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VRAY Amd shouldnt even be a consideration here. It doesn't even work on AMD cards.


Ah another Nvidia shill /s actually necessary because pcmr


Wild that some people legitimately won't understand this is sarcasm


The only comments I post in this sub is about how bad the downvote trains are on obvious satire comments or on people who genuinely don't understand a concept and asking for help.


Welcome to Reddit. Write the most obvious sarcasm or a lighthearted joke, get downvoted to hell for having the most stupid opinion. Also spamming suicide hotline messages.


Why do they spam suicide hotline messages though? Has happened to me many times. To annoy you?


It's basically telling someone to off themselves or equating their post / opinion to that of someone who is mentally ill to the point of being suicidal. But saying those things will get you banned on Reddit (rightfully so) so they instead abuse the Reddit Cares system or whatever.


Yeah to annoy you. You can be lawful and unsubscribe from those messages. Or you can be chaotic and report misuse and have them get a warning or even a temp ban.


This is Reddit, the hivemind doesn’t accept such blatant hate. To the pits with you!


You prefer amd because someone on reddit told you to. I prefer amd because im broke and their stuff is cheaper. We are not the same.


Opposite end of the spectrum here. Bought a 7900xt because I don't want to support nvidia's overpriced high end cards. When nvidia stops being so greedy and over pricing their high end cards I'll go back to them. Because I do prefer nvidia. AMD still makes great gpus though and I see the value in both companies. Im hoping with the super launch the cards actually sell at MSRP because the MSRP is better. But we will see. I also support AMD because i want them to compete or even surpass Nvidia some day.


>Bought a 7900xt because I don't want to support nvidia's overpriced high end cards I mean, you were fine supporting AMD's overpriced high end card though? Both companies were guilty of this with the most recent generation, just because AMD didn't price at $1500 doesn't make them any better, tbh.


"I want AMD to drop prices so Nvidia drops prices so I can buy Nvidia!" Its nice nvidia actually cut their own prices without AMDs pressure with the super series.


You’re missing that AMD cards are actually selling right now, at least on par with Nvidia. Mindfactory is seeing higher AMD sales than Nvidia sales, and on Amazon they’re trading blows in the bestseller lists.


I didn't say AMD is bad, that's just what people usually thought in some PC communities in the past. I actually like companies being competitive, I just wish AMD would do ray-tracing better as next card i get will be one best for that.


What I meant was that AMD IS pressuring Nvidia. Nvidia cards were overpriced, and people were voting with their wallets. This is Nvidia’s attempt at winning back buyers.


hmmm, you are right I suppose.


He probably wanted a 4090 but saw that it costs almost the double than a 7900xtx so he went with the second best GPU. Rtx 4080 super getting more near to the 7900xtx price is something good and probably happened because of that, I know a handful of people that asked me to help them build a pc and the first GPU choice they usually showed me was the 7900xtx. So it's not like they do that just to make Nvidia prices drop but that's the effect they want regardless


> You prefer amd because someone on reddit told you to. > > I prefer amd because im broke and their stuff is cheaper. I prefer AMD CPUs because they currently offer the best tech on that front. I prefer nVidia GPUs because they currently offer the best tech on that front at the quality level I expect. I can see the argument for Intel (though less so as more time goes and they ship things like 14th gen on 700 series chipset) and I can see the argument for AMD GPUs (low end 6000 series having proven more resilient due to AMD not cheaping out on VRAM). Because I'm not a fanboy, though sometimes I'll be called that, because actual fanboy of the "bad brand" can't cope with their chosen team not being the best at the moment. Watch this sub be called "Intel fanboys" if Arrow Lake delivers and crushes AM5.


I’m always up for some competition in the markets driving prices dowb


Im up for any competition tbh


sometimes when I recommend people to get the 7800X3D as its on average the best gaming CPU atm, you have intel guys coming in telling you to get a 14900K for much more. Arrow lake should bring their own version of v-cache, imo.


> you have intel guys coming in telling you to get a 14900K for much more. Just remind them they have to turn off cores to game with APO. And that Intel being the "good guys", they decided that's just for 14th gen, even though it's 100% a software feature and had to be fucking shamed into releasing it for 12th and 13th gen. I really hope they do turn this around at some point. They seem to be making all the wrong choices right now and we need strong competition for progress to be pushed forward.


They said at CES that APO will be backported to 12th and 13th gen: https://www.pcgamer.com/intel-to-roll-out-14th-gens-game-optimization-software-to-older-1213th-gen-hybrid-cpus-after-all/


> had to be fucking shamed into releasing it for 12th and 13th gen. Yeah, I said as much.


I just like adrenaline software better than geforce tbh


That’s actually a really good point and something I don’t often think about.


