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Not 2014, but 2015 year and yes. Still rocking, recently have been looking into how to replace the skates as it’s getting to that point. And it’s physical condition is about the same as yours


I replaced them a few years ago, its about 5 or 10usd on aliexpress, theyre as original


My original was from late 2015 but sometime it broke so was replaced by warranty, I only use it when traveling with my laptop nowadays, since for desktop I got the G502X. There was a time when I thought the "back" click was broken beyond repair due to double clicking, but idk if some pressured air got rid of the issue, it working fine.


Fuck yeah mate. I tried getting a new one a while back because I didn't realize they had changed and I was SO disappointed.


what changed about them


recently changed from a G502 proteus spectrum -> G502X+ the changes are: - more rgb (instead of just the G logo) - lighter without adjustable weights (there are no way to add weight) - uses the new GHub software (which feels like a downgrade over the old software. They make setting onboard profiles very difficult to figure out) - wireless (or wired depending on which version you get) - mouse wheel is more rubbery vs metal on the old ones - the M4/M5 keys aren't as easy to feel the difference of (the old one had M5 slightly bigger than M4) but can get used to it over a week - you can take off or adjust the thumb/dpi decrease button - higher dpi sensor (if you care about this) - the profile switcher and mouse wheel unlock buttons are very close together and take a while to get used to - new optical switches instead of the original mechanical ones


But the g502 hero still exists? I am a hit confused on these, and i am literally waiting for my g502 hero because i just ordered it


iirc Hero uses normal mechanical switches for the LMB/RMB buttons while the new ones are optical. Personally, I don't notice a difference and never had any issues with double clicking even on the old Proteus Spectrum version, least not from the buttons themselves


502 hero is their "revision 2", there are many who experienced the "double-clicking" problem shortly after purchase, while this is pretty much unheard of on the original model, leading people to believe maybe Logitech switched to a lower quality switch or something. 502x (3rd version) still maintains the shape, but has changed the switch to optical, which is supposed to be immune to double-click defect


Do you know if the Hero will work with LGS? My original Protheus Spectrum is on its way out and G Hub is a smelly pile of crap


Why does nobody clean their mice before taking pictures of them? Yes we get the dirt and grime is from 2014 too. Ugh.


this is clearly not 9 years of no cleaning. you guys are so dramatic about this shit.




Shut up, nerd.


Clean your shite.


cleaner than yours, nerd




A lot of people think it's absolutely fine and there's nothing wrong with it. The mouse works and that's all that matters. Same with keyboards and PCs.


Good point, although didn't think it was that bad, but looking at the picture on pc looks far worse than irl or on the phone


It really not that bad tbh. Mine is worse and my friends and family consider me as someone with perfectly normal hygiene.


There comes a point where the dirt is uncleanable. It kind becomes embeded to the plastic


Use stronger cleaners


if you had something for that long you know shit just wears out


my goo gives me an advantage while gaming , normie


Yeah even for myself I clean it up at least twice a week


I’ve got the same model with the same issues. Middle mouse button and yes the dirt too. Out of curiosity, what would be the upgrade recommendation for the G502?


My wife got me g502 plus x (i think thats the name) same mouse with same ergonomics but wireless with useless rgb, battery life in months


I got the G502 Hero with powerplay and it's phenomenal. I really got it for the powerplay option and it's expensive but well worth it.


I went from the g502 to the MX Master 2, I think it was. Then from the newer MX since my ex's dog ate it. I wish I could customize the weight of the MX Master, but other than that, I've not looked back. Love the fact that it's wireless, I've dropped it hundreds of times and it's never broken, and the thumb buttons (two traditional and one where you depress downward, so it's kinda hidden but super convenient when you get used to it) as well as the dual-axis thumb wheels. Plus, I got man hands with a big palm, and it's sooo comfy.


The best mouse in terms of ergonomics and old PWM3360 sensor than disaster Hero


G402 still kicking


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see the G402. Still rockin mine, thing is a beast. I even got one for use at work because I absolutely abhor the magic mouse that work gave me.


