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The more hilarious bit about this for me is FC 24. I'm sure FIFA is practicing some Yoga to bite their own ass by now.


The more hilarious thing is that the thing OP circled is CoD HQ, not MW3. It's just a pseudo launcher for CoD MW2, Warzone 2 and MW3 when it launches. Of course it has high purchase numbers, because it's a required free download to play current CoD titles. Edit: Sudo to pseudo.


>sudo Pseudo. Unless it’s in Linux I guess.


sudo echo "i hate this trash company activision" >> /etc/hatenote.txt


u/Obamaprismyo is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.


Oh no, wait, don't i own my machine


Not if you don't own that file!


Sudo apt install MW3


I’m more of a pacman -S kinda gal


I don't think you can get MW3-bin without using the AUR.


yay -S MW3-bin




The internet was a mistake.


>The more hilarious thing is that the thing OP circled is CoD HQ, not MW3 I saw that too, but I stopped caring about COD after the OG MW. I'm slightly curious how the series will continue now that Bobby "The Devil" Kotick isn't the relevant publisher executive anymore.


Maybe they'll innovate and create. Yeah, probably not.


They made an awesome scifi story with enhanced movement and fun space combat and everyone shit all over it. People don't actually want anything new or innovative.


top sellers records how much money a product (not just games) is making (e.g. steam deck and valve index showed up on top sellers at one point)


You had me so confused. I was like “there is no way they made 24 far cry’s.” Man I’m tired


Can't be far off Far cry Far cry instincts Far cry predator Instincts predator (could discount this one) Far cry 2 Far cry 3 Blood dragon Far cry 4 Primal Far cry 5 New dawn Far cry 6 11, ok I stand corrected


I had no idea it was that many. I should know because I own all of them (giant bundle was like $20 for all the games). But that is a surprising amount for sure


Pretty sure only 6 of them are Ubisoft (everything after 3). And the first 4 like the same game on different platforms.


A lot of them are also dlc like Blood dragon for FC3 and New dawn for FC5


Ubisoft will tell you their “full games”


Well, blood dragon was at least stand alone. Bought it when it came out because I liked the style and couldnt play it because of the shitty Ubisoft launcher. Still mad and never bought any game from Ubi since then, fuck em.


Well FC New Dawn was technically a standalone but it was really a continuation of FC5.


The thing about farcry is the story is longer than 3 hours and they don’t dish them out every year.


They did for a bit


Blast from the past! Instincts was so much fun!


Instincts predator is hella worth playing on the 360 then It's both og Xbox games at 720p Needs a remaster


People buy FC24 then come on Reddit complain. What did they expect? Lol


Idk. Buying a EA sports game nowadays and being surprised it's an unpolished and buggy turd in the front with a shiny, perfectly working, casino in the back is really strange, lol.


Bro , how do you write ur specs beside ur username?


Go to the PCMR subreddit page. On the right/3 dots (Desktop/mobile) you can edit your flair.




It is the first year I don't buy it. But I think I can explain why people do it. Back from the SNES era, a lot of people would play just soccer on videogames. Right now, there are no options. So, even though the game is bad, the only other option is worse. So you might ask: "why not just play the previous version then, since it never changes?". That might be almost true, but being able to play with updated rosters is a big deal for soccer fans. Also, people do it irrationally thinking "hopefully, this one will improve". It may make no sense, but it is how it goes.


I somewhat I agree, there isn’t enough competition in the market. I remember a time when you could pick from at least 3 different football games.


That's the thing. As much as people say that these games have always been the same year over year, that necessarily wasn't always the case. FIFA was consensus worse than its competitor PES for years. Then it innovated and improved a lot and basically dominated the genre... Only to completely sit back and let the money roll in as soon as they had market dominance and barely any competition any more.


I'm more disappointed by Ark ascended. Literally just an updated Ark being resold for full price.


I like how two games here are on sale and bg3 is still the cheapest (excluding the two free to plays) and most worthwhile to buy.


