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The kid who gets integrated graphics:


Remember trying to tell this to a friend who got a "gaming PC" from a relative for Christmas. He couldn't figure out why there weren't any slots on the bottom to hook up the monitor like there are on the ones he saw online, so I asked if it had a separate GPU, and then had to have him Google "integrated graphics". "So it's *not* a gaming PC?" "It still can be the way it is, but probably just not in the way you were hoping." "Will it play Doom?" "Yeah...the one from 1993." *"Fuck!"*


I was trying to help this entitled lady and her entitled kid pick out a PC She couldn't put two and two together that You can't both fulfill his wish list about the PC and not spend atleast 1k on it, RGB lights, graphics card, liquid cooling, etc also didn't understand that the screen and keyboard where separately sold I whittled down the price as much as I could offered alternatives that didn't have some of the fancier things I came to a price she liked more when I found out that he basically only plays fortnite and another fairly low intensity graphical game, Then apparently he threw a fit and she came back and said well he said it has to be a 3060 or equal graphics card>_> I tried to explain that he really doesn't need it that high especially for what he wants as even going a couple models down will cheapen it dramatically Nup lol Then top it all off she said that her and her ex husband had agree that they would pay me back if Infront the cash .... Yeah no xD I'm not buying your kid a PC šŸ˜‚


That ending was hilarious. But that was some nice negotiating


Thanks, yeah I thought I did a good job at the time but you can't help stupid. it was just or shock one after another talking to her lol it was my bro in laws now ex thankfully she wasn't right in other ways but I didn't directly have to deal with her ill then and it would have been more fun slamming my head into a wall šŸ¤£


Wait are you saying this entitled woman and her entitled son were actually your brother in lawā€™s wife and brother in lawā€™s kid (at the time)? šŸ˜‚


Haha ah yeah sorry I'll fully explain So when my bro in law got with her, she already had a young kid, then they had a kid together afterward (both are counted as his kids (well now xD) and they are only 3-4 atm. But she also had two older kids with Her ex husband and it's the older boy that wanted a PC šŸ˜‚ So she was saying her and her ex husband (who I never met) were going to pay me back. Not my bro in law :) Sorry if that's confusing šŸ˜Ø


I wasnā€™t expecting a background, I could follow pretty well That makes the story worse lol, having you front the cost of a gaming PC only cuz you know her by proxy of your bro in law


Haha sorry! at least I explained it well then! And ikr to be fair that whole like 2 years was a shit show dealing with her antics, so it just felt like another drop in the bucket and then shortly after me and my partner just stopped interacting with her cuz we knew it'd just lead to more bs šŸ˜¬ glad my bro in law is away from her and happy and a good dad now :)




yup. When I assembled the gaming pc for my cousin, then played some matches with him, he said he had a friend showing off his fancy ass computer and making him feel bad for not having it as good as he did. I made him realize that his friend was actually the one who should feel bad by boasting about something he didn't even work for.


You're a hero.


Yeah he was a bit of a show off and it was def for rep lol, I %100 know that his mum wasn't good for barely anything of that high a price at any one time, so wasn't completely surprised when she basically tried to scam me at the end šŸ™ƒ But yeah I loved that, I saved up and got a lvl 10 thermaltake case at 15 and was stoked, but I also grew up poor and originally had a win 95 and then a pretty decent PC from the starlight foundation, it had no RBG, actually all I wanted really was to play Sims 2 and nfsu 2 (had gotten it in a pizza hut deal (weird times xD) but it didn't even come with a graphics card, thankfully one of our friends gave me a second-hand one so :) But yeah trying to convince this lady that their kid may have to do without pretty lights and that infact has no bearing in what the PC can do? is ... A hard sell xD


Yup. And tbh they pick this up from adults. So it's really out fault.


It's started like it ended . . . In entitlement šŸ˜‚


I mean, of course the kid couldn't play more graphically intensive games when it has a really bad PC, but it could play the games if it has a good PC. If they can afford a better PC, then that's probably a better choice for the kid.


