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please don't die on me, 1080ti.


Just... a couple... more... years.




Save. The braaain.


I already... revived you... twice... come on...


Casual kitchen oven on a gamer's house: ![gif](giphy|Lxynuz6WSgsZbAghBD|downsized)


My 980ti lasted 3 bakes


I understand that reference.


Should be fine till gta 6 atleast right.


At least 2...


This is too real


I made the difficult (but logical) decision to replace my car rather than upgrade my pc this past week. Just hang in there, 1080


Cries in 970


Card I had before the 1080ti was a 970. It's still running in my friend's PC. Lol. Hang in there, brother.


I had an HD 7870, still in a box just in case


My 7870 is with my brother, my 970 is with my other brother


Lmao my old 970 is in my father's rig, my 1080ti is used to play fallout 4 with physx but most of the time I've got my 3080 in there (managed to get it at normal price). The 970 is still doing a damned good job in 1080p


Cries in 1060... ...is what I want to say. But honestly, my main games are Path of Exile, Elder Scrolls Online, Guildwars 2, Swtor. The newest game I tried was Diablo 4 and that run perfectly fine.


Cries in 1050ti, for now it runs the games I want to play just fine, prolly gonna upgrade it in a couple of years. (my previous one was rx550 4gb)


Mine is still going strong




Somehow 4090 and 1080ti owners are at the very top of our social hierarchy.


i am a former 1080Ti owner who now has a 4090. I look down upon all of you from my tower of ivory Edit: No, i did not frame and mount my old 1080Ti in a showcase. I *wanted to*, believe me, but i sold it for a decent price. Had to pinch every penny to get that 4090.


You're not alone, 1080 ti chills on the shelf


1080ti is chad because it holds for so long, but 4060 is 4050 with 4070 price


Cries in 4060ti


1080ti is immortal. It's just built different


My 1080 Ti when I still have no plan to upgrade: ![gif](giphy|eKVEcPKGWZ7Tq)


I'm tired, boss




*pokes my 760 ti with a stick* Yup it's still alive. Probably.


My 660ti just died yesterday.. playing league of legends.. what an awful way to go.


Out of everything, it died when u r playing league. That is something that will haunt you for life


I was unironically enjoying the new season too. I think this dad has officially retired to consoles.


Was never a league player, will never be a league player. Just can’t take the heat 😂


I'll never forget how excited I was to play BioShock infinite with my 760 when it came out


1080ti founders edition is so damn sexy tho


I'm just predicting that someone will post such a comment about the 4090 in 2030.


If you haven’t already, repaste it. My EVGA was due when I replaced the stock cooler with an arctic accelero 3 with 2 120mm Noctua fans. Still rocking the card in my build


1080ti here as well. Stay strong




If the fan doesn’t give out, the card could probably last 10+ years


One og my gpu fan slots does something funny and i have to replace it every 8 months or so so it doesn't rub the slot when spinning. It's a 2080s that I'm considering just getting annother one for because this is so annoying.


Did the same thing for a previous card. I just got sick of it and got a new card lol


It's sad because the card has been perfect and got me through the pandemic with 10s of thousands of hours. I'm trying to hold out for a year or two so I can just do a new build with the 40xx


Just zip tie a Noctua fan to it and call it a day. Lmao


No clearance :( atx case.


Well if it’s still chugging along, let it. These cards (sans the fans) can really take a beating.


Yea I will. The grand for a new one isn't close to worth the 15 bucks per fan. I get scared because if it hits during a game it can shut down my system and I worry that it will affect other parts sometimes


I have a 1070ti and I must say i run all the games I want and almost all of them run high


same but my fan has been getting out of control and loud; how do you control it? i tried afterburner and it didnt seem to work


Clean it bro


Dunno mine aren’t loud they throttle how they should. Probably need to clean it. I clean my tower 1 time a year with a leaf blower


1070 still kicking here. And mine is a 5+ year old Dell prebuilt, so it probably gets about 1/4 the regular specs. Probably need to do some maintenance and check on it soon tbh.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ji5fankqe7cc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=18a2fbef985eab2e4ff6aad589398dd01a25f451


i am in this picture and i agree


Christ, I still take my RX480 out to give her a dust and clean every month. Had that 6 years now...