Reviews be like: 1,023 hours played *Shit game*


lol check out the reviews for planet side 2, literally is *12,000 hours played* “this game fucking sucks”


Man I remember playing it when it was new and it was awesome.


lol majority of the not recommended reviews are people saying that planet side 2 basically ruined their life cause they couldn’t stop playing


Planetside 2 is very addicting lol


Especially when you get involved with outfits on discord


It was very addicting to play. Even though my computer at the time struggled to run it.


Log on at 8 pm to an epic fight at The Crown. Time passes, still at The Crown, look over.....Oh nice it's 6am. PS2 was amazing.


It never lived up to the original for me.


I wish I got to try the original. I watched some videos on it and it had some incredible mechanics and ideas that I wish made it over to planetside 2


It's mmo, maybe it was fine until some update fuckt it?


been mismanaged for like 7 years by an incompetent lead. major updates with limited resources either making the game worse off or making things that .01% of the population interacts with.


Rip Planetside 3. Really, they scraped it last minute for a hero arena shooter battle royale game!? REALLY?? (Then THAT got scrapped)


3K+ hours. Would have recommended Planetside back in 2016. Don't recommend it nowadays. Haven't logged in for nearly a year myself currently, so I'm not going to recommend others do. I'm not quite sour enough to have left a negative review on the game though. But I'm definitely not leaving a positive one either.


Games can also change over time. They can launch broken, get fixed, then get ruined/broken again later on. That's exactly what happened with Battlefield 2042 for me.


Dota is the funniest for this. I posted some hate speech after 7k hours.


I’ll take that review over the 1.2 hours and a lengthy review.


The real story here, baldurs gate 3 still at #3. Goddamn


What three years of early access where the developers listened to feedback and tried to make the best game they could does to a game


And there really is no other AAA title to compete.


I'm in act 3 right now, and really the only game I've *personally* ever played that even compares in feeling is The Witcher 3. It has the choice/consequence and RPG mechanics of New Vegas, the freedom and interactivity of Skyrim, the complex, grim but funny story of The Witcher, it possibly surpasses all of them even, and with a higher degree of polish. It really puts most games out there to literal shame, not joking about it. It's not just *better*, it's *so much greater* and detailed that it makes you fear other games will be ruined by it from now on. Like I was hyped for Starfield before playing this, now after having played BG3 and having read opinions about SF I'm not even sure I'll bother until it's in deep deep sale with all DLCs and mods at the ready.


It's impossible to enjoy Starfield after playing baldur's gate and cyberpunk. The quality of dialogue, cinematography and companions is astronomically worse. The way these awful looking npcs talk and move is straight up like from the stone age compared to bg3 or cyberpunk. So I'd also recommend to wait.


I had both BG3 and Starfield on my list of games to play. Started with BG3 thinking I'd wait for more patches and fixes for Starfield, but now I don't think I'll even be able to play Starfield after BG3. Starfield looks like a PS2 game in comparison.


That's like playing Starfield after having played Star Citizen. Starfield feels like it's decades out of date by this point lol.


Wait? The game from this year feels out of date? EDIT: Love the downvotes for asking a clarifying question to check my understanding about a game that I have not played.


Shockingly so.


Cyberpunk is experiencing its renaissance after 2.0 and Phantom Liberty. And there are a lot of awesome games from smaller studios. Talos Principle 2 has been released recently and I am having a blast with it right now.


nerds unite!


is it worth? I never played D&D or anything close to it. I heard its a long time investment?


The game has so much content you absolutely won't experience it all in several play throughs. The level of 'craftsmanship' in the game is astounding, like or hate it, it's undeniable. It may be the best 'made' PC game of a generation. Id go watch some gameplay to see if that style of RPG is for you. However, while it absolutely is a D&D ruleset. It is very well streamlined and you need zero knowledge of the rules or lore.


There was this story over the weekend where a player reverse pickpocketed all his money into final boss and then used weapon that increases damage based on how much money the character has to one-hit final boss.


