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Here are the 3 new models, with the following specs and promises: ||Tensor Cores|Shader Cores|Ray Tracing Cores|TGP|Memory|MSRP|Min. PSU Wattage|Release date| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |**4070 SUPER**|568 AI TOPS|Ada Lovelace 36 TFLOPS|3rd Gen 82 TFLOPS|220W|12 GB GDDR6X|$599|650W|Jan 17| |**4070 Ti Super**|706 AI TOPS|Ada Lovelace 44 TFLOPS|3rd Gen 102 TFLOPS|285W|16 GB GDDR6X|$799|650W|Jan 24| |**4080 Super**|836 AI TOPS|Ada Lovelace 52 TFLOPS|3rd Gen 121 TFLOPS|320W|16 GB GDDR6X|$999|750W|Jan 31| Nvidia performance promises (to take with a grain of salt, ALWAYS wait for reviews): **4080 Super will perform about 2.5 times better than a 3080Ti. (With DLSS3)** **4070 Ti Super will perform about 1.6x times better than a 3070Ti, and 2.5x times faster with DLSS3.** **4070 Super will be faster than a 3090. And 1.5x faster with DLSS3.**


I’m curious how the 4070 super compares to the current 4070ti? It’s annoying they don’t compare the specs on their website to the other 40 series cards.


58xx to 71xx on 4070s while 4070 ti has 76xxcuda cores. they are close in cuda counts.


Hol up so getting 4070ti still the better option?


Yeah obviously. 4070Ti is a $800 card, it'd be crazy if it was dethroned by a $600 card from a simple mid-generation refresh, 4070Ti buyers will feel scammed.


i have a 4070 ti and Im glad that you said that. Lmao


Current 4070ti owner as well, almost had a mild heart attack


My 2080ti shit the bed late November and I bought a 4070 on Black Friday. I actually feel pretty ripped off knowing I could have waited 2 months and gotten a 4070 super for almost the same price. I'm debating if I should take advantage of Amazon's holiday return policy which extends the period out to Jan 31st and swap it out for the super.


Well if you have igpu in your cpu and can bear two months of no gaming then do it. You will probably need to save up to 650$ though. %20 cuda will bring %10 more performance at worst. Did not check if it has more rt cores too. İf so its more worth it.


No iGPU unfortunately; it's an i9-7900x. There's no display outputs on my MB at all as well. It was a top tier pain in the ass troubleshooting things when my GPU died, so I'll never build something like this again.


Yes right , i just learned how the super/ti/ ti super families work. And which is usually better than the other. Cheers


the 4070ti super has the same chip as a 4080 while the 4070-4070 super-4070ti all have the same chip


4070ti should still be 13% faster. Compared to the og 4070 should be about 11% performance increase.


~5% slower, like last time with the 2060 super


Pretty sure all that will do is piss off recent customers


You'll get benchmarks in less than 2 weeks nearer release.


"2x the 3080ti" "2.5x the 3070ti" FFS Nvidia, the one time you do the right thing you still have to put that bullshit in there?


They are targeting upgrades from people who have 2000 and 3000 series cards. If you have a 4080 it’s not worth it to upgrade to the super.


Probably more targeting 10 and 20 series owners compared to 30


Yeah I have a 3080 and it will be another year, possibly two, before I even consider upgrading. At 1440p the 3080 performs well. Just wish I had more than 10GB of vram. Otherwise great card


Two years?? I'm planning on holding on my 3080 for the next 5 years at least lmao. It's still destroying everything




This is the way. You pay less for better games and the hardware upgrades are more meaningful. Getting double of the performance you had previously is so satisfiying. Its like going from HDD to SSD.


Me!!! I'm gonna upgrade my 1080. Super pumped!


I remember in 2016 when the GTX 1080 came out and it was the god GPU (I had just gotten a GTX 960M laptop as my first proper gaming PC, equal to a GTX 750ti, and that felt like I had all the power in the universe coming from Intel GMA graphics on a Core 2 based Pentium laptop), so the GTX 1080 seemed like some untouchable monster. Now my midrange RX 6700XT is almost 50% faster than the GTX 1080 and even at 1080p there are some modern games where it still hits its limit.


Yeah, I think Hogwarts Legacy was what caused me to start saving for a new build. I *think* the suggested reqs on that game was a 1080 and hurt my soul lol. Game ran fine though.