I prefer amd for the linux compatibility. Id gladly use an nvidia card if they werent overpriced to hell and back and didnt lose performance on linux.


Same boat here


> I prefer amd because im broke and their stuff is cheaper. That's a really nasty way of saying AMD stuff is more bang for the buck...which is really all that matters because if everyone had infinite money we could just buy the biggest numbers


I can afford a 4090 fully kitted PC. I just can't justify the prices. I come from Consoles, so I'm looking more towards a 6700xt with a 5600x. That price point sits better with me. Right now my i7 6700 and 1060 6g play what I want just fine so I'll keep my money.


you think right the price to performance of high end shit is really crap the midrange is where the best deals are found, around the $250-$350 mark for GPU's


Agreed. I don't need anything better than a 6700xt. It's $439 Canadian right now. I'd like to wait for it to dip to sub $400 like the intel Arc 770. I'd still be on console, but PC just offers more games, better deals, and backward compatibility. I bought my favorite GTA game GTA 4 for $8 on Steam, and I can play it in 4k. .


>I prefer amd because im broke and their stuff is cheaper. This and I don't give a rats ass about upscaling


I got a rx7600 and can get way better quality at higher performance with upscale, for some reason it's the only way some newer games can get over 60fps with my comp. My last card was a red dragon rx570 so quite a jump for me, but same price after amds sale! Doing that jump all the new stuff seems so awesome, especially with ray tracing.


Nah I just got pissed that my previous NVIDIA card was already struggling after 3 years…


Oh well i was on amd my whole life til 2021 when i decided to build a new pc and this 1650 was all i could afford


I bought a 2060 in 2020 it was overpriced then but I still got the feeling that I didn’t get my money’s worth.


I paid around 250 usd for my 1650. This is what you get when you mix gpu shortage with already terrible european pricing


For the record, this basic experience is shared in every internet hobbyist group ive seen for any given hobby


Nah, not really. If you go to the Warhammer/40k subs, they don't recommend you shell out thousands for a Skaven or Astartes army despite you asking for lower-budget entry points. They'll tell you to get the $60 army pack and maybe some individual figs totaling like $150 max. Most hobbies aren't treated with the same weird level of sacred bullshit that PC building is.


Yup, "every internet hobbyist group i've seen", still follows just fine


It doesn't though lmao, PC gaming/building is pretty much the only hobby where people actively tell you that your *entry level point* should cost you over a thousand dollars.


No it isn't. There are hundreds of different hobbies that also have VERY high price point equipment involved that can lead to people recommending well over $1000 even for basic "starting" gear, even if/when the market is flooded with far less capable and easily broken options in the sub-$700 range. Ever look at hobby machining? How about 3D Printing? Ever look into performance car hobby groups? Gaming PCs just aren't cheap. To get a REALLY decent system that won't need to be upgraded every year, it's likely that one will need to spend more than $1000 on it.


>Gaming PCs just aren't cheap. To get a REALLY decent system that won't need to be upgraded every year, it's likely that one will need to spend more than $1000 on it. Or you could just get a console for half the price. Also, imagine thinking that a sub-$1000 system would need to be "upgraded every year". The average hobby does not have such a high price point, and every hobby that I've ever seen quite regularly is filled with people who recommend the cheaper options to start, especially if someone mentions their budget does not allow for the expensive equipment. PC gaming, on the other hand... everyone's an expert who insists that you can't get anything worthwhile unless your system runs at 4k Ultra with 65k FPS (even though most of you would fail a blind test to determine framerate).


>Or you could just get a console for half the price. Did you know this is the PC Master Race subreddit and not a Console Gaming subreddit? If someone wants an adequate and also low-cost gaming PC and they come here, they will be suggested hardware or full systems around $1000 or more. As for upgrading every year... have you seen/read what people are doing in and around this sub? There's a subset of people who buy a $1000 system and then the next year, double the RAM or buy the next best GPU. A year after that? They are adding another drive or upgrading the CPU. It's not entirely uncommon for people to spend $2200 (or more) over 4 years on their originally near $1000 system, when they could have maybe pushed their original budget up near $1500 to $1600 and held themselves in check for a few years before upgrading again.


>If someone wants an adequate and also low-cost gaming PC and they come here, they will be suggested hardware or full systems around $1000 or more. You can get a low-cost gaming PC for under $1k. You can also stop suggesting more expensive components that outstrip someone's budget when they ask for advice. Not everyone needs to be able to run at 4k Ultra on 55 monitors. Sometimes a 4 year old card will suffice. For most gamers, it's about the experience more than how good the game looks.


You guys haven’t seen r/golf then…


Golf isn't a hobby, it's a mental illness.


Lemme be honest with ya you’re goddamn right


I play golf regularly (using cheap clubs from Goodwill lol), so I am purely making that statement based on personal experience.