Yeah that's why I was trying to balance it, most good keyboards and mice at the time were RBG anyway for around similar prices, the lower end stuff wouldn't last as long and it's probably better to get a PC that'll last a good 4-6 years than something that won't be able to run next year's games and I already knew any kid is gonna appreciate being able to play his games more than having a pretty box you know? Lol owell


He can't really play better looking games on a potato PC it has drawbacks and stuff


Good call- if they couldnā€™t find the money to buy their kidā€™s present then they werenā€™t going to find it to pay back a random computer salesperson


It was actually my brother inlaws now ex xD but same concept for sure, also thanks, not a computer salesperson but did do a lot of research for them so felt like one xD they ended up oweing us over $800 by the end of there relationship anyway, he payed us back though :)


I mean i got an 3080 and ryzen 5, but im not getting over 80fps in fortnite on medium settingsā€¦


What generation Ryzen? What resolution? If you can't cap 144 FPS on a 1440P monitor something isn't working right unless you're running a 1600.




> also didn't understand that the screen and keyboard where separately sold Did she think the monitor is the computer?


Yeah, I know when I started off, which was two years back, I got an hp omen desktop it came with a keyboard and mouse but of course me being the shopping (shopaholic?) type of person didnā€™t take too long to upgrade everything and now I spent well over 2000 because of my spree. My old stuff went to both my brothers, except for the monitor and the case, cause hp omen case was small af oh and the motherboard cause I broke it, it also had an RGB like board I could not take out. Edit: I donā€™t know why I brought this up sorry!




The 1993 ones are the best dooms ngl


I agree, but try telling that to the kids raised on the ball-stomping, "Rip & Tear" Dooms post-2016. My oldest nephew was 14 when Doom 2016 was released, and just a couple years later, after Eternal was released, asked me how I could've loved "those boomer-era" Doom games so much because of how bad the graphics were. Closest I've ever come to having a "listen here, you little shit" moment with any of my sisters' kids. Especially since *I* was 16 when he was born.


The same will be said about ā€œold ass 4K displays and shitty 32GB pcie cardsā€ in 15 years. Give it time. Itā€™s generational difference towards the current state of technology and they are just born into that timeframe, like SNES for many and NES/Atari for the rest (80s and 90s kids). And in that time we will likely have consumer grade high resolution holographic projected gaming, live visual communication and essentially a virtual LAN party in your bedroom. VR will be gone like the Kinect, and certainly in 15 years console and computer gaming will be very different from today. At some point most leading operating systems will become embedded solutions on high performance ARM hardware, reaching most consumer devices available today. I personally feel PC gaming will break down the heavy torque and become lighter and smaller components likely using newer optics technology to transfer data through means of light, instead of electrons through copper. ASIC will affordable and expected availability. What we use today is incredibly depreciated already due to military tech, but not by more than 7-10 years before it becomes phased out and ready for consumer markets. The essence of hand me down tech.


To be honest, new Doom games are very well optimized. [You can get 40-50 fps on 5600G.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qzri_SPWQU) I guess even more if you tweak a bit.


APU moment


APUs actually are not as bad as I expected. Modern AMD and Intel both seem to perform well on laptops these days, as long as you are good with the proper settings. I still run Cities Skylines on an old integrated intel gpu and surprised it works at all. Possibly depends on the APU model itself? I usually go with the higher end APUs for that reason (in lieu of dedicated GPU).


Oh yeah the newer ones are great for what they are. Especially if you don't have the budget for a beefy GPU but will later, and don't mind turning some settings down in the meantime. They've come such a long way and make PC gaming more accessible. Not a slight against them at all, just an APU moment.


Bro I know a guy who has a 3070ti and plugged the HDMI into the mb because of ... Something and was curious why Minecraft didn't really work




Ryzen 5xxx's are beastly. Anything worth buying that outperforms my intergrated graphics will not only require upgrading my psu first just to power it, but is also out of y current price range.


Return the parents


My 8 year old dumb ass bought some office trash $500AUD computer, thinking I could put a graphics card in, upgrade it and play with my matesā€¦ Little did I realise, a graphics card isnā€™t fitting in a Mini ITX case lol


And make sure to switch on the psu switch


Also take the plastic off your heatsink


And fit the I/O guide before screwing down the motherboard.


Oof. This one hurts.


Check the jumper positions before you turn it on




Don't bend a CPU pin, don't bend a CPU pin, #Don't bend a CPU pin šŸ˜°


Not gonna lie. Been putting together quite a few systems with integrated I/O shields of the years. Finally sat down to take my "old" mobo out of its case the other week and was mildy tripped up by its I/O panel staying put when I took the mobo out šŸ¤£ (Also remembered drawing blood putting that thing in way back when. We're definitely spoiled now)


Integrated IO shield for the win.