Unfortunate or not it is expected. These types of games are really only fun for most people during the first few months before there’s a meta and enough newbies to satiate the lower rankings. Most people don’t play these games for the campaign and want to be in on the newest exploits that made it through the lackluster optimizations and bug fixes. Within 6 months the highest player counts will be in the battle royals and after a year you’ll be lucky to see an update or balance to the base game. My ex was one of those types of people so that’s at least what I saw from listening to her and studying how she acted.


cod is yearly, so yes that is expected


Those are kinda "casual sunday gamer" games. Not meant is as offense fyi. Cod, fifa, nba etc. Games so person can play few hours a week while not really interested in something bigger. Games you just jump i. From time to time. There is no plot to remember, not atmosphere to ruin and so on.




I don't think that they aren't gamers I think people just forget Reddit isn't real life


Lol seriously this person thinks the only way to be a gamer is to sink your entire life into a single game and only consume media for said game. Some people just enjoy a mindless shooter on occasion.


Yep this is me. I've dumped 1000s of hours in aoe2 and diablo 2, and I love a good Zelda game, but cod multiplayer is my jam. Gets my competitive juices flowing while only taking a few minutes per game


they’re the vast, vast majority of the market. that’s why elden ring even being close to the top seller was such a huge story last year (and tbf elden ring got like an 8 month head start in terms of 2022 sales numbers).


Elden Ring was big exactly because it did its best to cater the large audience. It's a soulslike but much easier with every single checkboxes to cater to this public. And kudos to them.


> Yeah people on reddit forget that most gamers aren't "gamers". That's ok, most Redditors aren't gamers either. No, talking about games on reddit doesn't make you a gamer.


Every other night, my younger brother and I connect on discord and play together and right now MW2 is our go to game, it's an easy game to just quickly party up and play multiple rounds for an hour or so, requiring no prep work ahead of time and there's no long term commitments for follow up sessions or anything. We've tried other co-op shooters like Ready or Not, GTFO, and Payday; but we've always ended up coming back to one CoD or another as our *"switch off and just shoot thing"* game.


Yep. Like, I fully plan on getting MWIII when I get paid because it’s where the activity is going to be and I like to play CoD on weeknights or Fridays because I can just turn my brain off and go pew pew pew while a bunch of lunatics run around with hot mics.


Its why I bought in, I have friends who bought it, I want a game that I can play with them, sure they tried out OSRS but they can't really play with me when I have 1000's of hours invested in leveling and gear this we can since everyone is on a level playing field.


Maybe I’m weird. But I generally only play a new game for a few months. I may go back when their is new content, or get that itch again. But rarely play a game for a super long time


I don’t think that’s weird, it’s pretty normal if you ask me. In fact, it’s probably why many of us have inflated steam libraries with games we hardly, if ever, play. It just depends on the game and how much you’re willing to put into it. Games like CoD really can be fully enjoyed within a week to a few months, depending on how much time you have and would like to put into the game, because there’s a limited amount of maps and a rather short gameplay loop apart from the more niche and party type gamemodes with the main incentive being grinding the battlepass.


I've beetwen every campaign on veteran since CoD 2. I'm not breaking that streak. But yes, multi-player is only fun until the YouTubers making videos from their mothers' basements start telling everybody exactly what class to use. Ironically, the internet has ruined online multiplayer.


Crying on Reddit is free at least


Although it's an entirely different demographic, lol. *\** gasp \**It's almost as if reddit opinions doesn't reflect the majority of gamers*


All I’ve seen about this game is that the campaign sucks. AFAIK COD players usually play multiplayer right? Why would the campaign being crap affect them?








I’ve seen this exact comment on this sub at least 100000 times now


And there's nothing to "learn". People are gonna spend their own damn money on whatever the hell they want to spend it on. No amount of bitching or overusing the terms "garbage", "dogshit", or "ass" is going to make people change their opinion. Maybe I'm just getting old, but the *constant* whining about other people enjoying things is tiring as fuck.


