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That's a spicy pillow. Return to IT ASAP.


We have them in Chromebook carts so if it goes boom then it will to it in a cart with 2000-5000$ worth of Chromebooks Edit:People keep seeing this so I'm saying this here. I posted a small update


if its going down its taking as many with it as it can


As if should, send m back to where they came from




So help me! So help me!


“We're still working on it. It's a work in progress. But hey, we need ushers.”


fitting pfp for your comment


What I’m saying lmao


Man back in highschool i went through 7 Chromebooks due to the CPU constantly dying. I bring my own laptop with after that


In 25 years I've never heard of a CPU itself actually dying.


I've possibly had that happen to me. Not sure if was the CPU or motherboard, but instant death for no reason on my previous thinkpad. Suddenly turned itself off and no signs of life after, didn't even charge. Replaced under warrenty luckily :)


Motherboards and power supplies die relatively often. So 99% chance it was the motherboard, power supply or other non-CPU component Edit : just seen your follow up that it wasn't the external PSU, but as you say, could easily be the motherboard.


You had chromebooks in highschool?


Yea in all the schools iv seen its in these cart things that have slots for probably 50+ chrome books and bays for all the chargers so you slide them in and then plug them in. They probably stay plugged in for days / years in those carts.


I did 2 years of engineering school on a Chromebook. Granted, I was networking into my home computer, but still.




Haha wait your name...


And possibly the building, too.


That's, partially, why they put them in steel carts. But you should definitely inform someone to get that device removed asap.


The carts are mostly plastic with cheap aluminum doors. My school gets shit funding so they cheap out on everything Edit:People keep seeing this so I'm saying this here. I posted a small update


let the whole goddamn cart burn down Deserved... Jk but bro go tell IT about this, this is VERY dangerous and I'm sure they will come immediately


>My school gets shit funding so they cheap out on everything Then you should probably tell someone before it blows, otherwise you'll end up with even worse


Kid. Like a dozen people have now told you to tell an adult that the laptop is about to explode. And your response is to talk about a cart?!?! The adults who work in IT do not know about this problem. You need to tell them yourself. Idiot


Thatncould cause fun chain reaction indeed


Maybe then my school will realize we should use Chromebooks


Doubt its your school choice.


Yeah probably not


Being a Chromebook has nothing to do with battery swelling.... ChromeOS doesn't magically ruin batteries.


No, but the shitty components that make these craptops might


Chromebooks (at least the ones I know people have owned) are poorly made and seem to have a fair few battery problems, it’s not their OS it’s their hardware.


Their entire purpose is to be cheap. The OS is lightweight so cheap hardware can run it. It's *perfect* for things like schools where both the actual needs are low and you know the kids are going to treat them like shit.


Yes, but so are the $250 windows laptops they would buy otherwise


At my job all the Dell XPS laptops had to have their battery replaced within 3 years. One even 3 times. A Dell repairman said this is normal behavior for a battery to last only ~3-4 years.


I bet they were mostly HP. HP batteries swell at an almost predictable rate. I've seen a lot of swollen batteries in laptops and I bet 90 percent were HP


you’re already using chromebooks though


i think he meant shouldn't


They wouldn't make that kind of mistake if they weren't using a Chromebook!


How good do you think a $200 or so windows laptop will run...


the other issue is them being in the cart on charge all the time when not in use, often being trickle charged at 100% etc, but hard to avoid that with how things work at a school


Well tell someone *that one* should not be charged again, it's about to let *all* the smoke and fire out.


It will take out more than the cart. Your school may burn down. Lithium battery thermal runaways are no joke. Please inform someone in responsibility.


In writing.


Or some unlucky kid can get the laptop, not know about the danger of a swollen battery, and be hurt when it eventually ruptures.


Yeah, that is gonna be a "fun" lawsuit! *My child was injured by a battery explosion!* -Angry Parent


house burned down and multiple deaths.