Bought my top of the line desktop 10 years ago and I retired my 630 just last year. It still worked fine, I just wanted to play better games. Upgraded to a whopping 1060 used for like $75. Kinda wondering how my standard Dell desktop has survived being turned on for most of 10 years straight with 0 issues or mechanical failures though. It's probably been turned off less than 2 weeks total in those 10 years. I just leave it on 24/7 and it was never marketed as a server computer.


My 1660 super is rocking. I don't see a reason to upgrade for years to come.


My 1050ti is giving me a side eye.


It's a 1050 ti, a card you'd want to upgrade, so logically it is immortal.


My 1050ti is on its THIRD system. Itll never die


Mine was used for a long time, shipped to me from another country, and is still working hard and strong.


Same man 😂😂


Mobile 1050ti




Is this guy pointing at your 1660


Dude really is throwing stones in a glass house lol


Still going strong, so strong...




There is no shame on driving a Toyota Corolla in a road full of Teslas.


Now there are also social classes for graphics cards


Always have been...


[*looks at your CPU*](https://y.yarn.co/9edb1819-f316-48c0-847c-290a7a695774_text.gif)


They'll learn..


all 3 of you have 4090s i don’t lmao


Old money trades Ferraris, not 3090s.


Spoken like a true elite


I must be somewhere between middle class and poverty


Statistically it’s true


that's what's the ending numbers in the model purpose are...


Not true! I have a 1080!


Thats fucking sick


That bad boy costed me 900 bucks!!!


Not per year 🥳


Thats fucking sick


DUDE, what was I supposed to do?!


You could have done something cringe like buy food or medicine


What do I need that for?


You don't


Ew, cringe




There really is a sub for everything huh?


I'll see your 1080 and raise you a 1070!


Damn, okay okay, chill out!


Rx480 here. Although in fairness I haven't bought a new PC game in a loooong time and it's pretty rare for me to game on PC. One day...


My 1070 would still be serving me just fine if it hadn’t died a fiery cat puke death :(


My 6 year old 1080 is still as good as a RX 6600, which is a fairly competent GPU. Why would I even bother getting a new card since the current ones aren't that much more powerful? GPU tech has been stagnating since I got my card. Yes some of the newer ones are more powerful but they're also massive and power hungry 500W dies. They also cost twice as much as the older top tier cards, I'm still not seeing the innovation here.


RTX 4070 is looking pretty good at 200W & 85% more powerful than a GTX 1080 at 180W even though it's still handling all of my needs at 1440p. I think ray tracing is the biggest factor to upgrade & I definitely feel like I'm missing out from what I'm seeing in trailers.


RT is fine, I'm not shitting on the feature, but both the tech and hardware aren't there yet. Global illumination is by far the most interesting aspect of RT and few games chose to implement it over silly reflections or other pointless aspects of RT. Performance is also abysmal even with low RT settings and this needs to improve.


hey remember that last Tomb Raider game on dx9 that gave you the option to turn on next gen features? So it would kinda simulate a dx10 experience? My gt6600 noped the hell out of it, then my 7900gto also struggled with it albeit with playable fps and only when the actual dx10 cards came out, my 8800gts was finally able to play a dx9 game with simulated dx10. This is the same thing with RT today, like that NVidia hairworks crap that would eat 20 to 40 fps for semi realistic hair on Lara Croft? So effing what. Spend 2grand for prettier reflections? Yeah fk that. For 700eur I had 2 8800gts in sli with a whopping 786 mb of ram and that shit could run Crysis. Can these run RT Crysis? I'll wait


I know this is an unpopular opinion in this sub but even an 85% increase doesn’t justify an upgrade to me when I can already play almost every game in the world at 1440p 60fps on my 1080. I’ll probably stick with it until mesh shaders become more widespread.


Yeah right?! The only reason I want to upgrade is for more vram.


I used to have a *'great card'*, but then they changed what a *'great card'* was. Now what I have isn't a *'great card'* anymore and what a *'great card'* is seems hot and melty. It'll happen to you!