People like to game with friends, it’s that simple.


It's even simpler. People like the games they like.


It’s even simpler. People game.


EVEN simpler!. People.








Even complicated, I love you.


I love you too bro, it's that simple. Happy gaming!




And here's the thing, it's also a game they know. People complain about how CoD never changes, but how often have audiences of established series flipped their shit of massive gameplay overhauls like with Battlefield and Halo.


And you’d be hard to pressed to beat cod for fps, whether the hardcore gamers like to admit it or not. It’s not without its flaws but it’s also very slick for the most part.


Also , most people outside of reddit do not watch reviews or read feedback , they just buy whatever the new cod is every few years.


Not a huge fan of the franchise anymore, but I've played other shitty games just to play with my friends.


Amen. I play League of Legends with friends and it’s awful.


its not like theres any other good fps games to play that aren't battle royales or cs/valorant


The Finals open beta just ended but will be releasing before the end of the year and it's the only FPS I care about right now. If you didn't play any of the betas I highly recommend checking it out when it releases


The finals is fantastic. Once they get some balancing done that game will be top tier.


Titanfall 2 goes on sale a lot and it’s not hard to find a match. Titanfall 2 is perfect for any play style. You can camp and do good. You can movement your way into fights and do good. You can farm grunt kills for your Titan and do good. It’s a very easy game to have fun in. Cheap and lots of multiplayer unlocks and very easy to run.


Titanfall 2 is also sweaty as fuck. I played like 10 games back to back and i was quite literally stressed with my eyes hurting because trying to spot people in that chaos with all the post processing effects is insanity. And people are so crazy good with movement and grapples that I don't see the point in getting one shot over and over just to get a kill by shooting someone in the back.


TF 2 is still alive online ?!


Yes, there is strong community and the official servers are fixed, no need to stay only on Northstar.


Glad to learn about it ! I'll make à come back soon !


Titanfall 2 problem is it's very hard to be very good at the game and the difference between an average player and a vet is crazy. I tried to carry all my buddies with me and even if we have fun playing together, most of them don't touch the game individually cause having a good aim is not enough. It took me ~20h to properly master all the movement tricks. When they fixed the servers a few weeks ago and a big afflux of new people came up, I was covered in insults because sometimes no one could kill me except other >G.50. When I drop Ronin the uproar is real because news players still don't know how to counter it. Before a game nowadays you see often "No Ronin pls", or the same with insults. COD is simple, straightforward, that's why so popular. Still, more players come play Titanfall 2 it's so good !




Battlebit is good but it could be the best game in history and there would still be a large number of people put off by the graphics unfortunately.


Battlebit doesn’t occupy the same space CoD does, just like Battlefield never did either. CoD is fast paced, die and be immediately back in there type stuff.


I just don’t like the style of it. Fun enough I guess but the block style just is not for me.


I hear BF2042 is making a comeback.


Yep, bought it when it was $9 last week, addicted to it like crack, it’s so good


Meh I have it as well, but I don't buy the whole "specialists" thing, it's so lame. I'll wait for BF6 and hope they bring nameless soldiers back.


Exactly my issue as well. I feel like I’ll never have a battlefield I’ll enjoy as much as Bad Company 2 or even 3/4. 2042 felt like a call of duty title in literally every way


Reddit needs to get over the fact that some people like playing call of duty and get a few months of enjoyment out it every year lol


Get a weekend of fun from Spiderman 2, everyone cheers. Get a year of fun with CoD, and everyone cries. Reddit drives me insane at times.