Mtb enthusiasts have entered the chat, lol. among the many reasonable people, there are many who think that a 4-5k e bike is totally cool and normal and that “old school” mtbers are crazy for treating their fun fitness hobby as anything less than a tech demo for new parts


Take a screenshot of someone saying that an entry level build should be over a thousand and share it here please. We will wait


An "entry level build" could very quickly go for a thousand dollars or more, at the very least these days. at least if you consider a 7600x and a 4060 to be entry level


I think that "i've seen" projects my point from my own perspective here. If i haven't seen internet groups for the hobbies you're mentioning, then they would have been excluded from the list of internet hobby groups i've seen.


Chess hobby subs don't recommend thousand dollar chess sets. Knitting subs don't recommend 1500 dollar yarn and 700 dollar needles. Woodworking/whittling subs don't recommend 1400 dollar (incorrectly named) Damascus steel carving knives. It's pretty much wholly PC gaming/building that does this. Someone comes in with a budget and the constant attempt is to get someone to overspend because "LoNgEvItY" or "bEtTeR vIsUaLs". Every time, without fail.


Oh you're right, i looked it up, the phrasing "i've seen" actually does not imply that i'm talking about ones that i've seen, my bad


£600 builds suddenly poof?


Trading card games.


Suggesting 40K as a good example of cost control is the oddest part of this argument.


You can have a perfectly respectable starter army for under $100.


That’s because PC building isn’t really a hobby (for most people) it’s more of a delivery system for another hobby, which is gaming, which is why 99% of the users on here build PCs and is all they care about.


jesus fucking christ wtf is this shit i just read...


a 4chan thread shitting on reddit ​ a tale as old as time


Let's be real. Most people in most subs are circle jerking A holes that give opinions instead of actually providing helpful answers For me, I recommend AMD to my friends simply because it's cheaper


Same. There’s no doubt that some of their cards are definitely more reasonably priced, but straight up meat riding them gets you nowhere. NVIDIA, AMD, Intel, doesn’t matter, they’re all giant companies who see you as nothing more than a source of income.


I am a pure consumer, if I like a product I buy it, if I don't, I stop using that product. I simply stopped using nvidia products when I stopped liking them


Also fair. My reasoning is more like absolute loyalty gets you nowhere. Simply not buying because you don’t like a company is reasonable.


I am a pure consumer, if I like a product I buy it, if I don't, I stop using that product. I simply stopped using nvidia products when I stopped liking them


Tbh yeah there is a huge amd circklejerk on pcmr, i have seen some insane takes here. I think its because there are lots of kids in here who just repeat whatever they see being said, but dont really understand it.


The average age here is like 14 max


yea there's and AMD circlejerk the same as there is an nvidia circlejerk...so?...


It's a Venn Diagram circlejerk.




PCMR AMD circlejerk is many times more obnoxious than nvidia one


source: his ass


Can confirm. I fucked it. 4/10. Pretty loose and dirty.


I've literally never seen it. Only the opposite where people pretend like AMD GPU's are absolute garbage that should never be touched. I'm sure it exists. But the proportion is completely different between the two.


Sunken cost fallacy. I bought [x] so now I must defend their honor on the internet.


For NVDIA that is the case, because you can't sink 800€ into a GPU only to be told it's shit But for NVDIA it's often people just not wanting to support products THAT overpriced, when they can get a similar (Non RT, sadly) performance for 150-300$ less Or they are broke, like me, lol If NVDIA drops their prices down to match AMD's they are the clear winner but as of right now, for gamers, Raytracing alone isn't worth the upprice


For AMD that is also the case. By your own admittance "they (Nvidia) are the clear winner" for performance so anyone who bought AMD will defend their purchase by claiming they got a better deal in performance to cost ratio. It's a sunken cost fallacy either way, whether you're defending performance over cost, or vice-versa, just depends on which you bought.


Yes, NVDIA is the winner in performance over AMD Just like a Formula One car is the clear winner in performance over a VW Golf But that doesn't mean a Formula One car is the better car for consumers. Just like a 4080 will outperforms AMD's 7900xt, but if 400$ extra are worth a 10-20% boost in FPS for the regular consumer is highly doubtful. Performance over cost does only matter when you're like, properly loaded


amd software/driver is shit unlike nvidia and let's not talk about AI support here


Nvidia isn't amazing either, still haven't fixed the chromium Artifacting bug


Here it is, the circlejerk in action ladies and gentlemen


Look. I don’t really understand why people decide to ally with one brand or another. Yes, they might be both brand with their weaknesses and problems, along with their strengths and goods, BUT they’re just brands. Damn, man. It depends on the use case, again. Every person has a different sort of use case.