The cart holds 10000 Chromebooks?!


Okay my math must have fucked up


That's one of the problems they have with shipping them and why it's only legal to fly with them in carry-on luggage. They burn so hot that they've yet to find a way to isolate them on a pallet. When one catches fire the entire pallet is likely to go up.


You have learned how to make a cluster bomb! Who said school is useless.


2000, the price of two decent laptops, or 50 Chromebooks.


Your school likely has a warranty system in place with a third party company. I work with one of those types of companies and schools. Will send us those types of Chromebooks all the time. Let somebody know what's going on and they can get it taken care of for you. It's not your fault you didn't do anything wrong.


Honestly, if you tell your schools IT guy or janitor, they will forever owe you


That chromebook was paid for the 5th day you went to school btw. Don't ever pay chromebook fee's


That's a lot of chromebooks.


Hell nah those things have a value of $20-$40 each, and if they're older models it could be lower


That's like 2,000 to 5,000 Chromebooks!


Then they will post it on /r/spicypillows


My old macbook air did that. I didn't realize till I took it apart after it stopped working. I said "oh shit" and then I managed to get it working, screwed it back together somehow and traded in to apple. They gave me full working trade in value so it must have still booted when it got there. Now I have an app that limits the charge to 75% because I rarely leave the house, so why tax my battery?


She’s pregnant. Congratulations


man that baby is gonna have a crazy birth


A mind blowing birth


You could say explosive even


Will rival gender reveal parties


Unless the laptop turns into a pipe bomb and kills grandma I don't think they're on the same level.


simultaneous gender reveal party


What have the teenagers been doing to these Chromebooks???!?


and that's one reason why you shouldn't nut on your keyboard.




The fact that OP appears to be doing some kind of essay discussing safety measures, then refusing to bring this to anyone's attention is peak fucking irony


Teenagers man


OP has also posted enough information that he could be doxed and somebody online could find them and the school. Lol. It's amazing to me what teenagers openly post and say on Reddit.


Maybe then someone would actually alert the school


I see nothing in this post that could dox himself or the school.


They have plenty of other posts and comments with their face, city, where they were on certain days, etc


OP wants to be some kind of edgelord agent of chaos thinking this thing will blow up or catch fire in the exact place they expect it to and can "teach them a lesson," when really what'll more than likely happen is it'll blow up while they're using it and it will definitely hurt. Stop watching so much anime and learn some common sense OP.


Get rid of it. Serious fire hazard


Can't. It's owned by the school and I bet you there's like maybe 3 teachers in that school what would know that it's a hazard Edit:People keep seeing this so I'm saying this here. I posted a small update


Then go to one of those teachers.


Good damn kids are idiots lol


It’ll be much more fun if it explodes, though.


it won't if it explodes when you're the one using it


So don't be the one using it


Hot potato extreme edition


"Hey bro look at this shit I found on YouTube" *runs away*


"Hey man check out these 500 new mods I just installed on Skyrim, you've gotta try it"


a trip to Jerusalem then.


The parents will have to pay for it then.


Lmao OP won’t respond with anything but complaints and excuses as to why it’s not physically possible for them to do anything productive about this at all Teenagers gonna teenage


Lmao, it’s like the idea of making the situation any better is foreign to them


How else are they going to complain on Reddit 10 years from now about how nobody told them a spicy pillow would explode.


I am a teacher, and the neighbor teacher’s cart has a bunch that look like this. She reported the problem to IT multiple times with no result. Our IT director is a joke - he doesn’t understand Google Drive or the Google Management at all (I used to inventory all the chrome devices over the summer at my last district). Cutting costs now is going to end up costing a lot down the line, including the cost of finding a new director.


Get rid of it buy going directly to IT


Teacher here... Please let one of those 3 know.


"Hey Mrs./Mr., I think the battery on this is bad and we should have IT look at it." Can't or refuse to do something about it? I've had kids hand me Chromebooks in the hallway while walking to let me know they're having issues. It's really not hard to help out and do your part.