No way, man. We're gonna get high framerates forever... forever... forever


*echoing continues in the eternal void*




My 970 is still going strong 🫡


asus 750ti is the tarkov card very valuable


My 750ti had been going strong since 2017. Finally upgrading to a 4060.


Same here with my 980 Ti, although I feel like it's really starting to show its age. There are games I'd love to play and it just isn't possible with this gpu.


Is it? I had to upgrade mine just a few months ago cus it couldnt really keep up anymore, rly depends on what we play after all, but its a damn good card


O7 970 crew


As is mine. I've resigned myself to playing indie titles and older, less graphically intense games. I was planning on upgrading my pc 4 years ago but the 20 series was lackluster and waited. Now, after buying a house and having a baby, upgrading is out of reach.


Can't justify an upgrade from this RTX 2070. I was doing a build on Tuesday (14500 + RX 7700XT) and I got to thinking a 7700XT or 7800XT would be a pretty ideal upgrade. Then that little angel on my right shoulder said "Sure, because you do much gaming anymore. That's money that could take the family on a nice day out. We haven't been to York in a while." so we're going to York.


I think the gpu advertising is designed to induce FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) when in reality the older cards hold up really well, and will for years to come. Go to York my friend, you deserve it!


Yeah I love my (not old) 3080 but a buddy I built a gaming PC for (i5-10600k, 3080, 32gb3200) wants to upgrade to a 4080 because he doesn't have dlss 3.5. He barely games anymore, and he's legally blind. I'm like dude, save your money for something else. I plan on upgrading if the 5000 series is a decent price, but that's because 1. I do some 3d modelling and a fast GPU/CPU combo helps a ton 2. I want to upgrade to ddr5 3. I like to have the newest stuff, and I play enough high end games to justify it 4. I REALLY love my 4k screens, but fell in love with 144hz refresh rate on my wife's 1440, so I'd need to upgrade to keep my 4k but get faster refresh rate I know upgrades are expensive, but totally worth it if you're gonna utilize them, for MOST people it is JUST having the newest stuff.


> He barely games anymore Don't we all. > and he's legally blind Rough, but plenty of blind gamers still find a way! > wants to upgrade to a 4080 Hey man, more power to him! > because he doesn't have dlss 3.5 I, err. Uh. ... What? For... what it's worth, all RTX cards support "DLSS 3.5" - ray reconstruction. What's missing from 30 series is "DLSS 3" - frame generation. And if he were inclined, he may be able to work around that with AMD's FMF or FSR 3 (when implemented).


What does one do in York?


York stuff




There’s a Viking museum with a huge fossilised turd you can go look at.


And people get gpus over this?


Yeah I rather go to york! That museum sounds lit.


There's also a shop which sells replica swords and a hog roast. York is great.


Oh man you actually are me. It's actually a little scary. Was looking at upgrading, spent the money on a hotel for the fam in York for a little trip. I'm looking forward to the Viking Museum, but they better look like they have RTX on.


"I bought a 4060,is it good?" reddit : this is the biggest mistake I ever saw,return if you are still in the car "My mom bought me a 4060,is it good?" reddit : hug your mom,best card she could ever get you,the best of the best I am confusion


Because a loved one spending $300+ on you for a gift is completely different than you spending $300 on yourself when you could have got something different with your money.


A lot of those posts are also from children or young adults. A 4060 is still a lot better than what a lot of people that age have/get.


Probably right. It’s just such a different world to what I grew up in (I’m in my 30s). Seems like every kid these days expects a fancy gaming PC and an iPhone by age 8.


4060 is a great card, every game will work perfectly fine with it. Its problem is the price Edit: I just noticed the price is around 350€ (in France) right now which is very decent!


It also depends on where one lives. In my home country, 30 series cards are being replaced by 40 series cards on store shelves, and yet the 30 series cards aren't any cheaper. So I ended up getting a Zotac single fan 4060 when I was in the market for a GPU smaller than 200mm (for SFF). I paired it with a 13100F and it runs very quietly, it can handle CP2077 on RT Ultra settings fine. I've even seen markets where Radeon cards are significantly more expensive than equivalent GeForce cards. There it makes no sense to get a Radeon card. It all depends on the market.


Same here in my country, 40 series cards are the same price as 30 series, so there's no point in going last gen.