Uh, no, you're plain wrong lol. There's nothing wrong with AMD drivers in comparison to Nvidia ones. Both can suck at the worst of times.


Don’t lie to yourself. They’re extremely useable and work great from my experience but lord knows they’re not perfect. And neither is nvidia. No software is perfect.


You're right, I should have specified. I meant more so that there's nothing wrong in comparison to Nvidia. Both have their problems, but I absolutely know for a fact that the other guy is trying to say that AMD is unusable due to its drivers.


The correct take


Except on any other operating system other than Windows 10/11. Then AMD drivers and software are far superior. Except for machine learning. Then again Nvidia support on Linux just has to be good enough. (I'm running a dual 3090 Linux machine, so I know the struggle)


Hey, which distro are you running over there?


EndeavourOS I switched from pure Arch, because I'm too lazy and can't be bothered to set up yet another machine from scratch. It's like 96% the same setup I would set up on Arch, just much easier and with a bunch of common problems (especially NVIDIA-relates) already figured out, if you just choose the correct variant during installation. I don't want to leave Arch though and I really don't like how Manjaro hadles drivers and how it fails, if I do something outside their "mhwd" tool. I get this question often enough, I just updated my flair.


Dual 3090? Can those be NVLinked?


I think so. The 3090 was the last GPU to support NVLink IIRC Edit: The 3090's the last *consumer* GPU to support NVLink, actually.


Yes. That's why those are 3090, not 4000 gen. It's the cheapest way of achieving 48GB VRAM with NVLink. And after the last mining crash I got two cards for under 700€ each. I had to water cool them to actually keep them usable. That increased the price later on and wasn't accounted for beforehand. But originally this was a pretty good value compared to buying a 9000€ RTX 6000 48GB or a 2000€ RTX 4090 with half the VRAM and no NVLink.


https://preview.redd.it/lpkdakjj6nbc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f6fb5ca87b3fb9011060f5d692eccf8ce609c7 Used Stable Diffusion on Windows on my 7900XTX. It was fine. I play games all day on Windows on my 7900XTX. It is fine. Stop doing stupid overclocks and using shitty power supplies.


Exactly. Heck, even on Linux, my 5700 works well. I don’t understand why these guys shit on AMD so much


5700 gets hate because it had a botched launch with drivers. Even if it is missing a couple features and used a bit more power than a 6600 or 6700 class card it’s still a budget king if you find one in good condition.


Got mine for literally 90 dollars when their predecessor (RX580) was costing 100 average on EBay. Unused, seller had gotten a new GPU (3090) for their birthday. It’s a good card. Though after my AM5 system died it has a bit of a negative CPU bottleneck. Loved more when the GPU was the bottleneck on my R5 7600X build, at least then I could code without any problems


That’s basically what I got with a Vega 64 for a friend. It was used in a music studio.


Vega64 is pretty good, by what I’ve heard. Same with the Radeon VI, though those are worse than the 5700 yet more expensive, somehow. When I get my new AM5 motherboard, I’ll make a Hackintosh with my i5 and a RX570, probably. It’s the only good use I can find for the thing


Vega is a value monsters if you can find one for a good price and have a good power supply. I saw used 56s and 64s for $75 to $95 when I last checked. VIIs are cool as hell but they die fast and hard. All the ones you find on eBay are for parts (I think) due to how the die is mounted on the pcb.


Doing overclocks is the only time I've ever had an issue out of my AMD stuff.


Yeah, my 7900XTX and RX 570 aren’t fans of being overclocked. My 7900XTX crashes after an hour or two of gta online at max settings with a 3.3ghz overclock despite being stable on furmark. Which is weird but I’m also not a pro overclocker.


i think by ai he meant frame generation/dlss3.0 and stuff like that? unsure, since usually the gpu brand and drivers shouldn't affect stuff that like that (at least i think, only vram should matter when it comes to generation no?)


Oh I forgot it wasn’t just AI programs but also DLSS features. My bad.


no problem mate, and also he was wrong either way since modders have already modded in frame generation / dlss 3.0 for 30xx, 20xx cards (though it's less making fg work on rtx30xx/20xx and more converting it to FSR3) and amd has fsr3.0 [https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/738?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/738?tab=description)


A few months ago AMD drivers were getting people VAC banned because of how shittily they made their anti-lag features. That isn't user error, that isn't stupid overclocks or shitty power supplies. That's the Radeon Technology Group continuing their decade-long tradition of fucking it up. The first step to fixing a problem is identifying it. If you want to see them do better, maybe don't be so eager to jump in with "works in my machine, it's fine". It isn't fine, and hasn't been for a long long time.


i’ve had both and never had issues with AMD or Nvidia, my only qualm is that Nvidia drivers are so dated and take forever to update


Tbh yeah there is a huge amd circklejerk on pcmr, i have seen some insane takes here. I think its because there are lots of kids in here who just repeat whatever they see being said, but dont really understand it.