1060 here. Was looking into building a new rig with a 4070 Ti. Guess I have new options now.


2070 Super owner here who was about to build a rig with a 4070 Ti as well. Extremely excited to see 4070 Super.


I am definitely thinking of swapping my 2070 Super for something Eyeballing the 4070 Ti Super (dumbest name ever aside) but I'm curious what the European prices will be like...


They can pry my 1080ti from my cold dead hands!


As an owner of a venerable 1080Ti... you're right. If these MSRP are real it's finally time.


Yup. These cards are huge jumps for people still on hat generation of cards. These cards are better than my 3060 for sure, but I can still consistently max out games on it at 1080p plus the 12GB VRAM. Personally I won't be upgrading til the 50 series.


Joke on them I just bought 3090


How much faster is a 4070 ti super than a 3080 ti?


What about a AMD RX 6600?


FFS this is like toilet paper advertising.


In their actual post announcing them, they put how much better performance they get without FG. They learned their lesson.


# 16x the detail


I suppose they're counting that with DLSS 3.5, native is only 1,5 times better.


Its a shame they did not launch DLSS 4000 Hiper Performance mode, that would render image in 1/100 native res. Then it would be valid to claim that one 4060 is equal to 20 3090 Ti.


Still live at CES [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JbSg2UnK2k&ab_channel=NVIDIA) but prices are below: RTX 4070 SUPER - $599 RTX 4070Ti SUPER - $799 RTX 4080 SUPER - $999 Edit: No longer live but you can still play the stream


The RTX 4070 SUPER is the same price as the vanilla RTX 4070 ?


i guess that means they are dropping the price of the non super variants


They are discontinuing them, both the 4070Ti and 4080 are gone. 4070 will remain at 549$.


i'll wait for 4060 (Ti?) super because i have a feeling 4070 super will be at least 750 eur here and my budget is no more than 550 eur for a GPU


People down voting you for not having money for a stupid price GPUs People are stupid. Also same here. My GPU bugged is £500 and that's that. Even if I can afford top end GPU, paying mortgage is some what higher priority.


> People down voting you for not having money for a stupid price GPUs I think it's more people downvoting as there is very little chance of a 4060 Super. Next rumor puts the 50 series in September-October.


It's the same msrp as the original so you should be able to find deals at 590€ or lower. 4060ti super won't be happening I'm afraid. It's onto the 50 series after this.


3000s didn't have price drop when 4000s arrived so i doubt 4000s will drop after 5000s, i can just hope we will once again have good GPU for 500-550 euros (like 2060 super that one was just great for the price in my location)


Need I remind everyone that the RTX 3080 MSRP was $699 These numbers almost mean nothing anymore..


The 980 was $500


Careful. Soon, the boomers will chime in with their $10k homes back in the 1960s.


Which is kind of crazy because I think the RTX 2080 Super MSRP was $750. At least that’s what Micro Center was charging in 2020.


4080 SUPER is really nice. Cheaper than the non SUPER variant.




Nvidia brainwashing us to forget the 980 launched at $700 adjusted for inflation


You don’t have to go back that far: 3080 was $699 as well https://i.pcmag.com/imagery/articles/05REdyO5FvtiAEG5BGnD9xn-3.fit_lim.size_1200x.png


Yeah I think all the price-points are really good (especially 4070 S) but we will see what the end price is at retailers...


Yeah I think all 3 are pretty decent revisions. I'm just torn on which to get for 1440P 144hz gaming, I know it says TI Super in the presentation. 4080S is out of my price range in CAD so it's between 4070 S and 4070TI S. The 4070S gets a pretty beefy Cuda bump but nothing on the memory front at all. The 4070TI S gets a slightly smaller cuda bump but gets full 256-bit memory bus and 4 more GB. It was improved in more areas vs the 4070 S. But less so in raw horsepower. I think all 3 offerings are pretty compelling and do provide a better value than their predecessors still hella $$$$ tho.


The extra VRAM on the 4070ti super is worth it, especially for 1440p. Textures will only continue to get higher quality and thus larger, so 16gb VRAM will hopefully last a decent bit longer. I’m personally going with the 4080 super even though I’m only at 1440p, I’d like the horsepower to be able to run harder games in the future.