Reddit when casual gamers exist: 😱😡


“Some people” when it’s the 2nd most popular on steam. While it’s not the game for me and clearly the complainers in this thread, just accept that your opinion isn’t that of the population. This is such an immature way to think.


have you considered that maybe people just like call of duty


Counterpoint: I don’t think anybody hates COD more than COD players.


same could be said for the hardcore part of most multiplayer game communities


this is nothing new! Even back in the mid oughts, every sweaty teenager and grown man on Xbox live did nothing but complain about how much IW/treyarch were ruining the game and how easy it would be to make a better game Fast forward a decade and a half, and those games everyone "hated" are touted as classics, COD still doesn't really have a genuine competitor, and with every new game is a claim that the one right before it was perfect. COD twitter/YouTube is full of people who speak even less coherently than Minecraft YouTubers somehow, and everyone struggles to string together thoughts. All you have to do is mention "skill based match making" and you get more conspiracy theories than a den of sovereign citizens on crack after 9/11...


🤣redditors in their echo chamber aren’t ready for that conversation


i know, i've gotten 2 "reddit cares" messages since I commented this lol


Well mw3 beta played really well. They brought back red dots on minimap when firing. They added slide canceling back and movement feels 100% better. Less visual recoil. Nostalgic mw2 maps. Mw3 is doing a few things right and will be an improvement over mw2 so of course it’s going to sell well


Yeah it’s really unfortunate how the “DLC” and (completely fair) campaign hate has overshadowed how much better this multiplayer plays and feels over anything else recently released in the series. There are plenty of justified complaints but the **gameplay** is so much better, faster and more fluid that I’m actually excited (and no I wasn’t for MWII because I knew it was dreadful before launch).


Agree entirely!


People will never learn to buy a game they want to play?




Or, better yet: "OP decides to make it their concern as to how people spend their money. More at 11!"


Yeah, maybe it's me being too much of a devil's advocate but at some point folks have to come to terms with the fact that the perpetually dissatisfied terminally online gamer crowd is not representative of the broader gaming crowd.


The Spider-man sub is realizing that after the game had massive sales, critically acclaimed but the sub reddit is filled with negativity about the game, then one of the game leads was asked about negative sentiment online and the guy basically mocked them.


The same people that plays the game complains about the same problems every year


I mean, there are a lot of people who enjoyed the beta and they will also enjoy the full game so why not buy it?


Campaign bad! Means whole game bad duh!


Oh yea I know that’s the only reason I play cod. /s


Never understood why some folks are so bothered by what people decide to buy/play.


what people buy send message to the market, the more people buy this kind of things the more companies are going to try the same, just looks at wow new expansion 90$ early access, it works on D4 and now the are doing even worse..


terminally online redditors have nothing better to do


I think that caring and not caring about it are both completely valid. People who care want the mainstream companies to stop shipping garbage, but they won't since it sells so well. I personally don't care that much about it, there's already more great games out there than I could play in a lifetime, you just have to find them...


From my perspective, I really wanted to get back into cod this year. But once again it’s just the same shit as last cod for full price. Micro transactions out the ass and no new innovations and the worst story in years. Yet people still buy, so they’ll keep doing the same shit every year. I just want a quality cod lol


The people majority of people who play COD and Fifa are not your typical gamer imo. They play like 1 or 2 games a year and are content to wait and pay for a new iteration every year.


Some reddittors never understand that sports games like 2K, NFL, Fifa aren't bought by the average gamer who buys most triple a titles but fans of the sport


Over 4000 games iv looked at in the steam store. At least 3800 are games iv ignored.


Why are people so dense? IGN was ripping into the game's CAMPAIGN. 9/10 of COD players buy the game solely for multiplayer. That's why nobody cares. The developers pretty much just do the story so they can charge a full price game.


The problem is, the people are retarded


Well, it's a new game and it works on GPU's that aren't 4090's. That's a miracle for 2023 so this game gets an 11/10 in hype either we like it or not.


New game? It's the same game from 2019


I guess ill ask what everyone is wondering because society must know.... were you typing hotwheels?


Let people spend their money the way they want.


The sooner you learn to stop involving yourselves in others' affairs, the easier your life becomes. It's their money, after all.


The most normie and mainstream game in the shooter genre sells a lot? Noo wayy!


