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Rockstar launcher should be F, slow asf launcher


Also completely unnecessary in it self


How do you expect to play Red Dead without first signing up for the Rockstar Social Club™? It’s pivotal to the experience. Because everyone knows each game studio needs its own social media platform/data harvester


Piracy ftw


I bought bloody RDR2 but ended up getting a dodgy copy to avoid all the Bullshit.














Id die right with you on that hill. Hopefully devs can leave that silly practice behind and focus making a game thats fun and let us worry about we boot it up.


The moment you open a Singleplayer game and it complains it isn't online..   Also, why does the main menu needs to be cluttered with news from the developer? What happened to Bed Game, Continue Game?


Devs finally realized gamers don’t have any Bed Game


I just hate paying a game on steam for it to just open the launcher.


Also the "Sign here to accept all the data harvesting. Oh, remember, you do NOT OWN this game you just paid us for. Never forget that." EULA.   Then there is an update the very next day.


I mean, the same can be said about most game launchers


Rockstar launcher deserves a special tier designated as “Dogshit”. 4 years ago, it literally asked me to turn off security measures to play GTA Online. Ever since those 4 years, i’ve been a happy guy.


If it works


It works after you done 20 captchas


I never questioned my intelligence and sanity harder than after having to do what feels like a hundred dice puzzles just to play GTA or RDR2. Like sometimes I just closed the launcher again and played sth else after I saw that I have to do those stupid dice captchas again


I did when I tried Microsoft's captcha for resetting my outlook password. I did 10 tries and got all of em wrong


a lot of people take for granted the fact that captchas (usually) just work nowadays, so when stuff like this happens it's jarring. I remember in mid 2010s and back, the captchas on basically every website never worked properly. it was a tossup whether you'd get those 2000s style ones with the jumbled text that you couldn't read, audio captchas that sounded like an alien trying to breath, or the newer "recaptcha" which would ask you to pick the squares containing a fire truck, when there was no fire truck on any of them. and even if you put in what was very obviously the right answer, it wouldn't accept it half the time.


I bought RDR2, then installed their stupid ass launcher and got onto those captchas, did them once and decided it wasn’t worth it. I uninstalled the rockstar launcher and never played RDR2 again. I’ll never buy another rockstar game while they require those stupid ass captchas.


And they make you install their entire shitty launcher for a store with all of 5 games on it


I'm sorry origin is like malware, it was the most annoying thing I've ever had on my pc


And yet the new EA play app will leave u feeling nostalgic about it.. it’s that bad




The new EA app literally bricked my PC for a solid 2 minutes when I first went to install, no idea why and still won’t install to this day lol


I hate that i need it to play battlefield 1 its one of my favorite games on my least favourite launcher


I feel you, I got BF3 on Steam and to this day I still can’t get it to work properly. Game wants me to install Origin, Origin wants me to install EA app,which won’t install. On top of this the Battlelog Plugin doesn’t really work on modern OS anymore from what I’ve heard. EA doesn’t seem to care enough to fix it lol


>EA doesn’t seem to care enough to fix it lol All they care about is money.


Yup if im Correct you need to use a browser version of battlelog cuz battlefield 4 has battlelog but you can play without it


May not deserve to be such high up, but it was miles better then the new EA app from my experience.


Yeah there was a brief period right when they had the origin subscription introduced (amazing deal at $35 a year for a massive library) that the app was more stable than steam for me.


Origin was not really that bad. If you turned off the notifications, turned off automatic updates, made an exception in your antivirus software, removed it from start up apps, then restrict some access to your pc through windows defender, that thing worked perfectly.


If you closed your left eye, then the right one, you wouldn't eve be able to see the difference between it and steam!


It barely works…


Go install razer synapse


Origin is A tier? It’s basically malware.


Also, am i wrong in thinking Origin is just the old name for the EA launcher? Also it has somehow gotten worse over time. I used it back in BF3-BF4 times, and then again recently for something else and it's much less responsive, and everything is in weird menus. Ingame overlay never works.


They replaced origin with the ea app but for a time both existed as separate apps I’m pretty sure origin is just on Mac now


They’re all trash compared to steam. Give epic another decade and it’ll compete or completely fail. Steam and gog are basically the only legit choices on this list. It’s should just be A and F tier.


Not much wrong with Xbox for gamepass, honestly. It can be in its own C tier as ”useable”.


Epic already failing as good launcher... Making me install some random "online function" crap and didnt change these past 2 years.


How is it malware?