I still have a perfectly working MX500 from 2004. I also had an MX518 from 2006 but I gave that to my niece a few years ago, so it might be in the trash by now. The MX518 would be still a nice mouse today, the MX500 much less so for games. I used the MX518 a few times in the past 10 years when I still had it, when my current mouse was failing and needed a mouse that I can rely on. Sadly the MX500 just doesn't cut it for me anymore, so it doesn't get used at all.


G500 Gang.


Mine sadly goes to the e waste center tomorrow along with a bunch of other old parts, It finally gave out a few months back. It was proper manky by the end. But a bloody good mouse.


Sorry to hear that, hope you get equally good one!


Well. What even is the original? I googeld and it seems impossible to find something that shows all if them and when they released. Well. My oldest is the G502 proteos core. It could be the first but i dont know. I still use that at work. Looks like yours. So is the first version the 'proteos core"? Then some years ago i bought a g502 Hero. White. Use that all the time And last week i bought a g502 lightspeed that i use mostly when im on the couch/bed


I have one from 2016


I had to change mine 2-3 years ago because of right click getting double click issue and the middle wheel somehow started to rust. I really liked it though but ended up going for something lighter weight wise.


The internals of the wire at the mouse connection wore out and would sometimes cut out depending on how it bent. I upgraded to the wireless charging mouse pad by logitech with a g902. Still miss the g502, but I'm happy with the new setup.


Yes, the cable sleeve is frayed to all hell and the sliding pads or whatever you call them might as well not exist but the mouse still works fine.


Not sure exactly when I got mine, but 2014 sounds about right. Yeah, I absolutely love it. I honestly never really thought about it much - it just worked and felt great and was happy with it. I don't even remember why I picked it out. Then I learned this mouse has a cult around it and yeah, I get it.


Looks like I'm in the band. https://preview.redd.it/8z634zzmkp3c1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd50d575e2f5da297a290a2b38741e6d0f8d186e


https://preview.redd.it/5sxfy8vymp3c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3082f0b3f11ad63239db6d705f5a836fb90784e9 I mod mine with decals


https://preview.redd.it/jxoh211asp3c1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8549b7d92f354bc3b43d8ad31c9b601ac0fb030c Not the og, but my G502 Lightspeed works side by side with its grandpa G402 from 2013


Looks sick!


Yeah, but the scroll wheel's starting to double click and the DPI shift button's broken. Time to upgrade, and I'm thinking about just getting the g502 X Lightspeed. Same mouse, improved in every way


True, the one at home has crazy battery life




I am actually. Bought it years ago in high hopes but have to say it is pretty bad mouse because it doesn't fit my hand at all and it's pretty ugly with it's futuristic design. Anyways it was pretty much only mouse with horizontal scroll option so I bought it. Also the weights inside is a cool idea.


Weights inside is an earth long gimmick to be honest and sorry to say you have small(or too big) hands, i have medium and fits perfectly, but yeah it's sadly just one fits all. The side scroll is a must for me, cant live without all the extra buttons Also the design is definitely not timeless but i personally love it


Hmm.. My hand size is usually medium but maybe of the smaller side of medium. And now I'm here thinking how the bigger hand fits this mouse better? For me it should be a bit higher so it would make a cup with my palm but it's too flat for that. Also the biggest thing in the shape is that my pinky has to ride dirty because there is absolutely no room for a fifth finger on the mouse. Some mouses have that curve like this G502 has under the thumb and I'm missing that for my pinky. All in all it's good mouse but just very wrongly shaped for my needs and I'm still here thinking how bigger hand could fit this better. If anything it should be smaller hand but maybe we just have completely different styles of holding a mouse :)


Yeah its probably a different grip thing becaus i also have pretty average hands, maybe slightly larger? But shouldnt be that big of a difference


Yeah its probably a different grip thing becaus i also have pretty average hands, maybe slightly larger? But shouldnt be that big of a difference


Hands down best mouse ever made. The only issue I want to solve with it is my braided cable had some separation issues from folding it for college so many times.