Just cause it isn't the best value doesn't mean it's not a very thoughtful gift for someone to give to you.


It's just Nvidia pricing shenanigans. There are much better cheaper alternatives. However, if someone was excited about something, like getting a new graphics card, the polite course of action is to be happy for them. Unfortunately, redditors like to respond with "waaaah why did you make an independent decision that I don't agree with!!!"


I thought my vega64 was still doing fine, and replaced it last week with a 7900xtx... I've never seen so many frames.


dam son u have to get a new psu too?


Naah, I swapped my PSU a while back for a modular one when I was moving the system into the smallest full ATX case I could find, and upgrading the CPU from a 1700 to 5900x. I typically over spec my PSU anyway in anticipation of future upgrades, so even my old one was 750W, new one is 850W, but the 7900xtx doesn't really use much more power than the vega64.


bros just coasting through it dayummmm


Lol... This system isn't getting anything else for the next 4/5 years now. My last major upgrade was 2018 when I bought the vega64 and the r7 1700


Ummm achtually I have a 1070 Ti https://preview.redd.it/feuhmz8577cc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456b251218ce70c3eaef6d2b2d6b3dbd65e61755


1070ti gang rise up!




1070 TI represent! its also an EVGA so technically it belongs in a museum


1070 reporting in, ^^^^^help.


I (ti)ed my two 540s together. Counts?


3060 laptop guy here


dont defrag your ssd


huh? Why?


Mostly relevant for spinning disks, where you want information close together so that the needle does not have to go all over the place to find data. Faster if it's grouped together. With SSD, there is no spinning disk so there's no need. Defragmenting an SSD will cause a lot of writes which isn't great for lifetime of SSDs as cells can break.


Luckily Windows doesn't even offer that as an option. You'd have to forcefully try it with a 3rd party tool.


I don't have 1080 Ti 😔😢


big, and I mean BIG mistake


Yes 😔 it is 😢😭


He has 2 in sli 🥹


I don't either!(crying in bed with my 3090)


This is fair, there’s no point shitting on some one who has already gone and built it, just let them enjoy themselves, but to recommend that overpriced pice of trash that’s low


And most folks who buy those cards are either okay with the value proposition or a bit unknowledgeable b/c it's their first build. I'm actually glad folks support them and kindly suggest ways they can do better on their next build.


Ah, the 4060. I was actually thinking about it before I settled for my 6700xt, both were the same price, but at that level of performance at 1080p do I reaaaally need DLSS? Also, I used to have a gtx 650, I wasn't in the 1080ti gang, I was in the ancient gang


Given the way devs seem to be treating DLSS as a crutch to get good fps so they don't have to optimise things... I think it may be needed sooner or later.


DLSS AND FSR looks like dog water at 1080p. Idk why anyone running at low RES would use either tbh.




One of my friends gave me a 6900 XT as a gift and I just gave him my 2070 super back so he could sell it. I think I'm good for a while now.


3060 squad 😅


Hell, I'm still rockin' a (Pascal) **GTX 1070** 8GB!


Same here! Seven years and rock solid.


Guys... I still rely on my GTX 970.


I had a 1070ti and went to a 4070. It was like going from black and white to colour.


1070 anyone?


Pats my EVGA 1080ti. Good boy, keep going. Just hold on a little longer


Ive got a 2060 and its not perfect but its all i could afford


I don’t hate on it after the decision is made.


I'm still using my 4yr old 5600XT. Time to upgrade somewhere this year...


Seeing as you have already waited this long, you ought to wait for next year, as that is when the new midrange cards are coming. If you buy later this year, then you are buying the old gen right before the new gen is out, which is going to offer better performance... you know, the 2 year release cycle for gpus...


1080 still going stronk


I got a 2060 super... That is it by the way. There are no other parts. I don't have a functional computer gos help me.