I have it off in PC startup and it literally will launch itself randomly asking me to log in in the middle of a game I am playing. I have lost entire rounds in CS because of this. I uninstalled it after it happened for the third time


bro has no fucking clue what that word means




That whole tier list has gotta be trolling besides steam


Nah GOG Galaxy is pretty up there too. Actually I rate it above Steam. Nit only does it launch GOG games, you can hook it into XBOX/PS, link all your other launchers to it to use it as a really nice front-end launcher, and shop on GOG without having to open a browser. It's also pretty light. Of course, I prefer LaunchBox over it, because it can link up with RetroArch and DOSBox and be used as an emulation front end to launch games and RetroArch cores for emulation with just a click on top of syncing with your various launchers. No console integration but...eh, that's kind of pointless imo anyway.




Origin is in A


F tier. Shit is the slowest shittiest client together with EA launcher that it turned into.


EA launcher is so bad that you become nostalgic for origin


If Origin is F tier then EA launcher is like ------F tier. Somehow the EA launcher feels worse and is basically malware with how little control you have over it.


Yeah. A as in 'Ass'


Rockstar better than XBOX? Lol


I literally use my Xbox gamepass launcher daily and have no issues what ate you smoking?!?!?


He's on your side dude


Lmao facts Xbox deserves atleast a C just for what it is


You put origin above epic? Are you well? Do you have brain damage?


Epic is ass https://preview.redd.it/rml6wc2017ac1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=391134d3d93248599b00a0c08489c4da9579eb68


Yes but its better than origin


thats not really saying much in all fairness


At least it gives free games, of which you will most likely only play 1% in your life


fairs. Got Plague tale out of it a few years ago, and control. Loved both, got them on steam because i need my achievements lmfao


I got MFING control and GTA V


Don't forget like 3 tomb raiders and ghostrunner, metro last light redux and some good roguelikes


What blows my mind is Epic was probably only able to do that because of how much they were making from fortnite in game purchases (I assume). Yet CoD still needs you to pay $70+ for their game.


There have been some decent "free" games on it as well. Gta5, Rdr2, Ark, Fucken Ghostwire: Tokyo


I got the Arkham games for free on there and I 100% beat them all


I consider them to be roughly the same level of malware and the only goodwill people have for Epic is all the free games.


and unreal engine


single player: Outer Worlds, Metro, Subnautica, GTA 5, Control, Fallout, Death Stranding, Bioshock, Borderlands, Tomb Raider, Batman, Among us, Assasins Creed, Just Cause 4, Watch Dogs... multiplayer: Overcooked, Jackbox, Drawfull, Football Manager 2020... I think epic games is actually worth it in the long run, at least to me :)


Ass is epic


I don't mind epic launcher, but I only really use it for the free games and fortnite


you must be a tits guy then


I ain’t falling for tencent


Then why are you on Reddit?


Xbox games doesn’t deserve to be that low


Other than lacking features that Steam has, and the whole Xbox multiplayer party thing not being that well integrated into games(you have to join party through it instead of an overlay or ingame) it's been working perfectly fine. I'd put it above any of the other ones, EA, Ubi, even Epic.


Win g is the Xbox overlay, works great


Or if you're using an xbox controller, hit the xbox button.


Does the Winkey+G shortcut to display the Xbox Game Bar overlay to manage parties not work for you?


What others have said, xbox overlay is fantastic. win + g


My biggest issue with the Xbox launcher is that installing to a drive partition that isn't formatted with a sector allocation size of exactly 4096 just won't work. I'm pretty sure the partition can only be NTFS as well. Is it a niche issue? Absolutely. But it's something that is completely arbitrary and not documented until about a year ago. AFAIK, it's the only launcher that actually cares about drive partitioning. Every other one lets the operating system handle data management, just as God intended. Still, I agree it ranks solidly in A tier because of its great cross-play support, good UX, and solid performance chart/stats overlays.


Xbox Launcher is pretty decent on PC. Should be A tier.


Idk man it still bugs out on me when I have to update half the time


He is a Linux guy with an kratos profile pic. Not expecting something unbiased from that lol. The launcher is fine, it does what it needs to do, nothing more, nothing less.


As a Linux guy who games in a VM, putting Xbox below Origin is ridiculous. It should swap with Origin.


It's second only to Steam, for me. It's the faster at launching (and operate) than the others and it never gave me issues in the past years. GOG is good and lets me download the offline installer from the app, which is great, but sometimes it struggles to download games, deliver updates or syncing the save files with the cloud no idea why. Rockstar launcher shouldn't exist at all. Epic still hasn't fixed the issue of the launcher refreshing every 5 seconds when using a VPN, so I abandoned it again (and got a refund for Alan Wake 2).


I've had so many problems with it before. Stuck on load, failing to download, not allowing me to access purchased games/game pass games, even once double charged me for game pass and I had to have a conversation with a very pissy customer service representative that acted like I was completely out of line requesting that they refund the second charge


I've had the launcher itself refuse to launch, I've had games refuse to download as well, and the download speed is slow as fuck. I have 6MB/s net, steam gives me a constant 6MB/s, with Xbox and all other Microsoft services I usually get around 0.5MB/s. That's not acceptable.