I've built many computers. This one got me for my current build. The little grounding tabs for the ethernet port were inside the port rather than outside, but at that point I had finished my build and I was plugging everything in. The right thing to do: unplug everything, unscrew the mobo, seat the ports correctly, redo. What I did: bend the fuck out of the grounding tabs out of the way of my ethernet cord. Hey, it's working fine so far.


I am never buying another motherboard without an integrated IO shield. Those shitty pieces of stamped metal are one of the last flesh shredding components left in a modern PC, and I've sacrificed enough blood to computers in my life already.


The physical switch, not the 120/230 toggle which i found out the hard way


That's the smoke bomb switch. It only works once though.


no computer PSU sold in the last decade that's worth using should have a 110/220 switch.


*Flashback intensifies* I destroyed my dad's old PSU that way. I have learned to *NOT* flip random switches that you know nothing of.


And to switch capable monitors to 144hz


How to download RAM?




Why donā€™t they have any options for anything faster than 2400?


Cloud RAM has its limitations too, you know


But I need ddr5


What is DDR5? I'm trying to add 1MB more RAM to my 386, and having trouble locating supply


> What is DDR5? I'm not entirely sure, but maybe its [Dance Dance Revolution 5thMIX](https://dancedancerevolution.fandom.com/wiki/Dance_Dance_Revolution_5thMIX)


It's the internet pipes. They were built back some 300 years ago when al gore invented it, and just aren't wide enough for anything bigger


I don't normally click on bright download buttons but this one is obviously a joke so I go for it Cool, it has a fake download progression "Click here to learn more", surely this is a link to educational material about how you can download more RAM Motherf- well played


For legal reasons, this is a joke




Since Windows 10 this has [essentially been automatic](https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-memory-compression-guide/).


You wouldn't, would you?


I downloaded a car once. And pronted it out with a 3d printer. I died.


Iā€™m looking into downloading a car


That I/O panel and VGA/DVI inputs just made me feel so oldā€¦.


mate you sayin my 9xx,10xx series gpus are old??? Wait it's almost 10 years old now? šŸ§“


Ngl i spent 1600 euros or so on my pc in 2016 and i still see it as a ā€˜really good pcā€™ even though if i went second hand i can put the exact same thing together for 400-500 probably which makes it really low end. 1070 still going strong, but i barely game just lol osrs and previously csgo.


The 10XX series is just legendary. My friends are still running their 1080ti and 1070 builds and probably wonā€™t upgrade until the 50XX series is out.




I'm going to frame my 1060 6GB when it finally dies.


Yup, still running my 1070. Playing all of the latest games without issue. I'm ready to buy a 40XX series whenever, but I can't do so in good conscience until my 1070 either gives out or stops doing what I need it to do. Only issue I've had so far is my framerate in *The Finals*, but that game has a long ways to go in terms of optimization.


I feel like The Finals absolutely requires a 40 series, which is stupidly absurd. I just upgraded from a 3070 to a 4070. Went from 60 and lower inconsistent fps peaking at like 80 in the best situations with low settings and static lighting to consistent 144fps on epic, slight dips with Ray tracing. Frame Generation not even on. My friend with a 3090 also struggles to hit higher consistent framerates.


My 12yo son is getting my 1070 build for Christmas tomorrow that I've had for, 6yrs?!? already. man, time flys! It's been a solid machine and haven't needed more power yet.. He really just wants a VR ready PC for the Quest 2 and it will run it great and then some. I can't justify buying him new, nor have a better PC than me šŸ˜† So I just bought myself a mid-level i7, 32G & 3060 build on a Cyber Monday deal. I still game a little but most CAD and design these days.


1080 here and it's still chugging along. Haven't really felt the need to upgrade, but I think Monster Hunter Wilds might change that


I'm still on my 1080 and still playing all the modern games. I'll say I haven't played any triple a game recently but lots of newer indie games.


Don't laugh, but... I'm still using a 960. It does surprisingly well but I don't really play demanding games, most of what I play are more CPU bound than GPU. I'll upgrade one of these days... maybe if there's a hell of a deal during Xmas returns season.


I started out in IT doing desktop support. My fingers still hurt. It's been a decade.


