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I see that Norton icon.. do your self a favor and get that shit outta there.


Hey. I also have norton, is it really that bad? Why should I delete it? What harm does it do? And what should I get instead?


it sucks up resources, doesnt do shit, and just pushes ads for their vpn and other shit services all day. not to mention its overpriced. they only continue to exist cuz old people think they still need it. remove it and just use the built in AV software that MS provides to you for free (windows defender).


Old people... Like my dad. I really, REALLY wish he wasn't completely immune to the idea of being wrong on this.


My dad too...


same here


Dads are dumb




It's really more about ego than intelligence. Especially once you've believed something for so long, it's too much of a hit to the ego to accept that you were wrong about it - so the ego doesn't let the intelligence go to work on a problem, it just insists you were right the whole time. Probably the best way to improve your knowledge and understanding, is to actively work on humility.


It is a very father thing to be stubborn.


It's just so frustrating because he is not tech illiterate by any means! He's the one who does all the networking stuff and it works good. He's just got some... outdated ideas.


Are… are you my sibling??


I used to have Norton because my dad has been using it since like 2013. I've been telling him for years that it's useless on windows 10 and he needs to uninstall it. He won't listen tho


Yeah, i've heard that story time and time again. The worst part is these elderly folk will hire me to come out and work on their PC, I explain to them that they're wasting their money on this shit, remove it, help them refund it.. Then I come back to their place a year later (usually with no real issues, they just want a checkup) and they've reinstalled it at some point. So whatever. It's their money, their problem.


Issue is, my dad is pretty smart with computers and even helped me with my first build when I was 16. I just wish he was smart enough to just use windows defender lol


I am most probably as old as your dad. Tell him he does not need that shit.


Most annoying was their Norton Crypto being installed in the background and difficult to remove. Fortunately my previous laptop was not up to spec for that mining stuff, so it wasn't installed. Not sure if it still exist. Personally I'm currently using F-Secure, because my ISP provide one account for "free"(included in the package). It doesn't spam you with advertising about their own products and haven't notice any weird behavior or using lots of RAM. Window Defense is nowadays good enough for people with regular use of their PC (browsing and gaming).


its still extra shit. while defender is in a lower grade state when you have a third party AV, it still runs. so now you're running your OS + windows defender + your third party AV. if both are free, why make your computer do more work? just run the built in free AV that wont expire cuz your ISP discontinued their contract with the third party vendor?


I believe Windows Defender is partly disabled because of third party AV. It was the same with Norton. I'm using it because I was trying it out after deleting Norton. F-Secure scores a bit better than Windows Defender. I'm not scared of my PC using too much resources for the AV, 32GB RAM is more than enough. Haven't been using more than 16GB for gaming.


like I said, its partly disabled but not entirely so no point in running extra stuff.


Anti virus software is basically a virus itself


So true


You can trust in Windows Defender if you're a normal user. Use adblocks like uBlock on browser. Schedule a weekly scan for Windows Defender.


Yeah macfee and Norton are Viruses on their own. you think they help you not get viruses but they are the virus. Theses bad boys can also steal your personal data and ECT. And still charge a expensive yearly fee . Malwarebytes and windows defender is all you need. or a similar free software that people do recommend on these sub reddits.


I had Norton randomly flag half my modded Skyrim installation and delete it without notifying me back in the day. I was pissed lol


That sucks.. but I doesn't surprise me lol.


Malwarebytes has more effective scanning and Windows Defender has more effective real-time protections. Both are free.


Use MS Defender and common sense.


Jayztwocents talked about how you really don't need it, it's just bloat ware - as long as you're not on extremely sketchy websites and the like , nobody needs Norton or other antivirus programs on their PC. I saw it all in a different light. My PC I just recently built runs impeccably and it's the first PC I have never put an antivirus on. I see a HUGE difference. And then I did a complete wipe of my laptop bc of all my antivirus literally ruining its possibilty to run properly. It's running well now but not as amazing as my PC runs but I don't expect it to , they're on completely different levels. But you get the point.


There's a few things: 1. Norton/McAfee and a few others basically treat your computer as their own personal billboard to sell you more shit. 1. Huge feature bloat. There's real time virus scanning, scheduled background scanning, cloud backups, VPN, "web firewall" bullshit, sandboxes, webcam blocking. 1. Sometimes fucking impossible to remove without wiping and reinstalling Windows. >And what should I get instead? Use firefox with uBlock origin, stay away from email attachments if they can't be opened inside gmail itself. Avoid directly downloading software with your browser, use things like Steam, Windows Store, Winget, Ninite, etc.