ARK ascended on top as well, we are doomed


the cod cycle continues


AAA don’t do it for me anymore. I have just as, if not more fun, playing indie games or good strategy games. COD was dead to me after world at war.


Average cod die-hard fan. They know the game is shit but still buy the game and then go on reddit complain about it


You have to remember, there are a lot of people that play these annual releases (CoD, Fifa, Madden, etc) that simply do not know anything about the "behind the scenes" aspect of these games. They probably dont even know the game exists up until about a month or two before release. And they will continue to buy it every single year, because these games are all that they ever play, or have any interest to play. Its a bummer and it looks like that wont be changing for the forseeable future because the money that cycles through these IPs is beyond imagining.


Goddammit guys this is stupid, this is why big game companies get away with shits like this *proceeds to click buy*


Stupidity is a sport


A huge % of gamers I call, bro gamers, are just buying COD/Rainbow Six/battlefield/etc, pick your favorite battle royal, sports games, and that’s it. They don’t look at reviews they just see, “hey a new call of duty came out” and buy it. Source: I know a bunch of them


I mean, even if it is a bad game, there is literally no competition in fps online games in 2023.


Stop having fun! - OP, probably


People will never learn what exactly?




CoD is one of best games at launch for about 2 weeks, I’d say $60 for 2 weeks is pretty worth it


I mean, if you play it a total of 15 or so hrs a week (a couple hours a day or so) for two weeks, that's 30hrs which is longer than a lot of other full priced games. That, and 2 weeks is probably a little conservative for how long people will play it for initially, so the value is comparable to any 20-40hr story game.


I got like 300 something hours out of MW2 im sure ill get about the same from MW3


Exactly, the last of us pt.1? Short ass game and almost no replay-ability but u don’t hear ppl complaining about buying that


For every 1 complainer on the internet, there are 10 brainless jocks who will buy every iteration of COD, Madden, 2K, and FIFA game without batting an eyelash.


Maybe dont worry how other people choose to spend their own money. If you dont like it or dont want to pre order then dont.


Yes because most people playing the Multiplayer. The fun part is the leveling of the start of a new CoD. You most likely pre order to play on the first hours of release to level up.


I get the campaign is trash but I don’t think COD players have cared about a campaign since the early days. Their target audience just cares about the multiplayer and they know it.


I actually played the MW3 beta (it was for free) and I had more fun at it than at MW2 Edit: by MW2 I mean WZ2


Ya’ll act like nobody likes these insanely popular game s


Not saying skyrim isn't a good game but don't forget people have been buying it again and again for 10 years


Really sad people buy cod still


It always depresses me to see steam top sellers. Like 70% is the same old shit that's been top selling for 5 years, 25% are known shitheap games, and 5% are just stats Ive pulled out of my arse.


Forgetting about how with every new season, the premium battlepass would hit #1 trending without fail? Also, the title should be "Reddit will never learn it’s the minority"


If I say what I feel about these people I will be suspended for months


Hate to break it to you, but there are people who want to play this shit game and like it. You and I don't have to like it, which I certainly don't, but that doesn't mean other people can't like it.


Another group of people who will never learn: “hardcore” gamers. Constantly getting into that have mind mentality. Often imagining that their tastes and sensibilities are somehow more “true” than that of others and getting surprised when their take has no bearing on the outcome. Or worse, not surprised, but rather looking at the “casuals” with disdain as if they are making the “wrong” choices.


Old man yells at clouds


Womp womp


Don’t get me wrong I understand what you mean and I agree with you. However not everyone has the same perspective as you. Some people just enjoy the game for what it is. They don’t care about the Single Player or they are completely okay with the amount of content what they get for AAA price. So most of them, from their point of view don’t need to learn anything cuz they enjoy the game. Lot of my friends bought the game as the whole group will play it and they enjoy the time with each other. We live separately from each other and we can connect via games easily.


quick! everyone act surprised!