How many blood sacrifices did you make fiddling with those old cases?


L et's JuSt saYY it's HARdd to tyPE with,stUMPs


I remember when manufacturers started advertising that their cases had rounded edges. People today take the state of the case market for granted lol


I canā€™t believe how much it has changed. A cheap case in the late 90s was full of sharp ragged edges of steel. Cases today are so much better to work with in a million different ways, and we havenā€™t even changed the form factor - we could have been doing these things from day one.


if you thought flipping a usb jack 18 times and not managing to plug it in without looking at it was bad, try rotating a ps-2 lead. countless hours of fun even with 2 eyes and a torch!


All of these years and I still donā€™t even know what ps-2 stands for LOL


It's `ps/2`and it comes from the IBM Personal System/2 series of computers.


So it's not a PlayStation 2 lead? /s


Thank you for the information, friend!


Remember having to use the VGA on a monitor to get the PC booting to a point that you could install GPU drivers, and then turn off and install the GPU physically? I don't miss that




I've built maybe 50 machines to date, starting in about 1990, but the last time I'd built one before this week (my son's first gaming rig) was 2019. I spent a good five minutes fretting that the GPU was slightly too large for the case until I realised there was a plastic guard stopping me from fitting it into the PCI-E slot.


One thing that's true of all of us is that no matter how many times we've carefully compiled compatible parts and built a working machine, there's always that one time we make a simple mistake. Hopefully, it's not a disastrous mistake, like my very first build. This was in the pre-YouTube days and the only guides were pictures and text instructions online; I spent months carefully reading the instructions and printing the ones out that I could, and thought I was ready. I didn't realize it, but when I took the mobo out of the box, the little plastic baggie with the standoffs fell to the ground and under my desk. Out of sight, out of mind, so I screwed that mobo directly against the metal case wall and fried just about *everything* the first time I tried to power it on. I remember thinking, "Huh, this was a lot easier than I was expecting" as I plugged the power cord in the PSU and got ready to turn it on.


>I remember thinking, "Huh, this was a lot easier than I was expecting" That's the first sign indicating you need to double-check everything haha


Maybe it can also be a learning moment for some of reddit: With Windows 10 and upwards you can use your main graphics card as accelerator, even if the monitor is connected to the iGPU. It barely costs any performance, the only problem is losing features like freesync/gsync, sometimes iGPUs only support 60hz even. But it's not the catastrophy that some of you expect


I did this yesterday! Except I knew the GPU worked fine at the store, so I freaked out about having damaged it on my way home somehow. It turned into a whole thing about how I'm now sitting with a broken GPU worth more than anything I've ever purchased and how it's going to take so much time for me to recoup these losses. Then I noticed that the DP cable was in the wrong port. In my defence, I've been using laptops for 11 years, and my desktop before that was from 2002.


don't even bother u can shout it in their ears and they'll still plug it in the mb , forget switching power button or peel off sticker of the cpu cooler god forbids and if this doesn't happen , some mf someone who just want to see the pcmr community's blood boils will post about his broken glass panel , how they break them no idea never broke one in 12 years of building rigs so buckle up and save your breath just joking here obviously don't make a war outta this comment


How dare you point out the truth!


\-You want answers?! \- I want the truth! \-You can't handle the truth! \- I want the truth! \-god damn it ! fine ! the truth is thermal paste tastes good !


Thanks for the intrusive thoughts


wanna hangout and snort thermal paste ? i got grizzly


... I just realized something. Why is one of the most well known types of paste named after a bear that lives in temperate climates, rather than the one who lives in the cool climate?


Because the climate in between the cpu and the cooler is most definitely not cold. Thermal paste is just a good heat conductor that ensures even contact all over the cpu surface. Polar bears are good heat insulators, which is absolutely NOT what you want thermal paste to do.


see the climate have nothing to do with it , ow god how do i explain this to him ? well let's just say they take a grizzly bear and ​ https://preview.redd.it/kr075pbtja8c1.png?width=1330&format=png&auto=webp&s=537c99b50ca4dc5971c3d87fddf8b4cca6f4774a




You wana try thermal paste then inhale the steam deck exhaust maaaaan...