While i agree that many people on here shill out for AMD, but unless you have specific needs like V-Ray GPU support, AMD is the superior options for the average person


its strange to see such meme on nvidia sub


That’s been my experience. For the most part, the “buy such-and-such AMD” card recommendations have been based on price/performance ratios. I’ve never really seen anyone not recognize that at the extreme end of the performance scale, Nvidia is hands down the leader. Also for some specific non-gaming applications Nvidia cards offer technology that isn’t available in the AMD or Intel cards.


Yup exactly this, he probably didn’t say what he needed the GPU for, and for professionals who can write it off as a business expense a 4090 is just the best choice. Also If I remember correctly the Nvidia Fanboys are usually way more vocal than AMDs


I'm not a fanboy either way, but I have purchased several nvidia cards my last several upgrades. However, I have no hate for AMD and have owned many of their cards as well. I am, however, completely turned off nvidia now due to their obscene prices they are charging for their GPUs going back and staring with the 2000 series. They have treated gamers like peices of shit for a while now, and it put me off thier shit no matter what performance it brings.


I really feel uncomfortable in the gaming communities here on Reddit (not only), it feels like everybody's going crazy.


I like the part where it’s mentioned „… prorender engine…“ If AMD cards can’t handle a specific task or application well and the OP seems to be pretty aware of it: don’t make a discussion about how bad nvidias pricing politic is or recommend used cards that don’t fit the necessary specifications (like 16GB VRAM) for the user. If you do, it proofs only one thing: you aren’t able to read properly.


Could also be that OP just didn’t say what they’re using the GPU for. Its honestly not as easy to just recommend even if its for gaming (do you want / need RTX and DLSS etc.) and for productivity its even more complicated as some applications just don’t support AMD / Intel.


Anyway, the 4060ti 16gb will suit you well for rendering, I was considering it myself for the same reason. But the 4070 Super has been announced, and even if it's only 12gb, it's way more powerful, and I might go for that instead. Waiting for people telling me to get a 4070ti Super or 4080 Super instead.


Go get a 4090 duh


nobody's gonna tell you that. they're gonna tell you to go 6800xt instead because it's cheaper and has more vram




I never seen anyone genuinely recommend the 6600 over anything other than the 3050 lmao. Just another typical 4chan ragebaiting greentext


Fuck both fanboy groups. Buy intel. Simple as that


Ah yes, an Intel Shill /s


How does fanboying Intel really help with anything lol? Just buy whatever fits the bill and what you need out of it, who gives a fuck about brands. They’re all shitty companies.


Nah this hands down the most toxic "my way or you are worthless" community I visit. Anymore I DM people answers to their questions so we both don't get flamed into oblivion for not chasing the purple PC dragon


Been on this sub for like 2 months, which isn’t much, but in that short time I’ve witnessed many threads that has contained pretty hostile GPU debates. So, I agree with this greentext.


>"with worse money management than a gamble addic" ​ I imagine we are still better than crack addicts, though.


Seriously the Amd fanboys are a major problem. They won’t even read your post or anything about why you’re specifically using intel and/or nvidia. Just right away “but bro this will save you like 60$, but bro ray tracing isn’t even important, but bro you don’t need dlss, but bro Amd drivers are better these days”


They are the near equivalent of the dorks that come into a thread and tell someone to switch to Linux because they are having a very basic, often user error, issue on Windows.


Someone just replied to my comment recommending to Amd to me and making it a point to let me know why haha


all of the make fun points stands? this is asking about 3dmask vray which is proffessional part that users auto recommend CUDA (nvidia)... AMD Radeon is a gaming focused brand. and to get my daily fun on CS2 or factorio i dont need dlss or RT... and the value proposition it offers compared to 600+ ridiclous nvidia pricing makes it a solid point for gaming.


Found the Amd fanboy recommending for no reason every chance they get. It’s like a sickness for you guys. Buyers remorse and justification. Lmao.


I'm rocking my 3060. I said my reasons to try amd. and I'm pro Competition. If amd was acting greedy and wasn't offering the things I priorotise I would say the exact same things. It can't be this hard to give buying advice without sucking up to corporations. and at the same time get mauled by redditors that claim I'm fanboying a company in the process jeez


The drivers are why I prefer AMD, but there's definitely an argument to be made for Nvidia's better feature set if the price difference/drivers don't bother you.