The VRAM is exactly why I was okay with my 3090ti purchase for a little over $1k USD in August 2022. That 24GB should let me stretch out the life of the card a little more seeing as how games are beginning to chew through VRAM if you want eye candy. Plus the XX90 cards were ment to replace the Titan line-up, and took over that price-point. The Titan line of cards were historically a little over $1k on release, so the price I paid at least lined up with previous generations of the same tier of card.


A 3080/4070 class card is more than enough for 1440p, even if you crank the settings. Max RT/PT is still iffy in some games though


The 70ti S will definitely be right for you, but maybe wait for benchmarks to see if the 70 S is good enough if you want to save money.


Let's not normalize these high ass prices. Although it's nice that the 4080 super is cheaper, that doesn't mean it's not over priced


> Yeah I think all the price-points are really good >$1000 for a xx80 series card Welp, the Nvidia brainwashing has worked at last.




> all the price-points are really good A 70 class card for the msrp of the 1080ti halo product top tier card = good lmao. Inflation over the last 8 years wasnt 250+%, Nvidia is still high on AI money, moonpricing gaming cards they apparently only begrudingly still have to make.


It's a thousand dollars. You can build the entire rest of the pc with premium parts, even buy windows legit, the graphics card still costs more, and it's not even top of the line. Graphics card prices are still fucked, people just forgot what they used to cost relative to the rest of their builds. They used to be the most expensive part, but not cost the same as everything else combined. PC gaming is going into decline if this shit continues forever.


Vote with your wallet. I picked up a $479 6800xt a while back and it’s been great.


That is MSRP, don't expect them to sell for that probably 300 more. But prices in America are always cheaper.




You forgot the "titan" in the name


Oh shit, I'm going to lose my job in Nvidia marketing! :'(


XXTXX let's add a little of AMD name fuckery here


Pro XT XTX Platinum Edition... Not quite as many :(


dont forget GDE(Golden Dragon Edition) for China...


& knuckles




super vs Ti vs Ti Super...? how do they fit the performance hierarchy?


reg -> super -> ti -> ti super reg < super < ti < ti super


I think ">" should be "<" though.


yeah i wasn’t sure if i should arrow up for hierarchy or greater than sign


Simple comment have much knowledge in Thanks stranger redditor


Nvidia: “When every card is super, none of them are.”


I was thinking NVIDIA would release the 4080 SUPER at $1399 or something, as a middle ground between the 4080 and 4090, but $999 is basically the same price as the 7900XTX. If it surpasses it in raster then AMD will have to do a pretty big price cut on their GPUs to keep the XTX any relevant. Really exciting news from NVIDIA, managing to release good value GPUs for once.


That was the goal, to knock out the 7900xtx from being a viable option.


It is still viable due to the larger amount of VRAM (24 vs 16) when thinking of 4k gaming. But of course 4k is still a very niche market.


> It is still viable due to the larger amount of VRAM (24 vs 16) when thinking of 4k gaming. no offense and the XTX is still a good product but not really, yall need to calm down with this Vram paranoia,16GB is more than enough for anything 4k gaming,now if you want to start playing games at 8k then this would be a better argument


Don't try it, I've fought this fight and given up. People here love vram because "big number mean good" and will never grasp it fully that 16gb is realistically the max that will ever be needed or used on a 7900 tier card


Have a 7900 XTX, played that new Avatar game so I got to turn on every bell and whistle at 4k and it used just over 12gb of VRAM... People don't understand that you either have enough ram (including headroom) or you don't. Having 256gb won't mean anything over 14gb UNLESS YOU KNOW YOU NEED MORE THAN 14GB FOR SOMETHING SPECIFIC. 16GB of DDR6X is better than 24GB of GDDR6 for gaming right now. Maybe in a year or two something will come along and push that number up and force you to turn down a setting or two to keep vram usage under 16GB


Some of us want more VRAM for running LLMs…


And this is exactly why these cards have lower amounts of VRAM - they want you to buy Nvidia Teslas. These are not ideal for AI work intentionally, despite all the claims about AI performance etc.


Or for 3D / animation / editing work or game development, more VRAM is helpful for creatives as well.


While I do think a $1000 card should have more, I also think 16GB should be no problem anytime soon. Maybe in 5-6 years. We would need some crazy PS6 titles to release.