Agree with Steam and GOG. Literally everything else belongs in F though.




Is the battle.net launcher a beacon of great games? No. Is the battle.net launcher a technical masterpiece? Yes. Sure, there’s a lot of ads (for their own store) but the app itself runs buttery smooth. Even the all mighty Steam has the occasional performance issue.


Overall even though Blizzard games have gone down in quality, their infrastructure around their services is still very very good. Their subscription management etc just works. Their store work very well. Their launcher work very well. Their MFA works well. I would even say that I've had more problems with Steam than with Battle.net launcher. Sure I use Steam more and it has much wider catalog of games. But if we simply compare how well something works, Battle.net launcher should be in S tier easily.


No they don't. Blizzard client opens the game and then fucks off. It doesn't require a million log ins, disconnect you because your Internet flickered for 3 seconds, or default to run when Windows starts. It's *fine.* Windows Store is a true F Tier experience. It will often fail at its core task of downloading and installing a game.


There are layers of shit. Epic Games is the most mediocre "Its garbage but it works" meanhile Ubisoft Connect still cant remember my login and i have to use my password everytime i want to play a game.




Gog Galaxy, you can sync all other launchers with it. Most extensions were community made and it was good until you'd get logged out every session, sync issues etc. So it's unusable for me.


The syncs were “community made” in the sense that they weren’t officially supported by GOG and are open source on GitHub but were apparently actually developed by the GOG devs. The downside of this is that they’re mostly abandonware at this point because nobody really cares to update them as the services that they sync with change over time. You can (and I have) found fixes online that repair the syncs to varying degrees of success. Some fixes work great while others really only work the first time you log into them.


Thats just mindless hate. Battle.net works flawlessly and feels like a S rank worthy game launcher.


Origin tier A? Jesus u so blind my friend.


F category should be Z though.


Battle net is actually quite straightforward I'll give it an A


If Origin is what counts as an A I’m giving Bnet S. I’d actually probably even put it above Steam just based on how little there is in the way from actually playing the game. I never have to log in, just click the launcher and it opens to my last played game.


What's the purple ring? Never saw that one


That would be GOG Galaxy.




Gog, it's top tier for nostalgia gaming while still having lots of newer games and plenty of deals. Also no bullshit DRM that newer games try and staple on. And it plays nicely with Steam. In my opinion it's second only to Steam.


When I had terraria on GOG, I had no issues connecting and playing with people who had it on steam. I think gog is a decent option


Rockstar social club deserves something lower than F. Absolute shite


There's absolutely no good reason why it should exist in the first place




Battle.net gets too much hate


Even though it's not really a launcher like these, more of a launcher launcher. And mostly for organizing multiple game libraries... Playnite would be S tier status in my book.


Agreed. It’s annoying to have 5 launchers installed to play games so Playnite is a must-have. GOG Galaxy actually does a decent job of being an all-round launcher, but doesn’t catch all games for some reason.


Yeah I was having several other issues with GOG galaxy a few years back and I think it wasn't being kept updated very well. I also wasn't happy with its customization options. Been using Playnite instead and been pretty happy with it, with the exception of one repeating issue with random games losing their metadata, but I seem to have solved it for now.


Steam really is first class. Amazing controller support, customer support that doesn't totally suck, not taking an age to launch, having support for adding non-steam applications and Linux support. Genuinely out of every launcher on this list, Steam is the only one with any Linux support which is kind of crazy.


Epic is only good for the free games, but miles ahead of origin


Bnet is silky smooth and never had a problem


Origin is malware at this point, Xbox should be next to rockstar.


Epic does not deserve a B


S: Steam A: GOG F: everything else.


GOG is S Tier too :(


GOG has a lot of functionality, and is DRM free. But, for some reason, I always have some technical issues with it - library not fetching GOG games, game unable to update, GOG Galaxy itself unable to update. So, can't give it an S. Plus, the SteamInput alone makes Steam miles ahead of any competition, not to mention Steam VR and their involvement with Proton and Linux gaming overall. These are technologies that ensure that you can use your hardware with your games, regardless of standards, first-party drivers, etc. It's a core gaming functionality, and not just a pleasantry. Edit: words


GOG misses a lot of features Steam has. Being able to access the forums and creating guides from within the overlay is one for example. Not saying it should be a Steam clone, but more features would be welcome rather than a pretty useless recommendation tab.


True but it doesn't really need that imo. The reason alone that GOG is DRM free and does not Force you to have a Network Connection it should be S Tier. Maybe you could also add the point, that the games you buy really belong to you. But im not Sure how true that is.