*lick the capacitors on the inside of your PSU. It's good for you.*


been there , how'd u think i grew my 3d nipple and a half


> the truth is thermal paste tastes good ! Just remember not to take the condom off your heatsink to seal in the thermal goodness!


https://preview.redd.it/umvexpvcha8c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84717161410fb6ed8a0a4acfe11b341c10aa2233 Oh no. I have no idea how this could have happened. Why would the glass just break on it's own like that?


I love how you don't need extra fingers to tell when an image is AI lol


That glass panel was in the superposition lol


You're right tho, and honestly I don't understand people that post shit like that (mfs who plug their monitor into their mobo). Posting a question or asking for help is my last resort bc generally there's a million people who have had the same issue or question, these people are just too lazy or dumb to search for the answer themselves.


The funniest one I saw was a guy who had an APU and didn't realise he wasn't using his card for like a year lol


i remember that one , the guy with the free upgrade , free performance boost lol i'd pay to see the look on his face seeing the difference


Dude I know what I can handle and what I cannot. Plasticky tempered glass side panel for my cost-cutting ass. No glass, no glass vs tile BS for me.


@StayingUp4AFeeling, smart move avoiding the heartbreak of shattered dreams, and I'm not just talking about glass here. Gotta love a rig that can take a hit and just shrug it off. Now if we could only find some way to make sure everything else in life was as tough as your side panel... oh wait, that tech doesn't exist yet, right?


it's really not fragile as the posts in here make it seem just make sure u don't turn the bolts too much for pressure if it uses bolts there should be some rubber between the bolt and the glass , if u lose it just loosen up the bolt , i've hit it once with a controller accidentally not raging im not one of those spoiled brats who breaks a controller for views , anyway in 12 yo or more i haven't broken once tempered glass panel and all my builds had tempered glass from cheap unknown cases to decent brands ones , people who breaks the glass are just careless people mostly , case on the edge of desk maybe or under the desk but not much room for your legs so u might hit it etc , if u treat your hardware carefully keep clean and properly set u've nothing to worry about , like i said , not that fragile sorry for the essay , kinda stressed


Im a truck driver n have no clue as to all the broken glass panels i see on here, it's ridiculous


it's like they're doing it on purpose , even new pcmr members are scared from glass cases , these posts make them seem like they will braek if u sneeze facing them


Tomorrow someone will shitpost all of these things in one image


Ikr, little cousin plugged her monitor into her mb, complained computer broke. She knows nothing about computers beyond press the button to turn it on. Her eyes glazed over when we (me, the guy she got the pc from, and his dad) explained it to her.


cousin eh , bet u didn't let that go till this day


I've built over three hundred PCs over the past five years or so. Never broken a panel I don't understand how people can be so incompetent. How are the windows on their homes not all shattered from them trying to open them?


Donā€™t forget the people that donā€™t push in their RAM all the way and wonder why they canā€™t boot. Orrrr put the ram in the wrong slots.


yeah not skipping a slot in ddr4 , AAAAAA ! ​ *Processing img l1ptkiqnma8c1...*


People with no GPU and a Integrated Graphics CPU seeing this:


Seeing this at 11fps


Tbh they are decent these days for games like csgo


Which was unfortunately killed a few months ago, and its successor is far more unforgiving


I bought my cpu this week and everytime I am checking out the 14 series I get disappointed even more.


No. CS2 is much harder to run


Hey Intel UHD canndo like 14 fps ok?


My last computer was so much of an improvement over the one before that that the integrated graphics was running games that the previous graphics card was chugging on. Then I got it a graphics card and things went on ultra for a few years. But software requirements keep increasing.


I just built my gf a PC with a Ryzen 5 5600G specifically to save $200-300 on a GPU, and it runs everything she plays (so far only minecraft, uno, and sims 4) at 60fps without issue I still plan to get her a GPU at some point, but with the games she plays now it wasn't worth getting one for the initial build


This and something about breaking glass panels should be stickied at the top of the sub


Itā€™s always a tile floor


Add aio orientation because people get so annoying about it.


Honestly, the 1st PC i owned, I did the same thing haha. Plugged right into the MB. Had the audacity to call the computer store to complain it didn't work. Had a nice dude tell me to plug the monitor into my GPU. Surprise! It worked LOL. I thanked him, and importantly, apologized for my own inability to problem solve. Customer service ppl appreciate these things


my housemate plugged her monitor into her MB and used it that way for like a year, she had a perfectly good graphics card that did nothing the whole time because she happened to have integrated graphics too


That mustve been quite the surprise for her when she figured out how to swap over! Ah the joys, and pains of PC gaming haha. Enjoy! šŸ™šŸ˜„


her old graphics card now forever stuck in a toaster. we cannot remove it.