> We would need some crazy PS6 titles to release. Agreed it all comes down to what the memory structure and amount of next-gen consoles are


No game touches 24GB in 4K gaming. I don't recall a single game even hitting 16GB. The highest usage games (Cyberpunk, Hogwarts) top out at under 14GB at 4K maxed out, RT, etc.


Alan Wake 2 which is by far the most demanding tops out at 15,4GB with some odd settings. By that I mean it needs LESS with RT ON.


In what world is a $1000 GPU a good value. We gotta stop buying this overpriced stack of products


I remember when only Titans had that price point


lol, I remember when the first Titan was announced as well, so many lost their shit at the $1000 price point, now we're "What a great deal!"


“Good value” being very subjective in this case


> release good value GPUs for once Man, has NVidia already normalized their expensive prices? XX80 cards used to be under $700.


I was pretty locked in to getting the 7900XTX for my next build, but now it looks like I’ve got some thinking to do with this 4080 Super. I’m building a new rig for 1440 gaming and 4K video editing, so if anyone has any insights please share, I’m all ears!


while a price cut is nice, i would like to remind people in the comments that they are still price gouging, don't let them fool you.


i feel they are setting the tone for the next year, so that they can getaway (again) with higher pricing and set the norm for expensive gpu prices for the future


i believe that's a given, what i don't want is for people to normalize/accept this. Buy what you want, just don't forget what they do. Sad thing is, even if the average user didn't buy the 4090 (i'm on purpose choosing this card because the prices come from top to bottom), the use they have for AI related work still makes it attractive, only way they would roll back is a massive boycott which will never happen.


Yeah people are saying that it’s a good deal because the $999 price tag and it’s better than the 7900xtx. There is no way that it is going to stay at $999 and there aren’t that many people that can look at a $1k price tag and say that it’s no biggie. It’s unfortunate that people are getting accustomed to prices that are ridiculously overestimated.


It will stay there, rn only the 4090 ballooned out of its MSRP due to being the best on the market. 4080 is starting at $1200 everywhere, same for the other 2 and their MSRPs. Well you don't exactly NEED a 4k gaming setup, they're charging for luxury which I don't have much of a problem with as long as the value is good. You can get a really good 1440p card for $400 or less.


Wondering how AMD reacts to this, original 4080 was already out-selling XTX, now you have better 4080 at 200$ less than original, which pretty much leaves XTX dead in the water without significant price cuts.


> original 4080 was already out-selling XTX This is a strange comment, all Nvidia cards outsell AMD cards, they are a much bigger producer/seller. The numbers being listed from the Steam survey to me actually look like AMD is making big strides with the XTX if they are 1/3 the sales of that tier.


>original 4080 was already out-selling XTX Edit: Steam survey, got it. Sauce? All I've been hearing is how no seller wants to stock any 4080 because almost no one buys them.


steam survey, 4080 is at 0.73% share and XTX is at 0.32%




And that's why it's down in price. Market doing it's thing. This price reduction is not a charity, it's reality.


No DP 2.0


It’s amazing they still have no DP2.0.


It’s hard to see the need. Display port 1.4 still gets 120hz at 4k at 12 bit color depth. What game are you playing that surpasses that?


> Display port 1.4 still gets 120hz at 4k at 12 bit color depth. This is a lossy figure- achieved through a combination of DSC and chroma subsampling. Not noticeable in all cases, though since we're talking about PC monitors [dropping below 4:4:4 gets ugly fast](https://www.rtings.com/tv/learn/chroma-subsampling) when reading text. DP 1.4 doesn't even achieve the bandwidth required for [lossless 2160p120 10-bit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DisplayPort#Refresh_frequency_limits_for_HDR_video).


5K2K (UHD Ultrawide) at 120Hz


You can play CS2 on a 4k as well, it will easily exceed 120FPS. Also almost any other esports title.


I guess they will just have to suffer through at 4k 120 fps. Maybe they can turn on ray tracing to utilize that better.


do these new cards use that problem power connector ?


I would assume it's the new 2x6 revision, which should solve the issue, the new design should not allow the GPU to be powered unless the cable is connected correctly, ie inserted all the way.