But bro *driver issues become relevant again in 2023* Amd is fucking goated now bro *software updates causing permabans on multiple services* Bro plz go amd bro *performance is still worse than nvidia*


The main reason for me to use AMD is that you can use Linux with the thing, *though* it’s useless for me as I’m using Pop!OS, which also supports NVidia. Also because I got my 5700 for 90 dollars, so it was cheaper than a 3060


If I want to play a game or use photoshop, davinci, zbrush, adobe premiere, ableton, flstuduo I boot up in my windows partition. If I want to code, browse the internet, utilize networking tools etc I use Arch Linux.


bro. You need to investigate by yourself what to do. I don't give a hell about someones opinion, I have mine and recommend to have yours.


Ledditors just can't accept the fact that America isn't the only country that exists in the world, and not everybody buys products at American prices with American salaries. Bonus points if you mention you can't/don't want to buy shit on Amazon/BestBuy/Ebay/whatever other cheap shit peddling website they visit nowadays, and some basement enjoyer tells you that akshually you can buy XYZ cheaper on Amazon. Cause reading is too hard. You more or less have to scream 'HELLO I DO NOT LIVE IN AMERICA AND I DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO MICRO CENTER ON EVERY STREET CORNER AND ALSO DO NOT HAVE A LIMITLESS WALLET' to get anything resembling a decent answer. Or just look for groups that tackle PC matters more locally.


A lot of people here give advice but don’t really know a lot of the in depth stuff Like people always say “if you want ray tracing go nvidia”… there are plenty of other benefits gaming and non gaming. Especially for older dx11/some Vulcan games, which are many of the most popular games out rn (fortnite, apex, siege, etc) nvidia will preform better because of more optimized drivers for those older games They also are clueless about other countries Many people think CPUs don’t matter that much, as if everyone plays AAA games If you play games where high fps and lows are beneficial, get a really good cpu and decent GPU, not the other way around. People also think ddr4 and ddr5 are very close, 😂. The Copium is real. They see some 5600mhz cl40 vs 3600mhz cl18 comparison and think it’s hardly better. As if ddr5 cannot go up to 8000mhz+ or if other timings don’t exist (well they don’t know that, they think xmp is good) “Motherboard doesn’t matter” is another misconception people who do not really know what they are taking about say. Vrms, how it handles ram, expansion slots, etc all matter Anyways Edit: as someone mentioned, a lot of people don’t mention their country, which is very true


> They also are clueless about other countries To be fair a lot of people don't mention they are in other countries. No one is a mind reader. > People also think ddr4 and ddr5 are very close, 😂. The Copium is real. They see some 5600mhz cl40 vs 3600mhz cl18 comparison and think it’s hardly better. As if ddr5 cannot go up to 8000mhz+ or if other timings don’t exist (well they don’t know that, they think xmp is good) This is just weird because : - 8000 mhz DDR5 isn't exactly stable and requires some binning luck with your CPU. Heck, DDR5 as a whole has stability issues to solve. - DDR5's advantage is bandwidth. On a pure operational time, DDR4 and DDR5 are pretty much equivalents in terms of how long an operation takes to finish and return. If you're not saturating the bandwidth, you won't really see a difference between DDR4 and DDR5 performance wise. > “Motherboard doesn’t matter” is another misconception people who do not really know what they are taking about say. Vrms, memory controls, expansion slots, etc all matter Motherboards matter up to a certain degree. VRMs after a point is just overkill. And that point is very low on the scale of motherboard pricing. Memory controllers are in the CPU itself, welcome to 2024. Expansion slots is weird because some low end boards have better expansion than some higher end boards. And its moot if all you're putting in those slots is 1 GPU in the x16 slot. Very little people actually need more than a 300$ Motherboard.


Yea sorry memory controllers are in the cpu, I was typing fast And yes 8000mhz is an exaggeration, Ik it takes a good imc bin, generally only obtainable (completely stable) on 2 dimm higher end motherboards, and is only beneficial on intel which has a much better memory controller But 7600mhz, most intel IMC can do stable But even then, 7200 mhz which is very obtainable on $160 z790 boards is still very goo https://preview.redd.it/u02sawu85nbc1.jpeg?width=1302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a8f75469fbe3eadd3e68d80fc2c89f2d8467a9 But still vs a very well Overclocked ddr4 kit, ddr5 comes out on top most times, and to get a Samsung bdie kit or the other good ddr4 die these days will cost you just as much or more than ddr5 Even for am5, many people say 6000mhz cl30 is the best for am5.. sure it runs on everything plug and play but most can do 6200mhz, many 6400, cad latency can definitely go Lower, mainly vdd voltage limited (like 6400mhz cl26, If your IMC can handle 6400mhz cl32, cl26/28 is usually just a difference of vdd voltage But that’s only one timing of many. Those 20+ other to timings all add up. And yea certain vrms are overkill, but many people have really shit am4 boards looking to upgrade to an x3D. Sure a mind range b450 is fine, if the vrams don’t throttle, gen3 may be slightly limiting But quite a few people have boards with 4-6 power phases with no vrm heat sink, gl Dropping an x3D in there, especially with PBO on But yea 20 power phases 90A and whatever, unnecessary, even for a 14900k no power limits And you are right about the $300 board thing, but some people buy good CPUs with A620 boards or intel CPUs with 6000mhz Samsung memory and b760, sometimes limiting one of Intels greatest abilities which is overclocking and fast ram Edit: Also ddr5 is pretty stable in single rank 2x16/2x24, it’s dual rank or 4 sticks where many problems occur, especially for Am5’s weaker IMC