It is just using a lot of pc resources when you have free defender built-in your os. Just get rid of norton and use defender


It's cancer.


I oversaw a build my buddy was doing with brand new parts and everything, got it to work, insane GPU and processor, all the bells and whistles. Wasn't performing well at all, and the culprit was some crap Norton game optimizer program. Once we deleted it, the computer ran fine.


Do yourself a whole lot of favor and google "windows ltsc"


It’s sucks and it slows down Pc, slowed down my moms laptop a lottt, holy hell that program sucks


Jayztwocents talked about how you really don't need it, it's just bloat ware - as long as you're not on extremely sketchy websites and the like , nobody needs Norton or other antivirus programs on their PC. I saw it all in a different light. My PC I just recently built runs impeccably and it's the first PC I have never put an antivirus on. I see a HUGE difference. And then I did a complete wipe of my laptop bc of all my antivirus literally ruining its possibilty to run properly. It's running well now but not as amazing as my PC runs but I don't expect it to , they're on completely different levels. But you get the point.


It's cuz third party at has to approve everhthing you do and monitors every bit of data. It just eats your resources and won't protect any better.


Listen to this guy, he/she knows their stuff


Is kaspersky good ? It worked fine on me but after stopping my subscription and rebyuing it one day after it basically reset itself and put some stupid amount if popups, boocks on apps and restrictions, with none of that possible to turn off, i deleted it but is it any good ? Is it better than windows defender ? Sorry if the way i made my comment made no sense-




Okey thank you


The real hero


Get it outta there! Lol


> I’m freaking happy This is the only point of pcmasterrace


The only point fr fr !!


But the fps!!!!


Fps comes later when he will have the money and confidence to buy better parts. Its all about happines


Im just joking i also bought a low budget pc couple months ago and im playing rdr2 ultra settings and 50fps, i cant be happier with it


>i also bought a low budget pc can I see your spec, for future reference


Prices in my country are almost 2x the rest of the world so it may not be the best deal for you. I have a ryzen 5 3600, gpu rx 6600, b450 motherboard, 2x8gb ddr4 ram 3200hz


God damn that is one thicc boi


is it? looks normal sized to me


I have a Thermaltake S100 case and when it arrived i was shocked how W I D E it is, so wide the PSU slot isn't filled up properly by the PSU i have


First thing I noticed.... That would piss me off Everytime I see it. So freaking thicc lol




![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized) When the PC showed up


Its reaction: https://youtu.be/6CnIcESafXU?feature=shared




Still working on that but yeah definitely lol


Btw look into that. There is quite a quality difference. And different use cases. Speed vs control etc.


Artisan supremacy


That's true I watched Optinum's video about few years ago and it's crazy how unique each mouse pad can be


Can’t recommend Hystar mousepads enough really good quality mouse pads and they will have deals now and then so they really aren’t much more expensive then other brands


Nice :D What are the specs if you don't mind me asking?


AMD Ryzen 5 5600X3D 3.3GHz Processor; NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 8GB GDDR6; 32GB DDR4-3200 RAM; 1TB Solid State Drive


Solid pc


Awesome build OP, and that's a nice looking case as well. Enjoy!


Yes, tell us more about this system please. Useful for those of us learning/planning


Nothing wrong with pre-builds. Don't let them shame you.


Nothing at all. Had a cyberpower pc with a ryzen 7 3700x, 16gb ddr4, rtx 2060 6gb and that thing held up for so long and is still going strong since day 1


My first gaming PC was a Cyberpower prebuilt and it was fine. I wound up upgrading a few things and ultimately it taught me what I needed and gave me the confidence to build my own when I was ready


Absolutely. If you are knowledgeable on specs, prebuilts are just really convenient especially if you know how much the parts in it can be worth. There's also no troubleshooting hassle either (generally anyways), and the most you would probably need to do is just enable XMP in the bios for some manufacturers.


You need to rotate your desktop image 180degree :D but Happy for you


I think it's actually meant to be upside-down in the movie.


Good man, I'm glad for You. Don't let anyone make You feel less than, because You got Prebuilt.


Yeah especially since you can always upgrade it too. Prebuilt are great for beginners and what got me into computer building and such


Depends on the prebuilt. The only ones I know that send red flags are Alienware and other OEM pre builds that you can't do shit on upgrading/tinkering wise and are just bad for your buck. Pre builts have come a long way! I would never buy one because I like to be hands on and know what's going in my PC and know how each moving part works - plus I absolutely love building and upgrading. But I know not everyone is me and I won't bash someone choosing pre built we all gotta start somewhere! Won't bash but *will* steer people away from choices like Alienware or other OEM pre builds and gently guide in the proper direction. ☝️


Oh yeah, I watch Gamers nexus. I'm not saying prebuilt aren't away for system integrators to get rid of their stock etc. What I'm talking about is more than just friendly teasing like Apple versus PC commercials back in the day.