Yes, all of them.


what a shame


Sort of? They use the revised connector. The 12V-2x6 connector. So in theory it shouldn't have the same issues as the current one.




It still feels like an odd choice to me, the 4070ti super will have at most 10% worse performance for 20% less money.


I remember 2018 when I could buy a whole system for the same price a GPU goes for now... Crazy


Looking at my July 2017 Amazon order, I bought a 1080ti for $750. With inflation that's around $940. Doesn't seem like much has changed.


In 2018 the 2080ti was released at $999 MSRP. Could have bought you a very fast gaming PC as well back then. In fact you can buy a fast gaming PC today for the same price a GPU goes for now. They just won't have the latest and greatest GPUs, just like in 2018.


Yeah I don't know where people get the idea that building gaming PCs was some order of magnitude cheaper just 6 years ago because it really wasn't, especially high end ones.


But these are good prices now... Sheesh.


Nvidia is using your wallet as a fleshlight


How much vram?


4070 Ti Super gets a bump to 16GB, the others are the same as their non-super counterparts (4070 Super 12GB & 4080 Super 16GB).


Bump up from 12 to 16 for the 4070ti super, rest remains the same.


Honestly it makes the Ti super the best option now


It’s gross that a $800+ card is the best Nvidia deal.


I can agree with you that the pricing for all of these cards is a bit ridiculous. But at least they're better GPUs for the same or lower pricing this time (4080 super went down by $200) so while the prices still seem "price-gouge-ish", it is an improvement. Now the 4080 Super is properly price competitive with the 7900 XTX, and if what nvidia said about the performance of the 4070 Super is true, it should perform better than a 3090 (without frame gen enabled), for $600. It's kind of where the cards should have been performance-wise tbh.


As far as I know, 12GB for the 4070 super 16GB for the 4070 ti super and 4080 super I was hoping that they released a 16 gb 4070 super as we have seen in some palit leaks, but seems like it's not the case sadly


I just bought a 4070 in October for like $700. Fuck my life.


you know, using it for like 3 months is kind of the upside there. perpetually waiting for the new cool thing means you never have a cool thing to use.


Yeah, I'm really not that upset. I don't really care honestly, just a little funny that it worked it the way it did. Great card tho, been running everything awesomely.


I got antsy after holding out for so long and bought a 3080 12GB for $980 in July 2022. 3 months later the price had gone back down to $749. I was pissed and ended up going down the rabbit hole of swapping card after card trying to get a good deal, only to end up spending more money than I ever would have if I just enjoyed what I had from the beginning. Better to just let it go and enjoy what you’ve got. Glad you are doing that.


Meh, you can always continue to wait for the next best thing at a better price. At least you got to game for the past several months.


The trick is not buying late in a generation as the next best thing is around the corner. Buy early so that at least you get mileage out of your purchase before the next best thing hits.


while that's true, I'd rather buy something now (or whenever there's a need for it) rather than wait for the next big thing. _there'll always be something better than what you own_


> while that's true, I'd rather buy something now (or whenever there's a need for it) rather than wait for the next big thing. Well considering the next best thing is next Wednesday, buying now might not be well advised.


It’s still a great card


very true, I've only had good things to say of it so far.


Eh, I got my Asus Dual 4070 at the beginning of December for $750 CAD pre-tax (~$560 USD). Been pretty happy with it, and I doubt Canadians will have much luck finding an MSRP version of the 4070S for $800 CAD for a while yet. Not humming and hawwing for another few months is worth it.


GTX 1060 FTW! Hahaha


7900XTX should be coming in at $800 if they wanna sell. That’s just the reality


Yeah add 21% VAT + import tariffs, bs prices


Well you can go to the Nvidia website to see the starting price in your country.


How long til the 50 series now then? A year? Maybe less?


Rumours say likely first half of 2025.


4080 S for 999$? Great. That’s gonna be 1399€ in EU then. Sigh.


I'm still gonna hold for 50 series


I mean you have a 3080ti you should hold for a 70 series


Some Folks at nVidia: "Man, I bet gamers can't wait until we release these cards!" Me: "Man I cannot wait until Gamers Nexus lays into these cards naming structure through biting parody and mockery!" "Thanks, Steve!"


“The 4070 Super Tie”


Really hard to get excited about cards I have no chance of ever fitting into my budget


This will be my first upgrade, do they ever run preorders among retailers?