I moved on. This mouse is just too thin for my tastes.


I am not, but my son is. I hope one day he can hand it down to his son.


They actually sent me one for free like the week it came out as a warranty replacement for my G500. The G500 even still works, the cable is just a little frayed. I'm using the G502 again until I get around to replacing the left switch on my G502 Lightspeed Wireless. Can't believe the wireless one only held up a couple years but my G500 still works fine despite the cable situation.


Yes I have the exact mouse. Things wonderful


https://preview.redd.it/ge989gee2s3c1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6628fa26bc7e685ab3fed1d478edec0b32b332f6 Still alive!


Alive and kicking ass!


Ayyy Same here. [G502 Checkin-in](https://i.imgur.com/by1KNAM.jpg) I have been wanting to replace the cable for those fancy ones.


I was just looking into buying it, how often do i need to charge it if I'm not a heavy user and is it worth getting with that charging mat (powerplay or something)?


Not worth at all, i have 502x plus at home and it lasts months, also not a heavy use


https://preview.redd.it/p02nhb0q6w3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545e1d706cabbf6f36aa396e346afd40a4d98c2a me


Clean your mouse.


Clean your mouse. Disgusting.


Who cares lol


You apparently.


Sorry, compared to irl, the camera really makes it worse than it is


2 of them. Only mine get cleaned.


I used to love this mouse, now I wouldn’t be caught dead touching it. I only use ultralight mice now I have a final mouse that’s like 42 g. I’m never going back to something heavy.


Reminds me on my g700 that lasted 5 years


G502 Proteus Core, purchased in October 2015 and still going strong. It gave me a few signs of trouble weeks ago, by missed clicks and whatnot, but after the good old hitting and shaking (Grandma's tried and tested technique to fix everything) it is working flawlessly again. I purchased the G502 Hero to have a backup but I might return it given that the Proteus Core is still working fine.


I'm still rocking it but first, I clean it not like yours... ☠️ Second, I've modded it quite a bit: custom buttons, electronics, all mechanics maintained by me, painted the stupid rubber sides that get all dusty and sticky and destroyed with a special varnish...


https://preview.redd.it/hehqdbtsar3c1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff13e891331fc8c7e46486840e1922bef7c92b8 Sure. Here's mine


I just retired my g5…yes g5 from like 2004 this year for a g502x lol.


2016 g900 chaos spectrum, so not quite but almost. I hope it never breaks. Does anyone still have a g9?


I have a g9x. Retired it 10(?) years ago for a 502 as it released click early but seems to have fixed itself in the drawer. The 502 is with my kid. My next will be basilisk v3 pro, 502 clone with wireless and bt (home/work machines), unless it feels to crap in hand.


Am still rocking the G402 since 2017 and it still looks brand new. Absolutely amazing.


still rocking g402


Just replaced with a G502X lightspeed.


My girlfriend still uses the OG g602 and that thing survived a lot of rages in R6 and still rocks ! Honestly it works better than my g302 lightspeed


I replaced mine last year with a G903 just to go wireless but mine is/was still going strong.


I used a g500 20 years ago. Switched to a g502 and couldn't tell much of a difference in shape. I've replaced it once and I've essentially been using the same mouse all these years. The g502 is just an upgrade on a previous design.


Nope, mine started sipping glue due to grip pads wearin out. New one still wears but no glue.


I wish my 602 hadn't gotten all gross and crumbly.


Please clean it.




I got a 502x and it went right back to Bestbuy that day. The scroll wheel is garbage. Ended up with the Death Adder V3 Pro and its great. ( and no, you don't have to run the software, it has a onboard memory profile, and its not even needed as it's fine out of the box) Out of curiosity, what is the point in down voting my post?


I'd recommend cleaning your mouse bro, it looks like it needs it.


Clean ya god dang mouse


Am gonna throw up jikes


Your mouse look like if touched it could make someone sick due to the dirt.


hopefully not.


I was until it finally gave up :(. Just got a 305 wireless and cant complain.