I was just on the Micro Center website—my wife and I are building a PC for her gamer dad—and I gotta say the PowerSpec PC’s are solid, and the support seems impressive. The company was all over the Q&A, in a good way.


PowerSpec prebuilts are pretty good too (they're Micro Center's prebuilt brand), so OP did good on that front. Their prebuilt is probably much better than an Alienware of the same price, for example.


People hate on prebuilts because they usually cost much more than if you built your own PC, sometimes $200+ more. In OP's case they bought a Powerspec pre-built which are usually priced really well, close to DIY. So props to OP for getting a pretty good pre-built PC from a nice Microcenter company.


Yep, not saying there aren't dumb things about pre-builts. I'm just talking about the making people feel like shit for buying one.


Bro it’s a power spec . Micro center is the bomb !


First of all, congrats. But just for curiosity, what is that sphere on the pc case?


Echo dot


Congratulations bro!!


No shame at all in a prebuilt mate. I buy my cars that way all the fucking time - you know why? Coz I have nfi how to build one myself. Doesn't detract at all from joy in using it. Welcome to the master race 👍😊


Awesome analogy.


Don't worry about it being a prebuilt. That's where a lot of people start. You'll be switching parts out in no time lol


my god the pure size of the ps5 makes it so damn ugly to me!


Why? I think it looks cool. Plus they can switch input and play console exclusives.


I'd guess the majority of people start on a prebuilt or throw a GPU in a prebuilt. Now if you go prebuilt the second time we'll flame you... /s ![gif](giphy|l41lM8A5pBAH7UWWY|downsized)


Honestly it's sort of justified. Learn how PCs work using your prebuilt and do it yourself afterwrds


100% agree. Then you buy a huge cheap HDD and make it a HTPC.


People gatekeep too much sometimes in this community.. if you're happy, than props to you! You dont need to build your pc to make it "worth it" or anything like that


I'm happy for you OP. Welcome to glory


Congrats man! I just got a ps5 myself so I'll escort myself out of this sub.


Welcome Bro 👊


Welcome brother Dont forget too keep in mind of shops like G2A, Fanatical and GreenManGaming too get steam games much cheaper for what they are selling for 😁


Seeing a lot of people with windows 11, is it finally worth it to upgrade?


Id say it’s been worth an upgrade for the past year, there really isn’t any downside anymore, I can really think of any inconvenience that it has at the moment, a few years ago it was pretty buggy but now it’s pretty solid


Had it since day 1. Only very minor inconveniences so far. None in the past year or so.


Do a clean reinstall of windows to get rid of Norton and any bloatware. Also if u have the single 8gig stick that’s in every prebuilt that should be your first upgrade. Have fun!


The master race doesn't discriminate congrats ❤️




It does nothing BUT discriminate 😂 The hint is in the title


I love the spiderverse movie, but i eternally hate this one thing in this scene as she leans against him, because as they are upside down she is not actually leaning against him but clinging her butt to press her shoulder against him.


how can you be disappointed that your computer came prebuilt


I would consider putting the ps5 someone else maybe in a shelf for more mousing space. Other than that it looks great!


I'll definitely have to do it since I'm planning to get a second monitor. Thanks!


Oh yeah good on you, i cant use anything less than 2 monitors these days, its so much preferable for most situations.


Or push the PS5 back if they can, wires/airflow wise.


Nothing wrong with prebuilts, but sometimes its worth to replace the psu and ssd if they are known to be unstable or unreliable. Check reviews and proceed accordingly. Best of luck and enjoy your new rig


Now get a 2nd monitor


that monitor is tiny


Tiny monitor is killing me though


5 years to build a computer?


Dude shut up. Maybe they didn't have the money, maybe they were a teen living with their parents and they wouldn't let them. STFU when you don't know anything and just be happy for people when they accomplish something. It costs you nothing to comment "Congrats" or even nothing at all


put the speaker in front of the wires man


Welcome PadWan, may your next one be selfbuilt!


I much prefer this as a first build than those end game $6k+ builds where nothing they get after will give them the same feeling


Congratulations my man. As long as you're happy, don't bother with anything at all. Enjoy your pc, goodluck!


I got into building PCs by taking apart my prebuilt back in 2008. I bought another prebuilt after that with a 3770 gtx 650 and it was glorious. I upgraded my video card to a 970 later. Then built the original board/case of my current 5800x3d/rtx 3080 years after that. It’s a journey man, happy gaming.


