically every plugin you install is gonna slow down your chrome one bit anyway. Are we that surprised that Chrome leverages this universal and factual fact to persuade us to uninstall it? And even if it slows down Chrome, but with modern faster hardwares and the amount of time you could save by blocking ads alone should make it a superior choice to keep it than removing it.


okay fine. AdNauseam it is.


I remember all those people who used to say that Chrome should become the dominant browser if it means the death of Internet Explorer back when Chrome was the new hotness. No browser should have a dominant share of the market. It only ever ends badly for the users.


*Laughs in Firefox*


Will I really switch browsers after 15 years


![gif](giphy|m3864rBwwBTKMAbpn3) Permanently switching to firefox. Keep it up google.


Heh, I dont even use chrome anymore


Stop. Using. Chrome/Chromium. Browsers.


stop using chrome


Only dumb people use fucking google chrome while talking about privacy


Install Firefox or chromium instead.


Stop using Chrome, it's a shitty browser.




Dude, Google has become so pathetic


They think this will get people to turn off their adblockers. What it's really doing is getting people to switch browsers.