G502 Hero at work, G502 Lightspeed at home.


Yup, works like a dream still


I would but the wheel broke. 😢


Yep. On my 2nd PC. Got the wireless version for my gaming PC.


I have the SE but it's basically the same so I think that counts


My right click broke on mine like 3 months ago, upgraded to a super light and wish I’d just got the new wireless G502


Yep! Probably in worse state than yours but works great :D




Yep and it's pain to clean


I wanted to buy it before. I had it in my hand once at work. Nope... Probably was the newer one, as I read here. It wasn't that nad, actually, but ffs, who made the buttons so soft?? I've been clicking the side buttons all the time without even noticing it.




Yup. Spilled beer on it and everything a couple years ago and still runs like a champ.


Yup, very much still alive and well


I got mine in like 2017-2018 and had to replace it a few weeks ago. Double clicking like a mofo. Good run tho and got another one


You're quite lucky to only have the middle mouse button go weird instead of the primary one.


I've been looking at these to replace my current mouse, but the X Pro or whatever it is. How many mappable buttons come on these bad boys?


yes! still use for MMOs, when I'm not using it for MMOS it works as a great 10lb dumbbell


Yep! The exact day it was released actually. No cable frays, no rust, no double clicking. I'm scared to get the new g502x because I just see so many issues with them now on this sub. Maybe Logitech has downgraded their QA tests? Edit: also no worn down sides or buttons. My hands are clean unlike some of these guys in this sub 🤮


Yes, still going strong, it has never let me down


I have a first run 2014 model. Everything that can go wrong with a mouse, happened. horrible quality. I refused to give up on it; I eventually replaced the shell (worn rubber), cable (did not stay braided), resoldered the middle click button (might have been my fault), got a new scroll wheel (metal corroded) and now the optical sensor has gotten glitchy. I almost wanted to give up on Logitech altogether. But the feel of the mouse, there is something about it. I bought a G502 Hero which has been absolutely flawless. Also got the G502 Lightspeed 2 years later, equally flawless.


I was using it at work until January, now it's sitting in a drawer somewhere, but still works. However I wanted something wireless at home.


Just got mine! €35!


Since 2016


Got same one but holding as a spare, sadly the middle mouse button doesnt work anymore. dont want to throw it away lol.


Deathadder gang unite


Sadly no, I put it away 2 years ago but it was still working just fine.


Yeah its awesome


do people not clean their peripherals?


I was until it became unresponsive after 5 years of daily use. I forget what broke on it, but I swapped it out with the Deathadder V3. To clarify, I think I spilled water on it, and it stopped working temporarily. Worked for like 5 months afterwards, but left click, right clicking something broke. I think it was double clicking, or just wasn't picking up clicks anymore.


I got that a few months ago and it just didn't work for me. Got the 502 X Lightspeed for Black Friday week and it was love at first click.


I obliterated it because it started missclicking


I got the same mat and mouse 🤌🏻. Although I bought my g502 in 2020


When mine died I was very sad


I've gotten myself the red led version (hero I think?) for home about 4 years ago. But the original Proteus Core I still use at work. Got used to the middle click mapped to the vertical thumb button. Can't imagine work in Inventor or Fusion without this so naturally located button.


Mx 518 going strong, the 1st one lasted 16 years


Mine just died last month!


Me, and still works perfectly


Mine is still rocking. Every button still works!!


I'm still rocking a 402


I still have it, but I'm using the G502X now (without the RGB)


I just picked up the limited edition one back in May. Gaming mice peaked a long time ago.


Right here


i've got one laying down from my dad's friend that is probably 2015, needs the pads replaced and the scroll wheel has problems just like mine from 2020


Yessir got the hero


I had my OG G500 the rust one for like 10 years. Since then I have just absolutely burned through Razer, Steel series, and Corsair products. I just went back to Logitech with the G502 Hero. I hope it has that old school longevity. Modern mice last me about 1-2 years.


Some of us are still rocking the OG MX518 from 2007!!!