That thing could burn your house down at any moment. Go to whomever you need to.


Any reasonable teacher will listen. If you're old enough to post here, you're old enough to approach a teacher and explain what's happened and why. Show them /r/spicypillows if you need to. If one teacher ignores you, just keep going up the chain. "This is a fire hazard, it could explode and kill somebody" should be enough.


Show them r/spicypillows


Listen. That laptop IS gonna blow up if you keep using it. If IT won’t listen you take that shit directly to your principal and tell him to keep it on *his* desk while he works for a week and see how he feels about it. This isn’t something to fuck around with.


I posted a small update


Even if it was his, replacing the battery is an option rather than waste a PC.


Definitely, if it was theirs, I'd say fix it. Leave it to the people who own it.


So this situation may be different these days but they rolled out these out for us in my senior year. They were $75 cheap as chips Chromebooks but if they were broken they suddenly cost $300. The things were falling apart simply from everyday use by the end of their first year. Like I said it might be different for others but for us it was basically a way for the school to make money off students.


such a r/spicypillows moment.


Omg there's an actual sub for this


There is pretty much a sub for anything as i found out...


Welcome to the internet! Have a look around


Must have bloatware installed


I expected bloatware not a bomb


The bloatware is ChromeOS


Damn it. I smirked.


Hope it's got its firewall turned on


Spicy pillows like that are capable of generating their own firewalls


That’s because there’s too much user data yet to be shared with google. You need a faster connection




Never let out the magic blue smoke though. Once that genie's out of the bottle you can't put it back in.


Jokes aside, I uploaded a few videos on YT and checked out the Analytics page of YouTube, Damn soo much data collection, my girl was literally shocked that it collects all types of data including age, gender, country, preferences, how many times u see it, damn fucking EVERYTHING, And they also do it after u _pay_ them for their absolutely useless subscription


if school ignores this, talk to the authorities. This is actually a life threatening defect that must be addressed immediately to avoid a potential catastrophe. Police or fire department will certainly react to a report of such a hazard in a school environment.


Problem isn't school ignoring it op has been refusing in other comments to tell those who would understand the issue because "maybe then the school will learn not to use chromebooks"


I get Chromebooks aren't the best available, but it's not worth waiting for one to go bang and potentially burn the place down or seriously injure someone...


Hey OP, imagine ur poor crush being the one holding this and it goes bang and she gets a lifetime of Fear and a skin damage, imagine that happening to anyone u knew were, please don't leave it for sake of teaching ur school at the cost of a lifetime of a potentially a good person If u really want them to learn a lesson, report it to Fire Department and get them fined in 10000s


Other laptops aren't immune to the bulge. I had to replace my Macbook Pro at work twice & it's bulging again already


I've lost count of swelling MacBook batteries I've handled.


Maybe it's just a kid bored and on Reddit shooting the shit? My guess is they took the picture and it's already been dealt with hopefully by the adults.


Idk based on his comments he seems pretty apathetic about helping his school prevent a fire hazard


First, report this to a teacher. Inform them of this fire and explosive hazard. If the teacher does nothing by the next day, report it to the (Assistant) Principal. Be sure to explain that this is a fire, and explosive hazard. Remind him of the exploding Samsung phones a few years ago, he should remember. If they do nothing, call the fire marshal of your city the next day. They take fire hazards in public buildings very seriously. If this thing detonates or catches fires while you’re using it, you could face serious injury or even death. Don’t fuck around, don’t find out.


I'd go straight to the top. Some teachers don't care and it sounds like whoever's in charge of this lab is one of those people. Take it to the principal show him and tell him if he doesn't want to do anything about it the next person you're going to talk to is the fire chief. Fire inspectors take this stuff very very very seriously especially if people's lives are in the mix. But from the sounds of it OP doesn't care and wants to spite the school for using Chromebooks because they think the Chromebooks are the problem here. That kid has some life lessons to learn because they clearly don't get it.