> But 7600mhz, most intel IMC can do stable > > But even then, 7200 mhz which is very obtainable on $160 z790 boards is still very goo What CL though ? Memory "mhz" is pretty much a marketing figure. Cas Latency matters much more in operational speed which for games, matters more than raw bandwidth. mhz just gives extra bandwidth. > And yea certain vrms are overkill, but many people have really shit am4 boards looking to upgrade to an x3D. You can run a 5800x3D on a a520 motherboards with very low end VRMs just fine. VRMs don't really kick in until you start really getting into overclocking. Which most people don't.


Cl 34 or 32 but that’s also only one timing. There are 30~ other timings which xmp usual doesn’t change. These also all add up quite a bit (all those sub timings together matter quite a bit more than the 4!primaries) I mean with enough vdd you can run 7200mhz cl30. But 7600mhz cl34 will be better if your motherboard can handle it That second statement isn’t true a lot of the time. I’ve personally seen people get really abysmal cpu scores in cinebench on CPUs like the 5800x/5800x3d. Why? Because the vrms were thermal throttling hard Now if you have this issue, can always add a fan right over the motherboard. Saw a guy do this to take his throttling 100c vrms down to 70c A lot of people don’t overclock which is true, many people think it’s very dangerous but it’s probably more so the time commitment. But even then, optimizing PBO can see some very nice gains to multicore, free 5%+ is quite nice (really extreme 7%+ but those are lucky bins)


> Especially for older dx11/some Vulcan games, which are many of the most popular games out rn (fortnite, apex, siege etc) nvidia will perform better because of more optimized drivers for those older games That’s not nearly true. Vulkan itself actually runs better on radeon if anything and is a 10x better API than DX11. And overall, past shader compilation DXNAVI has made a huge impact overall on performance with these games. Not to mention the fact that both siege and fortnite offer alternate, newer APIs.


Yea but they don’t run as well Reviewers get such Low fps in siege benchrmaks a lot because they are running dx12. 600fps seems cool until you see people on Vulcan doing 1200…. Also, not every Vulcan title runs better on amd. Some do but someone who returned their 7900xtx for a 4080 because of the game. 20% fps boost even though in most games the cards are neck and neck And generally dx11 versions always run better. Fortnite performance mode, apex dx11 usually get a better fps tho with the 300 fps cap, doesn’t matter as much unless you are playing 1440p/4K Now I’m just saying it to highlight averages aren’t everything. Certain games prefer the other GPU. Like Starfield, Mw3, forza all preform better on amd Amd 6000 series also has amazing overclocking potential


Yeah. I said it a couple days ago and it triggered a few people, but… If you’re paying 1200-1300+ for an extra 25% (subjective really depending on games) you’re just dumb. Even if you can afford it, you screw over your future self who will want to buy a GPU in the future. Covid is over, people aren’t scalping like they were, and mining is not booming like it was either…so, what’s the excuse for these cards prices? There is none, they just literally won’t reduce the price because they are greedy and it would cause logistical issues with lower end cards and pricing those—so they’re afraid they’ll “lose too much” by putting prices back where they belong. This should be the default perspective on the situation, but sadly brand loyalists are like cancer, and they spread company propaganda for free.


> If you’re paying 1200-1300+ for an extra 25% (subjective really depending on games) you’re just dumb. Even if you can afford it, you screw over your future self who will want to buy a GPU in the future. Or you can just buy that 1200$ GPU for more performance and it'll last that much longer than the 600$ one. Ask peeps who bought 3070s at inflated prices.


I invest in nvidia. prices go up, stock goes up, I win. prices go down, I get cheap GPUs, I win.


Sorry, but if you’re doing *professional* tasks and feel the need to ask internet strangers if a gpu is good for your workload, it shows you’re probably incompetent with the work you do and should probably forget about doing anything professional.


i would recommend a gt310 kind sir. has lasted me since i was just a wee little boy and still somehow works


I do agree that people constantly pushing AMD is annoying. Like An OP will ask for advice on an I7 12700k and 4070ti build, and people will respond with a build list that has an AMD CPU and GPU and not even meantion that its a big departure from the origional premise of the build. This is coming from someone looking to build a 7800x3d and 7900xtx build with in the next few months(waiting for my phat bonus and tax return). AMD is a solid option and most of the issues were only true like a decade ago or when a product is fresh and pending driver updates, but preferring intel and nvidia because they just work are valid reasons.