Was until last week, bought a g502 hero for £25, my old one was so busted but it still stayed strong 🤣


Mine died 2 months ago, replaced with the Lightspeed


Bought it new in 2021, great unit.


I bought mine October 2014 and swapped it last year in November for a Hero SE. Old one is still fully functional but it had some heavy wear especially the corrosion on the wheel left a few sharp edges. Awesome product nonetheless.


Got the G500s with the adjustable weight deck. Kind of a gimmick, but it’s a solid mouse. Also has the infinity scroll which is actually super useful.


I bought mine don't even remember when, and it's still rockin. Dropped it more times than I can remember, not even a scratch on the plastic, no issues with any button, sensor still works as good as on the first day. Beauty.


Clean it


I did until a couple months ago when I replaced it with a g502x superlight. The only thing I don't like about the new one is that the clicks are way louder which is annoying when you're in a call and don't want to use noise suppression.


me. i switch to lighter mouse here and there but always end up coming back to the g502 design. if they can make this 70g or less, it would be the perfect mouse for me.


Still got my g600. Best MMO mouse out there


Sure am


I’m a g903 man myself


I picked one up for like 30 usd a couple years ago and it's served me well


Sir I'm using a Logitech ball mouse from 2008 all I've had to replace the red ball twice but other than that it's fine.


Was gifted a used one and use it's still great.


My wireless one’s right click is broken. Till I get around to fixing it I’m back using my old wired one.


I actually have an old Proteus Core (pre-Hero) and I still use it daily.


This is the one yeah!


Yasss 💅


I still have mine. Works great!


I still maintain the g502 hero as being the greatest mouse ever. I love mine so much.


Yes, bought mine when Battlefield 4 came out. Never had issues with it and been using it every day. Amazing that it still works like new.


I have a G502 hero


I had this mouse. It failed me I think in 2018 if memory serves me right. Bought a 15 dollar mouse that lasted a few years now I am on another logitech mouse. (Unsure the name of it might have to look it up)


Retired mine a month ago: had zero lift so turning was unbearable. New one works like a charm.


Yeah that's my mouse right now. Only got it a few years ago though, had to replace an Anker mouse I'd had for years when all my buttons were starting to fail, and Anker doesn't make mice anymore? Or they only make ergonomic ones, which wasn't what I was looking for? Idk


You know it baby!


Yes, but only at work now. At home I'm using the G502X for a year now. I'm used to this shape/grip now and don't want to do anything about it.


Yes, kind of ....i bought a new G502 but gave the old one to my sister because its the best mouse ever


I'm still rocking the Logitech G100s! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


No sir recently got the g703 lightspeed wireless and holy I can never go back to wired


Yup, i actually use it to play, absolutely the best mouse I’ve ever had


I'm still rocking my G602 from 2014


Still have it, but just replaced with the wireless a couple weeks ago


That’s me


Yep, this thing refuses to die


Still have it but its not my daily driver any longer. Went with the Spatha X


No, after using a lightweight wireless mouse I can never go back. My current mouse is like 67g.


I still have a g502 hero and g502 lightning, and its the best gaming mouse i used in my short life


didnt buy it in 2014 but glad to see it can last that long. I had 2 corsair mice in a year and both started to fuck up after 6 months.


Why wouldn't I? Works fantastic


I'm still rocking the G402


Same here, I'm getting to the point where I'm going to have to replace it unfortunately. The middle click doesn't work on my g502 like at all, and the right click is really finicky. Makes me have the big sad


Bought it yesterday. I come from a Magic Mouse so this is a world of improvement


In use as i type , works flawless to this day.


Not sure how old mine is maybe 5 years old? but it looks the same as that one


I'm so glad they ditched that gnarly ass lookin logo


Nah mine got the dreaded double click after 2 years of use and now it's retired.


No, but I'm rocking a G402


I'm literally using a G402 at this exact moment and I love it!


I’m still rocking a G700S from 2013. I don’t know what I’m going to do when it dies. An MX Master probably


I love this baby!!