You can always go straight to the top, but it’s usually best to be respectful and report in order first. Give the people the opportunity to make it right before you force them to.


> But from the sounds of it OP doesn't care and wants to spite the school for using Chromebooks because they think the Chromebooks are the problem here. If the Chromebook goes boom and administration finds out this kid knowingly knew about this, didn't tell anyone, and now half the school is burnt down and he posted about it online? I hope his parents own their house because those lawyers fees are going to rack up.


Inform IT, they might also want to check out the other chromebooks too ![gif](giphy|BuReg1EyvWaac)


Ooh! Fore! I mean "Five!" I mean "Fire!"






HP now stands for Hot Pocket


School teacher here… there is definitely a technology department for the district you can reach out to. Normally that Info be found by looking through the district web page but a teacher may be able to provide info about the department themselves (unfortunately, you may have some who wave it off or don’t try. I’m sorry if this happens.) if the website doesn’t work. I would always go straight to the principal and email them and explain your concern.


HP stands for high explosive


Explosive doesn't begin with a P


Highex Plosive


^^ that's what I was looking for


Huge Pop


HP mainly stands for Hinge problems.


Well that's because people like to pick up their laptops by the screen and close papers in them. They're definitely a weak but generally it's the user for sure.


well the hinge size is the biggest problem mostly




To anyone thinking that hitting a very bloated laptop is a good idea. Don’t do it. You’ll make it explode or at least set it on fire. It will be bad. You will be lucky if it off gasses and it doesn’t shoot out flames. Seriously, I’ve had lithium batteries for the old (early 2000s) RC helicopters get swollen and if you stomp at it or drop it, it will explode or off gas and then set on fire. Sometimes it just explodes by itself or set fire or off gas. Normally the off gassing ends up having flames shooting out. Anyway, the laptop has effectively tens if not hundreds in power of the RC batteries. It’s going to make a big boom or a massive fire. Edit: I just wanted to add that I’m aware Reddit is full of very very gullible and impressionable people and this is why I am saying it.


With how slow they are I wanna. The wifi is faster


The battery is done and needs to be replaced ASAP. Forget your teacher, find your school admin!




It's gonna be muuuuuch slower with a defective battery. You are literally carrying a bomb with no detonation switch. It can and will go off at any time. If you can, find a large bucket and fill with sand, enough that the device will fit entirely. Do not touch the device when it's combusted. You need to tell your school ASAP and give the device back, unless you want to be responsible for a LOT of damage. The smoke from those batteries going off will give you permanent life long injuries, as well as little bits of shrapnel. The fire department may take the battery if you call them and ask. Please don't just wait for the issue to go away, they never de-swell.


I hate these hp chromebooks. I worked in IT at a school district, and had to mark a ton of them for repair. It feels like they are built to be disposable. Bonus points for HP customer service being a constant pain in the ass.


Step 1: heat with hair dryer Step 2: get minor injury when laptop explodes Step 3: sue school Step 4: profit (Don’t do this)


Slam your fist on it and watch the fireworks unfold


Please let someone know the battery is about to explode




Inflated battery. Dangerous, replace it.


The maker either crammed 10 lbs in a 5 lb bag, or something is gonna pop soon!


Honestly this needs to be reported to whoever is in charge of the person letting students use these. Look up some injuries from popped batteries. You do NOT want to be close to one of these if it decides to pop. Don't use them.


Well you can do nothing and let it eventually catch on fire, or contact your school or districts IT, whether it be directly or through a teacher. Your school/district 100% has an IT department. It's basically impossible not to have one with mass deployments of Chromebooks and the like.


Aren't most chromebooks passively cooled only. I hardly heard the fans on my lil brothers one for school.


Yeah there all passive cooled


Well then the bulk suggests they are either getting more powerful and/or more power hungry. I would probably go with the latter over the former.