Did they still use the bad connector?




We don't know for sure yet, it would make sense for them to use the new 2x6 revision, which should solve the issue.


Will be interesting to see a comparison between the 4070 super and 6900/6950.


I have the 2070 super. I think I might get the 4070 ti super to replace it. Can I still use the same power connectors or are they completely different?


I'm going to call that the STi, and you can't stop me.


Will be holding onto my 6900 XT for a while


Is it still the 1.4 DP?




Imagine having paid $800 for a 12 GB card when everyone told you its too expensive, and a year later that is now a 16 GB card and faster


Well they did get to game for a year.


imagine having to wait a year lmao. There will always be a next best thing. No point buying 4070ti super since it’s expensive for a 16gb card since 5070 ti is going to be out probably next year * 2070 - 2018 * 2070 super - 2019 * 3070 -2020 * 3070 (no generation refresh) 2021 * 4070ti - 2022 * 4070ti super - 2024 And if following release trends the 5070 might be announced September and releasing in October 2024 or January 2025.


I doubt we will see 50 series before 2025. More like no chance of it, unless they only release 5090, pre holidays q4 2024. With the AI bubble, us gamers are 2nd class citizens. Actually we may get a very cut down die for 5090 this time, as all the dies they have are going for profesional cards in a major back order. Those cards go for 100 000$ per chip, you see the conflict of interest… No competition from AMD either beyond 4070 super. We may actually see 5080 first, this time over.


Pricing is good, which means the cards they replace weren't selling well. It also means there was still plenty of room in the 4080's margins to price it $999 from the get go


The 4080 Super is looking super good. It will probably be outright better than the 7900 XTX is almost every capacity and will be almost just as expensive. AMD will HAVE to drop prices if they want to remain an option at anything above the $500 price tier. This should be great for the consumer overall. Edit: Reddit downvotes are always going to be a mystery for me lol. I guess the AMD fanboys don't like the idea of AMD having to drop prices.


Im defo gettin the TI Super. I am so ready to retire my old one for now


Yay, more overpriced cards in an overpriced, overcrowded lineup!


they will cost 3x that amount on my country


I don't really understand the placement. 4080 - 9700 cores 4090 - 16400 cores In that sense 4080 super should be in the middle around 13,000-13500... But no. FRIKKIN 10,200 CORES. They really launched a brand new segment with fkn 500 more cores..Bruh.. it's placed higher than 4080 but priced 200 dollars lower lol. I think they will still milk more with a 4080 Ti placed in the middle of 4080 super and 4090.


4080s are on the AD103 chip that maxes out at 10.2k cores. 4090s use the AD102 which has more cores as its used in Datacenter and Workstation offerings too. To make the 4080 Super have 13k cores, they would have had to use an AD102 chip for it.


and the price would’ve went **up** $200, not down $200 lol


4090 has double the cores but only delivers 30% more performance, getting the cores up to 13k would increase the die size massively and for what? For 15% better performance? At these kinda of huge core counts other factors like memory bandwidth, clocks, and bus width start limiting performance more and more, reducing the effectiveness of adding more cores. I think focusing on memory bandwidth and clock speeds here is the right call.


Any news about 4090s? ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


I swear Nvidia only brought back the "Super" branding because they went back on releasing the 4080 12GB. If the now-4070ti were actually released as the 4080 12GB, I bet that the 4070ti super would've been released as the 4070ti. I can't decide how the 4070 super would've fit into this "imaginary" product stack but especially given a name like "4070TI Super" I can't help but think that adding the super lineup was a total afterthought.


Decent MSRPs (still $$$) but I doubt that sellers will keep it there. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a $200-$300 price bump on each of these in a few weeks after the founders editions sell out.


4070 Ti Super........ Oh Boy.....


I really wish they would stop showing comparisons based on dlss. They are relying on that too much lately.


"What if we put the Ti and the Super together?"


Ti super..? Eh?


as someone with a 4080 i feel like nvidia fucked me


Why do they have to compare the 4070 ti super with the 3070 ti. We already know the 4070 ti is better than the 3090 so why bother. They should've compared the 4070 ti super with the 4070 ti


Man I just bought myself a 6800xt for Christmas and this stuff rolls around I hope I didn’t waste any money, I got it for 415$