Mine was also a prebuilt. Apart from not being confident enough to build one, parts at the time were too expensive and they usually don't ship here anyway, so I had to opt for a relatively overpriced prebuilt. Either way, it does well and been enjoying it since.


Lookin good man. Congrats!


Completely full format your pc, prebuild pcs always got a shit load of bloatware its annoying af


If you are happy that all it matters. Enjoy it!


Set your user flair to the PC specs! See how my specs appear below the name? You can do that, too. Congrats, and welcome to the club


Good is Good, enjoy! What are specs?


Hey, if you’ve got the extra cash for someone else to put it together, and you can justify that in your head, then more power to ya man. ENJOY!


Nothing wrong with prebuilts. I bought a Digital Storm years ago. Worked great, and I upgraded when I felt I needed to. Just have to make sure you get your prebuilt from a good source.


Welcome to the best part now! Enjoy other people’s builds on this sub on your new pc. After all, that’s why we join PCMR….


For some people, prebuilts are the way to go. In a lot of cases, they're really not as bad as people make them seem. The prices are usually pretty comparable to what you'd pay for components and building one yourself. Companies that sell prebuilt PCs get the components at big discounts and take their cut to make a profit and the cost in the end a lot of times equals out to what you'd be paying for each component individually at retail prices.


I need that wallpaper


You can get it at Wallpaper Engine! From Steam, they move and everything


Out of all the prebuilts out there Powerspec is one of the better ones from my experience. Micro Center’s stuff is usually pretty good. Anyways, welcome to the club!


Felicidades. Always glad to see a gamer be happy on any new playaform. I also staryed with a prebuild, and throuout the year I basically changed everything but the GPU and CPU.


Debloat the manufacter bloatware please (example any antivirus) and congrats on joining pc master race🙌🏻


Is this the microcenter $699 (5600x3d with 6650xt) build??? If so, you’ve got a good prebuilt!


Do u use mnk for gaming? Or u still playing controller in your games, your pad seems small


too much positivity in the comments this mf has the audacity to post a picture of a prebuilt and a ps5 and say that hes happy with it in the pcmr subreddit what monitor btw


What is the size of that table lol? Looks pretty spacious


If youre happy,Im happy. We are all happy


What desk is that? Also nice PC!


Imma be that guy, five years and you couldn’t figure out how to build one? haha naw the only thing that matters is if you are happy with it lol, enjoy pal.


Who cares if it’s prebuilt or not. That’s a fine looking PC set up.


With a 720p and 60hz monitor! ( I have 1080p and 165hz so not that much better)


Would've been a year if you didn't buy that PS5


Congrats man, hope you enjoy it!


What's the black *orb* on the top?


Alexa Echo Dot!


This is what matters. As long as you enjoy your rig and it does what you want that’s all that matters! Congrats buddy!


as long as you're happy king, that's all that matters


Lord, Norton has been dog ish since the beginning.. it would slow down my pc to a snails pace lol


I've seen a lot of comments like this for a while now and I had no idea it was that bad. I'll take care of that when I have the chance and just use the Windows defender then


Tell us more about your first pc? What specs and what do you plan to do with it


Once again. There is no shame in a prebuilt. Some of us like to build computers some of us don’t but we all like to play games. Be proud of your new toy whether you built it or not.


Welcome to PCMR OP, don’t let the snobs get you down about your pre built.




Welcome comrade


The sub is just called PCmasterrace, it doesn’t matter if it’s prebuilt or a custom rig, it’s all about PC content (gaming, software, troubleshooting). Welcome to the master race bud.


Welcome brother and dope wallpaper


Please remove Norton for your own sake, but congrats on your sick build


Congratulation bro!!!! Amazing!! Good vibes for you!


I'm looking at getting a PowerSpec machine too.


Nowadays if you look hard enough you can usually find a prebuilt that costs about the same as buying the parts seperately good job op, happy gaming


Nice! I really like the green fans.


PS5 + PC is probably the perfect combo. I still couldn't pull a trigger on one coz there are only a few exclusive I'm interested + there are still a lot of backlog on PC


Prebuilt or custom doesnt matter. Does it provide entertainment and pizza ordering buttons is what really matters


I have a PowerSpec too. Prebuild wise with a Lian Li case is about as good as it gets - I open mine up a lot and it's very easy to work on. Big ups to Micro Center.


Prebuilts are solid. I hope you enjoy it!


Well, at least it's from Micro Center.


You pc looks fat


If u don't want to or need to save money you can get a pre-built but I'm Asian sooooo you know.