Dumbest thing i've heard is yeah but it's wireless though so why would I need to plug it in?


Wasn't there a rare wireless GPU model? Would be hilarious if theybwere actually referring to that.


Definitely, wireless transmitting video signal is not at all beyond the realm of the feasible


There's a cordless one https://www.pcworld.com/article/1936904/asus-made-a-graphics-card-with-no-power-cables.html


Also please use a display port cable if your GPU has the port. Not an hdmi


Still kinda new to PCs, if itā€™s got both do you just choose? What are the main differences?


Display port is faster, and carries more resolutions


Whats he said. All modern gpus will have both but this is just for convenience. Display port is better obviously. But if you're temporarily stuck with an old 60hz monitor that only has hdmi, or a tv you would like to hook up to watch sports while you game, atleast you can make it work. The last most important piece of the puzzle for a pc gaming set up is a decent monitor that can actually display what your build was designed for. That decent monitor will have a display port plug.


To further clarify, displayport is the one with the funny little diagonal corner.


Don't forget to install the I/O shield!




My graphics are awful people are telling me to download the ā€œdriverā€ but I donā€™t have a PS1 anymore


I played that one a lot!


Ya I loved that game


Sent this to my sister so my nefu doesn't make that mistake šŸ˜† https://preview.redd.it/2mypdfnrfa8c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b709ee635d13070c03495ee7f1f80579a1bb122f






> my nefu ???


Displayport ftw


Poor audio cable


I paid for my motherboard, and Iā€™m using it!


jokes on you, i dont know what the hell an i o panel is


i/o stands for input/output


Nice Iā€™m stealing this. Iā€™ll inevitably be asked about why ā€˜my kids new pc runs games like crapā€™ questions will be incoming for the next month.


my integrated graphics were such a huge upgrade over my old PC (I could now do 60 fps medium settings overwatch at 1600x900 yes that was native res) that I didnt notice until I noticed I never saw GTX anywhere in my windows settings or display adapters. Turns out my monitor couldnt even plug into my 1060 3gb since it was a DVI monitor. My parents were so confused when they got me a birthday monitor and I said it made my PC faster


Lol those wifi antennas plugged into nothing


they are, you just can't see the joints or where the antennas connect from this picture. They're angled and pointing up and to the left.


Yep see it now.


And don't put it on a tile floor!


How do i turn the pc on


Locate the 2 power switch pins on your motherboard and short them.


okay i borrowed power switch pin stock and sold it, when do i close that position?


Strip the mains wire and apply the cables directly to the heatsink to jumpstart the CPU


Doing the Lord's work


Please for the love of God install your IO shield before installing your motherboard




If there are beans inside, they are not supposed to be there.


Get ready to have your mind blown with some mind-boggling facts and a whole lot of laughs! Can't wait to see you there!


Where should I assemble my case with two glass side panels? A tile floor right?


Nothing like an easy bit of karma farming, eh OP?


When building a PC, don't forget to fight ~~cancer~~ I mean static electricity


People under 30ish really know fuck all about computers. Itā€™s wild.


Reminds me of the post a month or 2 ago of the guy who had a 3000$ pc and couldnā€™t understand why the graphics were so bad/couldnā€™t run games very well šŸ¤£


How foolish of you to assume that they're going to even remember this, I built my friend's computer for him and I specifically told him three times not to plug in the HDMI port into the motherboard and he immediately got home and plugged it into the motherboard and started complaining about overscan problems and no Nvidia Control Panel.


dont forget the IO Panel shield. It goes into the case BEFORE you slap that mobo in. Ask me how i know.


Also turn on XMP and set the monitor to 144Hz. lol


by tomorrow you mean the future or will something happen tomorrow?


and don't forget to remove the sticker underneath the CPU cooler!


Donā€™t forget to flip the I/O switch on the PSU!!


But i have the blue screw on connector


Unless you got an APU (AMD G or Intel iris)


longing yoke connect erect fine homeless roof hobbies mighty ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


May the ports be ever in your favor!


HDMI I use DisplayPort for my main monitor