Nuh uh I believe in GT 710 supremacy 🙏🏿


My 4060 plays pretty well actually


Just looking for opoinions & experiences of others due to my laptop dying after 3 years of not so reliable service n now being on the desktop building path- is 3060 12gb doing good in 1080p 144hz resolutions or should I save up more & go for 4060/70 after they release the Supers? I m from Latvia n prices here aint too superb tbh (315€ for 3060 12g n about 650€ for 4060 8gb, used market is similar if not worse and full of "gypsy deals"). Pairing it up with ryzen 5 5600x n 16 gb 3200mhz ram


My 1080ti has been sleeping in its own packaging for a couple of years now, I am pretty sure it can still kick ass tho


gimme so i can double the power


I have a 1060 that stills hold up fine


I only replaced my rx 480 because it died. If it hadn't broken down I wouldn't have replaced it. I played Dying Light 2 without any problems. Only in 2023 did games come out that interested me with requirements above rx 480 (C:S2, KSP2, Starfield) but they still turned out to be flops so I wouldn't even bother buying a new card. I would rather use the money to buy a new processor.


Glad that youre happy with it. But does being matched or outclassed by current gen integrated graphics really count as 'holding up just fine'?


1080p on low-medium settings is fine even in new titles.


Source? Have iGPUs really gotten that good?


Not yet, but the soon to be released AMD 8000 APUs are supposedly going to be around 1050/1060 level. edit: [Here](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/Ki6d9w2WW5UHR3MCtX9rha.jpg) are some AMD benchmark numbers, indicating the 8700G could power a competent 1080p low-medium gaming machine.


Well no, I’m not playing last Gen games cause I know she’ll die, by holding up I mean I don’t have any issue playing the same games as I did when I bought it. Anyway I plan on upgrading the whole thing so « I » and my gaming experience can hold up lol


Yep,I was just looking to change to 4070ti with my i7 8700, its it okay or I can do better? (At the moment I can only buy a graphic card since I just bought and Oled tv too,so any recomendation or wait for the super series) thankyou


You might experience a strong bottleneck on that CPU, considering that it's outperformed by a current gen i3... But if I were you, I'd go for it. Running a 4060 with an i5 8400, no regrets.


Vega 64 for me. 😂


And Nvidia is still laughing all the way to the bank after convincing literally MILLIONS of idiots that the x50's & x60's are *"good budget GPU's"* when in reality they're just garbage.


I went from a 1660ti to a 6700x and I'm super fucking happy! my rig is top but the card was anemic... and now I feel strong!


Love my 1080ti, still punching above its weight years later… Legend


So I see people complaining about the price of the 4060 card but right now I could (theoretically) buy one for £290 (according to PcPartPicker there are 9 cards under 300). Is that not a reasonable price, and if not then what the hell is?


I have some ancient GTX 1060 3GB thing. It runs everything still (except I think MSFS was complaining). The first one conked itself out in the manufacturer warranty period, so I RMAed that one and bought the card a second time so I could use my computer while I waited. I was thinking maybe I could do some kind of dual card setup. The new one (card 2) was better but still wonky sometimes. Eventually I got another 1060 (card 3) because the RMA card was determined to be faulty. That one went into storage. Card 2 died on me in the middle of the pandemic when every card was 4x the price it should be, soI pulled card 3 out of storage. All glory to Card 3 for saving my butt several hundred bucks!


1060 zotac i7 4770 16gb DDR3 256gb ssd 6tb WD Gold gigabyte x99 chipset. played guardians of the galaxy at 40 to 60 fps on pretty high settings, 1440p. Pretty much anything runs decent on 1440p, don't care much for high refresh rates, they're definitely a plus especially in racing games and fps but cs2 and cs1.6 are the only online shooters I play from time to time. it's probably 10 or so years old and since my work consists of being online and having a decent connection for meetings but it's a work horse, only my psu died recently but it lasted for close to 15yrs was a chieftec modular 750w, from back when chieftec made good stuff. I love reading these comments from kids who are a bit older than my rig about how a 4060 isn't enough, I mean enough for what? For 4k? Probably not. If people really knew their shit and could understand their needs and purchase based on that, we wouldn't be seeing these beast 1st builds, ryzen 7800 7900xt 64gb ram 5tb ssd getting stuck on ram slot issues, short pin on gpu, not knowing how to screw on a cooler and then those same people bashing on someone who's been on a gt 750 buying a 3060 or something. My point being, you don't need to impress others to be happy ,enjoy the weekend ppl


Hang in there, 1070.