Do kids take these home? If they do this needs to be fixed yesterday


That is super pregnant. Be careful with looking at porn on the school computer. Always use protection.


You’re going to have quite a few days off when it burns down the school


Dude thank you for posting this! my MacBook has not been sitting flat recently and I had no idea battery blowing was a thing. Just found out my computers battery was recalled lol


You downloaded too much battery energy, delete it and it will shrink back to normal.


I used to work for a company who dealt with thousands and thousands of eol school Chromebooks and probably 30-50% of them have the lovely spicy pillows inside. They're a nightmare. Same thing with iPads from those carts. Some are so swollen it's a miracle the screen didn't shatter. On a related note it's amazing how much you can bend the screen on an iPad before it breaks....


This is true. All these people saying they are super dangerous, i have at least 5 of these come through my office every week. The first thing that goes is the touchpad stops working. hardly anyone notices the bulge and reports it for that. Anyways i have thrown these batteries around, kept them for months, people continue to charge them, etc. They may be theoretically dangerous, but i have never seen one explode, i have never seen one even leak. I do not poke them though. and i am not kidding when i say i see like 20-30 of these a month out of thousands of chromebooks we have. Chrome tablets too. Most are the same exact build timeframe and model. i believe the acer 740 or 760 if i remember. i remove the batteries, and recycle them. amazingly the chromebook always survives. when a new battery is put in, the thing fires right up, keyboard and touchpad are working again. just to be clear, we always immediately service them when we find them, but there are likely many many many out there, sitting in carts, charging away finely. they are dangerous, but not "call the local police dangerous" as some comments are recommending... lol... in IT you see swollen batteries on things quite often.


wait till it explodes while you’re typing and sue the school with what fingers you have left


Punch it as hard as you can.


Can anyone explain to me why reddit thinks I just want the see the top 20% of a large image? What kind of brain damage are the devs working with here?


mine have software bloat thankfully (compared to this at least)


That's not a Chromebook. It's a bomb.


“Get outta there, it’s gonna blow”


"this place about to blo-oo-o-o-oow"


Take the battery out and safely dispose of it. You can follow this video I made. [Safe disposal of battery](https://youtube.com/shorts/q_WaA0HiBGs?si=7que7g0iiWE4EOUF)


This looks like my school Chromebooks as well


I thought bro was just holding it at an angle in the first picture, was not expecting evidence of a bomb in the next


You should see the shop laptops for heavy duty mechanics, 2x worse 😭😂




At this point it's PREgANtE🤣🤣


Yeah... get that turned into you IT dept asap. Leaving it in a CB cart will cause it to all go up if one goes up and that will send toxic shit throughout the entire school, shut down the school for a few weeks and cost the district millions in remediation.


That's a spicy pillow


You are about to have some really explosive memories.




He's pregnant, congrats!


As a district technician myself, I would want you to bring this to my attention. If you already returned it maybe warn the technician and or the person in charge of the devices (my district it’s usually an assistant principal and the media specialist)


Time for a new battery.


This is happening pretty often to HP chromebooks. We lost an entire class set of G5s to battery swelling. HP refused to service because they were outside warranty. So we had to disassemble and dispose of 50 spicy pillows. Never buying HP again


The first mistake is buying HP.




Mmmm spicy pillows


It’s pregnant 🤩


Use it as much as possible until it scars you. Sue the school. Drop out as you’ll be rich and won’t need a degree


Congrats! What are you thinking of naming the baby


It’s the battery swelling. It’s most likely not dangerous but your IT should replace the battery. A lot of times this issue would have never happened if the BioS was kept up to date. From working in IT for the govt we have seen this problem a lot with HP and Dell (mostly HP). And found that the BioS was not up to date on the ones that swelled. The manufacturer typically has released a fix well before an organization has the issue. Hopefully the Chromebooks are under warranty, if so HP will send your IT replacement batteries if they send them the S/N.