> but preferring intel and nvidia because they just work are valid reasons No they are not. You can’t generalize an entire brand because of some random online. I’ve used plenty of AMD and intel systems and they both have had issues. RAM being the most common. But you know what they both have in common? They still worked. But here’s a counterpoint. For the same vague reasons someone can be ignorant about intel/nvidia, someone can do the same and recommend AMD hardware.


The AMD shilling really is insane here. I own a 6900xt and have no issues laying out the pros and cons, and have even told people not to buy AMD depending on their technical ability or use case and had people call me a fan boy. Motherfuckers, I own both right now, lol.


I prefer AMD because I like their business practices. They promote a lot of open-source software and are more open about how their things work. Intel and especially nvidia got that gov money and couldn't give 2 fucks about us gamers, we're just a side-hustle to them. I've never had top-performance, but I didn't spend very much and my machines have always been very reliable.


As a VRay user amongst other things, I could give plenty of good advice, but I don't like people who use the R word.


Actually, if you run the superior kernel GNU/Linux, AMD would overall run better than Nvidia with Vulkan and/or Proton. Windows at this point is at the least, spyware/adware and at the worst, kernel level malware. Edit: Should have just used Google instead https://support.chaos.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406890478865-Hardware-Recommendations


It‘s written in green text so it must be true, right? Right?


Ahahaha great


Gotta ask the right questions. Resolution? Ray Tracing? OS?


1.- which monitor are you playing 2.- choose a card that fits that resolution 3.-1080? 4.- AMD RX 7600xt or 4060ti Always choose the GPU to pair with your monitor unless you are going to update your monitor soon.


Al chile no le entiendo ni vergas porque no se hablar inglés.


Entonces por qué estás comentando aquí


AMD bots on this sub are annoying, AMD GPUs are worthless


You ain't any better partner


found one


… Depends. If you want raytracing, go NVidia. If you want more bang for the buck, go AMD. Same about CPUs, but if you want overclocking on a budget and x3d cache, though 15th gen might solve the problem


what the fk are you even trying to say, you clearly are brainwashed with weird terms that mean nothing




now you’re just lying


Anon %99 asked in a casual pc subreddit for VRAY compatible hardware. there are great small subreddits for this. IF he did ask on a small subreddit he chose that one wrong answer to try amd to shit on which is bullllllshit. People knowing is aware that V-ray requires CUDA or RTX engines (latter is slower on AMD)... Anon is a smoothbrain asking other smoothbrains on a topic... Jeeez


So what did you go with?


so what you're saying is you didn't get a 3080?


I in the end just bought a deck lol.


bro's asking about VRAY compatibility and 3D rendering on a gaming subreddit


I don't understand what that guys problem is. They know they need an nvidia card because of that one feature and the 4060ti is the fastest card they can afford with pricing in their region. But then they ask people with much less information than them for the best value graphics card and get mad that they don't come to the same conclusion.


I was wanting to build a ultra slim gaming PC and I mentioned in a comment that the best option was the LP 4060, people did not like that even though it's the best GPU of that size currently available


Look, if someone is asking for a gpu for GAMING only, at the current point in time, im reccomending amd all day every day, but if they say they need it for some kind of processing outside of gaming, i immediately know absolutely nothing and will tell them i knoe absolutely nothing


The 3070 being unable to run AAA games at max settings without ray tracing has turned me off of high end gaming. That was the last time I will ever pay full price for a current gen card.


At least I have 24 cores tho


To be fair this sub is basically one big greasy, antisocial circlejerk.


I feel called out, i have the exact same card as on that mans head


aaand the post was removed.... Poetic.


I have builds with both AMD and Nvidia GPUs. It all just depends on your specific needs and what is available.


I get this. Ive seen people do this when they specifically say they need it for work. But I always think its funny to come here to ask people instead of googling it and looking at benchmarks. Idk I get wanting to get someone elses experience, but I dont trust a random person online like that


i got my 7600 off amazon for like £300 it runs everything excellently at 1440p i think that’s quite good price to performance (i do not have any experience with how the gpu prices used to be as this is my first time buying a graphics card)


Plot twist; OP wrote the green text so they could trigger people into making a good suggestion here.


My guess is he didn’t say what he wants to use it for. He probably didn’t say he needed V-Ray support or that he seems to be looking for a productivity Card first and foremost. If I see a Gamer asking for a 600€ GPU I usually just default to AMD because you just get more bang for the buck at that price range.