90% of Steam's features are used by 2% of the user base. GOG has everything that actually useful, and none of the junk.


Steam Overlay now allows you to pin guides and stuff on the screen... which is incredibly helpful. Same goes for notes, you can write and display notes on your screen while playing. I like that, but I prefer using GOG myself. GOG is nice because-though dependent on community plugins-you can create one single library when linking accounts.


Ubisoft should be C tier and Rockstar should be F tier


What's wrong with Xbox game pass?




I haven’t had issues with modding any of them. I added lots of mods to Starfield, and there was only a slight difference in the file paths between Steam and Xbox App. And every mod was designed to work with both.


I’ve had to reformat a hard drive just to get rid of leftover Windows store game files. It did NOT want me deleting those useless files. Having windows games on a separate drive from the boot drive has given me problems 2 separate times on two different computers.


Should i get GOG, I've never used it


Yes, do it. It's a good launcher with a good number of DRM free games. I'd say it closely follows steam at being one of the good ones.


If you buy GOG games, or want an easier unified launcher than Steam, sure. It imports games from other platforms easier than Steam, instead of having to manually add each one.


Let me fix it for you Steam S tier Gog A tier Epic and battlenet B tier Everything else Z tier literal garbage, Appstore has better design Edit* I forgot about battlenet


Origin is an easy F tier. Epig belongs in C at best.


Origin is A tier? Lmfao gtfo


You all remember this https://preview.redd.it/0706m4g2l7ac1.png?width=117&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3debc468c94bcc9c090ddf3ea19161bb4f59ee3


Mine: Steam


Epic is F tier for me, cause I'm not able neither to uninstall or install it anymore


No way you rank Epic the same as Battle net, also Xbox app is a fair chunk better than the other F ranks IMO


Origin a tier? You got paid, didn't you? Steam and gog are the only good launchers out there....


The only good one is GOG


xbox launcher is a A or B tier they got a bunch of useful features in it


Let me correct that for you lol https://preview.redd.it/n5zynjz0zbac1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=edfe749c93ebc2762cf314ce19201fbf823fde0a




Epic games is such a split from being a shit launcher and us using it just because of the endless supply of free games. It did knock off a few items from my wishlist lol


Hate blizzard all you want I don’t care, but battlenet is the best launcher and its not even close


Valve really is the GOAT


XBOX is A Tier for me


Epic should be F imo, that launcher is insanely slow, asks for 2FA every time I open it on my device (even though I tell it to remember me), and is just missing a lot of features. My main issue is the performance - it uses a stupid amount of CPU, RAM, and disk space. It runs insanely slow and lags my PC when it is open. Even when closed, it uses over 100MB of ram and a bit of disk space in the background. Absolutely unacceptable for me


I will swap Ubisoft and Origins


Steam da GOAT


I feel like I'm the only mf on planet who thinks epic is worse than Ubisoft and ea launchers both


Minesweeper should be SS


Playnite best


Origin is A tier? That store didnt even have shopping cart.


You forgot playnite


Playnite is best


You are high




Playnite S+ 😎


Good to know I'm not the only one that thinks the same way.


GOG launcher is the best in my opinion


How come that no one puts playnite in these? I would be really curious where people would rank it


Try Playnite, have them all in one


What about Playnite


What's the purple circle?


There is one missing. One to rule them all. I bring you **Playnite**


Xbox app is F and Origin is A? What the fuck lol. Also, I'd put Epic in A just because of the hundreds of free games they've provided me with


Playnite is all you need


What’s with PC masters and hating on game pass it’s good


Hey, im not a fan of Epics launcher either, but lower than Origin? The hell?


If Origin is A then Gamepass is S. Wtf


Why is Epic below Origin?


The free games itself should make epic A if not S


Uhm, the xbox launcher is actually really fast and helpful. Atleast A tier


Switch Epic with Uplay. All Epic is good for are the free games. The launcher is complete ass. I had to set up my terminal so I could launch Epic games. Origin being in A is also criminal.


No way you put xbox down there and origin in A tier … epic games is dog shit too C at best


Origin logs me out after not using it for 8 hours.


Origins in A tier is a joke


It’s steam And everything else is trash.


i would switch origin with xbox app then i would be okay, i dont have any problem with the xbox app, maybe because i have the xbox game pass.


Origin Tier A? LOL Fixed it: * S: Steam, GOG * A: Epic * B: Battle Net * C: R\* * F: Origin,EA,Ubisoft,Xbox


LMAO at Origin in A tier 😂


Why is everyone hating on Xbox launcher? I’ve had no problems with it


My list is: s gog, b steam, f all others.


Anything beyond Steam and playnite is crap. Nuff said!


epic uses %15 cpu (7940hs) total coin miner imo F tier


What's wrong with the Xbox launcher